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02x29 - Nurse Zack

Posted: 12/06/21 08:00
by bunniefuu
Ve got a suite life ♪

So, make sure you
check the bulletin board

For your new assignments.

Now, item number .

Pool towels are
for the guests only.

They're not to be worn
as capes.

It makes me look like
I'm moving faster!

Look out!
I'm super-janitor!




Yeah, and I have
to refold them.

You know, it's not
as easy as it looks.

Moving on.

Item number .
Employee of the month.

[all groaning]
not again.

Oh, I realize this is not
a coveted honor,

Although as an -time
winner, I fail to see why.

Hey! What's everybody doing?

Talking about work.

Anyway, this month's
employee of the month

Will receive an
all-expense-paid trip

To the tipton
of their choice.

Anywhere in the world.

So, get to work.

[excited chatter]

[clears throat]

I'd have moved
that fast, too,

If I still had my cape.

Hey, mom,
how you feeling?

Well, I...

Was watching that.

you're burning up.

I know.
I called the hotel doctor,

But I don't think
he'll be here until--

[knock on door]
hotel doctor!

Mom, door!

Oh, I'm sorry.
That was insensitive
of me.

Cody, door!

You got here fast.

This is my very first
call ever, so I ran!

I'm dr. Chip walters.


So, who's the patient?

That would be me.

The woman lying in bed
sneezing her guts out.

Actually, you can't
really sneeze
your guts out.

I wrote a paper on it.

What grade did you get?

That's not important.

So, dr. Walters--
call me chip!

I'd rather not.

Have you ever used
that stethoscope

No. My mom gave it to me
for graduation.

It's engraved.

chippy. Go get 'em."


Eew! You're getting it
all boogery.

Ok. Sit forward.

Deep breaths.

The symptoms seem to
be low-grade fever,

Mucus buildup,
and lethargy.

I'm thinking it's
your basic flu.

Wow. What school
did you go to?

Bauchner middle school.

I recommend...
Bed rest and fluids?

So, um, do you have anyone
to take care of you

Till you're
feeling better?

Yes. Two loving

Cody, you go get
mom some tea.

And I'll take
a pudding.

What are
you doing?

I'm converting this
maid's cart into
a mobile candy counter.

That way, I can take candy
to the guests.

Oh, impressive!

Where'd you get
the maid's cart?



Oh, mr. Moseby. I have
increased my luggage
carrying ability

To bags.
Oh, excellent.

Oh, no. Ok, I got it.
Yeah, I got it.

No, I--oh, adios.

I really need your help,

And I won't take no
for an answer.

Ok, I tried.

can you help me?

Of course...



Hey, norman!

Um, I just booked
a huge banquet,

Which will bring
the tipton a huge
amount of money.

And why? Well, because
I enjoy that wonderful
feeling you get

When you know
you're doing your job

Better than anyone else
in the hotel.

Sometimes I--
oh, mr. Moseby!

I didn't see you
standing there.

Ha ha ha! Oh, what
a huge embarrassment.


I fixed it.

What did you fix?


[glass crashing and breaking]

Except that.

Oh, lance, why are you
carrying bags
of goldfish?

I read about this hotel
where guests can swim
with dolphins.

So I went to the pet store,

But they had just sold
their last dolphin.

So I got these,

So our guests can swim
with the goldfish.

I'm gonna train
little flipper

To jump through a hoop.

Good luck with that.

I want all of you
to get back to work.

I just wish I could
get back to my feet.

Ah! Oh,
buenas noches.

Here, mom.
I made you some
chicken soup.

Mm, thanks, you are so--

Uh, uh, uh.
Keep the thermometer
under your tongue,

Or we'll have to do it
the other way.

Now, you'll notice
I marked your cup

With a little
skull and crossbones.

It's so that one of us
doesn't drink it

After your diseased lips
touch it.

So, how you feeling?

A little better.

Well, that's weird,
'cause you look awful.

Uh-oh what?

Your temperature
is higher
than zack's I.Q.!

Hey. I want to wear
those board shorts

For the new
skate park tomorrow.

So be a good little

And finish up the laundry.

Look, just because
a man cooks and cleans

Doesn't mean he can't
be macho and tough.

Hey, you're drinking
out of mom's
sickie cup.

[high-pitched scream]

[whimpering and sputtering]

Yeah, that's
macho and tough.

Whatcha doin'?

Oh, I'm equipping
this exterior portal

With an infrared
trigger device,

Thus enabling it
to open automatically

Without the need
for human interface.

Whatcha doin'?


Well, stop,
'cause I need you
to help me.

Oh, I can't,
I'm working.

That's all the employees
do around here
is work, work, work.

Call us wacky.

Hard candy?

I've got deals
on wheels.

Oh, lance, I need your help!

I'll save you!

Get off of me!
I am not drowning!

Well, not now.

'cause I saved you.

Mr. Moseby?
Mr. Moseby,

I have our new
dessert selections
for your approval.

May I recommend
the creme de moseby?

Uh...Not till I show him
the door.

Oh, I'd like to show
all of you the door.

No, no, no.
It's a new a*t*matic door.

See, you walk up to it
and it opens...


I don't have
time for this.

Oh, my word.

Oh, I am exhausted from
that red-eye flight--

What a wonderful hotel!

Arwin! This invention
has really bowled me over.



No, no, no!
No, no, no, no!


Whoo! Ha ha! Wow.

That was close.

Oh, no!
Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Mr. Mose--




You did this
on purpose!


Do not blame me.
The devil-door
opened by itself!

Doors don't hurt people.

People hurt people.

Doors without doormen
hurt people.

I would never do anything
to sabotage
another employee.

Never, never,
never, never!


Augh! I'm a mess!
People, I need help!

I'll save you!


He's sick!

Wow, you're good.

[cell phone rings]

Dr. Chip walters.

Hi, mommy!

I'm with a patient!

No, really.

Mom wants a picture.

Say measles!

Ok, guys.
Feel better.

No, I'm not gonna
ask if she's single.

Her kids are, like...

My age.

Hey, how y'all doin'?
Good to hear it.

If you need me, I'll be
at the skate park.

Today's the grand opening
and tony hawk'll be there

Signing bandages!

We need you!

I need you, too.
See ya!


You know what I meant.

Oh, let him go.

He's completely useless.

We'd be better off having
a monkey with a handkerchief.

Good point.
See ya!

Mom: Honey, I'm sorry.

You're gonna have
to skip the skate park

And stay here
to take care of us.

That's what families do.

close families.

Which we are?

Ok. What do you
want me to do first?

Could you hand me
the television remote?

I think
it's underneath the bed.

Hey, what's this
button do?

I hope dr. Chip
knows a good chiropractor.

Hi, honey.


All right,
here we go.


I wanted -ply.

Well, glue 'em


Sorry. Oh, hey!
Here, take of these.



Oh, hey, I think
I've got an ice pack
in here somewhere.

That's ok!

Honey, just walk
the stuff in to him.

Well, it's not my fault
all he can catch is a cold.

You have
the cough syrup?


Here you go.

This is maple syrup.

Oh, yeah. See, I was
hoping if you were
feeling better,

You'd whip us up
some pancakes.

Did you remember
my frozen fruit bars?


So can I have one?


I ate them all
on the bus.

But on
the bright side,

We won't run out of
tongue depressors.

See? Ahh!

Maddie? I really
need your help.

I can't. I'm trying
to win employee
of the month.

But I just need one little
thing. Why can't--

I am trying
to win a trip here!

Do you know when my
last vacation was?

Never! Now back
away, woman!

But I just need one--

Back away.

There's nothing
I won't do to win
this vacation.


Maddie. I know
it was you

Who let cats loose
in my restaurant

On sushi Sunday!

Oh, face it,
candy crusher!

You can't beat me
and my roving cart!

Ha ha!

Oh, yeah!

How could you!

I didn't!
Oh, but I wish I had.
Ha ha ha ha!

Well, if you didn't,
then who did?

[snorting laughter]


Oh, it's always
the quiet ones.


What are you up to?

I'm gonna automate
the revolving doors.

Oh, yeah, because last time
it went so well.


Who made my blowtorch
blow bubbles?


Good one, norman.


[braying laugh]

Oh, so you think that
is funny, mr. "automatically"?

Not as funny as that.

All right...
Who filled the pool
with grape juice?

That wasn't very nice.

If that's not nice,
what about this?

[all arguing]

Excuse me.

Excuse me!

I'd like to check in.

[all continue arguing]

I will take care of you
right away, madam.

And I will take care
of all of you later!


I don't even want to know.

[bell ringing]



May I please
have some more tea?

just a minute,

I'll get your
tea in a sec.

Oh, and zack?


Don't forget the honey,

Oh, yeah, that one
never gets old.

[kazoo tooting]

Yes, cody?

Do you think you could
get me some juice?

Well, probably, considering
I've done it times today!

[bell rings]
zack, where's my tea

With honey, honey?!

Coming, mother!

[kazoo tooting]

Don't forget
the bendy straw.

Oh, I wouldn't
dream of it.

[bell rings]

I'll get your tea
as soon as I get
cody some juice.


No pulp!

No problem!

You want pulp?

I'm fine.

Oh, thank you, honey.
This toast looks just right.

Well, third time's
the charm.

Sorry we kept you up all night
with our coughing.

Oh, it's ok. I had
to get up to refill
the vaporizer anyway.

Every... ...Minutes.

Here you go, cody.

I think I'm getting
my appetite back.

It's gone again.

Now what's wrong?
I am not remaking
these eggs.

I have laundry to do
and coupons to clip.

I wanted my eggs

You want them scrambled?
No problem.

I'll scramble them
for you.


What about your toast? Would
you like that scrambled, too?

Now you're gonna
have to clean this up.

I don't think so.

I'm through with cooking.

And cleaning.
And gluing
tissues together

Because some people
don't like single-ply.

Well, you're lucky
you got any ply.

You know what?
I want my life back.

I want to skate-board.

I want to feel
the wind in my face
and the sun on my cheeks.

I want to hear old people
yelling at me
to get off the sidewalk.

get your own
dang honey.

No, I mean, sweetie.

We really appreciate everything
you've done for us.

Well, you didn't
have to eat those
terrible eggs.

Don't help.

I know exactly how you feel.

Oh, yeah? How?

Well, because
I'm usually the one

Who's doing all the shopping

And the cooking
and the cleaning

And the laundry
and the nose-wiping--

but that's your job.


Yes, it is my job.

And I love it, no matter
how difficult it can be,

As you now know.

it's a pretty tough job.

You know, I never really
realized it before.

I'm sorry.
And from now on,

When you're doing
all this stuff

And I'm doing nothing,

I'm gonna really
appreciate it.

That's...A start.

Honey, since you've done
such a great job,

Why don't you take a break
and go down to the skate park?

Are you sure?


Because I'd be more than
happy to, you know,

Get you some tea
and maybe run and
get you some lozenges--

Toss me my helmet?

Make you some
chicken soup--

No thanks, honey,
we're fine.

Have fun.

I'll try.

Want me to make us
some eggs florentine?

And some pancakes.

We've got loads of syrup.

I have gathered you here

So that we can get this whole
employee of the month thing

Out of the way.

Dude, it's only been a week.

Yes, I know, dude.

But in another ,
we'll be out of business.

And that is why I've
decided to cancel it.


You can't do that!

O great one.

But we've all worked
so hard.

Especially me.

It's not fair.

I fixed everything.

[glass falling and breaking]

Except that.

Come on, you have to pick
a winner.

Oh, preferably a blond one.

Come on.
Come on.

Come on, mr. Moseby!

Fine, fine, fine!

If I pick a winner,
will you all shut up?

All: Yes!

All right. The winner of
the employee of the month is...

Carey martin!

All: What?!

[all talking at once]

But she hasn't
done anything!

But she's been in bed
sick all week.

Exactly. She is
the only one of you

Who hasn't annoyed
any of the guests.

And more importantly, me.



You are employee
of the month!

Can my prize be
this box of tissues?



[all chattering]

Great. Now I'm not
gonna get a vacation.

Hi, guys! It's little me,
back from paree.

Oh, don't rub it in.
Paris is where I wanted to go.

Well, you could have.

That's what
I wanted help with.

I needed somebody to
keep me company on my
shopping spree in paris.

But you were all
too busy "working."

Oh, that's wrong!
Where are you going?

And you're probably all too busy
to go to rio with me, too.

[all screaming]
oh, no!

[excited chattering]

Wait a minute.

I'm not sure

What the maximum load
on this thing is.

[bell rings]
