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02x20 - That's so suite life of Hannah Montana

Posted: 12/06/21 07:54
by bunniefuu
I'm sorry, but your
flight's been cancelled.




No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.

This has been the worst
day of my live.

I miss my flight
and now this one's

So I'm stuck
here all weekend

And I spent all my money

On buying souvenir key
chains for my friends.

Look at this.

There's more.

Hi. I'm maddie.

Hi, maddie.
I'm raven.

Hey, do you have
any long-lasting gum?

Because I can't
afford dinner.

Um, oh, well, this one kind
of has a meaty undertone

With a minty aftertaste.

Hey, hey.

Have a key chain.


Thanks, friend.

Hey, is that
a donna cabana top?

Yeah. I work for her.

I love her.

Is she like the greatest
boss ever?

Oh. Well, you know
how bosses can be.

I can't believe
you lost the money

We were going to use
for mom's birthday present.

So we're broke.

Mom likes
homemade stuff.

I'm sure between
the two of us, we can
think of something.

Don't hurt yourself.

I'll come up
with something.

Hey, guys.

Hey, raven.

Aren't you
supposed to be back
in san francisco?

Yeah. That's what
I thought but the airplane
didn't think so.


You'll be here for our
mom's surprise party.

She's turning--


Oh, I love surprises.

Ready or not,
here I come!

And !




Hey, raven, you ok?

You had this weird look
on your face.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did.

You were doing this.

I have never made
that face before
in my life.

Something's wrong.

Ok. Look, I don't know
how to tell you this.

I had this feeling

That one of you is going
to be in trouble.

Well, trouble for us isn't
exactly breaking news.

Well, if you hear
a bell or a sneeze...

You should run.

Why are you
looking at me?

Do you wear
sweater vests?


Well, nice knowing
you, cody.

♪ here I am in your life ♪

♪ here you are in mine ♪

♪ yes, we have a suite life ♪

♪ most of the time ♪

♪ you and me,
we got the world to see ♪

♪ so come on down ♪

♪ just me and you
know what to do ♪

♪ so come on down ♪

♪ it's you and me
and me and you ♪

♪ we got the whole place
to ourselves ♪

♪ you and me,
we got it all for free ♪

♪ so come on down ♪

♪ this is the suite life ♪

♪ we've got a suite life ♪

Oh, those are great.

Did you draw those?

Actually, yes, I did.

It's my job.

Working girls.



Let's take pictures
by the candy counter.

Hey, maddie.

Thanks for taking
ivana to pilates.

No problem.

Her trainer says
she needs some more work
on her upper body.

Oh, by the way, london,
this is my friend raven.

Hi! Hi! Hi!
London tipton.

How are you?
Nice to meet you.

How you doing?
Oh, my goodness.

You look exactly
like yourself.

Funny story. I have
to tell you that--

Nice to meet you.
I'm done. I'm done.

We're friends.

That was cute.

Cut them out.

We're right here.

What's with the pictures?

I'm doing a photo spread
for young heiress magazine.

Tomorrow, they're going
to sh**t what I wear

While I'm trying to figure
out what I'm going to wear.

Ha ha ha ha!

Thanks again
for taking ivana.

I owe you big time.

You couba letta tipta?

Are you kidding?

We're like sisters.

Except she's
rich, famous,

And she thinks algebra
is a greek island.

Well, it's ok because
my boss loves her.

London always wears
donna cabana's designs

And gets
in the magazines.

Hey, what
if london wore one
of your designs?

Oh, my goodness.
You could do that?

She would
if I asked her.

She thinks very highly
of my opinion.

Oh, my goodness!
Oh, my goodness!

Maddie, thank you so much!

You don't even know.

I could get promoted from
intern to executive intern.

Girl, I could
get my own pencil.


Hey, mom.

What are you cooking?

Is that oatmeal?

'cause I hear it
helps people

Over a certain age
stay regular.

I'll have
you know I'm nowhere
near a certain age.

In fact, some
people consider me
to be quite young.

Yeah. People who
are quite old.

Mom says have kids.
They're a joy.

Yeah, right.

Hey, zach. Do you
believe in premonitions?

Nah. I don't
believe in any word
that I don't understand.

Well, it's just freaky
how raven seems to know

About things
before they happen.

What are you worrying about?

Raven said some crazy stuff
about being careful

If you hear bells
and sneezing.

Ooh, just watch out
for reindeer with hay fever.

I'm not old.

I'm still young.



Oh, snap!

Hurry! Watch out.

Wow. That was
a close one.

Cody, are you ok?

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm all right,

But my life just flashed
before my eyes.

Boy, I spend a lot
of time in the library.

London, every time I come
in your closet, I get lost.

Here. Take a map.


I got to check out
hat world.

How do I look?

Well, I like the top.

Not you.

I'm talking
to the mirror.

Mirror: Two words.


Did your mirror
just talk?


It's something that daddy's
scientists came up with.

Now not only can
I see how good I look,

I can hear about it, too.

Yay, mirror!

Ooh! Ooh! Let me try.

So, how do I look?

Mirror: Ha!

Maddie, can you move
before it cracks?

You know, london.

The mirror's right.

You do look fabulous.

But you know what would
even look better on you?


My friend raven baxter
designed it.

Never heard of her.

Do you like the design?

Mirror: Three words.


Shut your...


London, please do me
this favor?

I told raven
you'd wear it.

Well, untell her.

Look, I am a somebody
who wears things made
by other somebodys.


Your loss.

Wrong way.

You're headed towards
sandal land.


Boy, that was close.

I barely made it
into the hotel alive.

Norman, good to see you.

This proves
that raven was right.

I heard three sneezes
and then the ice cream
truck bell.

Next thing I knew,
I was almost flattened.

First of all,

I was the one
who sneezed just
to freak you out.


It worked.

Wait a minute.

I'm having a vision.

It's someone taking
your five bucks you
left on the dresser.



Sorry. Ahem.

You two are
very cute together.


Cheaper than a ring.

Arwin, arwin!

Why are you hauling
junk through my lobby?

No, no, no.
It's not junk. It...

It's carey's
birthday present.

Well, it will be
when I put it together.

Don't tell her
what it is.

I wouldn't be able to
if I tried.

What sort of present
is going to--

Shh, shh, shh, shh!

Keep it
on the down low.

Yes, but, arwin--



Look out!
Carey's birthday present
coming through!

♪ your body may be saggin' ♪

♪ but we can
still be braggin' ♪

♪ you need
to make no drama ♪

♪ you're still
the coolest mama ♪

♪ so eat some cake
and rock out ♪

♪ we want to hear
you all shout ♪

♪ have a very, very
happy birthday, mom ♪

So, you think mom will like
her birthday present?

You boys are broke,
aren't you?

Oh, good news,
little blonde peoples!

I talked to my uncle
into lending us his smack
a skunk game.

Yes! Now we got
a party.

Yes. Nothing says
happy birthday

Like a mallet
and a plastic skunk.

Hey, guys.

I'm here
to help decorate
for carey's party.

Check this out.

Huh? Uhh...

Uhh...O-o-off me!

Huh? Huh?

Static electricity.

Static electricity.

Heh heh! Isn't it cool?


A sneeze!

Calm down.

It was just
a sneeze.

No one heard
any bells.

[cell phone rings]



That was creepy.

That's it!
I'm out of here!

Wait. Wait.
You can't!

Mom's gift is us
dancing together.

You want to ruin
her birthday?

[cell phone rings]


Here it is.

I told you
it was northwest.

Oh, please.

Because of you,
we almost ended up
in scarf city.

Where's derra

I put it over here.

Ok. All I have to do

Is switch this label

And put it on raven's dress.

Why doesn't she like
miss raven's dress?

It's beautiful.

Because I like it,

And london is being
a fashion snob.

Are you sure miss london
is not here?

She went shopping...

Well, she could be back
any minute.

Shopping in paris.
We're fine.

London: Sorry I have to cancel
our shopping trip, porsha.

Paris must be a lot
closer than I thought.





Oh, you look lovely.

no time to flirt.

We have to hide!

I'm sorry.
It's not every day
you get a compliment

From such
a pretty mirror.

London: No offense, porsha,

But your dad doesn't
have a satellite.



Well, maybe we'll go
to paris next weekend.

Follow me.

I think we can make it out
through bikini boulevard.

Cody! Whoa!

Right here.

Cody, why are you
curled up in a ball
behind the couch?

Well, raven had
this feeling

That something horrible
was going to happen to me.

It involved
a sneeze and a bell.

You know, I had
a boyfriend once who
was very superstitious.

Oh, here we go.

Yeah. He had this lucky belt
that he wore everyday.

Never left
the house without it.

And one day, he forgot it,

And you know what happened?

His pants fell down?

Actually, he got hit
by a bus.

But he lived.


That was really
comforting, mom.

I think I'll go cover
myself in bubble wrap

And hide behind
the couch again.

Honey, honey, honey, honey.

You can find fear
in anything if you
look hard enough.

Life is full of risks,

But you can't spend
your whole life hiding.

Easy for you to say.

Most of your life is over.

And on that note,

I am going to go
get dressed for work
on my birthday.

Hey, cody.
Where are you?

You've got to check
out this--whoa!

Right here.

This is getting ridiculous.

Look, mom's surprise party
is in minutes.

You are going to be there.


I am not going to let
you ruin mom's birthday.

Raven said some kid
in a sweater vest

Is going to get hurt.

So, I'll wear
your sweater vest,

And you can wear
my favorite school shirt.

I'd rather
take my chances.

Fine. Then pick one
of my other shirts
and I'll wear this.

I'm not scared.

Oh, no!


I look like a dork!

Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, buddy.

Could I borrow your finger
for a second?


You ok there,
shaky shakerton?

Arwin, do you believe
people can sense things

That happen
in the future?

No. It's a bunch
of bologna.

I went to a palm
reader once.

She said I'd
lose all my hair,

Spend my life
as a failed inventor

Forever trying
to impress a woman who
would never love me.

What a goof.

Yeah. Way off.

Would you relax?

How can I relax
when a bell can go off
at any minute?

I hear footsteps!


All: Surprise!


This is the best
hotel ever!


Oh, you all trippin'.

I wasn't supposed
to be here anyway.

Hey, maddie!

What's going on?
Did london like my dress?

She sure did.

I'll send you the
picture in the magazine
when it comes out.

Ok. Where is she?

'cause I got to show
her my other stuff.

No, no, no.
She's busy right now.

But I'll give her
the message. Ok?

Carey's coming!
Hide again!

All: Surprise!


Hey, is this your guys'
first surprise party?

'cause y'all ain't
doing a very good job.

What's going on?

We're having a surprise
party for carey.


All: Surprise!

Oh, no.

No, don't do it.
Don't do it.

Don't do--

The crying number.

Mom, mom,
don't cry.

We were just kidding
about you being old.


We were torturing
you to make you think
we didn't care

So you'd be that
much happier when
we surprised you.

Huh? Huh?

It was zack's idea.

I'm crying
because I'm happy.

♪ for she's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ for she's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ for she's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ which nobody can deny ♪

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, I see you put
my age on the cake.

Mmm. Frosting.

Carey, I got you something
you are going to love.

Oh, arwin. Oh,
you shouldn't have.

I love this!

It's lovely.

It's--it's just
what I wanted.

It's--what is it?

It's a robot babysitter.

Oh. Very nice.

So now you can go out
whenever you want,

Like to the hotel's
engineer's ball this
Saturday at : .

Wear the red dress
with the flower?

Arwin, thank you
for the gift.

Oh! Achoo!

[cell phone rings]


Oh! Oh! It plays hide
and seek, too.


Ready or not,
here I come.

Past your bedtime.

Past your bedtime.

Past your bedtime.

Find the twins.

Find the twins.

Babysitter mom!
Babysitter mom!

Aah! No! No!

Error .
Error .

Error .

Defend mode, defend mode.

Honey, honey,
honey, honey, honey!

[all screaming]

[person sneezes]

[fire alarm ringing]

[all screaming]

Sneezing, bells.
It's all coming true.

Stay back. Go away.


Dude, you were right.

I had nothing
to worry about.

Well, at least
this dress survived.

Oh, my goodness.

I cannot wait to show
london my design.

You know, I really
don't think you'll
find london in here.

She doesn't hang out
much at the tipton.

Oh, my goodness!
Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.
Oh, my goodness.

London is wearing
my designs.

I know who's getting
the mechanical pencil.

It's me.
It's me.

It's me.
It's me.

London, tell our readers
what you're wearing.

This is a one-of-a-kind--

Rita baxter!
That's me!
Check it out!

Ooh, babe.


This dress is an original
atora vitalli.

I can show you the label.

He is tripping.

Ok. I am sure
this is one of those

We are all going to
laugh at in years.

Ok. Maybe years.

This is not funny.

Do you have something
to do with this?

Ok. I'm sorry.

It's just that london
wouldn't wear anything

Unless it was
a big name designer,

So I sort
of switched labels.

And you thought
that would work?

Well, I gave it
a shot.

I knew how much
this meant to you.

Wait a minute.

I'm wearing something
made by someone
who's not famous?

I've never done
that before.

Even my diapers
were designer.

Well, at least mom
liked our dance.

Well, after
the flood, fire,

And a runaway robot,

She was just
happy to get out
of there alive.

You're hannah montana.

Oh. Ooh.
I almost passed out.

hannah montana.

And you're wearing cake.

Mmm. Vanilla. My favorite.


Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my goodness.

It's the girl who's--

She has the name--

New jersey, nebraska,


It's hannah montana!

Yes! Yes!



I haven't seen you
since you sang at my
birthday last year.

Oh, yeah.
I had a blast.

By the way,
y'all still haven't
paid me for that.

Well, that's how
the rich stay rich.

You know it's right.

Oh, I love
your dress.

This thing?

Where'd you get it?

Oh, that's me.
That's me.

Raven baxter,
I'm listed. You can
look it up.

I'm hosting an award
show next week.

Can you make me
another one?

Sorry. This is
a one of a kind.

It was made for me
and only me.

I thought
you didn't like it.

A girl can change
her mind, can't she?

Well, I want
a raven original.

Let me have
a look at it.

Oh, hold on a second,
my ring's caught to it.

What are you doing?

Hannah, let go.

Like I have a choice.

Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my goodness.

London tipton
and hannah montana

Are having a cat
fight over my dress.


This is the best day
of my life.


You ripped it.

No. You ripped it.

Oh, no she didn't.

Ok. These are
the nicest things I own.

What do you think
of this one?

Mirror: Eh.

This one?

I don't think so.

Yeah. Well, that frame
makes you look fat.


Well, I kind
of like your shoes.


No. Psyche!

Ha ha ha!

You know, the mirror
in hat world

Is a lot nicer than you.

Hey, honey.

The eighties called.

They want
their clothes back.