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02x05 - Free Tippy

Posted: 12/06/21 07:49
by bunniefuu
But why can't we have a dog?

Look, you're lucky Moseby
let's me keep you two.

Let's not push it.

I get it.

We can't enjoy the love
of a pet because we're...

Hotel kids.

Glad you understand.
Come on. Let's go.

How about a tarantula? No.

A turtle? No.

A parrot? No.

parrots? No, no.

An iguana? No.

Ferret? No.


What's a capybara?

The world's largest rodent.


How about a little chimpanzee?

If i get you guys pets,
will you stop bugging me?

Yes! Yes!


Pet rocks.

Don't overfeed them.

I'm gonna name mine Tim!

Here I am in your life.

Here you are in mine.

Yes, we have the suite life.

Most of the time.

You and me,
we got the world to see.

So come on down.

Just me and you know what to do.

So come on down.

It's you and me and me and you.

We got the whole
place to ourselves.

You and me,
we got it all for free.

So come on down.

This is the suite life.

We've got a suite life.

Thanks for the ride, Henry.

It's Tippy you should thank.

He does all the hard work.

Here's your tip, Tippy.

Don't spend it all in one place.

So you guys have
been working together

for a long time, huh?

Yep. too bad we won't be
working together much longer.

Why not?

Well, i'm turning tomorrow.

Mr. Moseby says that means
it's time for me to retire.

So? You don't have to do
everything Mr. Moseby says.

We like to think of his
rules more as...suggestions.

Well, that's one suggestion I
think I'm gonna have to take.

I love my job, but Moseby's
already sold Tippy.

Breaks my heart.

Are you ready to retire, Tippy?

Still feeling frisky?

Wanna meet a girl?

Not you!

Well, I'm off to a benefit
to save the rain forest.

What do you think of my outfit?

Oh! Love your endangered
alligator boots.

Thanks! They match
my emu underwear.

Hey! That broach is fabulous.

Oh, thanks. My great-grandmother
gave it to me.

Actually, my mother gave it to me

After she pried it out of aunt

Eileen's hands at the funeral.

- Let me tell you...
- Not interested.

Can I borrow it?

You have a closet
full of broaches.

Yeah, but I don't have that one.

I don't know, London.

This broach is
really special to me.

I'll take really
good care of it...

As if the emeralds were real.

No! please, please, please?

Ok. if i say yes,
will you go, go, go?

Yes, yes, yes! All right.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Ok. We're done with that.

Mrs. Delacourt, i am so honored

That you have chosen the
Tipton for your event.

I believe i said I was
considering the Tipton.

But you smiled when you said it.

My smiles mean nothing.

Well, a heart association
ball should be at the Tipton,

Because we have a... big heart.

How could you be so heartless?!

How could you force poor
Henry into retirement.

And ship Tippy off
to the glue factory?


What wild imaginations they have.

So it would seem.

Would you excuse me for
just a teensy second?

Make it teensy-weensy.


Ok. We're done with that.

Mr. Tipton has a strict
retirement policy.

Besides, we should have gotten

rid of that carriage years ago.

It doesn't make any money.

But what about Tippy?

I've sold him to a very
nice gentleman from Vermont.

He outside looking at
the horse right now.


Yeah, I got the horse
to haul the lumber.

Might not last long,
but I got him cheap.

We'll be leaving in the morning.

We can't let this happen.

That guy's gonna
work Tippy to death.

Not if Tippy's not there

when he comes to get him.

Right, Tippy?

Maddie! I just had

the most amazing night of my life.

I held a baby panda and
danced with a prince.

Oh, yeah? I sold candy
bars and a lady miss razor.

Where's my broach?

Oh. It's right here.

Oh. That's strange.

It's probably still
attached to my wrap.

Hey, Norman. The doorman
at the St. Mark's

Says you hail cabs like a girl.

Don't freak out,

But I may have
accidentally misplaced it.

- Misplaced it?!
- See? That's freaking out.

That belonged to my
dead great-grandmother.

Then she'll never know.

- Find it!
- Ok. I will.

How could you misplace something

that's right in front of you?

Man, this stinks!

Look, i said i'll find it.

No, I mean it really stinks.

Arwin, are you busy?

No, I'm just tinkering

With my new super-sensitive
metal detector.

Ha ha ha! Watch this.


Well, I found my desk.


Oh! I forgot about
the plate in my head!

Little help!

Whoo! That'll clear the sinuses.

Arwin, we need a favor.

Would it be ok if a friend
of ours stayed here tonight?

Sure, sure.
I'll clear a spot for him.

Holy seabiscuit!

I'm gonna need a bigger spot.

Thanks, Arwin.

How did you get him in here?

The service elevator.

Tippy can push the
buttons with his nose.

So can I.

Look, I'd, uh... oh, boy.

I'd love to help, but, um...

I just have one little...


One little problem. ah-choo!

I think Arwin's
allergic to Tippy hair.

I think Tippy's
allergic to Arwin hair.

It's ok. I'll be fine.

I'll just...take some...
allergy medication.


You're the best, Arwin.

Hey, how many Arwin's do you know?

Oh. I'm the-I get it. Go. Go.


I'm gonna need a bigger hankie.

Guess what? I found your broach.

You did?! Oh, that's wonderful!
That's fantastic!

That's--not my broach.

I know. It's better.

Those are real emeralds.

So let's turn that
frown upside down.

London, that is not the point.

This one doesn't have
sentimental value.

That's right.
It has "dollarmental" value.

It doesn't matter.
I love that broach.

This was my nana's.

It was the last
connection I had to her.

Excuse me, but have
you seen my horse?

I just went out to the
stable and Zippy's not there.



So where's my horse?

I can assure you
he's not in my hotel.

Can you excuse me for a minute?

I have a couple of carrot
salesman i need to talk to.


Arwin! huh?!

Mother, I have to get the
macaroni back from the pirates!

Arwin, wake up!

Unhand me noodles!


Huh? uhh!

Where's Tippy?

He was here a second ago.

You lost a horse?

That's-I misplaced him.

Tippy! Tippy!


Ok. All right.
Don't panic. Don't panic.

Tippy can't have gotten far.

He knows how to operate
the service elevator.


Panic! Panic!


Aha! I knew i'd find
you in here with--



Yeah. Arwin tends to hang
out in Arwin's office.

Where is Tippy?

Mr. Moseby, I can honestly say,

And this time I do
mean honestly...

That I have no idea
where Tippy is.

So you boys have suddenly
developed a new love of carrots.

Of course not.

These are for Arwin.

I love carrots.

Mmm. Taste the dirt.

If I find out

That you have been hiding
that horse in my hotel,

All of you are out of here.

We gotta find that horse
before Moseby does...

Or else!

Tippy's not here.

He was.

You didn't happen to see our...


You let the orphans play
basketball in the kitchen?

It's all part of the
big brother program.

Right this way.

Um, why does this carrot cake
have a big chunk missing?

I'm sorry. We were hungry.

After all, we're...

Street kids.

Street kids who never learned
how to use forks and knives.


Oh. I forgot my manners.

You want some?!

No, thank you.

Oh. Poor little dears.

Make sure they're not
here during my event.


Now, let's go look at

the floral arrangements
in the ball room.

No! um, not before you
try the angel food cake.

It's heavenly. ha ha ha!

Bad horse!

Come on! we've got to hide you!

No, we don't want anymore cake.

Now please get out of our way.

But the chocolate
cake is delicious!

What are you doing?


Helps the cake go down.

I am terribly sorry, Mrs.

Please. Now let me show
you the ballroom...

Unless you've eaten that, too.

No, we're full.


Where's Tippy?

Right here.

Tippy? oh, man!

I can't believe we lost him again.

You know, I never lose Tim. Watch.

Stay, boy, stay.


Hey, Carey.
Can you buy me some mints?

What's the matter?
Maddie doesn't have

change for a million?

I also don't have
my nana's broach.

I didn't mean to lose it!

Now she's making me feel bad!

Ok. I'm right here, honey.

You will love our staff.

You self-centered, egotistical

Back to the kitchen!

You just don't care about
anyone but yourself!

Look, I called the restaurant,

And they say it's not there.

They say it might be in the trash.

Did you go look in the trash?

Please. In this outfit?

This might be what Maddie
meant by self-centered.


Do you have a "looking
through the trash" outfit?

Last year's Vitali!

Must be nice to be rich.

You should try it.

Here Tippy. Here horsy.

What are you doing?

Horse whispering.

Oh, man! Look what Tippy left us.

And that sure didn't come from Mrs.
Garrett's poodle.

It's bigger than mrs.
garrett's poodle.

You're gonna need a bigger bag.

Which way do you think he went?

I'm guessing standing up.


It's not funny

It's pretty funny from up here.

Hey! Watch it!

Did you find her broach yet?


Step away from the bin.

Leave this to a professional.

Oh, boy!

Probably a bad idea to

use a magnetized metal
detector in a metal bin, huh?

I got it!


Hey. What are you
doing in my house?

Look, I'm trying to
find my friend's broach.

It's very valuable.

I lost a broach in here, too.

You wear a broach?

When I go out.

Good night, mom.
We're really tired.

Don't bother coming
in to say good night.

Yeah, we're gonna hit the hay.

You guys all right?

We're just a little hoarse.

What if Henry can't keep him?

Then we try to convince mom to

let us keep Tippy as our pet.

Eww! Tippy!

Man, that stinks.

Let's just go to sleep.

Maybe I'll dream of a solution.

And Tippy, move your
tailgate closer to Cody.

Not now, Tippy.
It's bedtime. Go to sleep.


I think he wants to play.

It's bedtime. We'll play tomorrow.

No, Tippy. We're not
playing horse again.

You know, Tim always obeys me.

He's a rock!

Now go to sleep.

- Good night, Cody.
- Good night, Zack.

Good night, Tippy.

Good night, Tim.

Oh, Tippy!

Not again!

That wasn't Tippy.

Oh, Mr. Clooney,
we hardly know each other.

Oh, George--

Boys, do you know there's a
horse in the living room?

No, but if you hum a few bars,
I'll give it a shot.

Well, I hope you're happy.

If i have anything to do
with the way you look,

I'm tickled pink.

You did.

I've been searching through

garbage all night
long for your broach

Unfortunately, all i found
was a wallet, a pizza,

And some dentures...

In the pizza.

I found a bumper.

Ow! Fender bender.

You really looked through
the garbage all night?


Now, if you'll excuse me,

There's something in my sock...

And i think it's moving.

Wait, London.

Thank you.

I thank you for trying.

You, too, Arwin.

Only a real friend would do
what you just did for me.

That's true.

And I had to spend the
night with this weirdo.

The bag man wasn't that weird.

I was talking about you.


Please, mom? Can't we keep him?

Not after the gift he
just left on our carpet...

And in the hall and
in the elevator

Take the stairs.

What's going on?

Mr. Moseby forced Henry to retire

And sold Tippy to
a mean lumberjack

Who's going to work him to death.

Don't worry, Mrs. Delacourt.

For your event tonight,

The tipton will be spotless.


Except for the orphans, the horse,

The girl covered in garbage,

And the junk man.

The junk man? Where? I love junk.

Moseby, I just heard about Tippy

and the mean flapjack guy.

Lumberjack. right.

I assure you, Mrs. Delacourt,

The tipton only caters
to the finest clientele.

Hey! Toots!

I found your broach
in my garbage bin.

Oh! My broach!


See? There are happy endings.

Not for Henry and Tippy.

I can't believe you
made Henry retire.

He loves this place.

Your father has a strict policy

About all employees
retiring at age .

But Henry loves to work.

And just because he's old

doesn't mean he's
not good anymore.

It's age discrimination.

Henry should be allowed to work.


And we should be allowed to drive.


Look, boys, people who are

and older are ready to slow down.

I turned last month.

And speed right back up again!

Please, Mr. Moseby.

Don't send Tippy away.

I'll make a call.

But believe me, Mr.
Tipton can be a real hard--

Hello, Mr. Tipton!

Yes. Moseby here.

Well, no. actually,

It's concerning henry and
Tippy keeping their jobs.

No, sir, the carriage ride
doesn't make any money,

But it does make people happy.

And doesn't that have value?

I think it has value.

No, no. that was Mrs. Delacourt.

Of the Boston Delacaourts.

We own the larger
island next to yours.

By the way, your yacht's
looking a tad ratty.

Yes, sir.

She's considering us for
her charity event here.

Yes. I was hoping to entertain
the guests with carriage ride.

I don't know what I was thinking

in retiring Henry and Tippy.

Well, that's why you're the boss.

Ok. right.

Tippy's back.

The orphans were right.

Are you talking about my sons?


At long last! We found you!

Well, I can't thank
you boys enough

For getting Tippy
and me our job back.

You should thank Mrs. Delacourt.

Well, thank you, Mrs. Delacourt.

Oh, call me Millicent

Well, once more around the park?

- Sure!
- sure!

Oh, Tippy!

That...wasn't Tippy.