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01x20 - The Wrath of Swan

Posted: 12/05/21 07:26
by bunniefuu
Oh hey, Kim. Check out the new pegboard.

It is a great upper body workout.

Oh, so that's what that thing's for.

Rudy's been drying his sweaty socks on it.

Oh, I knew these pegs smelled feety.

So, jack, you wanna hang out Saturday night?

Yeah, sure. What do you wanna do?

Oh, I don't know. Uh...

Hey, maybe we can swing by the riverside country club

For the swan's court cotillion ball or something.

- Jack, are you okay? - Oh. Yeah.

Yeah, I'm fine.

But I am not going to any ball.

I hate tuxedos. I can't dance.

Oh, and one more thing-- I am a dude.

Dudes don't do cotillions.

They probably don't have anything to do this Saturday.

Actually we got roped into going to the swan's court cotillion.

What? Really?

You guys are going to the cotillion?

My mom's making me take her boss's dorky daughter.

And I'm taking her dorkier friend.

Why are you going?

Because milton's giving me bucks

And letting me watch his turtles go at it.

Ah, jack, glad you're up there.

The old swamp foot's kicking up something fierce.

Hang this pair of socks up to dry for me, would ya?

Ugh, they're all wet!

It's just a pair of socks, dude.

Man up.

It's actually kind of nice.

Don't you all tough with me

I'm saying won't you come kick it with me

And we could have a ball, run up the wall

Oh! That's just how we do. Come on!

And no matter how much i chop and punch

It's not as cool as kickin' it with you

Here we go, let's start the party

Chop it up like it's karate


Don't you get all tough with me

I'm saying won't you come kick it with me?

And we could have a ball, run up the wall

Oh! That's just how we do. Come on!

And no matter how much i chop and punch

It's not as cool as kickin' it with you.

Kickin' It S E The Wrath of Swan

Hey! Rudy. Meal for practice.

Whoa. Come in here.

Dude, I didn't know you were an explorer scout.

So was I. Shake?

I love being an explorer scout.

This weekend is the Oakwood Derby in the mall.

I was gonna do it with my dad, but he'll be out of town.

What?! Dude, I'll do it with you.

- Really?
- Absolutely.

Thanks, Rudy. You know, the truth is
my dad's not good with scouting stuff.

He tried to teach me how to build
a fire by rubbing two sticks together

What happened?

After three hours, he threw the sticks down and said,

"I'm a computer salesman, not a dang caveman!"

Frank, what do you want?

We just wanted to let you know, Kim,

We haven't forgotten how you disrespected us

when you walked out on the Black Dragons.

You know what they say about payback.

You know you just punched your meat loaf, right?

I-- I think your dates for the cotillion just walked in.

Ugh, here comes the nerd herd.

Hey, Milton. Hi, Jerry.


Wow. You rocking some new headgear?

My dentist said I was born with seven extra molars

And only five of them are in my mouth.

- Where are the other two? - They're in my uvula.

- Hey, Milton. - Oh hi, Carrie.

Those are some pretty thick glasses.

Not even.

My thick glasses are in my locker.

These are my sexy ones.

See you Saturday, guys.

Can't wait to get our swan on.

See you.

Man, what did you get us into?

There's Kim. I'll see you guys.

Hey, Kim. Snagged the last piece of red velvet cake for you.

Thanks. I got an apple.

I know you're mad about the cotillion,

But trust me, you do not want me there.

My manners are horrible.

At any moment this finger could be in any hole in my face.

Jack, believe me, I'm over the cotillion.

Hey, Kim.

'sup, brochacho?

I'm sorry. Who are you and what's a brochacho?

Oh, this is the guy who stepped up and asked me to the cotillion

When you, you know, didn't.

Although he's been here for just a short time,
we've become very close.

What's your name again, hon?


Oh, his name's Brody. Ooh, I like that.

So, uh, Brody, you're taking Kim to the cotillion?

Yeah, kinda like putting on a tuxedo

And dancing the night away with my favorite lady.

You've been here for three seconds.

How is she your favorite lady?

He said I'm his favorite lady.

Let's get started on our race car.

- I'll read you the instructions. - Instructions?

We don't need any instructions.

Did the wright brothers need instructions

the first time they gracefully lifted off for their first flight?

Actually on their first flight they flew into the side of a barn.

- Maybe we'll just take a peek at the instructions.
- Yeah.

And don't worry, I won't let what happened to me happen to you.

- I wasn't worried..
- I was a -year-old boy.

My dad and I had worked on our car for weeks.

I'm gonna win.

And then all you guys are gonna have to invite me

to all your birthday parties, whether I have lice or not.

And three, two, one, go!

Way to go, Rudy.

I think you may have just fractured my skull.

No badge for you.

Rudy, I hate to tell you this,

But since you never got your Oakwood Derby badge,

You never technically made explorer scout.

What? I'm not an explorer scout?

I've been living a lie?

No, I-- I have to be an explorer scout.

I mean, I can identify any plant.

I can tie over knots and

I really really enjoy going to the bathroom in the woods.


Whoa whoa. What's going on in here?

Uh, we're practicing our dancing for the cotillion.

Yeah, not in here you're not.

This is a dojo, brochacho.

You ever been in a karate dojo before, Brody?

Actually, this is my first time in a dojo.

It's my mom.

She found me a great dress for the cotillion.

I gotta go try it on. See you tomorrow, Brody. Jack.

Excuse me. I'm gonna get to work.

Wow, three boards.

I don't know anything about karate,

But that's pretty impressive.

Yep, that's how I roll.

I'm gonna go change.

See you around, jack.

How about four boards?

Don't know anything about karate, huh?

You know that guy Brody?

He's a liar!

He said he didn't know anything about karate,

But when he thought no one was looking, he broke four boards.

- Maybe they were Jerry boards. - What's a Jerry board?

I pre-cut them to impress the ladies.

They snap like toothpicks.

Just a little trick I learned from "poser" magazine.

There's just something I don't trust about this guy.

Hey, Milton.

Hi, Carrie.

I got the flowers you sent.

I-- I didn't send you any flowers.

I know. I sent them to myself and then signed your name.

You owe me $ . .

Dude, you just got played.

See, my girl's bad, but she's nowhere near as bad as...

Thanks, Jerry. The chocolates are delicious.

Where are you going?

I paid for that candy. I'm getting a piece of it.

So Kim has no idea that we asked you to take her to the cotrillion.

Nope, that's not it. Castil-- cap--

- Cotillion?
- That's it.

Kim doesn't know a thing.

I've done everything that you've asked me to do,

So my initiation should be over.

I wanna be a Black Dragon.

You'll be a Black Dragon after the c-cotillion.


You gotta stop punching your food.

I know. I haven't had a meal in three days.

She's ready.

Behold greatness.

Rudy, you can't just go in there

And build the car and give it to me.

Oh, I'm not.

This car is all mine

And I'm driving her all the way to badge town, baby.


So this is about you becoming an official explorer scout?

It certainly is.

This car is hand-milled with sport suspension

And really really cool spinny rims.

It's just supposed to be made out of a block of wood.

It is made out of a block of wood.

It just has, like, a million layers of awesome!

You know what? Fine.

- I'll build the car myself.
- Good.

Hey, you mind if I use this scrap piece of wood to prop open my door?

This is my car!

Oh! No no, I mean, it looks great.

Good luck with that.

I don't see our dates.

Maybe we got stood up.

Hey, you still gotta pay me, okay?

I want my bucks and another turtle show.

Hi, guys. Sorry we're late.

I think those hot girls are our dates.

Jennie? Carrie?

Wait, what happened to the--

And your--

And the whole--

I think we should find our table.

- Oh, okay.
- Oh.

Let's go.

- Brody, I'm having the best time.
- I am too.

And it's going to get even better.

Somebody nominated us for king and queen of the swan court.

That's crazy.

But there's a lot of Black Dragons here

And I don't think they're gonna vote for me.

I don't know. I think we got a shot.

Oh yeah, this is my jam.

I'm freaking out!

We're with the two prettiest girls at the dance.

That's against the laws of nature,

Like the platypus.

Black dragons in the bathroom now!

All right, everyone knows what's going down with Kim, right?

I don't.

You know, Kim's actually a pretty cool girl.

Who's gonna be sorry that she walked out on us.

Wait a minute!

You guys see that?

Hey, who's in there.

Uh, just two dudes trying to conserve water.

Saving the planet one potty at a time.



You two! Lock them in the storage closet.

What are you gonna do to Kim?

Don't worry about Kim.

Oh no, man, you can't do this. Have a heart.

Our dates are smokin !

Tonight I put an end to the lie

that I've lived for the last years.

We all know you dye your hair, Rudy.

Not that lie.

I'm talking about a completely different lie.

Hey, who'd Kim end up taking to the cotillion anyway?

This new kid Brody Carlson.

Brody? He's a first-degree black belt.

I tried to recruit him, but he was dead set on being a Black Dragon.

Brody's a Black Dragon?

Oh, I knew there was something off about that guy.

I gotta get to the cotillion.

- Aw man, I need a tux. - I got one in the office.

I got it to convince a girl that I was a Vegas magician.

Again, more lies.

All right, cars to the starting line.

In order to get your badge,

Your car must cross the finish line.

Ready, set, go!

Aw, sorry, Eddie.

Everyone crossed but you.

Eddie, wait.

I want you to have this.

Rudy, if you put your car down on the track, you'll be disqualified.

I don't care.

Look, there's no rule that says

one car can't push the other one across the finish line.

And, Eddie, you're gonna earn your badge.


- Yeah! - Yeah, yes! Yeah!

Good job.

Wow. It wasn't pretty, but here's your badge, Eddie.

Thank you.

Rudy, I got my badge, but you're not going to get yours.

Eh. I think I owe you an apology.

I was so hung up on the badge

that I forgot what being a scout's all about--

Just helping each other, man.

For a guy who's not really an explorer scout,

You're the best explorer scout I've ever met.

This year's king and queen of the swan's court are...

Brody and Kim.

I can't believe it!

Jack, the Black Dragons are here to get revenge on Kim.

I know. I'm just trying to figure out how.

Dude, they locked us in the closet.

And now for the presentation of the crowns by our grand swan.

I hope you like mushroom gravy, Kim.

It's the swan!

What just happened?

Kim, Brody's a Black Dragon. He set you up.

- What?
- No. Kim, I had no idea. I--

Oh oh, you look horrible.

Looks like we've got you outnumbered six to two.




You just made a big mistake.

Looks like the Black Dragons messed with the wrong swan queen.

Guys, I'm sorry.

I guess I was kind of a jerk, huh?

Yeah, you kinda were.

But you did come through in the end.

Look at me--

- I'm a mess.
- I don't know--

I think brown's a good color on you.

Give me that.

Kim, I'm sorry.

None of this would have happened if I had said
yes when you asked me to go with you.

Well, you're here now.

I just got one question:

Where did you get that tux?

Oh, Rudy lent it to me. I don't know--

I kinda like it. Whoo.

Where did those flowers just come from?

I have no idea.

Well, Brody won't be needing this anymore.

Here's something I never thought I'd say--

You wanna dance?


Oh yeah!

Finally something I can move to.

Now this is my jam.

Whatever. You're the queen.

Dude, the girls saw us kick Black Dragon butt.

They think we're awesome.

You know what this means?

We got hot girlfriends.

Swag. Up top.

They sure have been in the bathroom for a while.

Hey, guys.

What happened?

It feels so good to get out of those stuffy gowns.

Oh, I feel so much better in my headgear.

I could literally feel my molars misaligning.

And those contacts were k*lling me.

I like having the old windshields back.

So you wanna hang out?

- I guess.
- Whatever.