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02x04 - Sick

Posted: 12/05/21 07:15
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪


Is that a mustache?

You've got a full mustache.

How did a little boy like
you grow a full mustache?

What are you getting up to?

What's this game?

You trying to fool someone?

Why are you going around this store...

in a fake mustache like that?

For what?

Suppose I go and get the store manager,

or the security guard,

and we'll see about your fake mustache?

Because I think you... (URINATING)

SAM: Mom?



Don't you tell.

- I got the Dan Greenburg hardcover.
- Good.

- You okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.

- Okay?
- No. You go.

- What? Why?
- Because...

- You're not getting a book? Ow!
- I'm not.

- Jesus.
- I'm not getting a book.

- Why are you pushing?
- I don't want anything from here.

- Are you... ?
- They didn't have what I wanted.

- SAM: Why are you in such a hurry?
- Because I want...

♪ Mother ♪

♪ You had me ♪

♪ But I never had you ♪

♪ I wanted you ♪

♪ You didn't want me. ♪

Mom, what was the name of
that lame camp you sent us to?



Sorry. What I do?

You sent us to a lame camp, remember?


Sorry. I tried to pick a good one.

- I'm bad.

No. Mom, what was the camp called?


Never mind. It's fine.


Um, can somebody help me with the cans?

Somebody? Helping?


- Okay, thank you.



- Oh, shit.
- Oh, my God.

(GASPS): Oh!

- Did she fall down the stairs?
- What happened?

SAM: Oh, no.

Honey, I think she just got old.

- Mom, check if she's dead!
- She's dead.

- Daisy!
- Baby, I'm so sorry.

Can we get a rabbit tomorrow?

Max. Give me a break here.

Mom, what are you gonna do with her?

Ugh. I don't know.

I think maybe we should
just bury her outside.

- Ew.
- SAM: Ugh.

FRANKIE: You should call
animal control. I have homework.


You want to help me with the dog, honey?

- We could do it together? Hmm?

I need some time alone.

Sorry, Mom. I love you.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

I understand.

I'll take care of her.

Love you. Mmm.

- I'm sorry.



Hello, darling.


(GROANS SOFTLY) There we are.


Thank you for picking me up, darling.

I couldn't find my car.

SAM: That's okay, Mom,

but we have to make a
stop at animal control.

You're not getting another dog.


I'm dropping off Daisy.

She's in the back.

Oh. She's dead?


Hmm. You know what that means?


Someone new is coming into your life.

One out, one in.

Always works like that.

You always have the same amount of love.

I don't... know about that, Phil.

Are you okay?

You seem off.

You're off.

Something's going on with you.

Is that what you're going to do with me?

Uh-huh. Oh, yeah.

I thought so.



- Mom!
- What?

What are you doing?

Frankie, go away.

It's : in the afternoon.
Why are you sleeping?

It's Saturday. Jesus. What do you want?

- Mom, can we adopt a Syrian refugee baby?
- No.

Mom, they're dying every day.
You're literally murdering a baby

- by not adopting one right now.
- Frankie! Get out!

Leave me alone. Leave me alone!

Leave me alone!


Holy shit. Sorry.






Anyway, now he's all insulted because
I didn't invite him, but, honey,

you have to draw the line somewhere...

it's like I see him more now
than I did when we were together.

- What am I supposed to do?
- I know.

Oh, by the way, are you taking
the girls anywhere this summer?

I don't know, they never all
want to do the same thing anymore.

Well, they would if you made
them, but you're such a wimp.

Shut up, Rich.

- What?
- You're an assh*le.

Are you being serious?
I can't see your face.


Can you meet me right
now at Pineapple Hill?

Right now? I just got to work.

Rich, please, please,

please, please, please meet me.

I'll be there in minutes.

Where are you going, Rich?

We're about to start.

- Lunch is over!

RICH: Sammy.

What is it? What's going on?

Is it your mom? Mom's sick?

Something's wrong with Mom? No?

Honey, you have to tell me.

You can't tell anyone
in the world, okay?

No matter what, you got to promise me.

No matter what I tell you,

- you can't take back your promise.
- I won't tell anyone.

- Promise.
- I promise. What? Why? Why?

Have I ever asked you
once to keep a secret?

No, honey, you've never
asked me for anything ever.

That's why I ran over here.

Tell me what I can't tell.

(SIGHS): Oh, God.

I met somebody.


I met a guy... (GROANING)

Why is that a secret?


I really like him,

and it feels like it could
be, like, a serious thing.

Uh, that's wonderful.

No! Don't say that!

Stop saying that! I don't
want you to say that right now.

Well, Sammy, what the
hell, is he married?

- No.
- Does he have...

bad things about him?

- No. No.
- Things you don't want to talk about?

- Is he Robert Blake or something?
- No.

- Is he, like, -years-old? I don't know.
- No!

Sam... (SIGHS) talk.
Stop this. Talk. Now.

You met a guy. You really like
him and it might be serious.

Tell me the bad part now.

I just... I really like him.

Like, he checks all the boxes.

He's not perfect, but
even that's a box. Check.

And he really likes me.

Like, he makes me f...

you know, feel like...


... like a...

like a lady feeling kind of thing.

Ew. Gross.

I know.

I haven't felt like this since ever.

Okay, so...

why is this bad news?
Why is this a crisis?


(SNIFFS) Because...

I don't know how to do this, Rich.

I don't know where this goes.

I got no place to put it.

And I don't want it. I don't.

I... I feel mad and scared and upset,

and it gives me anxiety.

I mean...

this is it.

This guy's the thing.

And it's screwing up my life...

and I... I...

it's freaking me out,

and I haven't told anybody
because I don't want it to be real.

I'm just trying to figure
out how to break up with him.

Break up with him?


How do you, uh, break
up with a great guy?

Sam, oh, my God.

(SIGHS HEAVILY) You've gotten
too good at being alone.

You've been hanging out with me
too long, that's your problem.

- Mm-hmm. Yes!
- We're silver singles together.


- This is so easy.

Rich, it's not funny.

Don't laugh.

I mean it.

I'm upset. It's not funny.

It's bad.

I mean, why am I being such a loser?

We were both born losers, honey.

And all your coping
skills are for that. So...

this is gonna be hard.

(EXHALES): Ooh...

What do I do?

I don't know.

Oh, God.

It's like I'm sick.


feel like I have the flu.

I'm shaking all the time, I... I cry.

I'm tired.

I'm mean to everybody. My stomach
hurts all day. I have a headache.

Okay, Peggy Ann McKay, so you're sick.

So... drink lots of
water, get lots of sleep,

BRAT diet... Bananas,
Rice, Applesauce, Toast.

Wait it out...

but you do not get to break up with him.

I don't?

Oh, my God, I love you.

"Oh, no! I met a great
guy! What do I do?"

♪ ♪

♪ Mercy ♪

♪ Mer... ♪

♪ Cy ♪

♪ Mercy, mercy ♪

♪ Coming to ya. ♪

Where's your key?


My dad's dropping me off. I told
him he could stay for dinner.


Mom, don't be weird.
He's my da-ha-ha-had.

XANDER: Hello.

Hi, there.



Oh! Oh. Oh.

- _

Daddy's staying for dinner.

Are you staying, Dad?

Well, gee...

It's up to your mom.

SAM: Oh.

Sure. Of course. Yes.

Come on. I want to show
you my school project.


I'm almost done with it,
but I want to show you.

When did you redo the floors?

Um, I didn't, but...



I hope so.


XANDER: Who's this?

That's Paisley, Dad.

(SCOFFS) I know it's Paisley.

Come on.

- You're so tall.
- Yeah.

♪ Just sing this riff
and it's bound to go ♪

♪ The flat feet floogie
with the floy, floy ♪

We should...

- we should probably go.
- What?

Um, you should...

do your dad.

- Okay, just text me later.
- Yeah, of course.

Okay. Bye, Sam.

SAM: Bye, honey.

Please make your chicken covered
with bacon again for me soon.

SAM: I will. Tell your
mom I send my love, okay?

PAISLEY: I will. Bye.

- SAM: Bye! Bye!
- MAX: Bye!


You invite Dad for dinner

- and you don't warn me or tell me.
- Shh, shh, shh.

Do you know how effin' awkward this is?

- And you... you didn't do anything...
- Shh.

(WHISPERS): ... that a mother does.

Do you ever plan ahead?

Jesus, Max, I didn't invite him.

He was dropping Frankie off.
This got grandfathered in.

Well, maybe if you did
invite him once in a while,

things could be less awkward.

- Sorry, Mom, you know it's true.

Sorry not sorry.

(GROANS) Yes, Max, you're right.

You're right. That's
something that I should do.

And... I can't.

I just can't.

I'm a shitty mother.

Okay, Mom.

Let's go back to fake you fake smiling.




Would you like to put
Duke or Frankie to bed?

Uh, I don't think that'd be appropriate.

I mean, this is your house, after all.

I want to be respectful.

Who's putting me to bed?

Dad, put me to bed.

- I'm gonna put you to bed, Franks.
- Ugh.

Good night, Xander.


Good night, Mr. Moonshine.

I had fun with you today.

Me, too.

I'll see you next time I'm in town.

Okay. See ya. Wait, when?

Uh, hopefully June.

We'll see.

Bro, you comin'?

Uh, I'm gonna walk your dad to his car.

And I'll be right up.


- (CHUCKLES) What a time, huh?

I'll tell you, it's the funniest thing.

(SIGHS) Uh, we get to the restaurant
and she was like, "Maybe we... "