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02x02 - Rising

Posted: 12/05/21 07:14
by bunniefuu



Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, wow.

Holy shit! Whoo-hoo!


Did you?


Did you? Did you... have an orgasm?

Oh. Oh.

Oh, that... doesn't matter.

Well, it matters to me.


I'd like to know that
I've satisfied you.


(SIGHS) That's okay.

- It's important to me.
- Well,

here is a little way you can look at it.

If you ask a woman, "Did you come?"

and her answer is, "It doesn't matter,"

what do you think?


Come on.

We got to go to the thing.


Get dressed.

Oh, I'm so hungry.


♪ Mother ♪

♪ You had me ♪

♪ But I never had you ♪

♪ I wanted you ♪

♪ You didn't want me. ♪

Does this plug in, so I can play mine?

Why do you always do that?


I like music.


I like yours, too, but I'm not...

I don't.

I mean you always want to have sex

before we go out.

(SCOFFS) You didn't want to?

It's not that.

We had to hurry.

The thing starts soon.

It's not... you've just...
you always do that.

You always say, "Let's have sex,"

before we go places.


What's the question?

Why do you always do that?



You know what happens?

I just... I want to
get it out of the way.


Out of the way?

Yeah. Yeah, I figure if we...

if we do it, then we
can just go out after.

Why, though?

Because, after,
I just want to go home and...

and I figure if I f*ck you now,

then you're not gonna
want me to come over

and do a whole thing,
or you're not gonna want

to come in my house.

And this just gets it out
of the way, and then...

everybody can just go home.

So sex with me is like a chore to you?

Do you enjoy having sex with me?

Oh, my God.

Please don't ask questions like that.

Why do you ask questions like that?

There are no good answers.

The only answers to questions
like that are lies and bad news.


And Bing Crosby is in his living room

and David Bowie walks in,

and they start singing
"Little Drummer Boy."

- Do you remember that?
- Yes, amazing.

- I love it.
- I-I never saw that.

David Bowie and Bill Cosby?

Bing Crosby.

(LAUGHS) What? No...

(LAUGHTER) Oh, I am so sorry.

That's okay.

- That would have been different
- You're young.

If Bill Cosby sang with David Bowie.


So, do you guys have kids?

- No, no.
- Yeah. No

Don't do that.

Yeah, well, this is a strange time

to bring a child into the world, isn't?

Well, we-we like to travel.

That's our thing, so kids...

Yeah. They put a damper on that.

Where do you guys like to travel?

Oh, well, this weekend,
we're sh**ting up to Mammoth.

You guys should totally come with us.

We're renting a sweet little house.

Oh, us?

Oh, no, we're not together.

You're not?


We're not a thing.

But that's so cool.
Is that your wedding ring?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Good night.

Good night?

What do you mean "good night"?
You're my ride home.


We're not together, remember?

We're not a thing.

Oh, wait, are you mad?

Why would I drive you home?

Why would I spend one
more second with you

the way you've acted towards me?

The way you talk to me,

the lack of respect,

or ever

trying to be nice to me...

Like, I can't even remember

even you saying something nice to me.

Uh, "It doesn't matter."

"We're not a thing."

"I didn't not like having sex with you."

I didn't say that last one.

All you do is hurt people.

Oh, wow. I... Look, I'm...

sorry, but it's just...

I feel like you keep testing me.

Like you demand a certain
level of thing from me.

All I ask for is basic consideration.

Like just common courtesy would be nice.

No, I don't think
that's accurate at all.

I feel like you demand a whole lot...

Too much, frankly,

considering what you bring to the table.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, really?

Yeah. If you want to know the truth,

you need a lot, and you give little.

That is so insulting.

Well, that may be true,

but I think you kind of have it coming.

(SCOFFS) You are so mean.

Oh, my God, fine.

Okay, I'm mean.

Jesus Christ, why does
everybody have to be

so careful all the time
with the man's feelings.

"Ooh, don't hurt the man.

His feelings are so important."

You guys are supposed to be tough.

You're such pussies.

The second a woman

is a tiny bit mean to a man

or even just a tiny bit honest,

she's a bitch.

I don't use that word. Come on.

Well, you should start.

If you curse once in a while,

it might make you a little bit sexy.

You talk like you play f*cking
first violin at the choir thing.

(LAUGHS) I'm sorry if I'm
not the Marlboro Man.

No, you're really not.

And yet, you demand to know,
"Did I make you come?

"Do you like me?

Do you like having sex with me?"

Jesus Christ, she is so
high maintenance, this one.

I mean, don't ask things

if you don't want to
know the real answers.

All I want to know is

what you feel about me.

You want to know how I feel about you?


Boo on you.

Bad job.

Bad job.

You're no fun. You're no fun.

Oh, God!

I've hated you since the first
minute of our first date,

and I've been dating
you for three weeks...

That is how nice I am!

If I had been

really honest, I would've said, "Nope,"

the second I met your face.

Look at that!

And yet, how many times
have I had sex with you?

Like, ten times!

That is how nice I am!

Do you want to know why?

Because I'm nice!

Because you suck.

And I hang out with you.


We had sex before we came here,

and now she's like, "Did I satisfy you?"

Did I make you come?"

Oh, my God.

Like, how many ways do I have
to take care of this woman?

And now, she's not driving me home.

And... I sucked her d*ck.

Because I wasn't wet, at all.

Otherwise, it wouldn't
have gotten in there.

I mean, that's how nice I am.

Thank you.

Oh... well.

(VOICE BREAKING) Thanks so much.

Oh. You're welcome.

I seriously, I should
get the Nobel Prize.

- Yeah. You...
- Because you are a bummer.

- Thank you. Boo.
- Okay.

- Boo on you.

Thank you.

All right.


Good night.

That's cool.

I'll get an Uber.

Thank God for Uber.

This breakup brought to you by Uber!

Good night!

Good night, baby doll!





How come we don't have an
English accent like Nan?

Well, because we didn't
grow up in England, honey.

You get an accent from
years of living in a place.

Yeah, but Nan's lived here

way longer than she's lived in England,

so how come she has an accent?

(CHUCKLES) Well, that's true, honey,

but Nan doesn't always
notice where she is.

You mean because she's elderly?

Yeah, that's part of it.

But, you know, Phil is very...

Do you think she's gonna die soon?

- What?
- Is she...

gonna die soon?

Honey, why are you thinking about that?

You don't have to worry about that.

Because she talks about it all the time.

Yesterday, she told me I have
to promise I'm gonna miss her.

Jesus, Duke, I'm telling you,

that lady is gonna bury us all.

- Really?
- Yes.

I'm telling you right now,

your grandmother will never die.


Why will you come back?

I told you, honey, it's just two nights.

So Monday after school?

Yeah, on Monday, Unky Jeff is gonna

take you and Sorrow to school,

and then I'm gonna pick
you up after. Okay?


Gonna be fun.

- Knock, knock.

SORROW: Come out back!
We got a trampoline!


- Duke!


Are you good? Come here.





So, you okay?

Yeah. I mean, everything's kind of weird

right now, you know.

I'm sitting for my kid in Sunny's house,

while she goes off to Santa Barbara

with her new rich boyfriend.

That's kind of a kick in the left nut.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Well, you kind of...

Made my bed? Yeah.

I did. I built it.

And then I made it,
and then I pissed in it,

then I took a big, tasty shit in it,

and... now it's mine to sleep in.

- So...
- Yep.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You know what would help?

If everyone didn't hate me so much.

(CLEARS THROAT) I don't hate you.

No, I hated you when you
were married to Sunny

because you were hurting her.

And now you're not,
so now I just wish you well.

You mean that?

Yeah. Yeah, I mean it.

And I'm trusting you with my daughter

so I could go visit your ex-wife

at her new rich boyfriend's
house in Santa Barbara.

Yeah, yeah.


Seriously, though, buddy,
I think this is good.

You can get your shit together.

You got some great in you somewhere.

I... feel like.

Mm, yeah.


I doubt it.

But I understand what you mean.


Rock bottom.


Feels pretty sweet.

Pretty sweet.


Sammy, have fun.

- Okay. See you.
- All right.

Okay, guys. (CLAPS)

- Let's do this! Here we go.
- Okay.

Bye, Mama! I love you!


Bye, guys.

All right.

Let's do a little bit of that!

- All right.
- Okay.

DUKE: Okay, can you do this?

JEFF: Oh, goodness, no.

SAM: Frankie,

I just need you to stay
with Bottle for two days.

Bottles parents don't allow
Internet in the house.

So? That's good.

No, Mom, I need the
Internet to do my homework.


I hate when you use homework

as an excuse to not do something.

Can't I just stay in our house?

No, miss.

You and your sister gave
that up with the party

and the damage you've done to my home.

Thank you so much, Samuel.
Love you so much, too.

Oh, you're welcome.



- Hello, thank you.
- Hi.


- Yes, it's so fun.
- Welcome aboard.

It's gonna be good.


Ladies, welcome aboard.

Here we go.


- Welcome aboard.
- Hello, Captain!

- How's everything going today?
- My captain!

Oh, my God.

I feel like I was meant to be here.

To all my friends!

Thank you, Captain.

We need you, too, right?

- You're coming?
- PILOT: Yes, ma'am.

- SAM: Okay, thank God.
- Yeah, but he can't drink.

This is so hot!

- I'm so excited.

Yes. Poppin' botties.

Look at you on a plane.

(SINGSONGY) Weekend away.

You know, I could get used to this.

- Mace, drink something.
- Mace, come on.



Hello? What?

Mom, Bottle just told me
they're fasting this weekend.

They're not even going to feed me.

Please, just let me
stay in my own house.

Frankie, give me a break.

I had to find some place

to put all you guys
for the weekend, okay?

I'm on the plane.
I'll call you when we land.

- Is that Frankie?
- Yes. Sorry.

- Give me the phone. Gimme.
- Oh, boy.

- Okay. All right.
- Yes.

Hey, Frankie. It's Aunt Sun.

Listen, your mom's on a trip now, okay?

She is officially on a trip,

so you can't talk to her anymore.

So just be a big girl,

and put your big boy pants on,

and figure your stuff out, okay?


Okay. Love you. Thank you.

(CHUCKLING) Oh, my God.

- Nice.
- Well done.

Two days without kids.

ALL: Yes!


- Okay, I can't!

Okay, guys, this guy... this
isn't gonna go up in the air.

I swear to God, if it is,
I'm going with it.

Mace! No, no, no, look at me.

- No, seriously. I'm not...
- Calm your tits.

- I really don't want to do it!
- Calm your tits. Mace, Mace!


PILOT: Everything okay back there?

We're fine. We're fine.

Open the door and let her out.

Open the freaking door and let her out.

I'm gonna actually drive there.

PILOT: Should we head back?

MACY: You know what
would be really nice?

Is if everyone actually
stop pacifying me.

- Wait, Macy.
- Seriously?

SUNNY: Mace, honey, honey, come on.

- SAM: Oh, are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Don't hit your head.
- I'll see you there.

- I... Okay.
- More champagne for us.

I'll see you there.


- SAM: I love you.

"Rolling Acres?" I mean,
you know you are rich

when you get to name your home.

Sunny, your boyfriend is stupid rich.

My home is called "House Full
of Tiny Assholes with Vaginas".

- Hey, guys, seriously, though,

don't make bitchy comments
about how rich he is

every two seconds.

Oh, no, he brought us here on a jet

because he's really very down-to-earth.

I don't want him to feel weird.

He is weird. Look at this place.



MARK: Welcome!

Welcome, welcome. The long wait is over!

- My sunshine.
- Hi. Okay, um...


- MARK: Wow. That was worth it.


I love it.

Sounds so good.

- SUNNY: You're hilarious.
- Yes.

- Of course I am.
- MARK: Oh, that's funny.

- SUNNY: Oh, my God.
- Hello. Hi.

- This is Tressa.
- It's a real pleasure.

- And Fancy.
- Hi. Fancy.

Fancy. Thank you for coming.

- Thanks so much.
- Oh, sure, yeah.

- Sam.
- Hi, Mark.

- Okay. Yeah.
- Oh. All right.

Well, let's work our way in.
Please. Please.

- TRESSA: Of course.
- There's so much to do this weekend.

- Ooh, are these new flowers?
- Food and drink to eat.

I love those.

And I just, I recently renamed
the house to Casa Sunny.

- Just, let me...
- Oh. Wow.

Make some introductions here quickly.

All right. Not much
better looking than me,

my brother Charles and
his lovely wife Elize.


MARK: These two gentlemen back here,

they tutor me in math.


And you. I would like
you to meet somebody.

Just for a second,
just meet a friend of mine.

- O... kay.
- Sam, this is Dalton.


Oh, you know what?

Actually, I have to be right back.

- Right back.
- SUNNY: Sam, honey, what...?

One sec, Sun, because I
think I forgot something

- in the-the golf cart thing.
- Wait, Sammy...


Is there any way you could,
like, take me somewhere,

- really quick, if you don't mind?
- Sure, yeah.

- Okay.
- Where are we going?

You know, any... just not here.

Not here is good. Yeah.




- I love the beach, I always...
- Yeah.

- Why don't I live by the beach?

Here we are.

- This is perfect.


Thank you so much, Sanjay.

You're welcome.

Have a good baby!

(CHUCKLES) Thank you.



♪ Release me ♪

♪ From the pattern of electricity ♪

♪ Save me ♪

♪ From the weeping and the wailing ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

♪ Wake me ♪

♪ I'm in a force with all my mind ♪

♪ I'm gonna rise up before ♪

♪ I die, I die ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Have a great day.
- You have a nice day.

(CHUCKLES) Thanks, I will.

♪ Sing a lullaby ♪

♪ Let the lion lay down ♪

♪ Your pulse is a song ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

(LAUGHS) Wow, Mom!

You're such a G!


Can I keep this as my first car?

♪ I'm rising ♪

We're not gonna keep this.

I know, but how cool would it be, like,

driving to school in this?

- Oh.
- So cool.


Hi, baby.

Hi, babe.

Give me these and you go get in.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Take the thorn out now ♪

♪ Sing a lullaby ♪

♪ Let the lion lay down ♪

♪ Your pulse is a song ♪

♪ I'm in a force with all my mind ♪

♪ I'm gonna rise up before ♪

♪ I die, I die ♪

♪ I'm rising ♪

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh