07x13 - Otis the Deputy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderators: Lindaballou, Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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07x13 - Otis the Deputy

Post by bunniefuu »

Uh-huh... uh-huh...

Yeah, well, where did you
set up the roadblocks, ed?

Uh-huh... hold on a minute.

I'll get a map
and I'll check with you.

Hold it just a second.

Hi, Andy.

Oh. Hi, Howard.

I was just leaving.

Saw you burning
the ol' midnight oil.

Something special
going on?

Yeah, a bank robbery
over in mt. Pilot.

Got away with $ , .

Oh? Are they
in this area?

They could be.

Hey, ed?

They could have
cut off route

just before
Franklin junction.

Yeah, it's a
private road.

Connects with
the main highway

and it's not on a map.


It might be a good idea
to set up another roadblock

about a half a mile in.


Right, right. Bye.

How many robberies
were there, Andy?


Oh, two for sure.

Two, huh?


I wonder if they had
a g*n moll with them?


Well, these gangsters

usually travel
with a female companion.

Somebody to cook
for them, I suppose.


Hey, watch out!

Who do you think
you're hittin'?

Who do you
think you are?

Who's that?

Our number one guest.

Oh. Otis.

Oh, shoo! Shoo!

Old firefly.

Doggone firefly hit me.

Knocked me right down.

Whoo! They get vicious
this time of the year.

All right, Otis.
Go on in and go to sleep.

They won't bother you
in there.

They're getting
to be a mess.

Go to bed, Otis.
I'm busy.

Who are you?

Howard sprague.

I know you, Howard.

Who's that fellow
standing beside you?

That's a friend of Howard's
from out of town.

Oh. Pleased to meet you.

Would you put him
to bed, Howard?

Oh, no.

Let's go, Otis.

No, you don't.

Nobody puts
me to bed

but my dear friend
Andy Taylor.

And you tell
that out-of-town
friend of yours

not to sneak up
behind me.

I'm quick
as a cat.

All right,
give me that.

Oh, but I need
that, Andy.

No, you don't.

No, you don't.

Now, come on.

Just to hold it like
a little Teddy bear.

No Teddy bears.

Why not?

They draw fireflies.

Oh, they do?

Yeah, come on.

Come on. Go ahead.

You gonna
sing to me?

No, I'm not gonna sing
to you. Go to bed!

Oh, all right.
I'll sing to myself.

* go tell aunt rhody

* the old gray goose
is dead *

* go tell aunt rhody,
go tell aunt rhody... *

is that a roadblock?


You don't know if they
have a g*n moll, huh?

No, I don't.

I don't, no.

What's the matter,

Oh, it's awful!


The old gray goose is dead!

Go to sleep, Otis!

All right, Otis.

There's your breakfast.

Aren't you going
to lecture me?


Why not?

'Cause I've
given up on you.

Given up?
Andy, please...


Just tell me
to straighten out.

Otis, straighten out.

Andy, you're
a real friend.

You been taking care
of me for years.
That's right.

And I want
to make it up to you.

Otis, I got a lot
on my mind.

No! I want to make it up
to you.

Let me work around
here today--

run errands, clean up
the courthouse.

Free of charge.

Just to show you
how grateful I am.

It's not necessary, Otis.

Any little thing
you want done...

Otis, I don't
need anything.

Andy, I won't take
"no" for an answer.

You're my friend.

All right, you can work.

But the bottle stays
where it is.


i'd, uh, forgotten
all about it.

Sure you had.

Eat your breakfast.

Uh, yeah.

No sign of 'em, huh?

Quit it!
No, not --

not you, ed.

No, I haven't seen
any strangers in town.

No -- well, it's got to be
one of two things.

They got through before
you got up the roadblocks,

or they're holed up somewhere,
counting their money.

Yeah, I'll-I'll be --
I'll be in touch with you, ed.

Right, right.
Do you have to whistle?

Oh, I'm sorry, Andy.


I -- ugh.

What are you doing?

Got to keep
a tight ship.

Hi, Andy.

Oh, hi, Howard.

Mornin', Otis.

Mornin', Howard.

You, uh, feelin' better
than you did last night?

Not better.

but not better.

I'm cleanin' up the place,
show Andy my appreciation.

Why don't you clean up
around the cells, Otis?

Oh, all right.

Uh, anything new
on the caper, Andy?


I thought that's what
you fellas called it.

Oh. Oh.

No, no, there's
nothing new on the caper.

No sign of a g*n moll
or anything.

We think the mugs
are on the lam.



I guess you
might have sensed

I'm mighty interested
in this sort of thing.


One theory that
particularly fascinates me

is that even the most
hardened criminal

can be returned to society
as a useful member.

Mm-hmm. Yeah,
yeah, yeah.

I'm quoting
Dr. Emil sharlock.

Good, good, good.

He says the readjustment
can be made

when the criminal regains
his self-respect

and the respect
of his neighbors.

I'm sure that's true

and I'd love to discuss
it with you, Howard

but we think those
fellas are holed up
somewhere around here

and I got a lot
of figuring to do.

Oh, around here, huh?

Yeah, around here.

They could be
up in the old Carson shack.


I said they could be
up in the old Carson shack.

Why up there?

'Cause I might have seen them.

You what?

I headed up there yesterday

'cause I got some, uh...
Something hidden up there.

You got spirits hidden
up there. Go on.

Well, I seen a couple
of guys hauling in supplies

and one guy was
toting a r*fle.

Well, I kind of
stayed away

'cause I didn't
want them to...

You didn't want
them to find

where you got your
spirits hidden. Yeah.

They could've been hunting.

But, come to think of it

there ain't nothing
up there worth sh**ting...

'Cepting a bunch of
skinny old squirrels.

What do you
think, Andy?

Well, they could be hunters.

But it's worth checking out.

I'll be back by :
at the latest.

Well, be careful, Andy.


Don't take any
chances, now.

Hold it right
there, mister.

Thanks, Otis.


Andy not back yet?

No. Maybe something's
gone wrong.

Well, maybe he just had
a flat tire or something.

I'm worried.

Now, Otis, let's
not panic.

He's my best friend.

We'll just have
to sweat it out.

That's police

Hey, Fred, I'm getting
kind of hungry.

We'll eat
in a little while.

You don't mind if we eat in
front of you, do you, sheriff?

I had a big lunch.

I just want you
to know, sheriff...

That I'm awful fast
with a g*n.

You seem kind of
nervous, Fred.

Well, I was, sheriff,
until you showed up.

Well, don't relax
on my account.

I mean, they'll be
looking for me.

And by the time they find you

we'll be clear out
of north Carolina.

Good luck.

Now, you listen to me,

We're going to leave here
pretty soon

and you're going to be
our passport

right through the roadblock
and out of the state.


Something must have

I'm going to call
the state police.

It'll take a couple of hours
for them to get here.

That might be too late.

Andy's my best friend
and I'm going up there.

Up there

well, if nobody here
wants to go with me.

But there might be

That's right.

I'll run home
and get my car.

Attaboy! I'll get
the g*ns ready.

Yes, we'll need g*ns.

We might be dealing
with desperate men.







Oh... gotta think
of what's best for Andy.

Gotta be calm.

Ready, Otis?

Ready and rarin' to go.

Forward, march.

Otis, you're soused.

Just a little bracer.

Those woods are damp.

Here's your g*n
all loaded.


Let's go,
and don't fire

till you see the
whites of their eyes.

Otis, you're staying here.

Stay here?

With my buddy out
there someplace?

Not a chance.

Otis, you stay here.

I'm going to have
to go alone.

Oh, no, you don't.

You don't know
where the Carson
shack is, do you?

Well, you're going to have
to stay in the car.

Let's move out.

Oh, thanks.

Otis, get in the car.

I'll drive.

Where do you keep
your steering wheel?

Otis, I'm driving.

Okay, then.
I'll work the hand brake.

Well, sheriff,
whoever knows
you're up here

doesn't seem to
care very much.

Maybe they're
just being quiet.

It's over there someplace.

There's Andy's car.

They got him,
all right.



You stay here.

I say let's rush 'em!

Otis, if you want
to be a help to Andy

you stay in the car.

Hold down the fort?

That's right.

That's right.


I'm going to need a pan
to cook these beans in.

Bothering me
with pans.

Here. Here's a pan.

Oh, good.

Thank you.

And, uh,
I'll need some wood.

Go find it yourself.




Hurry up with that wood.


All right, hold
it right there.

Now we got
two passports.


Two is better
than one.

Let's eat.


Sorry, Andy.

You tried.

Otis is out there.


Well, that accounts

for the third member
of the posse.

Are there any more?


Good, good.

That's it.

Good, good.

This might be a perfect time
to try Dr. Sharlock's theory.


Well, if we show these men
we respect them

and help them gain
their own self-respect

they might give themselves up
and release us.

Sure they will.

Well, it's worth a try, Andy.

Hey, fellas,

that was a beautiful
bank robbery you pulled off.

Shut up, you.

I especially liked
the part where you...

I said, shut up!

I don't think it's working.

I wish I had my book.

Never mind.

Uh, excuse me.

What do you want?

Could I have a
glass of water?

I'm busy.

I'd just like
a glass of water.

I said that I'm busy!

Just a glass of water.

Give him a glass of water.

All right.

Uh... would
you...? Uh...

Just don't you try
anything now, sheriff,

because I would certainly
hate to sh**t my passport.



Do you hear something?

Uh, excuse me.

Uh, could I have a glass
of water, too, please?

What do you think this
is, a restaurant?

Give him some water
and shut him up.

I'm trying to listen.

All right. Water.

Water, everybody
wants water.


Uh, I spilled it.

Could I have some more?



I'm just dying for some.

I said, no!

Aw, gee.

Give it to him and shut up.

How can I hear
if anybody's out there?

All right, all right.

What was that?

I don't know.

Cover 'em.

I'm going out there.

Fred! Are you all right, Fred?

Untie me with
your free hand.

Untie. Quick, quick!

All right, drop it.


I said, drop it.

I said, no.

I'm going to give
you one more chance.

Drop the g*n.

Oh, the g*n.

Why didn't you say so?

All right,
into the cabin.

Come on.

That's it, Andy.
Grab him!

Think I'm going to fall
for that old trick...

Yeah! Attaboy!
You did it!

All right,
get the rope.



All right,
get up.

You all right,

Oh, I'm okay, Andy.

You're my friend.


Now, I have a plan

to capture the criminals.

We know they're holed up
in the Carson shack


Hey, we got reinforcements.

There's five of us now.

Well, that's that.

They're on the way
to mt. Pilot.

Oh, good.


By the way, that was
a mighty brave thing

you and Otis did,
coming up there after me.

Oh, well, you'd have done
the same for me, Andy.

Yeah, but it's my job.

Say, Andy, you know when
you were in the back there,

talking with the head
of the state police?


Well, I wandered over
to the cells here

and started to talk
to those two folks.

Oh, you did?

Thought I'd try out

some of Dr. Sharlock's theory.


I went right up
to the bars there

and tried to make friends
with them, especially that Fred.


And I told him how,

after he got out of prison,

he could become a useful member
of the community.


And I told him that
the important thing

was for him to gain
his self-respect

and the respect
of his neighbors.


not too well.

He hit me right in the pit
of the stomach with his fist.


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