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03x15 - Jingled Out

Posted: 12/03/21 07:25
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

hey, noodle.

Hey, grandma! How was
your sorority meeting?

Fun weekend planned?

Actually, I've been chosen
to represent my sorority

at some national leadership conference.

Well, you're so cool and popular,

you only have yourself to blame.

You're right, noodle. Why do I
always have to be so lovable?

Ugh! Not you, too!

Fine, I'll take them.

Why'd you get grandma flowers?

I didn't. I heard a catchy jingle

for rosie's roses that told me to...

♪ get on up and come on down ♪

♪ to rosie's roses today ♪

so, I got on up, and I came on down.

♪ Today ♪

so, you bought a bunch of flowers

just because a jingle told you to?

What if it was for a sporting goods store?

We'd be having this
conversation on a trampoline.

Anyway, rosie's sales are
booming because of that jingle.

So, I decided to have one
written for the bike shop.

We could really use the business.

That's great, dad.

Yeah. Talked to rosie,

she gave me the contact
at the radio station,

I booked some air time,

and I got the name of a jingle writer.

Let me get this straight.

You're hiring a complete stranger

to write this jingle for you,

instead of a young, up
and coming songwriter

who knows you and
this store very, very well.

Oh, you wanna write the jingle!

Well, if you insist.

But you've never written a jingle before.

I mean, this is a big responsibility.

I already bought the radio time.

Dad, you love my music.

Besides, who knows this
bike shop better than me?

I grew up here.

My first word was bicycle.

Actually, it was "wy-wicle,"
which was totally adorable,

but don't let that sway you.

You know what, syd?

-Let's do it.
-Yes! I won't let you down!

I'll work super hard and
be really professional.

Omg, my first songwriting gig! Thanks, dad.

-I mean...

Good day, sir.

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

(theme music playing)

like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree

but looking at you
is like looking at me

the more things change,
the more they stay the same

like father, like daughter,
from different times

taking all the best from
your decade and mine

the more things change

the more they stay the same

♪ do, do, do-do, do, do ♪

♪ do, do ♪

♪ the more they stay the same ♪

♪ ♪

hey, syd, how's the jingle-writing going?

Well, it's a little harder than I thought.

Here. Go hang out with the
rest of your loser buddies.

Syd, the jingle only has to be seconds.

Yeah, but a lot has to
happen in those seconds.

A jingle has to be catchy,

something to get stuck in your brain.

Like the one for maddie and her...

♪ maddy, maddy, mattresses! ♪

I can't get it...

♪ outie, outie, outta my head! ♪

You k*lling me, maddie!

Which is exactly what my
dad needs this jingle to do.

I can't let him down.

Why don't you practice first? Just...

Pick something in the room
and write a jingle about it.

Get the jingle juices flowing!

Okay, that's a good
idea! Uh, what should I...

Write about?

Well, what's the most
interesting thing in your room?

Ooh! I'm interesting! Pick me!

Okay. Let's see.


♪ get the best, better than the rest ♪

♪ the only friend you'll ever need ♪

♪ is olive rozalski ♪

oh my gosh. I'm a jingle.
I'm a jingle! (laughs)

and I wrote a jingle! (laughs)

-I can do this.
-Yeah, you can.

And I should know because I'm...

♪ olive rozalski ♪

great. Now, I can't get me out of my head.

♪ ♪

hey, leo.

-(door shuts)
-what's with the tux and cane?

-What cane?

whoa! That was awesome!
Where'd you get that?

My great-uncle charles got remarried,

and his new wife made
him give up his magic stuff.

Turns out, she's
allergic to rabbits and fun.

Dude, I love magic. We gotta team up!

You mean like a magic duo?

Exactly. We could perform
at kids birthday parties

in the neighborhood.

There is money in that.

Yeah, and it's skateboard
tournament season.

I really wanna buy new skate shoes.

Come on! We could call ourselves

abra and cadabra.

I don't know, max.

I'm not sure I wanna go
into business with you.

Don't take this personally,

but you're the least reliable human I know.

Leo, I promise to take
this super seriously.

We can even use my
backyard to do a free show

for kids this weekend.

Get the birthday party crowd interested.

Huh. That's a pretty good idea!

So, we got a deal, abra?

Deal, cadabra.

Yes! Best magic duo ever.

I didn't even know that was in there!

♪ ♪

hey, look. My daughter,
the jingle writer's here.

Until the jingle's finished,
I am not your daughter.

I am sydney reynolds, songwriter for hire.

Well, in that case, thank
you for coming, sydney.

Hey, small world. I've got
a daughter named sidney.

She sounds very delightful.
You're a very lucky dad.

Okay, so I've done a
lot of market research,

and I think I've come up with
something you'll really like.

And I don't wanna oversell it, but olive...

I mean, the test group

couldn't get it out of their heads all day.

Great. I'm excited.

-Here it is.

-(upbeat music playing)
-♪ Reynolds rides ♪

♪ reynolds rides ♪

♪ helmets and springs and biking things ♪

♪ it's off the chain at a real good price ♪

so come on down to reynolds rides

♪ hey! Come on down to reynolds rides ♪

♪ yeah! ♪

-I love it!

Yeah! That is so catchy
and very professional.

Oh, thank you.

Yep. That is one... Jingly jingle.

Wait a minute. That's the smile of a dad

who doesn't wanna upset his daughter,

not the smile of a satisfied boss.

I'm not saying I don't like it.

Then, what are you saying?

Well, to be honest, the jingle is...

Too jingly.

Didn't know you could over-jingle a jingle.

Yeah, it just doesn't capture
the heart of reynolds rides.

It sounded like it could
be for any bike shop.

Okay, good feedback,

I can work with that.

I want you to dig deeper.
When people hear the jingle,

they should really be
able to feel this place.

And who could do that better than you?

Of course. You're the boss.
I'll make a few adjustments.

That's good. But maybe
you should take a step back.

Try a different ending.
Look at the beginning.

You know, I'm not sure about the middle.

You mean like start from scratch?

It's like you read my mind!

Oh boy.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

what do you mean he
didn't like your jingle?

I don't know. He said it was "too jingly."

it's a jingle!

Besides, you're the artist.
He's just a bike shop owner.

Nice guy, but what does
he know about writing music?

It doesn't matter. He's the boss.

Well, I love your jingle.
It's my new workout jam.

It's seconds long.

And that's seconds of push-ups too many.

I'm glad you like it, but I have no choice.

I just have to roll up my
sleeves and work harder.

But what does he want you to change?

-Not much. Just everything.

Yeah. He said I need to go deeper.

Well, you're the queen of deep.

I mean, your last song was so deep,

it should've come with floaties.

Yeah, but what's deep about a bike shop?

When I write my songs,
it's because I'm inspired

by an experience and how it made me feel.

-Wait, I have an idea.
-Am I involved?

-Then, I love it!

Okay, I've got the fan set up.

Great. So for the jingle, I
just need to get into the head

of a customer who just bought
a bike from reynolds rides.

Why don't you just go for a bike ride?

Because I need you to write
down the lyrics as they come to me.

Aw, you remembered how
much I love taking notes!

Riding on a mountain trail.

There's a cool breeze in my hair,

the smell of fresh pine.


makes me feel like I could ride forever.

Ooh! Write that down, olive.

"ride forever." got it.

I'm entering a forest now.

I can see the beautiful leaves.


too many leaves.

On a dirt road.

Feel like I could throw away the map,

let the stars guide my way.

Oh! That's a keeper.

Olive, this is totally working!

I feel so free.

I'm letting the bike choose
where it wants to go.

(rattling, clang)

-whoa! Whoa!

was that one "whoa" or two?

♪ ♪

hey, abra,

before we do our next trick,

I'm kind of thirsty.

Got anything to drink?

I sure do, cadabra.

But why just hand you the bottle

when I could give it to you with... Magic?


-Two ordinary brown paper bags.
-Judy: Ooh!

Ah! Wow!

Let's not overdo it.

I'm trying to make it feel like you have

a real audience for your dress rehearsal.

Leave the illusions to the professionals.

Behold. Two ordinary brown paper bags.


and now, I say the magic word.

Alakazam! Or should I say,




Hey! That's pretty good!

(laughs) and now, for
our final showstopper,

I, abra will make cadabra...

Disappear... Pear... Pear...

If you want, cadabra,

please step inside this totally normal box.

My pleasure, abra.

And now, I'll give the
box one magic spin and...

Magic, magic,



Hey! Where'd he go?

Who knows? I just hope
I can bring him back!

I've lost partners before.

Magic, magic,




How'd you do that?

Sorry, ma'am. A magician never tells.

You've been a great audience. I'm abra...

And I'm cadabra...

And together we are...

Both: Abra cadabra!


boys, that was wonderful!

I'm so impressed!

I wish you'd try this hard in school.

Thanks, mom. That was
really close to a compliment.

Max, that was perfect.

We are so ready for our show tomorrow.

I know! Every kid in the neighborhood

is gonna want a birthday
party starring abra and cadabra.

Dude, you were so right
about being a magic duo!

-Sorry I doubted you.
-All good.

Well, I gotta get home,

but I'm gonna do it with... Magic.


dang, that's a jellybean? I
thought it was a smoke b*mb.

Hey, max, you just got a call

about your skating tournament next weekend.

They wanna move your
tryout to : am tomorrow.

Wait, but our magic show's at noon.

Ooh, that's cutting it close.

I guess you'll have to skip the tournament.

What? No, it-it's fine.

I can do both.

If the tryout's running late,
I'll just leave and come home.

Wow. Motivated and responsible?

Maybe leo didn't bring back the right kid.

♪ ♪

well, if it isn't my
professional jingle writer.

Yep, and I have a brand
new version for you.

Prepare to be wowed, mr. Reynolds.

-Please, call me max.
-Sure, max.

Nope, too weird. "dad" it is.

Syd, I hope I wasn't too
tough on you last time.

No way! Your suggestions
were super helpful.

They really made me think more deeply

about how this place makes people feel.

Well, great. I can't wait to hear it.


-(ballad music playing)
-♪ my heart is a compass

♪ and life is a map ♪

♪ there's so many different ♪

♪ roads to choose ♪

♪ let the stars light the way ♪

♪ let the wind be your guide ♪

♪ let it take you to reynolds rides ♪

-(song ends)

syd, that is beautiful. I am moved.

I knew you'd love it.


For the father-daughter
dance at your wedding,

not to sell bikes.

But, you said my last one was too jingly.

And this one isn't jingly enough.

Why don't you take the first one,

throw it in a blender with
the second one, and hit mix?

(imitates blender, sips)

mm, now that's one tasty jingle.

So, you want a jingle smoothie?

Again, it's like you read my mind!

And again, oh boy.

♪ ♪

where's max?

The audience is out there waiting.

-I can't stall any longer.
-I don't know.

He told me he'd be back from
his skateboard tryout on time.

(sighs) can't believe
he's doing this to me.

He promised I could count on him.

I'm so sorry, leo.

Well, as we magicians say,

my career just went poof.

Nonsense! The show must go on!

I can't do it alone. What's
abra without cadabra?

Wait, what if I'm cadabra?

Really? You'd do that?

Yeah! I do magic all the time!

How do you think I get
max to brush his teeth?

How do you do that?

Actually, I pay him,
but let's just call it magic.

Okay. I don't have time
to teach you all the tricks,

but we can at least do the showstoppers.

Great! I've always wanted
to be a showstopper.

The closest I've ever come was

barfing in the middle
of a high school play.

(fanfare playing)

ladies and gentlemen! Without further ado,

welcome to the wonderful world of... Magic!

I'm abra...

(nervous): And I'm cadabra!


(stilted, awkward): Hey, abra.
Before we do our first trick,

I'm kinda thirsty.

Got anything to drink?

I sure do, cadabra.

But, why just hand you the bottle

when I could give it to you with... Magic?

(crowd murmuring)

behold! Two ordinary brown paper bags.

And now, I say the magic words.

Alakazam! Or should I say,


(crowd murmuring)


-An old tissue!
-(audience groaning)

ew, gross!

-(whispering): What happened?
-(whispering): I can't reach the bottle in my blazer.

You know what? Let's just
move on to the big finish.

I, abra,

will make cadabra disappear.

-(awkward): Ooh...
-Just get in the box.

And now I'll give the box

one magic spin, and...

Magic, magic, magic!




Well, look at the time.

Sorry, we really gotta
go. Timothy has karate.

-No, I don't.

♪ ♪

not again! What's your dad want from you?

Too jingly, not jingly enough.

Tell him to stick to his bikes and horns.

But, don't tell him I said that.

I don't wanna blow the free smoothies.

This whole process has made me so confused.

I mean, the only thing I know for sure

is that I don't know anything.

-I'm sorry, it's not working out.

I even wrote a third jingle,
but probably stinks, too,

so what's the point of sending it?

Well, at least send it to
me. It's probably great.

And I need another workout jam.

I was thinking of doing a sit-up.

I feel awful.

I totally let my dad down.

At least if I bow out now,
he'll have enough time

to find a real jingle writer.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I'm gonna quit.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

syd, why haven't you
been answering my texts?

I gotta know what your dad
said when you told him you quit.

He didn't say anything

'cause I haven't told him yet.


I can't bear to see that look

of disappointment etched on his face.

Syd, he's your dad.

He was there the day you were born.

He supports you in everything you do.

He loves you unconditionally.

You're right.

I'll send him an email.

An email?

Isn't that kind of impersonal?

Not when you think about it.

This way, I could be clear and honest

and tell my dad how I really feel.

It's actually more personal.

-Dear mr. Reynolds...

♪ ♪

oh no. Is it over? Did I miss it?

What do you think?

I am so sorry. My tryout went late.

Please don't be mad at me.

I'm not mad at you.

Oh, good.

I'm mad at myself.

I should've known you would flake.

Okay, okay.

I messed up,

but I promise I'll never
let you down again.

I know you won't because I'm
not gonna give you the chance.

What do you mean?

I'm going solo.

From now on, I'm abra and cadabra.


Max, in life, you can't
just say a few magic words

and make your mistakes disappear.

You know what? You're right.

I did mess up.

I let you down.

But I'm gonna work on
it, earn back your trust.

Wow, max, that sounded so mature.

Where did that come from?

Maybe it's...


Magic, magic, magic!

Both: Wha-bam!

♪ ♪

-hey, syd.
-Hey, dad.

Got your message, sounded urgent.

Hey, you got a new wireless speaker! Cool!

Well, if that's all, I got a lot
of homework to do, so bye!


I assume you got my email.

Yes, I did. Why didn't
you tell me in person?

I'm sorry. I couldn't face you.

I convinced you to give me this job,

and then I couldn't even deliver.

So, you quit?

See? This is why I
had to do it in an email.

I knew how disappointed you'd
be in me that I let you down.

I'm not disappointed you quit the job, syd.

I'm disappointed you quit on yourself.

-What do you mean?
-You gave up.

But I didn't. I never once
doubted that you could write

an absolutely great
jingle for the bike shop.

You're just saying that
because you're my dad,

and you're trying to make me feel better.


hold on. I gotta turn up the radio.

Aren't we kind of in the
middle of something here?

Sydney (singing on radio):
if you'd like a new bike

♪ reynolds rides has all you need ♪

♪ your friend max has your back ♪

♪ we're one great big family ♪

♪ at reynolds rides ♪

♪ we're fair at reynolds rides ♪

♪ we care at reynolds rides ♪

♪ we're there at reynolds rides ♪

(bike horn honking)

that's the jingle I wrote yesterday!

-Sure is!
-But how?

Olive sent it to me,
and I loved it so much,

I wanted to get it on
the air as soon as I could.

Wow. Now, I'm even more
embarrassed that I quit.

Shouldn't have given up on myself.

Syd, part of being a professional

is making mistakes and learning from them.

And luckily, you have
a very sympathetic boss

who's made mistakes, too.

Thanks, dad.

Thank you for the awesome
jingle. And I believe...

I owe you this.


My first paycheck as a songwriter!

It's so pretty, I wanna frame it!

I had a feeling you might.

So I had a copy framed.

Here you go, ms. Reynolds.

Thank you, mr. Reynolds.

Nice doing business with you.

You too, miss.

♪ ♪

syd, look at all these customers.

Your jingle is crushing it!

Jingles can be very persuasive.

I have to remember to
use my powers for good.


Hey, grandma, you're back.
How was your boring conference?

It was a total fake-out.

It was actually a
surprise party to thank me

for all the hard work
I've done for my sorority.

That's awesome, grandma.

-(sydney singing on radio)
-oh, shh! That's syd's jingle!

(turns up volume)

♪ your friend max has your back ♪

♪ we're one great big family ♪

♪ at reynolds rides ♪

♪ we're fair at reynolds rides ♪

we care at reynolds rides

♪ we're there at reynolds rides ♪

(bike horn honking)


wow, sydney! So, while I was away,

you wrote an amazing jingle for the store?

Yeah. Basically wrote itself.

Man: Oh yeah.