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06x11 - Wings

Posted: 12/02/21 09:54
by bunniefuu
june ,


Should be in London by : ,Ally.

In time for a late supper.

Can you believe it,Helen?

We're jet-setters.

Cheese steaks for
lunch,Shepherd's Pie for dinner.

Big Ben,here we come.

Are you a real,live stewardess?

Living and breathing.

Can I take a picture with you?

My best friend Sally won't believe it.

Give me the camera.I'll take it.



Is it true you get to fly on airplanes every day and
meet lots of people and go to Tokyo and California?

All those things and more.

It's the best job in the world.


missing person's name


What've you got,boss?

Place used to be the Republican Hotel.

Been vacant since ' .

A lot of work going on upstairs.

Developer just bought
it,turning it to condos.

Renovation crew found human remains...

intact hip bone.

CSU's thinking female.

Dumped in the old incinerator.

Hotels used to burn their garbage.

What better place for a body?


Pin from an airline.

"A. Thurston.GWA."

Global World Airlines.

Hasn't been around since the early ' s.

Got ourselves a pilot?

Pilots were only male back
then.More likely a stewardess.

It was layover at the
hotel,maybe some kind of tryst?

And someone clipped her wings.

Ally Thurston, -year-old

Think they're called
flight attendants,John.

Not in ,they weren't.

When servers were waitresses.

The good old days.

Ally was reported
missing November , ,

by roommate Helen McCormick,another
stewardess based in Philly.

They saw each other in the crew lounge
at a.m. Ally had flown in from Dallas,

was signing out after another flight.

Well,they were supposed to
go out together that night.

And Helen got home,Ally never showed.

She called the police the next morning.

Assigned searched her room,found an
itinerary for a flight to Spain-- "

Philly to Madrid,American Flight
,November at : p.m.

Decided she was off jet-setting.

Search ended then and there.

Global World flew international.

Why buy a ticket on another airline

when you can fly your own for free?

Someone else buys her the ticket?

Any guys in the picture?

None in here.But the swinging ' s,stews
would've had plenty of suitors.


Parents:Lew and Debra Thurston
in Glassboro,New Jersey.

Gotta cross the bridge.

I'll take the drive.

Get a DNA swab from the
family to ID her remains.

Guy converting the condos is using the old
hotel guest books to decorate the lobby.

Said I'd give them
back when we were done.

Got everything from ' till
the place went belly-up in ' .

Man,travel ain't what it used to be.

How would you know?

Ain't left Philly since I known you.

Six weeks' vacation time built up,Will.

Use it or lose it.

As a matter of fact,considering
a little trip to the Balkan Riviera.

hat a planet from Star Trek?

- Croatia.
- Croatia.

With the wars?

It's a hot destination these days.

Top ten beaches in the world.

Keep up,son.

Let you know in a
couple days,Mr.Thurston.

Guess you're used to
this-- people dying.

Anything you can tell me about
the last time you saw Ally?

We were a lot alike,my daughter and me.

Both passionate.Both stubborn as an ox.

Trouble getting along?

Wondered if she joined the
airline just to get away from me.

No,I'm sure there were other reasons.

Once she put her mind
to something,look out.

She was,she was always my little girl.


different with fathers
and daughters,you know? talk to her after she left?

She said she'd call,but...

Any boyfriends you knew about?

Just Bert,from high school.

Bert Walters.

Not a fan?

Kid couldn't let her out of his sight.

She was too good for him,and he knew it.

Thanks for your time.

I may not look like
the adventurous type,

- but Ally got her travel bug from me.
- How's that?

Served in the infantry in World
w*r II,helped liberate Paris.

Brought back an Eiffel
Tower trinket for her.

Told her we'd collect one for
every monument in the world.

Never happened.


Who the hell is this?


Some joker called me a punk ass bitch.

How do you know?



Sorry I'm late.

My patient delivered twins.

A long way from stewardessing.

Well,I never intended
that to be a career.

You said there was a case
I could help you with?

Yeah.We want to talk to
you about Ally Thurston.

You were her roommate.


You found her?

The two of you were close?

From the moment we started
stewardess training.

Was she in Spain like they said?


Two of you ever go to
the Republican Hotel?

Lobby bar,maybe?

We never went there,no.

I told the police she didn't run off.

They'd already made up
their minds about her.

All those ads making
stewardesses out to be sexpots.

Last time you saw her,November,a.m.

Ally wasn't the type to get upset.

If something was bothering
her,she'd fix it...

move on.

Small-town moxie.

Any idea who might've
invited her to Spain?

A boyfriend?

Yes.I told them from the beginning.

It wasn't the guys she was meeting
in the air who were the problem.

Are you Helen McCormick?

Oh,you must be Ally
Thurston,my new roommate.

Hope you don't mind snoring.

(Helen and Ally laugh)
So,where are you from?

Recruited straight from
the University of Colorado.

How about you?

Glassboro,New Jersey.

Population: boring.

Small-town girl,huh?

It was either
nurse,schoolteacher or librarian

till I saw the GWA
recruitment ad in the paper.

Good morning,ladies!Good morning!

I'm Gloria Flagstone.

And you,my dears,are
the elite of the elite.

Only three out of a hundred girls
is chosen to be a GWA stewardess.

You had a better chance of
getting into Harvard this year.

Now,it can be a glamorous
life,but you'll work hard.

You'll travel the world and
maybe even meet Mr.Right.

You'll start today with your weigh-ins,then
you'll receive your girdles and your uniforms.


Is she pulling our leg?

I haven't eaten in two days.

The weight they assigned me at my
interview is not an easy target.

Ally! Ally!

Hey! Ally! Ally! Ally!

Let's get out of here,Ally-Cat!

Pack your stuff,I'm taking you home!


I'll be back,Ally!

You'll see!

You can't get rid of me that easy!

Fellow was determined
to keep her grounded.

He thought they were going
to marry after high school.

He ever come back?

Stood across the street,staring
up at the dorm room every night.

He was obsessed with her.

How did Ally feel about it?

God knows why,but she felt bad about it.

She said that she'd tried to
let him down gently,but that...

he had a mean streak.

Couldn't let it go.


Yeah,wow,blast from the past.

We had a thing in high school.

How'd you feel about her leaving
town to become a stewardess?

Out of sight,out of
mind,know what I mean?

So how do you explain stalking
her at the training school?

Sobbing like a little baby.

Sounds like you cared a lot,Bert.

So I went by her school a few times.

Doesn't mean I hurt her.

Saying your name isn't going to show
up when we check her flight logs?

You can wait while we check them.

- Be a few hours.
- A few days.


Ally was,like,everything to me.

What'd you do to her,Bert?

I saved my money,bought a ticket.

I thought she was the one.

But it was like she was slipping
through my fingers,and there was...

nothing I could do about it.


Would you like a drink?




I feel like I'm running a marathon.

Well,at least you won't have
to worry about your weight.

Think Gloria could pitch in a little?

...the Prince and the Princess
lived happily ever after,"

for this is how such
things ought to be."

She says the books calm the kids down.

I think she likes the
story more than they do.

Got it.


That would have caused a commotion.

Well,right place,right time,I guess.

Dean London,First Officer.

Ally Thurston,low
girl on the totem pole.

Static electricity.



Well,see you around,Ally.

See ya,First Officer London.

It'll be smooth sailing

Easy,cookie,got to make sure you're
wearing your regulation girdle.

Which bunny's gonna bring me my
coffee tonight,one of the new recruits?

I'll be taking care
of you,Captain Hughes.

Coffee is the only
drink you'll be getting.


First flight?

Is it that obvious?

Harvey Dwight.

Brilliant Import/Exports.

In Madrid,Spain?

Call me when you need a vacation.

I'll take you there sometime.

I'm in Champagne and caviar all the way.

I couldn't take it anymore.

Watching Ally get hit
on by those la-di-da's.

You sure this Harvey Dwight
said he was taking her to Madrid?

I'm sure.

That's how I knew I'd lost her.

I couldn't find Madrid on a map.

Boss,got the on this Harvey
Dwight and Brilliant Import/Exports.

Company based in Madrid like he said?

Guy's had multiple real estate
holdings there since ' .

And he's a convicted gem smuggler.

VERA: Busted in ' ,served
six years at Club Fed.

Gem wholesaler out of New York today.

Used stewardesses to help him smuggle?

Connie Thunder and Lois
Murphy,both with GWA.

Convicted and served from ' to ' .

Well,call NYPD--
let's get him in here.

Connie Thunder.

Lois Murphy.

Sounds like you read
my trial transcripts.

' 's a long time ago.

You get Ally Thurston involved
in your racket,too,Harvey?

there's a big difference between smuggling
stones and having the stones to m*rder a girl.

She working for you?

She was just another
fish I was trying to hook.


You mean,another mule.

I tried to reel her in with the
expense-paid vacation,but,uh...

she could read people
even better than I could.

Harvey Dwight!

I know what you're up to,and I'm not going
with you to Spain today,tomorrow or ever!

But,Ally,with your
brains and my beauty...

We could get into a
whole lot of trouble.

Republican Hotel,fast as you can.

Don't know why she was going there.

But it was the only time I'd seen her
upset in the five months I knew her.

We should believe you didn't
follow her to the hotel?

Because I flew to Madrid without her.

I left Philly a half hour
after she got in the cab.

STILLMAN: This was
November you saw her?

: noon.

Looked at Republican guest
books with November in mind.

Room .

Housekeeping notes next
to it the next morning.

Replace missing linens
and broken telephone.

Could be our crime scene.

Guy murders her in his room,wraps her in
the sheets,carries her to the basement.

Broken phone.

Yeah, models weighed half a ton.

Enough to bludgeon someone to death.

Who's the room registered to?

T.C. Bromley,regular at the joint.

Stayed there once a month for
ten years until November .

Then he never comes back.


Checked the name against
GWA employee lists.

No matches,no record.

See if you can find former hotel
employees-- maybe someone remembers him.

If they're still alive.

Croatia for a vacation,huh?

It's a beautiful country.

What,Beirut was booked?

RUSH: You were Ally's
supervisor back then?

We used to carve Chateaubriand to order.

Offer martinis,shaken or stirred.

Any idea why she would've been going to the
Republican Hotel the day she disappeared?


Ally was based in Philly.

She had an apartment in town.

RUSH: What about airline
employees from out of town?

They would've stayed at the Airport Hotel--
they got a discount and a lively social scene.

Ally into partying,living
the stewardess life?

No more than any of us were.

It was a glamorous
life being a stewardess.

We were like...

movie stars.

Ever hear her mention
the name T.C.Bromley?

No,I don't recognize the name.

Well,what about boyfriends?

Well,if you're looking for a man who
wanted to get Ally into a hotel room,

look no further than Dean London.

Acapulco mexico

Ready for your drink,Miss Rogers?

Thought you'd never ask,Mr.Astaire.

What do you got,a . special in here?


It's the Empire State Building.

Picked it up in New York this
morning for my collection.

Collection of
souvenirs-- cute,kiddo.

It's more than that.

My father got me the Eiffel
Tower when I was five.

I'm gonna get every one.

Well,you've got the right job to do it.

And if I make captain,I might
be the man to take you there.

If you don't make captain,the
earth will stop spinning.

That's the only thing you think about.

Not the only thing.

Peggy was my favorite
instructor at the Charm Farm.

Today's her birthday?

Her going away.

She hit the age ceiling.

Peggy's ?

But she's still a knockout.

Knockout or not,airline's canning her.

Doesn't seem very fair.

Don't you worry your pretty little head.

Most girls find husbands
and leave before then anyway.

How about you,old gal,you
gonna age out soon?

I'm years old,Captain Hughes.

Why,do I look like an old b to you?

You're anything but,Gloria.

Back then,pilots thought that stewardesses
were there just to make them happy.

This Captain Hughes
sounds pretty frisky.

Yeah,he was a flirt,all right.

But he was married.

Dean had his sights set on Ally?

Like he was bringing
a bird in for landing.

Ally was a great gal.

We dated a month,maybe two.

We'd split up by the
time she disappeared.

When was that?


I don't remember.

You stay at the Republican Hotel
during your layovers in Philly?

No. Why?

Do you remember where you were
the night Ally disappeared?


Breakers Hotel.

You can check it.

Cops never questioned
you when she went missing?

There was no reason to.

Said she flew off into the
sunset with some Don Juan.

So,why'd you two break up anyway?

Different flights,different cities.

I don't know where you're
going with this,but it was .

I was single,flying
's in a fancy uniform.

You saying Ally was just a fling?

I'm saying she had spunk.

And I admired that spunk.

Not all men found it charming.

Your coffee,Captain Hues.


Hey,listen,we got ourselves
a little emergency up here.

Oxygen t*nk went haywire,isn't
pumping O into the cabin.

Unless we want people
taking a snooze back there,

I'm gonna need your help
going to manual procedure.


You see that button right there?

I need you to push it every half
hour,hold it down for seconds.

Go ahead,give it a try.

You-you can let go now.

Come back in half an hour.

We'll do it again.

Oh,hey,uh,Irish up my
coffee for me,will you,kid?


I'll need to go to manual
procedure again,Captain.

Get off of me!

Oh,you're a real tiger,aren't you?

Come on,Rowland,you had
a few-- leave her alone.

I'll decide when I've had enough.

I should've knocked him on his ass.

But he was your boss.

I needed the bastard's recommendation.

She was the first girl to turn him down.

At least that's what he told me.

They have any trouble after that?

I don't know-- but the
same week Ally disappearedi

,Rowland left GWA for South Ocean A

Struck you as odd?

Well,back then most pilots stayed with
the same airlines their whole lives.

He puts in years and then leaves
six months before his pension is vested?

Your move,Cooper.

Chess always was your favorite game.



Gwo So here you are...

all grown up.


Don't know where to start.

You married?


Work for the city?


I'm a homicide detective.


Was that you outside my house?


So you know about...

Your family.

It's been a long time.

Tell you the truth,I never
thought I'd see you again.

Sent you a bunch of
letters a while back.

Yeah,I got them.

I still have them.

Thought maybe your mother had
decided not to give them to you.


I got 'em.

I never heard back from you.

I was .

Not a baby.

You could have tried again.

You blame me for that.

That the reason you drop
out of thin air like this?

To point fingers?

Look,I am so glad you're here.



How's you're mother doing?

Yeah,she's fine.

I got to go.


I'm here every week,you know.

Rowland Hughes,Detective Valens.

Airline pilot in the ' s,huh?

Hand in my badge any day
to have wings back then.

Women you must of had
just dropping at your feet.

Times we won't see repeated,

Detective Valens.



Anyway,couple things
I got to clear up here.

Ally Thurston,stew I called you about.

Two of you get along okay?

Sure,we got along great.

There's something here about her pouring
whiskey on you while you're flying a ?

Where'd you hear that?

Just give me something for the boss.

I mean,you were a pilot.

Who'd she think she was,right?

She was wound tight,that's for sure.

Is that why you left GWA
for,uh,South Ocean Air?

'Cause she turned you down?

You think I cared about
some uppity stew?Come on.

So why'd you leave?

Let's just say I'd already worked my
way through the "Girls Next Door" at GWA.

South Ocean hired the sexpots.

It was time for greener pastures.


Ever take any back to
the Republican Hotel?

The Republican.

No,not that I remember.


I'm trying to help you.

Your name's in here.


You got a room three months before she
disappeared,another a year before that.

The Republican,yeah,now I remember.

Stayed there when I didn't want everyone
at the Airport Hotel kning my business.

I was a married man.

You leave GWA the same
week she disappears.

You lie about staying at
the place we found her.

My first flight for South Ocean was
a overnighter to Fiji-- November .

I was out of the
country the whole month.

That all you got?

If you really want to know who that girl had
trouble with,talk to the women in her life.

Why's that?

You put a bunch of 'em in an aluminum
tube,hormones raging,the claws come out.

Swedish Royal Palace.

Wait till Dean sees this one.

I'm sorry.I've got to
get back to our room.

- But we just set out.
- I'm under the weather.

Why don't you go
sight-seeing without me?

You've been so tired.

Helen,are you...?

that's great news

The medical student from
your flight to Detroit--


Well,you're in love with him,right?

Are you going to get married?

He can't support me yet.

And if the airline finds
out that I'm pregnant...

So that's why you bid
this flight to Sweden.

To take care of it?

Don't be so dramatic,Ally.

People do it all the time.

You should be able to keep your job
and your kid if that's what you want.

Well,I don't have that choice,do I?

What Rowland did to
me-- to all the girls,

the airline canning Peggy,the
corner they've backed you into...

it's not fair.

You going to take on
Global World Airlines,Ally?

Well,some of the stews
have been talking.

We're going to start our own union.

We're gonna get out from
under the pilots' thumbs.

When they find out about this...

Are you crazy?

I am not telling anyone about this.

And neither are you.Got it?

The airline had a
policy against pregnancy?

Pregnancy,marriage,being fat.

Fares were regulated.

The only way they could compete
was with the stews they had.

Girls Next Door at GWA,Girls
Gone Wild at South Ocean.

One thing they had in common?

Being available.

The good ol' days.

So what's this about the
stews looking to unionize?

We'd already let 'em into the
Airline Pilots Association.

We were taking care of them.

Suddenly we didn't have
their best interests in mind.

You ask me,they're nothing
but waitresses in the sky.

Looked for Republican Hotel employees,

the maid that cleaned the
room the next day-- all dead.

Found another T.C. Bromley off Google.

One-hit wonder author from .

That makes our doer,what, ?

Photos from the Baker-Feldman case.

You came all the way upstairs for that?

My legs were falling asleep at my desk.

It's a lucky desk.

You got plans this weekend?

Not anymore.

Pick me up tomorrow night
at : -- Midvale Hotel.

Landlord's fumigating my apartment.

The room's on him.

He going to be there,too?

Don't be late.

What ever happened with
you and your fianc,Helen?

My fianc...

The medical student from
Detroit you were dating?


We were never engaged.

Why'd it end?

Ally tell him about
your trip to Stockholm?


It ended when I told him I
couldn't have children anymore.

Reason I became a doctor...

So what happened to me
wouldn't happen to other women.

Ally nursed me through
the botched procedure.

She never told a soul.

I'm sorry.

I would've died without her.


What happened,Helen?

When she saw what happened to me,she said
she couldn't sit back and watch anymore.

Ally had guts.

But people with guts make enemies.

How are you feeling?

Are you okay?

Thank you...

for being my friend.

I'm going to take care
of you,do you hear me?

This is your first flight
back,and I want you to take ieasy.

I'll get the service started.

Hey,I need you to make sure
tonight's flight is extra smooth.

Helen isn't feeling very well.

What the hell's wrong with you,Ally?

What do you mean?

You didn't really go to
airline personnel,did you?

Yes.I had a few things
to discuss with them.

Don't you understand
how that looks for me?

I'm up for my promotion.

What does your promotion have to
do with unfair work conditions?

They're saying if I can't control you,how
can I control a with passengers?

This has nothing to do
with your career,Dean.

People are getting hurt.

Besides,they told me to take a hike.

They don't care what
we have to say anyway.


So this is over?


It's just starting.

No fair play at GWA?

If you walk out there wearing
that thing,then this is w*r.

Then w*r it is.

That was two weeks
before she disappeared.

I always wondered if
he'd gone after her.

Saying Ally was some kind of feminist?

Feminists didn't even exist in .

No,she just believed in fair play.

What happened to Dean's
career after she disappeared?

A week later,the airline
made the announcement.

He got his promotion.


And Ally got dead.

I was in Miami that week.

Yeah,we heard that story before.

Along with that song and dance you
threw us about some other bad pilot.

Acting like you were some
patron saint of stewardesses.

I didn't say that.
- No,you said "this is w*r.

" Right,Dean?

To Ally.

Woman threatened your
precious promotion.

I was mad.People say stupid
things when they're mad.

Do stupid things,too.

Especially in hotels.

Take things too far.

Ally was a thorn in your side.

Causing you a lot of problems.

You're right.

Problem was,I loved her.

Two lumps.

How you like it,right?

I have good news.

You grew a conscience?

They're promoting me to captain.

Be official in two weeks.


You got everything you wanted.

Not everything.

Kingdom Afar?

You want me to read this to you?

Just skip to the part where the prince
and the princess live happily ever after.



Will you?


I thought that...

You know that I do.

Then say yes.

You're so worked up over all this
union stuff,the way stews are treated...

I'm offering you a way out.

Pilots are allowed to be
married and have families.

Pilots are allowed to be older than .

Pilots can even flick girls'
girdles and still keep their jobs.

I'll marry you when the
same is true for stews.

All these years I thought it
was an excuse not to marry me.

That she'd run off with someone else.

You ever see her again after that?

No.I flew to Miami the next morning.

Spent a week holed up in my room with
three months' salary worth of gin.

When I got back,she was gone.

Still buy those monuments
she collected wherever I go.

The book you taped the
ring inside-- Kingdom Afar?

It's a fairy tale stews used read
to kids when they were cranky.


Written by my new favorite author.

Tracked down t head of personnel at GWA.

Ally rallied every girl Rowland
Hughes ever laid his hands on.

Threatened to go public unless
the airline got rid of him.

Airline buckled day before Ally
disappeared-- November , .

Rowland left GWA because
Ally got him fired?

That type of thing was
unheard of back then,

but Ally knew how much
the press liked stews.

Gives Rowland motive to spare.

Problem is,his alibi checks out.

He was out of the country
November th till the th.


And I know who it was.

Kingdom Afar.

By T.C. Bromley...

our regular at the Republican Hotel. "

...The Prince and the Princess
lived happily ever after...

for this is how such things ought to be.

" Kingdom Afar.

You familiar with it,Gloria?

What does a children's book
have to do with anything?

T.C. Bromley--
the author?

Same name as someone who stayed at the
Republican Hotel once a month for ten years.

Distinctive T's and B's...

I don't know what you're talking about.

I've never stayed at the Republican.

C'mon,Gloria.Got your old files.

Compared your handwriting
with T.C. Bromley's.

It's a perfect match.

There has to be some mistake.

Who were you meeting at the
hotel all those years,Gloria?

VALENS: There's no ring on your finger.

Whoever it was never
made you an honest woman.

A lady never tells.


You mean "the other woman"?

You used an alias 'cause
Rowland Hughes was married.

Rowland Hughes?

- The pilot?
- His name's right here.

Only paid for the room
twice,two times he signed in.

Real prize,that guy.

You know,I-I talked to him,Gloria.

Gotta say,he must've
been a handsome man.

The pilot on your first flight...

Guy like him-- you
never had a chance.

Your first and only.

Prince and princesses...

pilots and stews...

-- that's
not a huge leap.

Through darkness and light,the
princess held out hope...

like all good princesses should.

You were waiting for
your prince to come,

but Rowland Hughes wasn't
prince material,was he?

He... just needed a little more time.

To leave his wife?

Married men don't leave their wives.


I've been there,Gloria.

Gave up six of the
best years of my life.

It was time you didn't have.

Checked your birth records.

Weren't like you said.

You were almost ,about
to hit that age ceiling.

Then Rowland comes to the hotel.

Tells you he's leaving the airline...

And bam,what little
time you had is gone.

Not only were you losing your job...

You were losing your man.

Thanks to Ally and
her small-town moxie.

She didn't understand.

I'm...All those terrible things
she was saying about him...

Once Ally put her mind
to something,look out.

But she didn't know him like I knew him.

What kind of a gentleman he could be.

He took advantage of you,Gloria.


He loved me.

I was his princess...

And she was taking him away.

The purser gave me your letter
when I was leaving the airport.

Yes,thank you for meeting me.

You're grounded until we talk?

Why would you ground me,Gloria?


you're spreading lies.

Whatever you told the airline to get Captain
Hughes fired,I want you to take it back.

But why would you care?

There's the phone.

If you want to fly again,you'll
tell them the truth.

Captain Hughes is a perfect gentleman.


are you involved with him?

Please mind your own
business,Miss Thurston.

But you deserve better.

He's married.

- And the things he's done
- He's leaving because of you!

No,he was fired,because he's a menace.

You're only doing this so
Dean can get his pilot seat!

I'm doing this for the stews.

So he'll stop touching them,stop following
them to their rooms like a wolf...

You watch your mouth!

You just can't see him for who
he is because he's using you.

This is your fault!

You're taking him from me!

He's never going to
leave his wife,Gloria.

He's only waiting for you to age out.

Take it back!


No,I can't do that.

* We've come too far. *

* There's a somebody *

* I'm longing to see *

* I hope that she turns out to be *

* Someone who'll watch over me *

* I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood *

* I know I could,could always be good *

* To one who'll watch over me *

* Although I may not be the man some *

* Girls think of as handsome *

* But to her heart, *

* I'll carry the key *

* Won't you tell her please
to put on some speed *

* Follow my lead,oh,

* how I need Someone to watch over me *

* Won't you tell her please
to put on some speed *

* Follow my lead Oh,how I need
Someone to watch over me. *