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06x10 - Street Money

Posted: 12/02/21 09:50
by bunniefuu
the following story is
fictional and does not depict actual person or event


August ,

("gone "by kanye west )

Where the hell have you been?

You are minutes late,and this is our
first actual press for this campaign.

I'll make it up to him.

It's going to take a little more
than just a charming smile,Dex.

Andwhatdo you have on your feet?!

You told me to buy the suit.

You didn't say anything about the shoes.

Sorry to hold you up.

I was at the community center.

Running that center,must certainly get culture
shock compared to corporate litigation,eh?

No comparin.

What I do now matters.

So,uh,what made you decide to jump
into the tar pit of municipal politics?

Look sharp!

Gonna have to get you boys a
real hoop one of these days.

Sorry about that.Dex is really
dedicated to the kids down here.

He's going to need more dedication
to knock Grover Boone off his perch.

Your guy has got no name,no
connections,and no money.

Well,he's got something better.



They move your brother
out of the ICU yet?

I'm keeping him in my prayers.

You need anything,you
come see me,you hear?

This boy Eric's older brother was walking
home the other night,caught a stray b*llet.

Local dealers flexing
muscle at each other.

Happens every day out here.

It doesn't make it right,though,does it?

So to answer your question: That's
why I'm running for city council.

Sixth Street is the biggest
drug market in North Philly.

Cops can't stop it.Boone can't stop it.

What are you going to do about it?

I'm going to shut the whole thing down.

In other news,police sources said today
that m*rder*d city council hopeful,

Dexter Collins,was in possession of
a significant amount of crack cocaine,

strengthening speculation that the anti-drug
candidate struggled with an addiction

that led to his death just
five days before the election.

Bleeding ulcers,man.

I haven't eaten in days.

The prison doctors are
useless.I can't take it anymore.

That's something you should've considered
beforerobbing five liquor stores.

Show some holiday spirit,man.I'm
looking at years.

We're looking at a three-hour
drive back to Philly.

Lawyer said you got something to give?

You know that after-hours
joint on Susky?

The Red Rooster?

Got it on good authority a lot
of those waitresses are pros.

What?You're leaving?

We're Homicide,Luther.We
deal in bodies,not hookers.

You're as dumb as you look if you
think that weak crap is gonna to fly.

I was just warming up.

I'll see you in .

Dexter Collins?

- What about him?
- He didn't get k*lled by no dr*gs.

He was assassinated.Sixth Street Mafia.

And you witnessed this?

A crackhead up at Graterford told me on
the cell block,when I serving my last bit.

He saw the whole thing go down.

Let's talk to the smokehound.

Dead.TB.Last year.

Happen to ID the doer before he died?

He said he didn't get a good look.

Aw,that's great.Second-hand
BS from a dead witness.

Any more garbage you wanna peddle?Hey...

The g*n they used--
. caliber SIG?

Y'all ever find it?

What's your point?

I know where it is.

There's nothing here.

Wait a minute.

caliber SIG Sauer.

Guess Luther's not as dumb as he looks.

Dexter Collins,found shot to death
on Sixth Street, : in the morning.

Looked like a drug deal gone bad.

He was years old,raised in the badlands,full
ride at Penn,Yale Law,then Wall Street.

The guy was a lightweight.

He gave it up to be a community
activist.Ran for city council.

Said he was gonna take
on the drug dealers.

Anti-drug candidate found shot to death
with a crack pipe and a fistful of vials.

The crack thing never jibed to me.

He was a reformer.Refused
to take "street money.

" Said he was going to
earn votes,not buy them.

Ward bosses must've loved that.

Newspapers went to town after his
death.Called him the "Crackhead Candidate.

" But they never reported this: "The autopsy
didn't find any dr*gs in Dex's system.

Maybe he hadn't used in a while?

Or maybe the dr*gs were planted.

- Frame job?
- This was a nasty campaign.

Dex was giving Grover
Boone a run for his money.

years on the city council?

Boone would eat his own
children to hold on to his seat.

Commissioner created a task
force to solve Dex's m*rder.

Two dozen cops,handpicked,hardly
any homicide experience.

Guess how that went.

So,let's look into Luther's story.

The g*n we found is a
match as the m*rder w*apon,

but there's nothing connecting
it to the Sixth Street Mafia.

We need more on Dex Collins than news
reports and rumors.Who was close to him?

Well,the father,Ronnie
Collins,raised Dex by himself.

And also his campaign
manager,Cassie Michaels.

Re-interview them,but let's not rattle too
many cages until we know what we're going at.

I'm going to meet the campaign manager.

Something I got to take care of.


" Who's that?

I keep getting my neighbor's mail.

You might want to stop
by the post office.

Check it out--
nine o'clock.

Oh,not bad.

You think I got a chance
at something like that?


- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Hey,you.
- How's it going,Frankie?

Oh,you know,busy working on my swing.

- Yep.
- Listen,I got to jet.

see you later?

See ya.

You're an ass.

Dex was special.

We met in law school,and I could tell he was going
places,so I jumped at the chance to work on his campaign.

That must've been a shock,the way he
died-- m*rder*d in the street like that.

Couple questions that never got resolved--
Dex's involvement with dr*gs for one.

Dex never so much as took a
drink as long as I knew him.

I was his campaign manager.

My job was knowing about his
skeletons,and he didn't have any.

Sounds too good to be true.

- Well,it's too good for this city.
- Meaning?

Philly's political machine
has been in place forever.

If you want to run for office,then
you need name recognition.

So you pay the ward leaders,in
cash,to go spread the good word.

Street money.

Ostensibly it goes to expenses,but...

mostly it just goes into their pockets.

Dex refused to do that,so
he made some enemies.

Any of these enemies the type
who'd sh**t Dex,plant dr*gs on him?

In my business,we specialize in character
assassination.Not the other kind.

So explain what Dex was
doing on a known drug corner,

dead of night,if it wasn't for dr*gs.

He was on a mission.

Let's get real.

The drug w*r is over; we lost.

There's a boy, years old,who was shot
by drug dealers,died in ICU last night.

His -year-old brother
cried in my arms,asked me why.

I couldn't tell him that's
just how it is on Sixth Street.

I couldn't say,our district leader,Grover
Boone,is too busy hosting parties for real

estate developers to be accountable
for the blood on our street.

I need to answer that boy's question.

Give me a chance.

Sign my petion to be added to the ballot,and I
swear to you,I will always be here and accountable.

Your name's Warren,right?

Own the Diamond Diner.What's wrong?

I don't need an outsider telling
me what it's like on my own street.

I'm not an outsider.

I grew up here.

Live here now,just down the block.

Well... you sure as hell didn't
get that suit on Sixth Street.

Come on.Come on.

I,uh... I assure you I,uh,plan to take
better care of our district than my apartment.

What's this about?

Uh... my dad.

Some of you may know him.

Ronnie Collins.

Every morning he's woken up,knowing
he'd have to push a mop all day.

But he's had faith each day his
hard work was going to pay off.

That faith gave me a better life.

So every morning,I wake up,I look
in the mirror,and I see faith.

I know I can do the same for you.

All I need is your signature.

Do you rember those signs painted
on sidewalks and bus shelters?

Yeah,"Faith." They were everywhere.

It wasn't even us who did that.

Dex's supporters did it themselves.

End of the day,it wasn't
power or politics for Dex.

All he cared about was that damn street.

And he paid for it with his life.

Got a hit on the m*rder w*apon,boss.

Registered in ' to a Jay
Quincy,a truck driver in Chester.

Reported the g*n stolen with a couple
others a few weeks before Dex's death.

He's done it before,too.Once
in Jersey,twice in Delaware.

- A straw purchaser.
- Lowest of the low.

Reports g*ns stolen and
sells them on the street.

Figure he sold to Dex's k*ller.

Maybe one of the Sixth Street Mafia.

Last cops I talked to were a joke.

They already made up their minds about
him.They didn't even know what he was about.

You and your son
pretty tight,Mr.Collins?

Put everything into Dex.

You understand,I...

I wanted him to have
opportunity,get him away from here.

But he came home.

Said he wanted to change the
way things worked on the streets.

Who was I to tell him the
street wasn't worth the trouble?

He was going after the dealers.

Only one who had guts
enough to stand up to them.

What was his reward?

Called him the crackhead candidate.

Guess that sells more papers than...


Taking a look at the Sixth Street Mafia.

- It's about time.
- Why is that?

Dex was out there every night trying to save
folks,and those gangsters didn't like it one damn bit.

£¨" the corner "by common £©

Hey,friend,can I talk to you?

Listen,man,you don't
have to be doing this.

Saying you're not alone.

Take my card,come see me.

We can help you get
clean,give you options.

You best start moving.

I ain't even playing.

I know you. Victor Nash.

- We grew up together.
- Yeah,so?

My dad helped us set up
that car wash,remember?

Two bucks a car.Thought we
were some regular Trumps.

Look,'cause we know each
other,I'm gonna give you a pass.

Go home.Now.

I won't go until all of you go first.

How you plan on pulling
that off?You strapped?

I don't got a g*n.

I got faith.

But see,I got a g*n.


But you won't use it.

Victor Nash was...

a screwup from the age of ten.

Dex saw something there worth saving.

For a while,it looked like he was right.

- Victor left the corner?
- Did odd jobs at the campaign office.

Yeah,but I never trusted him myself.

You don't just walk away
from a g*ng like Sixth Street.

After Dex died,Victor
went right back to them.

No questions asked.


I'll meet you on Sixth Street.

This a private game?

Relax,folks.Just looking for someone.


I didn't do nothing.

Besides slinging rock,g*ns,agg
as*ault?That's all in the past?

One of those early achievers,I guess.

Hey,why y'all hassling me?

- Dex Collins.
- I can't help you.

Now,see,that's not how this works.

We ask questions,then you lie.

Whoops,a g*n.

This the one you pulled on Dex?

That was a misunderstanding.

Like hanging around his campaign
just before you popped him?

Where were you,huh,the
night he got shot?

I was at an NA meeting.

I was all messed up; I was getting
high,half hoping to get busted or dead.

He helped me.

Come on,Victor.Still a soldier.

Sixth Street was losing business
with his nightly visits to the corner.

Dex reached out to you,and
you put one in his chest.

Sixth Street was nothing compared
to who was really after Dex.

- Is all this really necessary?
- Yes.

Dex,I have every member of
the district coming here today.

I have ward leaders and clergy,most of
them expecting more than just a free meal.

I'm not paying for votes.

Then,you need to convince
them to support you.

Dex,champagne's gonna help with that.

I should be out on the
corner,not kissing political ass.

You need to do both.

Dex,look,I think that you
actually have a shot here,

okay,so just straighten
this tie and put on a smile.

It's only gonna hurt a little.

What's going on?

Warren Wilson...

I'm Lieutenant Doherty.

This is notification that you're shut
down for health violations pending review.

The inspector was here two months
ago.There weren't any problems.

You'll have to take that up
with the Health Department...

assuming you have a liquor license.

We're hosting a private party
here tonight,expecting guests.

Not anymore-- building's
only zoned for .

Oh,are you the fire marshal,too,or
just Boone's hatchet man?

Cassie,it's okay.

He's only doing what he's told.

Isn't that right,Lieutenant?

MAN Send the rich boy home.

Vote Grover Boone.

He stands alone.

Send the rich boy home.

Vote Grover Boone.

He stands alone.

Boone is like any other
gangster in the street.

He's got muscle,too...only
they wear badges.

Now I know you're still using,Victor.

Saying a cop did Dex Collins,huh?

Saying if Boone wanted
Dex done,he'd be done.

- You fill in e blanks.
- Yeah,we'll do that.

You remember how the rest of this goes.

Came up in the department
with Pat Doherty.

He's never served a day of street duty.

- Desk jockey,huh?
- Political operator.

Goes lieutenant to deputy
commissioner in two years.

- Hitched his wagon to Boone.
- Not just him.

Health Department closes
Warren's restaurant in ' .

He files a complaint
that gets thrown out.

Electricity's shut down
in his house the next day.

Yeah,Boone takes no prisoners.

He's not all bad.Hires
cops to moonlight for him.

Speaks up for us at city hall.

And then condemns us on the
: news when it hits the fan.

This election got ugly.

Dex's campaign office was
broken into,volunteers harassed.

Maybe someone went too far.

Making extra points for
taking out the competion.

Meeting with Warren,see if he
remembers any rabid Boone supporters.

Gonna contact Boone,too.

That's a hornet's nest,Scotty.

I'll handle Boone.

You sold the g*ns on the
street,filed a false report.

Not the first time,either.You
got a whole side business going.

- Ain't that right?
- I don't recall.


It's Jay.


I pulled the other reports you filed.

I got them right here.

Uh... somewhere.

Hang on a second.

Seven handguns in Delaware in .

in Jersey the next year.

I got bad luck.

Don't know the half of it.

One of your g*ns was used in
the sh**ting of a policeman.

Another wounded a little
girl on a playground.

Now,I'm a cop and a mom,Jay.

You've pissed me off twice already.

Then,there's Dex Collins.Sold
the g*n to the k*ller.

That's conspiracy.

- Prove it.
- That's why the DA's here,Jay.

To be honest,I'm not that good a lawyer.

ADD,you know?Makes it hard.

That's why I work this crap
job.Oh,here we go,okay,so...

the report says that the g*ns were
stolen from your mother's house,

so even when we prove this false¡ª

and we will-- any half-assed
public defender's gonna say that

we can't connect it to you,so
what I'm proposing is...

So I can go.


but Mom's gonna have to stay.

Like you're gonna arrest an old lady.

You see,Ray,not only are
we arresting her,but,uh...

we're gonna convict her,too.


Your old lady's gonna spend the rest of
her life in a cage thinking one thing:

"My son did this to me."

It was a Dominican guy.

Hangs out at the Hardware Depot.

Jorge Gonzalez. Okay?Anything else?

Yeah,yogonna drink that?

You should have called first,John.

Yeah,would he have called back?

This is about Dex Collins.

I'm looking for a list of
supporters from the last campaign.

- Never gonna happen.
- You impeding an investigation?

I'm looking out for you,John.

Look,Boone is just gonna
refer you to his attorney.

Then,he's gonna call the commissioner and
have you transferred to the motor pool.

We did a thorough job on
this case three years ago.

Dex Collins was k*lled buying dope.

Except you didn't find the doer.

He was probably dead,too--
community service m*rder.

Yodon't want to start a riot in
the streets by stirring this up.

You worried about a riot in the
streets or a riot in city hall?


So,Boone is refusing to cooperate?

Did I say that?

Come on,John,relax,we're
working the same job here.

I do police work,Pat.Not
exactly sure what you do.

Councilman Boone.

Good to see you,Lieutenant.Sorry
I can't talk.

Do it again real soon.

You paid a big price supporting Dexter Collins
during the election,going against the Boone machine.

Yeah,it was tough for a while.

No income,three daughters.

Worked hours a day for Dex,then bartended
at a club after hours just to get by.

Back in business now,though.

Boone cooled off after Dex died.

Think it was one of Boone's people?Got
overenthusiastic,went after Dex?********

Well,everybody was kind of crazy.

You know,bricks were thrown,tires slashed,but
the worst damage we did to ourselves.

What does that mean?

Well,we were doing well in
the polls,but,uh,flat broke.

The big donors were afraid of alienating
Boone,so we got into bed with the wrong people.

You're saying it was one of Dex's
own supporters who took him out?

I'm saying,you lie down with dogs...

He's here.Mulwrey is here.

He's,like,five steps behind me.

- I thought you were pitching him.
- Yeah,but he said that he wanted to meet you.

Dex,this guy is big
money,and he is no bull,okay?

We are one minute away from having our phones
repossessed,so,please don't piss him off.

Okay,don't preach to
him.Just be normal,okay?

- We need this
- Mr.Mulwrey,um...

Why don't you,uh,come into my office?

- Mr. Mulwrey?
- I've heard enough.You're my guy.

Just maybe consider some real shoes.

Oh,my God!

There was grand easy in that case.

- Street money.
- What did Mulwrey want in return?

He was lobbying city hall to redevelop
the Chandler Housing Projects.

Would have displaced
hundreds of poor residents.

Dex spoke out against
that during the campaign.

Mulwrey figured he'd buy Dex's silence.

But the next day,Dex held a press conference
denouncing the Chandler redevelopment.

So Dex takes the man's money
and screws him a day later.

Mulwrey comes out of the
construction business.

Waste management.Plays
by different rules.

You hit him,he hits back.

With a vengeance.

This used to be the Chandler
Housing Project,right?

Pulled that eyesore down three
years ago.Feels good to give back.

I'm sure you relocated all the
people who got displaced,too.

The city contracted
me to redevelop here.

- Yeah,'cause you paid 'em off.
- But not everyone toed the line.

Dex Collins,for example.

Gave him a lot of money to back off.

Only he screwed you to the
wall with a press conference.

Almost ended this cash cow.

It's called the cost of doing business.

As you can see,I ended up on top.

And Dex ended up dead.

Dex and I were straight.

First time in the history of Philly politics
that a candidate actually gave money back.

Dex returned the grand?

Guy was sincere,I'll give him that.

- But a bit too naive for his own
good.- Because he was on the up-and-up?

Because he didn't know that his campaign
manager was taking cash from everyone

and putting it on the street.

Cassie Michaels told us they
never took a penny of street money.

Well,then she lied.

I don't care how charismatic you are.

In ward politics,the bosses don't
lift a finger without getting paid.

Cassie went behind his back?

The guy ran his whole campaign
on doing things different.

He just didn't know what
the other hand was doing.

So,he gave you your money back?

Figured he found out what she was
up to.Isn't that why he fired her?

What's up with this new DA?

Waiting half an hour to start a lineup for
our straw purchaser Quincy.Bell's nowhere.

- Who is this jackass anyway?
- Bell's good people.

His dad was a cop.k*lled in the line.

Car broke down.

Recognize any of them,Jay?

Hard to say.They all look alike.

Let's pretend for a minute that your mom's
life depended on it because it kind of does.

Number four.

Wasn't hard to say,after all.

You held back about the street money.

Dex wasn't taking it,but you were.

- Well,I was doing my job.
- That how Dex saw it?

- Going behind his back.
- He understood.

That why he let you go?

I was good at my job,and he knew that.

Well,it was more than that.

I did some background on you two.

You met at Yale.Shared an apartment.

- Yeah,we were friends.
- With benefits,right?

- But the relationship changed.
- We went in different directions.

Yet you drop everything when he calls.


What do you want me to say?

You want me to say that I still had
a thing for Dex?So what if I did?

It had to be tough.

Him wanting you in his
camp,just not on his arm.

Not inhis neighborhood,at least.

You know,in my experience,top
motives for m*rder: love and money.

- I didn't k*ll Dex.
- Which was worse,Cassie?

Getting fired or dumped?

I was protecting him from himself.

Dex was a saint.But he never understood.

Saints don't win elections.

We are about to take down the most
powerful member of the city council.

That wouldn't happen
without street money.

You don't get it,Cass.

It doesn't count if
we play by their rules.

Says who?Where is it written that
Dex Collins can't work the system?

The system's broken.

I am trying to show people
we don't need it anymore.

Your ideals are nothing if
you lose.They're nothing.

That is why I'm here.Because
I keep you grounded.

I put you in the game.

I didn't ask you to.

You think you've done this alone?

If it wasn't for me,you would still be
the most popular activist on Sixth Street.

Instead,you are a political presence.

Just imagine what we can do.

You can't be a part of this anymore.

There's a reporter on the
phone from theInquirer.

Wants a comment from Dex
about a story for tomorrow.

Has to do with June , .

I'm sorry.That supposed
to mean something?

What did the reporter have?

He never said.

Dex kept things from me,too.

And a day later,he was dead.

Yeah,that's not good enough.Cassie,you
were his campaign manager.

His friend.You saying
you never found out?


Unfortunately,I did.

I've been meaning to tell you
how much I admired your son.

- Of course,
- no one's perfect.

'Cause in ,Dex was
arrested for dealing dr*gs.

Just like the rest,looking
to bring my son down.

I'm looking for the truth.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- It would have given you an excuse to walk away.

You owe Dex more than
just sitting vigil for him.

Tell me what happened.

Cops come to my house one morning.

Say they busted Dex for
slinging dope the night before.

I said,"No,sir,not my son.You
must have got it wrong.

" But they were right.

years old,and they got him in lockup.

Judge suspended the charges
because of my boy's academics.

Yeah,did everything I could
to keep him off the street.

Street still k*lled him in the end.

Juvenile record's sealed,but
a reporter found out anyway.

Any idea who else could
have told him,Ronnie?


Dex's juvenile record.

Picked up for distribution
of cocaine,June ' .

You were with him.

Dex got off.His father made a deal.

Sent him away to a fancy
school.But not you,Victor.

Nah,I took the full hit.

months at Glen Mills
Youth Detention Center.

These cords are sealed.Public
has no access to them.

So tell me how theInquirer
found out about it.

You charging me?

Only other person who'd remember.

Only one who can confirm it.You.

Charge me if you're gonna charge me.

Call Boone,tell him the job's done.

Oh,you think I answer to Boone?

You police,ain't you?

I answer to him.

You were pissed at Dex for dodging
the b*llet all those years ago.

Making something of himself.

- He gave me a second chance.
- Right.

As his errand boy.

What else was I good for?

Exactly.You were nothing but a thug.

Thought you'd take him down a notch.

Remind everyone exactly
what street Dex comes from.

But what I can't figure out,Victor:
why you had to sh**t him,too.

I was so high that night,I
barely rember what was happening.

Go the hell away!

I told you.I...I thought
you was a reporter.

Where have you been?

In here not feeling too good.

Any more?

Look,I ain't ever had
nobody looking out for me.

Hey,drop that self-pity routine.

The reporter just came.

They wanted me to know about what happened
between us back in the day,you know?

I didn't say a word,but
gave me money anyway.

Doesn't matter,Victor

I said nothing.I don't even
know how they found out.

It was Boone.

Someone slipped these
under my door this morning.

Thought it was you.

Boone keeps pushing and pushing.

I'm sick of it.

This ends tonight.

- What are you gonna do?
- Talk to Boone.

He's got dirt on me,and
I've got dirt on him.

Photo showed Boone with a woman?

Stripper from the Oasis Club.

He was doing her for months while his
wife was sick and dying in the hospital.

A man of the people,my ass.

When exactly did Dex go to see Boone?

A few hours before he died.

And you never told?

A guy like Dex.


Gunned down like a dog.

What do you think they'll
do to a guy like me?


They're towing my damn car.


Where did you find a parking
employee with the balls to tow my car?

You've got your people,I've got mine.

- Let's talk about Dex Collins.
- Why would I do that?

Because Doherty's wife works
admin at a juvenile court.

You had her look into Dex's sealed
record,leak it toThe Inquirer.

You can do better than that.

I also have a witness placing you
with Dex the night he was m*rder*d.

Maybe I should call my lawyers.

Well,then we're talking

Being a suspect in a m*rder investigation doesn't
really help when you're making a run at mayor.

You know,I never knew
you to be political,John.

If you'd played ball a few years
ago,you'd be head of the department now.

This isn't politics.

Everything's politics.

But since I like you,I'm
going to give you ten minutes.

Ask your questions.

Dex came to you the night he
died.He had some photographs.

I was expecting a showdown.

But the boy had a way of surprising you.

You had a...

tough day in the press.

It's only going to get tougher.

Unless... you've come to surrender.

You should probably
avoid the Oasis Club.

At least while your
wife's in the hospital.

Hmm,that's like telling
a dog not to bark.

Everyone has something.

Even you.

Let me tell my wife first.

I don't want her to
see this in the news.

I'm giving these back to you.

We're wasting time beating
each other to a pulp.

And what do you propose?

You k*ll the newspaper story,I
k*ll the photos,no more smear jobs.

How do I know there aren't more copies?

You don't.So let's be
the good guys,Grover.

I absolutely underestimated you.

You know,if the roles were reversed,I
wouldn't pay you the courtesy.

I know.

So why are you doing it?

'Cause I'm gonna beat you anyway.

All my years in politics,I
never met anyone like him.

Kind of wish he was still around.

It would've made life interesting.

You couldn't last years on the city
council without knowing your enemies.

You ever find out who took the photos?

No one in my campaign.

I'm curious,Grover,if Dex had lived,would
you have k*lled the news story?

Looks like your ten minutes are up.

We'll do it again real soon.

Something kicked up on your
suspect from the lineup,Jorge Gomez.

Turns out this isn't his first arrest.

I ran his name,no felonies.

But he's got a misdemeanor.Drunk
and disorder in ' .

Held overnight on $ bail.

His boss at the time bailed him out.

His boss?

Owner of the Diamond Diner.

You're no career criminal,Warren.

If you were,you wouldn't ask three other
employees where to buy a g*n before Jorge Gomez.

Or you'd have thought to
toss it in the Schuylkill.

Not in a drain pipe half
a block from Dex's body.

Checked your story for that night.

Bartending at the Oasis.

But the manager says you
clocked you out early.

Alibi's shot; got you with
the g*n,it's premeditated m*rder.

You're looking at life.

That g*n was for protection.

That's not how you used it.

You know,the thing about the Oasis Club?

That's where those blackmail
photos of Boone were taken.

See,what I don't get,why put your neck out for
Dex taking those photos,then get a g*n to k*ll h?

That's not how it happened.

You going to have to
explain it to us then,Warren.

So we can help you.

Give us something for the DA.

Do years instead.Get some time
with your family at the other end.

I got a right to support a
candidate without being harassed.

Well,sure,as long as it's Boone.

Yeah,but Boone put the screws to you.

He used everything in his arsenal:
the health department,even the cops.

He was out for blood.

He had people watching me.

It's why I got the g*n.


Position you were in,hey,I'd
have done the same.

All that rage,but why take
it out on the wrong guy?

This epic dogfight
between him and Boone,



And Dex wouldn't...

What?What happened?

What made you turn?

All that talk about looking in the
mirror,seeing faith-- that was powerful stuff.

That's what hooked you onto Dex,right?

So let me ask you,when you
look in the mirror now...

what do you see?

I see Dex.


There you are.

Dex,where have you been?

Look at this.No dealers.No buyers.

Boone had the cops sweep the block.

Today,Sixth Street.

Eighth,the whole district...

What happened with Boone?

I wish I could've seen his
face when he got those photos.

It was you?

You're messing with
the wrong guy,Warren.

That's why I got this.

Anyway,who cares?We are gonna win now!


You didn't use the photos?

We don't have a chance without them.

Look,we're in a dead heatight now.

But if we don't pull it out this
time,we'll get him next time.

Next time is four years from now.

I don't have four weeks!

Boone's taken my restaurant.

I can't pay my bills.

Now what's he going to
do to me when you lose?

Warren,I guarantee you,he stays away.

You cut a deal.

What'd Boone offer?

Clean up your street?

Run you in another district?

Or was it a straight-up payoff?

No,it's not like that.

I should've known.

You're just like the rest.All crooks!

- Sellouts!
- Warren,for God's sake...

- And I'm the one who gets screwed!
- Listen! Listen,man!

* Keep looking through the windowpane *

* Just trying to see
through the pouring rain *

* It's hearing your name *

* Hearing your name *

* I really never felt quite the same *

* Since I lost what I had to gain *

* No one to blame,no one to blame *

* It seems to me *

* Can't turn back the hands of time *

* Oh,it seems to me *

* Can't turn back the hands of time *

* Keep looking through the windowpane *

* Just trying to see
through the pouring rain *

* It's hearing your name *

* Hearing your name *

* I really never felt quite the same *

* Since I lost what I had to gain *

* No one to blame,no one to blame *

* It seems to me *

* Can't turn back the hands of time *

* Oh,it seems to me *

* Can't turn back the hands of time. *