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06x04 - Roller Girl

Posted: 12/02/21 09:35
by bunniefuu

All right, everybody.

It's time for a fast... skate!


I was born ready.

Good, 'cause today's the day
I'm going to kick your butt.

Why, you been practicing
on the side?

Oh, that's for me to know
and you to find out,

all right.

Hey, so I heard they're trying

to get roller skating
into the Olympics.

Wow, it's about time.

And if we train
really hard,

maybe we can make it.

It would be so cool
to win a medal.

Can you imagine being that good?


I'm going to beat you
one of these days.

Oh, dream on.

This is Dawn Whelan.

She claims to have

on an old case.

Captain Fashion

says if I tell you what I know,

I get one of those downward


Well, that's up
to the judge.

All we can do is listen.

You made it sound
like a done deal.

Well, tell us
what you got.

If we think it's
worth investigating,

we'll see what we can do.

High school girl was found dead
in Fairmount Park back in ' .

Missy Gallavan.

All over the news.

You never found the guy
who did it, did you?

You saw the guy?


But I saw the van
she was getting in.

- In the park?
- No.

Outside a roller rink
in Mayfair.

One of those
customized vans,

had a picture
painted on the side

What kind of picture?

A spaceship.

You see little green men, too?

I know what I saw.

- What color was the van?
- Black.

- What were you doing outside the rink?
- Smoking a little herbal remedy.

And did you know Missy?

I'd seen her
around the rink.

Girl could skate.

But you didn't say
anything in ' .

My jackass boyfriend
boosted a car the next night.

We hightailed it
to Florida.

Got the "gimme"s
in a bunch of liquor stores.

Just couldn't say no
to old Captain Morgan.

- Hmm.
- What they got you for now?

Armed robbery.

Looking at ten to .

But what I told you,
that's got to be worth

something, right?

We'll let you know.

That's it?

I got to go back to lockup?

That girl's family's
been in the dark for years

while you sat
on that information.

I think you
and Captain Fashion

can sweat a few days

while we check
if your story holds water.

Okay, Dawn?

Ever go to the roller rink
back in the ' s?

Roller disco back then.

Like a regular club,
just on skates.

I had the ones that
clipped on your sneakers.

I used a key to tighten them.

Outdoor skates.
Old school.

I spent hours patrolling
the neighborhood.

I was more into
the night scene.

Ah, rocking
the leisure suit?

Watch yourself now.

I bet I'm faster.

Trust me, Lil...
different leagues.

Missy Gallavan,
years old.

A jogger discovered
her body in a ravine

in Fairmount Park,
near Tacony Creek.

Time of death
around midnight.

Blunt-force trauma to the head,
possibly from a fall.

Abrasions on her knees
and palms,

broken fingernails...

They had a series of assaults

in the park that summer.

Mother said she was a tomboy,

but it looks like
she went party

- with the wrong guy.
- You could fill a book with the things

teenage girls
don't tell their mothers.

The mother Simone
was a legal secretary,

worked until : a. m.
that night.

Well, Missy had gone
to the rink

with a girl named
Julie Reed.

They split up
around : ,

but no one saw her
take off.

That leaves two hours
unaccounted for.

Anything could
have happened.

Blue fibers found on the body.

Looked like carpet.

Could be shag
from the spaceship van?

It was the ' s.

They save the nail clippings?

It looks like, but no DNA

in ' , so they
couldn't test them.

Hmm. Let's get them
from Evidence,

send them to the lab.

We got science
on our side now.

My daughter never would
have gone to the park

with some stranger.

Missy wasn't who
they made her out to be.

Well, we're not here
to judge your daughter,

Mrs. Gallavan.

I know what the police
and everybody else thought.

Well, we're looking into a
possible new lead on her m*rder.

Did you or Missy
know anyone

with a customized van?

Why, you think someone

with a van
hurt Missy?

Maybe someone she went to school
with? From the neighborhood?

I didn't really know anybody
in the neiborhood.

After my husband
and I split up,

Missy and I moved
into an apartment

in Mayfair that summer.

Was Missy's father
in the picture?

He took off for California
with his dental hygienist.

Wanted a "fresh start. "

I went back to work.

Missy told you she was going
to the rink with a friend?

I trusted my daughter.

Missy knew if she couldn't
get a ride home, she could call

and I'd come
and pick her up.

Did she ever call that night?

It's the first time I let her
go with that Julie.

And look what happened.

Julie Reed?

Missy had met her
a couple of weeks

before at the
apartment complex.

I should never have let her

get mixed up
with a girl like that.

* Danger in the shape
of something wild *

* Stranger dressed in black *

* She's a hungry child *

I've seen you at the rink.

- You're pretty good.
- Thanks.

- Can you hoot the moon?"
- I'm more of a fast skater.

I could maybe show you
a few things...

if you wanted.


Once you know
some spins and stuff,

we can go to the rink at night.

The real action
happens after : .

Oh, that's for over .

I'm only .

They won't let me in.

They will
if you're with me.

I have connections.

You know, you could be

pretty if you wore
a little makeup,

played up your eyes.

Oh, I'm really bad
with all that.

Lucky for you, I'm an expert.

We're about the same size.

I could lend you clothes.

What's wrong with my clothes?

By the time I'm done,
you won't recognize yourself.

Julie was, uh... fast.

A lot of attitude.

She told detectives
she was

at the rink with Missy
before they got split up.

Yeah, that's what she said,
all right.

Some friend
she turned out to be.

Uh-uh, no way.

Last time you hooked me up,

the guy wore flip-flops
and forgot his wallet.

- Onions?
- Sure.

No, Mom,
I'm not talking to you.

- Cheese?
- Heart attack special.

- Heart attack.
- Okay, okay, fine.

- Thanks, Jake.
- But you're babysitting.


My mother met
some guy at church,

and now I have a date
tomorrow night.

That a bad thing?

You ever had
a good blind date?

I don't do blind dates.

I like to see
what I'm getting into.

Yeah, me, too.

I talked to a buddy
in Narcotics.

Most of the guys that
detailed vans in the ' s

are tattoo artists
or T-shirt airbrushers now.

What kind of loser paints
a spaceship on their car?

It was the ' s.

Star Wars,
that Boston album...

Parliament Funkadelic.

Uh-uh, brothers were not
painting spaceships on vans.

Not anymore.

Those guys got your mom
down at church

setting them up
on blind dates now.

See, now, that
was uncalled for.

Pretty isolated up here,

especially at night.

Just that one streetlight
up on the road.

The string of assaults
on the park in ' ,

everyone knew not
to come here after dark.

Tell a teenager
not to do something,

it just makes them
want do it more.

Yeah, so say she meets
a guy at the rink.

They get in his van,
come here for some quality time.

Things start to heat up...

Or don't get as hot
as he wants it.

She fights back,
and he blows a fuse.

Tosses her over the edge.

Done and done.

Or she gets out of the car,
starts to run...

It's dark; she can't see
where the pavement ends...

Wham, she hits the wall,
topples over.

Humpty Dumpty.

One nasty fall.

Yeah. You do any artwork on vans
back in the ' s?

Yeah, right.

I am sure your sunsets

would rock my world, sir,

but I'm only interested
in spaceships.

I talked to guys.

Not jack squat.

Oh, dudes smoked out
all their brain cells.

Yeah, uh, Rufus?

Uh, you do any artwork
on vans back in the ' s?



- You're kidding.
- I got to go run an errand.

Hair appointment, right?

You better quit now.

Uh, yeah, Rufus?

How long were you
and Missy friends, Julie?

Uh, just a few weeks
before that night.

She'd just moved
into the building.

Your idea to go to the rink
that night, adult skate?

I had a lot
of bad ideas back then.

I'm sure you remember .

- Is that you?
- My daughter, Tiffany- can't get enough

of that retro fashion.

Uniforms on, girls!

We leave for practice
in ten minutes!

Run a pretty tight ship.

Idle hands, right?

If they're busy,

- they can't get into trouble.
- Do you remember

any guys who showed interest
in Missy that night?

Lots of guys.
She was a cute girl.

Any drove a customized van,
a spaceship painted on the side?

Spaceship. No.

Stoners weren't really my scene.

Well, what was
your scene, Julie?

Anywhere I
could get in.

I knew how to handle myself.

- But it was all still pretty fresh for Missy.
- How'd you two

- get separated that night?
- Met a cute guy.

Got distracted.

I know her mother still
blames me for what happened.

Truth is, I was the kind of girl

I try to keep
my daughters away from.

It's amazing.

Totally different
than daytime.

Daytime's for kids.

You want a man,
not a boy, right?

I'm... not really sure

- about the whole datinghing.
- Try it.

You'll like it.

I'm still getting used
to my mom dating.

You ever miss your dad?

Not much to miss.

Last time I saw him,

we went to Wanamaker's
to see Santa.

I think I was four.

There's a lot of talent
here tonight.

Now, if a guy grabs your hips

during "Loco-Motion,"
that means he's into you.

- Okay.
- And if he asks

what you do, just say,
"Taking some classes. "

It makes you sound older,
ananit's sort of true.


I know, right?

And don't worry
if you get nervous

or run out of things to say.

Just flip your hair.
Guys think it's sexy.

Like this?


* I know you'll get to like it
if you give it a chance now *

* Come on, baby *

* Do the Loco-Motion *

* My little baby sister
can do it with ease *

* It's easier
than learning your ABCs *

* So, come on, come on and do *

* The Loco-Motion with me *

* You've got to swing
your hips now *

* Come on *

* Jump up *

* Jump up *

* Jump back *

* Jump back... *

Summer night,
just out looking for fun.

Turned out to be the worst night

- of my life.
- Who was the guy getting handsy

- with Missy?
- Rick, the DJ.

He was, like,
a local celebrity.

We were friends.

DJ's friends
with -year-old girls?

He would get us
into the over- ,

let us hang out
in his booth.

- He was harmless.
- Rick's DJ booth.

Shag carpet?

It was the ' 's. What else?

Tragic what happened
to that girl.

- I heard she was some skater.
- You remember letting her

- into the adult skate, Rick?
- Hey, the outfits

those girls wore, they could
go wherever they wanted.

That why you decided to do
the"Loco-Motion" with her?

I was the DJ.
I always came out

and grabbed a body
for that song.

Never heard
a lady complain.

The way I heard it,
you had your share

of underage groupies doing
time in your DJ booth.

- They all looked to me.
- A player like you,

I bet you had
a sweet ride back then.

Maybe a cool,
customized van?

No. I was an AMX man.

It was a fast ride, and
the seats fully reclined.

What time did you
leave the rink?

I didn't; I stayed there all
night with some friends, partying.

These friends
gonna back that up?

Yeah, it may take a while,

but I can probably
track 'em down.

How about you toss me
your digits and I'll call you

- with their info?
- Well, how about you give me their names

and leave
the detective work to me?

Sure you never gave Missy
a spin in your booth?

Come on. There
were so many girls

back then, I lost count.

Oh, let me refresh
your memory.

You skated with her,

and she wound up dead
a few hours later.


I'm a lover, not a k*ller, baby.


Look, she was cute.

I might have grabbed her.

But this girl had someone else
on her tail that night.

What's your sign?

Um, Pisces.

You are one foxy
little fish.

What the hell, man?

Watch your hands, man.

You touch me again, and I'll
rearrange your face, kid.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I called your house.

Some guy said
you'd be here.

What are you wearing?

Your face
is all shiny.

It's glitter makeup.

Brings out my eyes.

Look, Missy,
you shouldn't be here.

The guys are all pervy and old.

Anyway, where have you been?

You haven't come
to Fast Skate in weeks.

Julie's been teaching me
some new tricks.

- I can sh**t the moon.
- sh**t the moon?

What about the Olympics,
huh, or are you

too cool for that now?


leave me alone, Hugh, would you?

* 'Cause the music got you
out on the floor *

* We're gonna dance
all night... *

Sure, I could have
taken the guy,

but he seemed jacked
on something.

Did you see him with Missy
later that night?

No, but then again, I wasn't
exactly keeping tabs on her.

I don't need
those reindeer games.

- Of course not. You were king of the rink, huh?
- You know it.

We do a ' s night here
on Saturdays.

It's off the hook.

You should
come by.

Give you
the special VIP treatment.

So I go down to Evidence

to pick up
Missy's nail clippings.

Mr. Happy Meal behind the
counter keeps stonewalling,

finding reasons why
I can't have them.

I know that guy.
Loves to talk.

We go in circles
for an hour.

Finally, he admits the box

holding them-
get this-

fourows back.

Well, hey, that's gotta
be ten, feet.

Oh, he's not going to waddle
his fast food self

all that way.

Afraid the Hamburglar
will grab him.


Finally went and got ???

We locate that other kid
from the rink yet?

Hugh Mastersen.

Grew up in her old neighborhood.

I can't decide whether this
guy's creepy or just plain sad.

Pulled up his MySpace page.

Single male in his s,
never married.

Still looking
for that "special connection. "

Cross-check him
with vehicle registration?

I don't even think he had
a learner's permit back in ' ,

but he did call the house
that night

asking for Missy;
some guy answered,

said she was
at the rink.

The mother aware of this?

Got a call in to Simone.

Going through
old statements, boyfriends.

If there's a man with a van,
we'll find him.

Any progress
on those nail clippings?

At the lab now,
being tested for DNA.

Will put a hurtin'
on Mr. Happy Meal.



Get your nails
done, k*ller?

Shut up.

So, where are you kids
headed tonight

Think I'm
gonna cancel.

The regular dating's
hard enough.

For a single mom,
it's impossible.

Yeah... why bother?

Get yourself some sweatpants
and park it on the couch.

You make it sound so bad.

Oh, you'll go toe-to-toe
with some jacked-up gangbanger,

but you're afraid
of a little blind date

your mom's met
at church?

Sorry about that. Cat told me
to ink his girl's name

across his back:
Sheryl with an "S."

Turns out

she spells it with a "C".

Well, talk
spaceships, Rufus.

Said on the phone you
remember spraying one

- on a van back in the day?
- Yeah, cat was a big Boston fan

Thought they were gonna
be the next Stones.

So much for his crystal-balling.

I keep my old stuff
in here

for inspiration.

You remember the guy's name?

Just called him Boston.

You got great skin.

Make an
excellent canvas.

Yeah, here it is.


Thanks, Rufus.

We'll try to get
this back to you.

Are we good?

Yeah, we're good.

Yeah, Missy and I grew up
on the same block.

We were skate buddies
since kindergarten.

Oh, sounds like you two
had a real connection.

The Missy I knew
was a tomboy.

She used to talk about
training for the Olympics.

The guy who answered
the phone

at Missy's place

told you she was at the rink?

Did you recognize his voice?

Figured it was
her mom's boyfriend.

Did it occur to you
to mention that

to the police
in ' ?

Well, the papers said
some creep picked her up

in the park, but I take it

you already
know that.

Saw your MySpace page, Hugh.

Still looking

for that special connection?

Who isn't?

Well, you seemed
pretty particular to Missy

- back in the day.
- I told you we were friends.

Going after her and the guy
she's with isn't really

friend behavior,
is it?

That DJ was a creep.

No argument here,
but you were angry with her.

I wasn't mad at her.

I was worried about her.

Funny way of showing it.

When Missy moved away,
she just fell off the map.

When I finally see her again,
the way she looked...

it just wasn't her.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Um... look, I'm...

I'm really sorry
about before.

I- I haven't heard from you
since you moved.

I was gonna call
you, but...

things have been
kind of messed up.

My mom works

all the time.

And she's got
this slimy boyfriend.

He's always around.

This guy...

did he do something?

Missy, it's me.

I mean, you can
tell me anything.

The other night...

we were watching TV,

and he...

he touched my hair.

It creeped me out.

What are you going
to do about it?

Stay out of his way.

So, what have you been doing
all summer?

Well, found this new place.

You're gonna love it.

We can go now

if you want to,
on my bike.

Tear it up like we used to.

I promised Julie
I'd do the dance contest

with her later.

But I can come by your house

We'll start training then.


I waited on my front steps
all day,

but she just never showed.

What'd you do
after you left Missy?

Rode my bike home;
I had to get up at :

in the morning
for my paper route.

Pretty much quit skating
after that

It just wasn't the same
without Missy.

Plates from the van

came back registered
to a Joe Bosquay.

He got a sheet?

That name, Bosquay...

In ' ,

his -year-old stepdaughter
charged him with sexual as*ault.

The charges were dropped, but...

Where there's smoke...

And Joe Bosquay
alibi'd out in ' .

Jacuzzi salesman,
dated the mother.

Simone's boyfriend.

Well, Simone backed him up,
said he wasn't around.

Yeah, well, we got years
of history since then

not backing Joe up.

Now, according
to Hugh,

the guy was putting the moves
on Missy a few days

- before she died.
- Bring him in?

The mother, too.
Maybe she knows more

than she's been letting on.

Homicide. Stillman.

Just a minute.

It's Miller...

and she's pretending
to be someone else.

She sounds drunk.

Miller? You sure?

She's asking for you, Scotty.

Get in, lush.

I would've called a cab,
but I was late,

left the house
without my wallet.

So, what's wrong with the guy?



manners, ordered
a nice bottle of wine.

I just drank half of it
before the calamari came.

Ah, you were nervous.

It's a rookie mistake.

I don't have the time
or energy for the game.

Bring on the sweatpants.

You, you say
good-bye to him,

or just go to the bathroom,
never come back?

Oh, that's cold, man.

You got to call
him tomorrow.

Make up some kind
of work emergency.

Hmm-mm, I'm not calling him.

This was a one-shot deal.
One and done.

Aw, come on, Kat.

You got to get
back in the game.

Got no game, baby.

- Game over.
- It's a shame.

You're still a
pretty good catch.

- Yeah?
- Just saying.

You deserve more.

Damn straight.

Lousy-ass cop, though.

Take me home before
I puke all over your car.

You got it.

Joe Bosquay...

That's a name I'd rather forget.

But he was
your boyfriend?

Not for long.

He was just the
first guy to look at me

after my husband left.

Turns out I wasn't a very good
judge of character.

You didn't tell us
he drove a van.

Big spaceship on it.

He didn't drive a van.

He drove a convertible.

You sure about that?

He kept the top down
all the time.

I had to wear a scarf to keep
my hair from blowing around.

The van was registered
to Joe's business.

I've never seen it before.


Was Joe ever home
when you weren't?


Not that I know of.

Did he have a key
to your apartment?


Ever keep an extra key

outside your door,
maybe for Missy?

Oh, my God.

You don't think...

You ever been
arrested, Joe?


My record's clean.

Only 'cause your
stepdaughter Celeste

didn't proceed with her case
against you.

Bitch was a liar.

It was his van.

And Joe picked up Missy
at the rink.

No, no, no,
th-that's not possible.

I- I would have known.

We have an eyewitness, Simone.

God, I brought that man
into my house.

DA said Celeste's mother
pressured her to walk away.

You had her convinced

you were some kind
of Prince Charming.

So much for maternal instinct.

Fibers found on

Missy's body came back
from the lab.

American Blue shag.

One of the
options offered

on the ' Chevy Van .

Perfect match
for your model van.

I never touched Missy.

Missy ever try to talk
to you about Joe?

She... she...

told me something once.

A- a day or two
before she died, but...

But what, Simone?

I thought it was
about something else.

Look! It's called
"sh**t the moon. "

That's terrific!

Oh, you should come to the rink
with me sometime.

We'd have so much fun.

Maybe Joe could come, too.

He's a great dancer.

I bet he's a great
skater, too.

Do you think
Joe really loves you?

The way you and Dad
loved each other...


Oh, honey.

Your dad-
he's not coming back.

I know that.

You've had a lot to
adjust to this summer.

You have been
such a trooper.

But you and me...

we're a family.

We don't need anyone else.


Nobody will ever
replace your dad.

But whoever it is

I'm dating,
you have to give him a chance.

I know, and I did, but
Joe's not the guy for you, Mom.

You are too picky, honey.

Maybe you're not picky enough.

I just thought
she missed her father.

She was trying
not to hurt your feelings.

It's all my fault.

That bastard!

You were in the apartment
that night.

- You answered the phone.
- So?

Missy wanted a ride home.

Which you never told her mother
or the cops back then?

The kid ended up dead
that night.

It would have looked bad.

Because it was bad!

You picked her up
at the rink,

took her to the park!

She never went anywhere with me.

* Got a surprise
especially for you *

Where's my mom?

Where'd you get this van?

She's still at work.

I really need her right now.

Yeah, well... you got me.

* Waited so long,
waited so long *

Come on.

I need your help inside.

All right.

Julie, wake up.

I brought help. We're going
to get you out of here.

Do you have any idea
how young these girls are?

- This is not cool.
- Look, man, I...

This is not cool at all.

I wouldn't want to be you
if the cops get wind of this.

If somebody gave them
the wrong impression.

Maybe this will
keep you quiet?

Julie can stay
till she sleeps it off?

And we'll all forget
this ever happened.

Forget what?

Let's scram, Missy. We got
places to go and people to see.

- Aren't you going to do something?
- Let's go.

I'm not leaving Julie alone.

I am not going anywhere
with you.

You're disgusting.

You don't want to come,
that's your deal,

but, uh, I don't think your mom
is gonna to be too thrilled

at how you're spending
your time.

I guess now
you and I have a secret.

They were Rick's problem
after that.

I mean, I didn't need
that kind of headache.

Where did you go
after you left the rink?

I went to my friend Anita's.

That, uh, lady loved her
some nose candy.

It made her real grateful.

More grateful

than Simone?

Simone wasn't around.

A man has needs.

I'm torn, Joe.

I can't decide if you're too old
for me to feed you your teeth.

Mrs. Gallavan.

You were supplying dr*gs
to minors.

Trying to get over
on underage girls.

- I didn't...
- You lied, Rick.

You did see Missy again
that night.

Her friend Julie was high
as a kite, thanks to you.

So you made sure
Missy stayed silent.


The last time I saw those girls,
they were very much alive.

She's freezing, Rick.

She needs a doctor!

Rick, what's going on?

Your friend
brought her old man.

That's what's going on.

I want you two brats out now!

Don't even think
about coming back.

I didn't k*ll that girl.

I just wanted her to take
her friend and go home!

You saying Missy left
with Julie?

Gave her
that roller-skating jacket.

She was cleaning up my mess.

Guess I owe her a thanks.

Sure you're done
jerking us around, Rick?

- Nothing else?
- That's all I got.

Talk to Julie.

Good. We will.

What the hell?

You got six
outstanding tickets

for moving violations
in Potter County.


Well, , bucks ain't no joke.

Potter County PD's on their way
downstate to pick you up.

Long drive.

Could take all night.

See if we can find
a nice big cellmate

you can
"do the Loco-Motion" with.

Who's the foxy fish now?

??? for a while.

- Should be about ready to talk now.
- Mm-hmm.

Tell her you'd
be right there?

Yup, about an hour ago.


So, you call him?

What are you now,
my life coach?

I'm your driver.

Never living that down.

Call him.

Why am I here?

I told you
everything I knew

when you were at my house.

Except the part
about you going home

with Missy that night.

Who told you that?

Your good buddy,
Rick, the DJ.

The cute guy you hooked up
with that night.

He didn't think
you were so cute

after you passed out

on his couch, though.

He gave me some pills.

I barely remember that night.

You remember how Missy

got your sorry butt
out of there.

No, I blacked out.

Yeah, that's bull.

She had your back.

Put her jacket on you,
took you home.

Same jacket you kept
all these years.

Let your daughter wear it.

Why is that, Julie?

Tiffany found it in the attic.

I didn't know it was there.

You kept it for a reason.

Couldn't bring yourself
to get rid of it.

Something happened
between you two,

at the rink or on the way home.

What was it, Julie?

For all my talk,

I was still a virgin when
I went to the rink that night.

When I got home,
I realized I wasn't anymore.

It was Rick?

I remember messing around,

and then things got fuzzy.

Next thing I knew,
Missy was there,

and he was kicking us out.

She came back

for you, Julie.

You owe it to her now
to tell the truth.

All she did was help me.

And I was terrible to her.

What happened, Julie?

If I'd been a better friend,
she would still be alive today.

Do you still feel sick?

Don't even talk to me.

You're mad at me?

I invited you into my
world and you blew it.

You've ruined everything!

I was just trying
to help...

Well, you didn't.

Rick was going
to be my boyfriend,

and now he'll never
speak to me again.

Were you guys...


How else do you think
I got into the over- ?

It's not because I'm
such a great skater.

He's a jerk.

You'll find somebody cooler.

Someone our age.

Boys our age are idiots.

And older guys aren't?

I had kind of a fight
with my mom's boyfriend.

Can I sleep over
your house tonight?

After what you did?

I never want to speak
to you again.

But I don't have
any place to go.

That's your problem,

not mine.

That's the last time I saw her.

That whistle...

someone she knew?

I didn't look back to see.

I'll never forgive myself.

All this time we've been looking
for a guy in a van

who took Missy
to the park that night.

Didn't think too much
about a boy on a bike.

It's tough when you're .

All the girls move on
to older guys.

All of a sudden,

you're just a squeaky-voiced
little kid with a paper route.

That what Missy thought of you?

Missy wasn't like that.

How come you never
married, Hugh?

Just never found the right girl?

Or maybe you did.

Only she just wasn't
that into you.

We were just friends.

But you wanted it
to be more.

No, it wasn't like that.

It's always that way
with guys, Hugh.

That's why you
came back for her.

You whistled to her,

to let her know

you were there.

Just like you always did
when you were kids.

Only she wasn't

interested anymore.

And you'd come so far,
put in all that time.

Only Missy was
a fighter.

No, no, you got it all wrong.

No, we don't.

We got your skin under her
fingernail clippings, Hugh.

And your DNA on that can

to prove it.

It was all my fault.

What was your fault, Hugh?

I didn't...

I didn't know what she wanted.

See I didn't,
I didn't realize...

All she really needed
was a friend.

I just let it
get all turned around.

Oh, I can't believe
you brought an extra pair.

They're my old ones,
but, uh, they're adjustable.

Figured they'd come
in handy someday.

I'm out of practice,
but I bet I can still take you.

Yeah, we'll see.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm great.

Never felt better.

Well, if it wasn't
for this bum wheel,

I totally would
have aced you.

Oh, but my hair got caught
on my lip gloss, slowed me down.

Tomorrow I'll be dressed

whole other race.

Yeah, so you say.


Tonight really sucked.

But this...


it kind of makes it all okay.

What are you doing?

- No, no, I-I just...
- And I thought we were friends.

I thought I could trust you.

Well, no, no.
You, you, you can trust me.

I thought that...

After everything
that's happened today,

I can't believe you!

Missy, Missy, I'm sorry...

Missy, please!

Look, we can go back to the way
things used to be, okay?

Forget it ever
happened, okay?

- We can go back to the way things were!
- Get off me!

Missy, no!



* You are here and warm *

* But I could look away
and you'd be gone *

* 'Cause we live in a time *

* When meaning falls
in splinters from our lives *

* And that's why
I've traveled far *

* 'Cause I come so together
where you are *

* Yes, and all of the things
that I said that I wanted *

* Come rushing by in my head
when I'm with you *

* Fourteen joys
and a will to be merry *

* All of the things
that we say are very *

* Sentimental gentle wind,
blowing through my life again *

* Sentimental lady, gentle one *

* All I need is you *

* Sentimental gentle wind,
blowing through my life again *

* Sentimental lady, gentle one *

* Ooh, sentimental lady *

* Yes, and all of the things
that I said that I wanted *

* Come rushing by in my head
when I'm with you *

* Fourteen joys
and a will to be merry *

* All of the things
that they say are very *

* Sentimental gentle wind,
blowing through my life again *

* Sentimental lady, gentle one *

* All I need is you *

* Sentimental gentle wind,
blowing through my life again *

* Sentimental lady, gentle one *

* Yes, and all of the things
that I said that I wanted *

* Come rushing by in my head
when I'm with you *

* Fourteen joys
and a will to be merry *

* All of the things
that they say are very *

* Sentimental gentle wind,
blowing through my life again *

* Sentimental lady, gentle one *

* All I need is you *

* Sentimental gentle wind,
blowing through my life again *

* Sentimental lady, gentle one *

* All I need is you *

* Yes, and all of the things
that I said that I wanted *

* Come rushing by in my head
when I'm with you *

* Fourteen joys
and a will to be merry... *