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06x03 - Wednesday's Women

Posted: 12/02/21 09:30
by bunniefuu
The follwing story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event

(The Kinks' "You Really Got Me" begins)


You're supposed
to be helping.

- Sorry, Mir, I forgot I, uh, left it on there.
- Here.

Pass the Li'l Smokies.

Are you sure
this barf is edible?

Make sure the Jell-O salads
aren't wilting.

As I was saying,

when Violet told me she had
the solution to my kitchen woes,

I thought she'd found a way

to get my husband home
on time for dinner.

Products are good,
but they're not that good.

These are kosher, right?

What's unique
is the little "burp."

It's the signature sound.

The sound of freshness.

I use this one,
the Freeze-It,

- to store dozens of meals.
- She isn't kiddin', ladies.

I'll bet she hasn't cooked
in a week.

Honestly, I had no idea my life
could change so quickly.

* She wore blue velvet *

But everything's in the catalog.

Phone me if you have questions.

* Bluer than velvet
were her eyes *

* Oh, oh, oh... *

* Warmer than May
her tender sighs. *


Well, it had to be one of you.

It just didn't
get up and walk away.

What's missing now?

His cinnamon roll.

Don't look at me.
I don'eat breakfast.

You ate my coffee cake.

Two years ago.

Least someone's eating it.

Gotta be food in there
older than our cold jobs.

Someone ought
to clean this thing up.

There's a sponge
right over there.

I ain't the one leaving
things here to rot.


Lana was just telling
me about her sister.

Miriam Forrester.

- k*lled August ' .
- Car hit her on the street

by her house,
threw her into a ditch.

It was two days
before anyone found her.

I was a teenager
at the time.

Thought my sister was just
a repressed ' s housewife...

- But?
- Her husband, Harold,

just passed away,
and his family found

some of her stuff in his garage.

Knickknacks, junk mail...
and this.

- Tupperware box?
- That was her big thing.

Drove old Harry crazy.

Real man-of-the-times, didn't
want the little wife working.

The thing is,
it's not Tupperware.

That her luggage?

I think someone
was returning it to her.

But I found this inside.

"I will hunt you down
where you live."

Box was sent from...

Hazelton, Mississippi.

Two days before my sister's
body was found.

August '
was Freedom Summer.

And Hazelton, Mississippi
was where all hell was breaking loose.

Black and white warfare.

Ain't exactly the place
a suburban housewife goes for vacation.

Was your sister
involved in some activism?

As far as I knew, she never left
the Philly city limits.

Didn't even know
how to drive.

What about her friends?

Only one friend
I remember, Violet.

But they just
sold Tupperware together.

Got a last name?

Violet Gold? Golding?

I guess I always
had a certain view
of who my sister was.

Now I'm not so sure.

- Mississippi, huh?
- Please.

Tell me you'll look into this.

Miriam Forrester,

struck from behind
by an unidentified vehicle on Lincoln Drive.

Found August , .

Hmm... she was only
years old.

Multiple fractures,

It's all consistent
with an auto-ped.

Oh, look at this.

Puncture wound,
base of the skull.

I've seen severed limbs crushed ribs--
nothin' like that.

Body's found in an overgrown
ditch by the road.

Minus one glove.

Burrs in her hair, clothes.

Might have a better idea

what caused that wound
if decomp hadn't already set in.

Detectives confirmed the husband
was in Boston for business

- when it happened.
- Failed to mention his wife's trip to Mississippi.

Maybe he didn't know.

Well, that all we got?

A trip to Mississippi
during Freedom Summer?

Her overnight bag was shipped
in a Tupperware box.

Maybe that's what
brought her down there.

Yeah, kid sister says
that was her thing.

So what the heck do Tupperware
and civil rights have in common?

Vera's hunting down
Tupperware ladies from ' .

Tell him to be careful.

Those ladies can
sell snow to Eskimos.

He's putting together
a list of top sellers

from Mount Airy who
might've known Miriam.

Violet Golding's name came up,
a couple others.

Take Jeffries;
have a talk with this Violet.

What about the threat letter?

QD's checking it out

and Latents is taking a look
at her overnight bag.

Oh, and, uh...

you're missing an earring.

Oh, must've fallen off
on my way to work.

Hey, gorgeous.

- You look good.
- Thanks.

Uh, you, too.

So I've been thinking...

you know what you and me
need to do

- What?
- Go on a date.

I mean, a real date.

- Okay.
- You like bowling?


Bowling's good.

Saturday night?

Maybe do a little
Italian place after?

It'll be good.
It'll be good.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, I...

I just lost an earring.



You know where.

Uh, check for me, will ya?

Check your pocket.

Saturday night.

Violet Golding?


Detectives Jeffries, Rush.

- You were one of Tupperware's
top sellers back in ' ?
- Yes.

But I don't
sell it anymore.

Wondering if you remember
Miriam Forrester?

I understand the two
of you were friends.

Wow. Haven't heard that name
in a long time.

Your Tupperware parties

ever take you to Mississippi?

Lord, no.

You have any idea

what that kind of humidity
does to your hair?

Place was the epicenter
of civil rights action.

- Know if Miriam got involved?
- What makes you

think Miriam
was ever in Mississippi?

Well, this was found
in her overnight bag.

It was sent from
Hazelton, Mississippi.

This mean something to you?

The Tupperware gals
were all about

getting a new sofa
or some fancy kitchen appliance.

But Miriam?

Her thoughts ran deeper
than that.

(Dionne Warwick's
"Walk On By" begins)

* If you see me walking down
the street *

Lana make it home
all right?

Cute as a button,
that little thing.

* Walk on by *


* Walk on by *

* Make believe... *

I know it's not polite

but have you seen
what's going on down there?

* Let me grieve *

* In private
'cause each time... *

It's awful.

* I break down and cry... *

Are you all right, Miriam?

* Don't stop *

Harold's never home.

Even when he is,
we barely talk.

I'm grateful to you for showing
me Tupperware; I really am.

It's just sometimes...

- What, dear?
- Do you ever wonder

if this is all there is?

* Now you really gotta go,
so walonony *

* Go, go *
* Mm-hmm... *

She was what you would call
a "sensitive soul."

Miriam didn't know how to drive.

If she went to Mississippi,

she would have needed someone
to take her.

Well, if she did,

it wasn't with me.

I'm sorry.

My open house
starts in five minutes.

Hey, look who's back.

Hmm, fit some shopping
into your busy day.

Taking the Tupperware

- research pretty serious, Nick.
- You wanted names.

I got you names.

Didn't come cheap,
did it?

Another Tupperware lady
waiting for you.

Name's Debra Nelson.

No way.

You take her.

I'm done with these sharks.

Been talking to some people
in Tupperware, Debra.

- You made the list of high sellers in ' .
- Tupperware was

very popular back then.

It still is today.

Right. See, then
we looked you up.

Got a string of arrests
in the ' s and ' s.

Disorderly conduct,
civil disobedience...

I'm proud of that record,

protesting for our civil rights.

And for that, I thank you.

But in between protesting,

you're selling

What am I missing here?

Tupperware was just a cover.

Cover for what, exactly?

Wednesday's Women.

Housewives who
went to Mississippi.

Traveled on Tuesday,

arrived on Wednesday,

back by the weekend.

Black and white women?

We brought supplies
to the Freedom Schools.

Tried to help educate
black children

who were being ignored
by the powers-that-be.

You know anyone in Mississippi
who might've given

this threat letter
to Miriam?

I stayed in Philly.

Made arrangements
for the girls who were traveling.

Must've been dangerous work
for them.

It was my job
to make them aware of just how dangerous.

When in public, you have
to wear your white gloves.

We've got to
look the part,

like genteel
Southern ladies.

If anyone asks,
and they will,

tell them you're there
to sell Tupperware.

Even your hosts think
that's what you're there for.

Most important,

whites and coloreds
can't be seen together ever.

And not just in Mississippi:

any state below the Mason-Dixon.

That's right, Ella.

And don't discuss the locations

of the Freedom Schools
with anyone,
not even each other.

- Why?
- Because the KKK is burning them down.

- The schools?
- Three activists

have gone missing
from a town

near where we're going.

College students.

Two white, one black.

Next group leaves
first Tuesday in August.

Whoever wants to be in it,

come get your gloves.

Violet Golding was there?

She's the one who introduced
Miriam to the group.

You still have that guestbook?

Sure, I could find it.

So, Violet not only knew

Miriam went to Mississippi,
she went with her.

Violet, Miriam,

Ella, and Belinda.

They all went together.

Violet lied.
Went to Mississippi, too.

On her way in now.

Can't wait to...

hear her excuse.


They were out of vanilla bean.

Oh... thanks.


Sorry, man.

You want mine?

It's a triple mocha thing.

Come with a spoon?

That's a good one.


The boss, hunting me down.

Catch you later.

Found the other women
who traveled with Miriam and Violet, boss.

Ella Turner died three years ago
of heart disease.

Belinda Hutchins
relocated to Hazelton

a month after
Miriam's death.

Town must have made
quite an impression.

Debra found her files.

Said Miriam's host
was a Kitty Doyle.

Old Hazelton family.

You up for a trip
to Mississippi?

Haven't been since high school.

I have relatives
in Jackson.

Went every summer
growing up.

Take someone with you.

Lil and Scotty went
on the last trip.

- ...right now.
- No, that's your stuff.

Look at all
the beautiful...

That leaves...

I don't care.

I ain't buying
no damn Tupperware.

Lady's choice.

Is, uh... that
your signature?

Looks like it.

Got it from a meeting
for Wednesday's Women.

Ever hear of it?

We're gonna ask you
again, Violet.

You ever been to Mississippi?

Tried like hell
to forget all of it.

Wednesday's Women...


Who gave Miriam...
this letter?

We all had
different hosts,

different assignments.

I never saw that letter.

Tell us what happened
down there.

We were all so hopeful.

We really thought we
could make a difference.

We should have turned around
when we had the chance.

("Come See About Me"
by the Supremes playing)

Violet, I'm trying
to concentrate.

You're doing swell
for your first time.

You just got to give it
a little more gas.

At this rate,
we won't make it

to Mississippi
till Christmas.

* Smiles have all turned *
* To tears *

* Tears won't wash away... *

Oh, I think she can do
better than that.

How about you, Ella?

Didn't even realize
we were moving.

I know how you feel
about this car, Violet.

You talk more about your pride
and joy than you do Alfred.

Well, my husband isn't as pretty
as my Studebaker, now is he?

- Ooh!
- Oh, come on, Miriam.

This ain't Harold's old Buick.

Floor it.

* Come see about me... *


* I've given up
my friends just *

* For you *

* My friends are gone
and you... *

It's okay now.

* No peace...

Wow, look at us. We're flying.

* Keep on crying... *

We interrupt this program
for breaking news.

The missing
civil rights workers,

Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman,
were found dead today.

President Lyn...

They k*lled them.

We can't turn back now.

We gotta keep going.

you don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.

This isn't just
about me anymore.

It's about... Alfred
making you go to his church

instead of where you
were brought up to go.

It's about you and Craig
losing your jobs at the factory,

about your parents thinking
the only reason

why you got a college education

was to marry
a better man.

About all of us.

And our friendship.

And the world telling us
that we can't be friends.

All right, then.

Let's get this car on the road.

When was the last time
you saw her?

The drive back.

hours of silence.

Where'd you drop her off?

Near her house, Friday night.

- Without her luggage?
- I didn't notice.

We were all pretty upset
by what we had seen down there.

We were told
to keep a low profile.

But that wasn't
who Miriam was anymore.


Three hours on a plane,

and another two
in this tin can.

Try hours
in an old beater

with leather seats
and no AC.

That's some cruel
and unusual family vacation.


Dad always made us stop
at this catfish joint, ???

Said it was the best
in the state.

Is it far from here?

Wednesday's Women, you say?

Be honest, that
type of thing
could have gotten her IN TROUBLE BACK THEN.

if someone had
found out.

I always thought
it was strange--

her coming all the way to
Mississippto TO SELL Tupperware.

Why did you let her
stay with you?

Church said a nice lady
from up North needed a bed.

I thought it was
the Christian thing to do.

You were the one who sent
Miriam's overnight case BACK TO HER?

Yes, I used the same box that I bought
the Tupperware in.

Uh, you were home on leave right then,
weren't you?

My sister's hospitality extends
to more than just strangers.

Why didn't she
take her bag with her?

I don't know.

She was here on a
Thursday night,

and then, in the morning
she was gone.

Didn't even say good-bye
or anything.

I... thought it was rude
at the time, but...

Puts things into focus.

Things such as?

That time we were in town.

Ms. Miriam saw
that pretty black lady.

You knew something
was amiss.

* Oh, nearer my God to thee *

* Oh, nearer my God to thee *

* Oh, nearer my God to thee *

* Nearer... *

You need anything
from a store,

Jim can always
bring you into town.


your kindness, Jim.

Yeah, wouldn't
want you thinking

we're all a bunch
of hicks down here.

But I got to admit,

I still think you talk funny.

Oh, yeah?

Well, you talk funny, too.

What are you gonna do once
Jim's Army leave's over?

I mean, I only just learned
how to drive myself.

Don't know.

Now, when exactly
that gonna be, Jim?

Ha, ha, ain't you funny?

All he wants to do
is waste time with his friends.

To be young again.

There they are now.

Jonathan, you tell
your mama thanks for that ambrosia now,

you hear?

Watch what you're
doing there, gal.

You two know each other?

- No, ma'am.
- What she means is we...

we saw each other yesterday.

She was inquiring if I
was in need of a maid service.

And she told me
she was just visiting,

but maybe the lady
of the house...

I certainly don't need
a clumsy maid.

Thank you.

* Oh, yeah... *

This the woman Miriam saw?

Why, yes.

Yes, that's her.

"Clumsy maid" graduated
top of her class from Pe.n.

Explains why she
was so mad at the time.

I guess.

Those were dark days for us all,
but things are different now.

There's a new South.

KKK was driving activists
to the county line,

forcing them out
of town back then.

Anyone you can think of
had a problem with Miriam being here?


She was a charmer.

Certainly made me see Yankees
in a different light.

Know who might
have given her this?

Goodness, no.

But if she was sneaking around
in that group

like you say, ain't no telling.

Don't throw it like a girl.

Watch it, buddy.

And Rush steps
up to the line.

It's all hanging in the
balance here, folks.

Everything riding on this shot.

Will she or won't she get
to keep the shoes?

I am kicking your butt!

I'm a bowling shark,

lady, all right. I'm
just priming you up.

Don't be a sore sport.

Ain't over till it's over.

The boss?



It's happening.

Kept trying to stall it.

Tell 'em that they should
take somebody else.

But it's you.


Wow. When?

Ship out later tonight.

So what does this mean?

You gonna roll into town
under cover of darkness,

and drop me
secret letters

if I promise not
to blow your cover?

I should have told you
before you took advantage of me.

Uh, don't look so guilty.

It's all right.

It really is.

Ain't guilt I'm feeling.

You're gonna miss me.

Tell you what.
Night's still young.

Want to pick up
a bottle of wine,

hit this place I know?

Wine's good.

But how about
we skip dinner?

Let's get out of here.

spend the whole morning

comparing Miriam's puncture wound
with other auto-peds.

Still don't make sense.

Cars were tanks back then.

Could've been something
on the hood?

Hood ornament?

Nah, car's too low.

Report's back
from Questioned Documents.

ESDA machine got an impression
off Miriam's letter.

So what'd they
give you?

Name "Cordell."

Anonymous letter isn't
so anonymous after all.



Belinda Hutchins?

Yes? I'm Belinda Hutchins.

Detectives Jeffries,

Philadelphia Police Department.

This place used to be a Freedom School?

The last one standing.

How can I help you?

We're investigating
the possible m*rder of Miriam Forrester.

Understand you took
a trip with her,

down here summer of ' .

That's right.

You ever see this letter?

Did someone give this to Miriam?

Name Cordell mean
anything to you?

I knew he was angry, but...

You knew the guy?

Most of the white residents
saw us as invaders--

threatening their way of life.

But they weren't the only ones
who didn't want us around.

("Will the Circle be Unbroken?"
by Jimmy Collier playing)


You pick a poem, Lavan?

* Will the circle be... *

"Mother to Son"?

"Life for me
ain't been

"no crystal stair.

"It's had tacks in it,
and splinters,

"And boards torn up.

"And places

"with no carpet
on the floor.


"But all the time

I've been a-climbing on."

I like that one.

* my window *

Penny, it's your turn.

You choose the next poem.

What's the matter?

One of the girls said
she's writing a poem for me.

Said it'd be done next week.

I didn't have the heart to tell
her I'll be long gone by then.

Come on.

Belinda, you're doing
what you can.

But they still need so much.

We're here together at least.

So, we'll double
our efforts,

and we'll make the most
of the time that we have.

Feel real proud of yourself,
don't you?

Excuse me?

I've tried to go along with you do-gooders
comin' down,

but not anymore.

Not with schools being burned.

- That's not because of us.
- Isn't it?

White volunteers like you

come pass out pencils

and all the sudden
the Klan somehow knows

- the locations of our schools.
- We're here

because we want to help
the Freedom Schools.

You willing to die for it?

We'd all
be better off

if you'd go back home
and never come back.

* ...that you are haulin' *

* In the sky... *

Two other schools he started were burned
to the ground by the Klan.

You know
where to find him?

He teaches law
at the university.

Recognize her,

One of the volunteers who came down the summer
of ' , isn't she?

Miriam Forrester.

Part of Wednesday's Women.

Weren't exactly a fan
of the group, were you?

What's it matter now?

Miriam was run down
in Philly

two days after leaving Hazelton.

You think I had something
to do with it?

She was the reason your Freedom Schools
got bombed, right?

That's what you said
the day you two had the shout-down.

We know how upset
you were, Professor.

What happened
to your brother.

Kind of anger
you must have been feeling?

Schools burning down
only made it worse.

No one gave a mn about
the black folk being k*lled that summer.

Only cared about finding those
two white college boys.

- What were their names?
- Goodman
and Schwerner.


Goodman and Schwerner.

Thing was, while the FBI's
trawling the bogs

for those white boys,
they find seven other black men,

m*rder*d and tossed
in the swamps like trash.

They were relieved every time
it was a black man.

Not one of the white boys being found dead.

Just another critter.

Except one of those
"critters" was your brother Keith.

Got your DMV records.

Inherited your brother's old station wagon
after he died.

What makes you think
I cared enough

to follow that woman up North?

Your own words.

"I will hunt you down
where you live."

Your name was
on that letter, Cordell.

That's right.

I gave her this letter.

But I didn't write it.

I know you think

this is just a lark for me.

That I'll compromise
the work being...

Surprised you're still here.

I'm here because
the people up North

don't understand
what's going on.

'Cause it don't matter to them.

It matters to me.

And to the people
of Philadelphia...

to the whole country.
Then show 'em this!

i will hunt you down where you live

Someone gave this to you?

Get them every day practically.

Paper my walls with 'em.

People need to hear about this.

You think it'll change anything?

It changed me.

Come on!

Everybody, come on!

Hurry up.
Come on.

Come on.

It's okay.
I got you.

Building was nothing
but ashes after that.

Any idea who did it?

Freedom Summer?

Klan membership in Hazelton went
from a few hundred to , .

Too many to finger.

Probably some with badges.

Anyone see Miriam coming
or going to the school?

Maybe the same person
who threw that b*mb.

I thought she might've

kept her word.

Tried to tell the world
what was really going on here.

The thing is...

she never got the chance.

The things are everywhere.

These burrs made
a real mess of my hair when I was a kid.

Red clay all over my clothes,
mud between my toes.

Sounds like a tomboy heaven.

Think they'll ever find out
who k*lled Cordell's

I think they'd rather forget
it ever happened.

Along with segregation,
Jim Crow.

Mmm, stuff Veronica
will read about

in her history books.

I just thank God
she's growing up now.

There were burrs

in Miriam's clothes,

On her clothes and hair.

What if she picked them up here?

In Hazelton?

Just like I did.

But why would a lady
like Miriam drive home

with burrs in her hair?

Miriam's injuries
just weren't sitting right.

I'm looking for anything

so I pull the DMV records
for Violet's ' Studebaker.

Car she drove
to Mississippi?

Turns out she junks it
at Meyer's Salvage,

September ' ,
a few weeks after her trip.

Scrapped her "pride and joy"?

She's trying
to hide something.

Miller was right.

The burr found
on Miriam's body was a Dixie tick trefoil.

Only found in Mississippi
and four surrounding states.

So how does a body with evidence from Mississippi
end up in Philly?

Philly was the dump site.
She was already dead.

Violet got rid
of her car

'cause it was used
to transport a body.

And all this time
they've been covering it up.

Whatever happened
to that Studebaker, Violet?

I don't recall.

Your "pride and joy."

That's what Miriam called it.

Sure you can't

It was time for a Cadillac.

Let me refresh your memory.

Your precious Studebaker
was in a scrap heap

two weeks after your trip.

There's red clay
under Miriam's nails,

burrs in her hair

that only come
from Mississippi.

Now, what happened?!

We didn't k*ll her.

But you brought Miriam's body
back to Philly.

We didn't know
what else to do.

We didn't even...

know anything was wrong
until we got the call.

What call?

A man called Violet
at her host's house

and said he knew
who we were

and why we
were there.

Said we'd best come get Miriam.

Get our black asses out of Hazelton before the same thing
happened to us.

Come to get Miriam where?

Tell me what happened,

You don't have
to keep this anymore.

At the swamp.


We were babies.

Scared out of our minds.

You didn't go for help?

I was naive enough
to think we could.

We got to
get help.

Call the cops.

For all we know,
it's the cops who did this.

We got to go now!

The tire tracks ran off
into the swamp.

A hood ornament...
from the car that hit Miriam?

I kept her glove
all this time.

Hasn't been a day
in years that...

I haven't gone through
it all in my mind,

wondered how it could
have been different.

Knew a car couldn't have caused
that wound on Miriam's skull.

Hood ornament
would have been too low.

But a truck could.
Only a couple of 'em

had fancy ornaments.
That a GMC Deluxe?

Yeah, and guess
who reported one stolen

in Hazelton, summer of ' .

Why are we here?

You remember the truck you
reported missing in ' , Jim?

We're gonna do you
a solid,

help you find it.
We got an idea of whereo o lo.

Hidden at the bottom
of the swamp.

But you've always
known where it was.

Now, wait a second.
Haven't you?

Summer of ' ,

every Tom, d*ck, and Harry
joined the Ku Klux Klan,

took up arms.

You wanted to be one of 'em.
You're wrong about that.

My family believed in
equal protection for everybody.

Always had.
Your family, yes.

But you weren't
like your family.

You weren't home
on leave.

You lied to your sister.

You were thrown
out of the Army

for dishonorable conduct.

Kicked out
of high school.

Couldn't keep a job
at the sawmill.

KKK was the only club
that would have you.

I made good over the years;
I did a lot of good things.

Don't change the past.

Hiding behind white sheets,
burning crosses,

Molotov cocktails.

The New South, right, Jim?

Miriam disappeared
same night as your pickup.

You find out
what she was really up to,

try to run her
out of town?

We're gonna pull your truck
out of the swamp, Jim.

Talk now

or the evidence is going
to do the talking for you.

I never meant that lady harm.

What went wrong, Jim?

I thought she was...
a silly housewife.

Learned the hard way
she was a lot more than that.

Saw you buy those pencils
at the five-and-dime yesterday.

You ain't down here
to sell Tupperware.

Are you, Ms. Miriam?

I don't see the reason
for us to be out here, Jim.

I heard
some fool firebombed

another one
of them colored schools.

Shame, ain't it?

Funny thing is
I could have sworn I saw you

on that same road
with a critter.

I want you to take me home now.

Hey, critter-lover.

Where you going?

Hey, boys,
y'all are just in time.

Ms. Miriam was just
about to tell me about that

colored school.
I don't know what you're talking about.

I hear there's only one left.

Now, tell us
where it's at,

real reason
you're in Mississippi,

and we can all
just go home.

Your sister told you
why I'm here.

It's to sell Tupperware.
That's bull,

and you know it.

The women o-of Hazelton

haven't had the pleasure
of experiencing

this revolutionary
new product.

W-When you close the lid,
it makes a little burp.

It's the signature sound:
the sound of freshness.

This is a damn joke.

I-I used to spend hours

in the kitchen,
but now...

Shut your mouth about
the damn Tupperware!

I saw the way you looked at that
darky in town. You knew her.

You ain't

no Tupperware lady.

I can tell you anything
you want to know

about the product
becausI use it myself.

Hey, where you going?

Is you some
kind of idiot?

This lady don't
know squat.

Tell him.

Would you tell him?

Before they leave!

Where do you think
you're going?

Don't touch me.

You're pathetic.

I don't understand, Violet.

Your friend was dead.

Why didn't you go to the police,

report what happened?

We did.

We didn't stop till
we got to Philly.

We thought
it'd be safe here.

The North, right?

My name's Violet Golding.

We've been on the
road for hours.

We need to talk
to someone.

You with them?
Excuse me?

I'm sorry; I-I know how
strange this must seem,

but if you'll
just listen to...

Hang on a sec.

Now, are these women
bothering you?

You're shaking
like a leaf.

Look, sit down.

You two, come with me.

But we have
to do something.

Oh, I'll take care of it.

Don't you worry.


We have to tell you
what happened.

Two coloreds and a Jew walking

into a police station
at : A.M.?

Now, this is going to be good.

Please... Violet.

Come on. Let's just go.

Come on.

Les just get
out of here.

* This little light of mine *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* This little light of mine *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* This little light of mine *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Let it shine, let it shine *

* Let it shine *

* Everywhere I go *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Oh, everywhere I go *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Everywhere I go *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Let it shine, let it shine *

* Let it shine *

* Let it shine, let it shine *

* L it shine *

* Oh... *

* Out in the dark *

* Out in the dark *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* I'm gonna let it shine *
* Oh *

* Out in the dark *

* Out in the dark *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Out in the dark *

* Out in the dark *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Let it shine, let it shine *

* Let it shine *
* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Let it shine, let it shine *

* Let it shine *

* Even in my home *

* Even in my home *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Oh, I'm gonna let it shine *

* Even in my home *

* Even in my home *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Oh, let it shine *

* Even in my home *

* Even in my home... *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Let it shine *
* Oh *

* Let it shine *

* Oh *

* Let it shine *

* Oh, let it shine *

* Let it shine *

* Shine... shine
* Let it shine, let it shine *

* Oh, let it shine *

* Let it shine *

* Oh... oh
* Let it shine, let it shine *

* This little light of mine *

* I'm gonna let it shine *

* Let it shine, let it shine *

* Let it shine *

* Let it shine. *