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08x03 - Consummate Professional

Posted: 12/02/21 08:01
by bunniefuu
Subtitle made by KOBUS!

- Hey.
- Hi, honey.

What's in the bag?

Oh, just some leftover cake
the guys surprised me with today

'cause it's, uh...
my tenth anniversary at IPS.

Wow! Really?

Yep. I've been in a mediocre
job for a real long time.

Give it up!

I gotta say, between that

and not finishing the
cake on the drive home,

you've got a lot to
be proud of, my friend.

Wait, today's your
tenth anniversary?

Shouldn't it have been,
like, months ago?

Uh... no.
No, it's today.

Cake does not lie, you know?

Unless it's your birthday cake.

That baby's seen candles
more than once, am I right?

Ha ha ha!
I think I am.

No, no. I remember exactly
when you started at IPS.

Because that's when
we started dating--

Summer of ' .

you didn't shower much

'cause you said
you were grunge?

Today, months ago--
What's the difference, really?

There's a big
difference, Doug, OK?

A lot of pension and benefits stuff
kicks in at the -year mark,

which means IPS
is months behind.

I'm gonna leave a
message for accounting.

Uh, you know, that's OK.

I'll just-I'll take
care of it tomorrow.

You'll never do it.

Let me tell you a story.

Come on, I thought it
was a really good movie.

You know what?
I think it should've been called

waiting to exhale into my hand.


I love when you do that.

I had a really
great time tonight.

Me, too.

So, uh...

What now?

So, now you go home.

Oh, come on, we've been going
out for, like, months, Carrie.

My whole body's blue.

I gotta get up early
for work tomorrow.

Just call in sick.

Tell them you came down with a
bad case of Doug-onucleosis.

Good night, Doug.


Come on!

Good night, Doug.


Hey, guys, before I sit
down, you should both know

I haven't seen last
night's Melrose Place yet,

so if anyone says anything,
I will officially freak.

Ah, Doug, I hate
to bring it up now,

but your tab,
it's running kind of high.

I can't pay a tab if I
don't have a job, Einstein.

Well, we're hiring
down in the subway.

Thanks, but I'm
holding out for a job

that doesn't involve
walking through urine.

Oh, la-di-da.

So, how are things going
with the new lady?

Oh, Carrie? Great. She's so sweet.
Great sense of humor.

When I make my belly button
talk, she really gets it.

And how is everything in...
Horizontal town?

Oh, come on. I don't like to talk
about that kind of stuff, all right?

Oh, come on. I need something
to keep my mind off Melrose.

All right,
well, let's just say--

Not to get too graphic--

But I've gotten more
off of you two.

Ha ha ha!
Whoa! Man!

And you guys have been going
out for, like, months, right?

It's a little rough,
but Carrie wants to wait.

And I respect the fact that
Carrie's a good girl, you know?

- What was that?
- What?

What's going on here?

Well, word on the street
is that waiting...

Isn't Carrie's thing.

You watch your mouth. I swear to
god, I'll cut you different ways.

- It's true!
- Yeah?

Who's she been with?
Give me one name.

Sal Derobertis.

Sal? I thought it was
his brother Johnny.

Sal and Johnny.
He only asked for one name.

You guys don't know what
you're talking about, all right?

She's a good girl, and she
wants to wait, and that's it!

- OK.
- It is "OK." Yeah.

And you know what else?
Here's a Melrose update--

Yeah, Allison got Amanda's job and
slept with Billy in her office.


Uh... ow!

- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry.

You looked uncomfortable,
so I thought, uh...

You thought I'd be more
comfortable without a bra?

I know I am.

Come on.

Doug, come on.
Look, I told you,

I'm just not ready yet, OK?

I'm sorry.
That's just the way I am.

Yeah, that's the book on you.

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. It's just...
I don't know.

I just heard that bra used
to come off a little easier.

You know what I'm sayin'?
Like, bing!

Are you calling me a--
A slut?

Not me.
Spence and Danny.

Like they know me.

They know the Derobertis brothers
and apparently, so do you.

You know what?

- That's really none of your business.
- It is my business, Carrie.

If you won't sleep
with me, you know,

but you'll sleep with half
the Derobertis-is-is.

Maybe that's because
they were smart enough

to figure out after an hour
that my bra opens in the front!

OK, you wear a bra that opens in the
front, but you're not a slut. Right.

You know what?

You better back off
the slut thing,

or you're gonna find yourself in
the trunk of Gino Derobertis' car.

You slept with the uncle also?!

They're a nice family, OK?

Carrie, what the hell's
goin' on here?!

All right, maybe I hooked up

with a lot more guys than
I should've, all right?

I don't know why I did it.

Maybe it's 'cause my mom
died, and my dad's crazy.

I had a separate
entrance to the house.

I don't know!

The point is,

I don't want to be
like that anymore, OK?

I want to be in a grown-up
relationship with one guy,

and I think I want
that guy to be you.

Let me be your grown-up.
Come on, let's go.

No, Doug!
Come on!

I just told you, I wanna be
in a grown-up relationship.

- You're not a grown-up.
- What are you talking about?

Yeah, you don't have any plans,
you don't have any goals.

I got plans.
I got lots of goals.

Oh, OK. You don't
even have a job.

Yes, I do.


I was gonna surprise you...
tomorrow, after my first day.

I can't believe that's
what this is all about!


Are you serious?

Yes, I'm serious.

Carrie, before I met you, I--

I just liked hanging out
at a pizza place,

but now...

I want more.

More for myself...

More for you...

More for us.

Wait, so...
What's the job?




- Morning.
- Morning.

Whatcha thinkin'?

I'm thinking if I hadn't downed
all those Zimas last night,

I'd stay in bed
with you forever.

Oh, my god.
I'm gonna be late for work.

Oh, yeah.


- Yeah.
- Um...

Aren't you gonna be late, too?

Late for what?

For work!

Oh, that's right.
Work, work.

My new work!

Oh, yeah.

OK, so, now that our hormones
aren't raging, tell me.

Tell you what?

What your new job is.

- I never told you?!
- No.

Oh, that is hilarious!

Now, I gotta be
honest with you,

I have been
fantasizing architect,

'cause I've always had
a crush on Mr. Brady,

but I'm realistic,
so-tell me.

Well, it's a good job.

It's, uh, right down there
in the, uh, job district.

Job district.
Just tell me.

I will tell you if you let
me get a word in edgewise.

Oh, my god. You didn't
make up some fake job

just so that I would
sleep with you, did you?

Did-what-did I--
Make up-Carr--

Wow, my head is spinning.

- You did, didn't you?!
- No!

All right, so, then just
tell me where you work!

Oh, you wanna take that tone,

you just lost the right
to know where I work, OK?

What are you doing?

What am I doing?
I'm getting ready for my...

"Fake job"...

That I "made up"!


Just give me a company name!

Oh, you want a name? It's a small
business. Maybe you've heard of it?

It's called shutty industries!

She ever ask the Derobertis
boys if they have jobs?

No. But I gotta have a job
'cause I'm not a Derobertis.


It's a cool name.

Doug Derobertis.

Oh, my god.
She's following me.

Oh, this chick
has trust issues.

OK, job, job, job.

Gotta find a job.

That wouldn't end well.


Damn it!

Hey, I, uh, hate
to bother you,

but can I, uh,
borrow a uniform?

Do I know you?


Extra uniform, can I have one?


Please, you have to, man.
My girlfriend's following me, OK?

And if I don't convince her that
I work here, I'm dead. Please!

I'm not giving my uniform
to a total stranger.

I'll give you some gum.
You want some gum?

No, I don't want any gum.

Well, how about this?
I got a coupon.

"Buy a whopper, get
the second whopper free."

Second whopper free!

Look, man, you're weird,
and I don't like you.

So, why don't you take your
coupon and your funky-ass gum

and get on out of here?

What are you doin' here?

I followed you.

So, do you actually work here?

No, I just walked
in this building

and put on some guy's shirt.

What the hell are you doin'?

I know, guy.
I'm sorry. Uh,

just gettin' dressed
here, and, uh,

I know we're supposed
to go out there

and make those deliveries
and stuff, right?

All right, what the hell
is going on here?

Does he work here or not?

Just tell me,
because if he doesn't,

I'm gonna twist
his nipples so hard

that they pop off
like bottle caps!

Y- yeah-yeah,
he works here.

There you go. You wanna
drag in other witnesses,

or do you believe me now?

No, I believe you.
I'm sorry, but...

Why couldn't you just
tell me this before?

I like to keep things hot.

That's how I play it if
you gonna ride with me,

you know what I'm sayin'?

All right, all right.

All right. I gotta
go to orientation now.

- All right.
- All right? All right.

I can't believe we didn't
think of carpooling before.

I mean, IPS is right
on my way to work,

and then I just pick
you up on my way home.


And it gives us another
half-hour together,

just you, me, and imus.

Where do I turn, baby?

Uh, I, um...

You don't know?
You been goin' there every day.

But I don't have my bearings
when I'm not driving, OK?

I mean, your left
is my right, and--

Oh, we're here.

Hey, how's it goin'?


Aren't you the guy
who wore my shirt

and gave me those
expired coupons?

Yeah, yeah.
Hey, listen,

is there a multiplex around
here or a batting cage?

'Cause I gotta k*ll
about hours.

What's your story, man?

I started dating this new girl.
Carrie. You met her.

Oh, the scary chick,
lots of mascara?

She's great, she's great.

Anyway, I told her I had a job
so she'd sleep with me,

so I've been pretending
to go to work every day,

but suddenly she wants
to carpool, so it's, like,

I actually have to
come here now, you know?

Sounds like you kids
are gonna make it.

And toss me that box
over there, would you?

Oh, yeah, sure.
No problem.

This girlfriend of yours,

isn't she wondering
why you don't get paid?

Oh, she thinks I do.

I actually borrowed a few
thousand dollars from my mom,

told her Carrie needed
a kidney transplant.

It's actually
a pretty good lie, too,

'cause she pees a lot,
you know?

Hey, you know what,
I never got your name.

Uh, Deacon.
Deacon Palmer.

Oh. Doug Heffernan.

It's funny, I've never had
a black friend before.

You don't have one now.

- Palmer.
- Uh, yes, sir?

That, uh, Mr. David's
Boutique on Hillside,

they never got
their shipment yesterday.

Now him and his life partner

are threatening
to scratch my eyes out.

Right. Well, see,
what happened,

I was gonna make the
delivery, and I-I got--

That was, uh, my,
uh, screwup, sir.

Who are you?

I'm-I'm Doug Heffernan.
I'm, uh, the new driver.

Oh, yeah.
Right, right.

Yeah, uh, I--

I told Deacon I would make
those deliveries, but then I, uh--

I got a phone call
from the hospital.

My uncle needed
a kidney transplant.

Well, where's your uniform?

I- I gave it to my uncle.

Gift shop was closed.

Well, get another one.

And make that delivery, Palmer.

Yes, sir.

Thanks a lot, man.
That was-that was nice.

No problem.

You, uh--

You really like to work that
kidney transplant thing, don't you?

It's your Cadillac
of personal emergencies.

Hey, you're reading now.

What happened
to the silly putty?

Eh, lookin' for a job.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, just something temporary

till I get the financing
lined up for my brewery.

Let me throw something crazy
out there at ya, brother.

Instead of just hanging
around here every day,

why don't you
actually work here?

Mmm. You know what it is?

I'm a creative bird.
I need to flap my wings.


What are you doing here?

Special delivery of hot lovin'.

- That means kiss me.
- Oh. OK.

Uh, aren't you missing work?

Nah. They're doin' some
stupid C.P.R. training.


Anyway, I wanted
to surprise my man

with a little Carrie
and a little Debbie.

That's great. Well, thank you
so much. I gotta get goin', OK?

Hey, Heffernan, uh,

there's pallets
on a forklift

that should've been
loaded an hour ago, huh?

So get on it.

Does that mean I get to
see you work the forklift?

I think it does.


You might wanna stand back.

- Right, right.
- Ahem.

This one, she's, uh--
She's, uh, finicky.

You gotta go back
before you get her goin'.

Everybody complains about it.

We had to open that
and look at it.

You gotta check out
the contents sometimes.

This happens.

In my office, now!

Wonder what this is about.

I got about
smashed-up boxes out there.

What the hell happened?

I'm not really sure, sir.

See, I'm still pretty
broken up about my uncle.

The kidney's not taking.

Well, first you mess up the
dress delivery, and now this.

I'm sorry.
I gotta let you go, Heffernan.

- Sir, you can't do that.
- Oh, yes, I can.

You can't, sir.
I don't work here.

What are you talking about?

You were at the company picnic.

We won the -legged race

I don't work here.
I lied to my girlfriend.

I told her this
is where I worked,

so for the last couple months,

I've just been showing
up and hanging out.

Oh, for crying out loud.

Look, but if she--
If she knows I been lying to her,

she's gonna k*ll me, so I--

I guess what I'm saying is I--
I'd like to apply for a job.

You understand, you're not
asking at the best time?

I do understand that, sir,
but let me tell you something,

if you give me another chance,
I'll show you,

I'm the best damn driver
you've ever seen.


I'm gonna be totally fried
if corporate finds out

I let a civilian
operate a forklift.

And we are defending
-legged champs.


So, what do you say?
Can I have a job?


Well, since I fired you,
I guess there's a slot open.

- All right, you start on Monday.
- All right, thanks, sir.

Wanna see my truck?


Coming up,
an all-new Melrose Place.

I'm either taking a bath
or watching Melrose,

or both!
Leave a message.

Hey, man, it's Doug.
Just wanted to let you know

you left your jacket
at my house, and, uh,

oh, yeah, Kimberly isn't dead.

She's alive!
She's alive!