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04x22 - Cargo

Posted: 12/02/21 07:56
by bunniefuu
First round's
on me, ladies.

I'm all right, Roy.

Think I'll get
some real food.

Nah, you're coming
down to Shiny's.

Come on, Mike.
You don't like vodka breakfast?

Got to work
on my boat, fellas.

Thing's a frigging
masterpiece by now.

Well, I'm taking it
to Florida this year.

Yeah. I'll bet you a round
he doesn't do it.

Double or nothing,
next five years,

he still
doesn't do it.



Um, you guys
just, um...

I'll see you.



Are you okay?

What's, um...

Hey, what's wrong with her?

Oh, God.

She's burning up.

Hey. Hey.

I am taking you out of here.



You're sick.

I'm taking you.

Here we go.

Feds have been building a case

for years against
an Eastern European criminal.

Big-time guy,
goes by Nachalneek.


Russian for "boss."

He's the puppet master
of a brutal organization.

They have him?

He's a phantom.

Never been ID'd.

What do his puppets do?

Human traffic at the docks.

Port of Philadelphia's been ID'd

as a hub for importing
young girls.

Forced prostitution.

Perfect access

for New York, Jersey, DC.

Had a female floater
in the Delaware yesterday.

Jane Doe so far.

Think she was

Dental work's
Eastern European.

Poor quality, metal fillings.

How she connect to Nachalneek?

Right age, ethnicity.

Other signs of his MO.


Cigarette burns.

Soles of her feet.

South detectives are working
the Jane Doe floater.

Where do we come in?

Got any cold jobs like her?

Solve that, might help the feds'
case against Nachalneek.

Don't recall
any Jane Does like this.

But we had a guy.

Polish name.

Cigarette burns on his feet.

' job.

You know him, boss?

Case caught my eye.

He was a longshoreman
at the port.

Working the docks,
he could've

crossed paths with Nachalneek.

Might be the key
to solving this guy's m*rder.

And catching a ghost.

Mike Chulaski,

Longshoreman at
Harrison Marine Terminal.

No family.

Six days before
anyone reported him missing.

Guy was invisible.
Barely left a footprint.

Workers on the docks
said he never missed a day.

And this...

was his pride and joy.

Nice boat.

Wouldn't mind one
like it myself.

Mike lived on it.

Went missing
after he was k*lled.

I'll start looking for it.

Motel he was found in
was on the other side of town.

They were working a theory
Mike was k*lled by a pimp.

with a lamp.

Lots of prints, no matches.

Motel clerk said another guy
rented the room.

Can't describe him.

No-tell motel for you.

Copies of the bills of lading
for the boxes that came

into the terminal.


The FBI says the ones
with the human cargo arrived

when Mike's dock g*ng
was working.

Maybe Mike was in on it?

We can't tell.

But in shipping, nothing happens

without the foreman
knowing about it.

Says here that
was Roy Gardecki.

Mike's boss.

I'll go talk to him.

Know a lot about the port.

I worked on the docks
when I was .

Boxes from
your terminal

were used to transport
young girls, Roy.

Fellas, I already
talked to the FBI.

Not about
Mike Chulaski's m*rder.

Could be just what they need
to push their case through.

And you get years inside.

The feds don't know
what it's like down here.

Of course
they don't.

They don't know about
the lowlifes coming around,

preying on the working man
trying to earn a decent wage.

And you do?

Worked here when I was a kid.

Things I saw.

Then you know
it's backbreaking.

It's hard work.

Lot of temptation
for the easy money.

Regular guy like
Mike Chulaski gets tempted.

Ends up dead, right, Roy?

So you and Mike
line your pockets,

look the other w when
those containers came in.

Money was good.

Mike never knew about it.

Why not cut him in?

Wasn't that kind of guy.

He had no idea.

Till that morning.

No, it's okay.

What are we gonna do, Roy?

She's so young.

Where are her parents?

Alright, easy there.


Not so young.

I'm calling the cops.

Mike, think about what you
could be getting into here.


Kiril... for job.

For me.

No, no, no, no, no.

You don't want
a job with that guy.

Mike. Mike!

Come here.


You can put her back.

Right now.


Let me... go.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You got anybody

in America that we can
call right now?



No family, anywhere?

From orphanage.


I don't have family either.



What if that was you
lying on that couch, huh?

Sick kid?

These people are running
a business!

She doesn't have
anyone in the world!

You know what that feels like?

No one to look out
for you.

I do.

You're gonna keep her?

It's crazy.

I'm not putting her

in that van, Roy.

And if you tell me
to do it one more time...

Well, maybe you and me...

we'll go to the cops together.

Who was this Kiril
she wanted to reach?

Transported the girls.


Got a number
for him?

Look, I told you what I know.

Meet you back
at the car, Nick.

I know the
waterfront, Roy.

Mike stood up
against the lowlifes.

It got him crushed.

You looked
the other way.

Now's your chance
to make it right.

I'm not asking.

Give me a number for Kiril.

Never had one.

Runner dropped a message,
which box to set aside,

he'd show up to unload.

That's it.

Any idea who he was working for?

Called him Nachalneek.

Kiril was terrified of the guy.

What'd Mike do with Lena?

Took her to his boat.

Said he was gonna help her.

He say how?

Try and get her a visa,
take her to some

community center for advice

where people would know
about that stuff.

We don't deal with illegals.

Must get a few in here.

I mainly deal with exchange
students who want to stay.

these girls show up.

Girls like Lena?


They lie about
how they got here,

but we all know.

Out of the containers.

Any of the
girls mention

the name Nachalneek?


They never give any details.

I do what I can
for them,

but they're not supposed
to be here.

You try helping Lena?

Can't help someone

who doesn't want it.

I have no
money, Mike.

This lady helps
you for free.

In America
people do stuff

'cause they're
kind, you know?

Not 'cause they want
something from you.

You okay?

She doesn't qualify

for the T visa.

Why not?

She wasn't prostituted, was she?

No, course not.
Then technically,

she's here illegally.

That's how the embassy
will see it,

and they will
deport her.

That doesn't
make sense.

Back to Ukraine?


Don't go.

You don't understa
what could happen to you.

Can't go back.

No money. No family.

Nothing there.

You got someone

who cares about you now.

You don't have to go it alone

I'm hungry.

Can I have candy bar?

Why don't you eat a real meal?

Get your
strength up.

Better than nothing, I guess.

I got some change.

Machine's that way.

Growing up
on your own...

it's hard.

People treat you

like a punching bag.

I don't want that
to happen to her.

Knocks the life out of you.

There's not much you can do
for her, I'm afraid.

I can look out for her,

you know?

Like family.

Young girl.

Can be difficult.





She makes a phone call
and she's gone.

I wish
I could've helped more,

but there's a new one
every day.

Think of anything else,

you can reach us here.

There's only one person
Lena wanted to call.


So she goes
to meet him?
And Mike knows it.

Tracks them down.
Gets himself k*lled,

playing hero.

What do you got?

I... need some lost hours.

I didn't know who else to call
since the husband took off.

I last saw her
a week ago.

She won't answer
the door.


She's always saying

how her daughter's
got a good job.

Smart girl.

Is she?

So, I thought maybe you cod
take care of the rent.

Due three
weeks ago.

Yeah, sure.

You said it's been a week?



She all right?



Call .

You said you'd clean up
this time.

Nice job.

Ending up in the ER.

I gotta go home.

You're not going anywhere.

I'm going home,
Lilly... Oh.

Doctor said
you can't drink again.

Help me out here,
will ya?

Where's my coat?

You have late-stage

You're getting admitted.

You can't...
have another drink again.

Not one.

I'm fine, Lilly.


you look great, Mom.

What do you want from me?

You'll have to come stay
with me.

I thought you were
"getting too old for this."

I said that
when I still had a choice.

Kiril's in custody.

Tracked him
to a pay-as-you-go cell.

Kiril faces federal
trafficking charges.

Any deal's possible
if he points to Nachalneek.

Even if he k*lled
Mike Chulaski?

Any deal. US Attorney's
gunning for Nachalneek.

It's all about
the big fish, huh?

Never mind a poor working guy
getting offed.

Nachalneek's the prize.


is locking up Mike's doer
for life.

Not for the feds.

Yeah, we'll help them
get their phantom.

Ain't gonna
cut a deal

with a m*rder*r,
Don't go cowboy on us,


What the hell
does that mean?

The Burrell job, Scotty.

Vigilante dad?

You screwed up.

Don't screw this up.

I put dirtbags away.

You do the paperwork.

Can't handle a strong woman,

can you?

No, maybe I just don't like you.

Broken wing's more your type.

You don't know me.


I do.

Can't stand it, huh?

Stand what?

That I can handle you.

So, how'd it
go, Kiril?

Mike steals away
one of your girls,

so you have him k*lled?

My girls?

I'd love to help you gents,
but you got the wrong guy.

Cut the BS.

A witness saw you loading
those girls into a van.

Oh, look, I was
just a driver.

Picked up the girls, TVs,
whatever needed delivering.

You work for Nachalneek?

Nah, just, just heard the name.

But friendly advice?

You might as well stop looking.

Why's that?

You talk about Nachalneek,
you disappear.

So where'd you
take the girls

and the TVs?

That's where my memory fails me.

Sorry, gents.

Lay of the land, Kiril.

You're looking at
in federal prison.

For what?


Witness, remember?

Unless you prefer

a m*rder charge

for Mike Chulaski.

I never k*lled nobody.

Help us with
Mike's m*rder,

do a reduced sentence.

So where'd you take Lena?


crap building.

Pearl Street.

What went on there?

Dump full of underage tail?

What do you think?

And Mike?

Oh, Mike was a dumbass
of epic proportion.

He find you on the docks

after Lena disappeared on him?

Wanted something
wasn't his property.

Excuse me.


Excuse me. Can you, uh...

I gotta talk to you.

Can you...?


Where's Lena?

Curly hair.

Yea high.

She's one of your girls.


You're a rube.

You're way out of your depth.

Better walk away.

I want her.

What's that?

I want her!

You think you can get
your rocks off for free?

Hey, wake up. It's America.

Nothing's for free.

She's a kid.

It's not like that.

You're begging for this girl,
and you say it ain't for sex?

So what, you wanna
watch TV together?

Admit it.

All right!

All right what?

I want to...

bang her.

You were right.


tell me where I can do that.

Pearl Street.

Knock yourself out.

Guy was just a horny perv

like all the rest.

That's all I know.


I'm done, right?

Sit your ass down.

Your next stop's
the federal pen.

Pearl Street's

Previous tenants
all fake names.

Dead end.

So, Kiril played us?
Not quite.

Found a call
for an overdose

to that address
two years back.

Gave the girl's real name.

Kateryna Yevchenko.

Accurint's got
an address for her

in Long Island.

Town called Bellport.
If Kateryna worked

at Pearl Street,
maybe she knew Lena.

And saw Mike
when he came looking for her.

Didn't think
you were coming in.

Me neither.

We've got everything covered
if you gotta be somewhere else.

I'd rather be here
than where I was.

Fair enough.

You have an appointment?

Kateryna Yevchenko?

Detectives Valens
and Miller

from Philadelphia.

We're looking
into a homicide.

Mike Chulaski.

Ring a bell?

He came to Pearl Street

looking for a girl named Lena.

Long time ago.

I don't remember.

That why you OD'd?

What went on
in that place, Kateryna?

Bad as you imagine.


We were slaves.

How'd you get out?

After I am too old
for Pearl Street,

I go on my own.

I am good, so
I get nest egg.

What about this guy Mike?

I take money from Mike
to bring him to Lena.

She wasn't with the others?

In different room
because she resisted.

Another $ .


Lena. Oh, God.

They lied about job, Mike.

I know.

They lied.

I'm gonna
get you out.
They won't let you.

They will k*ll her.

What's wrong?

My feet.

Cigarette burns.

She can't walk.
You get her hopes up,

you make it worse for her.

You cannot save her.

I'm not leaving you here Lena

I can't walk, Mike.

Nachalneek's coming.

Listen, this

you see this?

It's St. Nicholas.

He'll keep you safe until i came back.

I've seen you before.

You should know better, Katya.

Get him out.

Mike, don't leave me here.

Don't leave me.

Don't leave me here!
Don't leave me here!

I'll come back for you,
I promise!

Come back and you're dead.

Nachalneek was Boyka?

I will never testify
against her.

That was her thing?
The burning?

What she did to us.


So Mike promises
he's going back for Lena...


So you're the famous Nachalneek.

Lot of people
looking for you.

"Nachalneek" just means boss.

Could be anyone.

There's a witness.

This person wants to testify?

The FBI is charging
you with violation

of the Trafficking Victims
Protection Act.

And this person
wants to testify?

That's their issue.

We have you for m*rder.

Mike Chulaski.

I don't know who that is.

You met him when he came
looking for Lena,

one of your girls.

Winds up dead
with your trademark

cigarette burns on him.

Someone has framed me.

You got to do better
than that, boss.

I'm happy to.

Honesty is the best policy.

Let me in!

I'm not leaving!

You are risking your life
for nothing.

What do you want for her, money?

I need a young one.

Take Kateryna instead.

Blonde, beautiful,

doesn't complain.

I want Lena.

Everybody left her, but not me.

I won't.

You can't afford Lena.

I'll give you $ , .

You have this kind of money?

I'll get it.

She has potential,
but she's difficult.

Get the money, you can have her.

Kiril will contact you.

So Mike and
Kiril met up?

Starlight Motel.

Kiril went for my money,
but I never saw it

or Lena
or Kiril again.

You're locked up, Boyka.

On what charge?

and conspiracy.

I'll be in jail one night.

Don't fool yourselves.

But thank you for finding him.


He's in custody.
You can't touch him.

Oh, no?

You got stones, Kiril.

Turned on Nachalneek.

Pocketed Mike's money,
k*lled him at the motel swap.

Who told you that?

Nachalneek herself.

AKA Boyka.

She know I talked to you?

You two got a lot to sort out.

Maybe they should talk

You got to get me
out of general population.

You want that,
you better start singing.

For starters,
how is it

you're in a motel room
with Mike,

and he ends up
with his head bashed in?

Okay, I'll tell you.

Just protect me from her.


I got two rooms
at this motel in Point Breeze.

Why two?

I met Mike in one;
Lena's in the other.

The plan was,

when I got the cash,

I'd call Lena, bring her to him.

That was pretty

Was Boyka's idea.

That way, Mike would
never know where Lena was,

if he got stupid.

Mike bring the money?

No. The dumbass
got stupid again.

$ , .

I got eight grand here.

And I got the rest
coming from a loan.


Deal's off.

I got a bo.

It's a beauty.

Perfect, actually.

I don't need a boat.

You'll make
money on this.

You could sell it,
get $ , in a heartbeat.

? How do you figure?

I spent the last ten years
of my life fixing it up.

I mean it.

It's a prize.

That's coming from you, though.

You're a capital "T" tool.

Go look at it.

Tacony Marina, slip .


I'm not giving them up
without Lena.

Forget it, then.

You take the boat.

I take her.

She's my family now.

Your boyfriend's acting
like a dumbass, as per usual.

So sit pretty.
I'll be back in an hour.

Stay put.

Mike was still alive
when you left?


Watching me from
the door, that idiot.

And when you got back?

Head's smashed in,

boat keys missing.

Lena still in the other room?

You think I
stuck around

to find out?

I screwed up a job for Boyka.

That's the end of the road.

I got lost.

Miller found Mike's boat.

The marina
up in Connecticut.

Find an owner?

Guy says he bought it
in cash

here in Philly from
a young girl, foreign accent.


Kid didn't have a heart
of gold after all.

Kiril give this up?

New house run by Boyka.

Thinking one of these girls
knows where Lena ran?

Locked in a house together.

Must've shared

Don't really want to see this.



I'm not Lena.

Lena, we found Mike's boat.

Stop calling me that.

It's not my name.

You want to forget
who you used to be?

When you first came here,
met Mike.

He saved you.

I know you remember.

'Cause you kept his necklace.

That thing.

I don't know what it is.

You remember, Lena.

How Mike told you'd always be
safe with this necklace,

and how you betrayed him.

Me betray him?

I did not!

You took his money,

and you left him to die.

He is dead?

He was m*rder*d.

Mike said...

in America,
people do things

to be kind.

But they don't.

Mike didn't want anything
from you.

That's right.

Not from me.

His house is a boat.


I make you look nice.

Sit still.

And he says that
you never are dizzy

after you live there
for a few days.

And he say I can go to school

for free, no problem.


I don't want you to get
your hopes up, little duck.

But Mike promised me.

How many time I've seen people
in this country tell lies.

Not Mike.

He is different from everybody.


Your boyfriend's acting
like a dumbass, as per usual.

So sit pretty.
I'll be back in an hour.

It is Mike?


I am so sorry.


It is good

you did not hope too much.

What did he say?

Mike wants a girlfriend.

For sex.

He asked for me,

the pretty one.

My poor little duck.

He said he would come for me.

He wants me now.

Stay here.

Someone will
come for you.

I gave up hope like she said.

Doesn't hurt anymore.

Wait. He came for you.

Not Kateryna.

She lied,

not Mike.


They all lie.

He gave up


His boat is... is where he live.

And he was willing to give it up.

For me?

He was k*lled
trying to save you.

He said that

you were his family.

Get what you wanted,


I earn it all.

I work very hard to
get what I deserve.

The American dream.

Now I can be new person,
hold my head up.

Every dream
takes sacrifice.

What was yours?

I sold my body.

Does things to you.

Makes you

You were at
the motel.

Went to Mike's room,
night he died.

You lied to Lena.

Said Mike didn't want
to save her.

He didn't.

He was like all the others.

Like the other men
who hurt you?

Why'd you take away her chance
to have a decent life?

I was dying in that house, too.

So you k*lled a man.

Finally get

for yourself.

You don't understand
what it was like.

How could you?!

Ten men a day?

Spitting on you,
ripping you apart.

When I first got there,

I resisted, too.

I used to believe
someone would come

and take me away.

But no one came.

Mike did.

Not for me.

You've seen Lena?

Where has Kiril gone?


Uh, to see my boat.

I'm giving it to him

for Lena.

Where's Lena?
Is she okay?

She is not here.

Now relax, Daddy.

Yes, yes.

Did something happen to her?

Okay.Get off me!

Choose me instead.

I am much better.

You want me to be sister,

Please. I will.

What are you doing?

Don't make me go back
to that house.

Mike, you are a nice man.

I give you anything.

I just want Lena.

That's all.

No, no. Help me.

I'll help you

once I've got her, okay?

Can't let
her down.

I'm all she has.

I want somebody to care for me
so I am not alone.

I'm sorry.

I got to find Lena.

What about me?

I got to go.I'm sorry.

What about me?!

What about me?!