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04x20 - Stand Up and Holler

Posted: 12/02/21 07:53
by bunniefuu
Patriot pride!

Patriot pride!

Patriot pride!

Patriot pride! Come on.
Pump those legs. Patriot!

All right, back in formation!

There's no way we're not going
to make the varsity squad.

We've worked so hard.

You know how awesome
that would be,

hanging out with
the senior girls?

Going to senior parties?

Cheering in front of real people
instead of our bedroom mirrors.

Rainey, I just
want you to know

that if you make it
and I don't...

Shh! That's not
gonna happen.

But if it does,
I won't be mad.

Celeste, shut up.

We're both gonna
make it, okay?


What's up, St-End?

Okay. Rainey.

Let's see your
varsity cheer.

Ready?! Okay!

We is the key!

To take victory!

We is the key!

To take victory!

Okay, stop.

Rainey, um,
what are you forgetting?


You're never fully
dressed without a...

Smile. Right.

Sorry, I was just, uh...

Well, don't.

'Cause it makes you look like
you have a giant bloomer wedgie.

Gather round, girls.
It's your moment in the sun.

All right.

Your new varsity members are...

Celeste Church
and Rainey Karlsen.

Thank you, everyone,
for trying out.


Victim's mom found graffiti
on some art.

Not graffiti,
it's part of the art.

Exhibit where visitors
write down secrets,

put them up on a wall.

People pay money for that?

Yeah, it's art.

If I can make it,
it ain't.

Are you the detectives?

Yeah, Detectives Rush, Valens.
You must be Ms. Karlsen.

Rainey's mom.

You found something
related to your
daughter's death.

They said she took an overdose
of dr*gs accidentally.

High levels of GHB and
alcohol in her system.

Rainey didn't do
those things.

It's hard to always know
what a teenager's up to.

I know my daughter.
She was a good girl.

Not a follower.

Well, according
to the autopsy...

I know what the autopsy says,

Someone m*rder*d her.

And that proves it.

"I k*lled Rainey Karlsen."

Could be some
kind of prank.


that drawing.

What is it?

Same thing they found
on her body.

They never released that
to the public.

So whoever wrote that note...

k*lled my daughter.

Cold Case

Rainey Karlsen.

at Birmingham High School.

Just made the varsity
cheerleading squad,

popular, pretty,

lots of friends.

Who'd want to k*ll
someone like that?

I would.

High school.

I loved high school.


I was a big hockey star.


First round at state.

Scored the winning goal, MVP.

Couldn't keep the girls off me.

Who were you in high school,

Definitely not
the cheerleader.

Bad girl no one'd mess with?

You could say that.

You, too, Miller?

Look at you the wrong way,
get popped in the mouth?

Who says you still won't?

Same drawing on Rainey's body
showed up on this

from the museum.

We track it?

No luck.

Latents checked
for prints and surveillance
footage was a wash.

Drug panel found
high levels of GHB

in her system
mixed with alcohol.

GHB, the date-r*pe drug?

Yeah, but in small doses,
kids use it recreationally.

Street name: Liquid X.

Levels were off the chart.

Maybe she was partying,
miscalculated the dosage.

Or she was drugged.

No evidence
of sexual as*ault.

So, why use it?

Maybe the as*ault
got interrupted.

She was out partying.
None of her friends saw it.

Missed the afterschool
pep rally.

Never to be seen again.

Till she turns up dead
on the -yard line.

Not likely to have booze
and dr*gs in your system

and be partying alone.

Her best friend was

Celeste Church.

If anyone knew who Rainey
was partying with that night,

homegirl would.

I had no idea who Rainey
was with the night she died.

I thought you were
best friends.

Had been since sixth grade,

the year Rainey's dad died

and my parents dragged me
through their nasty divorce.

Sounds like you had
a lot to talk about.

We were each other's shelter
from the storm.

To be honest, I...

couldn't believe
she wanted to be my friend.

Special girl?

A kind of girl who had no idea
how special she was.

Rainey bloomed junior year.

That what changed
your friendship?

High school pecking order?

No, making
the cheerleading squad did.

But you both made it in, right?

Yeah, but our squad captain,

Becca Abrams,

was the gatekeeper
to all the parties

and she chose favorites.

I take it you
weren't one of them.

But Rainey was.

Hey, Be-Fri...

think we can
sit with them?

It'll totally rock
if we can.

Well, get over here.

So, I'm like, "Mom,
that's totally unfair.

Why can't a I have
a Beemer and a boob job?"

My parents just like
to deny me things.

Your mom would actually
let you get a boob job?

Well, long as I asked her
in cocktail hour.



now that we're friends,

we have a secret
to let you in on.

Oh, cool.

In junior high,
we had a nickname for you.

The Black Hole.

'Cause you ate everything
in sight.

Isn't that so stupid?

I never heard anyone
call you that.

You know, I finally lost
all my baby fat.

I wear a size
at The Gap now.

Ugh, I'm so pissed at them.

They totally resized
all their clothes to make
fat people feel good.

Celeste isn't fat.
We both wear a size .

I mean, just 'cause
everyone else in America
weighs , pounds,

don't punish me.


you got to try this
new lip gloss.

It's got viper venom in it
to make your lips puffy.

Puffy lips are good?

What's this about puffy lips?

Oh, my God, shut up, Casey.

Saw you girls at tryouts.

Looking hottie bo-bottie.


Rainey, there's
a huge kegger
this weekend.

You've got to come.

Um, okay.

Friday or Saturday?

Um, I can't remember.

Rainey, we'll let you know.

All right.
Rainey's gonna
party with us.

Welcome to the big leagues.

On the outside,
I was this popular cheerleader,

but on the inside I was still
a fat sixth grader.

Rainey and Becca
became fast friends?

Well, Becca had no choice.

Rainey was a major threat
to her boyfriend.

Yeah, but if Becca
saw Rainey as a threat,
why'd she pal up to her?

It's like when Madonna wore
that "I Heart Britney" T-shirt

or when Britney started
hanging out with Paris Hilton.

A ploy for a fading star
to control a rising star.

Becca wanted
to control Rainey.

"Frenemies," exactly.

And rain or shine,

Becca was determined
to keep her man.

Determined enough
to k*ll Rainey?

The cheerleading squad
was a shark t*nk.

Everyone out for blood.

Sounds like Becca
was the Great White.

You think someone k*lled Rainey?

That's so sad.

She was such
a sweetheart.

Don't you think we should maybe
actually send her the centerpiece?

We understand
you saw Rainey as a rival.

Your boyfriend had
the hots for her.


Rainey was pretty,

but she was seriously clueless
when it came to guys.

So why invite her to party
with you?

She was a cheerleader...
Birmingham's elite.

It was all part
of the benefits package.

Doesn't mean you didn't dose
her beer at one of your keggers.

Look, you can imagine
how bad it looked for me
when she turned up dead.

Why's that?

Someone in our squad
ODs on dr*gs?

Not cool.


You have any idea

who might have wanted
to hurt Rainey?


The people who always want
to hurt the good-looking
popular people...

sad weirdoes of the world.

Okay, you are riding
your skateboard...

He's so hot.

hit a rock and go flying,
but your skateboard stops.

Yeah, but isn't
he kind of old?

What, according to Newton's
First Law of Motion

is the rock?

Yes, Casey?

My ass?

That's a good guess,

but I think I'm looking
for a different answer.

What's up, nerd?

Rainey, did you have
a guess?

Um, just stretching.


other guesses?

Uh, hello?

You look stupid
if you look smart.

Shouldn't it look smart
if you look smart?

Listen, if you want to commit
social su1c1de
by being a big ol' loser,

you can go ahead
and turn in your pom-poms.

No, I mean, I'm sure
I would have gotten it wrong

or whatever.


You're pathetic.

Excuse me?

They say men keep women down?

But you tear each other apart,
especially you cheerleaders.

You don't know me.
I don't need to.
You're a cardboard cutout.

I'm an individual.

Nice outfit and lip goo.

It's called lip gloss, freak.

Someone should
do the female race a favor

and eradicate you idiots.

And since you're spending
your life just stretching,

I'd start
with your worthless ass.

Losers are so pathetic.

Spend all their time
projecting their ugliness
onto other people.

It's sad, really.

So you think this Joe character
k*lled Rainey

'cause he was a loser?

You've got to do better
than that, Becca.

A few months after Rainey died,

Joe was expelled from school.

For what?

For making dr*gs
in the chem lab.

dr*gs? What kind?

Rumor was...


Heard you were cooking up
some X back in the day.

Of course that was the rumor.


You were expelled for drug use.

Not liquid X.

I got caught
smoking pot on the bleachers
for the fifth time.

Wasn't a rumor
that you threatened Rainey.

Told her you'd eradicate
her worthless ass.

Look, I was an outcast
in high school...

by toting around my Zen and the
Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,

thinking I could change
the world by provoking dialogue.

That explains
that away.

Well, maybe you
took out some of that

adolescent angst
on the popular girl.

I was wrong about Rainey, okay?

You didn't think
she was cardboard cutout?

I thought
she was better than those bunch
of morons she hung with.

Morons like Becca?

And Casey.

You think he had something
to do with it?

Guy'd stop at nothing
to get in her pants.

You shouldn't assume
I'm an idiot

because I'm a cheerleader.

You're right.

Pigtails and short skirts
usually equal genius.

An unbalanced force.


That's the answer.

An object at rest
has to stay at rest

and an object in motion

tends to stay
in motion

unless acted upon
by an unbalanced force.

Newton's First Law of Motion.

If you're not an idiot,
why act like one?

You wouldn't understand.

Wouldn't understand a little
thing called "peer pressure"?

Offer me dr*gs.

Just do it.

You want dr*gs?


And that's how you deal
with peer pressure.

It's just...
it's like they belong,

you know, with their cool
uniforms and their pom-poms.

Everyone knows
who they are,

wants to be
their friend.

Maybe it's stupid and shallow
to want that.

No, sounds like
what we all want.

Rainey, you better
be on that kegger
on Saturday.

I'm not taking no
for an answer.

Casey, what are you doing?

What about Becca?

That old jock mattress?

Get your hands
off of her, you tool.

Who the hell are you?

Guess I'm no one.

You saying Casey drugged Rainey?

It is his style.


You'll never guess who was
brought up on date r*pe charges

his sophomore year at college.

Mr. Big Man on Campus himself.

Those date r*pe charges
were dropped.

You're not supposed
to ask me about that.

We'll ask whatever
we damn want, Casey.

You got a real problem
with keeping that thing
in your pants, huh?

What kind of questions is that?

Well, we know you had the hots
for Rainey Carlson.

So? She was tight.

Where were you
the night Rainey died?

My parents were
out of town.

I threw a kegger. There were,
like, a hundred people there.

We're gonna need those names.


The point is
you pursued Rainey.

Wanted to get
your rocks off.

I'm not saying
I wouldn't hit that.

Sure, I tried.

She told you to get lost.

Wasn't me she told to step off.


All right, juniors.

on your first game.

You were awesome.
Thanks, Becca.

I'm so excited.

We have a little tradition.

We all did it after
our first varsity game.

Now it's your turn.

To do what?


Each other.

But there aren't
any guys around.

Isn't that kind of lame?

Excuse me?

Lame? It's a frickin' tradition.

I don't want to, Becca.


Well, you do what I say.

I say "kiss," you better kiss.

Let's just do it.
It'll be stupid.

That's exactly the point.

Come on! That
ain't no kiss!

Let's see some tongue action!

Tongue! Tongue! Tongue!

Tongue! Tongue! Tongue!
Tongue! Tongue!

Tongue! Tongue! Tongue! Tongue!

Hey, hey, where do you
think you're going?

You didn't roll
the dice yet.

What? Let go of me.



Coach Pruitt?

You're an adult.

You're supposed to protect us!

No, look, Rainey,
this is all in good fun here,

I wonder if Principal Palmer
thinks it's in good fun.

You threatening me?

I doubt she'd want a perv
like you teaching us.

You are way out
of bounds, young lady.
You know what I'm saying?

It was just a little hazing.

Rainey couldn't deal.

Coach Pruitt was in
the girls' locker room?

Sure, he let us in the gym.

Bought us beer
from time to time.

Totally cool guy.

And Rainey threatened
to rat him out?

She was uptight.

Girls I'm with need
to know how to party.

If she went to
the principal,

it would have meant
Pruitt's job,
his future.

So maybe he shut her up
before she had the chance.


You must be Lamont's parents.

He's a great kid.
I just wanted to discuss
his homework environment.

Detectives Miller,

Jeffries. Homicide.

We're investigating
the m*rder of Rainey Karlsen.

Rainey, that was, uh...

Ten years ago.

My first year of teaching.

Understand she caught you
playing peekaboo

in the girls' locker room.

Threatened to tell
the principal and
ruin your career.


fortunately, she
never reported me.

That is fortunate--
for you.

She did, however,
teach me a valuable lesson.

And that was?

It was time
for me to grow up,

stop trying to be friends
with my students.

And that's relevant
to her m*rder...


It happened the day
of the pep rally.

The one Rainey missed.

Morning after, they...

found her body.

So what happened?

Rainey blew her top.

She wasn't gonna take it

We all know that
force is a vector.

You can see here
that that's represented
by these arrows.

If a table didn't push back
with the equal force gravity
exerts on the book,

it would go
right through the table.

Quit your sniveling.

Last year I rolled a .

That's why books don't go
right through tables.

Pretty weird, if you ask me.

Um, that was good,

Go ahead and sit down.

Becca, you're next.


It's a real downer.

How do you fix it?





How was that
a real presentation?

She doesn't even have a
poster board. Why is that okay?

I mean, it'd be great
if she were a playmate
and this were the Playboy Mansion,

but this is supposed to be
a physics class.

I know I'd rather be
at the Playboy Mansion.

We're supposed to actually
be learning things.

All right, Rainey,

you've made your point.

Why should I
listen to you?

'Cause you're the teacher?

You're a joke.

I'll give you detention,
young lady.

No way.

I'm not afraid of you.

You tell him,

drawing on your desk,
that's vandalism-- detention.

Don't turn this on him
just so you can feel

in charge while you let your
buddies do whatever they want.

You're pushing it.

Joe is the only real person
in here!

The rest of you are just...

pod people!

I'm out of here!

Someone needs to take
a chill pill... bo-kay?

Bo-kay that!

Rainey called me out.

And she was right.

Joe went after Rainey?

He find her?

I don't know.
I never saw her again.

Funny how Joe forgot
to mention any of this.

You said... Joe did a lot
of drawing on his desk.


Kid fancied himself
a angst-ridden Picasso.

You still have that desk?

Is this a public school?

Uh, it's, uh,

one of these over here.

Look familiar?

Recognize this?

Yeah, it looks like
my handiwork.

What about this?

You were with Rainey
the night she died.

You wrote your secret
in the museum; you k*lled her.


I wrote it. It was me.

Are you admitting to the
m*rder of Rainey Karlsen?


Just like that.

You did it?


You want to tell us why, Joe?

People k*ll people all the time
for no reason.

But Rainey
stood up for you.

Told Coach Pruitt
to s

You didn't drug Rainey
with GHB, did you?


Then why admit to it?

It's our ten-year reunion.

No one thinks about her...

cares about her.

No one but you.

It's my fault she died.

I'm the unbalanced force.

If it weren't for me,

she'd be alive today.


Been looking
for you everywhere.

And the one place
you're not is the pep rally.


I'm not going.

Does that mean
you're quitting?

I'm already in trouble
with Becca.

If I quit,
she'd turn everyone against me.

I'd go through
the rest of high school


A nobody?


Wha... What are you doing?

It's an atom.

Or the universe.

Or high school.

So that's what
it looks like.

You don't want to be
these orbiting dots,

because then you
get all tangled up

in... the beginnings
and endings of things,

and you bump into other dots.

What do you want to be?

The center.


and observant.




when bodies fall out
of the gravitational pull

of a larger body,

that's when they become
their own center.

I like that.

I draw it a lot.

To remind myself.

Does it work?


I mean,sometimes.

It can be lonely.

Can two centers be friends?

I'd like to think so.

I'm gonna quit
the cheerleading squad.

You're better than them, Rainey.

I'm gonna go to tell Becca
right now.

Before I lose
my courage.

Hey, Rainey,

remember, it's just
high school.


It's just high school.

I was wrong.

It wasn't just high school.

Same night Rainey died,

she told Becca
to shove it.

And you never told the cops?

I was the bad druggie kid,

voted most likely to serve time.

If you said you were with
Rainey the night she died,

you'd be the scapegoat.

No one would've believed
it was Becca.

She was the Queen Bee.

I'll handle this.

This is a special night for me.

It's my ten-year reunion.

Can't your stupid investigation
wait until tomorrow?

Tough to say good-bye
to the glory days, huh, Becca?

What's that
supposed to mean?

Your life peaked
at the high school prom.

since then...

it's been all downhill.

I happen to be perfectly happy.

Is that why you can't hold down
a job?

Why at , you've had two
failed marriages?

Going on three?

Little fish
in a big pond.

That's why
this night means so much.

You get to be Great White Becca

I don't have to listen to this.

The old Becca would
have never run away.

You ruled this school.
When you said "Jump,"
they said, "How high?"

Being popular was
a full-time job, / .

Then Rainey comes along.

Tells you to take your pom-poms
and shove 'em.Excuse me?

I rescued that toe-bag
from Loserville.

I don't think so.

She was going to quit the squad.

Show the world
what a loser you were.

News flash: I am not a loser.

I showed that bitch
who was boss.

You know, Rainey not
showing up for the pep rally

really screwed our formation.

Our totem pyramid
was lopsided without her.

She's totally
out of line.

So what are you
gonna do about her?

You know what I need
from you b*tches?

More complaining.

I'll deal with her,
all right?

But for right now...

I have a surprise for you.

We're gonna party hardy
tonight, bo-kay?

All you need is one
drop. Seriously.

What is it?

Liquid X.

It'll make you feel
like ten times
as drunk.

And that's good news
for you, Celeste.

Fewer calories.

Well, look who
decides to show.

Thanks for ruining
formation, Rainey.

You rock. And P.S.:

that stunt you pulled
in class? Not cool.

I'm quitting.


No, you're not. Nobody quits.

Well, I am.
Rainey, no.
You can't.

it's okay.
You can quit, too.

But I don't want to.
Get a grip, Celeste.

No one's quitting.

Do you know how lucky you are
to be on this squad?

How many girls would die
to shake your pom-poms?

Let them.

I don't want it

if it means the
prize is being you.

Being me?

You're the meanest,
most manipulative, most...

vapid person I
have ever known.

Every girl wants to be you

because every guy in school
wants to bang you.

Good luck holding onto that
for the next years

because that's all you have.

I want something more.

Don't move a muscle, bitch.

Grab her!

Right now!

You know, Rainey,
you skipped out on hazing.

I think it's time
you had your fair share.

Get off me!

Give me a drink.
Get off me!

Now, Celeste!

Come here!

What's wrong with her?

She only had one beer!

We're out of here, Celeste.

She's your friend.
You clean this mess up.

I taught that twit
who was boss: me.

You left Rainey on the field
with Celeste?


Those two losers
deserved each other.

And Celeste handed
you the drink?

You sure about that, Becca?

Look, I-I don't know
what Thunder Thighs did.

Okay? And frankly,
I don't care.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have
a full evening to attend to.

Don't move a muscle... bitch.

Surprised to find
you here, Celeste.

Everything looks so small.

Back then, it all
seemed so important.

Making peace
with the past?

That why
you came back?

Make peace
with Rainey?


I was almost happy.

You were never
happy back then.

That why you drugged
your own beer?

I just wanted to fit in.

Be popular.

To be liked.
Instead, they used you.

Humiliated you.

Rainey didn't. She
stood up for you.

She was your best friend.

Rainey left me

in that locker room...


What happened?

In that locker room.

I just want to forget it.


Rolling the dice...

wasn't just kissing,

was it?

Rainey found out.

she was gonna destroy the squad.

You couldn't let her do that.

I'd given up everything
to be a cheerleader.

I paid too high a price.

Come on. You have
to get help, Rainey.

We have to get help.

Wow. I'm really sick.

That was my beer and it had
a whole bottle of X in it.

We need to go now.

What? Why would you
drug your own beer?

I just wanted to check out
for a little bit.

Check out?

You mean like... k*ll yourself?


Forget it, Rainey.

Just forget it.

Real friends don't do
the things they do.

Let's walk away, Celeste.

Walk away?

Like what you did to me
in the locker room?

I'm so sorry.

I heard you had
to kiss ten guys.

It wasn't kissing, Rainey.

When I tell my mom...
No, you can't tell.

It's gonna be over.


There'll be no
more squad anymore.

But without a squad,
what will I do?

Anything you want.

You're funny.

You're smart.

But the squad's all I've got.

I'm popular now.

And people like me.

And I'm finally...


You always were
somebody, Celeste.

To me.

I can't give it up now.

After all I've been through.

All I've done.

It's all I have, Rainey.

I feel really sick.

Maybe you should
call an ambulance.

I'm gonna tell my mom
what they did.

I already called
an ambulance, Rainey.

You did?


They're coming any minute now.

Don't you worry.

Thanks, Be-Fri.

You're my
best friend.

I think
I hear sirens.

Me too, St-End.

Joe's right.

You can see it all
from the center.

I'm gonna go to sleep now, okay?


("High and Dry"
by Radiohead playing)

♪ Two jumps in a week ♪

♪ I bet you think
that's pretty clever ♪

♪ Don't you, boy? ♪

♪ Flying on your motorcycle ♪

♪ Watching all the ground
beneath you drop ♪

♪ You'd k*ll yourself
for recognition ♪

♪ k*ll yourself
to never, ever stop ♪

♪ You broke another mirror ♪

♪ You're turning
into something you are not ♪

♪ Don't leave me high ♪

♪ Don't leave me dry ♪

♪ Drying up in conversation ♪

♪ You will be the one
who cannot talk ♪

♪ All your insides
fall to pieces ♪

♪ You just sit there wishing
you could still make love ♪

♪ They're the ones
who'll hate you ♪

♪ When you think
you've got the world ♪

♪ All sussed out ♪


♪ You will be the one
screaming out ♪

♪ Don't leave me high ♪

♪ Don't leave me dry ♪

♪ Don't leave me high ♪

♪ Don't leave me dry ♪

♪ Don't leave me high ♪

♪ Don't leave me high ♪

♪ Don't leave me dry. ♪