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Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story, The (2014)

Posted: 12/01/21 19:11
by bunniefuu
What if no one shows up?

They will. Right?

I don't think I can handle
being canceled again.

It's gonna go great.
You worry too much.

You always think everything's
going to be great,

and then it's not.

Dude, look at
where you're at.

You gotta enjoy it.

I almost hope
people don't show up.


We'll be fine.



we're all in this
together, right?


You're not gonna believe this.

This is unbelievable.

Oh, my god...

She jumped on the hood
of the car.


Did she just jump?

Time out.

Not bad.

Guess they like us.

It wasn't always
like this, though.

Saved by the Bell
was a wild ride.

We almost didn't--

wait a second.

Just stop, okay?

Whoa, whoa,
you can't do that.

Yeah, I can.

This time, it's
not all about you.

This is my story,

what really happened
behind the scenes

of America's favorite
Saturday morning show.

At least, it's
the way I remember it,

and I was there
from the very first episode

to the very last.

* see the people
walking down the street *

* fall in line
just watching all their feet *

* they don't know
where they want to go *

* but they're walking in time

* they got the beat
they got the beat *

* they got the beat...

The truth is,

Saved by the Bell
wasn't even supposed to be

about the students at first.

It was supposed to be
about the teachers.

Miss Bliss taught
my eight grade history class,

but she was more
than a teacher.


We could talk to her,
about anything.

She really made
every kid feel

like she believed in us.

A show about a school,

the kind of school that
we wish we'd all gone to.

That's wholesome
and safe.

Mm-hmm, it's a show
that our kids could watch.

That the whole family
could watch together.

That's great, Brandon.

Everybody has
a teacher they loved.

Maybe we set it in the midwest,
something all-American?

Like Indiana.

Have they ever
set a show in Indiana?

Why would they?

I don't know, the whole
classroom, teenage thing,

I'm not sure i'm
the right guy for this.

Trust me, Peter,

I have a very good feeling
about this show.

* that's when
we fall in line *

* 'cause we got the beat

pick it up,
let's go.



Hey, Dustin!

They brought you back in
for Screech, huh?

-For the sixth time.

How hard can it be
to figure this out?

They just want to see

some of the Zacks
and Screeches together.

I'm sure it won't be too long.

Better not be.

It's not
her fault.

It's just a lot
of trouble, that's all,

hour drive both ways,

and I'm missing work again.

I'm sorry.

I hope
you appreciate this.

We're all making

for this
acting dream of yours.

I know.

Same lecture every time
we went on an audition.

But to be fair,

it wasn't like
any of us realized

the course
of our entire lives

was about to change forever.

* do the watusi
just give us a chance *

* that's when we fall in line *

* 'cause we got the beat
we got the beat *

* we got the beat *

* we got it! *

* we got the beat *

* we got the beat *


You're reading
for Zack, right?

Uh, yeah.

I'm in
for Screech.

Wanna run the scene together?

No, that's not really
my process.

Oh, you have
a process.

Do you mind?

You wanna run lines?

Yeah, sure.

Lark Voorhies?

They're ready for you.

* they got the beat
kids got the beat *


Yeah, right behind you.

Be right back.

So I told her,

honey, this is not
gonna fly with me.

When I volunteered
to be a candy striper,

I didn't realize
that actually meant

you had to wear stripes.

She's reading
the Lisa Turtle scene.

Yeah, she's great,
isn't she?

Lisa Turtle's
supposed to be

a Jewish American

Not anymore she isn't.

Don't even get me started.

* they got the beat
they got the beat *

* they got the beat

* yeah, they got the beat *

Are you sure
this is a good idea?

Have I ever
led you wrong, Screech?

Well, there was
that one time

you told me
it was safe to eat

those red chili peppers.

Okay, fine,
maybe one time.

And then there
was the time

you said it was okay

to stick my finger
in that light socket.

That was a bit shocking.

You know, Screech,

I worry about you

You really have to stop
being so negative.

That's where
Zack and Screech

got their start.

Not on Saved by the Bell,

but on a show called
"Good Morning, Miss Bliss."

Even though
we started off at nbc,

the network passed
on the show originally.

That might have
been the end of it.

But a new cable network
only a few years old

decided to give us a chance...

The Disney channel.


* now, as I get to school
I hear the late bell ringing *

* running through the hall
I hear the glee club singing *

* get to the office
I can hardly speak *

* 'cause it's the third
late pass *

* that I got this week

* so to my first class
I run and don't walk *

* all I hear is my sneakers
and the scratch of the chalk *

* and when I get to the room
I hear the teacher say *

* Mr. Young, I'm happy
that you could join us today *

* I try to sit down
so I can take some notes *

* but I can't read what
the kid next to me wrote *

* and if that wasn't enough
to make my morning complete *

* as I try to get up
I find there's gum on my seat *

* and with the seat stuck to me
I raise my hand *

* and say, excuse me but can I
go to the bathroom, ma'am... *


Have you seen your
dressing room yet?

I have
my own dressing room?

Dude, I don't even have
my own room at home.

Oh, check this out!

Hey, lark,
pretty cool, huh?

It's nice.

Mark-Paul, where
are you going?

Uh... nowhere.

I thought you were going
to review your lines,

make sure you're prepared
for the table read.

I did.

Hi, I'm pauline,
Mark-Paul's mom.

Hey. Nice to meet you.

We won't be long,
I promise.

15 minutes.
It's your first rehearsal.

Is your mom Asian?

Part Indonesian.

Not exactly
what you expect, huh?

I don't think
anyone told your hair

it was part Indonesian.

Are we supposed
to be up here?

I don't know.

* my books are real heavy
I walk and I'm draggin' it *

* no school lunch next week
I'm brown-bagging it *

* forget class
i'MMA sh**t some ball *

* with a late pass
I got no trouble at all *

* but then the nurse walks up
and says, "whaddaya know *

* it's off to
the principal's office you go" *

Oh, hey, Dustin,
by the way...

You're it!

* recess!


this is Dennis Haskins,
our principal Belding.

Dennis, I'd like
you to meet

Miss Bliss,

Hayley mills.

I'm a big fan,
miss mills.

Hayley, please.

I had such a crush on you

back when you did
the parent trap.

Both of you, actually.

Well, I think this is
going to be a lot of fun.

I hear you're a very
talented young man.

You must have been
talking to my mom.

All right, let's just read
through the scene once, okay?

I'll be honest.

I am seriously
considering expulsion.

Principal Belding,

I know that if you give Zack
one more chance,

he'll prove how sorry he is.

I didn't mean to set
the fire alarm--

quack! Quack! Quack!

Dustin! Shh!




What is wrong
with that kid?

He's awesome.

It was my first time

being part of a big series,

and even though
I was the youngest by far,

it was like finding a family
you never knew you had,

or going to a school
where nobody made fun of you,

or called you a dork.

I'd never been happier,

and I hoped
it would last forever.


the Disney channel has
decided to cancel Miss Bliss.

I'm sorry.

I know you all put
your hearts into this show.

I'm afraid this week's
going to be our last episode.

And just like that,
it was over.

We were done.

Of course, at that point,
we couldn't know

this was just
our first time to be canceled,

and it wasn't
going to be our last.

The frustrating part is

we were just starting
to really gel.

We needed more time.

My daughter really
liked the show.

The thing is,

she didn't care so much
about the teachers.

What she really loved
were the kids.

What if we brought the show
back to nbc?

Made it part of
our Saturday morning line-up?

But Saturday

are for cartoons.

That's what children
want to watch.

That's because that's all
we've given them to watch.

But what about the kids
who want more than cartoons?

The 11 year-olds,
the 12 year-olds?

The kids that aren't
children anymore,

but they're not
teens either.

Yeah, forget the teachers,

make it about the kids.

Nobody has ever done
a live-action comedy

with just kids.


Do you think enough people
will watch it

if it doesn't have
an adult star?

Kids don't care
about adult stars.

They just want to see

We could make it
more fun.

We'll move the school
to California.

Everybody wants to go to school
close to the beach, don't they?

It's risky,

but it's
kind of exciting too.

You'll have your work
cut out for you.

We've got to try to find a way
to reach an audience

that no one's really
tapped into before.

I've got it!

We'll call it...
"When the bell rings!"


Hey, buddy,
how was school today?


Awful. Humiliating.

Same as always.

Yeah, well, you can't
let people push you around.

You've got to
stand up for yourself.


And then you can come
pick me up in the hospital


Maybe if you
stopped reading

all those funny books

and you did something, like...

Played a sport.

How about baseball?

That might work.

It won't work. Nothing will.

Well, you better do something.


Yeah, this is Dustin,
who's this?


Oh my--
yeah, that'd be great.

Of course!

Yeah, he's right here,
one sec.

It's the show,

they're going to bring it back,

and this time,

it's gonna be all about
Screech and Zack.

Maybe we'll become
one of those great comedy teams,

like Lenny and Squiggy.

And no more school!


Sounds good.


As soon as they're done
seeing the Slaters,

we'll be
calling in the Kellys.

You're here
for Kelly too?

I guess we're supposed to,

like, hate each other
or something, right?

Well, I promise
not to hate you

if you promise
not to hate me.


I'm Tiffani-Amber.


You know, you actually
look really familiar.

Have we met before?

I don't know.

Do you take classes
at westside ballet?


Are you a dancer?

Yeah, dancing
is my passion.

I actually got to go
to New York and train

last summer.

It was amazing.

I bet you're
a beautiful dancer.

Oh, my god,

you're a model,
aren't you?

That's why
I recognize you.

I saw that
photo spread you did.

You're the cover girl
model of the year.

That's you, isn't it?

Yeah, the thing is,

I really want people
to see me as an actress.

I know.
I feel the same way.

I just want to be
taken seriously.


Oh, I hate this.

-You're so nice.

It feels unfair that we have to
go up against each other.

I know.

A.C. Slater is supposed to be
our John Travolta character,

Italian, a real ladies' man.

Just give him a chance.

I'm telling you,
you're gonna love this kid.

And the girls are
gonna love him too.

He's latino.

He's perfect.

Ready when you are.

We're up.

So we're eliminating
this girl, jennie garth?

I like her,

but I think
we've got better choices.

Leaves us with
Tiffani-Amber and Elizabeth.

Tiffani-Amber won

the miss junior America
beauty pageant,

and she was a cover girl model.

She's never acted
before, though.

I just don't know
if she's ready.

Elizabeth is
a couple of years older,

a little more experienced,

and she's got more range.

It's a comedy about kids.

How much range do you need?

It's sh**ting in front
of a live audience.

That's a lot of pressure.

seems more like Kelly,

but they're both great.

That's right,

they are.

So why not use both of them?

It's supposed to be
three guys and two girls.

Then we'll change it.

We'll write a new character
specifically for Elizabeth.

Of course you will.

I hope you appreciate--

I know! I know.

See you later.

Oh, hi, Mrs. Gosselaar.

Where's Mark-Paul?

Down in the rehearsal studio.

You'd better hurry,
you'll be late. soon as I
get my license...

Hey, Mark-Paul.


So, when you go in
for your test,

do they try and trick you
or anything like that?

No, man, it's easy.
You'll ace it.

When do you go in?

A few months.

gonna be fine.

not that hard.

I just don't want
to mess it up

for everyone else.

We can all
run lines together.

If everyone
could find a seat,

we'll get started.


I think you're on this side.

I know you're all
excited to get started.

We've got
several new faces.


So this new version of the show
is completely different.

We'll be centering
around the students...

Particularly around Zack.

He will be our window

into the world
of Bayside High.

Hey, what about Screech?

I guess you're just
not blond enough, kid.

Now, I know
for most of you,

this is your first series,

so I want to make
a few rules clear.

This is a job,

and I expect you all

to behave accordingly.

No swearing,

no disruptions
while we're working,

and most importantly,

I need you to keep
your personal relationships

strictly professional.

I understand, you're teenagers,

you're growing up.

But when you're here,

you must be actors first.

I have the highest level
of expectation

for each
and every one of you.

But I know you're not
going to let me down.


Peter didn't know much
about real teenagers.

Okay, here we go,
we're going to do rehearsal.

I need everyone to settle.

All right, hold
the work, okay?


Action, rehearsal.

It's none of
your business, preppy.

I'll ask her out
if I want to.

Absolutely not.

I forbid it.

You forbid it?

what's that line again?


"Who are you,
the king of england?"

Right, sorry.

I don't know why
I keep forgetting that.

That's all right.

Who are you,
the king of england?

he thinks he is.

Lark, lark,

you're going to
have to speak up.

We've got an audience
this time.

No one's going to
be able to hear you.

he thinks he is.

Well, people do say

I have sort of
a royal air--

can I come out yet?

No, no, Dustin,

you've got to let Mario
and Mark-Paul finish their bit

before you open the door.


This is a disaster.

They'll get better.

Give them a little time.

We're sh**ting in front
of a live audience.

Some of these kids
have never done that before.

So we'll keep
working with them.

We'll get them ready.

You won't get
one laugh

if they're fumbling
every other line.

They won't.

sticking his neck out,

taking a risk on this.

We have to make it work.

All right, everyone,
here we go!

Rehearsal's up.

It's none of
your business, preppy.

Which are the small
angles again,

acute or obtuse?


Acute, thank you.

I can remember
all my lines,

but I can't
remember that.

I'll be right back.

Keep working on
your individual assignments.

Oh, my god, this sucks!

When I got cast, I was stoked,

'cause I thought
it meant no school.

But we're trapped in this room

more than we're out
on the stage.

It's true.

Hey, did the producers
ask you guys

what talents you have?


They said they want to, like,
write it into our characters

or something.

Try and make us more real.

All I can think of
is that I ride horses.

I don't really see them

bringing horses
onto the set.

Well, you did beauty
pageants all those years,

maybe they can use that?


I mean, I just told them
about my dancing.

Me too.

You're a dancer?

You tell me.

-Come on.

-Just one dance.

-Do it.
-Accept the challenge.

All right. Fine.

Okay, you ready?
A simple two-step.


Thank you, thank you.

I thought you told me

that you were
a state champion wrestler?

I am.

But I grew up in chula vista.

And if you're a guy who dances,

you sure as hell
better know how to fight too.

I started karate.

When I get my black belt,

I'll be able to
kick ass too.


I don't see

how dancing,
or wrestling, or whatever

is going to help us.

We have to figure out
how to be funnier.

can't make yourself

be funnier.

We just have to try and relax
when we're out there.

Yeah, well, that's easy
for you to say.

He can just be himself,

Mr. All-American boy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

First of all,
I am nothing like Zack, okay?

My dad is Dutch,

my mom is part Indonesian.

I'm the first member
of my family

to be born in America,

thank you very much.

You're not really
blond, either.


Look, the point...
Of this is...

Look, the point is,

for this show to work,
we have to help each other.

If we're having fun,
the audience will feel that.

It's true.

It is true.

It's hard to have fun
when you're scared to death.


Well, the only thing
I'm scared of right now

is this teacher,

and I'm trying to finish up
before she comes back, so...

It's never
going to stay.

It's never
going to stay...

Nope. Here.

* yo, pretty ladies
around the world *

* got a weird thing
to show you *

* so tell
all the boys and girls *

* tell your brother, your sister
and your mamma too *

* 'cause we're about
to throw down *

* and you'll know
just what to do *

* wave your hands in the air
like you don't care *

* glide by the people *

* as they
start to look and stare *

* do your dance, do your dance
do your dance quick *

* mamma *

* come on baby, tell me
what's the word *

* word up, everybody say *

* when you hear the call
you've got to get it underway *

* word up, it's the code word *

* no matter where you say it *

* you'll know
that you'll be heard now *

* all you sucker DJs
who think you're fly *

* there's got to be a reason
and we know the reason why *

* you try to put on those airs
and act real cool *

* but ya got to realize *

* that you're acting
like fools *

quiet, please.

Cameras rolling.


I can't wait
for this weekend.

President's day
means one thing,


Rodeo drive,
here I come.

Can I come with you?

I can't actually
afford to buy anything,

but it's always fun
watching you spend.

I refuse to celebrate
president's day

until we have
our first woman president.


You don't think a woman
can be president?


as long as she has a guy
she can ask for directions.

- You're such a chauvinist.

If that means devilishly
handsome and charming,

then I plead guilty.

I'm so ready
for this week to be over.

Tell me about it,
I've got two tests tomorrow...

The new Saved by the Bell

was completely different
from the first show,

louder and crazier.

But we were also
more like real teenagers.

Over the top, maybe,

but not so different
from kids you might see

at your own school.

And as it all came together,

we finally started
to trust each other

and just have fun.

Yeah, of course
I remembered, mom.

You think
I'd forget something

as important
as your birthday dinner?

Yeah, okay, I'll see you later.


I totally forgot
my mom's birthday dinner.

Which wouldn't be so bad,

except I finally got Kelly
to go on a date with me

that same night.

"A house divided against
itself cannot stand."

What are you doing?

Getting ready
for presidents day.

Who are you going as?

Uh, you know it's not
Halloween, right, Screech?

I know.

It's even better!

Hi, Zack, we still on
for Saturday night?

You know it.

Are we still
on for Saturday night?


Somebody has to carry my bags.

How about
a huge round of applause

for our amazing cast!

Dennis Haskins
as principal Belding!

Elizabeth Berkley
as Jessie Spano!

Mario Lopez as A.C. Slater!

Lark Voorhies as Lisa Turtle!

Tiffani-Amber Thiessen

as Kelly Kapowski!

Dustin Diamond
as Screech Powers!

And Mark-Paul Gosselaar
as Zack Morris!

"Saved by the Bell

features wooden acting,
cheap sets,

and ridiculous plots.

This is low-quality programming.

Kids deserve better.

The young cast was clearly
chosen for their looks

and not their talent."

Gimme that.


Why do they
hate us so much?

We shouldn't
read any more.

We don't have to.

They all say
the same thing.

Hey, don't cry.

What do they know anyway?

You know, in church,

they tell us

we shouldn't have
too much pride.

that's really hard.

Why are you guys
so hung up on the reviews?

The show's for kids.

Who cares what the critics say?

Everybody is going
to read those.

All our friends.

And families.

Yeah, but they don't care
about that.

It's not that big a deal.

"Screech is easily
one of the most annoying

and least likeable characters

to hit television
in recent years.

Young comedian
Dustin Diamond's

awkward attempts
at humor

are painful to watch."


It's going to be okay.

I'm going in.

I don't know,
this Jerry Seinfeld,

he's very funny,

but the pilot feels too...
Jewish, too New York.

Let me call you back.

I just had a big star
walk into my office.


Hey, Dustin.

This is a surprise.

I just walked in, I'm sorry.
Is that okay?

For you, no problem.

What's on your mind?

Okay, well, uh,

you're, like, the head
of everything, right?

Maybe not everything, but...

I think we should
change Screech.

I mean, why does he
have to be such a geek?

Well, that's what
makes him funny.

You're great at that.

All the other kids
get to be cool.

Their hair, and their clothes,
and everything,

and I'm just the guy
that everybody laughs at.

That's the character, not you.

Yeah, well, tell them that.

You know what, I love Screech.

And the truth is,

every one of us has
a little geek inside of us,

some of us more
than others, but...

My daughter says
you make her laugh

more than anybody else
on the show,

and she's not saying that
because she's laughing at you.

You just...
You make her smile.

And as you get older,

you'll realize
how important that is.

So Screech dating the hottest
girl in school is out?

Maybe for now.

But for Dustin Diamond,

anything is possible.

Well, I wish
I had better news,

but the ratings just aren't
what the network hoped.

We're getting canceled?

Bugs Bunny's
kicking our butts.

I want you to know

that you all did
a fantastic job.

We couldn't be prouder.

I told you it wasn't
gonna be the last time.

A lot of people at the network
didn't believe in us.

They would've been thrilled
to see us canceled.

But then something amazing
started to happen.

Kids started talking,

and the more they talked,

the more people
started watching.

* yo, pretty ladies
around the world *

* got a weird thing
to show you *

* so tell
all the boys and girls *

* no romance, no romance
no romance for me, mamma... *

The show that wouldn't die

got yet another chance?


Have you seen the numbers?

I know, they, uh,
aren't what you hoped.

You don't understand, Peter.

It's like every
teenager in America

suddenly discovered this show.

So the ratings went up?


They went
through the roof.

Peter, you have a bona fide
hit on your hands.


Good job.

- Guys!
- What?

You're not
going to believe this.

Oh, my god.

This is unbelievable.

By the time

the second season
of Saved by the Bell started,

every kid in America
had heard of Zack and Kelly,

Jessie and Slater,

Lisa Turtle,

and even Screech...

Screech! Screech!

You're so funny!

Thank you.

Can I have your autograph?


Lisa Turtle should totally
go out with you, Screech!

Here you go.

I love you, Kelly!

I love you too.

You're even cuter in person!

Thank you.

Will you sign my belly button?

Uh, sure.

Mine too.


No problem.


Whoa, whoa,
easy, there, guys.

Whoa, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey!

Come on, man!
Get them off of me!

Okay, that's it.

Out! Out!
Go, go, go, go!

Look at your shirt!

"Saved by the Bell" isn't just
a successful show for us,

it's becoming
a very important commodity.

We're closing more foreign
rights deals every day.

It's going global.

Which means
we need to protect the show.

Part of what
makes this show work

is the wholesome image
of its stars.

They're supposed to be
funny and sweet.

Not this.

Who authorized
these pictures?

Sexy sells.
Isn't that what we want?

No. Not when it
undermines the brand.

We need to take control.

Keep these kids in line.

They're teenagers
in Hollywood.

They're gonna get in trouble.

It's like an unwritten law.

Our job is to make sure
that doesn't happen.

This show is
potentially worth

hundreds of millions
to the network.

We do whatever it takes
to protect our investment.

It's not fair!

The rules haven't

just because
the show's doing well.

Well, I'm 16!
I want to buy my own car!

What's wrong with that?

You get $20 a week
to spend as you see fit.

That's not enough to buy a car.

I'm making thousands!

And your dad and I

are putting it all
into an account for you.

For college.

For the future.

I'm the one
who does the work, okay?

It's my money,

and I should be able
to do what I want with it!

I know this doesn't
seem fair right now.

But we're doing this
for you.

It's stupid.

Hey! Watch the tone.

Do you want to be
grounded again?

Grounded? Seriously?


It just
feels weird, you know?

In real life,

I graduated from
high school last week,

but the whole world still
just sees me as a sophomore.

I just always figured
after I graduated,

I would be heading
off to college

totally exciting.

But instead, I'm still
just trapped in high school.

At least you're
getting paid for it.



We're sorry
to bother you, but...

We just
wanted to say

how much
we love you,

all of you.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Maybe this sounds dumb,

but it feels like I know you.

No, that doesn't
sound dumb at all.

When you
caught Zack

lying to you,

and you stood up
for yourself?

Oh, my god, I went out
the next day

and broke up with
my boyfriend

because I knew he was
lying to me too.

Oh, that's...
That's terrible.

So the show really made
a difference for you?

It's like watching my life right
there on TV.

The producers
will never go for it.

The show's working.

They're not gonna
want to change it.

Yeah, but you should have
heard these girls.

Saved by the Bell
really speaks to them.

They're just
having a good time.

I mean, why ruin it
by getting all serious?

It's more than that.
These girls identify with us.

It's like they're
going to school with us.

Which is why
we should be tackling

more serious subjects,

real things that real teenagers
are dealing with.

We could actually have a voice.

Yeah, but
we're a comedy.

M.a.s.h. Was a comedy.

All in the family
was a comedy,

and they dealt with
a lot of serious subjects.

Yeah, we could be like that,
but for kids our age.

Like maybe the
writers could come up

with something on
drunk driving.

Or drug abuse.

I don't know.

Doesn't that sound
kind of... heavy?

It could be great.

Yeah, but we need you
guys to back us up.

We have to
stand together,

or they'll just
ignore us.


What did you
have in mind?

Okay, we'll start
with the writers.

Just small things
at first.

Yeah, and if we can
convince them

to keep making it more real,

they'll convince Peter.

All those critics said

that we were doing
just a dumb high school show.

We're going to prove them wrong.

Growing up
in front of the camera

sounds pretty exciting, huh?

Sometimes it was.

But a lot of the time
we just spent waiting around,

trying not to be bored
out of our minds.

It's okay, it's not real.

I hate working with kids.

Geez, it was just a joke.

Mario, of course,

found other ways
to pass the time.

This is where all
the magic happens.

I can't believe
I'm here.

This looks
just like on TV.

You really like
the show, huh?

What's your
favorite part?


Come on, I'll
show you the rest.

So what's your
favorite part?




Here's next week's episode.

It's pretty funny.

You get to dress up
like a lady janitor.

Oh, hey, I, uh...

I got you something.

You did?

Yup, for your birthday.

Bet you didn't think
I'd remember, did you?

I don't really like to
make a big deal out of it.


It's your birthday,

it's the one day of the year
where it's all about you.

Go on, open it.

The thing is,

I'm not really supposed to.

Jehovah's witnesses
don't celebrate birthdays,

or christmases, or...

Most holidays.


I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.

I had no idea.

No, no, it's nice.

You're nice.

Being on this show,

it's opened my eyes
to so many new things.

There's a lot of things
I'm not supposed to do.

But sometimes I want to.


Yeah, me too. I, uh...

I want to.

Mark-Paul, are you up here?

Oh, my gosh,
I am so sorry.

I'll just go.

No, I-I have a fitting.

I should go.

I'm so sorry.

That's okay.

I am so sorry.

I didn't know.

Oh, man.

Are you and lark
a thing?


I think we're dating.

You "think" you're dating?

That doesn't sound good.

Well, we have to
keep it a secret,

so it's not like
we can go out and do things.

Because of her parents?

It's not just them,

it's Peter
and the network, and...

They'd freak out if people knew.

You're allowed to have a life.

Am I?

It's so stupid.

I have girls writing
letters to me every day

telling me how much
they're in love with me...

And I can't go out on a date
with the one girl I really like.

If Mark-Paul thought
he was confused about lark,

he was about to get
a whole lot more confused

about Tiffani.

Did you see this?

Is that next week's?


Well, I guess
that's what happens

when you ask the writers

to make the storylines
more dramatic.

I mean, it's not like
we didn't know

it would happen
eventually, right?

You're right.

I mean, it's just a kiss.


Yeah, and we're friends
and good actors, so...

It's no big deal, right?


Okay, so we're gonna kiss
for the first time

in front of the cast, the crew,

and, like, a hundred people
in the audience.

Oh, my god.

We have to practice.

All right.

Kiss me.



We have to make it look real.

Yeah, uh, okay.

You need to kiss me back, then,

'cause, you know, that's what
people do when they kiss.



Should I do it again?


I think we got this.

Yeah. Yeah, we're good.




Yeah. Okay.

All right, let's reset,

get the sh*ts
with the kids.

Let's get some playful
Zack and Kellys first.

* girl, I must warn you

* I sense something strange
in my mind... *

stop, you're
tickling me.

Don't laugh.

Can you
believe her?

you're tickling me."

She knows you like him.

Why does she have
to be so flirty?

All right, let's get
the girls together.

Come on.

It's fine.

* it's all so deadly...


Oh, sorry.


What's her problem?



* it's drivin' me
out of my mind *

* that's why it's hard
for me to find *

* can't get it
out of my head *

* miss her, kiss her *

seriously, stop it.

* that girl is poison *

okay, enough.

* never trust
a big butt and smile *

* that girl is poison

* if I were you
I'd take precaution *

* before I start to meet
fly girl, you know? *

* 'cause in some portions

* you'll think she's
the best thing in the world *

what are you doing?
Get up.

I'm fine.

All right, guys,
come on in.

You're such a prick.

Dustin! Language.

You want to say
that to my face?

Oh, is that
supposed to scare me?

'Cause it doesn't.

Would you two shut up?

He just called me
a prick.

Enough, guys.

I'll take him down
right here--

come on.

Let's see
those characters.

Oh, gross, you're sweaty.


It's kinda gross.

Can you please
stop pushing me?

I'm not.

Come on, guys, smile!


All you have to do
is kneel in front.

I'm not kneeling.

Guys, smile!

Well, the network
didn't k*ll us,

but the hormones might.

* poison... *

everybody, clear the set.

That's marks.

And... action.

The sound stage
where we taped Saved by the Bell

became our very own high school.

To figure out who was dating
in real life,

all you had to know was

which characters were dating
on the show.

This night has been amazing.

I can't believe we
actually pulled it off.

Yeah, the decorations
look great, momma.

What is kristy doing here?

I thought you said she was sick.

Yeah, well...

Seems like
she's doing better, huh?

You didn't
tell her, did you?

Did you ask us both
to the dance?



But the thing is,

I really thought
you were gonna say no.

You're unbelievable!

I'm assuming you don't
mean that in a good way?

What was I thinking,

ever believing
you would change?


And... cut! All right.



Quiet, and action.

Even Screech
got in on the action.

I had my first real kiss
right there on that stage...

Of course, Violet.

I'll always be here for you.


And not just
from any girl, either.

My first kiss
was from Tori Spelling,

the beautiful daughter

of the most successful
producer in Hollywood.

Things didn't always work out
so easily in real life.

Remember the episode

where you guys did
the commercials

for the buddy bands?

That was so funny.

Yeah, I liked that one too.

But you know what I like
even better?


Do you think you could maybe
introduce me to Mark-Paul?

Uh... yeah. Come on.

We're not talking about
turning this into a drama.

That's kind of
what it sounds like.

The kids that watch our show,

they see it as a reflection
of their own lives.

That's why they care
about the characters so much.

It's the characters

I'm worried about.

We need the audience
to like them.

No, we need our audience
to relate to them.

Teenagers screw up,
they make mistakes,

they learn from them.

Sure, funny mistakes.

Real mistakes.

The kind that have
real consequences

to help them grow.

That's what our kids
need to experience.

I'm sorry, Peter,

there's just no way
the network can allow this.

I think
it's a great idea.

We thought you'd like it.

Yeah, it's just
what the show needs.

Like a teenager's life,

constantly growing
and evolving.

I like it.
Good work.

Thank you.


Oh, hey!

We're going to see
Kevin the robot!

Are you?
That's...That's great.

is gonna show me.

You mean
"Dustin," honey?

Screech is just
who he plays, right?

Oh, sorry.

That's okay.

You can just
call me Screech.

Look, he's right over there.

You've grown up a lot

since I last saw you.

Well, you know, I'm not
a little kid anymore.

Definitely not.

You look good,
you seem...

At home here.

Yeah, it's good.

I mean, this is the easy part.


Okay. Have fun.

-See you.
-See you.


We did it!

We did?

'Cause I'm pretty sure
I'd remember that.


Did you read
this week's episode?

Not until I have to.

The producers finally got
the network to listen to us.

Look, Jessie
is addicted to pills!

They're letting you pop pills?

Isn't that great?

She's doing
all of these things,

she's studying for midterms,
and she's in a singing group,

and the pressure
just becomes too much.

I wonder if I should
talk to an actual addict.

You know, to understand

what Jessie's
really going through.


You think I can do it?

I think you'll be fantastic.

I, uh, better
get working on this.

So Elizabeth got her way,

and the end result

was the most talked-about scene
in the history of the show.


You are taking dr*gs?

I had to.

You have to stop.
Let me have them.

No, I can't, Zack!

Not tonight--

No, I can't!

I need them, Zack,
to help me sing!

They aren't going
to help you!

Yes, they will!

* I'm so excited

I'm so excited...

I'm so...



It's caffeine pills.

It's not like
she's addicted to heroin.

That was great.

That was incredible,

Both of you guys
were so good.

You're such an idiot.



What'd the trash can
do to you?

Hey, I know you.
You're on that show, right?

Yeah. I'm the idiot.

I saw it a couple of times.
Pretty funny.

I guess.

I auditioned for
a small part a while back.

Didn't get it.

You working on
something on the lot?


Well, I mean, mostly
as an extra right now.

Working my way up.


Hey, um...

You want a swig?

What is it?

Nothing. Just plain vodka.


It gets easier.

It gets easier.

Don't worry.

Go ahead, man,
there's plenty.

By the third season,

Saved by the Bell
was the highest-rated show

on Saturday mornings.

We were also playing several
times a day in syndication,

had won a slew
of kids' TV awards,

and gone international.

Everyone was looking for ways,
you know, to keep things fresh.

The writers gave us summer jobs
at a beach resort,

and they brought in
new love interests

to stir up trouble.

Of course, you know,
by this point,

we could perform our characters
with our eyes closed,

which meant we had a lot more
free time on our hands.


Dude, you cannot
show Stacey this picture.

But you look so
pretty in a dress.

All right, fine,

if you show her that picture,

I'm going to show everyone
the picture of you

on page 67.

Oh, man,
that's disgusting.

I mean, it's really
a thing of beauty.

That butt is so white
it might blind me.


Gentlemen, please.

Let's try this once more.

Sorry. Okay.

Can we please get this
scene before lunch?

Sorry. I'm good. Sorry.

The problem was,

the more successful
the show became,

the more we realized
how trapped we really were.

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Berkley.

What are you
here for?

Oh, um, I'm here
for "ahead of her time."

Oh, are you sure?

I think so...

I mean, that's the TV movie
about Eleanor Roosevelt,

isn't it?


It's just down
the hall to the left.

Great. Thanks.

Oh, my god, I can't believe
she's auditioning.

I mean, it's just a silly
Saturday morning kids' show.

What? What's wrong?


Tell me.


Lark, Tiffani-Amber and I
are just friends.

You keep saying that,

but they have
all these pictures.

We went to the
movies. So what?

You know how the magazines
twist those things around.

So you don't really like her?

Not like that, no.

I mean, we're close friends.

How close?

We're friends,
we're close friends.

And what am I?

I don't know!

We never get to hang out,
we never get to do stuff.

I don't know what we are.

Then I guess we're just as fake
as Zack and Kelly.

We're nothing.

You ruin the show, man.

Why don't they just
fire your ass?

Ignore him.

You know what?

You're even weirder
looking in person.

He's probably the only one
on the show not getting any.

Who's that,
your boyfriend?

Why don't you just shut up?

Who's gonna make me, Screech?


You're a joke.

I am not Screech!

For all of us,

it was getting harder to live
in the squeaky-clean world

of Bayside High,

where things always worked out
fine in the end...

Not when real life was
so much more complicated.

Hey, Peter.

Hey, Peter.


Just got some bad news.

Brandon tartikoff
and his daughter, calla,

were in a car accident.



Is it serious?

It looks like
Brandon's going to be okay.

They're transferring him
out of the intensive care unit.

What about calla?

It's not good.

Her injuries are... severe.

Excuse me.

You okay?

She's just
a little girl.

Why don't you
call your dad?

Have him pick you up,

get out of here for a while,
clear your head?

I'm fine.

The fourth season

was always supposed
to be our last.

Four seasons to represent
four years of high school.

Brandon agreed to
that from the start.

Yeah, well,
Brandon's at home now

taking care of
his daughter,

and the network feels
that Saved by the Bell

is too important to end.

I think
it's a mistake.

You know, Peter,

you're a victim
of your own success.

The show's a global phenomenon.

There's no way
that we can stop now.

We can't keep the kids
from growing up.

They've been doing this
for years now.

They're ready to move on
and try new things.

That's what kids do.

We need 26 more episodes.

Well, we only have
the cast under contract

for half that many.

Then we convince them to stay.

The cold, hard truth is,

without this show,
those kids are nothing.

Let's give them a taste
of the good life.

We'll have them
begging us to stay.


Oh, my god,
that's amazing!

You'll be
doing press

and a couple
of fan events,

but there'll be plenty of time
to see the sights, too.

So, when do we go?

In a few weeks.

Lark and Elizabeth,

we'd like the two of you
to go to New York.

I love New York!

What about me?

How does
Miami sound?

Oh, and you'll be on your own.

Not for long.

And where am I going?

Spartanburg, south Carolina.

We have a surprisingly
big fan base there.

Of course.

The rest of the cast got to go

to the most glamorous
cities in the world,

while I ended up
signing autographs

in some rec center
in south Carolina.

Dude, this sucks.

Are you kidding?

Look at all those girls, man,
they're here for you.

You're a star.

All they're going to do
is ask about Mark-Paul

and Mario,

and "ooh, they're so cute!"

Dude, relax, okay?

By the time this night is over,

we will have two, or more,
of those girls

up in our hotel room.
* hotel room, hotel room...

Yeah, right.

I'm sure my chaperone
would really let that happen.

I'll handle it, all right?

You got to learn how to
appreciate what you got, man.

I'm trying.

Hey, stick
with me, man.

One thing I know
is how to have a good time.

No, no, no, it's all right.

I've already got
a little buzz.

Trust me, man,

the more drunk you are,
the more fun you are.

All right, all right.


Cheers, dude.

How could you be
so irresponsible?

I told you, I was sick.

I had food poisoning
or something.

You were drunk, Dustin.

Not only
is that illegal,

it goes against everything
that our show is about.

When you're
at fan events,

you're an ambassador
for all of us.

I know.

The local affiliate
is threatening to drop the show

because of your behavior.

Oh, come on, it wasn't
that big a deal.

It was a big deal!

That's what I need

to make sure you understand.

If anything like this
ever happens again,

we'll have no choice
but to let you go.

It's not like I'm the only one
who's done anything wrong.

Why don't you ever
give the others

as much crap
as you give me?


well, he doesn't.

You all treat them

like they're so much
better than me,

and they're not.

Hey! That's enough!

We all make mistakes.

I've made my share,

but the biggest mistake
you can make

is thinking that
you've got something to prove.

I'll see you at rehearsal.

What the hell
were you thinking?

We were just having fun.

You could've
gotten yourself fired!

I got wasted and I got laid.

For once, I wasn't the geek
everyone was laughing at.

Isn't that
what you always wanted,

a son that wasn't the biggest
freak in the room?

They sure like to
hug and kiss a lot, huh?

"Zack Morris, I love you!"

Wow, you do a really
bad French accent.


Du vin, mademoiselle?

Um... okay.

Et vous, monsieur?



Are you gonna drink it?

I don't know.

I never have before.

Me neither.

Eh, what the hell,

my mom's not here to tell me no.

Here's to new adventures.

To new adventures.


It's so good.

You like that?



So, Elizabeth and I
have been talking...


We've both decided
not to extend our contracts.

We're leaving
the show.

Wait, sorry, what?

We just both
feel like it's time.

Well, I...

You know, Elizabeth,
I understand.

She's wanted to do movies
for a while, but...

I had no idea

you were even thinking
of leaving the show.

I just, I feel like

the first couple of years
on bell,

I was growing so much.

You know, I became
so much more confident.

Yeah, we all did.

I want to keep growing.

Maybe get on
a primetime series,

you know,
play a different character.

I wanted you to be
the first to know.

Say something.

What's Saved by the Bell
without Zack and Kelly?

Maybe you should
get out now too.

And do what?

You're so talented.

You could do so many roles.

Everybody sees me
as Zack Morris.

That's all they know me as.

That's the only way
they'll ever know you,

or me, or Elizabeth,

or any of us,

unless we go out there,

and we show them something
they've never seen before.

Come on, you have to
show the world

who Mark-Paul Gosselaar
really is.

And what if I don't know?

Well, then,
you'd better find out.

Because even if
you do stay,

Saved by the Bell
won't last forever.

Hey, guys.

We're done, we just...

Wanted to come
say goodbye.

I'm gonna miss you.

It's gonna be weird
without you.

It's not like
I'm moving or anything.

We can still hang out sometimes.

Sure. If you don't
forget us little people

when you become
a big movie star.

Give me a hug.

Good luck,

not that
you're gonna need it.

You're gonna do great.


If you cry,
I will too.

I'm not.

It's just, uh...

It feels strange, you know?


I guess we'd better
get going.




Bye, guys.


That wasn't
so bad, was it?

At least I didn't cry.

So we did it.

We're fine.

Who's that?


I think
her name's Leanna.

She's the new girl
they hired.

The girl they cast
to replace us?


That's her.

Did we do
the right thing?



Why does it feel
so bad?

You should see the look
on your face right now.

No way this is yours.

Yeah. You want a ride?

Peter's gonna k*ll you.

What about the
no-dangerous-activities clause

in our contracts?

I don't really
read contracts.

That's what lawyers are for.

I can't believe your mom
let you buy this.

I didn't ask her.

Get on.

Come on.

Aw, what? Are you chicken?

Do I look chicken
to you, preppy?


That last season
of Saved by the Bell was a mess.

The episodes we'd already shot
with Tiffani-Amber and Elizabeth

were just mixed up
with the new episodes

featuring tough-girl Tori.

One week, Kelly and Jessie
were around Bayside,

the next week, poof!

No sign of them.


The show had become
as chaotic as our own lives.


No, man.

It's working,
come on, give me credit.

Party on, dude!

Party on!

We're not worthy!

Hey, dude, what did Peter say

about me playing
Tori's ex-boyfriend?

Uh... they already
got a guy for that,

but, uh, I think they said
he'd try to find somebody.

I don't really remember.
I don't know.

Oh, it came out my nose!

Dude, you gotta stay
on top of him, okay?

That's what she said!


Stuff's getting
in my mouth.

* I like big butts
and I can not lie *

* you other brothers
can't deny *

* that when a girl walks in
with an itty bitty waist *

* and a round thing
in your face *

* you get sprung
wanna pull out your tough *

* 'cause you notice
that butt was stuffed *

* deep in the jeans
she's wearing *

* I'm hooked
and I can't stop staring *

* oh, baby
I wanna get wit' ya *

* and take your picture *

* my homeboys
tried to warn me *

* but that butt you got
makes me so horny *

* ooh, rump-o'-smooth-skin *

* you say you wanna
get in my benz? *

* well, use me, use me *

* 'cause you ain't
that average groupie *

* I've seen her dancin' *

* to hell with romancin' *

* she's sweat, wet, *

* got it goin'
like a turbo 'vette *

* I'm tired of magazines *

* sayin' flat butts
are my thing... *

you look beautiful.

I really want to
kiss you right now.

What's stopping you?

Give me a sec'.

Hey, Gina's heading to
this party in the hills.

She wants us to go with her.

Dude, my parents will k*ll me
if I miss curfew again.

It's Saturday.
It's not even midnight.

I know, but you know
how they are, man.

Okay, so we'll stay
for an hour,

and you won't be that late.

Or I could go

and tell you what
an awesome time you missed.

-I hate you.
-I know.

Let's do it.

We're both in.

Just, uh... give me a sec.

All right.

Elizabeth, hey!

You were going to leave
and not even say hi?

Oh, I didn't want
to cramp your style.

Looked like you guys
were having fun.

You look... amazing.


You look... relaxed,

like you're actually
enjoying yourself.

Yeah, I... am.


You finally
getting used to

being America's
teen heartthrob?


But I am realizing
it has its perks.

I saw.

So I hear
you're up for a movie.

That's awesome.

It's down to me
and one other girl.


Well, I'm sure you'll get it.

Fingers crossed.


Just, me and Mario

were gonna go to
this party in the hills.

I don't know if you
wanted to come or not?

I'm actually feeling
a little tired. I'll...

Yeah. Okay.

It was great
to see you, though.

Yeah, you too.

And that movie part,

you're going to get it,
I know it.


All right. Bye.

But the good times
couldn't last.

We were all growing up too fast.

Things were bound to implode

Party on, dude!

Party on.

We're not worthy!

Hey, dude,

what did Peter say

about me playing
Tori's ex-boyfriend?


You're my friend.

A real friend

would've gotten me
something more

than just a stupid extra job.

That's the whole reason
you hung out with me?

It's not personal.

It's just showbiz.

I trusted you!

Hey, back off,
or I swear to god

I'll send copies of that tape

to every news show out there.

What if I don't care?

You care.

'Cause once this gets out,
you're done.

You'll get fired,

and you'll be nothing
for the rest of your life.

You're nobody without Screech.

Hey, you
take care of me,

the network
will never see this.

I just want a piece
of what you've got, d.

You're living the dream.

Out at clubs,
dating celebrities,

god knows what else.

They're turning into
young hooligans.

They're just
being teenagers.

Yeah, well,
I wish they'd stop.

They won't.

Try not to gloat
so much.

They're actually
really good kids.

It could've been
much worse.

So, what do we do?

We let them grow up.

We send them, and the show,

off in style.

You have something in mind.

Kids around the world

feel like
they've gone to high school

with these six characters.

So let's give them what
they've all been waiting for.

It's about time.

Huh, I look pretty
smart right now, huh?

Hmm. Yeah.


I look ridiculous.


The last episode
had to be about ballet?

We couldn't do
a car chase or something?

Then it wouldn't have
been Saved by the Bell.


We're back!

Oh, my god.

-How are you?
-You look great.

Ballet scene.

-So grown up in that hat.

Yeah. You look it.

I feel like I haven't
talked to you in months.

I know, I meant to call,
I just.... it's crazy.

I'm sure you've been busy.

Not that busy.

Oh, it's so good to see you.


Look at that.

Not a lot of people
could pull that off.

Right? It's funny.

Yeah, but you, uh,
you look amazing.

Aw. Yeah, you too.

Your hair, it's...

Yeah, darker, a little bit.

I like it.

I was really
excited to hear

you guys were gonna
come back and do this.

Yeah, I'm glad they asked.

Truth is, I missed being here.


that cap and gown
makes you look pretty smart.


That's exactly what
I was just saying.

Oh, you guys,

look at us,
all together again!

I don't know whether
to be happy or sad.

Is it really over?

Uh... where's Dustin?

He's probably playing
video games

in his dressing room.

Some things never change.

I'll go find him.

Hey, there you are.
I was looking for you.

The read-through
is about to start.

What's up?

You care?

Yeah, I do.

Look, I know, uh,

I know things haven't always
been easy for you here.

I mean, you know,

you were the
youngest, and--

the weirdest.

Yeah, maybe that, too.

Dustin, I'm sorry if I was
ever a jerk to you.

That was just,
you know,

stupid kid stuff.

But... I am sorry.


Now tell me what's going on.

You really want to know?


Okay, you know that guy Eric?

What, the extra?

Yeah. Never liked that guy.

Yeah, well...

You were right.

All right, people,
let's get started.

Welcome back, ladies.

I don't have
a Zack or a Screech.

I'll see
if I can find them.

Whoa, okay,
look, Dustin,

this guy
is a douchebag.

You have to go to the network.

Trust me, they're going to want
to protect their investment.



They will Bury that guy
in lawsuits.

He won't know what hit him.

I just feel so stupid.


The guy was obviously trying
to take advantage of you.

Guys, everybody's
waiting for you.

Yeah, just one sec.

You know, we've
played best friends

for five years.

This may be the longest
conversation we ever had.



Better late than never, right?

Come on,

we've got a show to do.

I think you all know
how proud I am

of each and every
one of you.

When we started this,

a lot of people
thought we were crazy.

But we proved
them wrong.

We created
something unique

that touches
people's hearts.

We made the whole world
sit up and take notice.

We're not gonna worry
about all that now, though.

I want you to go
out there

and do what you do best,

make them laugh.

Come on.

You are
the graduating class

of 1993!

Lisa Turtle.

Jessica Spano.

Kelly Kapowski.

A.C. Slater.

Samuel "Screech" Powers.

Zack Morris.


I can't believe
it's really over.

Oh, I would imagine
this is far from the end

for Saved by the Bell.

Call me Monday.

We'll talk.

Time out!

You probably know
she was right,

it wasn't quite the end
we all imagined it was.

The network brought
the g*ng back together

for the college years,

but that show died
after one season.

Our final cancellation.

Nobody ever wanted
to see us grow up.

We all went on
to do other things.

Lark's never stopped acting,

working in soap operas,
TV series, music videos.

Mario's done comedies,
dramas, TV, and movies,

and you might know him best

as the long-running host
of extra!


Finally achieved her dream

of being in the movies.

Showgirls was supposed to be
her big break.

It didn't exactly
work out that way,

but she bounced back,

and she hasn't stopped
working since.

She even appeared on Broadway.

Tiffani dropped the "Amber"

and went on to play
bad girl Valerie Malone

in Beverly Hills, 90210.

It took Mark-Paul a few years

to shake the whole
Zack Morris image,

but he lost the blond hair,

and changed his image around

to play a tough cop
on NYPD blue.

And me?

I guess some part of me
will always be Screech.

And you know what?

I'm okay with that.

Time in.

Okay, everybody,

that is a wrap!