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Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style (1992)

Posted: 12/01/21 18:43
by bunniefuu
...pick up
the white courtesy phone.

And here we find Lisa,
waiting for her luggage.

And how do you like Hawaii
so far, Lisa?

Screech, take a hike.

Okay. And now we'll move on
to someone else.


Hey, look at all
these incredible women!


What do you mean, "Yeah"?

He asked my opinion.

No. He said, "Look."

You volunteered your opinion.

Okay. I'll volunteer
another opinion.

If you keep this up,
you're gonna drive me nuts.

You know, you two are
gonna drive us all nuts.

Yeah, guys. I mean,
this is a vacation.

Why don't you try being nice to
each other for the next two weeks?

I know you can do it.

Kelly's right.
What do you say, mama?

I say no more fighting
for the rest of the trip.

All right.

Excuse me.

Hey, wait. Here, let me
help you with that. I got it.

Wait-- No. You
really don't have to.

No, that's okay.
I'll carry it for you.

- Which way are you goin'?
- You don't have to.

It's really a very light bag.

Oh, great.
Makes it easier on me.

Well, I guess
there's no stopping you.

- This way.
- All right.

- I'm Zack Morris.
- I'm Andrea Larson.

Ooh, watch out, Zack, or
you're gonna walk into a wall.

Well, hey. Love hurts.

Aloha to all our
new arrivals from San Francisco.

I give this
two days, tops!

Don't be so negative, Lisa.

Yeah. We're gonna be cool
the rest of the trip.

I'll bet you $25 you're at each
other's throats before we leave.

Okay. I'll take that bet.

Me, too. Only
make that $50. Each.

Hey, let's not blow
all our money.

What do you mean?
We're gonna win.

Oh. Right.

All right. $100.

I accept cash, checks,
and all major credit cards.

Flight number
29, leaving from gate number--

So, uh, how long are
you in Hawaii for?

I've lived here all my life.

Wow, that is fantastic.

I mean, you got the
best beaches in the world,

- surfing every day--
- Whoa.

If that's your image, Zack,

when you live here every day,
it can't be the good life.



This limo for you?

Um, I guess so.

Looks like the good
life to me.

Andrea, I missed you so much.

I had to welcome
you back in person.

Derek, I was only in Maui
for a day and a half.

I know, but it seemed
like a lifetime.

Are those yours?

Uh, yeah. They are.

Oh, Derek, he's not the porter,
he's just helping me with my bags.


Climb in, Andrea.
I've got sparkling water

and hot snacks in the car.

Thanks for, uh, carrying
my bags for me.

Is that guy your boyfriend?

More or less.

Less, I hope.

Have a nice trip, Zack.


Principals' Tour.
Gather, people. Gather.

Oh. No.

A little closer,
so you can hear.

- That's good.
- Nightmare in Paradise.

Mr. Belding?

For those of you
who don't know me,

I am your tour leader and
brother principal, Richard Belding.

Herbert Stark,
Maple High School, Long Beach.

Thanks for picking a place 2,000
miles away from our students.

Oh, they're here?
I don't believe it!

Excuse me.
I'll be right back.

What are you doing in Hawaii?

Summer school.
What else?

My grandfather's owned
a hotel here for 30 years,

and this visit, he said
to bring along my friends.

So, here we are!
Nice shirt, Mr. B.

Look, I'm
leading a principals' tour,

and I think it would be best

if we just all kept our
distance from each other.

Especially, Zack, you
keep your distance from me.

Hey. I will be happy
to avoid you, sir.

Fine. Look, have
a wonderful time.

I'll see you all in September.

But not a minute before.

There's our bus.

All right, everyone. This
way to the Royal Pacific Hotel.

Watch your step,
bring your bags.

The beach!

Well, there's a car
for the Hideaway.

I said this place
was quaint, not fancy.

Let's go!

He has returned!

Isn't it peaceful?

Uh, a little too peaceful.

Yeah. Where
is everybody?


Welcome back, sweetheart.

Welcome to all of you.

Well, thank you for
inviting us, Mr. Bannister.

Please, please.
Just call me Harry.

Our host requests
that we call him Harry.

You must be Screech.

How'd you know?

Just a lucky guess.

Grandpa, it's so quiet.
Where are all the other guests?

What other guests?

Hey. Come on.

Here you go, Screech.

So this all started because
the Royal Pacific Hotel

wants to buy your land?

Yeah. That's right.
They called it "expansion."

I call it greed.

That's typical behavior of the large
money-grubbing corporations of the '90s.

But, Grandpa, you can't sell the
Hideaway. It's been your whole life.

Well, I could turn down
their offer, sweetheart,

but a big outfit like Royal Pacific
doesn't take "no" for an answer.

Gee, first
they hired away my staff.

And when I hired another one, they
paid 'em more money to stay at home.

Pretty soon, not working for
me was the best job on the island.

And, with no staff
to take care of 'em,

the guests just stopped coming.

That is terrible. Well, what
are you gonna do, Harry?

What am I gonna do, you say?
What am I gonna--

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna see that all of you have
the time of your lives while you're here.

And after that, if I have
to sell the old place, well,

at least I gave it
one last hoorah.

Now, come on, everybody.
Eat, eat.

I caught this mahi mahi myself.

But, Grandpa, there must be something
you can do to save the Hideaway.

Kelly, we'll talk about
that tomorrow with my lawyer.

Now is the time to eat.
This fish is getting insulted.

By the way, it does
have some bones.


Let's put
out the lights, Zack.

I want to get up early
when the jellyfish are awake.

Hey, Screech.

Do you believe in
love at first sight?

Well, sure. I fell in love with my
pet warthog the second I saw him.


Never mind. Just...
forget I even asked.

You know,
it's really too bad

about Kelly's grandfather,
isn't it?

Oh, yeah. But a couple of
ukulele lessons would do the trick.

Not that, you dummy.

I mean, him losin'
his hotel and everything.

Oh. Yeah, that is too bad.

But there's nothin'
we can do about it.

Maybe not.



Good night.

Here we are in our room.

Zack's just put out the light.

Would you please
shut that thing off?


Well, thanks, Zack. I always
sleep with three pillows.

Aha! The first flies
of our nature walk.

Way to go, doofus.

Screech, get that thing
out of my face.

I'd like to catch
my rays in peace.

- 'Kay?
- Okay.

Lisa remains camera shy.

It is him!

Ah, I feel the crunch of
pooka shells beneath my feet.

Help! Help me!

Hey! Let go of that geek!
What are you doing?

Put me down!

Help! You help me,

Aah. Help me!

Looks good.

And your grandma'd
be so proud, too.

- Morning, Harry.
- Hey, Brian.

Brian Hanson. I'd like you to meet
my favorite granddaughter, Kelly.

Well, I can see why
she's your favorite.

Hi, Brian.

Aloha, Kelly. Welcome to Hawaii.

- Thank you.
- Sit down, Brian.

Oh, thank you.

Well, my grandfather's
told me a lot about you.

Well, I hope it was
all good.

Isn't there anything you can do to stop the
terrible thing that Royal Pacific is doing?

Well, Kelly, as Harry's
friend, I have to say

what the Royal Pacific is doin'
to him is a crime. I really do.

But, as his lawyer,
I have to say it's legal.

But it's so mean!

It sure is. But that's the way
Charles Worthington operates.

You see, his hotels bought up
all the land around you,

and now the Hideaway seems
to be the last piece in his puzzle.

But if you knew what the Hideaway
means to my grandfather, you'd--

Kelly, Kelly. You don't
have to sell Brian.

He's been trying
to help me for two years.

Still is.

In spite of the fact that all I can
afford to pay him is a free breakfast.

Well, I've come this far with Harry.
I want to see it through to the end.

Kelly, Harry, I've got it. I mean,
it just hit me when I woke up.

- There's a way out.
- Hold it, hold it, son.

You're talkin' in code.

Uh, excuse me, Grandpa.

Zack Morris, this is
my grandfather's lawyer,

Brian Handsome.
I mean, Brian Hanson.

Brian Handsome's okay with
me. Nice to meet you, Zack.

Uh, now, Zack.
What's so important?

Well, Harry, it's simple. I
mean, you got a staff right here.

You got me, you got Kelly. All
of us will volunteer, starting now.

Zack, that's fabulous!

Look, look, kids--

Harry, we got a way to get
you out of your jam.

Slater had a brilliant idea.

No, it was your idea, Jessie.

- Oh, no, darling. It was you.
- All right, already.

Wait a minute. Is the brilliant idea
that we all work as Harry's staff?

Yeah. How did you know?

It's a lucky guess.

What you're offering to do
is great. But Stan--

Wait, wait, wait. Who are you?

Brian Handsome.

I'm Harry's lawyer.

Now, listen, a staff is one thing, but
in order for Harry to avoid foreclosure,

he'd have to fill the Hideaway to
capacity for the next two weeks.

Yeah, Brian's right.
I need guests, too.

Hopefully, ones that pay.

Leave it to us.

We have a long-time relationship
with the leader of a certain tour group.

Stand back, Lisa.
This won't be pretty.

Okay, whoever you are,
you better let us go.

I know karate, kung fu, tae
kwan do, and I collect ninja videos.

Wait a
minute. I know, I know.

This is Candid Camera, right?


Okay. What's
the deal here?

I am Keanu.

I welcome you back
to your people.

You have returned, as your
great ancestor foretold.

Ah! My ancestor?



The wisest, most powerful
chief of the Pukuku tribe.

He left this island six
generations ago, in search of snow.

But he said that one day
his descendant will return

in the time
of our greatest danger--

and that time is now!

And so you have come back.

Wait. Excuse me. What danger?

Our sacred tribal land
is going to be bulldozed.

Desecrated by the expansion
of the Royal Pacific Hotel.

Our deed to the land is lost, so we
have no proof that the ground is ours.

But we know that it is.

And we know that you

will find a way
to save it for us.

Wait a minute.
Time for some truth here.

Look, this guy is not who you
think he is. This guy is a dork.

"Dork"? Is that what they
call chiefs on the mainland?

No, that's
what they call dorks.

Look, Screech,

these guys think you're their knight in
shining armor, like you're a king or something.

I mean, are you gonna
set them straight or what?



It-- It's practical. I mean,
I'm not sure it would work.

You see, there--

Screech. Manalao--

- What's goin' on?
- Manalao.

Would you look at this?

Manalao, Manalao, Manalao.

- Pukuku Manalao, Screech.
- Isn't that Screech?

Manalao, Manalao, Manalao,
Pukuku Manalao, Screech. Unh!

Manalao, Manalao, Manalao.
Pukuku Manalao, Screech. Unh!

Who are those people?

Manalao, Manalao, Manalao.
Pukuku Manalao, Screech. Hunh!

The Pukuku. They're one of
our ancient Polynesian tribes.

The Hawaiians call them
the "Hu'ai pupulai."

- What does that mean?
- The idiot fringe.

for the lift, my people.

We must return to work.

But we will drive
our cabs happily

knowing that you are here
to help us save our land.

Aloha, Chief Screech.

Aloha, guys.

May you be blessed
with big tippers.

Okay, guys, I got it.

All right, listen. The principals
are in rooms 1209 to 1245.

- Okay.
- All right?

Look out!
It's Belding!

- Mr. Belding!
- Hi.

Hi. Are you sure you won't
join us for a morning swim?

Oh, thank you, Miss Hodgkiss,

but I want a sample of
that breakfast buffet.

I'm a real sucker for those
macadamia nut pancakes.

Well, bye, then.

Have a good time!

Okay. Lisa, Kelly?

You take those three women.
Everyone else, let's hit the 12th floor.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.


Yo, room service!

Come in.

Hey, how ya doin'?
Hope you're a hungry guy.

Famished, actually.

Fi-Fi-Fifteen dollars for this?

One piece of bacon
and a slice of toast?

Oh! Almost forgot
the pineapple.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
The menu says "Fresh pineapple."

So we lied!
There you go.

Which brings us to my tip,
and I usually get 30%,

- so cough up, huh?
- I'm not giving you a penny.

Oh, a cheapskate, huh?
Then get your own breakfast.

Wait. W-Wait.
Wait! Wait! Wait! Whoa.

Come in!

Maid service! Maid service!

I'm not ready for maid service.

Ah! This room is a pigsty.

What have you done to it? I've
got work to do. Get out! Get out!

I'm in my nightgown.

What do I care?
Get out! Get out!


Out! Get out!
Get out.


Good morning!

We're here to fumigate.

- Fumigate?
- Yeah.

Does this room have bugs?

"Does this room have bugs?"

All the rooms have bugs.
Not to mention rodents.

Oh... But stay cool. Fumigation
is a hotel service, right?

Okay. Party on, dude.
Blast away.

Party time!
Ready, aim, fire.

Is that poisonous?

How do you think
we k*ll the bugs? Duh.

The management says stay
out of the room for 12 hours,

but two days is safer, right?

Let's beat it, dude.
Oh, we're out of here.

What was in that goo?
What'd you put in there?

Oh, it was my own
special concoction.

That skunk juice gives
it a little something extra.

Stop, you two!


You get the door!

Oh. Hey, Andrea.

I think I liked it
better shorter.

Oh, wh-- what
are you doing here?

I work here, and
it looks like you do, too.

Oh, no, we're just pretending.

Oh, Screech!

No way. That's no way
to treat a king!

Look, we have some
business to take care of,

but maybe afterwards,
we can meet somewhere.

I don't think so, Zack.

But, Andrea, I haven't stopped
thinking about you since the airport.

And now that we wind up
in the same elevator, that--

Don't you believe in fate?

Well, I never used to.

Well. Look who's here.

Now, sir, I know you
told us to stay away,

but we just had
to try this buffet.

Yeah. We hear it's awesome.


Why don't you join me?

You know, Mr. Belding,
we've got to hand it to you.

You really know
how to pick hotels.


As a tour leader, you develop
a certain knack.

This is one fantastic
place, isn't it?

This place is
an outrage, Belding!

How dare you book us here!


This is the rudest
establishment I've ever set foot in.

Mrs. Fielding, I-I-I--

Sharks! Sharks. There
are sharks out there.

We almost got eaten alive.


Derek, please. I don't
have time for breakfast.

I'm supposed to be
on the beach in 10 minutes.

Well, just tell your supervisor
you're with me. She won't say a word.

But that's not fair
to the others.

Andrea, you are my girlfriend.

And my father owns this hotel.
Who cares about being fair?

Let's eat!

We could have been poisoned!

Its jaws were three feet wide!

What's going on over there?

Excuse me!

I'm Derek Worthington, the
assistant manager of the hotel.

May I be of assistance?

Do you know your hotel is
crawling with roaches and rats?

Sir, I assure you--

I assure you you ought
to be ashamed of yourself.

Belding, we demand that
you move us to another hotel.


And you should have every
maid in the place expelled.


Derek! Derek, if you want to have
breakfast with me, the clock is ticking.

All right. Who needs
these people, anyway?

Great. Now I gotta find
a hotel with rooms for 40.

Mr. Belding, maybe
we can help you.

Shh! Don't tell him!

We've got the place to
ourselves for a few more days.

Slater, Slater,
don't be selfish!

He's our friend,
and he's in a jam.

Yeah, no, no.
I'm desperate.

Well, sir, my grandfather's
hotel is really fabulous.

And a big group of Japanese
tourists might be checking out.

Maybe I can ask my grandfather
to find some room for your group.

A-And it's a good hotel?

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.

It's very, very quiet.


What about the staff? I mean,
it's not like the one here, is it?

Mr. Belding, from the
second you meet the staff,

you'll feel like you've
known 'em for years.

I'm sold.

Kelly, can you make it happen?

- Let's go call.
- Great.

Mission accomplished!

How's this, "Jessie-lani"?

Perfect, Slater-poo.

Harry, you have an
amazing bunch of kids here.

Come on, Brian.

They are amazing.

This little gal's the
most amazing one of all.

Well, you're gettin'
no argument from me.

All right,
everybody, on your toes!

Here they come.

- Okay.
- Okay?

Oh, Kelly, good luck, huh?

I'll see you later.

Welcome, everybody.

Our new guests are driven by my
fellow tribesmen Keanu and Pono.

Whose land I'm going to save...


Wave to the camera, guys.

Would you quit clownin' around

and start helping
with the people's bags?

Come on. Go.


You must be
Mr. Belding.

Do I look that stupid?

Uh, I'm-- I'm Richard Belding.

Ah. Well,
welcome to the Hideaway.

I'm Harry Bannister.

The kids have told me
a lot about you.

Only good things, I hope.

Don't worry,
Mr. Belding.

We left out the time you locked
yourself in the girls' bathroom.

Oh, I heard that one, too.
Excuse me.


- Zack.
- Yeah?

What's going on here?

What, the guests have to carry
the other guests' suitcases?

Oh, no, Mr. B. You're
lookin' at the staff.


Who's going to run
all the activities?

We are.

Oh, Zack, you can't
do this to me.

I promised these people a
genuine Hawaiian experience.

No problem.
They'll get it.


Mr. Sherbeth.
Hi. Thank you.

Hello, everybody.

Shipshape, matey.

All checked out and ready to go.

All right. Welcome
aboard, everybody.

I'm Zack Morris, your captain,
and this is Screech Powers,

my first mate and
Hawaiian fish authority.

Thank you, Captain Morris.

And aloha, principals.

We hope to see a wide variety
of our fin-covered friends today:

among them,
the Picasso triggerfish --

Latin name
Rhinecanthus aculeatus.

Hawaiian name Hu-mu hu-mu nu-ku.

Uhh... aah!

Yeah. That's how you do it.

Oh, my gosh!


It's Belding.

Well, guys, it's been great fun.

I gotta go.
I'll see you.

"Hawaiian Baked Ham.

Place ham in pan,
thick side up."

The whole thing is thick.

"Reserve the meat."

Reserve the meat?
I already have it.

"Dredge with sugar,

and reduce"?

What does all this mean?

What do they call
the yellow fish over there?

Ohh... ohh...

Heh heh heh.

All right, everybody,
let's hula!

Raise your arms
level with your chest

and extend your hands.

Bend your knees slightly.
That's it.

Now move to the right.
Move to the left.

Now sway your hips to the music.


E-Excuse me.

Aren't we supposed to be telling
a story with our hand movements?


Uh, I was just getting to that.

Follow me.

Aah! Ow!




Are we home yet?

No, you nimwad.

We're miles from shore, and
the the motor won't turn over.

Great! We're stuck out
in the middle of nowhere.

Wait a minute.

Did you check the gas
before we left?


I knew I forgot something.

Oh, great! Stuck out here
in the middle of noplace!

Uh, you know,

why don't we all enjoy
this peaceful moment, huh,

while I figure a way
to get us home safely?

- Oh. Hah!
- Sure.

Ah, this is so picturesque.

I wish I had my camera.

Would you shut up
and let me think?

Oh, I could get
a great composition,

especially with that
speed boat in back.

- Speed boat?
- There.

Hey! Screech! That's Andrea!
I don't believe--

Andrea, it's me, Zack!

Hi, Zack.
I like your hat.

Well, we seem to be stuck here.

Yeah. I can see that.

Can you help us?

Wait. I have to check
with my skier.

Should we help 'em?

She says to leave you there.

Oh, but, Andrea!

I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

We'll tow you back.


Jensen, I hired you for this job

because you're the best
construction supervisor in Hawaii.

Well, thank you,
Mr. Worthington.

And I know you wouldn't
dare let me down.

No, sir.

The new addition
to the Royal Pacific Hotel

must be completed and ready
for opening by next Easter.

I've asked my son Derek
to work with you,

to make sure
you stay on schedule.

that'll be... nice.

Two weeks from today, I want
to see bulldozers down there.

Just level everything
and get to work.

And the Pukuku will
be out of the shacks?

Evicted. We've taken
care of those crazies.

And the Hideaway has to
sell to Dad or face foreclosure.

They haven't
had a guest in months.


Well, isn't that
the Hideaway's boat,

with people in it?


Isn't that your girlfriend
towing them?

Well, it looks like her.

"It looks like her." Get down
there and do something about it!


You know, you really saved me.

You're not only
beautiful, you're my hero.

Oh, it's nothing, Zack.

Hotels around here
always help each other out.

I have to get my guest back.

Just remember,
this thing needs gas.

Right. Well, wait.
When can I see you again?

I don't know.
I'm really very busy.

What about lunch tomorrow?



What are you doing?

Oh, I'm not up to explaining.

I got to get
the boat back, Derek!

I'll talk to you later.

What about lunch?
You name the place.

Mahani Point. 1:00.

I'll see you there.

Will you get your
hands off of me!

Well, we had ourselves
a real little adventure

on the high seas, didn't we?

You're incompetent.

Yes, sir.

Well, we'd better
get ready for dinner,

because tonight we've planned
an authentic Hawaiian feast.

It better be good.

Oh, the salad was a hit.

They're ready
for the main course.

Good, good. Jessie, okay,
let's hit 'em with the ham.

I don't think it's done yet.

Are you sure you're
not overcooking it?

No. It's only been
in for seven hours.

Seven hours?

Oh, gee.

- What?
- Jessie.

You just now blew it.

- Oh!
- Oh!


- Oh.
- Sorry.

Jessie, this ham was pre-cooked.

You were only supposed
to heat it up for an hour.

Just because I'm female, I'm
not supposed to be Julia Child.

Yeah, right, it's okay, dear.

Maybe it's not burnt
on the inside.

I'm afraid we'll never find out.

Hail to the Chief!


Hail, brothers.

Screech, would you get
these characters out of here?

We're in a crisis.

To celebrate your return

and the salvation of our land,

we have prepared Pukuku stew
for you and your friends.

Uh, so, uh, what's in it?

Hey, this recipe is a secret,

preserved for 20 generations.

People gave their lives
to get this recipe.

Okay, okay.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

I've got a hungry group
out there.

Let's keep this food
coming, huh?

I say we go with the stew.

- Right.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

What is this?

Maybe we should have
gone with the ham.

I like it.

Very unusual, and very tasty.

Sure is.

Hey, guys, that stew was
supposed to be for us.



Oh, hi, Brian.
What brings you here?

Well, I wanted to find
out how it went today.

That was really nice of you.

We've had our rough moments,

but I think everything
turned out all right.

Great. Listen, Kelly, I'm
taking my boat out tomorrow.

I'd love to show you
some of Honolulu,

if you have some free time.

Well, I'm supposed to make up
the beds tomorrow.


But you're lookin' at the fastest
bed maker-upper in Hawaii.


We're going, we're
going, we're going.

All right, everybody,
get comfortable.

Here we go.

Hello, everybody!

And welcome!

The state flower of Hawaii
is the hibiscus--

Latin name hibiscus.

Hawaiian name Koki'o.

Screech, just let them
enjoy the scenery, huh?

They are princi--

They are principals, you know.

They might like education.

Sweet cakes,

I think I've found a shortcut
to the cultural center.

Are you sure, lambie-pie?

Yes, poochie.
Go this way.

You know, this really
is a nice spot.

Anybody could fall in love here.

Are you one of those
guys from the mainland

that comes to Hawaii
and falls in love?

Well, you know,
that depends on you.

Why don't you tell me
about yourself?

So far, all I know is,

you're a phony exterminator
and a lousy sailor.

What, don't you like
guys in uniform?

I like you better like this.


You gonna tell me
about yourself?

All right, my life.
Where do you want to start?



Well, I was born
on a smoggy July day in L.A.

My mother says

I hit on the first nurse
who gave me a bath,

and my father says I ran a
football pool in the nursery.

But you know
how parents exaggerate.

Yeah, I sure do.

But in your case,
it's probably the truth.

There we go.

You already have
a beautiful tan, Kelly.

Thank you.

Do you want me to put some
suntan lotion on your back?

Well, if you think I need it.

Here we go.

The ocean
is so beautiful out here.

This is really nice
of you, Brian.

Oh, thanks.

But I must confess,

it's not that big of a favor.

I've been dying to get
to know you better.

That's even nicer.

Listen, Kelly, I need to
talk to you about something.

I-- I think it's really great

what you and your friends
are doing for Harry,

but I'm concerned about it, too.


Well, what's gonna
happen after you leave?

Harry will have enough
money to avoid foreclosure,

even maybe hire a new staff.

But the Royal Pacific's just
gonna tighten the screws again.

Charles Worthington's not gonna
quit till he gets what he wants.

Guess I wasn't thinking
that far ahead.

I know.

I've been thinking about
Harry's future a lot lately.

I mean, he's almost
60 years old.

He's lonely now that your
grandmother's gone.

You know, I-- I just think he'd be
more comfortable back in Los Angeles,

close to your mom

and close to all
of his grandchildren.

Yeah, maybe he would.

Well, sure.

You gave him one last
blaze of glory at the Hideaway.

Let him sell it to Worthington.

You know?
He'll pay off all his debts

and have money left over, too.

Well, have you
told him all this?

Well, I've thought about it.

But I think it would mean more
comin' from you. You know?

You know, Hideaway is my
favorite place in the whole world.

My grandfather would be really
surprised that I want him to sell it.

Well, maybe.

But he'd know that you
had his best interest at heart.

Think so?

How couldn't he?

You're the most thoughtful,
honest girl I've ever met.

Dear, this shortcut is taking
us longer than the highway.

We should be there
any minute, darling.

Screech, they're getting
restless. Say something.

We'll soon be arriving at the
Polynesian Cultural Center,

where we'll see a spectacular
show highlighting six cultures:

Hawaiian, Tahitian, Samoan,

and can anyone name
the other three? Hmm?

I'll give you a hint.
It's not Italian.

Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Oh, no!

"End of the road"?

And that brings us
to this summer,

and I came to Hawaii
with my friends.

And at the airport,

I met the most amazing
girl I've ever known.

No. You're amazing.

You always find
the right things to say.

Just tellin' the truth.

That's enough about me.
What about you?

Well, it'll have to wait.

It's time for me to go.

Come on. You gotta at least
tell me one thing about your life.

All right.

You pick.

Okay. I pick.

Derek Worthington.

How serious
are you with that guy?

Derek. Well...

he talks about getting engaged.

And what do you talk about?

I change the subject.


Now I'll change the subject.

I've never met anyone like you.

Oh, really?


I really do have to go.

Thanks for lunch.

And your life.

Well, wait. When are we
gonna see each other again?

Zack, listen, um...

I think you're
really nice, and...

I think you're really funny,

and I-- I love being with you.

But it's a bad idea.


Walk me back
to the hotel. Okay?



This is great,
Jessie, just great.

Oh, don't blame me.
Blame the map.

Oh, sure, and blame the
oven for wrecking the ham.

Uh, just be patient, everyone.

We'll be out of the
woods soon.

Why don't you shut up?

Slater, do something.

All right.
The road's getting wider.

I think I can turn around now.

I don't think you can.

When I want your opinion,
I'll ask for it, okay?

You swine.


Ow! Oh! Sorry.

What's happening?

It's stuck!

Told you so.

Come on.

- Thank you.
- You bet.

Well, I had a wonderful
time, Brian.

So did I.

Just went too quick, that's all.

You sure you have
to come back so early?

Well, if I want to talk to my
grandfather about selling,

I want to do it alone,

before the guests get back
from their tours.

All right.
You know best.

Well, thanks again.

Good luck with Harry.


Aloha, Kelly.
I'll see you soon.


Come on.

Oh, hi, sweetheart.

This is Jennifer, my daughter.

Well, hi, Jennifer.
I'm Zack.

I believe I made it clear to you

that construction
must start on time

if we're to have
an Easter opening.


you can understand my concern

that the Hawaiian Hideaway
is back in business,

just when I was expecting
them to accept my offer.

Mr. Worthington,
don't worry.

I'll deliver Harry Bannister.

I've even talked
to his granddaughter

about helping us out,

and I must say,

I was extremely convincing.

There you go.

Well, what do you think of it?

Mmm, it's great, but now
let's build a really big one.

But I can't do it now.

I gotta get back to my hotel.

Well, when can you
play with me again?

Tell you what.
I'll go find out.

But first, go back
to your babysitter

while I go ask your mom, okay?


Mom, I want to play
with Zack tomorrow!


You're good with kids.

Well, it's easy with
a terrific kid like her.


want to know the whole story?

Sure, as much
as you want to tell me.


Jennifer's father was my
boyfriend in high school.

And one night,
we made a big mistake.

There was no thought
of marriage,

and I could not
give my baby away.

So, four years later,
here we are.

Okay, that's enough.

So now maybe you
understand about Derek.

No. I still think
he's a jerk.

Look, Zack,

water ski instructors do not
make a whole lot of money.

I couldn't go to college

because I had to work
to support Jennifer,

and that limits the number
of jobs that I can get.

So I'm struggling
to make ends meet,

and the heir to a hotel
fortune wants to marry me.

Wait a minute.
You don't love him.

But I do love Jennifer.

Marrying Derek would guarantee
her all the possibilities I can't give her.

All right, all right.

That's the argument for it,

but the argument
against it, I mean,

the guy is a rat.

I mean, look what he's doing
to the Hawaiian Hideaway.

What do you mean?

Well, the Royal Pacific is
using every dirty trick in the book

against Kelly's grandfather
just 'cause they want his land.

All right, if that's true,
that's Derek's father.

- You can't blame him.
- No? Wait a minute.

You think the heir to the fortune
doesn't know what his old man is doin'?

Come here, you.

Mom, I've got a great idea.

Zack can come over
for dinner tonight.

No, honey.
Remember, tonight

we're having dinner at
the hotel with Uncle Derek.

Do we have to?

Oh, what a terrific kid.

Tell you what.

To make up for the boring time
you're gonna have tonight,

why don't you come to the
Hideaway tomorrow for our luau?

I'll let you know.

Well, I gotta get back to work.

Bye, Jennifer.

Talk her into it.

- Bye, Andrea.
- Bye, Zack.

Thanks for lunch.

I really like him, Mommy.

Me, too.

Me, too.

So you think it's time
for me to sell the place.

Well, I think you're having
so much trouble with it now.

And we'd love
to have you back home,

with the family.

Oh, I don't know, Kelly.

This has been my home
ever since I got out of the Navy

and decided to stay here.

I've put 30 years of my
life into the Hideaway.

It would be real hard
for me to call it quits.

I know it would, Grandpa.

You know,
I remember sitting here

when I was 4 or 5 years old,

making shell necklaces
with Grandma.

Yeah. You gave me one.
I still have it.

I have so many memories
here, Grandpa.

I would hate to think that
the Hideaway wouldn't be here

for me to come back to,

but it still might be
time for you to sell it.

I don't know, Kelly.

I promise to give it a
whole lot of thought, okay?


If you had just listened to me--

When you were turning
around in the mud--

Brace yourselves.
We've just had a disaster,

and it's all Jessie's fault.

What does it matter
whose fault it was?

Sure. You're just saying
that 'cause it was yours!

Wait a minute.
What was the disaster?

- Well--
- Hi, everybody.

Oh, what happened to you?

Thanks to Christopher
Columbus over here,

we got lost on the way
to the Cultural Center.

And thanks to muscle brain,

the bus got stuck in
the mud turning around.

So how'd you get it out?

- Well, we--
- Hey, hey,

I'm warning all of you.

My group is ready to leave.

They didn't travel 2,000 miles

to break their backs
pushing some bus.

If this group leaves,
I'll have no choice but to sell.

All right, everybody,
hold on. Let's not panic.

I mean, Mr. Belding,

I'm sorry you missed the
show at the Cultural Center,

but tomorrow night
is the big luau.

Your group will love it.

Yeah, well...

Let me--

If they don't,

I guarantee you,
they're pulling out.


What's the matter with him?

Well, you know Belding.

So, what's for supper, Lisa?

40 TV dinners.
Just pop 'em in the oven.

TV dinners?
You were supposed to cook.

Well, you didn't expect me to
stay inside on a day like this.

Lisa, you're
just as bad as Jessie.

Oh, there you go again,
you male chauvinist pig.

Right. I am a pig. Why don't you
put me in the oven and burn me?

Don't tempt me.

All right! I win $100.
I'll take cash.



It is time to officially
begin the luau,

with the removal
of the Kahlua pig.

Chef Screech.

Thank you.

Four hours ago, we stuffed
the pig with hot stones

and then buried it in the sand.

Now it's steamed to perfection.

Brothers, dig it up.

How deep did you bury it?

Well, not that deep, I thought.

Are you sure you're
digging in the right place?

Well, of course I am.

It's just opposite
those two palm trees.

Or was it those two palm trees?

- Oh, no.
- Or--

You lost the pig?

You idiot!

Just for that, Lisa,
you can't have seconds.

If we find it.

Oh, no, no, no.
You're gonna find it,

or we're gonna bury you
under the sand.

Then how will you find me?

Shut up.

Uh, ha ha...

It seems it's taking a little
longer than we thought.

Uh, why don't you all
take your seats

for our spectacular stage show?

It's gonna be great, isn't it?

- Yeah.
- Yeah!

Let's go. Here we go.
All right.

Okay, guys, let's get
into our costumes.


I always thought
you were kidding me

with those stories
about Screech.

I wish.


Hey, did I tell you?

My girl's out there, Slater.
She's out there.

- Is that her daughter with her?
- Yeah.

What's the matter?
You don't like kids?

I love kids, Zack.

But I don't think I'm ready
to be a father to one.

Oh, you don't understand.

What do you mean?

Well, remember how much
I cared about Kelly?


Well, I love Andrea
even more than that.

I understand, but
remember, you just met her.

Doesn't matter. It feels like
I've known her my whole life.

Look, Zack, she's
older than you are,

and she's a mother.

Maybe you should slow down, huh?

It's too late.
I can't slow down.

All I'm saying, as your friend,

is think it over.

Yeah. I have
thought it over.

I've got to find a way
to be with Andrea.

We saw you and Brian Handsome

checking each other out, Kelly.

Come on, Lisa,
we're just friends.

Oh! Well, if you
don't want him, Kelly,

I'll trade you Slater and throw
in the rest of the football team.

Oh, that's a steal.
I mean, Brian's gorgeous,

he's a lawyer, he's got a yacht.

He's a 10 going on 11.

Yeah, he is sweet, isn't he?


Frosted Flakes are sweet, honey.

This man is the whole enchilada.

I'll admit it.

I'm crazy about him.


What do we do, Chief Screech?

Heh heh heh heh.


Everybody, I found the pig!

Come on!

To the pig!

Let's eat!

Oh, Kelly.

Kelly, it's just like old times.


Jennifer, what was your
favorite part of the show?

When Screech found the pig.

Zack, we had a great
time tonight,

but now I have to get
Jennifer to bed.

- Mommy, I'm not tired.
- Yes, you are.

Tell you what.
I'll walk you to your car,

and I'll carry you.

- Ooh!
- Come on.


Tickle monster.

Excuse me.

Uh-huh. Huh?

Hey, you can relax now, Harry.

Your guests aren't
going anywhere.


Honey, I did think
about what you said.

But I-- I look around tonight

and see all these happy faces,

and I know this is what I want.

This is where I want to stay.

And even if things
get rough again, I...

I'm just not ready to
put myself out to pasture.

You understand?

I understand.

Hey, you two.

Hey, Brian.

Say, you haven't said
anything about the show.

What can I say, Harry?

You still play a mean ukulele.

And one of the hula girls
was positively beautiful.

Now, who could
he be talkin' about?

- Brian, can I talk to you?
- Why, sure.

I'll talk to you later, Harry.

Okay, Brian.

Okay. There's my 50.

And mine.

Easiest money I ever made.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

the malls are open
for another hour.

See what your big mouth cost us?

My big mouth?

- Shh.
- Yeah.



I haven't always liked your
answer to this question...

but tonight
I'm feeling confident.

When am I gonna see you again?

Anytime you want, Zack.

I really did try
to convince him.

I know you did.
That's all right.

It's Harry's decision.
We gotta respect it.

I'll just do everything
I can to help him.

Grandpa's lucky to have
a friend like you.

And a granddaughter like you.

I must go.


All right.

Takes a little while to warm up.

Why don't you
go on back to Harry?

Okay. Good night.

Mmm. Good night.

Yes, I know,
Mr. Worthington.

Look, I was convincing.

It was the granddaughter
who wasn't.

Don't worry.
There's always Plan B.

Points a finger a little
more than I would like,

but it will achieve our purpose.

Why don't you prepare
your friends at the bank

for a showdown
on the loan extension?



Yes, sir. That's all
the back mortgage I owe,

including interest
and penalties.

But, Mr. Bannister,

you still owe us
the balance of your loan.

That's another $50,000.

Wait a minute, Mr. Warburton.
We filed an extension on the loan.

Mr. Bannister has another
year to pay off the balance.

That's right.

There's no loan extension
in Mr. Bannister's file.

Those moneys are owed now.

Harry, last summer, I
sent you extension papers

to sign and return
to the bank, remember?

But didn't you say to
send them back to you?

No. And in any case,
I never received 'em.

We're aware of an existing offer

to purchase
Mr. Bannister's property,

and the potential buyer
is also our customer.

Well, George...
where do we stand?

Mr. Bannister stands on the
brink of foreclosure, Charles.

So, Bannister, not so long ago,

you called my offer insulting.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

But considering
your current situation,

I'd say it's more than fair.

Well, what does all this mean?

It means, sweetheart,

unless I sell right now,

I'll lose everything I've got.

Maybe I can do something...

talk to Derek or his father.

I appreciate the offer, Andrea,

but I've already
agreed to the sale.

I just don't understand how they
maneuvered you into it, Harry.

The details don't matter.

They just took advantage
of a foul-up

between me and my lawyer.

Did it have anything to
do with the loan extension?

How did you know?

Well, I just overheard Brian discussing
it with someone on his car phone.



After the luau,
right after he kissed Kelly.

Lisa, you were spying on us?

Hey, this guy sounds like
he was worth spying on.

How dare you!

Brian has put his whole heart
into helping Grandpa.

He's been willing
to work for nothing.

Sometimes you get
what you pay for.

Kelly, when you were
encouraging me to sell,

was that an idea
you got from Brian?

Well, he-- he
talked about it, but--

Okay, okay.
Don't feel bad, sweetheart.

He fooled me, too.

I'm so sorry, Grandpa.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

You do, and I'll k*ll you.

Zack, I think your loyalties
are a wee bit twisted.

Now, look, Brian is the
most valuable ally we've got.

See, we know
he's tied to Worthington,

but he doesn't know
that we know it.

Zack, it's too late.

No, Harry, it's never too late.

- Where's Brian now?
- Well, at his office.

He was gonna tear it upside-down
looking for that loan extension,

although he's sure
it's not there.

You know, he's right.

Those missing papers
never turn up.

The Pukuku have been looking for
the lost deed to their land since 1872.

Will you stop it
with your cuckoo Pukuku?

Don't hit him.
He's given me an idea.

You see, all we need is some kind
of proof that the Pukuku own the land.

Then Worthington
can't build on it.


I mean, I've got it.

Let's get started.

Well, Professor Jameson's the world's
foremost expert on Polynesian culture.

Zack gave him the parchment
as soon as the Pukuku found it.

That's-- That's great.

Well, uh, the professor's office
is inside this building.

Come on. Let's go.
Come on.


Oh, this will never work.

Why not? We've
done stuff like this

a million times in
your office, Mr. Belding.

- Huh?
- Yeah.

Come on.

Hello. It's Kelly Kapowski.

Hi, Kelly. Come on in.

Hey, Zack.

- How you doin'?
- Good.

Meet Professor Jameson.

Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you.

I'd like to introduce Brian Hanson,
my grandfather's lawyer.

Uh, pl-pl-pleased
to meet you both.

Yes. Now, why don't you sit down

and listen to what the
professor has to tell you.

Make yourselves comfortable.

Go ahead, professor.


- Professor.
- Hmm?

Tell them about the parchment.

Yes, the, uh, the parchment.

Uh, is it authentic, professor?

Uh, well, hmm...

without a doubt.

What exactly is it?

Well, uh...

it's a-- a land deed
from the year 1797,

signed by King Kamehameha

See, it-- it-- it--
it defines the boundaries

of the Pukuku sacred ground.

Why, that means land
where only the tribe can live

and land that no one else
can build on, right, Professor?

Correct, my young friend.

And what are the boundaries?


Uh, well, uh...

The Pukuku land

stops just short
of your grandfather's resort,

but this entire area here--

That's all part of the
Royal Pacific expansion.


This entire area officially
belongs to the Pukuku.

Not only that,

the Pukuku tribal ground extends

here to the Royal
Pacific Hotel itself.


Mr. Worthington built his hotel
where he shouldn't have been building.

Now, I am not
an attorney, young man,

but I'd imagine that the Pukuku

could sue the Royal
Pacific for, um...

millions in damage--

make that hundreds
of millions in damages.

Now, now, wait a
minute, Professor.

Let's not jump to conclusions.

Jump? Who's jumping?

Do you-- you know the motto
of this state, Mr. Hanson?

Ua mau ke ea
o ka aina I ka pono:

The life of the land is
preserved in righteousness.

Now, I'm not the kind of man
to just make this thing up--

- Ahem! Ahem!
- Ahem.

Well, put it this way:

Mr. Worthington has
made a very big boo-boo.

- Well. Yes. Apparently, he has.
- Mm-hmm.

Listen, Kelly, I think that
I should take this deed

and find out the best
way for us to use it.

Uh, whatever you think, Brian.

Thank you, Professor.
It's been wonderful.

- Mmm.
- Yeah.


Oh, man, you were
fantastic, Mr. B!

I mean, a little hammy
here and there,

but fantastic, huh?

I don't know.
I don't know.

I mean, assuming
a false identity,

taking over
another man's office?

I'm just glad I'm getting
off this island tomorrow

while I still have the chance.

Ah, come on. I mean,

that crooked lawyer did a
lot worse to Harry and Kelly.

True. True.

So I was fantastic, huh?


Brian Hanson.

Mr. Hanson,

I'm callin'
for Charles Worthington.

He'd like you to meet him
at his office

in about a half hour,
if that's at all possible.

Oh, that'll be fine.

Tell him I want to see him
about something myself.

Uh-huh. Thank you. Bye.

Who was that?

Oh, that was just a client.

Listen, I want to go
straight to my office.

Do you mind taking a taxi cab
back to the Hideaway?

- Of course not.
- You're an angel.

Oh, and good work.



Yes, I'm callin'
for Brian Hanson.

Mm-hmm. He'd like to meet
Mr. Worthington in about a half hour.

Yeah, he said
to tell him it's urgent.

Thank you.




All right. Tell Mr. Hanson
I'll be waiting for him.

Excuse us.
Electrical emergency.

You'll have to step
out of your office, sir.

What emergency?

Your meter box
is sh**ting off sparks.

The problem is on this floor,

and we have to check
every outlet.

How long will it take?

Well, the sooner we start,
the sooner we'll be done.

Okay, Screech,
set the camera up.

Yes, yes. Do it.

Hurry up. He's supposed
to be there by now.

Patience, my friend.

Okay, I think we're patched in.


Turn up the sound.

Oh, and would you
like popcorn with that?


Look, Mr. Worthington, whatever
you wanted to see me about,

this is more important.

I wanted to see you?

I know, but I have something
crucial to show you.

Get that.

Let me just get this call.


No, no, I can't talk now.
I'm really very busy.

So. How's it goin'?

Perfect timing.

The entertainment's
just started.

I'll call him back.

I've just come
from the university,

and you wouldn't believe
what I picked up there.

What is this?

Be careful of it, sir.

It's astounding, isn't it?

This moldy old piece of paper
could destroy me.

All these years,

I've been building my empire
on somebody else's land.

What are we gonna do
about it, Dad?

I think you know the answer
to that question, son.

Watch this, boys.

I can't believe I dated
that sleaze ball.

Hey, I envy you.
I dated Brian.

Shh. This is it.

Hey, I think I can
zoom in for a close-up.

Leave it alone.


That's the end of those crazies.

- No one will know.
- We got 'em.

Save our land! Save our land!

Save our land! Save our land!

Save our land! Save our land!

Save our land!

Come on, wave 'em, guys.

Save our land! Save our land!

Save our land! Save our land!

Save our land! Save our land!

Here comes our friend, the rat.

Save our land! Save our land!

You know,
he expects us to believe

he gave that parchment
to three different experts,

and they all swore
it was a forgery.

We all know what he
really did with it.

I'm really gonna k*ll him.

Kelly, I know you're upset,

and k*lling is the right idea,

but not now, trust me.

You sure this isn't gonna
be too painful for you?

No, no, Brian.

I was here 30 years ago
at the beginning,

and I sure want
to be here at the end.

Mr. Worthington!

Mr. Worthington, we understand you
intend to open this expansion next Easter.

That's correct, Larry.

Not only do I intend
to, but I will.

Uh, any comment, sir,

on the continued protest
by the Pukuku tribe?

Well, they have no valid
claim to this land.

It's a shame they want to
stand in the way of progress,

Still, I have the greatest
respect for all our native tribes.

In fact, many of our new suites

are going to be decorated
in authentic Polynesian motifs.

Over here
for the groundbreaking.

You gotta see this tape we shot.

Is he annoying
with that, or what?

No. Not really.

Take a look, Brian.


Kelly, don't your friends understand
what's about to happen here?

They sure do.

Go ahead, Brian. Look.

You need sound
for the full effect.

This moldy old piece of
paper could destroy me.

It don't look so good, Brian.

Not yet.

I think you'd better go show
that tape to Mr. Worthington.


Say, why don't we get
my son in the picture?

This will all be his someday.

Derek, come on!

Mr. Worthington, I
need to speak with you.

Can't you see I'm busy?

It's an emergency.

Folks, I'll be right back.

Yes, sir.

- Excuse me.
- Excuse me.

Thank you. Thank you.

The hotel better
be on fire, Brian.

It's worse. Look in here.
Look in the lens.


All these years,

I was building my empire
on somebody else's land.

Andrea, I've been
trying to call you.

Where you been?

Dad, what are you lookin' at?

All right, how much
is this tape going to cost?

Oh, no, no, no.
You can have it.

You see, we've got the original.

Zack, you should be
my new lawyer.

I'm kickin' out the old one.

- Dad, what's goin' on?
- Shut up, Derek.

You can't prove that
land deed was real.

And you can't prove it wasn't.

And it sure looks like you
thought it was real on the tape.

The Pukuku could have a
lot of fun with that in court.

- You mean--
- I said shut up, Derek!

Now, what's it going to cost
to keep this tape confidential?

First, you call off
the groundbreaking,

and then you sell the
Hideaway back to Harry,

and he'll pay the same
amount you paid him.

That price is insulting.
You said so yourself.

Well, considering
your current situation,

I'd say it's more than fair.

And then you leave
the Hideaway alone...


Mr. Worthington,
as your lawyer,

I'd advise you--

What makes you think
you're still my lawyer?

You're fired.

And you'll never work
on this island again.

All right.

You've got a deal.

Great. Now call off
the party.

One last thing.

Was that deed real?

You'll never know.

Guess you shouldn't
have burned it.

Stop! Camera thief!

Ha ha!


I have a real good
explanation for all this.

No, you don't.

Have a nice life, Derek.

You sure were cool
with Worthington.

Hey, after all my run-ins
with Belding,

this was a breeze.


Now! Now! Now!


Kelly, I'm really--



Hey, that's my granddaughter!

Did you see that right?

Ha ha ha!

The Pukuku stew is ready.

Some vacation, huh, mama?

I can't believe it'll all
be over by tomorrow.

You know, I've been thinking.

It's crazy the way
we fight all the time.

We really love each other.

Let's never fight again, okay?

I'll kiss to that.

200 bucks says you'll be
fighting before the plane lands.

There you are, my boss.

Thank you, Keanu.

- Boss?
- Well, yeah.

Now that I've
saved my people's land,

the Pukukus would like
to work closer to home.

I knew Harry needs a staff,
so I made a suggestion.

Chief Screech is always
looking out for us.

We know they can cook.

But I told Screech
we'd have to hire a manager

from outside the tribe

to kind of oversee everything.

Well, that's
a smart move, Harry.

Just don't hire Derek.

No, not Derek, Andrea.



I'm only hiring you
under certain conditions.

I won't pay you
more than five times

what you were getting
at the Royal Pacific,

and you've got to start taking
night classes at the university.

I always wanted
to go back to school.

But, Harry, if you're serious
about hiring me as a manager,

- I wouldn't have time to--
- We'll work it out,

and you'll have plenty of time
to be with Jennifer, too.

And if you're interested
in studying archaeology,

Zack has an in with the
professor at the college.

That was Mr. Belding,
you goofball.


Okay, let's eat, let's eat.

I'm not that hungry.

Want to take a walk?

Sure. Yeah.

I don't want to say goodbye.

I know. Neither do I.

This has been the best
two weeks of my life.

Mine, too, Zack.

You know, look.
I was thinking.

I mean, I'm gonna be 18 soon,
and then I can do what I want.

I could quit school
and move to Hawaii.

I bet Harry would
give me a job--

- Zack, you can't.
- But I love you.

And I love Jennifer.

And I want to be with you.

I'm not gonna let you
make a big mistake like I did.

I want you to go back home,

finish high school,
and go to college.

None of that means
as much as being with you.

I know you love me,
Andrea, I know it.

- I do love you, Zack.
- Okay, then.

But that's why I'm saying this.


I missed my graduation
because I was in labor.

It's taken me four years just
to begin to get it back together.

I almost wrecked my life,

and I'm not gonna let you
do the same thing to yours.

Even if we love each other?

Because we love each other.

All right.

If I do all that--

I finish school and everything

and I still want
to be with you...

Then you sure as heck
better come straight back here

and look me up.

Thanks for everything, sir.

Come here.

You have done everything
your ancestor foretold.

We will never forget you,
Chief Screech.

Every day, we will
sing your praises.

Brothers, please.
Don't get carried away.

Once or twice a week is enough.

Your new staff
looks pretty good.

Well, they'll never be as
good as the one I'm losing.

Thanks for everything, Kelly.

Oh. I, uh, found a
little memento for you.

It's the shell necklace
you made with your grandma.

You keep it.
We made it for you.

I love you, Grandpa.

I love you, Kelly.

I'm gonna miss you.




Come here.


Bye, Zack.

I'll write you every day.

Well, once I learn how to write.

Oh, yeah?


Come on, bud.

Wait, wait, wait.
Me, me, me.

And so,

our Hawaiian adventure
comes to an end.

You know, I think
there's one Hawaiian word

that would be appropriate here.

It means hello, good-bye,

and to remember with affection.
