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04x09 - Lonely hearts

Posted: 12/01/21 07:07
by bunniefuu

Well,how'd it work out for
martha with the dating service?


Better for me than for her.

no. It's too many!

That's what you get
for being so hot,girl.

Let me check your box,miss...

puck. Martha.

Is this for...

It's for you.

Ray-mon del-gay-do.

hey. I'm ramon.



I really liked your tape.

Uh,you don't know how
many tapes I've watched.

It seems like every girl's
stuck-up or into herself.

So... baseball,uh...

italian food,ice skating
on a lake,not a rink--

dogs,cats,any kind of
animal,traveling places...


Yeah,that's me.

Well,if that's not corny as hell,

maybe you'd like to
meet me in person.

did you see...

I'm sorry,sweetie.

- That guy?
- What?

he didn't even make me a tape.

Well,maybe he's looking
for someone more my type.

That was my first tape.

What are the chances of finding
my dream man on the first tape?

You'll find your mr. Right.

And it'll be when
you least expect it.

I was trying to protect
martha from people like that.

People like what?

Users,scumbags,arrogant bastards.

You know how you people can be.

Uh,did she ever take
ramon up on his offer?

I never saw him again.

- Thanks for your time.
- Oh,detectives.

I have a box of martha's stuff
and no one to give it to.


Look,I don't mean to make martha out to be some
loser just because the dating thing didn't work out.

It doesn't always work out and it
doesn't mean something's wrong with you.

Couldn't agree more.


Ramon and martha made contact
through this dating service.

He sees her tape,tries to
lure her in and rip her off.

You think it's impossible he could have
been interested because of how she looks?


I'm not sure I want you
speaking for all men.

The milkmaid's manor?


Prized possessions here
are all romance novels.

She was obsessed with these things.

Only one of 'em turned
out to be her diary.

Stuffed in a book jacket.

Hiding it.

Diary give us anything?

The novels got to her head.

She wanted a man,big time.

The romantic fantasy is why martha
didn't listen to stephanie.

So she did follow
up with ramon?

January , .

Martha agrees to meet
him at the perfumed rose.

Exhibit A.

I told him I'd be the one
with the flower behind my ear.

If he saw me and wanted
to walk the other way,

I swore my feelings
wouldn't be hurt.



Come here. Come here.

When's the last time
you had a cheesesteak?

Are you making fun of me?

What? No. No.

No,I asked because I know
after we have a few drinks

and talk for a long time I'm
going to want a cheesesteak.

- Geno'S.
- Okay.

A lot of girls,they don'T...

they don't bother
with the cheesesteak.

Gets old fast.

I guess I'm probably not
like a lot of other girls.

That's good.

That's why I'm here.

I think it's great what you do.

My parents died when I was ten.

Oh,my goodness.

You were an orphan?


I didn't have like a little
tin cup and a crutch,but...


I just wanted to tell you that it meant a lot
to me when they fixed up my mom to look nice.

At the wake.

That's why I'm in mortuary studies.

I felt the same way
when my mom died.

She had a stroke when I was four.

I laid by her side for two days,

before a neighbor figured
it out and called the cops.

- That's sad,martha.
- No.

It was peaceful.

She was finally happy.

How do I look?

Very dashing.


So martha and ramon hit it off.

'Spite of him being full of it.

Guy did all right.

All first date talk is crap.

Well,martha thought
ramon was sincere.

She slept with him that night.

Here's a last entry:

Today ramon told me the reason he was drawn
to me is becaures i like his late mother.

I never thought I could be so happy.

Now is that romantic or creepy?

That's not the last entry.

There's a space
in the binding.

Used to be other pages here.

Did they fall out?

Somebody took them out.

Jeffries just called.
He's got something.

Delgado had this storage
unit since .

Love poetry from the
early th century.

Musings on women.

These are seduction tools.

Meet the seductees.

what are we watching?

Video dating tapes.

of them.

Love juncture.
Soul of a lifetime.

View and woo. What was
he doing with these?

Targeting women.

Credit card fraud?

We ran the names on the tapes.

Five of these women are dead.

Martha puck's dream man
wasn't just a con artist.

He was a serial k*ller.

: in the morning.

You say it like i don't know that.

You got a name,kid?


How 'bout you give it a rest,andre.

How 'bout you put some pants on?

I'm a cop,smart-ass.

So what you going to
do,homes,arrest me?

Ramon delgado had video dating
tapes on each of these women.

From five different dating
services where he was a client.

And each of these women died in a
hit-and-run accident in .

Crossed state lines to hide his tracks.

One in jersey,one in new
york,the rest in philly.

Nobody made the connect.

- Any witnesses?
- One.

Crackhead named cherry lesure,saw victim number one,
buella stiffler,get mowed down in the badlands.

Cherry said she saw bells and bubbles.

Why do we ite it down?

So that was delgado's M.O.

He hit tir bank accounts,
then he hit them.

These five emptied their
bank accounts themselves,

day before they were k*lled.

Delgado convinced
them to do it. How?

Well,look at 'em.

Not exactly the
seasoned dating types.

You track down any of the other
women from his tape collection?

Yeah,found a live one,uh,eugenia karpathian.

Always like fishing a lot.

But what with water pollution
what it is these day....

Well,see what eugenia can tell
you about ramon and his magic.

Six tons of plush toys
can't deliver themselves,guys.

Well,he was good-looking,
at least I got that excuse.

Eugenia,did ramon delgado
ever make you feel threatened?

Uh,in danger?

Au contraire,he
was sugar and spice.

How do you think he convinced
me to let him invest my savings?

Invested it,all right,into his own pocket.

You never reported it?

Would've,if it weren't half
my fault,fallin' for his bs.

He ever say anything
to you about other women?

He didn't have to say.

After he wronged me,
I staked out his place.

Sure enough,
there was a new girl.

Floral print-type.

You don't know me,

but you and i are
one in the same.

- I have to go to the pretzels now.
- No.

Ramon delgado.

He took me for all I'm worth.

And he'll do the same to you.

I don't know what you're
talking about. Excuse me.

Yeah,I'm a single mom.

I got my boy asking
for soccer camp,

and I can't even give him sauce for
his noodles since ramon cleaned me out.

I'm sorry if he hurt you.

But it's different
with me and ramon.

So... I don't need your warning.

You look like my dead ma.

He say that to you?

Next he'll ask for
a key to your place.

Stuff will disappear.

He'll borrow your car.
It'll get stolen.

What's going on?

She knows ramon.

You got to have hope.

Just because we ain't
morgan fairchild,

doesn't mean we don't
deserve somebody nice.

Martha,who is this?

We got to go home.

Poor martha. I've been there.

One day you're on vacation
in denial city,

next day you're in a prison
of your own stupidity.


Well,stephanie,the roommate
lied about martha and ramon.

Said they didn't follow up.

Well,this guy was a
svengali with the ladies.

Maybe stephanie fell
for his schtick,too?

Oh,please. Protect ramon?

I couldn't stand him.

Oh,you think you can just pick
and choose what you tell us?

I have a reputation you know.

As what?

The kind of men I date
have money,and prestige,

and they do background checks.

If they found out that
I lived with a thief,

all this... means nothing.

Thief. Oh,you mean ramon?


Look, Martha was your roommate.

Doesn't mean she reflects on you.

I can tell you're... classy.


So you can imagine how I felt.

About what?

The day that lady with the
braid saw us at the supermarket.

We raced home, and Martha she just...



This thing's out of whack. I was, uh,

I was going to run it down to my buddy's shop
and get it fixed before murphy brown comes on.

Steph,will you give us a sec?

I know you don't really love me.

You lied to me for two weeks
to take my frickin' tv?

You can't call the cops.

They can't prove it.

Please,don't go.

I can't get over you.

It would be too hard.

I dreamt about you.

And then you were here.

And now I'm gone.

'Cause I got what I need.

You could get more.

From the girls.

That you lie to.


You can marry them.

why would I do that?

It's all we want.

To have somebody say
that we're the one.

If you do that,we'll
give you anything.

Anything like what?

Secret stashes.

We have 'em...

because we think we're
going to be alone forever.

So I take the money...

then I got a wife.
Forget it.

- Divorce her.
- That's too messy.

Get rid of her.

that don't work,babe.

I can't do jail.

We can think of a way.

For us to get
away with it.


People die every day
crossing the street.



Obviously,she wasn't serious
about taking anybody out.


People die crossing
the street?

That's how our five
women were taken out.

Hit-and-runs were
martha's idea.

She wasn't ramon's victim.

She was his accomplice.

Well this is a big,
fat waste of time.

Solving a m*rder*r's m*rder.

Case gets closed...
all five of them.

Doesn't matter how we
feel about the victim.

She's not a victim.
She's a psycho.

She did it for love.

Love with a two-bit hood.

Ramon wasn't pickin' anyone
off until martha came in.

That's my piece.

I found a pattern in the
victims' credit card charges.

Day she died,buella stiffler made
a purchase at a florist in new jersey.

Anastasia farelli went
to the beauty parlor.

And petunia marshall
got a five-point wax.

It's martha's wedding plan in
action. Flowers,the primping.

Purchases were made
on the day they died.

He was marrying them,and then kills 'em
before they have to pay for a honeymoon.

They did the ceremony,offed the
girls and never filed the paperwork.

Which would explain why there's no
record of ramon delgado being married.

I called the florist in atlantic
city,where buella used her card.

They said they doo a lot of orders
for the quickie chapel next door.

Midnight love chapel,it's called.

I'll send nick and
scotty down there.

I can do it,but it's
not legal in this state.

Yeah,I remember rico suave
and the two big girls.

buella and serena.

This "serena" by any chance?

Yep,that's her.

Serena montagne.
The groom's sister.


Tell us about serena
and her brother ramon.

I've seen some wacky
couples in here,

but that brother and
sister duo make my top five.

S you two don't look alike.

I'm adopted.!!

I'm adopted.


Maybe you should check the
girls' room. Maybe she split.

No,she's coming,ramon.

She's been in there minutes.
What'd you say to her?

The first time you saw her tape,

it was like you got tunnel vision
and all you could see was her,

and then you called me from
a payphone and you said,

sis,I can't believe it.
I think I found the one.

That's nice.

You look hot in a hat.

I wish it were me.

Walkin' down the aisle to you.

Wouldn't mom be proud?


serena montagne-- name martha used--
it's from one of her romance novels.

No kiddin'.

Yeah,a busty milkmaid
finds out she's a princess.

Isn't that always the way?
Thanks a lot.

Hey,these bubbles?

yep. Less mess than birdseed.

you givin' these away in ' ?

Since we opened.

Help yourself.

Bells and bubbles.

For free. It's your lucky day.

Crackhead who saw buella's hit-and-run
talked about bells and bubbles.

We're looking for.. Cherry lesure.

I'm outta breath from
runnin' over here.

My girlfriend said there was a delicious
scoop o' chocolate in a suit lookin' for me.


cherry lesure?

Detectives jeffries and rush.

Back in ' ,you saw a
hit-and-run down here.

Big girl,buella stiffler.

Dark days for me.

You recall the incident or not?

He always this feisty?

I told them boys
in blue what I saw.

They chose not to listen. Feisty.

You described seeing
bells and bubbles.

That's right. 'Cause they
were doin' a housewarming party.

What do you mean?

It's crazy,but they came down here
and acted like they found paradise.

Watch your step.

keep them closed. No looking.

You guys are hysterical.

Where are we?

oh,you'll see in
a sec. No looking.

- Okay.
- Okay...

home sweet home.

this is what we put
our down payment on?

You're kidding,right?

You have to use your

I mean,it's not built yet,but,
oh,it's going to be beautiful.

You know what?
Here we go.

I just carried you
over the threshold.

- You did?
- I did.

Close your eyes so
you can picture it.

- Okay.
- Okay?

- They closed?
- Yes.

Yeah? There's the front door.

There's the little stone path
leading up toward the fence.

Little front yard.

Seriously? Like with
bushes and stuff?

Keep 'em closed.

- keep 'em closed.
- All right.

Yes,with bushes and stuff.

I love you.

Oh,my god!

Martha... stop crying.

Martha,martha,stop crying.

That was fantastic.

You were freakin'
gorgeous just then.


This stuff becomes you,baby.

You sure that wasn't a vision
from your crack pipe,cherry?

That's what happened.

Big girl's shakin' like a leaf,
but she took that other broad out.

come see my show at the
manhole tuesday night.

It's slammin',girl.

And give choco-love my flyer.

sure. Thanks,cherry.

For you... choco-love.

That was vera.

Ran martha's alias,serena
montagne,and got a hit.

She used it for something other
than marriage certificates?

Turns out serena took out
a life insurance policy.

On who?

Ramon delgado.

Guess martha got the
hang of the con game.

Decided to step it up a notch,
take out her true love.

So martha tried to turn
the tables on ramon.

And scam the scammer.
Maybe he found out.

- And he took her out first.
- She was deep in the game.

Her fake name--
serena montagne--

she used it for a lot more than
the life insurance policy on ramon.

Credit cards.

And a safe deposit box.

And guess what was in it?

Other half of the diary.

What'd she give us?

Writes about buella stiffler and the
four other women she and ramon m*rder*d.

Any insight into martha's m*rder?

Nothing caught up with them
from their crime spree.

Except martha's conscience.

dear love,

may you keep track of every second
that we are together on this earth.

Your husband,edwin.


This is so romantic.


And we took it.

This is someone's
heirloom of love...

this loser's into ferns.

You know anything about that?

I don't think I want
to do it anymore.

Martha needs a rubdown.

I've become a terrible person.

And for what?

So that I can pretend to be your sister while some
girl who thinks she's your wife climbs all over you?

You think I like it?

But we can't quit.

Think I need to go for a walk.


come on,baby.

What we have is special.

We are bonnie and clyde.

And it feels good,right?

It doesn'T.

you don't like us?

You don't like me?

I don't like me.

Let's get married.

You want a wife?

I want you.

The second I saw you,

I got tunnel vision.

And I knew you were the one.

Martha puck,

will you marry me?

Ramon only marries a girl when
he's ready to get rid of her for good.

I've got to get him before he gets me.

Mart ha's serena montagne credit card

had three charges on it the
week after she was shot.

Ramon used it?

Take a look at the charges.

Grocery store,clothing
boutique,pee wee soccer camp.

Soccer camp?

Eugenia said she wanted to send her son
there before ramon cleaned her out.

Martha dies and eugenia's
luck turns around.

Thing about martha
is she was frustrating.

Some women,they think
so low of themselves,

gets them into trouble.

mean well, You weren't
angry with martha?

Well,I was disappointed.

Disappointed doesn't explain taking credit cards
off her dead body and using them to buy things.

I got to stop you right there.

I don't do k*lling.

That's too bad. 'Cause if you did,
maybe ramon wouldn't have dumped you.

I wouldn't say he dumped me.

I wouldn't use that word.

It was meant to be,though.

Him and martha were
the real love match.

Well,there's no
accounting for taste.

You still love him.

Oh,go ahead and judge me.

You don't know what it's like to be
a woman and want somebody to love you,

but you're too old,you're too fat,

you're too loud,
you're too something.

And every damn thing hurts your
feelings like it's the end of the world.

And you...

we might as well be
from different planets.

Martha was planning
on k*lling ramon.

You found out about that.

Guy like that?
You don't toss that out.

He was using her just
like he used you.

I wish! After she was gone,

I told him I'd be his new
bonnie,he could be my clyde.

But he couldn't get over losing martha.

He was watching her tape
when he k*lled himself.

Some people get lucky with love,

some people don'T.

That's life.

How did you know about martha's plan?

She called me up.

Said I was the only person
she could really confide in.

'Cause us two...

we knew what it was like
to be under his spell.

Thank you so much for meeting me here.

I know it's out of your way,

but I don't want ramon to find me.

Smells good,doesn't it?

Deep dish place.

I'm guessing your problem has
something to do with ramon.

He wants to get rid of me.

What,like k*ll you?

he's not that bad.

Yes,he is.


we've done things.

I just lost my way.


I helped him steal and...

do horrible,terrible things.

You and him?


what,you live together?

I'm gonna k*ll him.

can I touch it?

I have life insurance on him,

and I am giving the money
to you and your son.

'Cause I want to make it
right,what happened to you.

Did he ever tell you
you had beautiful hair?

I don't think so.


he told me that.

You do have nice hair.

Can you put the g*n down?

I can't really stand
it if you k*ll him.

'Cause maybe,if you
don't want him,then,uh...



He's a bad person.

He isn't good enough for you.

Well,he's all there is.

But what about hope?

You said there would
be someone nice.

I'm sick of saying that!

It's bad enough to have...

every damn ad,song,tv show lying to you
about how anybody can find true love.

But I am so sick of lying to myself.


Don't give up.

Love could find you when
you least expect it.

You could be sitting in the
park one day,reading a book...

'cause I am so... damn...
