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04x01 - Rampage

Posted: 12/01/21 07:03
by bunniefuu
The following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event.

September ,

- yo,is that thing on or what?
- Yeah,yeah,dawg,look at that red light.

- See it?
- yet.

yo,what's up,mamacitas?


stop being a reject.
Give me that.

you're about to enter another dimension.

It's a dimension not only of sight and of sound...

but of tweakers,preps,horny housewives and morons galore.

It's the ninth circle of hell.

The sweaty armpit of suburbia.

You've just crossed over into...

- the mall.
- The mall.

- Shop till you drop.
- Right on.


Catch a tiger by its toe.

If he hollers,let him go.




looks like it's homeslice's lucky day.


a regular saturday afternoon in america's town square.

The city is still reeling weeks after two teenage gunmen
opened fire at the woodland valley mall,

k*lling bystanders before taking their own lives.

The lieutenant still got you in deep freeze,lil?

The man knows how to hold a grudge.

This about that fugitive,what's his face?

It's joseph,and it's past tense,the fugitive part.

Is that a fact?

At least from what I hear.

I wonder where he's,uh,docking his tugboat these days.

You got me.

So,scotty,you coming with tonight?

- Why,what's up?
- Nurses.


Oh,milking that newfound bachelorhood,huh?

Every drop.

- Morning,boss.
- Scotty.Nick.


You remember the coulter-hanlon job back in ' ?

Two kids opened up with a shotgun and a tec- in the mall?

Took forever to process the scene.

The doers offed themselves after taking out,what,uh, people?

The contractors renovating the air vents found a video camera.


Well,it looks like it was used to film the m*ssacre.

Yo,what's up,mamacitas?


stop being a reject.
Give me that.

A real laugh riot,these two.

The survivors say they busted a gut the whole time they were mowing folks down.

Hell of a thing to get on tape.

Still The only footage that exists.

No working surveillance cameras in that wing of the mall,only at the two exits.

The survivors never mentioned the kids having a video camera.

A lot of times in sh**t like this,people's memories are shaky.

One witness claims the gunmen were wearing red baseball caps,another swears they were yellow.

k*ller kids.
First this then colombine.

Glad I don't got kids.

I thought I saw something.
Rewind it.

Right there.

Did you see his face?

Neal was handing off the video camera.

So what?

Who was he handing it to?


the third sh**t?

"I am the destroyer,"the apocolypse,"the widowmaker."

I am a r*fle,I am a g*n.

"Look down the barrel of my hate,we're going to have some fun."

Words to live by.

Cameron's journal,two days before the sh**t-out.

And neal's artwork broadcasting their intentions loud and clear.

According to classmates,everyone knew the game plan.
The boys talked about it / .

But no one believed them.

Whatever happened to kids punching each other out?

Now they're mowing each other down.

And we still don't know why.

Childhood buddies,uh,juniors at lakefield high
at the time of the k*lling.

On weekends,neal pushed a broom at the mall.

Cameron was a counter boy at the cinnamon king.

Well,maybe our third sh**t works at the mall,too.

Stashes a video camera after the rampage,gets out of dodge.

Where'd the camera come from?

Running the serial numbers.

According to the boy's computer logs,"the destroyer"
and "the apocolypse" were monikers they used online.

Big fans of the game called renegade m*ssacre.

What all young minds should aspire to.

If cameron was "the destroyer" and neal was "the apocolypse,"

who's "the widowmaker"?

- Our third sh**t.
- The name doesn't come up in the logs.

Well,let's check with the parents,
could have went to school with him.

Bring in the survivors,too.
See what they remember.

Cameron's folks are still in town.
Neal's family relocated to georgia two years ago.

If I were them,I'd run for the hills,too.

I knew my kid wasn't the ringleader.

Cameron was always well-behaved.
He was polite.

He was more of a follower,really.

He play a lot of online video games,mr.Coulter?

I tried to get him into sports,but...

he never took to them.

You familiar with a game called renegade m*ssacre?

It's just a game.

Did neal and cameron ever play online games with other kids?

All the time.
Dayton moore was one.

Dayton moore?
He was one of the survivors.

He used to live down the block--
the three of them were thick as thieves until high school.

He's a real bossy kid.
He bullied cameron and neal all the time.

Thanks for your time.

You're going to interrogate him,aren't you?

We'll be in touch,mr.Coulter.

It's easier for you to pretend we're monsters,isn't it?

Excuse me?

Just like the newspapers did.
The tv.

What everyone forgets,that day we lost a child,too.

My wife,her name is jackie.
She's in there.

Please,help,my daughter's in there!

The survivors are coming out.

Coming out.

Oh,my god,they're coming out!






there's more coming out,right?

There's got to be more coming out,right?

Are you the parents of cameron coulter?

Yes,we are.

- You need to come with us.
- Why?

we've got to wait here for cameron.

We think your son might have been involved.


You're-you're mistaken.

My boy's not involved!

Jim,what is goingn?


everyone blamed us.

We were just an ordinary family...

just like your own.

Ordinary families don't have military as*ault r*fles at home.

A man has a right to his hobbies.

I'm a hunter.

What kind of animal do you hunt,with a tec- semiautomatic?

Ld"could you leave that door open?

Me and closed rooms don't really mix so well.

Detectives rush,miller.

Always looking for the exit,huh?

years later,you'd think I'd be over it.

You grew up with cameron and neal?

In grade school,that's pretty much it.

You like playing games online,dayton?

No,not really.

The game renegade m*ssacre?
Ring any bells?

I don't know.

How about "the widowmaker"?

That was my online id.
I gamed every once in a while,so what?

- Then why lie?
- Because I stopped playing with those psychos way before...

- the,the,uh,incident.
- Why?

To them it wasn't just a game,it was...

it was practice.

So maybe a closet geek like yourself got caught up,too.

- Took it past role-playing,made it real.
- Look,lady,I was a jock--

pick of the high school litter.
I didn't need a fantasy life.

You did online.

The last thing I needed was to be seen in public with those freaks.

check out butter face.

Everything's hot,"but her face."

*********and what do I get for my pain?

Bet clearasil's making a k*lling off of him.

Come on,man,leave the dork alone.



got something for you.

- what?
- You missed a fry,dude.

what fry?

that one.


you know,
you are one talented litter getter.

someone should take an U*i to this freaking mall.

what do you think...


when did this happen?

Uh,a few months before they went ballistic.

I was a jerk.

We all were.

Maybe if we hadn't,then,you know,none of this would of happened.

He k*lled a lot of innocent people.

You're not responsible for that.

Then who is?

they look so normal.

Are thosthe kids who did it?


Some of the victims,too.

Went to the same school.

Could be the third sh**t's in here.

You getting any closer to finding him?

Most time,the doer's already in the box.




Aren't you going to put that away?

- No.
- Why not?


it helps me remember.

Keeping photos of the victims up there.

Remember what?

you must of had my photo up there,too.

No way.


Been going through the security footage from the mall.


- There's something you got to see.
- Be there in a few.

I'll be a couple hours.


You got to do what you got to do.

you might as well get some sleep now.

Why's that?

'Cause you won't get much later.

Only two ways in or out of this part of the mall.
Security cameras were at each exit.

So,we can see who went in with cameron and neal.

Crowd's too thick,couldn't even spot the boys.

What about who came out after the sh**ting started?

Take a look.

: ,the sh**ting begins.

Trapping civilians inside that wing.

And our third sh**t.

The rampage continues for minutes
and ends when swat shows up right here.

So how'd our third sh**t get out?

That's what we were wondering.

Well,maybe our guy offed himself.

Got caught in the cross fire.

Cameron and neal had the only self-inflicted g*nsh*t wounds.

So,if our third sh**t isn't one of the dead...

he's posing as one of the survivors.

They're interviewing survivors all morning, no dice.

Still Keep at it,one of them's got to have seen something.

A lot of blacked out memories.
Tough going back.

The bottom line people don't want to remember.


Late night with the nurses?

Somebody's got to play doctor.

What have you got,nick?

Lead on the video camera,traced it back to
an electronic store at the mall.

Turns out it was stolen a few days before the attack.


One of our survivors,a kid named davie schulman,
was a stock boy there.

You have a talk with him?

Miller's on it.

Well,meanwhile,let's keep interviewing the rest of them.

Scotty,you got a minute?

Get the door,huh?

Detective renaldi at west,you're familiar right?


He gave me the heads up on a job they been working.


A coach at A...
community boxing program,early s.

A pedophile.

Is that right.

Your brother's name came up.

What's he got to do with it?

Well,it says here he was in the program when he was .

So what?

Well,one of the guy's former students is going to testify,
says he should,too.

He's got it wrong.

- Well,you might want to take a look.

Like I said,boss,my brother's got nothing to do with it so--

the guy's still out there by the way,coaching.

Until this thing goes to court.

No harm in looking,right?

I kind of lost my trust in people after that.

I guess that's why I ended up here.

We're talking to all the survivors davie.

There might have been a third sh**t.

Third sh**t?

You see anyone else that day?
With cameron and neal.

I barely remember anything.

It was so loud.

The g*nf*re.

I didn't know b*ll*ts could do that to people.

It's not like in the movies.

No,it's not.

I don'T...
you really like to talk about it?

The third sh**t was using a video camera.

It was stolen from the store you worked at.

Got something to share,davie?

- You think I stole it.
- Did you?


But you know who did.

Davie hey,what's up?
Papi chulo.


These are cool video cameras.
Maybe we can make some porn.


I got to have one,make a distraction for me,okay?

A distraction,like-like what?

Like,throw up or something.

just kidding,davie.

they should get a room.

He was a jerk to you,T.
Screw him.

Zack's not that bad.

Then why's he act like he doesn't even know you.

'Cause I'm the hit and run queen.

Quit talking about yourself like that.

Just thought he'd be different,I guess.

What a sucker.

maybe you deserve
someone who treats you better.

someone like...

anyway,I'm out of here.

Uh,what about the video camera?

What about it?
What,you think I'm klepto or something?

See you...
see you later,I guess.

Not if I see you first.

Thank you.

tina was a lost kind of soul.

She wouldn't of hurt anyone.

You keep in touch?

I dropped out of school after,you know,
we kind of drifted apart.

Thanks for your time,davie.
If you think of anything else...

here's my card.

I was a bad girl,desperate for attention.

Shoplifting was means to an end.

How'd the video camera you stole end up in those boys' hands?

What are you talking about?

Cameron and neal used it to film their sh**ting spree,tina.

Are you sure?

You knew them,right?

From high school.

those guys were seriously damaged goods.

Talked about k*lling all the time,everyone knew it.

Maybe we should have listened to them,huh?

Tell us what happened to the video camera.

I got busted,okay?

- Security guard took me to mall jail.
- Then what?

He threatened to call my folks but hell
if i was going to let that happen.

quite the little klepto...

ain't we?


what are you going to do about it...
big boy?

What do you think I'm going to do about it...


I'm going to call your parents...

that's what.


You stay put.

The mall's entire surveillance system.

Lay of the land.

so you can see everything from here.

Half these cameras are for show.

A.K.A. "Dummies."

What about the cameras on the second level?

Yeah,the ones near the escalators.

% fake-o'S.
Management's a bunch of tight wads.

So you could basically take a machine g*n
in this place and nobody'd ever know.

Or care.

Just imagine the look on all their faces.

That'd be something to see.

All those happy little folks.

Not so happy no more.

Why was he showing them the mall security system?

'Cause he was a loser or desperate for attention.

What happened to the video camera?

He never ended up calling my parents.
Guess he pocketed it for himself.

Barry lewis?

- Yeah,that's me.
- Philly P.D.

Here about the mall sh**t back in ' .

That's not something I spend a lot of time reminiscing on.

Wonder why you never mentioned swiping that video camera.

Video camera?

I love it when they play dumb.

The camera you used to film your little sh**t-out.


Hold up there,now.
I was shot,if you don't recall.

Great way to take the stink off,what with your condition and all.

What exactly are you accusing me of?

Being a mall rent-a-cop on a power trip.

Planning a m*ssacre with two whacked-out assassins.

And filming it.
That about covers it.

Those kids stole that camera off my desk.

How convenient.

Still doesn't explain why you were
showing them the surveillance system.

they gave me respect.

So you gave two sociopaths the keys to the kingdom?

Didn't matter in the end.

Me showing them the system.

What do you mean it didn't matter?

Those kids weren't trying not to be seen.

They wanted to be on camera.

Why would they want that?

Same reason everybody else does.


smile for the camera,sucker.




let him bleed.



look at me.

Come on.

No,wake up,wake up.
Look at me.Look.

I ca...
I can't feel nothin'.

Hey,hey,where's your wallet?


Your wallet.
You got your wife's picture in here or your kids?

You think about them,'cause you can't die.

I don'T...
I don't got nobody.

- sorry.
- No,no.

Then you got to live.

Okay,you got to live.
'Cause if you get out of here,

then maybe you can find somebody,okay?

You just got to live.

I-I-I did this.

All of it.

It's all my F...
it's all my fault.

I thought I was gonna die.

What that girl said pulled me through.

What did that kid mean,"I did this,all of it"?

you got me.

Could be he's our third sh**t.

Makes sense.
'Cause I certainly wasn'T.

- You know,you guys can't keep me in here.
- Oh,we can do whatever we want,dayton--

cowe'"a the police.

Still We know what you did.
You told barry and tina about it.

you know,I don't have to be in here.
I'm leaving.

Sit down.

You're about to enter another dimension.

It is a dimension not only of sight but of sound.

Full of tweakers,preps,
horny housewives and morons galore.

- It is the ninth circle of hell.
- Turn that off.

You played renegade m*ssacre for hours with those boys.

It was just a stupid video game.

Maybe playtime got boring after a while.
Maybe you needed the real deal.

- Were you in on their plan?
- No!

- Sure about that?
- I'm leaving.

Come here!
Is this...

is this a game to you?

Turn it off.



I tried to stop them.

I knew it was wrong...

what they were gonna do.

- Cameron and neal.
- No.



and the others.

Your friends?

What'd they have to do with the sh**ting?

'Cause of what happened earlier that day.

I tried to stop them.

Maybe if I had...

none of this would have happened.

- what's going on,man?Teddy said...
- shh!

What's up,dudes?

who's your daddy now?

Whoa,hold up there.

- Where do you think you're going to?
- Stop it!

- Leave her alone.
- Shut up,f*gg*t.

Stop it!

Stop it!


- Giddyap!
- Stop!


Stop it!
Get off of me!


Stop it!
Get off!

- Tina!
- Davie!




I'll k*ll all of you!

- I tried to stop them.
- I'm gonna put a b*llet into all of your heads.

I tried.

I did.

When did this happen?

An hour before the sh**ting started.

A b*llet in all their heads.

You wanted them to pay.

Don't blame you.
Someone did that to my girl...

forget about it.

So you reached out to cameron and neal.

Everyone knew their plan,knew they had g*ns.

And you had all the motive in the world.

- I didn't do anything.
- Now,come on,davie,

these guys mauled the girl you're in love with?

You got to settle the score.

Must have hurt...

being in love with someone...

who didn't love you back.

Yeah,it did.

But maybe if you saved her from the big bad wolves,

- she would?
- I didn't save her.

You tried.


you don't understand.

I would have done anything for tina...

'cause all I ever wanted was for her to like me...

but I let her down when she needed me the most.

Are you okay?

No,uh,just don't touch me.


I just don't want to be touched right now.

you want a frozen yogurt or something?

we should go to the police.

The police?

They'll arrest zack a-and all of them for--

for what they did to you.

you still like him?

- No,it's not that.
- Then what?

well,I mean,it's just that zack...

he didn't force me,you know?

why are you looking at me like that?



maybe going to the cops isn't such a good idea.

It isn't?

You said so yourself.

You let him do it.

Kind of like you let everyone...

do it.

so what's the big deal?



I should have stopped her.

- But...
- you didn'T.

I didn't believe anything bad would really happen.

No one did.

the boss and lil just headed over to the mall.

The mall?

Tina walked in a few minutes ago...

with a g*n.

You got the area cleared?

She'll be k*lled if they go in.

She's armed,lil.
I don't have a choice.

- Let me talk to her.
- No way.

Tina doesn't want to hurt anyone but herself.

If she raises the g*n,I'm not holding them back.

All right,let her through.

Heads up,guys.
There's one of our coming in.

I'm going to sit down.

If that's okay with you.


I know why you're here,tina.

I know what happened to you.

I haven't set foot in this place for...

for years.

The same music,the same kids,the same heartbreak.

Nothing changes.

It doesn'T.

I should have done this a long time ago.

Like cameron,neal.

So when does it end?

The v*olence.

I wanted to hurt them like they hurt me.

I have to pay for what I did.


For every g*n that's fired,

someone can't be in a closed room

or walk or see their child again.

It's not just you who pays,tina.

It never is.

I know.

Give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.

They were little kids,they were moms and dads

and they never hurt anybody.

And it didn't matter to cameron and neal.
They were human time bombs.

Just waiting to go off.

I lit the fuse.

Want to make a porn film?


Girlfriend's seriously tweaked.

Or I could film you...

k*lling everyone.

You're always talking about it,right?
So do it already.

Okay,let's get out of here.

What,are you scared or something?

What about I k*ll you first?

Then who's going to make you famous,big boy?

Girl's got a point.

So what's the plan?

k*ll 'em all.

k*ll everybody.

Get the camera.

did you see his face?


this is it,bro.

Roll credits,dawg.

the end.


wake up.