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06x01 - Glory Days

Posted: 11/30/21 19:34
by bunniefuu
[font color=f ea c]the folowing srory is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event

october ,

♪ and start your slaving
job to get your pay ♪

♪ if you ever get annoyed,look at me, ♪

i'm self-employed

♪ i love to work at nothing all day ♪

♪ and i've been takin'
care of business every day ♪

♪ takin' care of business every way ♪

♪ i've been takin' care
of business,it's all mine ♪

♪ takin' care of business
and working overtime... ♪



we are... warriors!


let's go!bring it in.
come on. now.bring it in!

what the hell did i tell you?!

this is all you attention.

red right, . i'm sending it in.

now,folks,the biggest game of
the season comes down to one play.

oh,boy,this is a dandy. red right, .

- you ready,moon?
- let's go.

down by four with seconds left.

- let's go!
- let's go!

let's take care of business,huh?

- all right,ready?
- break!

here we go. buckle up,irene.

the warriors line up to
try and make one more play.

no time-outs left.
the clock is running.



bad moon mcshane has done it again!

how sweet the wine!

that's warrior football!

no guts,no glory!

took you long enough.

i took the scenic route.

al's bar. college football paradise.

you played high school ball with al?

he was the fastest
halfback in philly in .

ran the in . .

i take it that's good?

the record still stands.

there he is.what do you say,lightning?


good to see you,man.


the guy played linebacker.
used to bury halfbacks.

detective rush.

i like your place,al.

so what's up?you said it was important.

you remember bad moon mcshane?

hell,yeah. warrior football star.

m*rder*d the night before
the ' championship.

no one knew until he was
a no-show for the game.

check this out.

i'm always searching ebay

for warrior stuff.

found this

tucked inside a program.

"ticket sign-out sheet."

the way players got tickets
to family and friends.

now,i know you only played defense,

but,uh,try and keep up.

look at the signature.

mcshane signed out tickets

to r. boreki at : a.m.

day of the game.

but the cops said he was m*rder*d
: p.m.the night before.

they thought he ran into
some drunk state fans.

big rivalry game.emotions running high.

right.except according to this...

mike was alive on saturday.

that's an entire
morning unaccounted for.

his mom...

she still comes in.

once a year... look
at the pictures of him.

sure would mean a lot to her...

hell,all of us.

find the person who
m*rder*d that young man.

son of a....

leaky pipes.

nothing but the best
upkeep for the cold ones.

yeah,this will look great in court.

michael "bad moon" mcshane.

came to the u. in ' on a full ride.

recruited from latrobe high school.

small-town kid.

only child.raised by
his english teacher mom.

sends her boy off to
school,and he never comes home.

body's found near a dumpster

between the players' dorm and the
stadium parking lot near section g- .

group of students leaving
the game found him.

blunt-force trauma to the head.

w*apon never found.

coroner... innskeep stated time of
death was : p.m. friday night.

same numbskull coroner who mucked
up every job he touched in the ' s.

there was a message taped
to mike's door friday night

"pez called."

pez? drug dealer nickname?

or the nickname for "r. boreki,"

the guy he signed out the tickets to.

mike's trading player tickets
for dr* goes down wrong.

questioned documents looked
at the sign-out sheet.

it's mike's signature.

it's proof he was there that morning.

so the call from pez

was a set-up to meet?

well,section g- was isolated.

original report said a lot
of drug deals went down there.

fullback's a big guy.yet no one saw
him friday nig or saturday morning?

not his best bud tom "the breeze"
bernard,no one on the team,campus...

new timeline might jog some memories.

go visit the u.? see what the team
was doing morning moon's k*lled?

grab some yearbooks,see if
you can find this "r. boreki."

what do you say,tombstone?

i have so many photos of mike playing
football,but this is my favorite.

mike liked to read.

when he was younger,oh,yes.

before the sports took over.

sounds like there was a lot
more to mike than just football.

mrs. mcshane,we're looking
for a friend of his.

r. boreki?

mike ever mention him?

i'm sorry.

you know,mike had so many friends.

that's why i could never understand

why anybody would want to hurt him.

excuse me.

talked to the stadium ticket clerk.

guy never saw mcshane.

what about "r. boreki"?

nope. but i did get us a tailgater.

guys are camped out in the
parking lot before the sun's up?

got to have a game day permit.

rusty jenkins. section g- .

guy saw a car hightailing it
out of there 'round : a.m.

there's no crying
allowed in slinging rock.

- good to see you.
- yeah. i mean...


- well...
- well...

speak english much?



which way to the mud bath?

warrior football
brings in mil a year.

i'm sure they got one.

got to love amateur sports.


head coach walters.

detectives jeffries,


not a bad-looking
team you got this year.

season's still young.

you were an assistant
when mike mcshane played?

yes,sir. i'll tell you what.

mike was what warrior
football was all about.

together we stand?

you better believe it.

his death was a hell of a shock.

took the program years to recover.

you know anyone named r. boreki?

maybe went by "pez"?

sorry,i don't.

what's up,fellas?

got new information says the
kid was alive saturday morning.

wondering if you saw him that day.

i wish i could help out.

all i know is mike never showed up

for the mandatory
pregame breakfast at : .

we hear tom bernard works here.

breeze? should be out on the field.


you get these men whatever they need.

mi casa es su casa.

say,uh... mike was still
alive saturday morning?


figured you'd know if he was
mixed up in some kind of trouble.

no way. no way.

mike would never do anything
to embarrass the program.

hours leading up to the game,

players must have had their rituals.

sure. you know,some of the guys
hit the bars,blow off steam.

mike with you that night?

no. but i didn't think anything of it.

why's that?

he'd read in his room.

he'd try to hide it.

but you didn't play in
that same game either.

something keep you from the field?

yeah,i blew my knee out the week before.

never played again.

couple names coming up: pez.r. boreki.

ever hear of 'em?

that don't sound familiar.

you think of anyone else
might have had it in for mike?

man,mike was a stand-up guy.

everybody loved him.

(the doobie brothers
"china grove" playing)


warrior win and cold beer. life is good.

which way to the watergate hotel?

take that stupid thing off.

when the sun comes up
selling these everywhere.

man,that guy's going down.
("on the sleepy little town...")

if the president of the united
states says he didn't do it,he didn't.

how would you know? he wouldn't
lie to the whole country,man.

everybody's saying he's guilty.

well,i believe him.

people got to stay loyal.

like "together we stand."

you're the last boy scout,moon.

hey,how about a doob?

i got to split.

see you at weights tomorrow?

yeah,you'll see me.i'll be the guy...

out-benching you.

in your dreams.

groove on,baby.

groove on.

got to love the ' s.

instant replay and the pill.

two greatest inventions ever.

so,who hosted this
party,someone's parents?

steve pratt.

booster with big bucks.

they just opened up his housesure.

sure. he recruited moon.

was real close with him.

same pratt who paid for
half the new stadium?

still comes to every game.

let you get back to it.

all right.see you.

i remember
two-a-day practices.

never been in such pain.

man,if i could go back.

you ever play?

little bit.

heard mike mcshane spent a
lot of time here,mr. pratt.

oh,hosted a few warrior
parties back in the day.

they get kind of wild?

it was a different time.

mike ever come to you with any problems?

dr*gs or money?

mike was just a fun-loving kid who believed
in god,country and warrior football.

you two close?

both small-town kids
who played big-time ball.

you knew that mike
grew up without a dad.

well,come rain or shine,i took him
out for a good dinner once a week.

that boy needed a father figure.

mr. pratt,you never answered
my question about drug use.

mike worked two jobs,and he
still couldn't make ends meet.

("rock on" by david essex playing)


to you,mike.

hell of a season so far.

thanks,mr. pratt.

damn it,son. it's been
three me steve.

sorry. steve.

- i have never profited,never profited...
- can you believe this,

the way they're treating the president?


could you turn that thing off?

you seem a littl preoccupied.

- well,mr. pratt, i hate to ask...
- are you low on cash?

- just till the end of the week.
- say no more.

hope it's for a girl.


good one.

now,you remember,

you can always come to me.

okay? warrior football is
about sticking together.

and that ain't bull.


you think the money was for dr*gs?

back then i would've said no.

not a kid like mike.

but now i've seen it
happen to too many players.

someone named pez out
with you that night?

i don't think i ever heard that name.

careful of the pool.

i've done everything i can to
brainwash that boy into loving football.

but he likes soccer.

the things you live to see,detective.

well,i haven't been here
since the ' playoffs.

mcnabb lit it up.

then the super bowl happened.

yeah,how much you lose on that game?

that's not the point.

- rusty jenkins?
- yeah?

you the detectives
here about,uh,bad moon?

you were parked at warrior
stadium that morning?

firing up the old barrel.

you know,you got to get that pork
falling right off the bone by game time.

you ain't lived till you've had my pork.

sounds delicious.
now,about that morning?

you said you saw a car.

yeah,a red one.

he busted out of there
like he robbed a bank.

you get a good look at the driver?

- nah,he was too far away.-
was the car a two-door?

yeah,it was like one
of them muscle cars.

like a stock car with a
white stripe on the side?

yeah,i think there was.

that's a plymouth
duster. it's got to be.


you should do repo work.

busted out of there like a bank robber.

or a k*ller fleeing a crime scene.

missed out on rusty's pork.

what are all these files?

records from the dmv.

november ' .

we're looking for anything suspicious

in a red plymouth duster.

you're evil.

oh. found your name in the
yearbook,professor boreki.

mike mcshane a good friend of yours?

- i was his tutor.
- so,why did he leave tickets for you?

well,one of the supposed
perks of the job.

- guess i was next in line.
- big fan,huh?


almost un-american,isn't it?

- so why tutor those guys?
- i needed the money.

students who couldn't throw an inflated
ball actually had to pay their own way.

whitney fellowship? what's that?

it's an academic scholarship.
gonna pay for my grad school.

free ride,just like me.

what are you gonna study?

you got a beowulf
paper due in two weeks.

i can write that for you next weekend.

shouldn't you help me with it?

("do it again" by steely dan playing)

you read beowulf?

just started it.

yeah. you should stick to your
playbook.i'll handle the paper,t-bone.

it's bad moon.

you know,you guys sound
like a ponderosa menu?


you never had a nickname.
that's your problem.

don't worry. i'll think of one for you.

- hey mike
- how you doing,cynthia?

these players needed guys like me.

they'd lose their eligibility
if their gpa fell below a . .

hey,what about the pills he was taking?

i tutored a lot of players.

they were always jacked up on something.

- painkillers or uppers.
- where'd they get the dr*gs?

they had some quack
supplying the whole team.

doctor,ever hear his name?

no,i'm sorry,i really...
wouldn't know about that.

name pez ring any bells?

no. you'd have to ask
someone on the team.


you were just a... tutor.

uh,if you think of anything else,

professor,let me know.

i don't understand.

mike was never sick a day in his life.

- your son never mentioned taking any pills?
- pills for what?

maybe to help recover from
a game? injury or pain?

the-the team was on a vitamin program.

- a vitamin program.
- mike never liked it.

he always hated needles from
the time he was a little boy.

these vitamin sh*ts,do you
know who gave them to your son?

no. he just told me the
whole team took them.

you wouldn't believe all the
trainers and doctors they have now.

i used to have to tape my own ankles.

what was the doctor's name
you saw back in the day?

you mean the team doctor?

no,the other one,uh,

the guy off campus,the local guy.

- had a crazy nickname.
- pez?

what about him?

hooked you up with

whatever it took to get
the body back on the field.

what about vitamin sh*ts?

vitamin sh*ts?

what are you talking about?

do you remember the doc's real name?

what's he got to do...

with bad moon's m*rder?

i don't know. we'll see.

long time ago,will.

come on,al,you kicked up the dust
on this case,brought it to me.

where you going with this?

thinking steroids.

back then? i never saw it.

no. the warriors ran a clean program.

then why go under the table for sh*ts?

except to break ncaa
rules,not to mention the law.

i don't believe it.

then tell me the doctor's name.

if you're right,

and this gets out,

the whole program,

even now,people will get hurt.

screw the warriors program,al.
the kid got m*rder*d.

we got to see this through.

just give me a name.

dr. lason,nice digs you got here.

i understand you did some work
with the warriors back in the day.

former players are starting to talk.

your name keeps coming up...


i run a sports medicine clinic.

i make my money on player referrals.

did you drive a red
duster back in the ' s?

no,and i don't think i like
the tone of this conversation.

you called mike the night
before he was k*lled.

- wanted to meet.
- that just a bad coincidence,doc?

- my attorney's number.
- you were involved in a drug ring where a kid ended up dead.

thanks for your time,dr. lason.if we have
any more questions,we'll give you a call.

what's up?

check out dr. lason's golf buddy.

son of a bitch.

popular guy,this pratt.

big game tomorrow.

oh,playing michigan for the th time.

you got to love college tradition.

tradition like doping the players?

i don't understand.

dr. lason,steroids,your money.


mike was just like the rest of the boys.

he would do anything to play ball!

including taking steroids?

nobody knew the side effects.

hell,nobody even knew
what they were back then.

not that you bothered to find out.

we thought we were helping him.

it had nothing to do with mike's death.

so why was he calling dr. lason?

it was about breeze.

you okay,man?

i'm okay. i'm okay.

are you sure?

just don't say anything to coach.

come on,breeze. something's wrong here.

i'm begging you,mike.don't
tell them. please?

don't. mike,don't!

mr. pratt!

what'd you do?

my advice was for him to tell the coach.

turns out

that breeze had a bad kidney

which he didn't want
the team to know about.

a life-threatening condition.

- when was this?
- a couple of days before mike died.

mike must have called dr.
lason to take a look at breeze.

that when the coach let breeze go?


and breeze blamed mike for it.

i sure hope not.

it's not looking good
for the breeze-man.

being kicked off the
team,lying about pez.

a little 'roid rage. bad stuff happens.

i'm pulling him in tomorrow morning.

thinks he's gonna look at mug sh*ts.

it's kinda sad.these
guys still so stuck in it.

the glory days.

i keep waiting for mine to start.

i'm outta here.

audi? what,are you ?

sorry,granny,i must depart.

i'll see you guys tomorrow.

yep.all right.

two of whatever this guy's having.

oh,detective rush.

i'd say you we're lookin' smokin' hot,

but it'd be an inappropriation
to my co-worker.

i wouldn't want that.

inappropriation a word?

should be.

i came over 'cause i got a question.

question away.

you were talking to that
addict on the last job.

how it is when you started using.

you're free. you're flying.

sounds like you've been there.

so you're thinking,"what's
a guy in na doing in a bar?"

that or you're a better liar than i am.


i consider us storytellers.

you know,like i came over
'cause i got a question.

- that was no "story."
- there you go again.

- ♪♪♪♪♪
- i got you,detective.

that's what you're having?

appletini. problem?

what sorority you pledge in?

it's good. don't knock good.

hmm,don't knock good.

check this out.

you got talent. gotta say.

i could teach ya.

the bar trick?

yeah,but then you have
to join my sorority.

are you making an inappropriation?

thanks for coming in.


that smile for me?

the hoagie.

he in there?

got him waiting.

- morning.
- morning.

- this is detective rush.
- nice to meet you.

said you might have a suspect.

yeah. you.

let's count the lies: pez,steroid use,

how they booted you off
the team.i miss anything?

oh,yeah,the one where he had
nothing to do with mike's death.

- i didn't. i swear.
- they didn't just kick you off the team.

they took away your scholarship.

you didn't keep up your
grades,so they sent you packing.

it was all mike's fault.

your best friend betrayed you.

no way he did that.he stood up for me.

the thing with mike is that
he thought with his heart.

told the truth,

and that can get you into
trouble with some people.

hey,hold on.

taking away my scholarship,too.

together we stand,my ass.

i'm sorry,breeze.

- i didn't mean to do...
- it's not your fault,man.

just... just bad luck.

there you are.

not now. i'm trying to save your ass from
flunking.your beowulf paper was due this morning.

- i turned it in.
- you were supposed to give it to me.

it's half your get an
f,i'm the one who takes the heat.

i got a team meeting.

the same team who just took
away the halfback scholarship?

he gets sick,all of a sudden
they got a problem with his gpa?

that's a mistake i'm gonna fix.
i'll get breeze back on the team.

a mistake?

come on,mad dog,those 'roids
are clouding your head.

i'm not on steroids,you little maggot.

so you become a warrior,and
suddenly you're benching pounds?

you don't know what
you're talking about.

no,it's simple,mike.

you pass,you play. team
wins,school makes money.

everybody's happy. that's how it works.

you're a dollar bill to them.

you're the one getting paid here.

and if i flunk,you're done.

i'm a dollar bill to you.

don't worry about me.

i got a life after college.

i wonder what would happen
to your stupid fellowship

if they knew you cheated
for football players.

that kid was pissed off.

you're saying nerd bashed
the fullback's head in?

doesn't take much to
sneak up on somebody.

that takes a coward,right,breeze?and
it is about you.

moon took away your football career.

i was in the emergency
room all day that saturday.

the doctors were trying
to save my kidney.

the same kidney made worse
by the steroids they fed you.

- yeah.
- it's the way they treated you.

how could you work there?

it's the only thing i got.

i tell you what.

in that backfield with moon...

still the best days of my life.

quit shoving me,man!i got rights!

can it or i tighten the bracelets.

who's she?

detective rush. she's cool.

well,then get these
damn things off me,man.

that glorious stench?chanel
dumpster no. .

that's all right.captain says you're gonna
remember what it's like to stink real soon.

you going someplace,saccardo?

joint operation with the feds
coming down.just waiting to hear.

send me a postcard.

uh,yeah,no,i'm not kidding.

it's about the hit-and-run
report you filed years ago.

yeah,a red duster hit your car near
the university around : a.m.


did you get a look at the driver?

uh,it says in the report the duster
that hit your car had no plates.

dealer plates or no plates?

um,my assistant wants to know
if they were dealer plates.

yeah. thanks,pal.

dealer plates.

suspect was fleeing the scene
in a brand-spanking-new car.

let's find us a duster.

so how'd you afford grad
school with no loans?

what does this have to
do with mike mcshane?

mike was gonna tell those fancy
scholarship guys you were a cheat.

you knew after mike left the tickets,he'd
take the shortcut back to the dorm.

you wait for him,professor?

- if you think...
- we think...

you saw mike again.

bashed the guy's head in.

all right,i was mad at him!

maybe it was my fault.

- your fault?
- if i just hadn't,

i don't know,shined the light...

maybe he'd be alive.

("blue sky" playing)

i just met with a doctor in town.

he said i had signs of liver damage.

side effect of steroids.

i can't believe they did this to me.

to all of us.

i should have listened to you

- about a lot of things.
- i don't know anything.

i stopped by your english prof's office.

just graded your beowulf paper.

- how bad was it?
- got a b+ all on your own.

no way.

maybe i should have listened to you.

don't get all sappy
on me,you little twerp.

- you still gonna play tomorrow?
- why?

just figured maybe you weren't gonna
be playing for those idiots anymore.

fall football...

chill in the air,

pads cracking,fans screaming,

going so hard you think you
might die,but then you don't.

they can't take that away.

let him who may win glory
before death: for that is best.

at last for the departed warrior.

you really did read it.

i'll leave you tickets for the game.

hey... i thought of a nickname for you.

i was gonna go with
"bones,"but then it hit me...


thanks,bad moon.

wiglaf. that's from beowulf.

yeah,the only warrior who
stood by beowulf at the end.

helped him slay the dragon.

- mike's way of saying thanks.
- i guess so.

did mike tell you what he was gonna do?

he said he was gonna talk to
coach walters about breeze.

thought he'd never have
the chance,but now...

you think mike stood up to walters.

would have been the
first,that's for sure.

you got a lot to answer for,coach,

treating those players
like disposable meat.

they were treated like kings.



breeze got sick.

because of your steroid program.

mike ever come to you,to talk about it?

yeah,he came to me. friday night.

not saturday morning.that's
convenient for you.

i was with the coaching
staff all saturday morning.

then about , witnesses
saw me on the sidelines.

why don't you call one?

you like that,don't you?

fans cheering.

all that glory on saturdays.

bet you'd do anything to keep it.

anything to shut mike up.

- i didn't k*ll mike.
- then what did you say to him?

not a hell of a lot...

but with breeze off the
team,he loses his scholarship.

if he can't keep his grades up...

but that was never a problem
when he was starting. was it?

he's given everything to the team.

i mean,together we stand,right,coach?


- i-i just think that we need to...
- get the hell out of my office.

- you don't give a rat's ass about us,do you?
- watch yourself,boy.

walk away

before you lose your
own damn scholarship.

- you'd do that,wouldn't you?
- put your pads on tomorrow

and be a warrior.

i will never put on a
warrior jersey again,

you son of a bitch.

and you let that stand?

he would've played.

they always do.


...not my job to mollycoddle players.

now,that's what the
boosters are for,right?

take 'em to dinner,slip
the players cash.

- handle a mess like mike.
- your point?

steve pratt did the dirty work.

you called him,right?

after all these years,still
beholden to steve pratt.

you needed your new stadium,right?

this used to be a game,coach.

you ever miss that?


you folks being helped?

steve pratt sent us.

why didn't you say so?

you affiliated with the program?

class of ' .

looking for a duster.

they stopped making those in the ' s.

we used to sell a ton of 'em.

steve said he test-drove
in one once. that true?

sure.the players loved 'em.

tell us more.

looked you up in some old
warrior programs,steve.

can't seem to find your game stats.

well,i was on the team.

we went to the orange bowl.

but you never played.

does that even count?

it counts.

well,you've been pretending you're
somebody else for a long time

'cause you were nothing like bad moon.

well,you were... warming the bench.

together we... sit.

you two... don't know what
the hell you're talking about.

mike was like a son to you.

must have stung when he
said he was leaving the team.

he was his own man.

you try and talk to him? i
mean he must have come to you.

if it was... just a
talking-to,that we can understand.

i had a chat with your buddy at the
dodge dealership over in roxborough.

he lent you a red duster
the morning mike was k*lled.

same one you returned
after the hit-and-run.

you know,there's gotta be some mistake.

no mistake.

got a tailgater who id'd you driving
away from the crime scene at : .

well,i can go get our witness right now.

they'll put you through
a lineup,lie detector...

up to you.

you took him for a drive talk.

right? it out.

you always had a way with
those kids,didn't you?

just... went for a drive to talk.

you were the father he never had.

always tried to be there for him.

well,you gave everything to mike.

you rescued him from his small town.

yeah. you threw
took him to fancy restaurants.

you made that kid.

i treated him like a son.

and how does mike thank you?

stirring up trouble.

- going behind your back.
- the coach calls you to fix it.

that's your job: to take care of it.

well,mike starts
talking,you lose everything.

and the games,the parties...

a son.

i tried.

i tried to tell him not to do it.

not to do what,steve?

tell us what happened,steve.

tell us so you don't have
to live with this anymore.

god help me.

well...i was gonna wait
till after the game,but...

that's all yours,son.

you deserve it.

imagine driving through
campus in this baby.

pretty blonde riding shotgun...

you think this is about a car?


don't you get it?you're
ruining the game i love.

- you're thinking too much,mike.
- you don't want me to think.

you pump us full of
steroids without telling us.

- those things help you.
- it's cheating.

it isn't right.

look,i came here to play
ball and get a degree.

well,guess what? you don't
play,you don't get a degree.

- okay? so buck up.
- my grades are good.

- i can get a scholarship anywhere in the country.
- mike,come on. okay?

nobody's talking about you leaving here.

i'm not staying unless breeze does,

unless certain things change.

oh,my god. what the
hell is wrong with you?

do you have any idea how lucky you are?

- how stupid you're being right now?
- i trusted you.

you know,i-i actually th...

i was wrong.

oh,what,about me? is
that what you're saying?

i discovered you.

okay? i made you everything you'd
still be pumping gas back in latrobe.

- that's not true.
- you've eaten at my table.

you never said no to a freebie,did you?

$ here,$ there.

- that was for books.
- you think this is easy?

everything i do for
you? for all my boys?

- your boys?
- yeah!

your boys think you're a joke.

- what'd you say?
- you're a benchwarmer.

- you're trying to relive glory you never had in the first place.
- you..!!

- shut your mouth.
- no! if you're what being a warrior is,

forget it.

("reelin' in the years" by steely dan)

♪ your everlasting summer,you
can see it fading fast ♪

♪ so you grab a piece of something ♪

♪ that you think is gonna last ♪

♪ but you wouldn't even know a diamond ♪

♪ if you held it in your hand ♪

♪ the things you think are
precious,i can't understand ♪

♪ are you reelin' in the years ♪

♪ stowin' away the time? ♪

♪ are you gatherin' up the tears? ♪

♪ have you had enough of mine? ♪

♪ are you reelin' in the years? ♪

♪ stowin' away the time? ♪

♪ are you gatherin' up the tears? ♪

♪ have you had enough of mine? ♪

♪ you've been telling me you're a genius ♪

♪ since you were ♪

♪ in all the time i've known you ♪

♪ i still don't know what you mean ♪

♪ the weekend at the college ♪

♪ didn't turn out like you planned ♪

♪ the things that pass for
knowledge,i can't understand ♪

♪ are you reelin' in the years? ♪

♪ stowin' away the time? ♪

♪ are you gatherin' up the tears? ♪

♪ have you had enough of mine? ♪

♪ are you reelin' in the years? ♪

♪ stowin' away the time? ♪

♪ are you gatherin' up the tears? ♪

♪ have you had enough of mine? ♪