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02x22 - John Carter, M.D.

Posted: 11/30/21 19:12
by bunniefuu
- What you got?
- LOL, ALOC. Where do you want her?

Curtain . I'll be right there.

Oh, yeah! Turn it up, Jer.

Go, girl, go!

- Have we got a deal?
- I don't know.

If you don't think I should be
an Attending, just say so.

I'm not comfortable with this
bargaining on Susan Lewis' behalf.

- It lacks dignity.
- Way of the world.

What happened to advancement
based solely on merit and ability?

It went out with hoop skirts
and smoking jackets.

- Damn it, Jerry, turn it down!
- So do we have a deal?

Hold on,
it's my favorite part right here.

- Now you can turn it down.
- Thank you.

Sorry, Dr. Weaver,
they made me do it.

Staff meeting starts in four minutes.

So you really think Susan Lewis
can make a good Chief Resident?

Yes, I do.

Okay, then.

What was that all about?

I think I just sold
my soul to the devil.

- What do you got?
- LOL, vitals normal, oriented times zero.

Lady Godiva was au naturel... Buckingham Fountain
singing songs from My Fair Lady.

"June Is Busting Out All Over"... Rogers and Hammerstein,
not Lerner and Loewe.

Just keep her restrained or she's
definitely gonna be busting all over.

And it ain't pretty.

CBC, Chem- , tox screen,
glucose, non-contrast head CT.

- Ma'am, do you know your name?
- June....

- June? June what?
- Allyson. Allyson.

June Allyson, that's your name?

- Do you know your real name?
- Yes, I know my name.

- It's.... I do.
- Don't worry. It's not important.

I know my name, I do....

Probably Alzheimer's.
Call the police.

See if anyone's reported her missing,
a family, a residential home.

She belongs somewhere.
She's too clean to be homeless.

I know, I know, but folks, if we can't
control our office supplies...

...particularly paper expendables,
then Admin will control them for us.

So, please, tell your people,
no unnecessary Xeroxing, okay?

- Okay? Thank you, next item.
- All right.

Replacing Marty Cannon
as an Attending in the ER.

He's done a great job for us.
Thank you, Marty.

But he's leaving for greener
pastures at the University of Iowa.

Godspeed. Godspeed.

As for a replacement, Kerry Weaver
has everybody's vote except for Mark.

You've been dragging your feet on this.

You had a chance to kick this around.
Come to your senses?

- I think Kerry is a terrific choice.
- Oh. Well, that's great.

So you no longer have
any qualms about this?

You'll be together every day, week
after week, pulling on the same oar.

Teammates. Partners.

Seriously, Mark, if you're not excited
about it, I don't see how it can work.

- I'm looking forward to it. Really.
- That's great. Just great.

Well, good. Case closed.

- What are you still doing here?
- Timing seemed a little off.

- You'll miss your appointment.
- I can reschedule.

No, you won't.

Bunch of crap anyway. I'm fine.

No, it's not.
You need to see somebody, Shep.

- I don't need to see no shrink.
- The hell you don't!

You're not sleeping,
you're losing weight....

God, I'm terrified
to get in the car with you.

I'm afraid if someone
cuts you off at a light...'ll get out and beat them to death
with a tire iron.

You're starting to sound like Reilly.

- He's right.
- What?

- I lied for you to that investigator.
- You didn't lie for me.

Yeah, I did, and I'm not
gonna do it anymore.

No, you didn't lie for me,
and I'm not seeing a shrink.

Shep, you need help!

If you don't get it,
something awful's gonna happen.

You know what I need? I need
for everyone to stop pushing at me.

Pushing at me,
telling me what to do!

I just need a little time, okay?
I mean, is that okay?

Is that okay with you
and the whole city of Chicago?

Shep! It's only because
I care about you. Shep!

Everybody's gonna be there.
My folks, both sets of grandparents....

My sister flew in from Paris.

My godparents, my aunts, my uncles,
a whole bunch of my cousins.

Jeffrey, Jody, Rob, Sarah,
David, Keith, Barry....

- Margaret, Susan....
- Carter, Carter. Okay, look.

I don't need a family tree.
I get the picture.

So I was hoping that you
were maybe gonna come.

It's : . You could stop by
and meet everybody.

Carter, I didn't even go
to my own graduation.

- They've heard a lot about you.
- All good, right?

Absolutely. Nothing but the best,
the very, very best.

If you can't make the graduation,
my dad's throwing a cocktail party... at the Drake.
Good food, great wine.

It'll be my parents' stuffy friends, but
the mayor's supposed to come by....

Carter, you've got your residency.

I've turned in
the end-of-the-year evaluation.

Just relax. You don't have
to try to brown-nose me.

- I wasn't trying to brown-nose you.
- Well, I appreciate your invitation.

But I'm not going to your graduation
or to any cocktail party at the Drake.

Look, you were my assigned med student,
I was your assigned resident.

- You don't owe me anything, okay?
- All right.

All right, what have we got?

- Good morning, Carol.
- What's good about it?

- Kerry, you got it.
- Really? The Attending's job?

That's great! When do I start?

I don't know. I guess after
Marty Cannon leaves next month.

- Is the salary fixed or negotiable?
- Fixed, I guess.

- I didn't negotiate mine.
- There's usually a little wiggle room.

You'd have to discuss that
with Morgenstern.

And benefits? Pension plan through
the hospital or your own K?

- Hospital, I guess. I never asked.
- This is really exciting.

We'll finally be able to facilitate
some real change around here.

Have you read Managing Through Example:
Steps to a More Efficient Workplace?

- No, I haven't.
- I'll lend you my copy.

I've highlighted
a number of passages.

- I hope you won't find that distracting.
- I'm sure I won't.

Mark, paramedics are minutes out.
Male infant, respiratory distress.

Kerry, I do have your support,
Susan Lewis as chief, right?

Susan Lewis? You know, Linda Martin
would be awfully good too.

Kerry, we had a deal here.

Mark, I'm kidding.
Where is your sense of humor?

- You wouldn't.
- She isn't.

What are we talking about?

- Weaver's the new Attending.
- Oh, my God!

Don't look at me like that.
She's a good physician...

...a terrific administrator,
and an excellent diagnostician.

It was the right choice.
I'm glad I made it, and that's it.

- Oh, man, it's gonna be a long year.
- It's forever.

Two-day-old male infant,
full term, vaginal delivery.

Found cyanotic in his crib.
Resps , heart rate .

- When was he born?
- Tuesday night.

- Heel-stick glucose?
- You bet.

- When did he come home?
- Yesterday morning.

- hours later?
- They said it was okay.

- We wanted to stay longer.
- He's in heart failure.

- Where's Ross?
- I'll find him.

I'll put in an umbilical line.
Prep . Dig.

- Pulse ox .
- Sinus tach at .

- What's wrong with him?
- His lungs are filled with fluid.

Conni, will you show them
to the waiting room?

- No, I want to stay!
- Come on.

- Come on, honey.
- Dig . .

- Lasix?
- Yeah, mgs.

ABG, CBC, Chem- ,
chest x-ray and an EKG.

Temp's . , glucose .

Somebody sent a mother and a child
home after one night.

Welcome to managed care.

Who gives a damn what
the insurance company wants?

What kind of hospital sends
a newborn home after one night?

Our kind.
Joseph Morgan Randall...

...delivered on the th floor
in OB two days ago.

Chuny, could you do me a favor?
I need you to draw some blood.

I'm kind of busy right now.
You can't do it yourself?

- I need you to draw some of my blood.
- AI?

Yeah, I've been putting it off.

- Sure, do you want to do it right now?
- Lf you don't mind. Nobody's in .

Dr. Davitch? I'm John Carter,
med student. I met you once last year.

- I'm on rounds, Mr. Carter.
- Yeah, I can see that.

Talia Lucas, I've been keeping an
eye on her, you moved her last night.

- Yes, I did.
- I thought she was Dr. Berglass' patient.

He's attending his daughter's wedding
in London. I'm covering for him.

- Her ascending cholangitis worsened?
- She's not responding to antibiotics.

I'm worried about Pseudomonas,
so I moved her up to the ICU...

...and I jumped her to Status
on the transplant list.

- Do you know her parents?
- Yeah.

They're in the waiting room.
Why don't you join me.

- They don't know yet?
- It's been a busy morning, Mr. Carter.

Hey, everybody. Miss me?
Oh, a little one.

Two days. Cyanotic in the crib,
no detectable murmur, CHF.

- Dig and Lasix, with no improvement.
- Pulse is up to .

Mother gave birth Tuesday night.
OB kicked her out Wednesday morning.

- Get an EKG?
- Right axis deviation.

RAH, RVH, no Q-wave in V .

Hyperventilate him. Get an amp of
Prostin VR down here now, please.

- What the hell is it?
- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

- They sent her home the next morning?
- Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am.

Damn it.
All right, let's get an echo.

Find out who's on call
for Pediatric Cardiology, please.

Is he gonna make it?

If we keep the ductus arteriosus open,
he's got a shot.

Son of a bitch!

Mr. And Mrs. Lucas?
Hi, I'm Dr. Davitch.

Dr. Berglass is out of the country
for a few days.

You already know Mr. Carter,
I believe.

They told us T.C. Had been moved
to Intensive Care.

Unfortunately, your daughter's
condition has worsened overnight.

She's not responding
to the antibiotics.

I don't have much confidence that
her liver will function much longer.

So we have moved her from Status
to Status on the transplant list.

We're gonna do everything we can
for her while we wait.

So she'll get
the transplant operation soon?

- That will certainly be our hope.
- How soon?

Mr. Carter, you're familiar with
the UNIS procedure, aren't you?

Mr. Carter will answer your questions
and take you back to see your daughter.

Why don't we take a seat?

D.A. Is open,
so he's still got a fighting chance.

I'm gonna go tell his parents.
This is unbelievable.

There is an ugly, vicious rumor
going around. Kerry Weaver....

- Don't start with me.
- So it's true.

What is everyone so upset about?
Kerry Weaver's not that bad.

- She's great.
- She grows on you.

You been hitting the Prozac again?

I got a call from a pharmacy
on the North Side looking for you.

You gave a prescription
for a hundred Percodan.

Karen Hines. Isn't that
that redhead you been seeing?

- Yeah, she's got a bad knee.
- A hundred? Pretty bad knee.

She travels a lot, doesn't know
when she'll be able to get them.

Mark, I need you in there.
Rule out MI.

- You told them it was okay?
- Yeah, I told them you'd call.



- Hi.
- Hi. How did your appointment go?

- They gave me a bunch of stuff to read.
- You should read it.

Thanks for staying last night.

It's tough the first night
home from the hospital.

My health plan
assigned me a doctor.

- A Dr. Arabian. You know him?
- No. I'll ask around.


He said that my CD count is .

- He sounded excited about that.
- Yeah, that's good.

What is it supposed to be?

Fifteen hundred.

He gave me a lot of stuff.

AZT, something called TC
and Sacinaver.

- Saquinavir.
- Whatever. It's gonna cost a fortune.


...he gave me a couple
of packets of condoms too.

Kind of seems like the horse
is out of the barn on that one.

- It was a joke.
- It wasn't funny.

- You get tested yet?
- Yeah. It's not back yet.

The doctor said I may have been
HIV-positive for as long as years.

He wants me to make a list
of all my...

...past sexual contacts,
let them know.

- It's gonna be quite a list.
- That's not much to be proud of now.

Wasn't much to be proud of then.

Well, I better go home.
I got a lot of reading to do.

If that baby'd stayed in the hospital,
somebody would've picked up on it.

Most babies are fine
going home the next day.

A lot of problems don't
declare themselves right away.

- Intussusception, pyloric stenosis.
- People trust us.

The woman took her baby home
because we told her it was safe.

Every dollar we spend
on a healthy postpartum mother... another dollar we don't have
to help someone else.

There's something
you don't see every day.

- I thought she was in restraints.
- She was.

- Malik, could you give me a hand?
- Do I have to?

Hold that elevator!

- Dr. Benton.
- Dr. Vucelich.

Congratulations on being named
Resident of the Year.

Thank you. I understand that you
were instrumental in my selection.

No, I merely expressed my opinion.
Glad that others concurred.

- I read your aortic aneurism study.
- Yes, it's been very well received.

The drug company granted the hospital
over million dollars...

...for Phase trials,
additional research facilities....

You know, I....

I couldn't help but notice
the inclusion...

...of the negative-outcome patients
that we discussed.

It seemed prudent course,
given the circumstances.

They weren't, however, statistically
significant in the final analysis.

Well, I was glad
to see them there anyway.

Yes, I'm sure you were.

- Carter.... Armani?
- Hugo Boss.


The parents of that kid with liver
failure called. They had some questions.

Some more questions.
I spent an hour with them this morning.

I'm supposed to meet my folks
at Trotter's for lunch in minutes.

- They called three times?
- Five. I quit writing it down.

If they call again, tell them I'll be up
later. My father hates it when I'm late.

Mr. Carter, you got a minute?

I'm completing the assignments
for the first-year surgical interns.

We're breaking all the surgical residents
into teams next year.

You indicated on
your application form...

...that you're interested in Vascular,
Neurosurgery and Plastics rotations?

- Absolutely.
- Good.

- I've got one spot left on the red team.
- Really?

It'll be primarily second-
and third-year residents...

...but seeing as you're
our only locally-grown prodigy...

...we'll give you
the home field advantage.

- It'll be quite a leg up on your peers.
- I'd be honored.

Dr. Langdon will be your supervising
resident. Do you know Nancy?

Sure, she's great. So I won't be
working under Dr. Benton anymore?

No, Dr. Benton will be anchoring
the blue team next year.

General surgery, the ER, proctology,
real meat-and-potato stuff.

Unless you'd rather be with Benton?

- No, I was hoping for the red team.
- Good. Excellent.

- Dr. Morgenstern.
- Peter.

- Weaver will support you as chief.
- Really? We should talk about that.

- Dr. Greene, your wife called.
- Ex-wife.

Right. She said you're late for lunch.
She's mad as hell.

With Weaver onboard, it's a lock.
You wanna have dinner and celebrate?

I don't know. Check with me later.

- Mr. Brannigan?
- Kenny, please.

I'm Dr. Lewis.
Sorry to have kept you waiting.

At least she stopped singing.

- So you've had a persistent cough?
- For a couple of months.

- Coughing up any blood?
- No. Well, not much.

- But some.
- Once or twice. No big deal.

I pour concrete for a living,
so stuff gets in your lungs.

- Are you a smoker, Kenny?
- Yeah.

- You're not gonna lecture me?
- It's not like I have to.

- So how much do you smoke?
- A couple of packs a day.

- Sometimes more, sometimes less.
- over .

When was the last time
you had a tuberculosis test?

- I don't go to doctors much.
- All that lecturing, I guess.

Sorry I'm late.

- Like old times.
- Nice to see you too.

If this is about getting Rachel
this weekend, you can forget it...

...because I got tickets
for the Cubbies on Saturday.

- Rachel hates baseball.
- That's not true.

This weekend's fine, Mark.
That's fine.

- You gonna finish those fries?
- Go right ahead.

I can't eat this food. This place
should have been shut down years ago.

The hospital fights to keep it open.
It's good for business.

Food poisoning, stomach pumping,

This joint's a gold mine.

Craig and I are getting married.

- What?
- In September.

You're kidding.

I didn't want you to hear it
from Rachel.

Rachel knows?

She's excited.
She's helping me pick out a dress.

Something non-traditional, I hope.
Perhaps in red.

I knew you weren't
gonna be happy about this...

...but I thought
I should be the one to tell you.

You should've kept the goatee.
It made you look dangerous.


Hey yourself!

- School let out early?
- Well, I was on all night.

Looks like you're still
gainfully employed.

I'm on probation.

I lose another grand,
I'm back to card counting in Vegas.

- Really, you did that?
- In a previous lifetime. Don't ask.

So how's your knee?

It's okay. How's yours?

The prescription that I wrote out
for the Percodan...

...was for tablets.

You know, I wondered about that.
The damned things cost me a fortune.

So you didn't change it to a hundred?

No, I didn't.

Prescription pads for narcotics,
they come in triplicate.

I can check my copy.

- Maybe you should do that.
- Maybe I should.

Count them, boyfriend.
They're all there.

- I don't need to count them.
- Sure you do.

Mr. Brannigan, sorry it took so long.

- Do you have a personal physician?
- No.

You have a density in your left lung.

- Tuberculosis?
- I don't think so.

- Cancer.
- We need more tests to rule that out.

How much are these tests
of yours gonna cost?

Do you have insurance?

No, I work construction for a lot
of different companies. No benefits.

- Maybe you qualify for Medicaid?
- When my last kid was born, we didn't.

It cost me a couple of grand.
Still trying to pay that off.

Well, I can't tell you exactly
how much the tests will cost.

We could get someone down from
Admitting, if you have any questions.

I got a couple of kids
and a mortgage.

And I'm just scraping by as it is.

You have a potentially serious condition
which needs immediate evaluation.

Mr. Brannigan,
you really need to stay here.

- Mark, Loretta's back.
- Oh, no. What this time?

I think she's frightened and
overwhelmed by the surgery.

They only released her yesterday.
I started an IV. She's in .

Tell her I'll be down as soon as I can.
Make sure that she's comfortable.

- So we're just gonna let him leave?
- Do you want to tackle the guy?

He said that he can't afford it.
Who am I to say that he can?

A full course of chemo and radiation
will cost him minimum fifty grand.

I don't understand
what we're arguing about.

You let the hospital bill him. He can
declare bankruptcy if he has to.

And if he dies, he leaves his wife
and children in bankruptcy?

At least he wouldn't be dead.

I advised him to stay, he chose
to leave. That's his prerogative.

- What are you doing out here?
- Enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Last few months, whenever I can,
I like to get outside.

- It's about time you gave those up.
- My last vice.

- So they sent you home yesterday.
- Yeah.

- I don't think I was ready.
- Been able to eat anything?

I haven't been able
to keep anything down.

- How are the kids?
- Hell on wheels.

- I wanted to ask you something.
- sh**t.

I was wondering if you'd
be guardian to my kids.

Not that anything bad
is ever gonna happen to me.

It's just that they don't have anybody.
My folks are dead. They like you.

I know it's a lot to ask.
But they're really good kids.

- What about their father?
- Fathers. Plural.

Good luck. I never could
quite figure that one out.

You don't have to answer now,
I have time. At least a little bit, I think.

- I'm honored you'd ask....
- But you can't.

No, I can't. Sorry.

Besides, you're gonna make it.

Damn right I am.

- Hey, you're up. How are you feeling?
- Kind of tired.

Where are your folks?
They were looking for me earlier.

They went downstairs
to get something to eat.

In the cafeteria? Big mistake.

My mom just kept crying.

I think my Dad was worried
she was gonna scare me.

Well, tell them I stopped by.
I gotta go.

I'm graduating in half an hour
and I'm late.

Everybody in here looks pretty sick.

Yeah, well, they get better.
It just takes time.

The boy who was in that bed,
I don't think he got better.

Am I gonna die?

You're very sick, T.C.

My mom says I'm Status .
What does that mean?

That means that as soon as the next
liver's available, you get first dibs.

Somebody has to die, right?

- Yeah.
- Kind of weird.

There's kids out there,
and they're okay.

And I'm here waiting for
something bad to happen to them.

You're not making
that bad thing happen.

- I gotta go. I'll see you later.
- How long till I have an operation?

Could be a week, could be two,
could be less.

Could be anytime.

What if nothing bad happens
to anybody this week?

It will.

Unfortunately, something bad is always
happening to somebody, somewhere.

Like what's happening to me, right?

Want me to stay for a little while,
till your folks come back?

Yeah, that'd be great.
If it's okay.

Sure, I can be
a couple of minutes late.

Oh, man, this day just
gets worse and worse.

Hey, Mark. Linda Martin?
Was she the only choice?

- I think she's kind of a bitch.
- For what?

- Chief Resident.
- She is kind of a bitch.

Linda Martin is not gonna be
Chief Resident. Don't worry about it.

She is gonna be chief.
It's on the memo.

Damn it!

- Jerry! Where the hell is Weaver?
- Trauma .

You said you'd support
Susan for chief.

Julio Cadena, meet Mark Greene.

Mr. Cadena's small intestine
seems to be eviscerated.

- IV's wide open.
- We had a deal.

Rapid infuse units of O-neg.

I offered it to her, she turned it down.

- She what?
- Ask her yourself.

Gram of cefoxatin IV, alert the O.R.,
page Benton to get down here.

- Hey, Peter.
- Hi.

- Got a minute?
- Sure.

Al's got AIDS.

- Conni, give us a moment, will you?
- I'm just after some coffee.

I'll bring you a cup
in a few minutes, all right?

Sure. Cream, no sugar.

I got tested today,
but I don't have the results.

I know what you're thinking, because I
was where you are now a few days ago.

You want to feel concern for me, but
you are wondering, "What about me?"

Al and I barely had sex, much less
a marriage these last few years.

You and I were careful,
but not that careful.

Get tested. I'm sorry.

-year-old girl hit by a city bus
while riding her bicycle.

Complaining of pain in left ankle.
Obvious deformed fracture.

Good distal pulses, no head or chest pain.
She was wearing a helmet.

- Gently now.
- IV saline TKO, . liters cannula.

Three mgs morphine in the field.
Name's Monique.

- It hurts!
- I know it does, honey.

- Does your neck hurt?
- No.

- Any tenderness?
- No, no, just my leg!

You were wearing your helmet,
Monique. That's really good.

- Do your parents know you're here?
- No.

If you give me your phone number,
I can call them so they come, okay?

Good dorsalis pedis
and posterior tibial pulses.

- BP over .
- Pulse ox .

Let's get an ice pack, an H & H,
and dip the urine for blood.

My sister is gonna be so mad at me.

- She'll just be happy you're okay.
- No!

Sure she will, sweetheart.

Let's get a left ankle, tib-fib films...

...and give her another
three morphine for the pain.

Dr. Randa Jane Berkowitz.

Dr. John Truman Carter.

Dr. Carter!


Dr. Carter must have found a facial
laceration to practice a z-plasty on.

Dr. Ming Wu Chang....

Two, three, flip.

- You taking them off the top?
- Yes, I am.

Flip, go. Okay, one more time.
Two out of three.

- You already lost five times.
- Yeah, but I'm getting better.

- She always wins.
- Thanks for staying with her.

- How's she doing?
- I'm okay.

Yeah, she's hanging in there.

I hope you didn't
have to be anywhere.

No, not anymore.
I'm gonna go and then come back...

...make sure you're not
getting into too much trouble.


Hi, sweetheart.

Comminuted trimalleolar ankle fracture.
What a mess.

- Definitely unstable.
- Yeah. Gonna need surgery.

- Are her parents here?
- In the waiting room.

Monique was right about her sister.
She was mad about the bike.

Splint her leg, I'll call an ambulance
to move her.

Move her where?

Her insurance company wants her
transferred to Midway.

I can't apply a plaster splint
without moving the ankle.

- It'll hurt like hell!
- We'll medicate her.

- Do her parents know about this?
- I'll tell them now.

Mark, we're gonna splint
an unstable ankle fracture...

...send a -year-old girl across town
for an operation we can do upstairs?

I don't like this more than you do,
but that's what the insurance wants.

- I thought you were the doctor!
- I am the doctor.

But if I admit her here,
her parents will get slapped...

...with a bill
for tens of thousands of dollars.

- I quit!
- What?

I quit!

- You can't just leave.
- Watch me!

We send a newborn home
with a congenital heart problem.

A guy comes in with lung cancer,
he can't afford the treatment.

Now we're shipping kids across
town with unstable fractures.

Don't give me
that holier-than-thou crap!

We also treated a couple hundred
others who had nowhere else to go.

You're gonna feel stupid about this
in the morning!

I'm gonna feel great about this
in the morning!

- Are you okay, Dr. Benton?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Have you seen Dr. Morgenstern?
He wanted to talk with me.

He started a ruptured appendix
about a half-hour ago.

Well, I'll catch up to him tomorrow.

- How was your cocktail party?
- I missed it.

- You missed your own party?
- Yeah.

My parents had a good time anyway.

It was mostly their friends.
I missed my graduation too.

- Really?
- Yeah. You missed yours, right?

- What were you doing?
- An emergency hemorrhoidectomy.

- What were you doing?
- Playing cards with a scared little kid.

TC, that little girl with liver failure.
They moved her up to Status .

I was just keeping her company
while her folks talked to the doctor.

Now you're the doctor.

You graduated, right?

Yeah, that's right, I am.

It's kind of weird. I....

I don't know any more
than I knew this morning.

I really wanted to graduate too.


Take care of yourself, Carter.


- Hey.
- Hey yourself.

- Carol Hathaway just quit.
- I heard. What was that all about?

You got me.

- You turned down chief?
- Yes, I did.

I agreed to support Kerry Weaver
as Attending...

...because she agreed
to support you as chief.

- I didn't ask you to do that.
- No, you didn't.

My whole life I've always done
what everyone else wanted me to do.

Today I had this guy come in with
a cough. Lung cancer, years old.

I get one of these cases
every couple of months.

Children, husbands, wives....
Their faces all start to blend together.

But it hit me: How long do we have?
Any of us?

And how are we gonna fill that time?

I had something. Little Susie.

And now I don't.
All I have is this. Work.

You know what, Mark?
That's not enough.

- What are you doing here?
- Waiting for you.

You don't have your keys?

- Why are you still wearing your scrubs?
- I quit.

- You're kidding.
- No, to hell with them.

- You can't quit! You're great at it.
- I'm sick of it.

They kept cutting back my shifts,
making me work more nights.

I'll make more doing home care
or per diem.

You're never gonna see that shrink,
are you?

Why couldn't we just keep going
the way we were?

I was happy.
Were you happy?

Things change.
It's not my fault, it's not your fault.

Raul died. It's a terrible thing,
but something happened to you, Shep.

You know it's true.
You gotta deal with it.

- I'm doing okay.
- No, you're not.

I can't do this, Shep.

I have finally gotten my life together.
It's taken me a long time.

You need help.

I love you, but you need help.

And if you can't get it together
to get that help...

...I can't be with you.

I can't.

- Jennifer's getting married again.
- Really? That was quick.

I was hoping to be the first one to get
remarried, at least live with someone.

It makes me seem kind of pathetic,
don't you think?

She's planning her guest list...

...and I'm still fumbling around
with pick-up lines in singles bars.

It gets you off the hook
with the alimony, though.

I wasn't paying any.
She makes more money than I do.

- I never really liked her.
- You acted like you did.

I just did that to make you feel better.
I never cared for her.

She's unsupportive,
controlling, manipulative....

- You want me to go on?
- Please, I'm enjoying it.

Demanding, skinny legs....

- Why were you looking at my wife's legs?
- I'm your buddy, I'm not dead.

- I'm just saying you can do better.
- Thanks. Thank you.

Listen to this, I talked to Karen
about the Percodan.

- You didn't prescribe that many?
- The prescription was for .

- What did she say?
- She denied it, said it was a mix-up.

And she gave them back,
actually she threw them back at me.

- Do you believe her?
- I don't know.

Get away from her,
she sounds like trouble.

- Yeah, you're right, I probably should.
- But you're not going to?

- She's kind of cute.
- Well, she's got great legs.

- You look at my girlfriend's legs?
- I'm your friend, I'm not dead.

- What else did you notice about her?
- You want a list?

Dr. Morgenstern,
you were looking for me?

Yeah, we missed you at graduation.
Where were you?

With a patient.
How was the ceremony?

One of the best in years. Pomp and
circumstance, all the trimmings.

If you'll excuse me, it's very late,
and I'm finally on my way home.

I was wondering if it's too late to
change my choice for team next year.

I was hoping to sign up
for the blue team.

Once you switch selection,
there's no going back.

Yes, sir, I know. I was still
hoping for the blue team.

I'm sure Dr. Benton will be very
pleased to have you on his team.

- See you in a few months.
- Thanks.

Hey, Carter, Dr. Benton left
something down here for you.

What do you call the one who graduates
last in his class from medical school?

- What?
- Doctor!

- What are you still doing here?
- Just hanging out.

Well, wanna try out
that new white coat? MVA.

Drunk driver hit a carload of kids
on their way to the prom.

- The units are just pulling in.
- Sure.

-year-old male, head trauma,
GCS eight, BP over , pulse .

Probable fractures of the left femur,
right tib-fib.

Dr. Carter!
Okay, Trauma .

Notify the O.R., and see
who's on call for Ortho. Dr. Carter!

We've got three more on the scene.
Guy in a pick-up came up the off-ramp....