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03x15 - Sanctuary

Posted: 11/30/21 07:13
by bunniefuu
♪ Massive attack's "Teardrop" ♪

♪ love, love is a verb ♪

♪ love is a doing word ♪

♪ feathers on my breath ♪

♪ in the night of matter ♪

♪ black flowers blossom ♪

♪ feathers on my breath ♪

♪ black flowers blossom ♪

♪ feathers on my breath ♪


Where are you from?

Medellin, Colombia.

Why are you here?

Visiting my boyfriend.

Third time in the last year.

He misses me.

Is this all your luggage?


Are you carrying any dr*gs?


Welcome to the United states.

- Hola, carino.
- Hola.

You look good.

Mentiroso. No, I don't.

Come on.

Let's hit the road.

Go! Go!

Narcotics said it's about a cold job?

Drug mule k*lled in ' , Ana Castilla.

Number one suspect was
her handler, Ramiro.

- The guy inside.
- Disappeared for eight years.

Came back to Philly for
his brother's wedding.

Lil, you remember Manny Fernandez,
my old boss at west. / Sure. Hi.

Me and Manny worked
the Cortez drug bust together.

Ramiro was Cortez's point man.

Nailing Cortez was the biggest
takedown of the ' s.

Your undercover job.

I didn't know you worked undercover.

Just the one job.
Ramiro's lackey.

So you knew the victim?

Ana. Yeah.


Detective Valens.

You're a cop?

Yeah, I've been waiting
a long time to see you again.

Son of a bitch.
I trusted you!

Ah, don't break my heart here, Ramiro.

You moved the dr*gs the same as I did.

Ain't gonna be me rotting
in a prison cell though, is it?

What'd you do to Ana Castilla?

- I didn't do nothing to her.
- Right.

Who cares about a dumb bitch mule?

- Let's go, pal.
- I did.

Undercover, huh?

Uh, yeah.

Seems like something
that would've come up.

Also went to soccer camp as a kid.
I ever mention that?

Yeah, but the Cortez bust,
that was huge.

Would think you'd still be
bragging about it.

What'd you do for Ramiro?

I was a driver. Supposed to find out
the chain of command.

Ana Castilla. . Found stabbed and
gutted outside of st. Abigail's church.

Died from a pellet bursting?

They cut her open to get the dr*gs?

That was the theory.

Ramiro was her boss,
and the number one suspect.

Job went cold when he skipped town.

But now he's back, and on our turf.

And you knew Ana?

I picked up the girls at the airport,
brought them to Ramiro.

You get Ana all three of her trips?

Yeah, we talked.
Connected, I guess.

- This was gonna be her last run.
- Oh, yeah?

She was hours away
from getting out,

going home to Colombia.

You see her the day she died?


You never brought flowers before.

Well, there was a lady
selling them outside.

Never kissed me before either.

Just making it look good.

You must be fighting
with your real girlfriend.

- What makes you say that?
- I'm right, yeah?

Yeah, she wants a wedding date.

And I don't know what the rush is.

You should be happy
you have someone, Alvaro.

I just don't see doing that
till I want kids.

When's that?

, maybe.

You're like my sister Sofia.

We call her la princesa
because she wants everything.


What's that?

It's what I want.

Get a job for a big company in Bogota.

Work by a window with a nice view,

flowers on my desk.

Bet you could make that happen.

So you gonna stop this work?

I'm telling Ramiro tonight.

You know he won't let you go easy.

I know.

Dropped her at the motel,

where they collect the goods
from the girls.

Next morning, her body's found.

You look into it at all?

I was still on the job.

Maybe Ana didn't die
from a pellet bursting.

Maybe Ramiro k*lled her
because she wanted out.

Then why cut her open?

A warning to his other girls,

keep them in their place?

Narcotics just handed Ramiro
over to west.

- You can have a go at him.
- Yeah? Good.

That suit looks like
a Halloween costume on you.

Trick or treat, huh, Alvaro?

Forgot how funny you were.
And how stupid.

Weddings and funerals always bring back
the dummies who are supposed to stay lost.

I figured eight years later you wouldn't
still have your nose to the ground.

But I guess you had it bad
for her, eh, Alvaro?

Don't call me that.

Hermano, I saw how you watched her.

Were you doing her the whole time?
Huh? Alvaro?

Did you hear me or not?

Why'd you cut up Ana?

She O.D. from the dr*gs inside her?

We got all cookies, no problem.

So why's she gutted like a fish?

Someone sliced her,
make it look like me.

But I never touched her.

Ana wanted out.
She told you that, didn't she?

Por favor, they all talk big.
So what?

But this girl,
good English, gutsy.

She was one of your best.

No way you were letting her go.

What happened, Ramiro?

She lost her mind.

That's what.


You'll be okay
when they're all out.

You felt like this, too?

For a little while.

- But I'm fine now, see?
- See

- I did this for my son.
- Yeah?

To get him out of jail.

His wife gave up on him.
He's a good boy.

He just needs another chance.

You travel again in two months.

No, Ramiro.

This is my last run.

Oh, you decide now?

I have the money to help my sister.

But you haven't even been paid yet.

Yeah, I gave you all cookies.

But you haven't been paid yet.

You don't need me.
You have lots of girls.

But not everyone can bluff like you.

Those big innocent eyes, huh?

- People believe your crap.
- I want out.

What matters is what I want!
You understand?

And I want to keep
the money from this trip,

you'll get it next time.

You can't keep me here.

Where will you go without this?

Come get it.

I came out in a few minutes.
She was gone.

Where could she go?
No money, no passport.

If you're smart like you,
you stay alive.

- She was dumb, so she's dead.
- She wasn't dumb.

Okay, she was a genius.
She's still dead.

You know what? Hmm?

You should have seen him with this Ana.

He was all over her.

He says she was just a friend.

And you believe what he says?

Do you think that he's never lied to you?

You didn't know him then.
I did.

We're done here.

So how many of them drug cookies
could one girl swallow?

Up to .

And they're each worth two
or three grand?

So every girl's carrying a quarter
of a million bucks in her gut.

No wonder they open them up
if they die.

How did you do? / Talk to some of her
drug buddies, think we got a lead.

There's a Colombian guy,
helps newcomers in the community.

El Ranchero.

- Also known as Father Peralta.
- A priest?

Who, in ' , told the cops he didn't know
Ana, but her contacts say otherwise.

- Is that right?
- And guess what church he serves?

St. Abigail's.

Where Ana's body was found.

Local Columbians say you're
known as El Ranchero, the rancher.

Because you wrangle the mules.
That some kind of joke?

I can't help what people call me.

But you do help these girls.

I do what I can.

You help a girl named Ana,
September ' ?

Hard to forget that pretty face.

You know she ended up dead
behind your church.

I was new here,
was reaching out to these girls.

Figured it was someone warning
me not to. / And?

I ignored it.
Help them still today.

What'd you do for Ana that night?

Gave her a place to stay,
sanctuary in the church.

Out of the kindness of your heart?

Saints, sinners,
I serve people in need.

But you didn't help the cops
solve her m*rder.

You said you didn't even
know Ana in ' .

These girls work for drug dealers.

Most of my parishioners are here illegally.

I'm not gonna deal with cops.

So what else did you lie about?

Are you suggesting I had
something to do with Ana dying?

Did you?

I was administering last rites
at a hospital that night in Cobbs creek.

Anyone else here with Ana?

There was another girl in hiding, Ceci.

Know where we can find Ceci?

I helped her get her job.

Philadelphia police.

I'm just a housekeeper, and I have all
my papers. Miss Caroline can tell you.

We're here about Ana
Castilla's m*rder, Ceci.

I, I heard they cut her up.

Yeah, but we're not sure
she was holding any dr*gs.

You know why someone
might have done that?

I don't know.
It could be revenge. Girls are property.

Dealers don't like them getting away.

I was lucky this was all I got,
the first time I tried to run.

So how'd you finally get out?

After ten runs, my stomach
couldn't hold anything no more.

I was useless to them.

You were bunked up with Ana
at the church, the night she died.

Those were bad times.

Well, looks like things have improved.

No, my boss gives me her hand-me-downs.

What do you remember about Ana that night?

How she was a nice girl,
trying to help her little sister.

She was wound up.

Running for your life will do that.

She talk to you about Ramiro?

That's all she talked about.

How she had to make it home.

After the first run,
I bought my parents a car.

Sofia wanted to know
where I got the money.

Did you tell her?

No. She looks up to me.

It pays good.
Being a secretary?

If I could get a job like that,
I could put her in school.

I bet you could get a job, too.

I don't want to go back there.

Besides I'm going to Miami soon
with my boyfriend.

What are you waiting for?

He's caught up, too, you know?
He's trying to get out, like us.

Oh, yeah?
Are you okay?

I quit using when I got here.
Father Peralta's rules.

Ceci, digame, what's Miami like?

Nightclubs, music, sun...

sun all of the time.

Oh, my god, Ana.

How did you get away
from Ramiro tonight?

I ran.

Left a new lady there.
She was sick.

If a pellet opened,
there's nothing you can do.

she's gonna die
if you're there or not.

But maybe I can get her out,
get her to a doctor.

He would never let you.

Besides, you can't go back.

I stole two cookies.


- Let me see.
- I hid them.

- Ramiro's gonna k*ll you, Ana.
- No.

He's going to give me
my passport for them.

I tried to help her,
but she was crazy.

- She went back to the motel.
- Back to Ramiro?

She had that, that trade
stuck in her head.

The pellets for her passport?

I wonder if her sister ever
knew how much Ana wanted to help her.

Was that the last time
you saw her, Ceci?

She went.

She never came back.

You lied to us, Ramiro.

Look who's talking.
Never saw a guy hustle good as you.

Ana stole two cookies from you.
Came back to the motel to barter.

You were a natural on the street,
you know why?

Yeah, I know you k*lled her.
You'd cut a girl up for a lot less.

You got a criminal nature, is why.
You loved it out there in the dirt.

Not like now.

Choking on that tie.
You're so shined up,

- there's nothing left of you.
- You bought my act, Ramiro.

- It's your bad.
- That's right. I bought it.

So did the whole crew.

You were damn good at lying
to the people you was with every day.

Talk trash all you want.
It don't change what you did.

Why you care so much about this girl?

We ain't talking about me.

She came back to trade you the dr*gs
for her money and passport.

Is that when the knife came out?

She came, but without the dr*gs.

So I couldn't k*ll her.

- Where's Delia?
- Done.

- Where are the cookies?
- I didn't bring them.

I want my passport and a thousand dollars,
and then you'll get them.

Why you think you can call the sh*ts, huh?

Because I got something you want,
hidden somewhere you'll never find.

Not how it works.

We do the deal, and I go.

Ramiro. Got them all.
Minus the busted one.

Oh, god. Delia?

Stop walking unless
you want to be next.

She died.
You know how it goes.


Ramiro, open it!

Ramiro, open it!

Open it.


She's coming with me.

Father Peralta?
What's he doing there?

He's looking out for his newest girl.

And I'm the fool who actually fears god.

What's that mean, his newest girl?

You think that he took care of young,
pretty girls just for heaven points? No.

He's getting something back,
and it wasn't nothing holy.

Ana wouldn't do that.

She put lumps of heroin in her gut.

She wouldn't do something naughty
for a night of safety? Come on, Alvaro.

Sure she would.

...before she died.

We know you're not pals with the cops.

But that needs some explaining.

I went there to protect her.

was this still out of
the goodness of your heart?

Or did you have something else in mind?

- Like what?
- Young girls.

No money, no family, no nothing.

Who better to get an off-the-record
piece of tail from?

But maybe Ana wouldn't go for it.

Maybe she didn't think a man of the cloth
should be trying to get in her pants.

And maybe she threatened to expose
the big community hero as a scumbag.

Have I sinned in my past?

Yes. We all have.

Priests are supposed to aim higher
than the average slob.

My church is in a w*r zone,

filled with desperate people.
They sin to stay alive.

You want to do some good for them?

You get your hands dirty
if you have to.

For the greater good.

So it's okay to hit on her.

I didn't.
Not Ana.

That girl brought out the best in me.

Talk about the motel.

I got her out of there.

Back to safety.
At least for the night.

I told Delia she would be okay.

It wasn't your fault.

But I knew she was dying and I lied.

It wasn't a lie.

It wasn't a lie.
It was hope.

Ana, you have to leave.

- But you said I'm safe here.
- Yes. For tonight.

But he will come here tomorrow.

- Looking for you.
- He still has my passport.

Forget that.

Forget going home?

Then I'll find work here.

- I'll send money to Sofia to bring her over.
- Ramiro will find you here.

I have the pellets.

- Maybe I can get money for them...
- I can't help you with that.

They're worth a lot.

Forget the dr*gs.
Forget the money.

It's time for you to save yourself.

Now we have to find you a place to stay.

There is someone I can call.

She used the rectory phone.

Left a few minutes later.

- Who'd she call?
- All I heard was his name, Alvaro.


- Isn't that...
- Scotty. Yeah.

What's up?

Close the door, Scotty.

We know you talked
to Ana later that night.

No, I didn't.

The priest overheard a conversation.

I just said it didn't happen.

Do you think I'm lying to you, boss?


Why'd she have your number, Scotty?

My number?
No, she...

It's because, um...

I screwed up.

I got in with her.

Those car trips.

We'd talk.


- she got into my head.
- Was she a girlfriend, Scotty?

No. I didn't do that.
Look, she didn't want much.

To get home to Colombia.

Get a clerical job,
put her sister in school.

- Did you tell her you were a cop?
- No, absolutely not.

Did she know?

She figured me out.

- I didn't deny it.
- Right.

Look, I guess part of me
wanted her to know.

Wanted her to call me.

So I could save her.

You drive fast.

It's the only speed I know.

You like the rush.

- Don't you?
- Nah.

- What?
- Come on.

When you're lying to that
ball-buster customs cop,

and all those drug dogs
are sniffing at you,

and then he finally waves you on through,

how do you feel?


Yeah, it feels great.

Because it's a rush, right?

That's what I'm talking about.

I pretend I'm someone else
when I talk to them.

Someone who's not scared.

And it works.

You do the same thing?

I took your phone, Alvaro.
Last trip.

I thought I'd lost it at work.

I saw the names on it.

I know who you really are.
It makes sense. / Ana...

That you're more than just this driver.

Look, Ana, don't talk about it.
I mean it!


Will you give me your phone number?

I can't.

So this is good-bye, then.

It's been good.


Be nice to your girlfriend.
She won't wait till you're .


Only if you're in trouble.

Now you know why
I don't talk about it.

I was no good.

I didn't have the discipline
to not get involved.

You should have told us, Scotty.

I didn't think it mattered. I hoped it didn't
matter, because she never called.

But she did call.

I never talked to her.

What number did you give her?

My undercover line at west.

If you didn't answer it, who did?

Only could have been my boss.


Hey, something new on the case?


- Ana called me that night.
- And?

- And she got you.
- What? / Do not lie to me.

The Cortez case is in, Manny.
We can talk safely.


Yeah. She called for Alvaro.
Said he gave her his number.

I knew that had to be wrong,

because Scotty Valens wouldn't
make a dumb move like that.

- How could you not tell me?
- How could I?

- You were protecting the Cortez bust.
- That's right.

That was our job, Scotty.
You took your eye off the ball.

Yeah, I did.

She was a drug runner, part of his
operation. we were trying to bring down.

But you sent her to die, Manny!

And I wouldn't have had to
if you didn't screw up!

I was cleaning up your mess.

What did you tell Ana when she called?

- I said no Alvaro here.
- She leave it at that?

No, she said, "I know where
the station is. I'm coming there."

- Ana showed up at west?
- If she was seen there,

Cortez would've closed ranks,
our bust would have been screwed.

I had to head her off at the pass.


Who are you?

I talked to you on the phone.

I need Alvaro!

- There's no Alvaro here.
- Please.

There's a car following me.
It's him.

- Who?
- Ramiro.

You must have got a wrong number.

No! Alvaro knows me!

Please! I'm trying to stay alive!

I can't help you.

Don't send me away.
Arrest me! Put me in jail!

You'll be okay.

They're gone now.

Por favor.


You think I wanted to do that?

Think I got no heart?

- No.
- Tough choices, Scotty.

You get your hands dirty
if you have to.

For the greater good.

You get a look at this girl in the car?

Yeah. Black hair, blonde streaks,
hopped up.

Nice spot.

I k*lled this girl.

Come on.

I shouldn't have done that job.

I can't keep my boundaries.

Look, you give a damn.

Makes you a great cop in most situations.

I do this over and over.

You saw me last year with Christina,
so damn sloppy.

You were screwed up last year.

I wasn't screwed up in ' .

If I'd just been careful,

- kept things clean...
- What?

A girl swallowing dr*gs
to get a better life?

She was doomed.

You couldn't have saved her.

I got bad habits.

I got to change.

So who was driving the car, Ceci?

The night Ana died.
Blue SUV, headlights off, following her.

- You were in the passenger seat.
- No. It wasn't me.

That ain't gonna fly, Ceci.
A cop picked you out of a photo spread.

You were a junkie, and you knew
Ana had two cookies somewhere.

You'd been in that church
for two days without a fix.

You'd have done anything to get some.

Two pellets of pure heroin would
have been worth following her for.

- Worth k*lling for.
- No.

Who was driving the car?!

Talk about that, maybe we make a deal.

What kind of deal?

Lighter sentence.

- How light?
- Talk.

My boyfriend.

He have a habit, too?

I told him she had two pellets,
and he said, "let's go find her."

I was just trying to get to Miami.

The sun.


- I thought it was Ramiro.
- I saw you leave the church.

- Ceci, I'm so scared.
- It's okay. My boyfriend will help us.

- We'll drive all the way to Miami.
- Veras? / Come on.

Thank you, Ceci.

- You have the cookies, right?
- No.

- We have to get them.
- Forget it, it's too dangerous.

No, Ana. Where are they?


You're the one who cut Delia.

Tell us where they're at.

I looked everywhere
you could've put them.

- We need them, Ana.
- Oh, Ceci...

Where are they?

What about Miami?

We can go.
If you just tell us where you...

- You swallowed them.
- No.

If they ain't at the church,
where else are they going to be?

- I didn't swallow them.
- Yes, you did!

You think that we won't get them?

Give them to us, Ana.
You know what can happen.

You'll k*ll me.

♪ Enigma's "Return to innocence" ♪

♪ love... ♪

♪ devotion... ♪

♪ feeling... ♪

♪ emotion... ♪

♪ don't be afraid to be weak ♪

♪ don't be too proud to be strong ♪

♪ just look into your heart, my friend ♪

♪ that will be the return to yourself ♪

♪ the return to innocence ♪

♪ the return to yourself ♪

♪ and if you want then start to laugh ♪

♪ if you must then start to cry ♪

♪ be yourself, don't hide ♪

♪ just believe in destiny ♪

♪ don't care what people say ♪

♪ just follow your own way ♪

♪ don't give up and lose the chance ♪

♪ to return to innocence ♪

♪ That's not the beginning of the end ♪

♪ That's a return to yourself ♪

♪ to return to innocence ♪