03x14 - Dog day afternoons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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03x14 - Dog day afternoons

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Roween ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Aw, geez. What a beautiful cake.
Could've done without the candles, though.

Oh, Baloney. When you were a kid,
you couldn't wait to blow out the candles.

Yeah, back then,
there weren't of them.

Oh, go on, Ro, make a wish.

Go, go, go, go!

What did you wish for?

I can't say,
or it won't come true.

Oh, look who likes being the kid now.

Okay, but don't laugh.

I wished I'd win the lotto.

Then I could take a cruise,

go on safari, travel to Greece,
travel the world.

I think your wish was perfect, Ro.
And now...

you'll be ready for anything.

Oh, Terri.

And don't you dare say they aren't you.

You can't afford these.

Oh, the store gives me half-off.

Sorry, Ro, I do have to run.

You sure you don't want to come out?

You're sweet, I can't.

Tomorrow I have to be
at work first thing.


Let me see your hands!

Back away from the alarms!
Go! Do it now!

You, get down on the ground!

Got something off the teletype.

Robbery at Emerson bank
this morning, southeast branch.

- Big heist?
- All told, $ , .

Robbery have something to do
with a homicide?

Nick and I caught a case six years back.

Lady teller was k*lled during a holdup.

Same branch.

Bank getting hit twice
makes it the same crew?

Well, these guys were wearing Johnny
Cash masks, just like six years ago.

Plus, this crew was armed with sawed-off
pump-action shotguns, same as last time.

So catch who took down today's score,
and we put down your old case.

If I remember right, the victim was a real
wallflower type, minding her own business.

Right. Wrong place, wrong time.

Sad./ Soon as they shot her,
armed robbery became m*rder one.

There you are.

Hey, you been looking for me?

- Not me, uh, some dude on a Harley.
- Oh?

Yeah, Ray something-or-other.


It must be something personal.

I'm just saying.

Guy on a Harley, always sexy.

Sure there's nothing
you want to share, Lil?

Yeah. He shows up again,
tell him I'm dead.

Roween Ryan, years, weeks.

Died from a shotgun blast to the chest.

Johnny Cash crew, three in all,
was never identified.

But one of them had a nickname,
the Hat. / The Hat?

How one Johnny Cash was
overheard referring to another.

According to a fellow bank teller,
Darla Dunaway,

they were warned not to press
the silent alarm. Roween did it anyway.

Brave lady. Sticks her neck out
in the name of what's right.

- Don't see that every day.
- Prints?

Uh, three lifts.
Never got a hook on them.

I'll grab Scotty. Go tell Roween's family
we're re-opening the case.

You and will hit the bank,
see what's what with the FBI.

Playing second fiddle
to the feds, fun times.

Probably rolling out
the red carpet as we speak.

Darla, you were a teller five years ago,
when the bank was robbed the first time?

I got my start at the window next to Ro's.

Worked my way up to branch manager.

Today marks my one-month anniversary.

Supposed to have cake.

- Instead, you got robbed.
- Like dejavu.

Three men in Johnny Cash masks,

half-hour before opening,
they overpowered the security guard.

Is there anything you can tell us?

Maybe something one of them said?

It was just a lot of yelling.

Any other details make an impression?

I wasn't gonna do this.

Do what?
Here, have a seat.

See, it's flimsy, but I think
I sort of got a look at one of them.

I thought they were wearing masks.

Yeah, but the one who held the g*n on me,
on his pinky finger, he had a skull ring.

- I recognized it.
- Okay.

Before the first robbery, say...

two weeks, a man came into the bank.

I remember, because he went
to Ro's window instead of mine.

I was sort of competitive in those days.


uh, $ Cashier's check, please.

There's a two-dollar service charge.

All right, you're worth it.

Just joking you.

Enjoy romance and adventure, Roween?


The book you're reading.

Oh, I guess.

I like everything.

What about a decent place
to have lunch around here?

Oh, the soft shoe cafe.

It's a little eatery up the street.

I go there all the time.

I may have passed by,
uh, art deco place?


It's been there since the ' s.

Makes you feel like you just stepped
into one of those old-time movie pictures.

Known for their pastrami sandwich.

- Sit up at the fountain or a booth?
- Fountain.

Make sure you treat yourself
to the velvet ice cream for dessert.

Hey, gal, can I borrow a scrunchie?

Um, okay.


You're a doll.

Hey, you should come to Zebra tonight.
We're going dancing.

And, uh, bring your cutie-pie friend.

Sign here.

Pastrami, huh?

Almost hot in a bad boy sort of way.

You see the skull ring
he was wearing?

Uh, didn't notice.
I just thought he was nice.

What's his name?


Julius what?

Sorry, Darla, you know
I can't tell you that.

When I saw that skull ring today,
I knew it had to be him, this Julius.

And you never learned his last name?

For me, it was always
about one-upping Ro.

I was pretty awful back then.

Maybe you're making up for it now.

This is Roween's bedroom.
I left it just the way it was.

- It's nice.
- Don't let Terri hear you say that.

Your other daughter?

Says I need to start using
the room for something else.

It'll help me move on.
I say different strokes.

These your daughters here?

Always loved that picture.
Their faces smushed up against one another.

Two kinds of sisters. Sounds like yours
were the kind that got along.

Roween was shy, loved to read,

whereas Terri was more the glamour girl.

So your daughters
always lived at home then?

Oh, not Terri.

The boys were crazy for her.
She couldn't wait to leave.

But Ro's calendar wasn't as full...

why the timing of her death was so tragic.

Because she never had a chance
to find someone special?

No, I think she had found someone.

I even heard her gushy
on the phone one night.

Ask me, she was in love.

I did.
I read the autobiography.

June adored Johnny.

He never would've survived without her.

Mother, What are you doing?

Oh, I was, I was getting some tea.

I got to go.

Yes, it's on then.

Friday. : .


Who were you talking to?

No one, just a friend.

A friend, huh? And where is this friend
taking you on Friday night?

Mom, have you lost weight?

All right, you two, I'm off.

Thanks for dinner.

Uh, hold your horses.

- Roween was on the phone with a man.
- Really?

Don't give me that jazz.

I have a sneaky idea
you know exactly who it is.

Mom, have you lost weight?

How is it I suffer hours
of labor with you two,

and now, when it comes time for a mother
to reap the small joys of motherhood,

this mother gets cut out.

Sounds like your girls could keep a secret.

Thick as thieves.

Roween mentioned she was reading
about June and Johnny.

Was that June Carter
and Johnny Cash?

Johnny Cash was one of her favorites.

Bank robbers wore Johnny Cash masks.

Well, there's a coincidence for you.

Ro also mentioned something
about : on Friday, right? / Yes.

The time the bank was robbed,
: on the dot.

Mrs. Ryan, did you ever get them
to tell you who that guy was?

Who it was Ro was supposed
to meet at : ?

It took some doing, but, yes.
His, his name was Julius.

You've been smoking them up
pretty good today.

What can I say?

A delightful little addiction
I picked up in narcotics.

Where you got shot.

Guess word really does get around.

Heard in Fishtown.

Me and my partner were undercover.

Guy stops in to make a buy.

Makes us for cops.

Instead of walking away...

He started blasting.

Got me in the leg.

My partner took him out.

Partner made a good sh**ting.

But I hesitated.

It wasn't long after that
sh**ting in New York.

Black guy reached into his coat,
pulled out a wallet instead of a g*n.

So you had that on your mind. You
didn't want to make the same mistake.

And now I got a pack-a-day habit
trying to get my head around that.

I still don't believe it.

Ro was the perfect citizen,
not a crook.

Terri, your mom said you and Ro
were close, kept secrets. / Yeah.

Not about bank robberies.

But she did tell you about Julius.

That's what blows me away.

What do you mean?

Because I met the guy.

You met Julius?

- When?
- A few weeks before Ro died.

She'd gone to lunch and ran into him.

He asked her for drinks that night.

And you went along?

Ro was nervous.

Besides, she really wanted
me to meet him.

Said he was kind of Rock 'n' Roll looking,
but regular, nice.

- And was he?
- Yeah. A perfect gentleman.

The soft shoe cafe. Who knew?

I've never been here at night.

Uh, Julius, this is Terri.

A heads up about my pal.

Bet you anything he hits on you
the second he brings the drinks.

I love him, but he ain't the best.

And you are?

I'm the one you got to watch out for.

Just joking you.

You're classier than some of the winners
I've been out with lately.

About ready to lock myself away
with one of your books, Ro.

"Lonesome, but never lonely" right?

What's that?

She teases me about curling up with a book
instead of going out Saturday nights.

Says, "aren't you lonely?"

And Ro goes, "lonesome, but never lonely."

Well, I'm like that, working on my car.

Can spend a whole weekend by myself.

Of course, that's also given me time
to dream up my high wire act.

I'm not against a little danger myself.

Cocktails! All right!

Who's parched?

The sisters, huh?

Better say which is which, Julius.
Otherwise, I'll make a run on them both.

Well, I'm Terri, and I'm leaving.

The Hat strikes again.

Okay, so, what happened?

He got his hooks in her,

she helps him rob the bank,
and then he kills her.

We're working on all that.

And the guy I met was a bank robber, too.

Julius called him "the Hat."
Sounds like he was.

He wanted me to go dancing with him.

Dancing? / Yeah. Chased me outside, said
he was a bouncer at the layback club.

Um, we'd get right in.

Layback club.
That was a hot spot for a while.

Well, the place is still open.

Maybe "the Hat" is still bouncing.

I don't know anything about a nickname,

but the man you're talking about
sounds like Rick Carver.

Rick still the muscle around here?

On the door up until yesterday,
then he retired.

- Retired?
- His word, not mine.

Pretty young to retire, right?

Still had his bon voyage party
here last night,

buying drinks for the whole club.
Bar bill was sick.

It was so sick, why did you have
confidence he could pay the tab?

At first, I was leery,

but then he flashed me the wad
of hundreds in his pocket.

He give you the
where the money came from?

He said his granny died,
and he got a big inheritance...

- What? That's not what happened?
- No.

Stop it. What did he do,
stick up a gas station?

- Bank.
- Come on.

Come on!

So that's why Julius
was so pissed last night.

- Who's Julius?
- Rick's brother.

Stopped in at the end of the night
and was chewing him out.

I was so drunk,

couldn't get all the super loungers
to find out what was going on.

Probably for burning through
that roll of hundreds, don't you think?

Making sense.

I'm gonna need to take the money, Ivan,

run those serial numbers against the bank.

How many you need, one?

All of them.


Up, up, up!
On your feet.

Whoa, whoa. Man, this is

- Rick Carver.
- What is this?

- Detective Rush and Valens.
- You did a robbery, Rick.

- No, I didn't.
- And your brother Julius, too.

It's just a case of mistaken identity.

Yeah? We'll see about that.

Hey, man, don't be grabbing that, yo.
I just got that phone.

Gonna take your prints and run them
against that first bank job you pulled.

- You're going down.
- It's a shame, too.

Looks like you were
kicking butt in text twister.

- I want a lawyer.
- It won't do you much good,

not after buying drinks last night
with that bank loot, Rick.

We don't care about the robberies.
FBI will bust you for that.

We're here because you m*rder*d
the teller, Roween Ryan.

I didn't sh**t that girl.

Then who did, your brother?

After he tricked her into helping you?

Boy, he sounds lower than you, Rick.

Hey, Julius never tricked anybody.

He was square with her, okay?

Way before we ever hit that bank.

We've been having fun together, right?

Yeah, these two weeks have been a ball.

So, you want to go to Tahiti with me?


Julius, are you serious?

But I haven't even stayed over yet.

And I'd like for us to
wait on that till we get there,

after a walk on the beach at sunset.

You sure...You sure know how to
sweep a girl off her feet.

I need to tell you the rest.

What? The suspense is k*lling me.

I want to rob your bank on Friday,
and I want you to help me do it.

Is this one of your jokes?

I don't get it. / And the boys,
they're in it with me.

You're not fooling around, are you?

You know that high wire act
I've been talking about? This is it.

Julius, you can't rob a bank.

Ah, nobody'll get hurt,

and you know yourself,
all that money's insured.

Ro, hear me out, please?

I used to visit this elderly lady,

Mary on her last legs,
she liked to say.

One day, I asked
if she had any regrets.

She, said, "Yes, a big one."

Said she played it too safe.

Said, "as long as you
don't hurt no one,"

"go have the time of your life,"

"because before you know it,
you're ."

Undefeated and still champion.

That other friend of yours...

The way he stares,
it's like he has it out for me.

Oh, Phil, don't worry about him.

We're not getting any younger, Ro.

So how would it work?

Who's Phil?

Phil Jorgensen.

I wasn't real big on him.
He was an old-time pal of Julius's.

Saying Phil shot Roween?

My brother fell on his face
for that girl, okay?

He wasn't gonna hurt her.

And that's my bro's lady, bro,
so you do the math.

Where are they?

I don't know.

Damn, bro.
You were doing so good, too.

Guess it doesn't matter much.
Jackie, Jake...


FBI called, said we get Rick's
phone back in the morning.

So tomorrow, we use it to call
Julius first thing.

That's the feds.

Just gives Julius more of a head start,
while we sit around hours.

Hey, let them have it, Scotty.

It is a bank robbery,
it's their baby.


Good night.

Good night, boss.

See you tomorrow then?

Sure thing.

Yo. Heads up.


You want me to take care of it?

I'm good.

I got to deal with him
sooner or later.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Rick's prints match up?

Good for both bank jobs.

What do you got on the brother?

A Julius Carver,
the younger of the two.

Did a stint for burglary.

Okay. Let's make the call.

We're on it.

Where the hell you been?

- Julius.
- Who's this?

John Stillman, lieutenant,
Philly homicide unit.

We've got Rick.

You still there?

- We need to talk, Julius.
- About?

About the m*rder of Roween Ryan.

- Rick says he didn't sh**t her.
- He didn't.

come in and tell us that.

You're asking me
to turn myself in.

You want to see Rick
get lethal injection, Julius?

Keep dreaming.
I'm not doing it.

Unless...it was
you who shot Roween.

Is that what happened, Julius?

Buddy, we were face-to-face,
I'd take a swing at you.

- Say again?
- You don't talk to me about Roween.

And don't tell me
about sleepless nights.

You saying you were
in love with Roween, Julius?

So much that I decided I could run
from my old life and start new.

Want to come inside?
You look cold.

Oh, no, it's just these boots.
I'm trying to break them in.

Those the ones your sister gave you?

Yeah, they just don't feel right.

So maybe you should take them off.

No, I want to get them ready, so...

I can wear them on Friday.

Look, I'm starting to worry
that I won't show up.


I've been thinking about Friday.


Let's call it off.


It doesn't feel right.

Julius, are you serious?

Well, what about Tahiti?

I know how you want to go.

No, I got something way better.

We'll have our own little personal
adventure right here in Philly.

Oh, I'm so relieved.

This has just all been so perfect
from the moment you walked in the bank.

It's like...

being down at the shore and
getting swept up by the tide.

It's the same for me.

But now we can catch a breath.

But what about the others?

No, don't worry about them,
I'll tell them we're not doing it.

But I do have one request.


I don't want to wait anymore.

I tried to call it off,
but Phil nixed it.

So this Phil's a scary guy, huh?

He's not someone you say no to.

Maybe it's time to break free of him.

Yeah. Maybe so.

I'll tell you where he is.

- Hums like you would not believe.
- Really?

You ought to take her out sometime.

Not sure that's the wisest thing.

What's not the wisest?

Hi, Lil.

I was just telling Scotty here
he needs a bike.

Let's talk in private.

What were you saying out there?


- Tell him about last night?
- No.

- Did he ask?
- Yeah, he did.

Come here.


Give me a kiss.

- Forget it.
- Hey...

- Look, I'm the one who should be mad.
- You? / Yeah.

Took a page from my playbook.
I woke up this morning, you were gone.

Well, you know, I have a job.

Thought you'd be on the road by now.


You don't have to...
clock in? / Not today.

- Still fixing those custom bikes?
- Better.

Now I'm the boss.

- That's why I wanted to see you.
- Oh?

So what do you think about that?

- Uh, boss is looking for you.
- I need another minute.

- What should I tell him?
- That I need a minute.

- I gotta go, huh?
- In a sec.

Why don't you just ditch work?

Let's just go for a ride.

So, that's it, huh?

Sorry, I can't.
Boss is calling.

You did everything you said
you were gonna do, Lil.

Made m*rder cop.

I'm proud of you.

But I guess things change, right?

I'm in town for one more night.

Bye, Ray.

Philly PD!
Show me your hands!


- Phil Jorgensen?
- Yeah.

You're under arrest
for the m*rder of Roween Ryan.

And a couple of bank robberies, Phil.

I didn't k*ll Roween.

Yes, you did, you hated her.

Why would I hate her?

Because she was Yoko Ono
trying to break up the band.

She was throwing Julius off his game.

Okay. That part is true.
I did think that.

So when Julius
came begging off the job,

- you shut him down.
- What?

No. Julius didn't want to stop the robbery.
He was telling stories.

- Stories to whom?
- Roween.

He knew she was gonna go south on him,
so he beat her to the punch.

So it was all just a con?

Sure, that's what he does.

The thing was going forward as planned.

We already got everything
from her we needed.

Still, you're not concerned?

Now Ro's not expecting it.
She could be a problem.

Julius said she'd be too scared
to be a problem, and if so, sh**t her.

- Cut and dried.
- hat's why I had to warn her.

He's lying to you, Ro.
About the robbery, about the two of you.

You weren't saying this
the other night at the apartment.

Just glaring at me.

You haven't even said boo till now.

There's lots of reasons
why people don't talk.

Don't mean they don't want to.

It's a setup, Ro.
Besides, he's got someone else.

Someone else? / Be honest.
You really think you're his style?

And I don't mean that in a bad way,
I mean it in a good way.

Oh, you think it's just impossible
that I could turn someone's head, huh?


No, you're something, Ro.

Yeah, right.

Maybe it's you that's
handing out the lines.

That wasn't a line.

Ro, Julius has a way on people, all right?

He spots your weakness,
mine was booze.

You telling me he's got
you under his thumb?

I haven't made a decision
for myself till now.

I'm not putting moves on you, Ro.

But after tomorrow,
I'm gonna be my own man.

I know I'm good for someone.


- The bank.
- There's nothing we can do about that.

You have to go along
or he's gonna hurt you. I swear.

- Who is she?
- Who?

You said he has someone else.

You don't need to know that.

Phil, if you're really being sincere,
you'll tell me.

- And did you tell her?
- Yeah.


Darla Dunaway.

Bank teller worked alongside Ro.

And current branch manager.

So "worked-her-way-up" Darla
was Julius's real squeeze, huh?

And our other inside connection
on the bank job.

Darla, you were the one making
it with Julius, not Roween.

And it was my idea to get Ro involved.

Because she was the head teller.

So the tale you told about Julius
stopping in for a Cashier's check

was really you two reeling Ro in.

That day was like a game.
Great fun.

So they rob the bank,
sh**t Ro and split.

But you stay so you can do it
all over again three days ago.

No. I wasn't a part of it this time.

And why should we believe that?

- Because Julius dumped me, too.
- When?

After the first heist.

I told him I wasn't some Roween.

He told me that's exactly what I was.

And Julius knows you won't rat him out
now because you're an accomplice.

But I couldn't swallow it any longer,
not after what he did to us.


This was for Roween, too?

Under the impression you hated Ro.

Probably what she thought, too,
that last morning before she died.

- What's your problem?
- I know.

- Know what?
- About you.

How you're part of the robbery.
How you're with Julius.

Ro, think of it this way.

It's me and Julius's car.
You and Phil are in the backseat.

Be grateful you're not
getting kicked to the curb.

I guess it is true then.

- Don't let that mirror fool you.
- Excuse me?

Julius sees us the same way.
He's playing you, too.

If you could just see that,
together we could stop this.

Stop the robbery?

On your own there, Ro.

Don't sell me short.

What are you gonna do, call the cops?

It's risky, but there's still time.

Do it.

I knew it.
Face it, Ro.

You're a toad, I'm not.
It's not my fault.

You try so hard to be a bitch,

and one day you'll see
you don't need to.

Even now,

you still believe the knight on
the white horse is coming to take you away.

: . Better get your little heinie
out there. It's almost time.

Turns out Ro was right.
Julius screwed me.

We've got Rick and Phil in custody.
Now we need Julius.

Been tracking him.
We think he's in upper Darby somewhere.

- Any ideas?
- Luke's lodge.

His favorite B and B, and where
he turned me into a bank robber.


Now tell us Julius shot Ro,
and he'll take the worst of it.

All I know is Julius went to the vault
and Rick was covering the door.

Leaving Phil at the teller window...

where Ro was shot.

Well, things just went from bad
to worse for you, Phil.

What do you mean?

You're all going down for the robbery but

you're taking the heat for Ro's m*rder.

I told you, Julius was the one.

But the brothers joined forces against you,

and Darla supports their theory,
so three against one, you know.


I had no reason to go this time.

Before, I was desperate.

My boozing put me in the red.

This time around,
my house was in order.

Still, Julius talked you into it.

He found out Darla's branch manager now.

Job would be a piece of cake,
we'd score big this time.

Hyped it pretty good, huh?

He could've been the world's
greatest car salesman.

But it didn't matter.

I just thought, why not?
I'm empty, anyway.

Empty? Why?

Because the one you loved
didn't love you back?


In the end, I think she would've.

Thing is, when someone opens a door,
you got to be ready to go through.

So Ro was holding the door for you?

She offered me a way out.

Should've taken it.


shoulda, woulda, coulda, right?

Go! Open that door!
Open that door!

Go, go, go, go!
Get down!

Everybody, down!
On the floor!

Everybody down!

Stay down!

Get down! Stay down!

You! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Open it!

Let me see your hands!
Back away from the alarms!

Do it! Do it now!

Come on, come on, come on!

You, get down on the ground!

Let's go.

- Give me her!
- You, go!

Go on, do your part.

Come on!

Come on, baby... Baby, I couldn't tell
you we were going forward. You okay?

- Even calling me "baby" now, huh?
- What?

You're a liar, Julius. I know about Darla.
I know about everything.

No kidding.

So if you knew,
why not tip off the police?

I guess one percent of me was still hoping
that night on the fire escape was for real.

Just joking you.

The Hat is losing it on the guard.
Let's go. Hurry up!

Move it, come on.

Right here.
All right, open it.

I'm gonna push the alarm.
What are you talking about?

It's time for us to stand up, Phil.

Stay with me.
We'll do it together.

- He'll hurt you.
- It's worth the risk.

You can be your own man
right now, Phil.


She pushed the alarm.

- What?
- She screwed us.

We got to walk.

What are you waiting on?
Do her.

- No.
- No?

What, are you trying to be someone now?

You're worthless, a zero,
a frigging lap dog.

Do it.

I said do it!

Don't try to decide.
You can't make decisions,

not on your own, not without booze.

Good boy.

That's it.


♪ Lee Ann Womack's "I hope you dance" ♪

♪ I hope you never lose
your sense of wonder ♪

♪ you get your fill to eat
but always keep that hunger ♪

♪ may you never take one
single breath for granted ♪

♪ god forbid love ever
leave you empty-handed ♪

♪ I hope you still feel small
when you stand beside the ocean ♪

♪ whenever one door closes,
I hope one more opens ♪

♪ promise me that you'll give
faith a fighting chance ♪

♪ and when you get the choice
to sit it out or dance ♪

♪ I hope you dance ♪

♪ I hope you dance ♪

♪ I hope you never fear those
mountains in the distance ♪

♪ never settle for the path
of least resistance ♪

♪ living might mean taking chances
but they're worth taking ♪

♪ loving might be a mistake
but it's worth making ♪

♪ don't let some hell-bent heart
leave you bitter ♪

♪ when you come close to
selling out, reconsider ♪

♪ give the heavens above more
than just a passing glance ♪

♪ and when you get the choice
to sit it out or dance ♪

♪ I hope you dance ♪
♪ time is a real and constant motion ♪

♪ I hope you dance ♪
♪ always rolling us along ♪

♪ I hope you dance ♪
♪ tell me who wants to look back ♪

♪ on their youth and wonder ♪

♪ I hope you dance ♪
♪ where those years have gone ♪

♪I hope you dance ♪
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