03x10 - Frank's best

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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03x10 - Frank's best

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event

December ,

Mrs Edino, I'm gonna put in
an extra side of roasted peppres for you

Oh, Ricardo made them?

She won't eat my peppers any more

Even if they're free
it has to be you made 'em

Sorry, Frank

- Oh, there you are
- Hey, Dad

Tommy, see if there's any meat sauce

- The spicy stuff
- OK

Did I tell you about
the night classes Tommy's takin'?

Computers at the junior college?

The kid's just in high school
but he's thinkin' ahead

- College level classes
- Oh, he's a smart guy

Frank, my daughter has
a friend you'll like

- A divorcee but very slender
- I'm real busy

Oh, Lydia, God rest her soul,
has been gone over a year

It's time, Frank, you need a wife!

Have a good day, ladies

Hey, why not go on a date?

I'm busy, that's why

Hey, there you go, King

That dog is the wife

Hey, can it, you two

Dec '
DiCenzio, F

Heard a rumor that Kat Miller
from narcotics is coming to homicide

Where'd you hear that?

I've got sources


Gabby Wise, Public Deffender's
Remember me?

Oh, the Lopez case Sure

This is Paulo Munoz

- Lilly Rush
- Mucho gusto

Scott Valens Mucho gusto

Paulo's brother Ricardo was convicted of
robbing and k*lling his boss back in

I represented him

But Ricardo, he did not do this crime

That is why I come here
To help

The trial was four years ago

It took Paulo that long
to get through the post / customs maze

Where are you from, Paulo?

El Salvador

Ricardo has money when the police come
so they say he robs

Where'd he get that cash?

He lives with men in a basement

So he holds his money on his body

No other place is safe

Ricardo sent me a letter,
before Frank dies

Says Frank is scared

Scared of what?

He didn't have it at trial but Ricardo
always said that someone

broke into Frank's apartment
before he was k*lled

You follow up on it?

No The thing is
I was hoping you could take this over

It's our job to put people back in jail,

not get them out

Ricardo was my first m*rder case,

I was overwhelmed and I really think
I failed him

He deserves more this time
More than I can give him

Tienes hermanos?

What is he asking?

If I got brothers
Yeah I do

- Paulo, the detective's really busy
- I know Ricardo inside

Same as you know your brothers

He's innocent

Can you help me?

Help my brother

We can try

- What is this?
- Could he be alone?

Hey! This baby belong to anybody?

Maybe someone went inside
for a minute?

Who leaves a baby sittin' alone?

Let's talk to the desk

- Hey, Dubitsky
- Yeah

Some idiot left their kid
just outside the entrance

Well the main elevator's broke

Maybe they didn't want to
lug it up the stairs

You mean the baby?

Just keep an eye on him
until whoever parked him comes back

Oh, no
No, don't make me the chump

Look, I'm sure you'll handle it just fine

And when they show up,

you tell them
they're lucky we didn't call DHS

Frank DiCenzio, ,
owned the deli where Ricardo Munoz worked

Cause of death,
blunt force trauma

Some kind of adhesive residue
on the wounds,

w*apon was a long flat object,
never recovered

Ricardo Munoz had no alibi,
had access to the deli

and a thousand dollars on him
when the police found him

About the same amount they figured
was missing from the till

The guy couldn't get a bank account

Lived with guys in tight quarters
so he kept the cash on him

He sent it to his wife and kids
every month

It's the same as my granddad

Letter's in Spanish

It says there was some kind of
break-in at Frank's apartment

Ricardo felt Frank was in danger

Frank report this break-in?

Uh, no Not sure why,
maybe Ricardo can tell us

You think Ricardo was railroaded, Scotty?

If we take away the robbery aspect,
motive's weak

Frank was his meal ticket

An illegal immagrant, alone, no money,

I just thought we could give
it another look

Let's see if we can get some traction
on this new information,

the break-in at Frank's

We'll talk to Ricardo up in Graterford

We're gonna need something solid
on this to keep goin' Of course

New detective comin' in today,
Kat Miller from narcotics

How'd you meet Frank?

I came here because I heard
there's more jobs than in New York

But for months, nothing

Then I saw a help sign
in Frank's Deli's window

And how'd you two get along?

First he was a good boss

Then he was a good friend

Never any fights
between the two of you?

He always helped me

Always listened to me

Why would I k*ll Frank?

Your letter said Frank had a break-in,
right before he died

It was not just a break-in
It was an attack

I told police but no one cared about it

An attack?

On who?

It was two weeks before he died

Ah, made too much food

I thought with the holidays comin' up
we'd be busier

Tomorrow there will be more people

Your pasta salad is bad, boss

Too much garlic

What you don't know
about pasta salad is a lot

King sleeps like an old man

Wanna stay,
Have some dinner?

I see you all day

Come on, sit down

Tommy's in school at night,
it'd be nice to have company

How's the family?

You called them today, right?

My daughter is angry with me now,

because I am so far away

She's too young to understand
that everything we do is for out kids

King? King?
You here buddy?


Oh, my God

What the hell happened to you?

- Frank, he needs a hospital
- Yeah

Yeah, there's a vet
on the boulevard open all night

Who would've done this?

- Let me help you, OK?
- OK

Alright King,
Let's go buddy

When I tell them,

the police say it's just a dog

But Frank thought it was
someone trying to mess with him

Scare him

And did he have any idea who?

He said he didn't know

Why didn't Frank report it?

Nothing was broken
Nothing gone

And the door was locked

So it wasn't really a break-in
Someone had a key

What about his son?

Frank said someboday else
got a key somehow

And what'd you think?

Tommy was the only one
I knew with a key

What makes you so sure
this was connected to Frank's death?

Two bodies in two weeks

Beaten and beaten

Like someone can not stop

My dad was like
the mayor of Oxford Circle

Everybody loved the guy

Were you surprised
when Ricardo was arrested?

At first, yeah

My dad was always good to him

It makes me sick
just thinkin' about that lowlife

Why're you guys askin'?

We're maybe reopening the case

See anything the night your father died?

No, I had a junior college class

It was supposed to help me
get an edge career-wise

See how much good that did me

We heard someone got into the apartment
two weeks before your dad died

Beat the dog up pretty bad

That's got nothing to do
with what happened to my dad

- Trust me
- How do you know that?

- I know, OK?
- How, Tommy?

Thank God for the all night vet

The cat went out on to our balcony

and PS, we're on the third floor
so I figure,

she's not gonna jump

- The cat jumped?
- Worse She fell

How stupid does a cat have to be for that?

What happened to yours?

I think someone got into our apartment

- Went after King
- They hit the dog?

The vet's operatin' on him now

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry

What happened?

King's in pretty bad shape Tommy

It could be a while till we hear anything

- I can stay
- Oh, you gotta be kidding me

Why is Stump even here?

I thought you said we were gonna hang
after you saw your dad

He said King's in pretty bad shape

Come on,
that mutt got what it deserved

What did you just say?

Nothin', Mr DiCenzio

It's all good

You stay the hell away
from my son and my dog

I told you

I don't want you hangin' around
with this punk

You understand?


I haven't talked to Stump in years

I can see why

The guy sounds a little psycho

My dad always hated him

You know, said his mom was a druggie,

whole family was trouble

Sounds like Frank thought Stump
beat the dog / Yeah, he did

The worst part is he could've been right

How'd Stump get into the apartment?

I didn't have a lot of friends
after my mom died,

Stump was it

I gave him a set of keys so he'd have
a place to hang out afternoons

To do what?

He got girlfriends

And your father always worked

Look, Stump was a messed up dude
and yeah he might've hit the dog

but there's no way in hell
he hurt my dad,

he wouldn't do that,
he was my friend

So this kid Stump beat up the dog?

Well, sounds like it

But Tommy was real insistent
Stump didn't k*ll Frank

Maybe a little too insistent

If Stump did it,
Tommy'd feel responsible,

it'd be tough to face

Nick "Stump" Fanelli's just out of jail

Got a rap sheet a mile long

Beat a neighbor with a baseball bat,

whole list of other assaults dating
back to December

Right after Frank's m*rder

Detective I'm headin' out

No one claimed this kid

What? How's that possible?

Maybe because
there's so much good in the world?

Nanette from records,
put this bag together,

said to give it to you

Hey, hey hey, shh

Hey, I'm gonna call DHS right now

Right now

Detective Vera, hey, Kat Miller

- Yeah, real busy
- Oh, busy, yeah

Cute kid you got

How are you Lieutenant?

Detective Miller, welcome

Dress code's a step up from narcotics

Guess I'd better shop

The clothes are more expensive
but the pay's the same

Welcome to homicide

On the plus side there are
all the dead bodies

And the long hours

I hope you cleared your social calendar

I just got this thing I do
Wednesday's at : / OK

Can't miss it

Fair enough

Find a pigeon hole and fill this out,
I'll get you goin'

It's biographical info for personal records

I'm real glad to be here Lieutenant

Hey, I've been staight
since I got out of jail

For a whole two weeks, huh, Stump?

Come on

What'd I do to deserve a visit?

Remember a buddy of yours,
Tommy DiCenzio?

Yeah, of course,
we met in computer class for JC retards

Well you remember the family dog,
big mutt, wouldn't hurt a fly

Somebody beat him up
pretty bad back then

Heard maybe it was you

You're here to ask me about a dog?

What are you the canine police?

Where were you the night
Frank DiCenzio was k*lled?

Whoa! I was at class

You check it out
and you'll see yourself

And look even if I did hit that dog
I didn't k*ll Frank

That Spanish guy he's upstate for that

We're takin' another look at the case

If the guy didn't do it with his own hands,
don't mean he wasn't responsible

What're you talkin' about?

Ricardo he brought some serious trouble
into that deli, I saw it myself

Where's Ricardo, chummy?

He ain't here, Felix

And he said he's gonna
pay you so lay off

Due date's long past

and I have to keep stict rules
about that you know

Give the guy a break

He's just tryin' to bring his family here

I'm a business man like you

My business is Felix's best

Ricardo pays me soon

or I start givin' out penalties

- That's how I keep my business running
- Yeah?

And I call the cops and I tell them
what you do to these people

No you won't 'cause they'll just
pull Ricardo back to El Salvador

You're just lowlife scum preyin'
on other people's predicaments

Oh, that's very insulting, Frank

I heard what you did to Ricardo's roommate,

knockin' out his teeth,
breakin' his jaw, you're a sick bastard

I don't get my money,

then there's two of you
I'm gonna take care of now

Who was this guy Felix?

I'd never seen him before

but he was a bad ass, I'll tell you that

Tell anyone about it?


Frank, he was on my case
all the time back then so I,

I figured he deserved
a little heat comin' his way

OK, Stump
We'll be in touch

Well I'll be right here

'Cause where else am I gonna go?

- Stump's alibi clear?
- Yup

Checked the attendance records,

both he and Tommy were in class
the night Frank was k*lled

And Ricardo was borrowing money
from this Felix guy, a loanshark?


They help illegals in the community
by givin' out loans

Some of 'em deal, too

Bad ones play by
intimidation and v*olence

Will you be able to track this guy down?

I made some calls, couldn't get a hit

The name Felix is kind
of common, I guess

Maybe reach out in the neighborhood
where Ricardo lived

Paulo could help with that,
he's stayin' there

Get him to take you around

- Hey
- I was thinkin' I should stay

Keep an eye on the kid
'till DHS gets here

Last time I handed him off
Dubitsky gives him a stapler to play with

You wanna hit Francisville?

- Let's do it
- All right

The Bembe
I busted this place once

Ricardo's old neighbor would be here

I might run into some
old neighbors of my own

Where's your family from?

Dad's Cuban
Mom's Puerto Rican

Grew up about have a mile from here

Your family must be proud of you

I guess so, yeah



You Felix Darosa?


We got a few questions for you

You guys aren't so good
for business, you know

So talk fast

You know a Ricardo Munoz?

Ricardo Munoz?

Got put away for murderin'
his boss, Frank DiCenzio

Owed you some money

I like to help sometimes when I can,

enrich my community
to the best of my ability

The thing is Felix,

we heard Frank's the one
who tried to help Ricardo out

And you weren't happy

Said you'd have to take care of two people

Ricardo's in jail, Frank's dead

That's two people taken care of

Frank wasn't a problem to me

Him and Ricardo busted up
A bad divorce

And how do you know that?

'Cause I saw it with my own two eyes

He sido muy paciente
con tigo, ricardlito

Pero ahora me estoy enojando

Quepuedo hacer?

Por favor


You forgot your keys

And you're supposed
to open up tomorrow

Everything OK, Frank?

I just saw you have the key
to my apartment on your key ring

Where'd you get this?

You give it to me,
when I start the job

No I gave you the key to the deli

I never gave you the key to my home

Then I don't know how it gets there

You took a long break that day
King got beat up

Did you go to my apartment, Ricardo?

No I was with you when we found him

But you were itchin' to get out of there
as soon as we came in

You always saying how I should
leave the dog at home, he gets in the way

Get out of here, Frank
This is crazy

We're done, Ricardo

- You're fired
- What?

I don't know who the hell you are

- He fired Ricardo?
- That's right

Ricardo say anything to you
about where he got the key to Frank's place?


But two days later, he paid me back

The whole loan

So I got no reason to
bother anybody, you see

All worked out good for me

Sounds like Ricardo left out a major detail

Did you know they fought?
That Ricardo was fired? / No

This is the only way I could get this
whack-job to go to sleep

Well, he's sleeping pretty sound now

You should've seen it

The later it got, the more energy he had

It was nuts

You remember Lindsey?
Child Services / Sure Hey, Lindsey

Sorry we couldn't send
anybody last night

We had a group home crisis

But they found the mom

So where's she been
for the last hours?

She had a double-shift at work,
the sitter canceled,

- her brother got the baby
- I guess he's troubled

Dumped him on the way
to a court appointment

She gave her son to a head case?

Well, we'll investigate
Make sure the home's OK

I hope so

It seems like you got
a knack for that stuff

One night and I'm fried

I'm glad Julie and I never had kids

You didn't tell me Frank fired you, Ricardo

It was not important
He took me back the next day

Well how about owin' money
to Felix Darosa

and him pushin' Frank around?
That not important either?

Frank talked to Felix?
I didn't know!

What else did'ya leave out
that might make you look bad? / Nothing!

Where'd you get the key to Frank's house?

I didn't know that key was there

You got pretty angry
when Frank started askin' about it

Felix was threatening me about money
and then Frank comes and accuses me!

I work hard every day,
day after day and it's never enough!

Is that why you snapped and k*lled Frank?

No! Frank took me back, I told you!

Well how'd you get the money to pay Felix?

Frank loaned it to me!

You got proof of that?


And I come all the way out here again

- You just playin' me, ain't you?
- Wait

- Detective Valens!
- Open up

Por favor, the key, I promise you,

I didn't put it there
And Frank didn't

Only one other person could have


Hey Tommy

A couple questions popped up

We thought you could help

We found out there was a key
on Ricardo's key ring to your apartment

Any thoughts on how it got there?

Yeah I put it there

All these years I thought Ricardo was
the one who k*lled my dad

I wouldn't have done anything
to help the guy

but now you're saying
that he didn't do it

Why'd you put the key there, Tommy?

It was when my dad was so obsessing
over who got in and hit the dog

And you knew it was Stump

- So you were protecting your friend?
- It's not just that,

I was trying to get Ricardo fired,

I mean, he was takin'
advantage of my dad

So you were watching out for you dad?

Nobody else was going to

Not easy Losin' a parent

Tryin' to take care of
the one you got left

After my mom died, it was like

he lost all his common sense
or something

- I mean, the people he picked
- Friends?

- Sorta
- Like who?

There was this one lady

- It doesn't really matter
- Well let us decide that

I was a little concerned about her

Tried to open his eyes

It's been a while since I went on a date

Should've bought a new suit

These pants got a little too small

Nobody wears suits anymore

I wear suits It's respectful

Maybe just a good sports jacket

I got a navy blue one with nice buttons

See if it's in the closet?

So you going out with that lady
Mrs Edino was talking about?

Nah, it's the one I met
at the vet Antonia

Lives right around the corner

- Her?
- Yeah

- You know her?
- Ain't she married?

Everytime I see her she's with this
big bruiser lookin' guy

No, she's seperated now

Well, Must've just happened,
Pretty soon to be dating

- For both of you
- Whoa

You're the one that said
I should go on a date

Yeah but I didn't think you'd do it

And this lady she's real loud and flashy

She's not like mom

No one's gonna be like your mom

She was one in a billion


I've been too wrapped up
in work since mom

I haven't been home enough

I'm sorry about that

Maybe we could start spending time

together again, like the old days

Yeah, we could do that
father-son hockey league again, maybe

There you go

Just, be careful, OK?

Don't worry about me, T
I'm fine

Is this Antonia the woman
your dad met at the animal hospital?


What about this bruiser ex of hers?

What was his story?

It was some sort of loony,

You know, he stalked her after they split

They used to have these fights
in the streets

Antonia and your dad going out,
that rile up the crazy ex?

Something bad must've happened

He was home half an hour after he left

Never said a word about it

When did Frank go on this date?

A few days before he was k*lled

We asked around

Heard your ex-husband wasn't
the nicest guy, Antonia

Well that's the understatement
of the century

What'd Ray do this time?

Well that's what we're here to figure out

Did he have a problem
when you started dating?

Gave me a hard time
but he was the one who had two girlfriends

when I'd packed up my last suitcase

What's this about?

You remember Frank DiCenzio?

Of course I do

Do you think Ray might've
had a beef with Frank,

considering the two of you went out?

Trust me if Ray heard
about my date with Frank,

- he would've loved it
- Why's that?

'Cause it was a total friggin' disaster

Oh, you're sweet, you know that?

So how's King doing?

Better Got home a couple of days ago

Bootsie's doing better too but she's missing
all her front teeth which

PS is not a pretty picture

- Your son is Tommy, right?
- Yeah

Hard being a single parent, huh?

Caitlin wears me down sometimes

My wife, she was the one who knew
how to talk to Tommy

I try but I can't hold a family together
like she did

I'm gonna do better

Teenagers can be hard to handle

He had a tough time this year
But he's a good kid

I think I should tell you something
about his friend Stump / You know him?

I take Caitlin to skate on Monday nights,
see him and Tommy playing hockey

What? / The thing is, that kid Stump races
around the ice, bullies the smaller kids

Oh, you're mixin' him up with somebody else,
they got computer classes on Monday

I'm sure Frank

And I heard Stump stole money
from the snack stand,

beat up the kid who works there

Stump ain't that bad
Tommy wouldn't put up with it

I'm sorry if I

Let's just forget it
It's none of my business anyway

You're damn right
it's none of your business

Excuse me? / You don't know
what the hell you're talkin' about

I gotta get out of here

If my daughter was acting up
out of my sight,

I'd wanna hear about it
Some people don't I guess

So you saw Stump and Tommy
every week? / Yup

The poor kids on the ice were
scared to death of that Stump

Rink on Mondays, that means
they could sneak out of class somehow

There goes their alibis for
the night of Frank's m*rder

If Stump k*lled Frank,

you think Tommy would
protect him all this time?

He would if he thought
his life depended on it

Well it must've felt pretty good

Knockin' up that snack shop,
beatin' that kid up

The snack shop?

We took like bucks,
it was no big deal

So maybe you tried movin' up

Stealin' from the deli

You break in meaning just to skim
a little cash but things go wrong

Maybe Frank walks in, catches you?

Frank? I have nothing to do
with that, I told you

I was at class that night

No Stump, you weren't
You were sneakin' out playin' hockey

And residue on Frank's body
matches sports tape

The kind you put on a hockey stick

This isn't right
I've been gettin' on track

Well your past is catching up on you

It's not my past, it's his

- His?
- Tommy's

Well from what we hear,
Tommy just did whatever you said

Yeah well everybody thought
Tommy was the good guy

But he had a whole other side

After his mom died it was like
a switch got flipped or somethin'

How is that?

He could get crazy

And rage fits

And he's the one that beat up
that kid at the snack stand

Scared him into keepin'
his mouth shut

What about Frank, who did that?

Oh, stop protecting Tommy,
he's no friend of yours

What happened the night Frank
was k*lled, Stump?

We snuck out of class

We were gonna have snacks and beers
from the deli and then play a little hockey

But things didn't go like we planned

Ah, damn Your dad's here

He can't hear us

I'm sorry about everything

You've been nothing
but good for this place

I get real emotional
when it comes to King,

- I got him with Lydia, you know?
- It's OK, Frank

You know, someday maybe
we could be partners in this deli

We'd make a great deli, Frank
I'm proud to work here

I had big plans that this would be
a family business,

that's why I work so hard

I thought that Tommy
was gonna be my partner one day,

and now I'm not so sure

I found somethin' out from the vet

- What?
- Forget it It doesn't matter

You are like family to me, Frank

So it is family business

I feel the same way

The fact is,
I feel closer to you than my own kid

Is that nuts or what?

Let's go

- So Tommy took the cash?
- Yeah

What did Frank mean
he found something out from the vet?

He probably found out
that Tommy beat that dog up

When Tommy got mad,

it was like an expl*si*n

You should have seen him whalin'
on that snack shop kid

What'd you two do
after you left the deli?

We drank the beer,

Tommy didn't want to play hockey,
he just went home, he's all worked up

I never saw Frank again

And you've been coverin'
for him ever since?

I wasn't coverin' for him
because he was my friend,

I was coverin' for him because
I didn't want to end up like Frank

We're hearin' some things Tommy

What things?

Like you're the one that
beat up the family pet

That's crazy

Actually it's pretty normal

Havin' all that anger build up

- I wasn't angry
- Yeah?

Then you're a stronger kid than I was

After my dad left I was mad all the time
Mostly at my mom

My dad tried his best

I don't know about that

What's that supposed to mean?

No, he's right Tommy
Frank took care of the deli,

he was real good with Ricardo
but what about with you?

He tried

Come on, your dad left you high and dry
after your mom died

Like all he cared about was himself

No, he was just busy,
we both were

Too busy for his own son?

Sounds to me like
he was a selfish little man

who couldn't take care of his own family

Hey, he was a great guy!

The whole neighborhood loved him!

The measure of a man is his family

So your dad was a failure

He wasn't a failure,
you don't know him

But he abandoned you
And you were just a kid

- He tried to help me
- How? By ignoring you?

If he loved you he'd pay attention,
even get up in your face if he had to

That's what he did,
that's exactly what he did!

So he confronted you
Took you on

Yes, he did pay attention

Is that what got him k*lled?

Grief can make you crazy, Tommy

I know

But I'm the failure

Not dad


Beer's gone

Whole register's empty

You must've known I'd see that

It was Stump's idea

Told him not to

What about hockey on Mondays?

- That Stump's idea too?
- What?

I know you've been sneakin'
out of class, Tommy / One time

Maybe two,
it's no big deal

And the vet called

Told me that King wouldn't let
you touch him the day you visited

You beat him up, didn't you?

No, I didn't! Stump did it

This is my fault
I've been a bad father

I didn't reach out to you enough

- It's fine, dad
- No, it's not fine

I think that there's
somethin' wrong with you Tommy

I lost my temper, OK,

I made a sandwich and
he grabbed it right off the table,

I didn't mean to hurt him that bad

Geez, Tommy, King was almost dead
when we found him!

I lost my temper, I told you!

Look, there's places where
they help kids with your kind of problems

You had a hard year

You wanna send me away
to a school for some freaks?

It's not for freaks, it's a place
where you could go to get better

Then you could come home

We could work the deli together

Have a future

But I got Stump here

It'd be good for the two of you
to seperate for a while, trust me / No!

That's not fair, you have everything,

you've got the deli, the dog, Ricardo!

I'm gonna have nothing!

You got me and I got you!
No matter what, T!

I don't care about that!

You can't do this to me, you can't!

I'm not going away!

You are my son, you'll do as I say!

No! I won't!

♪ The Calling 'Wherever You Will Go' ♪

♪ So lately, been wondering ♪

♪ Who will be there to take my place ♪

♪ When I'm gone you'll need love ♪

♪ to light the shadows on your face ♪

♪ If a greater wave shall fall ♪

♪ and fall upon us all ♪

♪ Then between the sand and stone ♪

♪ could you make it on your own ♪

♪ If I could, then I would ♪

♪ I'll go wherever you will go ♪

♪ Way up high or down low ♪

♪ I'll go wherever you will go ♪

♪ And maybe ♪

Adoption Application
* I'll find out *

Adoption Application
* A way to make it back someday *

Adoption Application
* To watch you *

♪ to guide you ♪

♪ through the darkest of your days ♪

♪ If a greater wave shall fall ♪

♪ and fall upon us all ♪

♪ Well then I hope there's
someone out there ♪

♪ who can bring me back to you ♪

♪ If I could, then I would ♪

♪ I'll go wherever you will go ♪

♪ Way up high or down low ♪

♪ I'll go wherever you will go ♪
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