03x06 - Saving Patrick Bubley

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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03x06 - Saving Patrick Bubley

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event.

November ,

You didn't tell me
these rows would ache, Ma.

Fashion hurts.

Hurts my eyes, Lutheretta.

Lutheretta? You calling me a girl?

It don't look too tough,
that's all.

I like it Lu.
There we go.

Look at the poster and tell me
I don't look like "The answer".

You look like Brandy.


I saw that.
He needs his strength.

And it's Thanksgiving for him, too.

Can I have the wishbone, Vaughn?

Man, what you gonna wish for?

I don't know. Lot's of things.

First we say thanks.

Lord, we are grateful for
the meal we're about to receive.

And the blessings of family.

For Vaughn who stepped into
his daddy's shoes after his passing,

and for Cedric,

always bringing home his
stray mutts and whatnot.

He ain't a mutt.

And for Quincy, my dreamer,

head in the coulds
and Luther the handsome

who don't look like Brandy

- much.
- Hey.

And finally for our baby Patrick,
let him get any wish he wants.

- And for you, too, Ma.
- And for me, too.


Vaughn Bubley,

Cedric Bubley,

Quincy Bubley,

Yo, if I'm being held, I want a lawyer,
you know what I'm saying?

Hey, you wanna talk about
the murders just went down and talk.

Otherwise shut up
until we get to you.

- Yo, I ain't seen no murders.
- You sit on that stoop all day

and you missed these gangsters
trading sh*ts?

You know, screw all the cops
all right, a thousand times.

That's good attitude, doughboy.

Hey, boss,
we're back on the line tonight?

Oh, they got a triple,
they need all the help they can get.

- Quiet out here, huh?
- Little slice of paradise.

What went down? / th Street g*ng
had a sh**t out with the O's.

- What's the score?
- dead, wounded.

All gangsters,
community service workers.

- Anybody talking?
- A lot of talk, no help.

No! Luther! Is that Luther?
I need to go. That's my boy out there!

Do you understand me?

My boy is out there.
That is my son.

- I know her.
- Yeah?

Her son died,
it was my first homicide.

Practically makes you friends.

Maybe she'll talk to you.

You get out of my face!

Get out of my face!

OK, hey, hey, Mrs. Bubley,

- you remember me?
- I gotta get past this tape.

You can't do that right now.

I'm Detective Rush,
I worked your son's m*rder.

Which son?

It was in ' .

- Vaughn.
- Right. Vaughn.

And now we lost Luther.

I'm so sorry.

Don't be sorry little girl,
just get out of my way.

Any idea who might have
done this to him?

- Why you gonna solve this m*rder?
- We're gonna try.

Like you solved Vaughn's?
Or Cedric's or Quincy's?

- You lost four sons?
- Patrick's all I got left.

And if he gets gunned down,
you won't solve his m*rder either.

- Sutton come?
- Took a leave.

- Yeah? She say why?
- Just said it was personal.

Four out of five brothers dead.

All shot in Fairhill, all unsolved.

Mother give you any help on
who k*lled them?

Mother gave me crap.
Hates cops.

So, the sh**ting last night.

There's another turf w*r
between the O's and the th Streeters?

Looks that way but
the g*ng unit says the leader of the O's

Miguel Maldonado has some kind of
running feud with the Bubley family.

What about?

Don't know but Miguel's name

was in every one of these boxes
as a person of interest.

So you think he's behind
all the murders?

What if Luther didn't just
get caught up in a turf w*r last night,

maybe it was perosnal?

The problem is Miguel's untouchable.

'Cause snitches get stiches.

He is known as a real sadist.

Well there's one brother left.

You get anyone to finger
Miguel for these jobs we put him away.

Solve one Bubley m*rder,

solve them all.

And maybe keep Patrick from
joining his brothers here.

Ow! What the hell?

Why did Luther Bubley
sh**t you, Carlos?

I didn't see no one sh**t no one.

We got prelimenary ballistics back.

So? / So Luther's g*n put that
hole in your leg.

Maybe he shot me.

Ain't no thing.

And your boys shot him up
outside that market.

Your boss Miguel tell you
to k*ll Luther

over his problem with the Bubley's?

Bubley's ain't nothing to Miguel.

So why is he killin' 'em off?

You're the police,

you can't be gettin' all t*rture
chamber on me.

Sorry, what?

- My leg!
- Your what?

OK, OK, OK, damn!

You're a terrible cop,
you know that?

Last night, Yin's Market?

How's the sh**ting start?

I was goofing around
on my scooter.

You grab some milk, man,
I'm grabbing the flakes, all right?

I don't want cereal.

OK well maybe Ma wants some.

She only remember smoke no more.

You gotta feul up before school.

I ain't going to school.

So what you saying?

You dropped out.
Quit playing ball.

Yeah, well you ain't me, all right?

I'm not gonna let you
waste your talent being stupid.

You wasted yours.

- Yo, go home, Trick.
- What?

I said go home, now.

All right, fine. Whatever.

- Yo, man.
- This is for Web D.

Fool had no cause to do
what he did.

What was he talking about?

Web D?

Find out, you tell me.

Like to know why I was capped.

Thanks, Carlos.


Patrick, this is Detective Jeffries.

We spoke to the guy
your brother shot in the market.

But he said you were
at the scene. / Nah.

Luther said the sh**ting
was for Web D.

What's that mean? / What happened
to Luther don't concern you.

Oh, 'cause you're gonna
take care of it?

Someone's got to.


You again?

We're working
on your son's murders.

Maeve, my name is Will,

look we need your help here.

I'm clean out of help for the police.

We think Miguel Maldonado's
resonsible for k*lling your boys.

And? / And if we solve
Luther's m*rder from last night,

maybe we can close all
your boy's cases.

I don't know nothing about nothing.

- Come on, let's focus here.
- Don't you talk to me like that.

You lost kids? Have you?

Then get out of here,
I got no use for you.

That's not how you
felt back in ' .

When Vaughn died.
I was there. Remember?

You wanted my help, then.

Ah, crap.

The critter's got family.

- Should I notify them?
- Yeah, go on.

I've just never done it before.

This is the perfect opportunity then

'cause this here ain't nothing
but an NHI.

- No humans involved?
- Yep.

I don't really believe in that.

Stick around long enough and you're
bleeding heart'll run dry real soon.

That can't be my boy.

- It's Vaughn Bubley.
- Oh, god, no.

- Vaughn's dead?
- I'm afraid so.

Do you have any idea
who might have done this?

Any of you?

He wasn't buying and he wasn't banging,
if that's what you think.

No, I wasn't.

He was a good boy.
He worked hard.

You gotta find out
who did this, lady.

He was like a father to his brothers,
you understand?


- Vaughn's really dead?
- I'm sorry.

I ain't gonna make it without him.

That was a long time back.

We know you've had it rough.

You know. Well, you
understand my life.

- I'm trying to, Maeve.
- Don't.

Don't waste your time doling out
your sorry ass pity

like it's gonna do something
when everyone knows

it ain't nothing but bull.

White police woman's bull.

- Come one, Maeve.
- You know, I got a funeral to plan.

A burial to see to.

Know how much that costs?

You think I got money to pay
for another boy dying?

Lay him to rest in any kind
of decent way?

Any luck with the Bubley's?


Nothing on Maldonado, Wed D.

A weird thing happened today
when I was talking to the mother.


And she was going off on a tear
and I was just tuned out.

Like I didn't care.

You're doing a job, Lil.

Sometimes that's all there is.

Ever meet my first partner?

Benny Fulcrum?

Retired now, isn't he?

I keep hearing his voice
in my head, NHI.

- Oh, you're not like that.
- I was.

- So, tommorrow will be different.
- Maybe.

But I'll quit before I look
in the mirror

and start seeing Fulcrum's face
staring back at me.

I've seen your old partner's face.
Nobody wants that.

The Bubleys hate us, boss.

A lot of Fairhill does.

So how do we keep from
hating 'em back?

Boss say how long
Sutton's on leave?


Maybe she ran off
with Seargent White?

Gil Sherman told me
what really went down in Northeast.

Yeah? Dish.

It was a one way thing.

Guy made her life hell
chasing her skirt around.

So they never...

She could have set
the records straight.

Didn't think she had to.

That the security tape
from the market?

Remember how
no one saw nothing?

Interviewed every one of those guys,
no help.

Same old same old.

That tall kid with all the bling?

He's in Quincy Bubley's file, too.

Theodore Clauson,
Street name Cartier.

- Busted twice for selling rock.
- And?

Was questioned as a witness
in the Quincy Bubley m*rder ' .

He talk back then?

Says here, he couldn't
recall the tragic events in question.

Guy witnessed two Bubley's
get m*rder*d.

That's something.

Lied to our faces the other night.
Why's he gonna talk today.

We'll give him some incentive.

Cartier's gotta make a living.

To pay for all that bling.

No dr*gs today?

Shut him down.

I got a lemon,
lemon and lemon.

- No cherry?
- Lemon.

You guys friend of Cartier's?

Family, actually.

You looking to score?

Hook a brother up.

One sec, we'll get him for you.

- Cartier, got another customer.
- Oh, yeah, huh?

Where should we send him?

Next villiage over to your competition?

Or a little east, into O town.

Man, ya'll mess with my livelyhood.

Hey, Cartier hook a brother up.

Are you really as stupid
as you are? / Huh?

No dr*gs today, biff.

OK, OK. I'm playing.

Why did Luther Bubley sh**t Carlos?

I don't know.
For real.

For real?
What's Web D?

Ask me a question I can answer,

'cause I cannot afford to have you
on my stoop.

Quincy Bubley ' ,
you were there when he was k*lled.

What happened.

Quincy messed up.
He went out of bounds.

Out of bounds how.

He got desperate
to support his family

after Vaughn and Cedric passed.

Hey, don't anyone know
what day it is?


That's right.
And look what I brought.

You brought chicken
for Thanksgiving?

And I got the sides.

Get some plates on the table.

Quincy, you bring me something?

Come on Ma, not now.

All right, no, you're right.

Ma, let me fix you a plate.

Oh, you know, I ain't hungry.

I'll watch you eat.

We should say a blessing
like we used to.

- Come on Ma, let's do it.
- All right.

Thank god I remember
how it's done.

Lord, we thank you for
the meal we're about to recieve,

for the blessings of family...

Keep going, Ma.
You're doing good.

No. I can't. I'm sorry.

- It's OK.
- Yeah, we'll just eat.

Will you wait till next year?

- I'll set me back to my old self.
- There you go.

You know get my job
at the beauty shop back,

and get you off the streets.

That sounds good.

Next Thanksgiving,

maybe get some of your pumpkin pie?

Ah, now you got me thinking about it.

Or maybe, maybe it
ain't too late,

maybe I can still whip one up.

I'll go to the store
if you want,

get what you need.

But it's Thanksgiving,

I'm having dinner with.....

Yeah, all right.
All right!

I'm coming.

I gotta go, Ma. Sorry.

- We'll save a slice of pie for you.
- Maybe.

Come on.
We gotta go.

All gonna be different, Quincy.

You see who pulled the trigger?

Flashing lights, screeching tires.

- You got a notion?
- Told you,

Quincy was desperate to make bank,

- to do right for his family.
- And?

And he branched out.

Started selling on the wrong block.

Whose block?

He's Jesus Maldonado.

Miguel's cousin.

Why didn't Miguel call me?

I guess he's busy.

He's gonna be a daddy.

It's Miguel's girl?

- , - !

What are you doing?

- Hey.
- Jesus Maldenato?

What do you want?

Let's have a chat.

When's the baby coming?

I don't know.

Be good to see a doctor.

Why do you care?

Ain't like you knocked me up.

I know a clinic near by.

And you're gonna get me in?

I'll take you there.

We'll talk about the daddy to be.

I ain't no snitch.

- Why's he hasslin' my woman?
- Your woman?

Thought she was Miguel's.


She's pretty.

- Hanging with bangers though,
that could get her in trouble.
- Bull

DHS gets word,
they take the baby.

Close that up, man.

That mean you gonna talk?

- About what?
- Quincy Bubley.

Sold on your corner in '
when he got shot up for it. / No.

Did Miguell give those orders?

Man, I hate doing this.

Baby should be with their ma.

Oh, come on man,
don't twist her up.

Why's Miguel got it out
for the Bubley's?

Bubley's bring it on themselves.

Their fault they're dying?

They're defective, man,
they got bad genes.

You made a study?

I seen it for myself.

The night Cedric Bubley was k*lled.

Why are you on me like that
when you know I'm Miguel's girl?

He don't care about you Letecia.

He just don't like to show it.

Don't you know he's all
wrong for you?

And you're right?

I'll prove it.

I'm with your cousin.

And he's with about other girls, too.

Don't you wanna be special?

I wanna see Miguel.

Probably up there
with one of them now.

You shut up, Jesus.

Maeve Bubley was partying
with the man who's k*lling off her kids?

The same night
one of them gets dead.

See what I'm saying about bad genes?

That's cold.

Mom like you Maeve,

it's a wonder you have
any boys left alive.

You are one tight ass bitch.
You know that?

I think I actually felt bad for you.

Cedric's body wasn't even cold yet.

And you're lighting up
with his k*ller.

That's what you think, huh?

I think you know why
Miguel's k*lling your boys.

And you're so desperate
to get your high on,

you don't even care.

I wanna leave.

That rock in your apartment
says you're staying.

I ain't talking about that night.

You wanna stonewall?

Go ahead, stay here
and get good and dope sick.

Miguel ever finds out I let a cop
take me to the doctors...

He's the one that should be
here with you. / Yeah, well.

Too busy, huh?
k*lling off kids?

I said I ain't a snitch.

You know Maeve Bubley,

lady you saw Miguel smoking crack with
at the O's one night? / Yeah, so?

What was she doing there?

Miguel don't tell me nothing.

So he never confided
he m*rder*d four of her sons?

Got any feelings about that?

He's bad. I know.

Is he bad to you?

Runs with other girls?

Catch you in this situation, adios?

- Yeah.
- So why are you loyal to him?

He ain't to you.

All I know about that woman
is one of her sons asked for it.

Which one?

Funny looking one with glasses.

- Cedric?
- Yeah.

Same night she was at the party
but earlier.

When we was out for dinner.

Miguel Maldonado.

Who's asking?

You k*lled my brother Vaughn.


He urkel-looking like you?

It's been two years
and my family can't get back.

Two years.

Did you just find your cojones?

We tried getting better
but what you took is still missing.

What do you want me
to do about it?

This is for Web D.
Come on, then!

I know you,
you work at the pet store.

You sold me a scratch post.

Come on now bad boy, sh**t!

You ruined our family.

Shoulda pulled the trigger
when you had a chance!

So what Miguel set after him?

I just know he got shot that night.

Probably not a coincedence.

I know you're right.

Miguel's not good.

But I'm hung up on him.

Bet he'll make a hell of a parent.

So Miguel kills Vaughn in ' .

And Cedric gets k*lled in '
trying to get pay back.

Leaving the Bubley's
without a bread winner.

Quincy gets desperate,
starts selling on the wrong corner.

Get's himself shot by the O's,
Thanksgiving ' .

And Luther trades sh*ts with another O
at Yin's a couple nights ago.

And says it's for Web D.

Why did Miguel k*ll Vaughn
in the first place?

What's this Web D
everyone's dying over?

Where's my Ma?

- I'll bet he knows.
- All right, just settle down, son.

It's OK. Come on.

I know you got her here.

Got a hold of your report cards, Patrick.

- From elementery school.
- You gonna tell me where she is or not?

You're a gifted student.
In Honor's classes.

Then I checked out high school,
you're failing out.

I got other things to tend to.

What's Web D?

Why did Miguel k*ll Vaughn?

I wanna see my mom.

- Think I care what you want?
- Yeah that's right.

Show me your true colors now.

Well I'm busy, Patrick.

- You know why I won't talk to you?
- Not really.

'Cause you look at people like us
and think NHI.

No humans involved.

Think what you want,
just get out of my face.

Guess who's crying out
for room service.

Twitching pretty bad, huh, Maeve?

I tell you what you want,
you let me out of here?

You don't make the deals, we do.

I gotta get what I need.

Then start talking about Miguel.

Why were you at his place
the night Cedric was k*lled?

It wasn't for dr*gs like you think.

I was clean my whole life
before that.

We don't care
about your drug history.

Just why were you partying
with Miguel?

You can't tell Patrick.

Crack making you deaf?

You talk. We deal.

All right.

I'll tell you.

And I hope you choke on it.

They say my boy Cedric
is in a dumpster.



There's a lot of those in Fairhill.

The same boy
who put a g*n on my girl?

I gotta find him.

Bury him right.

I feel you.

But ain't nothing free.

I don't got no money.

There are other ways to pay,
you know.

Just please

tell me where my son is.

This is my trigger finger.

Wanna start here?

You wanna suck on this first?

Get you warmed up.

He say where Cedric was?

An alley dumpster.

Cast off like trash.

Happy now?


Wanna finish me off?

Go on, tell Patrick.

We won't, Maeve.

Then I can get the hell out of here?

Go get my need?

DA's office say we can charge Miguel?

We can arrest him for sexual as*ault.

But the case will never make it.

'Cause Maeve won't testify.

But Miguel doesn't know that.

Neither does Jesus.

So let's make a deal with him.

Get him to flip on his cousin.

Well, then he takes over the O's.

We replace one Maldonado
for another.

Better than doing nothing.

Patrick Bubley's not gonna care
who's running the O's,

he's gonna want revenge
either way.

We ain't gonna get 'em both, Lil.

Yeah, we gotta pick our battles,
win the ones we can.

It's no win if Maeve loses her last son.

You got a better idea?

You ain't got nothing on me?

Keep walking and shut up.

I didn't do nothing.

I said shut it Miguel.

Ain't no thing.

I ain't sweating, cous.

You will be.

Hey what,
you wanna go with him?

Get out.
Come on.

You gonna kick my ass
now or what?

I wish.

Hey we know
Miguel k*lled those four brothers.

We just can't prove it.

Well that's your problem.

Well let's think for a second here.

You really want Miguel
back out on the street?

'Cause it occured to us
maybe you want to run the O's yourself.

Well someone's gotta be king.

Maybe now you finally
get your queen.

- Letecia?
- Don't talk about her.

She's hung up on Miguel right now
but how long's that gonna last?

Her man rotting away
in a jail cell.

She's gonna move on.

Miguel's my blood.

So's that kid she's having.

He's gonna need a father.

You give us something
real, Jesus,

Miguel never steps foot
in O town again.

Vaughn Bubley. .

How'd it go down.

Wrong is how it went.

All wrong.

Like I said Trick, all you gotta do
is push off and then flow.

Push and flow.

There, that's it little man.

Push and flow.

Push and flow.

Check me out V, I'm flying!

He just showed up.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, what's up,

- this is my alley.
- Sorry.

Hey, what are you doing?

Taking this.

Go home, Patrick.

- Nah. I ain't leaving you here...
- I said go home.

Look that scooter means
a lot to my brother.

A lot to me, too.

Scooter ain't his no more.

Look man, I'm asking you
with respect

please give me back the scooter.

Come on, cuz,
it's only a scooter.

Whoa, tell that to him, bro,
what's up?

- What you doing man?
- I ain't, man

I ain't letting go man,

Man, out of the jaw.

You win, dawg.

And here's your prize.

Four boys dead.

All over a scooter.

Where we going?

I wanna show you something.

We arrested Miguel Maldonado
for k*lling Vaughn.

So who took over the O's?

Oh, you're going after him huh?

Road you're going down Patrick,

leads right here.

There's a spot open.

next to your brothers.

Maybe this is how it goes.

Patrick, you're ,
you're just beginning your life.

Their death's on my back.

You think they want this for you?

Think your mom wants that?

- You don't understand.
- No, I don't.

- But I need to.
- Why?

Because it's how I stay human.

You are gonna make it without him.

Tell me what Web D is.

Nothing but dead air.

There's gotta be something.

I don't believe four boys
are dead over a scooter.

It wasn't just a scooter.

It stood for something?


And now for the winner
of the W.E.B. DuBois essay contest,

Patrick Bubley.

Come over son,
and get your brand new scooter.

Now I'm sure all of us
would like to hear some of that

winning essay of yours.

You want me to read it, now?

Maybe just the begining.

In our city of Philadelphia,
in , W.E.B. DuBois wrote,

there was in this world

no such force as the force
of a person determined to rise,

and I wrote about
how I think so, too.

You did so good, Patrick.

You know what I'm going
to call my scooter?

- What, little man?
- Web D, like W.E.B. Dubois.

Web D.

That's good, Trick. I like that.

Teach me how to ride.

Yeah, man. It's easy.

All you gotta do is push off,
and then flow.

Push and flow, push and flow.

♪ PM DawnÀÇ Faith In You ♪

♪ I don't kiss the future like
the fortune tellers do ♪

♪ So I can't dream with you at night ♪

♪ Pessimism's hunger changes everything ♪

♪ I wish I walked with faith
and not by sight but... ♪

♪ You know with anything you do ♪

♪ there's a hundred people
bringing you down ♪

♪ No matter who you are ♪

♪ Don't let'em make you
cause they'll break you ♪

♪ Don't let'em love you
cause they'll hate you even more ♪

♪ So if no one else believes in you ♪

♪ I'm completely yours,
and I've got so much faith in you ♪

♪ No matter what this life
puts in front of you ♪

♪ You can save this world ♪

♪ I've got so much faith in you ♪

♪ Anyone who knows
you sees the renaissance in you ♪

♪ And I have to try and act surprised ♪

♪ I'm a "prime demotivator"
says my point of view ♪

♪ I wish I had some cheer
to lead you to but... ♪

♪ No matter how much good you do ♪

♪ There's a million people
wishing you harm ♪

♪ (I'm telling you)
No matter who you are ♪

♪ Don't let'em make you
cause they'll break you ♪

♪ Don't let'em love you
cause they'll hate you even more ♪

♪ So if no one else believes in you ♪

♪ I'm completely yours,
and I've got so much faith in you ♪

♪ No matter what this life
puts in front of you ♪

♪ You can save this world ♪

♪ I've got so much faith in you ♪

♪ I've got so much faith in you ♪

♪ I've got so much faith in you ♪

♪ I've got so much faith in you ♪
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