03x03 - Bad night

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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03x03 - Bad night

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event.

October ,
I'm a major loser,

screamed like a girl
about times.

More like .

But I totally dug the dirty stuff,

does that help my manhood?

I don't know,
it just makes you perv.

Hey guys, wait up.

It's not cool to ditch
the wheelchair girl.

Oh my god, Vick, I'm so sorry.

In case you haven't noticed,
this thing doesn't have turbo on it.

We were gonna wait.

So, anybody want to
go grab a beer or something?

I can't, I gotta work tommorrow.

Craig, don't be a jerk.

How does having a job
make me a jerk?

Hey, Vick!

Pop, you didn't have
to pick me up.

Well, here I am anyway.

How are you, sir?

It's good to see you.

Sorry to break up the party,

I just want to get
my girl home safe.

Well, I guess
I'll catch you later, guys.

Love you, Vick.

Hey, thanks for coming.

Thanks for asking.

It was really great
to see everybody.

The only reason that I came was
because Vicky asked me to.

It's never going to be the way it was.
You understand?

Let's get out of here.

What if I started a regular poker game?
You interested?

Maybe. Yeah.

Geez, don't do me any favors.

Something wrong with
the way I play cards?

You get a little heated up is all,

when things don't go your way.

Yeah? Forget the whole thing.

Hey Jo, do you play cards?

Sure. I'm a Texas holdum girl.

There you go.

It's for the best, trust me.

Who's Lil talking to?

Woman who's son was
k*lled back in ' ,

supposedly a copycat
m*rder off the movie Halloween.

I'm moving and I found this
when I was boxing up Angus's things.

What is it?

It's a letter to Angus
from his friend Vicky,

written the day he died.

'You say you want to marry me

but you don't know
what that means.'

Angus was over the moon for Vicky,

but I never knew he'd proposed.

She's asking for more time.

'Don't tell anybody,
it's too dangerous for you.'

Angus and Vicky were in a terrible
accident, months before he died.

What happened?

Angus was driving too fast.

He was lucky but Vicky,

she was paralized.

And people blamed Angus.

You think he was k*lled because
someone found out about this proposal?

Yes, I do.

The man they arrested back then,
it just never felt right to me.

I'm afraid that's not much
to go on, Mrs. Bistrong.

You would have liked Angus, detective,
he would have made you smile.

I'm sure you're right.

I'm moving from the house
where I raised that little boy on my own.

All I want is to leave his spirit
with some kind of peace.

It's where good karma
comes from, you know.

Acts of kindness.

I don't really go in for
that kind of thing.

Do you go in for finding the truth?

All signs pointed to Eddie Foster,

the nut job who dressed like
the k*ller from Halloween.

Stabs a girl in Grey's Ferry
the night before.

I remember the press
loved this story.

And Angus was found
in the same area as the first victim,

less than hours later.

Fibers from Foster's trunk

matched the ones found on the girl.

No fibers were recovered on Angus.

- That's something.
- Not much.

Come on, I got karma
on the line here.

Foster's not going
to be very helpful,

he k*lled himself a week
before his trial.

Autopsy says Angus's body was moved
post mortem to the movie theater.

We'll run his clothes again, see if
the new scan picks up trace fibers.

They talked to the friends Angus was with
that night, trying to retrace his steps.

The car accident's probably
the reason he was k*lled.

That was months
before he died.

Believe me, it's motive enough.

Well for now let's focus
on the secret proposal.

A tight group
of friends like that,

hard to keep anything secret.

Well, we'll follow the grapevine,
start at the roots.

Vicky, the girl from the accident.

You have small children?

Well, not of our own,
that wasn't in the cards.

I'm a kindergarten teacher.

The kids go nuts for her.

And I love the kids.

The pain in the ass parents,
I can do without.

But you wanted
to talk about Angus.

Yeah, we're taking
another look at the case.

After all this time?

Did something new come up?

It looks like it, yeah.

Vicky, we heard Angus
proposed to you,

right before he died.

How did you know about that?

His mom found your letter.

You seemed very worried for Angus.

Didn't want him telling anybody.

Well, after the accident,

our friends couldn't forgive him for
what happened, they were...


Who rode him the hardest?

- Craig.
- Why?

He was my boyfriend
before the accident.

Needed to blame somebody
for what happened.

We heard Angus was
driving pretty fast.

Yeah, and you've never done that?

Vick, they're just trying to help.

Yeah, I know, I know.

It was an accident, detective.

And Craig saw it all go down.

We should rent a house
together this summer.

And we don't have school.

Get a totally decent place.

Yeah, and we can all go in
on a big color TV, get Atari.

What are you, ?

What are you, ?

I could dig living with chicks,

always someone around
to do the housework, right?

You know, it's a little
cold for the bike.

Can I go with you?

Yeah, sure.

You're gonna pick Angus's beater
over this beautiful ride?

Hey, ease up on
my wheels, man.

I'm not too cold.

All right.

This is not a beater,
this is a classic.

Come on, let's blow
this taco stand.

Show Craig what
a beater can do.

You're awsome,
you know that?

Later, dude.


Oh, my god.

Hang on,
we'll get you out of there.

It's jammed tight!

You OK?

I was looking to get
Craig riled up.

Remind him that I had

So, the way you figure it,

the accident was....
part your fault.

I was the one who
egged him on.

If I hadn't....

She found a way to forgive Angus
but she's never forgiven herself.

Well, after that,
everything changed.

It was Life, Part .

Your friends ever thr*aten
Angus direct?

Craig did.
A few times.

Told Angus to stay away from me
or he's regret it.

Any chance Craig found out somehow
about Angus proposing?

Angus had this fantasy that things
would go back to normal.

That Craig would be
his best bud again.

He might have reached
out to Craig.

Ask for his support.

It would have been
a really bad move.

I respect the police.

You guys do stellar work,

laying your ass on the line for
us average Joe's.

Laying the butter pretty
thick there, Craig.

I'm just speaking the truth.

Why don't we get
back to Angus.

We heard you were pretty
rough on your old pal.

Hey, he brought it
on himself.

Bad enough
what he did, then

he wouldn't take
responsibility for it.

Meaning he blamed
someone else?

Well for a while it was the car
flipped too easy,

you know,
then the brakes were bad.

Said he was gonna sue,

but nothing ever came
of it, of course.

You know Angus popped
the question at Vicky

the day he was k*lled?

No, I didn't.

Where'd you go that night,
after the movie?

Out with Donna,
got some beers.

Crashed at her place.

Donna who we hear is in
Europe, somewhere?

I had no idea Angus
proposed, OK?

Thought you and Vicky
were an item.

OK, I know how this sounds,

but after the accidents
my feelings changed.

Changed how?

I still cared about her.

She wasn't exactly girlfriend
material anymore.

Wow. That kind of
loyalty must have

really helped her
through the hard times.

Give me a break here,
I was a kid.

Besides everything had
changed between us.

All of us.

I was just dropping something
off I got for her, OK?

Just go, Angus.

You gotta forgive
me sometime, Craig.

You're my best friend, man.

I'm nothing to you anymore.

Let's go in. See Vicky.

Hey, Vick. Couple of losers
here to see you.

I'm not feeling
so great today, guys. Sorry.

- That's cool.
- Oh, it's totally understandable.

So we were thinking we could throw
a major bash when you get better.

We'll do it at my parent's place,

get a band, have a dance floor,

make it decent.

Yeah, do my classic
frozen margaritas,

get everybody wasted.

Hey, obviously she doesn't
care about some party right now.

Let her rest.

God I was,
we were just trying to...

She's not in the mood
for that kind of stuff.

Stop hollering at her.

Hey, we really respect
that you did save her,

but she's our friend, OK?

We'll be back later, Vick.

So who was the guy hanging
around Vicky's room?

The fireman who pulled her
out of the car, saved her life.

What was he doing there?

He was always there.

So he fell for her?

I thought he was just basking
in the hero glow at first but

it turned out, yeah,
he fell for her.

Maybe he would of had something to
say if he found out Angus proposed.

I'd put money on it.

So whatever happened
to this guy?

Vicky married him.
That's what.

The fireman's her husband.

Women love firemen.

It's like a disease or something.

Yeah. Give a lady a choice between a
nice looking detective and a mutt fireman.

They'll go for the dog,
every time.

This fireman was a big hero.

Pulled Vicky from the burning car.

And neither of them mentioned it
when you talked to her? / Nope.

The ex, Craig said the fireman
was a real possessive type.

Might get really worked up about
a proposal coming Vicky's way.

If he knew about it.

The ex point at anyone else?

That Angus was looking in to
that the car was faulty.

Drives like a maniac,
blames the car.

The accident report says
he wasn't driving more than .

- Just didn't seem that......
- The limit there is .

Do you know how many
pedestriansget mowed down by

idiots speeding down that road?

Hey, I'm just saying
what's in the AID report.

Will, let's talk to Angus's mother,
see what he was looking in to.

And we'll find out why we didn't get
the full story on our hero fireman.

- Wanna grab some coffee Jo?
- Yeah, sure.

So, did I say something
wrong up there? / Well...

I got an attitude
too quick, huh? / Sutton...

- Cause I'm woring on that.
- Hey. (Time out)

I wanted you to know Will's wife was
k*lled about years ago, hit and run.

Now this case, the accident,
it seems it's on his mind. / Crap.

- And I was mouthing off.
- You didn't know.

- One black coffee, what can I get you?
- Coffee, regular.

I could wear a dunce cap.

Oh, he's probably sold out of those.

- You'll get to know these guys, Jo.
- Yeah, I know.

I'll meet you back at...
Thanks, boss.

All I have is green tea,
is that all right?

That'll be fine.

You think I get too heated up
when I play cards? / Yeah.

I'm so grateful to you for
looking in to this case.

Mrs. Bistrong, we heard that
Angus thought something

might have gone wrong
with his car, causing it to flip.

He talked about it
constantly at first.

I told him to stop
thinking like that.

Good of you.

A few days before he died,

I talked to him about it.

And he surprised me.


I got the Drexel course list for you.

Maybe it's time to finish up
that last semester and get your degree.

I have enough
in the savings account.

Thanks mom but I'm kind of
swamped right now.

Oh, Angus, please stop
torturing yourself,

none of this can change
what happened.

If it wasn't all my fault,

people might not hate me
so much. / Angus...

And Vicky might look
at me differently.

She's forgiven you.

All I want is that
one second back.

So I can hit the brakes sooner
and move around the truck.

Gussy, from the time
you were a tiny boy,

you have been the sweetest spirit
on this earth,the most gentle.

You didn't mean to hurt anybody,
it was an accident.

Forgive yourself.
Try to move forward.

I am moving forward, mom.

[Firefighting : Vehicles And Equipment]

I'll be OK. You'll see.

I think he wanted
to become a fireman.

Save people.

Like that fireman
who saved Vicky.

Did he ever take the test?

Never got to.

He was k*lled
a few days later.

Do you still have
those manuals of his?

I'm sure I do,
I don't throw anything of his away.

- I'll find them for you.
- Appreciate it.

Angus was a good boy, detective.

Even if accepting what he had done
was too much for him to bear.

Pretty big piece of information
you two left out, Ian.

With all due respect,
I never really knew Angus.

Or any of that group.

They were college kids,
I was a working guy.

We heard you boxed people out.

Didn't want anyone else
hanging around.

That's crap.

I wasn't the reason
those friends busted up.

Meaning what?

The sad truth is, it happens a lot
after accidents like that.

People can't handle it,
don't know how to be.

You know about Angus proposing?

Not back then.

But it's not something I would
have been concerned about.

Why is that?

Angus was always gonna be the reason
she's in that chair, simple as that.

A letter we got says she was
seriously considering marrying the guy.

This might sound terrible,

but Vicky told me the only reason
she didn't say no right off

is she thought Angus is the only
guy to ever want her.

Where were you?

The night he was k*lled, Ian?

Vicky asked me to the movie but I had an
early shift the next day so I stayed in.

Not much of an alibi but
it's God's honest truth.

- We'll look in to it.
- Of course.

You have any thoughts
about who k*lled Angus?

We thought it was that Foster guy.

- All the news said so.
- You don't sound so %.

Something happened
a few weeks before Angus died.

- Hey, Mr. Leoni,
- Tony / Devin.

Where's Vicky?

The therapist said
a friend took her for a walk.

So Vicky tells me
you play football, huh?

Yeah, he's been missing a lot of
practices and comes here.

It's no big deal.

Well, you're a good little bro, kid.

You know, she could walk again.
If she keeps working at it.

Devin, we've talked about this.

It's possible.
That's all I'm saying.

Possible. Right?

Well we can pray for her.
That's for sure.

She's totally evil.
She yells at me after every exercise.

Hi, guys.

- Oh, god...Sorry.
- Are you Ret*rded?

Can't you do anything
without hurting somebody? / Pop!

Mr. Leoni. / You walk in with a stupid
grin on your face like something's funny.

- I should just knock it right off!
- Easy there.

Get out! / Easy.

- I was just trying to help.
- It's a little too late for that.

Too late?

God, can't you see
you're making it worse?

Acting like somebody died?

She didn't die.

She's right here.

Vicky didn't tell us about that.

I shouldn't have said anything.

The guy lost his wife early,

those kids were all he had,
of course he was messed up.

The father, a violent guy?

Never knew him that way.

But Vick and him stopped talking
as soon as she moved out.

Why is that?

All she said about it was the accident
made him a different guy.

Mrs. McAllen.

I heard the messages on the machine
that they were looking for you.

We're just asking him
some questions. That's all.

Babe, I'm fine, you didn't
need to come down here.

Yes, I did. My husband
didn't hurt Angus.

- And I can prove it.
- Yeah, how?

I should have done this a long time ago,
I just couldn't face it. I'm sorry.

Vick, what's going on?

Where did you get that, Vicky?

I found it hidden in
my father's hall closet.

The day after Angus was m*rder*d.

Vicky gave us the knife, Mr. Leoni.

Someone tried to wipe it clean
but there was residue, looked like blood.

What are you talking about?

The knife she found hidden
in your hall closet

the day after Angus's m*rder.

So that's why she kicked
me out of her life.

So the knife was yours?

Yeah, it was mine.
Blood's mine too.

I remember I cut myself
making a salad.

So, why'd you hide it
in the closet?

I put it aside, I was going to
take it in to get sharpened.

And you remember that
all these years later? / Yeah, I do.

You must have been
pretty angry at Angus.

What he did to Vicky.

It's just human.

Well I was furious at first.

We heard about the hospital, how you
got up in his face. Threatened him.

I lost my temper, that's all.

Now, I don't blame you.

I know you loved that girl with everything
you had. / Of course I did.

I bet your whole life all you
thought about was keeping her safe.

Making sure she never even
so much as scraped her knee.

Then look what this stupid reckless boy
does without a moments thought.

- But I forgave the kid.
- That's a damn lie.

You never forgive
something like that.


I'm Detective Jeffries,
they radioed my wife was in an accident.

Detective. I'm sorry, sir.

Where's my wife, officer?

Name on the ID was Mary Jeffries.

She was gonna change her tire?

Yes, sir.

rucker must not have seen her
get out of the vehicle.

No that's just not right,
Mary would wait for me.

I should have been
with her tonight,

if I had just been with her.

Can I call someone for you?

They ever find that trucker?

No. But if they had,
I might have k*lled him.

- I don't think so.
- Why is that?

Because you would
have looked at him.

And you would have seen some poor stiff
who was driving the night shift

just trying to get home
to his family.

Too scared to stop
and face what he did.

You defending what he did?

No, I'm just saying that you probably
would have seen right off,

what it took me a long time
to see in Angus.

It was just an accident.

The truth is, on a bad night

it could've been you
or me driving.

Well maybe you forgave Angus.

But someone else
in your house didn't.

If forensics find
that knife k*lled him,

there's only one other person
who had access to it.

Your son.

So the knife was yours, wasn't it?

Yeah, it was mine.
So what?

I was a kid,
I got it for part of a costume.

You need a inch steak knife
for a Halloween costume?

I wanted it to look real,
I got the Michael Myers mask,

- the gray jumper...
- Why did you hide the knife?

I threw it there as soon as
I heard about the m*rder.

I didn't want my pop to see it
in the trash and flip out.

I was gonna ditch the knife
in a dumpster later but it was gone.

And you don't ask Vicky or
your pop about it going missing?

You don't understand what
my house was like after that accident.

I was just trying to disappear.

Not upset anybody, ever.

You must have hated Angus
for doing that to your life.

I hated the world after what
happened to Vick.

She always looked out for me.

That's the hand life dealt her.

- That Angus dealt her.
- Yeah. That's right.

And then he's psycho enough
to ask her to marry him.

I just saw you
an hour ago Angus.

That's not exactly
giving me time.

I said all of this in the letter.

I didn't read your letter.

Look, Angus, I know
you're just doing this out of guilt.

I love you, Vicky Leoni.

It hasn't changed since th grade
and it's not gonna now.

Quit it. Stand up.

I am messed up, all right?

Things don't work right anymore.

You get it? / Do you think that
I care about that stuff?

I know I'm a geek and
you deserve way better,

I mean look at you,
you take my freaking breath away.

Maybe this is right.
You and me.

Angus. / What are you doing?

Are you psycho?
Acting like this?

- Devin, it's OK.
- Look what he did to you.

How can you say that's OK,
that's not OK to me.

I'm gonna wake up
my pop if you....

All right, all right Devin,
I'm going man.

Craig was outside your house?

Yeah. He was out there
all the time back then.

Doing what?

Just sat on his bike.

Watching the place,
night after night.

So Craig lied. He still had a soft spot
for Vicky, even after the crash.

But Devin was telling the truth.

Knife doesn't match the wounds.

The bloodstains on the handle,
corn starch.

- Costume blood?
- Yep.

Here's something.

Chemical tests on Angus's clothes came
back, it picked up traces of elk skin.

What's elk skin used for?

Most common use?
Motorcycle gloves.

And it's our boy Craig
who had that beautiful ride.

Devin told us about your
stalker routine outside Vicky's place.

You still in love means
you have a motive to get rid of
the competition.

You don't understand.

We're a little dim.

Why don't you explain it to us?

I just wanted to talk to her.

Beg her to forgive me.

Forgive you? For what?

What I did.

You talking about the night of the m*rder?

No, I'm talking about the crash.

What happened there?

You're on the hook for m*rder Craig
and we're losing our patience here.

I was right there when it happened.

I could have helped her but I froze.

Oh, my god, please,
someone get help! Call for help!

My leg hurts.
Oh, god it hurts.

Oh, my god.

Craig, are you....
Craig help me.

Craig, oh Craig help me

Craig, help me.

Craig, help

Oh, man.

Hang on, we're gonna
get you out of there.

Help me. Craig,

are you there? Craig.

are you there? Craig.

It's jammed tight!

Craig, oh help me. Craig.

Easy there. / I gotta get her
out of here before it catches.

Easy, easy.

Please help me, Craig.

Are you there?

Are you there? Craig?

I couldn't move.

I was a pathetic coward.

I blamed Angus for all of it.

But I didn't k*ll him.

So you were hanging around
her house to apologize?

Night after night.

Trying to get up the nerve.

But I never did.

Craig, you heard Vicky say her leg hurt.

You sure about that? / Yeah.

And you saw her try and
kick off the seat belt? / Yeah. So?

Angus wasn't studying
to be a fireman.

Did you find something out?

Yeah, we did.

Was it...did my father k*ll Angus?

No. But you knew that.


What are you talking about?

Ian couldn't have
put the knife there.

That knife didn't k*ll Angus.

It's part of your brothers
Halloween costume.

We talked to your old partner.

The one who covered for you
way back then.

We know things went wrong
when you used the jaws of life.

"A terrible mistake,"
Your partner said.

"Made by an eager,real talented rookie."

And Angus figured it out.

Started reading up.

Ian? What's going on?

I had to get you out.

Smoke was coming
out of that engine.

You saved me.

He was trying to save you.

He saw the car was
about to catch fire.

I moved too fast,
the last push knocked you forward...

And that's what broke my spine.

Ian. What did you do to Angus?

No, not that sweet kid.

Residue on Angus's body was elk skin.

One of the uses besides motorcycle gloves
is firemmens gloves.

He came to me.

I didn't go to him,
he came to me.

Coming up, we'll bring you
full coverage on the investigation

in to the real Halloween k*ller,

including a live update from
the Gray's Ferry neighborhood

where the k*ller struck
just last night.

Angus. How was the movie?

I figured it out Ian.

After the car flipped over,
Vicky was crying out,

she said her leg hurt.
Her leg hurt!

She was dellusional Angus,

didn't know what was going on.

Yes, she did.
She felt it, man.

And I know all about the jaws of life
and how you messed up.

You're nuts Angus now I've been
as nice to you as I can but

I'm getting sick of it.

Yeah, you are nice.

Right off the bat
and you didn't even know me.

No, it was like you didn't
blame me at all.

Time to go home,
sleep it off butthead.

You just went there out of guilt.

I just want to be near her

but you want to ease
your consciense.

Vicky and I can be
happy together.

Just tell them what you did.

Ian, she won't believe me
if I do it.

I didn't do anything.

You're a total fraud.

Everyone thinks
you're some big hero

but I'm gonna tell them the truth.

Look you little pissant,

you crashed a car and
when you were crawling away

on your hands and knees
I was saving a life.

But you lied.

And I'm gonna tell everybody
what you did.

And then you're gonna know what it feels
like to be hate for one stupid mistake.

The real Halloween k*ller is
still on the loose tonight.

Police have launched a massive
search to find the man

who stabbed and k*lled
a Grey's Ferry girl late last night.

The witnesses reported that the man was
dressed as the main character

in the slasher picture
The Halloween.

Local groups have begun to call on
theaters to stop showing the film.

♪ AerosmithÀÇ "Dream On" ♪

♪ Everytime that I look
in the mirror ♪

♪ All these lines on
my face gettin' clearer ♪

♪ The past is gone ♪

♪ It went by like dust to dawn ♪

♪ Isn¡¯t that the way ♪

♪ Everybody¡¯s got
their dues in life to pay ♪

♪ I know what nobody knows ♪

♪ Where it comes and where it goes ♪

♪ I know it¡¯s everybody¡¯s sin ♪

♪ You got to lose
to know how to win ♪

♪ Half my life is
in books¡¯ written pages ♪

♪ Live and learn from fools
and from sages ♪

♪ You know it¡¯s true ♪

♪ All the things come back to you ♪

♪ Sing with me, sing for the years ♪

♪ Sing for the laughter,
sing for the tears ♪

♪ Sing with me, if it¡¯s just for today ♪

♪ Maybe tomorrow the good lord
will take you away ♪

♪ Sing with me, sing for the years ♪

♪ Sing for the laughter,
sing for the tears ♪

♪ Sing with me, if it¡¯s just for today ♪

♪ Maybe tomorrow the good lord
will take you away ♪

♪ Dream on, dream on, dream on ♪

♪ Dream yourself a dream come true ♪

♪ Dream on, dream on, dream on ♪

♪ Dream until your dream come true ♪

♪ Dream on, dream on,
dream on, dream on ♪

♪ dream on, dream on, dream on ♪

♪ Sing with me, sing for the years ♪

♪ Sing for the laughter,
sing for the tears ♪

♪ Sing with me, if it¡¯s just for today ♪

♪ Maybe tomorrow the good lord
will take you away ♪
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