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01x17 - In Name Only

Posted: 11/26/21 18:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

Salim's business is doing
favors for powerful people.

You have a relationship with him?

He'll talk to you.
Salim loves beautiful women.

I'm hoping you can tell me something

about the man who walked
our team into that house.

My only thought is that he
may have been forced into it.

Salim Hakan,
commander of the Afghan National Police.

I think he's the guy

who blackmailed Tariq into

luring Echo Team to their deaths.

I can't share you anymore.

I don't think I should be your wife.

Jason Hayes. I'm Amy.

Nice to meet you, Amy.

How'd you get past the gate?

I was friends with Steve.

Not that kind of friend.
Steve was married.

I was gonna invite you over
to come and see my garden.

In fact, ladies and gentlemen,
I believe it's no exaggeration

to call the capture of Musa Ghani

the most significant
blow we've struck to date

against the Afghan heroin industry.

This victory would
not have been possible

without the full participation
of our Afghan partners,

particularly General Salim Hakan,

commander of the National
Police for Nangahar Province.

- General Hakan.

Thank you, General Sullivan.


marks a true milestone

in the history of my great
and troubled country...

because the elimination...

You ever get the feeling
that we're witnessing

the U.S. led celebration of
what may be the most corrupt man

in the most corrupt country on Earth?

If you were paying attention,

you'd know it's not a
celebration of Salim Hakan...

but of the successful
capture of Musa Ghani,

who, until yesterday,

was one of the most powerful
drug barons in this country.

And this is what we must defeat.

This is what feeds the
monsters that prey upon us.

Any truth to the rumor that
he was also a DEA informant?

I bear witness to a new
dawn in Afghanistan,

a dawn of freedom and prosperity,

founded on our unshakable alliance

with the most powerful
democracy on Earth!


- Hey, you are athletic.

- You really are athletic.

I'm trying to keep up.

- Uh-huh.
- Oh, my God.

I am definitely gonna have to clean up.


That's Steve Porter's drill.

- Yes, it is.
- Yeah.

That's a,
that's a hand-cranked coalminer's drill,

his daddy gave it to him...
West Virginia.

How did you recognize that?

He gave that to you?

Rest in peace. Yes, he did.

I thought you guys were just friends.

We were.


Ah. Okay.

Why did he want you to have that?

he got something on it during an op.

- Mm-hmm.
- And he asked me if I would take it in

to have our labs test it.

What'd the lab have to say about it?

Just had dirt on it.

Why did he, uh, give it to you
guys and not the military lab?

I never really thought about it.
I guess I figured he...

he just knows everything is better

- in the private sector.
- Yeah.

I was meaning to give it back to him.

Then him and his guys got wiped out.

I don't really know what to do with it.

This is a joke, right?

I get it.

- It's not a joke.
- We just took down

DEA's best source in all of Afghanistan

only to find that he's not our man.

In fairness, the guy that we took down

is also an international
drug trafficker.

And now you're asking permission

to go after Salim Hakan,

the Afghan police commander who happens,

to be the local face
of that cooperation.

Any part of that that I'm getting wrong?

What do you want me to say?

I know Salim's the new poster
boy for our mission here,

but unfortunately, he's also connected

to the ambush and m*rder
of six American operators.

That's what you said about Musa Ghani,

"I don't care if he's a DEA informant...

The money on his field paid
for the m*rder of our guys."

- It did.
- Except it wasn't

his field anymore.

How close are we to
knowing who he sold it to?

We're still trying to run down
who owns the holding company,

but the state of
record-keeping in this country

being what it is...

you want to go after Salim Hakan,

you can't be even a little bit wrong.

The old men will bury you.

That's assuming you even make
it out of this country alive.


You believe me.

About Salim. You know he's our guy.

Find out who owns that poppy field.

In Name Only

sync and corrected by ninh

So you're saying that
I got to be celibate

until these wounds heal up?

All I'm saying, kemosabe,
is that chicks dig scars.

SONNY: Exactly. Not wounds.

I haven't met a woman yet

that likes to get blood on her sheets.

That is why right there that you and I,

we roll in different social circles,
my friend.

Thank God.

What we're saying is, you at least need

- to let these things scab over, man.
- So let me just get

the record straight, young Jedi.

Sonny does not abstain
while he's on deployment.

Come on, man,
that's like sitting at the buffet table

- with your jaw wired shut.
- DAVIS: Ew.

you guys got to be at the TOC in five.

We doing another daylight hit?

How about you get your
ass to the TOC in five,

- you can find out for yourself.
- Well, you coming with us?

I was gonna go put some
batteries in your night vision...

- Is that okay with you?

- Okay. She told you.
- Thank you.


So, if Ghani sold that
poppy field eight weeks ago,

that means that the cash
we found on it last week...

Wasn't his.

Okay, so if the cash wasn't Ghani's,

and Ghani wasn't in charge
of the hit on our guys,

then whoever is is out there

- and he's laughing his ass off still.
- ERIC: Listen,

Ghani is a bad guy...
He may not be the bad guy

who k*lled our friends, but...
we should all be proud as hell

- to have taken him down.
- So what you're saying is

last night's party was...

- a little premature.
- Look, Sonny, we'll earn it.

Okay? Soon as we catch up
with the guy who did it.

That's what we do... Earn it, right?

Do we, uh,
do we know who Ghani sold the field to?

KSR Holdings.

They got holding companies
here in Afghanistan?

They do. What they don't have

is searchable online databases.

But lucky for me, I have an in
at the J-Bad Hall of Records.

JASON: Oh, you mean that reporter

who's been sniffing around you.


Turns out KSR Holdings has
been around for years.

Last six months,

they've been buying up other fields

in the surrounding areas.

Poppy field gets torched,

KSR buys the ashes on the cheap.

Their holdings now stretch to
over several hundred hectares.

CLAY: That's a lot of real estate.

SONNY: Yeah. I mean, they might

be trying just to build some
townhouses or something.

Keep the HOA fees down.

RAY: Either that,
or somebody's about to go big

into the poppy business.

not that this isn't fascinating and all,

but any chance that your reporter friend

can find out the guy

who's behind KSR Holdings?

It's not a guy.

KSR Holdings is owned

by Permaz Hakan,

Salim Hakan's first wife.

RAY: Wait, now hold on.

Yesterday you thought
Salim was a cop on the take

from whoever ordered the Echo hit...
now you're saying

you think he bankrolled the whole thing?

I'm saying I think
we need to talk to his wife.

Salim is worried that
people are gonna make a fuss

about a police commander, what,
buying up burned-out land.

So what does he do?
He puts it in his wife's name.

Same thing
mob guys do to dodge the taxman.

Way the laws are in this country,
he doesn't even need

to worry about her double-crossing him.

Anything she has is his automatically.

CLAY: All right, well, that's it, then.

I mean, if Salim's wife owns a field,

that means Salim really owns it.

That means he paid for the Echo hit.

It's not enough.

Not enough for who?

The DoD.

Brass has a lot invested in Salim.

No way they're gonna distance themselves

just because his wife's name
is on some piece of paper.

That's why it's so
important that we find her.

- Assuming she's alive.
- JASON: Even if she is,

Salim's never gonna let that happen.

MANDY: I'm not sure he'd
have much to say about it.

Nobody's seen Permaz in years.

Word is she ran.

Word say where?

DAVIS: Kind of dirt she has on him,

I'd run far, far away.

- All right, so we find her.
- Find a woman

who's hiding in a country where
women are already invisible?

Is her father alive?

MANDY: Barely, from what I understand.

If anyone knows where she is,
it'll be him.

Unless they had a falling out
because he married her off

- to Salim the psycho.
- This culture, no matter how estranged

they are, a father always
keeps tabs on his daughter.

- So he's trying to protect her?
- So he knows when to mourn her.


All right, listen to me.

Put it to him this way.
It'd be a lot better

if we find his daughter
before Salim does.


- Inshallah.
- Inshallah. That's what he says.

Yeah, because it's God's will...

I heard him the first six times.
Is he aware

that Salim wants his daughter dead?


- Inshallah.
- JASON: Tell him,

if my daughter was in danger...

- Mm-hmm...
- and someone came to my house

and said that she was in trouble,

I'd be man enough to accept
that because it's God's will.

The heathen's speaking God's will.

He believes in fate;
I believe in getting things done.




- I don't like that look.
- JASON: Just give him a second.

His face gives me the damn willies.

Give him a second.



- Yes. Yeah.
- Yeah, what?

Uh, so he says that...

"When I was a wealthy man
with a large family...


"It was Inshallah.

"And when my daughter
married an evil man,

"it was Inshallah.

Now you will bring her back to me."

Where is she?


JASON: I swear we will do
everything in our power

to protect her.





Yes. Yes, we'll bring his
daughter back to him. Yes.


Jamal Mazari. Human trafficker.

Kidnaps little girls,
sells them to other dirtbags

or ships 'em off in bulk to
jihadi soldiers in the field.

And Salim's wife ran to
this guy for protection?

That's what her daddy says.

Heart wants what it wants.

Heart's got nothing to do with it.

She ran to Mazari because
he's a Tajik w*rlord

running a chunk of
the Panjshir Province.

Yeah. He and Salim would
never be on the same side.

JASON: Look, we found his wife.
Question is, how do we get

- to her without Salim finding out?
- ERIC: Yeah, as soon as we put in

the target package,
he gets the heads-up.

Might even have enough
time to go get her himself

while we're sitting around
waiting on approval.

What if she's not our target?

- What do you mean?
- I mean, what if

the goal of the op was just
to grab Mazari and then, well,

Mrs. Salim just happens
to get rolled up with him?

You think Mazari's a big enough fish

to get us a green light?

There's one way to find out.

Mazari's compound is well guarded.

Bad news is he's been expecting
to be hit for several years now,

which is why we have this.

And his defenses are pretty dug in.

What's the good news?

Good news...

- Anybody?
- Good news is he's been expecting

a hit for a couple years now,
so his guys

are probably getting pretty lazy.

JASON: Look at that.
You get a case of beer.

So, what are you thinking, Ray?
Helo infil?

- It's what I'm thinking.
- Right. Where?

Three-klick offset from the compound,

patrol to the target on foot.

Take out his sentries
from the last cover

and concealment around here.

Prepare to commence as*ault.

Yeah, which brings us to the fun part.

Permaz Hakan.

Salim's wife.

this photo's about years old,

so I'm having our techs
do a digital aging.

Might get a sense of
what she looks like now.

Mazari lives in the men's quarters here.

Female staff is in this building.

And we believe this is where
they're keeping the prisoners

- until they put 'em up for sale.
- JASON: Okay, we're certain

that Permaz lives in the,
uh, female staff quarters?

(SIGHS) We're certain
she's not in the men's.

Gonna have to secure Mazari

at the same time we're
searching for her.

Ooh, tricky. Have to move fast.

We always move fast.



So, looks like my little
research trip panned out.

What makes you say that?

Your boys are spinning up as we speak.

Even if that were true,

we do hits almost every night, so...

Yes, but I'm hearing

this one is related to what
you got at the Hall of Records.

- Hearing from whom?
- A Marine Private First Class

Jane Doe.

Possible that's not her real name.

And what do you give PFC Doe in
exchange for this information?

Let's see,
a private first class only makes

about $ a week, so...

Mm. Best to keep these
kinds of transactions

purely professional.

Why I thought I would...

bring up that Jason
Hayes interview again.

You don't have to. He'll do it.

Thank you, Mandy.

Really, really. I-I appreciate that.

And just so we're clear,

I always keep my
transactions professional.

Even this one?

Especially this one.

Glad we got that out of the way.

Thank you for your help.

You're welcome.


Weird thing. So,
my friend over at the Hall of Records,

he said another Westerner
came in there a few weeks ago

asking about some of
the same land holdings.

- Another journalist?
- Probably.

Maybe he's working on an exposé about

CIA's involvement in the
Afghan heroin industry.

Call it "The Phoenix Project
Didn't End With Vietnam."

Why not
"Phoenix Project Rises From the Ashes"?


Nice sh**ting, Tex.

Yeah. Take some sh*ts, Ray?

(SPUTTERS) Come on, man.
You know we don't play this game.

Really? Just say that to Willie O'Ree

or my brother Wayne Simmonds, huh?

Doesn't count.
Brothers are Canadian.

Canadian. Come on. Let's go.
Put the pads on, Ray.

No. You know what?

- It's okay. I'm good. No, stop.
- Get in net, get in net. Put 'em on.

- Stop playing. Don't.
- Don't. Put the pad on.

- You good, huh, Ray? You good?
- Stop playing. I'm good.

- Really? Are you good, Ray?
- Yeah.

I just noticed you didn't
sleep in our hooch last night.

- Oh!
- You, uh, with that contractor lady?

- Yeah.
- Oh, that's what this is all about.

I see. Got a problem with that?

No. No, actually,
I think it's a good thing.

I mean, she seems like a lot, but...

maybe you could use "a lot" right now.

What's that mean, Ray?

- Well, we rolled up the bombmaker, right?
- Yeah.


We rolled up the hit team
that wired the house.

We rolled up the heroin kingpin
we thought funded the op.

At what point do we decide we
got whatever justice there is

to get for the Echo guys
and go back to trying to win

the w*r they died fighting?

The enemy tries to k*ll us,
we try to k*ll them.

Damn straight.

I'd just prefer you
didn't seem so eager to get there.

You make it personal,

it's gonna eat you up, brother.

You telling me you don't
want to smoke the guys

who took out Steve Porter and Echo Team?

Is that what you're saying?

You know I do.

I just want to make sure
that you don't want it so bad

that you end up doing something stupid,

like chasing Ghani and his
bodyguard up that hill.

I can't promise you I'm
never gonna do that again.

But what I can promise you

is next time I do something like that,

I won't bring you guys.

- We good? Huh?

You really got to ask?




ERIC: Everybody's bickering!

Everybody's bickering!
It's not solving anything! Listen up!

Any way we can just tell 'em no?

No. All right? I already tried that.

- The DoD is standing firm.
- Eh.

If we're gonna go after the Al Capone

of human traffickers,
then it's gonna have to be

a joint mission alongside
our local partners. Period.

RAY: Well, I guess that answers
the question of whether Salim

- knew where his wife was holed up.
- Exactly.

Which is why he sent his guys along.

He probably figured out that
we were hitting the place.

But to be fair,
we don't know that it's his guys.

They're not cops?

Afghan Army Special Forces.

- Oh.
- CLAY: Most of

their Special Forces guys
are pretty solid dudes,

from my experience.
But that doesn't mean

that they haven't been infiltrated yet.

- We'll vet 'em as best we can.

Hold up,
we're gonna have people in here?

Yeah. Commanding officer, couple aides.

Got to assume they're bent, too.

So we cover up the board,

anything related to Salim and the wife.

I'm on it.

Hard to see how we take
Salim's wife off-target

without them noticing anything.

That's why I suggested to
General Sullivan that the honor

of taking down a heinous
villain such as Jamal Mazari

should go to the Afghan
fighters themselves

and that we'd be responsible

for bringing in all
the secondary targets.

But if any of 'em are Salim's guys,

you know they're gonna
go after her first.

Yeah, smoke her while
we're hitting the target,

say she got hit in the crossfire.

Yeah. Question is,
they gonna try and smoke us, too?

SONNY: Here come our pals.

- Think that's a Lego.
- Lego man.

Lieutenant Abu Nabi.

- ANASF. You are the master chief?
- Yeah. Hayes.

- You guys ready?
- Uh, yeah, we are prepared.

- Um...
- What's wrong?

There's been a change.

What do you mean there's been a change?

One of my men was called away.

An emergency in his family.

That man is his replacement.

- Is he one of your guys?
- I've never seen him before.

What's going on?

Uh, well, got
a new guy. He's a replacement.

- SONNY: A replacement?
- Yeah.

The hell you talking about?

Okay. You know what, Sonny, I got this.

Tell him to come here, will you?



JASON: Who is he?


His name is Asadi.

He's a commando, not Special Forces.

Stationed in Kabul. One year's service.

JASON: One year's service. Okay.

This is the best you could do?


He has family in Jalalabad.

He was home visiting.
He was ordered to report.

JASON: Report, huh?

- Who ordered him?

He says his command, of course.

Tell him to wait over there, will you?


Excuse me.

What do you think of this guy?

Is any of it legit, what he's saying?

- Yeah. I mean, best I could tell.
- It's bad enough we got to work

with these guys.
Now we got to trust the new guy?

I don't know, boss.
He's giving me bad juju right now.

I'd bet my left nut that's
one of Salim's boys.

Okay, listen, bottom line is,
what do you want to do?

We gonna take him? We gonna leave him?

We leave him.
A man down, doesn't matter.

we can get this done without these guys.

That's-that's the point though, man.
If we want to do this,

we got to take that guy with us.

With the politics and everything,

(MUMBLES): it's necessary.

So why don't we just scrap it?

Well, if we scrap it, then I think

we're giving up our
best shot to get Salim.

Do it another day.

What other day?


May I join?

I'll speak frankly.

I know you don't trust me.

- No.
- I don't particularly trust you either.

I don't trust anyone. Even Army.

- Taliban are everywhere.
- Right. Fair enough.

It would not be my choice to
bring someone unknown to me.

But I've wanted to free these women

from Jamal Mazari for years.

The government will not do it.

Now you want him. So...

this is the opportunity.

To end the sl*very.

That soldier,

I will watch him personally.

You can trust me.

You want me to trust you?


Get on the bus.


- What'd you say your name was again?
- Nabi.

Nabi. All right, listen here.

I don't intend on getting blown up by

Mr. Milk-Bone right there.

Things go sideways,

you can trust I'm coming for you.

All right, Bravo and Alpha
teams are two minutes out.


Uh, Major Rasul would like to confirm

that all efforts will be made
to keep Mazari's victims safe.

Of course, Major.

We know Mazari keeps
the people he traffics

in this barracks,
which we believe is lightly guarded.

By the time your team has
taken the men's quarters,

our teams will have secured
the women's quarters here.

After that, we'll tend to the prisoners.

Thank you.

Whenever you're ready,
Lieutenant Commander.

Bravo , what's your status?

JASON: TOC, this is Bravo .

We're moving to Matlock.

weren't you in that task force in Kabul

a couple years back?

RASUL: What is that Matlock, Mannix,


They're prowords, sir.

Mission codes.

Each one stands for

a different stage of the operation.

I understand mission codes.

Oh, yes.

they're famous television detectives.




- Columbo.

You make a friend back there?

(CHUCKLES) Turns out we ran a few Shake
'n' Bakes

with his unit in Kabul in ,

and we know some of the same guys.

I'm glad you're enjoying your reunion.

Now, he's the one watching Asadi, right?


Okay, well, I want you watching him.

Copy that.

We have the wife.

Okay, if you hear anything funky,

anything at all, you get on the wire.

- Check.
- Okay, good.

TOC, this is Bravo .

Bravo and our partner
forces are moving position.

Stand by.

ERIC: Copy, Bravo .

CLAY: Bravo , this is Bravo .

We're in position.

Copy, .

Alpha sn*pers are set.

Three armed men,
northeast corner next to the fire.

Copy, all. I'm in control. Stand by.

Three, two, one.


Execute. Execute.


Go, Bravo .

Entering men's quarters.



Bravo ,
Bravo entering servants' quarters.

Permaz Hakan?


Permaz Hakan? Permaz Hakan?

Permaz Hakan?



Permaz Hakan?

I don't see her, Jace.

women. beds. Okay.

You stay with them.
Rest of us, let's go.

JASON: This is Bravo .

We're heading to the prisoners'

Bravo , this is Bravo .

What's your status?

Still clearing.
Men's quarters unsecured.

JASON: This is Bravo .
Entering prisoners' barracks.


Permaz Hakan?

Permaz Hakan?




Son of a bitch.

we got a bunch of women and children.

They're in pretty bad shape.


Gonna need you in here.

CLAY: Yeah, this is Bravo .

We've secured the first room.
No sign of Mazari.





It's Mazari.

TOC, this is Bravo .

Passing Hutch.

We got him.

We got our human trafficker.


Congratulations to you, Commander Rasul.

- Thank you.
- It was an honor working with you.



The commander wants to know

why you have not checked off Rockford.

Bravo , this is TOC.
How are you with Rockford?

Negative. Still looking.

Is there a problem?

No, sir.




Where's that replacement solider, Asadi?

He stayed behind to
secure the men we shot.

It's all right.

My lieutenant, Bahari, is with him.

I left them here.

Bravo ,
this is Bravo . We got a problem.

Asadi, the new guy...
He's unaccounted for.

Copy that.

We're still looking for
Permaz in barracks one.

Yeah, we're headed to you.

Damn it.

Bravo , it's Bravo .

Asadi's dead. His throat was slit.

Copy that, Bravo .

No sign of Permaz in barracks one.

Meet us in barracks two.

JASON: Bravo , entering barrack two.








Permaz Hakan?

Permaz Hakan.

Positive I.D.



TOC, this is Bravo .

We have a James Garner.

Let's go home.


That's Rockford.

NABI: I knew this man.

I trusted him. He betrayed me.

Well, you live and learn.

He m*rder*d that poor boy, Asadi,

the one that we suspected.

Yeah, well, he would've k*lled us, too,

if he had the chance, so...

What do you want to do about the report?

Mazari's thugs k*lled him.

They k*lled Asadi, too.

Both died heroes.


Sounds about right. You good with that?

- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.

- Sounds good.
- Let's go.

MANDY: I understand you speak English?

Well, let's just assume you do.

This is a map of properties
belonging to KSR Holdings.

The ones in red were
purchased in your name,

when you lived with Salim Hakan.

The ones in blue, after you left him.

You're a wealthy woman.

Or you would be,
if you actually owned any of that land.

Tell me about your husband.

You need a doctor?
I can have one brought in.

(SNIFFLES) When I left my husband,

I prayed to God that
the veins would open

and I would bleed to death if
I ever came back to this city.

That my wrists would sob blood.

You don't have to die
to be safe from Salim.

We can protect you.

When I saw the soldiers,

I thought they were coming
to bring me back to him.

No, we want information on him.

Everything you know,

so that we can put him
in jail for a long time.

He will never go to jail.

He knows the people who run the jails.

He will just walk out, through the bars,

like he is air.

American jail.

Permaz, God didn't open your veins.

He's not gonna release
you through death.

You ran and you couldn't escape.

You have to fight. It's the only way.

(SIGHS): Okay.

I spoke to your father.

It's how we found you.

He's alive?


And he would like to see you.

Trust me.


How you doing? Thanks for the invite.

Can't tell you how long I've been trying

to get a look at this
place from the inside.

Oh, welcome. Happy I could oblige.

Have a seat.

Not so sure I believe that,

but, uh, to tell you the truth,
I was starting to worry

this sit-down was never gonna happen.

Mandy gave you her word, right?

She did.


That's the least I could do.
She always has our back.

And I'm-I'm always gonna have her back.

So what's on the agenda?

Well, uh, hoping we could start
off talking maybe a little bit

about what you think
it is we're doing here.

I really don't think
about stuff like that.

I'm just here to do my job.

- So it never bothers you,

how you guys get used
to enforce the will

of politicians and corporations?

You know, if you'd done your job,
you'd know we don't care

about politicians or corporations.

All I care about is winning the w*r here

and taking out t*rrorists.

That's what I care about.
That's doing my job.

How about...

when you're used to burn poppy fields?

Not a mission we would do.

Although it is a mission
that Echo Team ran

that led to them being
targeted in retaliation.

I don't know anything about that.

You telling me I've got that wrong?

Telling you I'm not discussing it,
truth be told.

- Fair enough.
- Mm-hmm.

Hope you don't blame me for asking.

Opioid crisis back
home being what it is,

poppies are the only
piece of Afghanistan

anybody really wants to read about.

Doing your job.

Funny thing.

The real story here is underground.



What I've been told,
that's the future here.

Coal mining?

Mostly, it'll be rare Earth metals.

Stuff's in cell phones, laptops,

and apparently this
country is sitting on

about a trillion dollars'
worth just underneath the dirt.

Just waiting for somebody to drill.

- Trillions with a "T."
- At least.

Won't be able to
estimate the full extent

until they can start dropping shafts.

Won't be able to do that
until this place is stable,

which is where, I suppose,
you all come in.


"T" for team.

- Right? "T" for team.
- Yeah.


- Hey. How you doing?
- Hi. I missed you.

You did?

I don't think I'm
supposed to say that like that.

I missed you, too.

Come in. Come in.

Baby. No.

I got to go. I got to go check

on-on this detainee I
rolled up last night.

Oh. Okay. Oh, what?
You just wanted to make sure

I'm up to date on your whereabouts?

- Hmm? Well, thanks.
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Actually, um,
you know Steve Porter's drill?


And I know you said you
didn't know what you wanted

to do with it, and I was just
thinking maybe I could have it.

Actually, I think that's a good idea.

- I got to get the drill now.
- All right.

- You stay here.
- I'm gonna stay right here.

Hmm. Okay.



I'll see you soon.

Rain check.

Yeah, definitely.




So I had a sit-down with
your reporter friend.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

What'd you two talk about?

Oh, you know, this and that.

Doesn't matter.
Bottom line is you kept your word.

So how did it go in there with the wife?

(SIGHS) Well,
it's been years since she's seen Salim,

so she doesn't know
anything about him targeting

Echo Team in particular,
but she does claim to know

that he's targeted
Americans in the past.

Wasn't surprised to
hear he's still at it.

- (SCOFFS) I bet.
- Also gave us

a dozen names she says will confirm

Salim wants to be the Afghan El Chapo.

Enough to give us a green light?


Yeah, I figured you were gonna say that.

Gonna be a lot of red faces on our side

when Salim turns out to be bad.

Means most people won't
be inclined to believe it.

We'll have to give them
something undeniable.

Because she can't. (CLEARS THROAT)

But he can.



Miss Ellis.

General Hakan.

How kind of you to invite me here.

Commander Rasul tells me
congratulations are in order.

You've added a human trafficker
to your list of successes.

That was nothing.
The real prize was Permaz.

My wife.

You will find her a difficult woman.

She has many, uh... problems, you know.

Not compared to yours.

I thought you were
just another dirty cop

I had to do business with,

but it turns out,

you've been building yourself
quite the empire here,

playing both sides.

Your wife has lots of stories to tell.

Drug lords, t*rrorists...

And what alarm those stories would raise

among my friends in the U.S. government.

A prized American partner,

a leader of an allied nation,

accused of consorting with t*rrorists?


If what my wife told you
was sufficient for you

to disappoint all of those people,

you wouldn't have asked me here.

You want me to know that you know,

so you can observe my next move.

Perhaps you should be considering

your moves more carefully.

Nobody would be surprised
if a pretty American girl

was found dead in this part of town.

You're right.

Nobody would be surprised.

My dear,
your pride has made you careless.

Not necessarily.

See you soon, General.