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04x15 - Nightmare of My Choice

Posted: 11/26/21 18:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

Whoever sees this video,

I want you to know
I died doing what I love.



NAIMA: If you're not
going to talk to me,

then you need to talk to someone.

I've checked all those boxes
with the Navy shrinks

- and been declared fit to operate, okay?
- Fit to operate

isn't the same thing
as fit to live with.

Come on, Ray. Tell us what it's
like to be able to sit up in bed.

Gonna be the best night's sleep
you've got in a minute.

What's that all about
with Ray and his sleeping?

- Whatever he was dealing with at home.
- KANG: JG Davis,

you failed to inform me that you had

some unresolved past animosity

- against Lieutenant Commander Whitshaw.
- She was trying to help me.

May have been better ways to do that.

- CLAY: Whole stash is gone.
- Who did that?

Did you drink all this tonight,
or you been lying to me all week?

SONNY: Thinking that you're
gonna be Jason Hayes

on the b*ttlefield and Ray Perry off,

that ain't this life.

See you already got your excuses
to tell your daughter.

Either Sonny gets right or he doesn't.

- That's not on you.
- SONNY: You got me, Jace.

If you want to read me the riot act,

- go ahead. I deserve it.
- JASON: Op was a win.

That's all that matters.

DAVIS: Those prisoners
back at the Boko camp.

I know it's not in your DNA
to leave them behind.

Prisoners aren't the only ones
I've let down.

Lot of that going around.

You ever regret getting involved?

The problem definitely needs working.

I'm just not sure I'm the one to fix it.


(g*ns FIRING)


Stay with me, brother! Stay with me!

All right. Hold on.

♪ ♪

♪ Well, I know I'm a sinner ♪

- ♪ But, uh, heaven knows... ♪

God, you smell.


- What's going on in here, huh?


Boys have barely left
your rack in a week.

Well, no work and no play
makes Sonny a dull boy.

Tip of the spear's
got to stay sharp, huh?

Intel from the Boko server we hacked

should start feeding us targets.

Better happen quick...
we go home next week.

Right when Sonny was perfecting
his moonshine mouthwash

that makes him immune
from responsibility.

SONNY: Oh, you just keep living

on fantasy island there, Blondie Tattoo,

thinking that you and the professor
are just gonna

- skate through this life unscathed.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah?

FULL METAL: If you don't
sort out Statler and Waldorf,

I'm gonna use 'em to chum the waters.

It's up to them

- to figure out their issues.

All right? Iron sharpens iron, boys.

- Gloves will be coming off soon.
- MAN: Whoa!

That's some Knute Rockne-level
rah-rah, Hayes.

Are you kidding me? Who the hell's that?

Oh. Is the rest of Alpha here,

or are they just catching up
to your mouth?

Oh, Alpha's in the house,

which means Bravo's turnover has begun.


Congrats on mission unaccomplished.



- SOTO: Welcome aboard, Pete.
- PETE: Appreciate Bravo

- assisting with a seamless turnover.
- SOTO: Well, as you'll hear,

- our work's starting to bear fruit.
- Yeah.

For Alpha to pick.

DAVIS: Intel tap that Bravo planted

has opened our eyes to Boko's
ambitions and capabilities.

They are far more sophisticated

and organized
than we previously believed.

MINA: Which puts them on the precipice

of achieving their goal of forming

- an Islamic state in the region.
- All right, look. You know what?

These guys have been in
the business of terror for years.

All of a sudden, they're
in the nation-state game?

DAVIS: Well, server intel
suggests they're receiving

financial support from a silent partner.

Could be IS or AQ piggybacking
on Boko to build a foothold.

MINA: Or a global power like China

or Russia burrowing in
to control precious resources.

Not lacking fingers
in the pot over here.

Any idea what Boko's next move is?

Picked up chatter
about infrastructural targets.

Attack a village to make
your presence known.

Attack infrastructure to make
your presence permanent.

Look, do we have a target to hit?

DAVIS: All of the intel from the server

has been passed along
to local governments.

Great. So all we're doing here

is spinning our wheels till we go home?

SOTO: We have a greater understanding

of Boko's inner workings
thanks to Bravo.

Take the win, Master Chief.

There's no win to take here.
Do you understand me? Right?

We have struck out on all fronts
on this deployment.

All fronts.

CLAY: I didn't ask you
to move in with me

so you could end up couch surfing.

STELLA: It's fine, babe.
I've gotten to see friends

that I haven't seen
in a long time, you know?

Although, next time you leave me behind,

let's make sure
your place is rodent-free.

Wh-Why is it back to my place?

It's our... It's our home.

It's just a slip of the tongue, babe.

Good news, though.

I'm staying at Ray and Naima's tonight,

so I'll be living it up
in the lap of luxury

with my very own bed. Mm-hmm.

- You're going to Naima's?
- Yeah, she took pity on me.

I take it that, um,

you didn't know that they didn't
actually patch things up

before you guys deployed?

Only from Jason.

How bad is it?

She's crushed.

Says she can feel the marriage
slipping through her fingertips.

The time and love that she's invested

in holding that family together,

it just doesn't seem fair.

You're right.

She deserves better.

Don't stress about them.
Everything will be better

when you and I are together.

SONNY: Yeah. Wow.
I-Is that so? You know, that is

real rich, you telling me
how to handle my business.

Hey, I, uh, I got to go, okay?

- I love you.
- Love you, too.

SONNY: Oh, forgive me for
not taking parenting advice

from the man that put D-A-D
into "deadbeat."

Damn it.

That Emmet?

You know, the-the guy
becomes a grandfather,

and he thinks it erases
his failures as a father.

- "Becomes"?
- Yeah.

Hannah had the baby?


wh-why didn't you say anything?

Well, I don't think
you've noticed that you and I,

we haven't exactly been harmonizing

like Hall & Oates lately, have we?

You see me handing out cigars? Do you?

- What's that mean?
- It means

I'm gonna support my daughter
the best way I know how.

That is stroking checks and
staying the hell out of her way.

- Really?
- Yeah.


I've seen you stare at that ultrasound

every day we've been on board.

I mean, you can't tell me
you don't love that kid.

I do. More than anything.

And that is why I will...

That is why I will never
drag her into this life.

(CRYING): So, please, please, save me...

your-your sermon there,
Blondie Graham, okay?

Look at me.

My decision's made. You understand?

Don't worry.

I'll leave the preaching
up to the true believers.




Lieutenant Davis.

Now that Alpha Team's arrived,

let me know if you need
any help with the turnover.

Well, I appreciate that,

but I think I have a handle on it.

Yeah. That's good to hear.

Yeah, I worried you might be distracted

by Mina appealing the
harassment decision.

She's following her due process.

Of course.

That's part of why I wear the uniform.

But I have rights, too.

- Meaning what?
- Well, I know you've been trying

to churn up dirt on me
from women on board.

You swung and missed the first time.

Now you're trying
to fix the game against me?

Using your rank to coerce our sailors

is an abuse of power.
Veer back into your lane,

or I'll drag you to Command.

- There a problem?
- JASON: Yeah, there's a problem.

Deployment is a bust.

Barely put a dent into Boko.

Right? And Bravo's
spinning out of control.

Jace, we just need to
make it back to dry land.

All right? Damn ship's made
everyone lose their balance.

Got Clay and Sonny

at each other's throats,
no thanks to you.

I-I told you, man, the-the new job

and the problems at home
got me distracted.

You know what? I preferred
when I came to you for answers

instead of excuses, Ray.

You saying my marriage issues
isn't a problem?

I'm saying it's not the real problem.

That op last week,

rescuing that prisoner, it shook you.

And I'm guessing it had nothing
to do with your marriage.


You gave up on trying
to help everyone else,

but you're gonna keep digging in on me?

Enlighten me, Jason.
What's my real problem?

Op last week

proved I'm squared away
outside the wire.

That's all that matters, right?


- Yeah.



Thought our job was done here.

SOTO: Intel about infrastructure

turned out to be more than just chatter.

Boko is making a major play.

DAVIS: Nigerian forces
are engaged with Boko

on the outskirts of one of the country's

largest pipelines.

RAY: And gaining control of that
pipeline would be a major boost

to Boko's nation-state plans.

SOTO: Nigerians have
requested our assistance

in protecting
the pipeline's access point

and critical nodes.

CLAY: Not a lot of manpower
for a target that size.

What type of QRF we got on standby?

Nigerians and State want us to have

as small a footprint as possible.

So no cavalry to the rescue, huh?

CLAY: Boko's got thousands
of fighters in the region.

Our dozen or so r*fles
might not be enough

if they overrun the Nigerians.

Trillion dollar defense budget,

and we're going with
the Jumanji strategy?

Okay. w*r on terror.


All right, look, listen up.

We came to make an impact.
Now's our chance.

SOTO: Stakes are high on this one.

Think your boys are up to it?


Bravo's good to go.

Nigerians are engaged with Boko
five klicks north

of the pipeline, out here.

ALPHA : Alpha will land
north of the access point

and secure the MSR,
serving as a blocking force

should the Nigerian front collapse.

Primary LZ is protected by foothills.

We'll offset infil,

foot-patrol in.

Bravo will secure the complex.

SONNY: Looks like two infil

route options from the LZ to the target.

If we want to remain out of
sight, then route A's our play.

Classic special operation.

Asymmetric, small unit,
strategic and discreet.

Damn straight.

Okay, questions?

Metal, how high is this
on the fun meter?

This is the, uh, Chernobyl of fun.

Let's go crush some skulls, boys.

Hey, you two, hold up.

About to kick a hornet's nest here.

I need both your heads
in the sandbox only. Got it?

Bravo Team and mission
success are my priorities.

All in all the time.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

All right, we're mikes from
the teams arriving on target.

Get the ISR platform up.


You want to talk about it?

Talk about what?

The target you put
on your back trying to help me.


Last thing I want is
him filing a complaint

with Command against you.

Especially while you're up
for the SOCOM position.

I know. I know. I already lost one job

because of the investigation into Jason.


So let me fight my own battle
and go get your dream job.

He barely got a slap on the wrist.

The news is full of stories
about servicewomen

that are being assaulted,
even k*lled, by men

that they'd already reported
for harassment.

But the harassment itself is
still not being taken seriously.

Something's got to change.

Do you have to be the one to change it?

Well, I let him slide once,
and you paid for it.

No telling how many others did, too.

I got to try.

I'm pulling my application.

You can't do...

By the time another dream job
rolls around,

we will have nailed Whitshaw,
and any claims

that he's filed against me
will not carry any weight.

If we succeed.

There's no guarantee.

ALPHA PILOT: Victor - , this is
Victor - . We are breaking off.

Roger that, - . Stay safe out there.

- out.

Five mikes out.

Looks like Boko's pushing the Nigerians

closer to the pipeline.

We're definitely gonna see some action.

Get us as far north
to the LZ as you can.

BRAVO PILOT: Door-to-door
service is our specialty.

One mike out.


Go! Go!

All right, boys, listen,
whatever happened on the boat

stays on the boat.
Time to pay the bills.

Roger that, Bravo .

Clay, lead us out.

Havoc, this is .
Passing Washington and Miami.

Good copy, .

Have a nice walk. Havoc out.

Eyes on objective. We're out.

On you.

SOTO: Any progress maintaining

- comms with the Nigerians?
- IT , try partner force again,

see if you can make comms.

Delta, this is Havoc Base.
Radio check, over.


Delta, this is Havoc Base.
Radio check, over.

Yeah. Still nothing.

With one ISR platform,
we can't have eyes everywhere.

The Nigerians need to keep us informed.

Alpha reports he's been
communicating with them

on the ground, but
they don't sound like...

Oh, yeah, hey, take a look at this.

You got group of Boko fighters
headed toward Bravo's position.

Uh, must've broken the Nigerian
front before Alpha landed.

Doesn't make sense to
collapse Alpha back to Bravo

with the partner force
this heavily engaged.

I agree. Need Alpha
in place as the blocking force

in case more Boko break free
from the Nigerians.

Let Bravo know they got
enemy headed their way.

On it.

DAVIS: Bravo , this is Havoc.

Be advised you have
a team of enemy soldiers

headed towards your position.

Good copy, Havoc.

Eyes open, boys!



Looks like about eight of 'em!

One belt fed.


And an RPG.


We got to move left. Clay, Metal, on me.

- The rest of you set a base here. Move.
- Moving.

Keep up the rate of fire 'till
Jason can flank these guys!



(g*nf*re CONTINUES)







Metal, check the wash.

- Copy.
- We'll move down.

Bravo ,

hit 'em hard.

Copy, !

On you.

♪ ♪


(g*nf*re IN DISTANCE)

- Cover me. Moving!
- Move!

Go, go, go!



(g*nf*re IN DISTANCE)

Wash is clear for about yards.

Then it fades up into the hill.

(g*nf*re CONTINUES)

- Cover our as*ault.
- Roger that.


Brock! On me!

JASON: Clay, on you.


Frag out.


- (g*nsh*t)

(g*nf*re IN DISTANCE)




Open it.



- Clear.
- Metal, collapse to me.

- Moving.
- Let's link back up with Ray,

- set security on the site. Got it?
- Roger that.

(g*nf*re IN DISTANCE)

Contact right!

Metal, move!








- Jace.
- Yeah.

You good?


- Huh? You good?
- Oh, yeah.



Come on.

- Let's go. Get up. Get up.


Metal's still outside.



Do it. Push.

(expl*si*n IN DISTANCE)

The RPG tore him up.

But not us, thanks to him.

Call in a CASEVAC now. Move.

- Come on.
- Havoc, this is Bravo .

We got one Sierra Whiskey.

Requesting immediate CASEVAC
to primary LZ.

How copy?

Good copy. Stand by, .

- Was that a Sierra Whiskey call?
- Yes, sir.

- Who's down?
- They didn't say.

Tap into Jason's ATAK.


It's Metal.

- Get them what they need.
- On it.

RAY: Bravo , this is .
We're pushing right.

Can you get some fire up
on that ridgeline above us?

Get some fire down on that
ridgeline so the boys can move!

Move! Come on, Metal.


♪ ♪



Shift fire, shift fire,

shift fire!

That was Clay popping sh*ts
off on that berm!

Must mean Metal's down!

Metal's more machine than man.

- He'll be fine.
- Toughest frogman I know.

RAY: Bravo , this is .
We're all clear here.

Do you want us to fall back
to your position?

Negative, . Yeah, you're Charlie Mike.

I need you to get to the
access point, set up defense.

Good copy.

Let's move, boys. (GRUNTS)

How is he?

He's banged up. We got
to get him out of here.

DAVIS: Bravo , there are
no CASEVAC on station.

Your infil bird's ETA is seven minutes.

Roger that. Bravo out.

All right, listen,

I want you to ride back with him
in the bird. You got it?

You sure you don't want another g*n here
in case Boko doesn't let up?

You got the most trauma
medicine than anyone

on that insert bird, all right?

Your mission now is to keep him alive.

All stations, be advised.

Nigerian forces report
roughly fighters moved

down the MSR before Alpha
was able to establish

a blocking force on the road.

All right, listen. We need
to get to the LZ and secure it

before Boko does.
You got it? Get him up.


Havoc, this is Bravo .
We have three enemy vehicles

headed to our position.
We're setting an ambush.

♪ ♪

(PANTS) Hang in there, buddy.

We're almost there. Come on. (EXHALES)

♪ ♪

Call in when you're set.

- BROCK: I'm-I'm set.
- TRENT: Set.

I am set.

I can see the convoy.

Stand by.


Light 'em up.




Anybody have a shot?!


SONNY: Negative.

I'm on it!


Cease-fire! Cease-fire!


Truck beat feet over them hills.

So where the hell's he going?




Let's move! Pick him up!





Watch over him. You understand?

- I got him.
- Get him back to the ship

and get your ass back here
as soon as possible.

Roger that!

♪ ♪

CLAY: Get back to the helo!
Get back to the helo!


(g*nf*re CONTINUES)

Get back! Get back! Back!

(g*nf*re CONTINUES)


♪ ♪

Stay with me, brother! Stay with me!

I got to get back to Bravo!

Metal doesn't have time.
You can't go back.

Bravo , this is .

You got Bravo Team till I get back.

Good copy, . Bravo out.

Door gunner's good.
He just took a ricochet to the plate,

knocked the wind out of him.
How's Metal?

He's in trouble. Give me the bag.

I need some shears to cut off this vest.

Come on. Move. Give me the shears.

That's it.


Okay, easy.

All right.

Hold on.

- That's not a frag wound.
- Yeah.

- Feels like Rice Krispies.
- Crepitus.

It's an exit wound. He took a round.

You got veins popping out
on the right side.

Yeah, only half his chest
rises when he breathes.

His right side's pumping,
left one's not.

Tension pneumothorax.

Give me a dart and some
chest seals. Hurry up.

- You got it.

All right.


- Ever do a needle decompression?
- Only on a pig.

There's a first time for
everything. Right there.

Tap it in right there.

Hit down hard.

Okay. Pull that out.


That's in.

It's working.

Take this thing off. If it comes out,

got to put it back in again,
all right, or we're gonna lose him.

Bravo , this is . What's your SITREP?


Bravo , this is .

- What's your SITREP?
- SONNY: Got two more to the left.

Someone's got a hot mic.
They can't hear you.

Yeah, but we can hear them.

You got Metal stabilized.

You've done everything you can.
Rest is on Ray.

That's what I'm afraid of.



BROCK: Ray, need a hand!






- Ray, sh**t him!

sh**t him!

- Get off!

Take the shot, Ray!

- Help!
- Ray!


Ray, take the shot!


sh**t him!




- Brock, you okay?
- Thanks to Sonny.

What the hell, Ray. You froze up.

I was clearing downrange.
I knew you had Brock.

It was the first time
I got the drop on you.

You all right? Pull it together, man.


- check your damn mic.
- What the hell was that about?

That was Ray coming apart.

I got to get back to him
before he does real damage.

Bravo , this is . What's your status?

Bravo , this is . What's your status?

RAY: Bravo , target is secure.

Enemy has retreated out of the
complex. We're re-orging now.

BRAVO PILOT: We have a column
of vehicles moving west.


Incoming SAM!

Hold Metal down!




Clip it, will ya?

With everything that's going on,

I don't need you
Brocking yourself. Clip it!

Who the hell's popping off SAMs?

Okay, keep him stable.

Havoc! Havoc, this is .
I'm on Victor - .

Radio check.

Got you loud and clear,
Bravo . Go ahead.

We just got engaged by SAMs.
They came from a convoy.

Good copy, .

Oh, easy. Ease up, ease up.

Easy, easy. Hey, hey, hey, easy.

- So, all the boys good?
- Still in the fight.

We're almost at the ship.

Hey, hey, hey. Stay, stay, stay, stay.

- Mor-Morphine.
- Morphine.

- Give me the morphine stick, will ya?
- Yeah.

Look, your blood pressure's low.
I can only give you one.

My mom used to put
more than that in my sippy cup.


Here it comes.

All right. Easy.

If that convoy's heading
towards the pipeline,

then Bravo's gonna get hit again.


SOTO: You're certain Hayes said
it was a surface-to-air m*ssile?

Yes, sir, fired by a convoy
within the target area.

That kind of firepower
doesn't track with Boko.

Be nice to get eyes on them,
figure out who they are.

With only one ISR platform,
hate to leave Bravo in the blind.

Yes, but if they're headed
in Bravo's direction,

that could be enough firepower
to tip the scales

in Boko's favor.


Pull ISR off target.

Get eyes on that convoy.

Just hang in there a little
longer for me, all right?

Is that morphine helping?

Yeah, but it's not touching my leg.

What do you mean, your leg?

I'm pretty sure it's broken.

Probably from the blast shockwave.

It's not an open fracture,
but it's definitely broken.

- Clay, don't tell the boys.
- Tell 'em what?

I'm not actually made of metal.


That's it.

Hey, Clay did your needle decompression.

First time. You know what that means?

- Case of beer.
- Case of beer! (LAUGHS)

Hey, get the traction
splint out, will you?


You got a broken femur.
I don't want any of those

bone splinters cutting
your artery, got it?

- Yeah. It's gonna hurt a little bit.
- All right.

This is gonna hurt.

You stay with me.

We're almost home.

You understand me? Almost home.

Stay with me, man.

Okay, ISR's over the convoy.

Looks like they've got mortars

in addition to that MANPAD.

The question is, are these guys headed

to support Boko against the Nigerians,

or are they making
a run on the pipeline?

Well, if it's the latter,
they're gonna need

more firepower to fend them off.

It will be easier to acquire it

if we can identify
who the hell they are.

They must be connected
to the folks we discovered

funneling Boko money and tech.

I'll call the OGA units in the area,

see if they've picked up on anything.

My team's moving to Bravo's location.

Bravo's down three men.

Tell your boys to double-time it.

Even together, the teams are gonna be

outgunned and outmanned.

RAY: Sounds like another wave
could be headed our way.

- What's the plan?
- You know the terrain.

Trust your head more than mine.

How do you feel about
splitting up Alpha?

Not exactly boasting a platoon here.

You sure dividing our limited
r*fles makes sense?

Do you really think the enemy's gonna

come down the MSR again, Warrant?

If they come from the east,
it'll have to be on foot.

Road won't support vehicles.

TRENT: Those two trucks we fried earlier

are still blocking the road,

so it might buy some time
if they come that way.

Good. Sonny.

Take Brock, half of Alpha,

cover the north side of the complex.

- The rest of us will cover down south.
- Roger that.

RAY: All right, let's move out.

♪ ♪

You're clear!

Hurry him in, let's go!

Okay, I'm up.
Gonna need you to roll him.

- Watch his femur, it's broken.
- Got it.

Let's tip him. Let's tip him.

MEDIC: Lock him down.

MEDIC : He's strapped in, ready to go.

- Ready?
- Go.

All right, all right, I've got him.

- Hey, hang in there, brother.
- Easy day.

That's right, man, easy day.
You hang in there.

He made it back to the ship
alive, thanks to you.

How bad is Metal?

He's torn up, but he's stable.

Look, you figure out who's firing
those missiles on the ground?

Yes. Russian contractors.

Probably former Spetznatz,
the way they moved.

Big escalation from Boko rock throwers.

You're trying to tell me
that Bravo's down three to one

against the Kremlin's private army?

That explains the heavy firepower.

- Have they engaged yet?
- Negative.

- All right.
- DAVIS (OVER COMM): Bravo , this is Havoc.

The enemy convoy is ten klicks
to your north,

moving on your pos.
They're Russian contractors.

Bravo's about to get crushed.

We have to get back in the fight.

She say Russians?

Ray, we're way too exposed out here.

(a*tillery FIRE)

Havoc, this is Bravo .
We are under fire.

- I say again, we are under fire.
- (expl*si*n)