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04x13 - Do No Harm

Posted: 11/26/21 18:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...




- Raymond!
- Hey, I told you...

Raymond. Please. You're scaring her.

MINA: Nice to finally meet
you, Warrant Officer Perry.

Excited to be working with you, Mina.

SONNY: See, I did not join the Navy

to end up on a damn ship.

You are gonna make a great father

to our little girl.

Wow, it's, it's a girl.

THEO: All that baggage
that comes from w*r,

it just doesn't go away.

If you really want to
protect your brothers,

you can't just be their sheepdog
when you're downrange.






Anyone up?

Hey, man.

Shouldn't be in here.

Hey, you hear me?


Please, sit.

We've got a lot to catch up on.

Your brothers, they came for you.

It was too late for me,

but you got to go home to your family.

And then, would you
believe it, you got to hurt

the man who hurt you.

I-I'm sorry you didn't get
to go home and I did.

At least one of us got the happy ending.

So why aren't you happy?

You can have this, too.

Eat, Ray. We both know
you're still starving.



♪ ♪

Where the hell have you been?

The ship store's like a
Black Friday w*r zone, man.

- Had to beat the, uh, had to beat the crowd.

Brock, here you go.

- Oh.
- Ginger ale and enough Dramamine

that you won't feel
motion till you're .

And then, Trent,

little nectar of the hypochondriacs.

TRENT: Nice. Yeah, well,
Sonny's wrong about sharks.

Scurvy's the real k*ller out here.

What do you got, a journal
for everyone's problems?

The way we've been on top
of each other this last week?

Couldn't ignore these guys'
issues if I wanted to.




Rough night in the penthouse, huh?

Looks like you're operating on no sleep.

Ship groans and whines,
can't block it out.

Well, officer quarters ain't no match

for the comforts of home, right?

Huh? How's everyone back there?

- Good. Life goes on.
- Yeah?

You've actually been talking to them?

What do you mean?

Well, I mean, I-I didn't get Wi-Fi

or cell signal once yesterday.

Barely talked to Stella for five
minutes since we got here,

but you've been able to
get through to Naima?

(LAUGHS SOFTLY) I'm just lucky, I guess.

Well, good news is, we're
going top deck today.

- That's it, right? Get some fresh air.
- What?

Little bit of sunshine for
you, Brocky boy, huh?

(LAUGHS): Hit the sh**ting range?

- Where's Quinn?
- I'll tell you what, smell those casings,

- and sh**t our woes...
- Where's Quinn?

Is there a problem, sir?

SOTO: I just learned
you dropped the ball

as Bravo rep at yesterday's
general quarters meeting.

Failed to book the deck
space for range time,

so we won't be going topside today.

What the hell, Sonny?

Also learned you sauntered

into that meeting minutes late.

You got something to say?

Well, maybe you just chose the wrong guy

to be secretary...

- sir.
- Say that again, Petty Officer?

- Look, I can handle this.
- Well, you should have handled it before it happened.

Shouldn't be news to you, Master Chief.

Spenser, you're the new Bravo
rep for general quarters.

Copy, sir.

What the hell was that, huh?
You screwed up, you own it.

Right? You don't make it
worse by mouthing off.

What are you, my guidance counselor?

I thought all you cared about

was me putting holes in skulls.

Or you just pissed that
this blew back on you?

It's just, you had one job.

All you had to do was show
up and sit in the meeting.

You should be able to
do something like that.

Well, maybe you overestimated me.

Seems to be going around lately.

All right, look, is this, is this about

what's going on back home,
with the baby and all?

I thought... I thought that
was all squared away, huh?

Did something change?

I could ask you the same damn thing.

All of a sudden you're interested
in my personal issues?

You playing shrink, me
playing secretary? Hmm?

It's in neither one of our lanes.

So why don't you and I
just stick to who we are?

CLAY: Rats?

The apartment's never had rats.

maybe they're b-being stealthy

when they know that there's
a trained sn*per's around.

- I don't know.
- Did you tell the landlord?

No, you didn't put me on the lease.

I'm a squatter in my own home.

- Rat-infested home.
- I'm sorry.

Uh, adding you to the lease, it just...

all kind of fell through the cracks

'cause I had to blow out so fast.

Are you sure you're not just hearing,

- like, some-some water or something...
- No, no, no, no.

Do not start mansplaining
my paranoid ears,

because so help me...

I will call the landlord.

How's, uh, how's ship life?

I just inherited some menial job

that Sonny couldn't handle.

Honestly? It feels like, lately,

that every Bravo problem
has become my problem.

Our problem.

You know, Jason's trial,
Ray at our place.

Well, maybe it's 'cause the guys know

that they can rely on you.

Unless they have a rodent issue.

And then... mm. (CHUCKLES)

Sorry, I know it's late there.

You need to get some sleep.

Can we at least talk at
the same time tomorrow?

I can't. I, uh...

New job has me on the
hook every morning.

All right.

I'll try the landlord.

Please stay safe. I'll try
and do the same, okay?

- I love you.
- Love you.




Blasting our cares away
on deck would've been nice.

Wish Sonny hadn't have torpedoed that.

Yeah, you know, something's got
him spinning, that's for sure.

(EXHALES) Yeah, whatever
it is, he'll, uh,

put it in a box when
it's time to operate.

That's all that matters, right?

Yeah. Hey, look, I took your advice.

I went and saw Theo.

I bet that meant a lot to him.

Did you know that he was using
pills when he was operating?

I didn't. He was right there next to me.

(EXHALES) That's not Sonny's issue.

Clay would know.

I should know.

Should open up my eyes more around here.

Hey. Don't tell me Soto's scolding
actually got to you, brother.

No, it's not him. It's... it was Theo.

Theo told me I should be more connected

with my brothers inside the wire.

- You know?

You know Theo's just chattering
from the sidelines, man.

You spend your energy
on everyone's drama

and some other part
of your job will pay.

You know, there's nothing
wrong with trying to evolve.

You know that box

Sonny puts his problem
in when it's go time?


You start opening it and you
don't know what you'll find.

Maybe something you can't work.

Like what?

Just trust me.

No need to switch up what's
gotten you this far, Jace.

You... start hunting
everyone's problems,

and you'll get more
than what you wanted.



CLAY: Please tell us we caught an op?

Or did Sonny forget to book that, too?

- Oh. Zinger.
- We're in luck.

Bravo's good work last week paid off.

That w*rlord we helped,

he's still keeping his end of the deal?

Moussa has confirmed a time and location

for a defecting Boko Haram
lieutenant, Oruku Atanga,

to come into U.S. custody.

Now, Atanga's position

among Boko leadership
means his cooperation

will give the Agency an
unprecedented opportunity

for Intel on the t*rror1st group.

This HVT could be the piece
that starts to topple

the entire organization.

Job we were sent here to do.

Bravo Team will rendezvous
with Atanga today at hours,

in a market area on
the outskirts of Maroua.

Moussa will be there to
ensure a smooth handoff.

Sorry, but who picked
this time and place?

I mean, in public, daytime?
Puts us on our heels.

The asset's defection has to be
carried out under conditions

that make him feel comfortable.

MINA: Agency insists Atanga
has been thoroughly vetted.

Even if he's playing fair,

there's plenty of danger
surrounding him.

To start, the , -strong

Boko force that he's betraying.

HVT's definitely gonna
have a bull's-eye on him.

Yeah, one we'll be wearing
the whole time we're with him.

RAY: Infil's gonna be tricky.

Lots of unfriendly eyes in the area.

SONNY: My vote is we helo in a market

and scoop our Benedict Boko up.

Objective is to stay no-viz,

so Bravo will drive in using a cover.

Pose as members of an American NGO

that builds infrastructure
for developing communities.

Uh, these so-called charity workers,

- are they rocking full kit and r*fles?
- Negative.

You'll be rolling slick for the meet.

Daytime, public, and under-gunned.

- Bingo card of sketchy's filling up.
- JASON: We can handle it.

It feels like two vehicles to me.

Ray, Sonny, me,

HVT in the lead.

- Rest of the team follows.
- Right.

SOTO: Swap Quinn and Spenser.

Excuse me?

- Put Spenser up with you in HVT.

His language skills could come in handy.

- Quinn's in the rear. Just a sh**t.

- That's not how I want it.
- SONNY: No, no, no, no.

It suits me fine, Jace.

Just a sh**t.

He got me pegged.

JASON: I'll pin the routes.

Clay, Sonny, prep the contingency cases.

Got it? Roll out at .

Hey, uh, thanks again for
putting general quarters

- duty on my plate.
- Well, you know,

Principal Soto's just
returning everything

to its natural order.

I'm the glue-sniffer kid

in the back of the class,

and you are the Bravo rep
that's polishing his apples.

That meeting every morning is
a time suck that I don't need.

It's hard enough staying
connected with Stella.

All right, well, you just need to...

tighten the reins there, Blond Beauty.

You know, team guys' relationships

blow up fast enough.

No point in burning through it all

while you're here.

I'm probably gonna ignore
advice from someone

who just stumbles
blindly into everything.

You got me there.

Blind, and you might as
well add deaf and dumb.

Look, man, the, uh, reason
I was late to that meeting

was, I got an email from
Hannah that she was having

some sort of complications.

She and the baby okay?

Yeah, just no thanks to me.

I was like a damn goat on Astroturf.

Just no sense of how
to help or comfort her.

The email just got me
so twisted up, I-I...

I blanked on the meeting
and I let Bravo down.

Just a typical Sonny Quinn
soup sandwich.

You could have just
explained all that to Soto.

What, and make more of a fool of myself?

Be like, "Hey, I'm the one
that started the trash fire,

and that was me actually trying".

So instead you just let him think

that you're a dumbass knuckle-dragger.

Seems pretty clear that's
what everyone already thinks.

I don't know, maybe I
should just stop fighting it.

♪ ♪

Havoc, this is . We're passing Mercury.

DAVIS (OVER COMM): That's a good copy.

You are mikes to
the meeting location.

Havoc out.

Is it wrong to admit that
I'm jealous they got to leave?


Yeah, not loving life on board myself.

Lieutenant Davis, how's
that crypto key working out?

There's nothing to report,
Lieutenant Commander Whitshaw.


Hey, um...

something going on with
Lieutenant Commander Whitshaw?

Mm, nothing worth discussing.


The way you reacted to him,

I'm just wondering if he's doing to you

what he did to me.


I was fresh enlisted.

He was an ensign.

We had supply detail together.

So at first I thought he was funny.

You know, charming even.

But then he started
getting more aggressive.

I'd be trying to work,

and he'd be badgering me
about what kind of guy I liked,

what I fantasized about.

I tried to laugh it off,
but it only got uglier.

And here I'd hoped he'd changed.

- It's just talk.
- For now.

Look, it's sexual harassment.

Same as back then.

And I wish that I had been
brave enough to report him.

But now you're an officer

mandated to put it on paper
if you know of something.

There's nothing to report.

You know, the Navy
has gotten a lot better

- about handling...
- I'm here to do a job,

one I'm damn good at, and
I don't need a distraction.

Nothing to report, Lieutenant.


You know, I realize I shouldn't
agree with Sonny,

but are we sure letting a mass m*rder*r

call where and when was a good idea?

JASON: I'll take an ambush over
that floating asylum any day.

Can't argue with that.


Go, Moussa. Mr. Moussa?

Calm down, I-I don't understand.

- Sounds like our w*rlord is a little rattled.
- Yeah.

Boko att*cked our HVT at the
meet site, left him for dead.

Yeah. Yeah...

Moussa bugged out when he
heard the ambulance coming.

Okay, yeah.

Have Davis find out where an
ambulance would've taken Atanga.

Havoc, this is .

Frag-O. Stand by.


Whoa, that's our man.


Can I help you?

Yeah, hi, we're, uh...

we're actually with an aid organization,

and the gentleman in this bed here

is an associate of ours,
and we'd like to take him to

our medical facility.

The man in the bed isn't going anywhere.

He's clinging to life.

Well, we can arrange for
a medevac helo for him.

Asset like that, must be
some aid organization.

All right, look, the truth is,

we're with the U.S. Department of State,

working in conjunction
with your government.

Whoever you are, the
puncture in his carotid

needs immediate surgical intervention.

I'm prepping for that right now.

- He cannot be moved.
- How long?

An hour, a strong dose
of luck, and he's possibly

stable enough to transport.


Now what, Jason?

At some point, Boko's gonna
realize he's still alive.

How long till they come
back to finish the job?

We're not going anywhere.

Bravo spending an hour
in an unplanned location

isn't something we should
feel comfortable with.

Yeah, Atanga's presence in
the hospital makes it a target.

And Bravo's presence attracts suspicion.

If Boko finds out who's
in there with them,

they will not hesitate
to torch the building.

Civilians included.

Navy's medical team agrees
with the doctor's assessment.

It's too risky to transport
Atanga right now.

Jason said they pulled a cell
phone from the HVT's pocket.

It could have Intel on it.

Might be best for Bravo
to take it and exfil.

Agency doesn't want what's in his phone,

they want what's in his head.

- That's the mission.
- You heard the shape he's in.

Chance he ever says
a word is a long shot

that's costing us more every minute.

There's no QRF, the
team's got limited gear.

Yeah. Understood.

But we have no indication that Boko's

even aware that
Atanga's at the hospital.

Bravo will hold position there.

You think she realizes she's
treating a public enemy?

Atanga didn't have an ID.

CLAY: She seems unfazed.
Probably doesn't know.

Or she knows exactly
what she's dealing with

and just pro enough to block it out.

Let too much in, the scalpel gets shaky.

Ready if this gig switches
from acoustic to electric.


Dig in, boys.

We'll hole up here, watch the cams,

emerge heavy if necessary.

Okay. Get your popcorn ready, friendo.

You have one for me?

(CHUCKLES) Nice try, buddy.



Damn it. Bravo .

Our guy just got made.

Hey, give me that.
Give me the phone. Now!

She just told someone he's here.

Word's out.

Why would you do that, huh?

No, hey, Ray, knock it off.

What's going on?

That man is a monster!

A butcher!

We are helping him?!

All right, look. Doctor? Doctor.

Hey, step back now.

Looks like we're gonna have company.

Tell everybody, all right?

Roger that.

They realize whose life they're saving?

I don't think, uh, they're
gonna be saving anyone now.

Listen, Doctor, I understand.

You understand nothing.

My staff knows the horrors
this man has inflicted

against their neighbors, their friends.

This is my ward,

and I will not ask them to
disregard their feelings.

Hey, I-I bet you treated patients from,

from Boko's attack on the farm
in Balaza two weeks ago.

And from the m*ssacre in the
Gayak market the month before?

An awful day for all of us.

Look, we know he's a monster.

Okay, we were sent to bring him
in to find out what he knows

so the next awful day doesn't happen.

Look, the greater good
sometimes requires

we have to do things we're not proud of.

We have to keep Atanga alive.




We'll take him in to operate now.



- Anything in SIGINT?
- Yeah.

Rumors of Atanga being at
that hospital are spreading.

You know, social media, local news site.

Boko's S.O.P. suggests
they won't wait long

to act on their unfinished business.

Yeah, I've requested ISR to get us

a better visual on the
hospital's perimeter,

but that's still a ways out.

Until then, Bravo's eyes
are all we've got.



Surgery was successful.

Vitals are improving.

I'll let you know when
he's stable enough

- for transport.
- Thank you.

Havoc, this is . Launch
a medevac to our location.

All right, put it in a
five-minute racetrack.

- Doctor?
- Hmm?

Ma'am, I, uh...

I just want to apologize
for my outburst earlier.

My wife's an E.R. nurse, and
I get how stressful it is.

Never know what will land in here.

Wading through blood and pain all day...

you shouldn't be getting
yelled at on top of it.

Your job's not without its share
of blood and pain, is it?

I don't think I ever said
what my job is exactly.

Didn't need to.

I bet you'd agree, the
blood's not the hard part.

The wounds you can't see
are the hardest to deal with.

As I'm sure your wife knows.

What's that supposed to mean?

Just an observation.

No, but what are you trying to say?

Lady, you don't know anything about me.


What was that all about?

Talking like she knows me, knows Naima.

She doesn't know anything about me.

Everything okay?

Yeah, excitement never ends.


What happened to the little boy?

Struck by a car.

Little boy's a fighter.

He's about to go in for another surgery.


Is he gonna be okay?

God willing.

Children are resilient.

But I worry about his father.

By his side day and night.

Doesn't eat, doesn't sleep.

His job refused time off, he quit.

Imagine that kind of devotion.

TRENT: Bravo , Bravo ,
need you in the security room.

Got a situation.

Fighting-age male down in
the lobby with a machete.

I don't think he's
asking for more Jell-O.

Guys are here for blood.

And not just Atanga's.







Bravo , this is .

We got three Tangos
down hard in the lobby.

Copy that, Bravo .

TRENT: Another five local inside.

They're splitting up, coming
in from different directions.

Too many. At least we
know what they're after.

Listen, all Bravo elements, tell
people to clear the hallways.

Let's rally outside the O.R.


Hey, we got to clear the hallways.

- Get away from the O.R., go!
- But what is happening?

Go, you got to go, move.

All right, look, we know
they're on their way here,

so, Clay, Sonny, Brock, Metal,

split up, take 'em out
before they get here.

The rest of us will protect the O.R.

♪ ♪

- (g*nf*re)

- (g*nshots)

Bravo elements, this is .

Got two Tangos down at my pos.

Not too shabby.

I just dropped three over here.

Copy, .

Trigger finger's the
one reliable fiber in me.


Any more movement?

SONNY: Nothing yet.

Spoke too soon.

These guys are done playing.

All Bravo elements,
collapse to strongpoint O.R.

- How many we looking at?
- Ten.

- Maybe more.
- Aw, should've brought my belt-fed.

Look, they're coming in quick,
so get to our position...

SONNY: Who the hell throws
a grenade in a hospital?








JASON: Hold fire! Hold fire!

Go check the bodies.

Havoc, this is . Building's clear.

HVT is secure at this time.
You have any traffic for us?

Copy, . ISR is on station
now. Stand by.

Get our umbrella up just
as the storm's passed.

Well, I don't know if
it's blue skies quite yet.

Got two vehicles parked in
the back of the hospital.

Couple of packs in each.

Yeah, looks like they're
glassing the building.

Could be Boko spotters,
waiting for others to show up.

Yeah, I wonder what their third run

at this guy's gonna look like.

SONNY: Oh, no.

He was worried about his son.

I told him to get away from
the O.R. and take cover.

Hey, man.

You did your best.

I'm so sorry.


What's going on?

The carotid shunt is thrombosed.

Appears he had a stroke,
some internal hemorrhaging.

Well, then get back in
there and stabilize him.

That requires another operation.

But there are six people downstairs.

Innocent people, who were just

gravely injured in that attack.

Half the staff fled in fear.
They need me down there.

You operate on him first,
then you take care of them.

I understand the "greater good",

what Atanga's knowledge might mean.

But it means nothing to the
people who are bleeding out

right now, means nothing if he
can never speak that knowledge.

His odds of regaining
function are miniscule.

My directive is to keep him alive.

It's not my choice.

No. It's my choice.


So is she walking out of here or what?

We doubled-down this
far on this mudsucker,

and we're just gonna let her cut bait?

The whole point of this
mess is landing him.

Atanga's on death's door.

We'd be trading six
lives for a Hail Mary.

It ain't algebra, it's a mission...
we need her to get him

better and then we get
out of here. Simple.

Boko continues running
roughshod in this region,

a lot more than six
people are gonna pay.

Atanga can help with that.

And any chance of that
is hard to throw away.

If anyone can convince
her, it's Bravo .

So you do want it to be your choice?

There's no good call here.

You want to make it, be my guest.


Bravo's been radio
silent for minutes.

What are they doing?

Bravo , this is Havoc.

- What's your sitrep?
- Copy, Havoc.

- We're...
- Heart rate's dropping.

He's coding.

- Look, can you save him?
- There's nothing I can do.

Doctor's in surgery downstairs.


Bravo , come in, over.

Havoc, this is, uh, .

Go ahead, .

HVT is down hard. We've lost him.

Best shot we've ever had at Boko,

and it went right into the ground.

This op was a tightrope
walk from the outset.

There's nothing that anybody
could've done differently.

Well, we don't know that.

We don't know what went on in there.

Get them back here, so
Bravo can debrief me.

Bravo, this is Havoc. Boko
trucks are still on site,

but your route is open to
the west of the building.

You're clear to RTB.

Sonny's got the gear packed.

- Ready to roll out.
- Huh.

You made the right call.

Yeah. Boko's still out there, though.

Davis said that our route's
clear on the other side.

- Enemy won't be a problem.
- Not for us.

Hospital still has a bull's-eye on it.

You think the next wave might
still come crashing through.

Look, they don't know he's
dead. Our job's not finished.


CLAY: Bravo in position. Over.

On my mark, stand by.


two, one.



A wolf to the wolves.

They got what they came for.


All Bravo elements, this is .

Collapse back to the rally point.

We're RTB.


Any luck on Atanga's phone?

He may live to tell
Boko's secrets, after all.

Already found a promising
cache of files.

So maybe today wasn't a complete bust.

Don't break out the champagne.

Objective was to bring
in the man, not his Nokia.

AAR's gonna read failure.

We salvaged what we could
off a snake-bit mission.

Agency's having a hard time
buying there wasn't one moment

HVT was stable enough to extract.

(SCOFFS) Well, you know, medical
opinion, that's not my job.

Well, my job is justifying

the choices that were made, and
I'm still in the dark on that.

- Bottom line is...
- Bottom line

is that we got a lead on
Intel and a full head count.

So take the win, 'cause
you're lucky more lives

weren't lost, sir.

DAVIS: Hey, I hear it's, uh,

taco night.

You want to see what they
got left for the midrats?

Oh, you had me at carbs. I'm starving.

Hey, you guys grabbing a bite?

Mind if I tag along?

Y-You know what? I'm
just gonna rack out.


Are you still in, Davis,

now that we lost our third wheel?

You know what, I actually have been, um,

meaning to talk to you, uh...

... officer to officer.

Ah, that sounds intriguing.

Your behavior on the ship.

What about my behavior?

You've been making people uncomfortable.


Well, I know

my sense of humor isn't for
everyone. If I said something...

Yeah, you said a lot

to the women that have to work with you.

To me.

Back in Guam?

You made every day hard for me.


Oh, I didn't realize.

You always seemed, you know, game.

No, this is about your actions,

not about the act that I had to
perform to feel safe around you.

Well, look, I'm sorry.

I had a little crush on you,

I didn't know how to handle myself.

Then it ends now.

The harassment. You don't,

you don't treat anyone on this ship

the way that you treated me.

Yeah, absolutely.

Message received.

Oh, and, Lieutenant Davis,

I appreciate you coming to me with this.



That's some, uh... (CHUCKLES)

serious uplifting music
you got going on, man.

Tell you what, you play it backwards,

you get your horse back,
and maybe your truck.

The next track is called
"Waitin' Around to Die".

Usually gets people up dancing.

♪ ♪

- Yeah. Hey.

You want to tell me
what your problem is?

Oh, here we go. What, you,

you gonna blame the failed op on me?

This is not about the op, man.

I just got to make sure that
you're all squared away here

and when we get back home.

This is coming from a guy

who told me to keep
my eyes on the sandbox

instead of Texas when Hannah
tells me that she's pregnant.

You know, I think the,
uh, ship fumes are getting

- to your head there, Jace.
- Right.

You know, that little boy, uh,

he's gonna wake up in that hospital

and realize that his daddy's gone.

That man did everything right.

Gave every breath to that kid.

And this is how it all plays out.

"Just a sh**t".

I wasn't able to protect him.


this job is always gonna remind
us that life isn't fair, man.


What isn't fair is what
I'm doing to my kid.

She was conceived

in a screwup while I was
serving time for a screwup.

I mean, it's not like she's
just coming into this world

on a hot streak.

No, I just think...

... like maybe she'd be
better off without me.

(CLEARS THROAT) All right.

Listen, Sonny. (EXHALES)

- You're kidding me, right?
- What?

(SNIFFS) Yeah.

You're drinking? You're drinking.

If you get caught, this whole
team could get bounced...

- Oh, there's the Jace... There's the Jace I know.
- ... from deployment, right?

- Oh, yeah.
- Got to make better choices, Sonny. Stupid.


You know, I'm always
gonna be here for you.

You know that, right?

But you got to evolve.

Better choices. Copy?

Roger that.

- CLAY: Damn it.

Spenser. You have a minute?

You need my help with something, sir?


I'm just curious about your
take on what happened today.

Op was sideways from the start.

I'm guessing you helped
keep it on the rails?

We all did our part.

Well, it's becoming clear
to me that your part

is a lot more than
the Six on your sleeve.

Team's got some shaky pieces,
you're one who's solid.


Thought I was the one
you were warned about.

I was warned your ambition
and drive to lead

could be problematic.

Problem I think this team
could really use right now.

Look, I'm just here to kick doors.

You know, not really looking
for anything more.

Might buy that if I didn't
see how you study

Jason's every move.

And looking or not,

the job always finds those
who are capable of more,

pulls it out of them.

Try to make it work on your terms,

hold something back for yourself?

The job just gets greedier.

Not sure what more I can do, sir.

Job will let you know.

Got no doubt you'll rise to it.




Ship noises, they keeping you up again?

Uh... What's your excuse?

Eh, I opened one of those
boxes you warned me about.


Thought you could help
someone work their problem?

Let me guess,

reached your hand in and got bit, huh?

Nothing I couldn't handle.

Glad that worked out for you.

What happened with that doctor?

I mean,

she had you rattled.

Quit while you're ahead,
brother. It was nothing.

No, it wasn't nothing.

I mean, she nearly
jumped out of her shoes,

you came at her so hard.

She... I told her Naima was a nurse.

She pressed a little,
hit a nerve. That's all.

Same nerve that, uh, had
you sleeping in the cages?

All right, man, look, the truth is,

I left things a bit of a mess
back home with Naima.

Yeah, with everything you've
both been through, all right?

Captivity, being tortured.

No, it... We were off
since before all that.

But we'll work it out. It's...

It's not on you to fix
this problem for me.

I wouldn't think about
giving marriage advice

to the team unicorn.



So, uh,

that's what had you on edge, huh?

Actually, the truth is, it's a...

it's a load off just
sharing it with you.

Gonna sleep easier tonight.
Tell you that much.

Oh, glad I could help.

Guess that makes me two for two. Boom.

(LAUGHS) You're getting
cocky there, Dr. Phil.

What are you, you gonna
trade in your r*fle

- for a box of tissues?
- Another sideways op like today,

I might have to.