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04x09 - Reckoning

Posted: 11/26/21 18:34
by bunniefuu
Previously ON SEAL Team... is
everything okay with Sonny?

Might be a little off his
game. Why? I'm pregnant.

You're usually foaming at the
mouth to get out of Vah Beach.

Something's brewing in
Texas. Whatever's in Texas is

gonna be there when we come
back. I need you focused up.Yeah.

And Ray's now a warrant officer,
so your role has changed.

My team, my system.
Are you leaving me

'cause you have to go or
because you want to go?

You know I would never
willingly leave you, don't you?

How's he doing out here?
The fact that he

requested to start
his assignment

two weeks early sets
a pretty high bar.

The Navy didn't make you come
out here. You lied to me.

Cell phone
collected on target

points to our seller
as Yassine Kassen,

aka Raqqa Jacques.

Nice to put a name to the face.

You've seen this guy before?

When he tortured me in Syria.

Jason should know.

You don't say a word.

Part of my job is

keeping an eye on my team.

On me? On you.

You are distracting
me from my work.

Distracting you? Yes, you are.

Get some sleep, and get
on that plane tomorrow.

My men told
me you escaped your bindings.

You don't look like a magician,
so you are trained, no? Army?

Her name? Jameelah.

Who knows what
we've tapped into here,

but we're in.

Encryption's broken? Our chance

to crack open Raqqa
Jacques's entire operation.

Files and communications
on the hard drive

go back at least a year.

Well, I'm less interested in
his past than his present.

We need to prioritize
any reference

to the remaining two drones
or his current location.

It's been eight hours since
we grabbed the laptop.

Intel's got a
limited shelf life.

Morning, Master Chief.Morning.

Boys are packing up.

Getting ready to roll out.

Hate leaving the mission
when it's half done,

tell you that.

Especially when there's
two drones out there.

I'm trying to work
on that right now.


You got a new, uh,

new face on the board.

Yassine "Raqqa
Jacques" Kassen.

Our arms dealer
who also ex*cuted

the attack on the
U.S. base last month.

Well, sounds like enough for
a target package. Far from it.

Nothing's actionable.

Still trying to glean a
location on him and the drones.

How long's that gonna take?

Depends on how
distracted we are.

Like I told you
last night, Jace,

there's nothing
for you to do here.


Your op, Ray. Good luck.

Go, Jace. Let me do my job.

Uh, I was just coming
to say goodbye.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

Just trying to concentrate.

I'll get us some coffees.

So, I take it you
haven't changed your mind

about letting Jason in on
who Raqqa Jacques is to you?

Right now, he's a
ghost on a hard drive.

And Jason's leaving.

Why read him in? Nothing
to do operationally,

but maybe he can help you.

Help me how?

I don't recall too many friends
in that room with Raqqa Jacques,

and I'm still standing.

Ray. Nobody's facing him
till I can find him.

And that's not happening
until I can focus, so...


Take care of yourself, Ray.

I'm thinking maybe
we ask this pilot

to divert to this
sandbox's Sin City.

Don't really feel
like touching down

in the real world quite yet.

You got something hanging
over you back home, Sonny?

Nah, it ain't that.

Uh, you're
ducking something.

Debt collector? A warrant?

Hit man?

Since when does a man need
a reason to escape reality?

According to Winona
Ryder, it bites.

Okay, uh, so,
back in Vah Beach,

what's up next for us

on, uh, Soto's master plan?

Uh, four days of
supervising dive training

for a group of techs.

Terrific. Babysitting a bunch
of Urkels with snorkels.

Any way Jace can
talk 'em out of it?

No. He
wanted to tear up

Soto's schedule the
moment he saw it,

but we stood him
down. Really?

How'd he take that?

worse than he let on.

The guy comes back to Bravo.

He's got a new boss, new system.

Comes over here, and
Ray's calling the sh*ts.

Might make him wonder
where he stands.

Bravo's still his team.

And anyone that forgets
that, Lord have mercy.


Well, this could've been my
last time out with Bravo.

Wish we weren't going
out with a whimper.


That's-that's got
to feel heavy, huh?


I'm okay with it,
though, you know.

The decision I made.

We made, right? Mm.

So, now it's happening.

Right. Yeah, it's good.

It's good.

Everything okay
with you and Ray?

Thought I picked up on some
static back at the hotel.

Yeah, just... just
some growing pains.

Yeah, you'll get back
on the same page.

Maybe we were never
on the same page.

Now that he's warrant officer,
maybe... maybe you can say that.

Yeah, you know, I assumed
that he was just...

staking his ground
as warrant, too,

but now...


You think what he went
through in Tunisia

is finally sinking in?

He's trained to handle that.

For weeks, he's telling
methat he's fine,

you know, everything's okay.

You know, I come back to
Bravo, and I'm thinking

this is where I'm meant to be.

But, you know, with
Ray, the energy's off.

I just feel like I'm losing him.

He told me not to tell you. What?

This HVT he's hunting,
that Raqqa Jacques,

it's the same guy
who held him c*ptive,

who tortured him.

He's going after him alone.

Why the hell didn't he tell me?


Copy. It's Ray.

He needs us back there.

All right.

The actionable intel comes

so let's get into
it. Ray, we need to talk.

Not now, Jason.

HVT's name is Yassine
Kassen. French-Algerian.

Known in jihadi circles
as Raqqa Jacques.

Earned his caliphate
cred in Raqqa

during the siege of that city,
and for the last three years

has been leading a
paramilitary offshoot of AKM.

Leading them in
what? Whole gamut.

Propaganda, recruiting
fighters, raising money.

Helped build a robust
trafficking network.

Weapons, women.

May have dabbled in
kidnap and ransom.

You sure he didn't get his
hands dirtier than that?

He's been using arms sales
to fund direct actions.

ex*cuted the drone attack on the
U.S. base in Baghdad that k*lled

12 service members.
And now...

we believe he plans to
deploy his remaining drones

to take down two commercial
airliners 72 hours from now.

Laptop we recovered
contained flight data,

which can be programmed
into the weaponized drones.

Even if those flights
are notified and grounded,

which blows our op here,
there's no telling where

he shifts the drones' crosshairs
once they've launched.

We got a location on 'em?

The drones? Not yet.

But we're circling one
of his close lieutenants.

Syrian national
named Dabir Ganim.

Intel says
he's currently staying

somewhere in Bisharat Square,

right here in Irbid.

Bravo Team is gonna
aid me in tracking him

so we can tap into his network

and find the
remaining two drones.

And Raqqa Jacques?

Goes without saying.

All right, let's finish the job.


Go ahead, drop
your bags upstairs,

then we'll get into
mission details.

So, why don't you tell
me who he really is?

I reported the intel to
those who needed to know.


It's background, not relevant
to the current operation.

Of course it's relevant.

Is that why you came
out here early? Huh?

You've been tracking this
guy for weeks. No, no, no, no.

I did not find out he was
involved until last night.

Ah. What?

Davis didn't tell you that
when she ran her mouth?

Look, who he is doesn't
change anything.

Then why'd you keep it from me?

Because I've been
working the problem alone

since that b*mb threw
me across the room.

I'm squared away, so I do
not need you playing hero.

We got an op to focus on, okay?

So do not mention it to anyone.

I'm the officer in charge,

and if you cannot
honor those terms,

Jason, I will cank this op.

Understood? Copy that,

Warrant Officer Perry.

Bravo will fan out
in Bisharat Square,

and this device
will use your phones

to scan for cell IPs in
a hundred-yard radius,

funneling the data back to Ray.

Get a hit on the target's IP,

we'll be able to
close in on him.

This lieutenant
we're after,

he happen to be a catfishing
Moldovan dude named Igor?

'Cause Brock's phone is really
great at finding them.

You would have
fallen for her, too.

All right, let's focus
up, okay? Yo.

Mina read you in on the tech?

Yup, all set to join you in the
S.A. world of secrets and lies.

I just hope that we can adapt
as quickly as you have, Ray.

We locate Ganim, we stay on him

until there's a chance to
snatch him and cell his phone.

Now, I do not need
to remind you,

we are unwelcome guests
here, which means

the Jordanian authorities cannot
catch one whiff of us operating.

That's why we're
bringing pistols.

Last resort only.

This gets loud, it
means we've failed.

But we have suppressors.

We know the rules.

We know who we're after.

Brock? Clock's ticking, boys.

Jason forget that you're
the officer in charge here?

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 6.

We're in position.

Copy, Bravo 6.

You're getting their feeds? Yup.

Got, uh, Brock, Metal and Trent.

Takes time for the device

to sift through the
cell IPs in the area.

All Bravo elements,

hold what you got.

What's going on with you, man?

Fumbled the det cord yesterday,
and now you're zoning out here.

Where's your head been?

Firmly attached to my fat neck.

You know what Davis thinks?

She thinks you got the
yips about being with her

now that it's
starting to get real.

You tell her it ain't true?

Told her I'm not sure
what's on your back,

but it's something.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it
sure is something.

When I was back in Texas, I, uh,

ran into an old friend that
I used to be close with,

and... something happened.

And now that something is
gonna be here in four months.

A kid? News was a parting gift

just before we spun up.Wow.

Sonny Quinn a dad, huh?

Not if I can help it.

Davis doesn't know?

It's a Lot to saddle
her with over here.

You know, with the
demands of the job,

and the little thing I
got going on with Davis,

you know, maybe it
doesn't change anything.

A kid?

I can't see how that
doesn't change things.

Well, it ain't for you
to figure it out, is it?

Davis doesn't need
to hear about this.



You know, I can help you
with that if you show me

how to use it.

Yeah, says the guy that
just retired his Walkman.

It's funny.

And very true. Yes, I did.

Your hands got the
worst of it, huh?

Hard to say. You all right?

You haven't talked
about your captivity.

If you're at peace with
that, and it's behind you,

I'm good with that, but
what I'm not good with

is what's going on
between you and I.

Look, the reason I came
out here early was...

I just needed some space, man.

All right, no one
hawking over my shoulder,

questioning me,
worrying about me,

like everybody's been
doing since I got home.

It's exhausting.

Way it goes at night, it...

I get woken by the aches
in my hands, the...

the wound in my leg.

It was a power drill, Jason.

Raqqa Jacques got
hands-on with them.


The pains...

Some of the thoughts
that crawl in with them.

I slip out of bed
to go downstairs

to, you know, get
some ice to numb it.

The thing is, the dream
home's got creaky floors

and a damn ice maker that
sounds like a 50-cal.

Whole house wakes up.

Then they're asking
me why I'm up.

"I'm just getting
a glass of water."

I gotta lie to 'em, J.

I hate lying to 'em.

How do I put that... that
vision in Naima's head?

How do I end
Jameelah's childhood

by letting her know that
type of evil exists?

That's what this guy did to you.

Keeps doing, on the bad nights.

Target cell phone just popped.

Bravo 3, Bravo 6,

we got a hit in the
building to your northeast.

Shift position to the backside
to give me a more accurate read.

Friends of our target?

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 6.

Two men just entered,
one carrying an AK.

Left the car running.

We need to get in there,
Ray. It's not happening.

Armed security inside means
we're not taking him quietly.

That's the op ord. We're
not taking Ganim

at all if we lose them.

Bravo 9, this is Bravo 2.

HVT may move out
with armed company.

We need to pursue until he's
in a controlled environment.

Over. Copy, Bravo 2.
Pursuit's gonna be a challenge.

We've got limited assets
and no way to follow

if he slips into Syria.

Look, we need to make entry now.

Grab him and the phone.

A kinetic hit takes approval
from the Jordanians,

which takes calls from
our diplomatic channels.

It's a waste of time
that we do not have.

I'll call Command and
get the gears moving

so we can get it cleared.

Losing that guy means
we lose Raqqa Jacques.

I'm not letting him walk away
after what he did to you.

That's not how
this works, Jason.

All Bravo elements,
meet in the alley,

red side of target.
We're going internal.

Okay, Clay, Sonny, Trent,
post up security here.

The rest of you come
with me and Ray.

Ganim plus the two
from the outside,

that makes at least
three sh**t.

Are we sure this
is the right move?

We're gonna go in
quick and quiet.

No one's gonna even know we're
here. Ray, are we cleared...

It's not open for
discussion. Let's move.

Ganim's cell phone.

This mood doesn't
scream victory.

What'd I miss? No time to waste.

No one's gonna ask?

What happened back there?

What's that mean? I mean,
Ray said in the WARNO

that going kinetic
wasn't an option.

I thought we weren't supposed
to tip the Jordanians

of us operating here.

You know, yesterday, you said
you wanted to be a sled dog.

Sled dogs, they keep
their mouths shut.

They don't ask questions.

S We wouldn't
have bent the rules

without good reason.
We all know that.

Tell you what,
you want reasons?

How about two 747s being
blown out of the sky

if we sit on our
hands, how's that?

We hunt plenty of HVTs
with bad intentions

without breaking ROEs.

J If you knew who
we were going after,

you wouldn't be
asking questions.

Who are we after?

There something we're missing?

The HVT is...

wasthe man that tortured
me during my captivity.

That change things
for you, Clay?

That didn't change anything.

Not why we went kinetic.
There were sound tactical

and strategic reasons
why we went... Roger that.

Rest up.

We're on standby until Mina
and Davis get something.


That is the second time you
have backed me into a corner.

First the op, and now
in front of Bravo?

You truly cannot help
yourself, can you?

It's your op, Ray. Your op.

You could have shut me
down, but you knew that

it was the right tactical call.

Jason Hayes, you
just... you just know

what's best for
everybody, don't you?

No, I'm just trying to
get you what you deserve.

That's justice.

Vengeance, you
mean. What he did to you,

what you told me he
continues to do to you,

there's only one way past it.

Come on, you can't tell me

you don't want to take
this guy down hard.

Of course I do! I wanted
to rip his throat out

from the moment I saw him,

but that ain't the
mission here, Jace.


I don't want to be
the guy chasing that.

You don't have to be.

Everything you went through

and continue to go through,
this is your one chance,

one chance to annihilate it.

You really think
it's that simple?

I just... put him
down and it goes away?

Something like that. Yeah.

Yes, I do.

Oh. What are we looking at?

Just pinged a cluster of ten IPs

pulled from the cloned cell.

All of them were in
and out of the site

where Bravo found
the other drones.

Burner phones, but the pattern
of communication suggests

Raqqa Jacques is
likely among the group.

And the current
location suggests

that this isn't just a
friendly get-together.

They're at a
Syrian Army base?

six years ago,

intel says it's
been left to ruin.

However, it's proximate to
the targeted flight paths,

making it the perfect spot
to launch the drones from.

Is this tracking in real time?

Is, uh, Raqqa Jacques there now?

There's a ten-minute lag.

I'm gonna get an S.A.
tech to tighten it.

Hey, um...

Wanted to give this to you
when we got home, but...


You asked me to find
the contact info

for the family of the
guy you were with.

Zied? I found a number
for his widow and son.



Not sure why I wanted that.

You said that you
thought it might help.

Give some closure.

Talking's not gonna
change anything.

Intel suggests the
drones are being staged

from the grounds of
a decommissioned base

located six miles over
the border in Syria.

Our objective is to recover
the drones and blow in place.

Infil plan: roll slick
until we're through

the border checkpoint.

Sound good, Jace?

Roger that. Kit up in transit.

Cell phone activity
shows at least ten individuals

on target, all believed
to be fighting-age males.

And considering how
this crew gets paid,

expect serious weaponry.

The drones are our
primary target.

And Raqqa Jacques?

If he's there, open season.

Any questions?

All right. Let's get to it.

If I was in Ray's
shoes, I would've went

full UnforgivenEastwood
the second I saw

that creep's photo pop up.

I just don't get why he kept
it secret and held fire.

He was doing what
was best for Bravo.

Hard to remain calm in the chaos

when we're worried
about settling scores.

Yeah, just glad that
Jace dug his spurs in.

Ray's just too good for
his own good sometimes.

You grading on the
Sonny Quinn curve?

You want to take a
shot, do it straight-on.

What, you don't like how
I'm handling my situation?

Well, I thought your plan
was just to not handle it.

You have no idea what
I'm wrestling with, do you?

You're right. I really should've
seen it from Ash's side

when I was five and
he hit the road.

I thought you were burned
by your old man, too.

I shouldn't have told
you a damn thing.

No, you should've told Davis,
because she's over here

and she's shuffling her career
around just to be with you,

but you don't have the sack
to just be honest with her.

There are two things that
I swore I would never do,

is break her heart, and see
my old man in the mirror.

I'm-I'm just trying
to figure out

the-the least amount of pain
I can cause anyone right now,

and I'm sorry it's
taking me a minute.

Look, hey. Hey, Sonny.

I-I'm sorry. Okay? I
didn't... S-Save it.

Seriously. I heard enough of
your self-righteousness already.

Target IPs haven't moved.

Mission criteria is all go.

Not easy, I bet, huh?

Close as you are
with these guys,

sending them into the fire.

It's a roller coaster.

This might be my last ride.

Making a move?

To a new team. Time
to switch it up.

I think.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc.

Be advised, seven of the tangos

appear to have
departed the base.

Bravo 2, copy all. Break.

All vehicles slow, slow.

Havoc, you got a pos
on the departed seven?

Just located them
11 miles north. Stationary.

Leaves at least
three on target here.

Maybe the drones. Bravo
2, what's the call?

Push ahead to the base, or
split off to get to the others?

Base is still the likeliest
location for the drones.

Whoever might've left.


proceed to primary target.


two, one.


Raqqa Jacques?


Havoc, this is Bravo
2. Drones recovered.

Prepping to blow in place.
Brock, set the charges.

Target's clear. We
got status on HVT?

Raqqa Jacques is not here.

Havoc, this is 1. Seven
IPs that left target,

they still stationary?

Copy, Bravo 1.
They're at the same grid,

11 miles from your pos.

11 miles?

Follow-on like that's walking
the edge of mission umbrella.

But not over it.
Night's still young.

I'm in. I'm in, too.

Your call, Ray.

Havoc, this is Bravo 2.

Send follow-on target
grid to ATAKs. Over.

Hitting this other target,
it is what you want, right?

My call. If Jason were
here, you wouldn't ask that.

And if Jace weren't here, we'd
still be heading this way?

Raqqa Jacques k*lled 12 people
with that strike last month

and was hoping to k*ll
a few hundred more

with the drones
we just destroyed.

We let him go, you think
he just calls it a day?

Not questioning that.

So, what, then? You need
me to quote UCMJ code

puts this mission
on solid ground?

Clear up any gray area for you?

Because I can do that.
Chapter and verse.

It's not that.

Well, if it's not the
target and not the mission,

what are you questioning?

What are you questioning?

You're good, I'm good.

I don't recall you voicing
any concerns when we took out

the people that damn
near blew off your leg.


The paths that led me and this
man to cross the first time,

the chances that
it happened again?

11-mile detour is
nothing for me.

Barricaded sh**t.

He's trying recon by
fire. Can't see us.

Frag out.


Sonny, with you. Ray
on security.Roger.


Ray, you good?



I'm good.

This is
Bravo 6. Got them.

Green side. Exterior's
clear. Good copy, Bravo 6.

Target secure. We're clear.

Sonny, we're


Sonny. Hey.

All right, okay.

Got his wing.

Get down. All right, hold it.

All stations, clear the net.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.

Request CASEVAC. I
repeat, immediate CASEVAC.

Wounded Eagle. Bravo 3's down.




Are we clear? Yeah, it's
clear. What the hell happened?

He took a round. We got him.

have been here.

What? You pushed
for that follow-on

and put us here. RAY:
Stop it, Spenser.

Now. This should
have never happened.

You put Sonny in
that b*llet's path.

Shut up,
Blondie! JASON: Come on.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

CASEVAC's three mikes out.

Copy that, Havoc. Let's go.

Come on. Move, move, move.

I got you.

Sonny's being
treated at Ramstein.

He's stable. Might
even beat us home.

That's good.

Really good. Thanks.

Have a seat.

Emotions got the
best of me out there.

What happened to
Sonny wasn't on you.

Yeah, course it was, man.

Everything falls on
Bravo 1, good, bad.

All I can do is try to
make the right calls

for the right reasons.

Sometimes it's,
uh, not that clear.

The boys appreciate
what you did for Ray.

You got him what he needed.

Ah, you're still here.

Why wouldn't I be?

Most people get the hint
when the patient dozes off

to leave.

I'm guessing that's what
the rest of the team did.

But not Florence Blondingale.

How you feeling?

Uh, like a boar that got into

my grandninny's turnip
garden when I was a kid.

You're probably feeling
worse than I am, though, uh,

after what you said to Jace.

I should've kept my mouth shut.

On multiple fronts.

Look, man, it
wasn't right for me

to get on you about
your business.

It's all good, man.

Long flight, heavy pharma,

you know, let me, uh... let
me really think things over.

You figure out what
you're gonna do?

I'm gonna, uh,

I'm gonna go meet up with
the boys at the Bulkhead.

Good luck with
her, buddy.

He's all yours.

Thank you.

Hey. Hi.

I was hoping you, uh,

hadn't skedaddled
with the rest of them.


Just, you know, spending
a little quality time

in the hospital
cafeteria. Oh, yeah?

Yeah, it's quite a selection.

Is that, uh, is that what
you want to talk about?

Did you have something else in mind?

Look, Lisa, this-this... Sonny,

you don't... you don't
need to do this right now.

No, no, it's not what,
it's not what you think.

Okay? It's not a-a problem
between me and you.

At least...

Well, I-I'm hoping
that it's not.

Look, you, uh, you
remember Hannah,

that I was with in Texas?


Well, uh...

she's pregnant.

Listen, I had a
thousand questions

blasting through my
head since I heard,

but there is one thing
that I haven't questioned,

and that's me and you.

Have you talked to her about
how you'll be involved?

No. Uh...

I don't even know
what my next move is.

But whatever it is, uh...

I want it to be with you, Lisa.

The road just never seems to
straighten out for us, does it?


So scary about Sonny.

Yeah. But, you know,
he's on the mend.

Shouldn't be sidelined too long.

Must be rough for Jason.

His big return,
and that happens.

I didn't make it
any easier on him.

Kind of, uh... kind
of lit him up for it.

I thought you were all
about following his lead.

Head down, no questions asked.

In the field, there's no
better footsteps to follow.

Even his dicey calls are
coming from a good place.

But at home, it's
a different story.

What do you mean?

Ray's got more of the
balance I'm looking for.

He's built a family.

A relationship
that's unshakeable.

No matter what he's
gone through, you know?

Yeah. Some steep odds
he and Naima have beat.

It's not luck.

They made it happen.Mm.

And that's what I...
That's what I want.

You know?

More than just a vacation
with you whenever it fits in.

Move in with me.


Is that an either/or? Because,
uh, I really was looking forward

to, uh, a tropical getaway.


We are so burning
every single piece

of so-called furniture you have.

Happily. Good.

I can see the game tape
flashing before your eyes.

What is up?


just thinking maybe I
pushed too hard on this one.

No, man.

Heat of battle, Sonny bleeding,

Clay didn't know
what he was saying.

Nah, just, you know,
coming back to Bravo,

I just thought that I'd be
coming back to something

that was, you know,
familiar to me.

And with Soto pushing
his weight around

and you, you know,
stepping up to OIC and...

I didn't know where I stood.

I just felt out of place.
Didn't know what my role was.

Enter Raqqa Jacques, my
problem becomes yours.

Nah, you know what?
You gave me a target.

You know, gave me something
that I could help you with,

close a chapter.

Just can't stop
thinking, you know...

what if it was worse for Sonny?

Yeah, but it wasn't.

Hey, what you did...
What we did? Mm-hmm?

That was justified.

Raqqa Jacques is erased.
That's mission success.


How about you? Taking him out.

Help you?

I'll be able to sleep,
thanks to what you did.

Good. You know, running
the team on this one

just reminded me of the tough
choices you have to make

every time you lead us out.

Bravo wouldn't be the
same without you, brother.

How about Naima?
How's she doing?

Is she holding up
all right, too?

yeah. Absolutely.

Like I said, everybody's
gonna get some sleep tonight.


Well, I'd buy you another round,

but you probably want
to get home, right?

You know what?

What's the rush?

This one's on me.

Hey. Stella duck out?

Yeah. School night.

You know, if she doesn't
get to see Sonny do

his little drunken robot
dance... I don't want to see that.

Then what's the point in sticking
around, right? I agree with you.

Master Chief Hayes.
I'm NCIS Agent Salazar.


By order of Commander DEVGRU,
I'm placing you into custody,

suspected of
violating Article 119

of the Uniform Code
of Military Justice.

What are you talking about?

Please turn around and put
your hands behind your back.

Jason, what's going
on? I don't know.