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04x07 - All In

Posted: 11/26/21 13:21
by bunniefuu
Previously onSEAL Team...
How did Natalie take the news

of you kitting up again?
Get Ray back, that's it.

After that, it's back to life
after Bravo.

I was able to single out
a container ship.

The Aafrah.
Ray's on that ship.

Now. Whoever sees this,

I want you to know I died
doing what I loved.

I got him.

He's alive.

Here to bring you home.

Tomorrow isn't promised

to any of us.Kind of makes you,

uh, reconsider things that,

you know, you've
been putting off.

He reinstated me. Bravo.

I'm happy for you, buddy.

Get everything you want
right in front of you.

Is Bravo 1
back in the saddle for good?

This was my last dance.

Hurry it up. Time's a-wasting.




Ops meeting. You're late.

A little welcome back present,
Ricky Schroder.

Fire in the hole!

Oh, you can taste it.

tactics did your captors employ

during captivity?

then physical t*rture.

Ice picks. Power tools.

Did you employ any specific
tactics to survive?

I, uh, I relied
on my SERE training.

Did the enemy employ

known techniques
to try to break you?

Straight out of the playbook.

Did you rely
on your SERE training

to cope
with the situation?

Never strayed
from the six rules.

How did you
manage being under the control

of these t*rrorists?

As I told
the intelligence officers

and the SERE administrators,
I used my standard coping tools.

There is nothing standard about
what you endured,

Warrant Officer

Tell me
about the other prisoner.


A good man.

Did you betray
Zied at any time?



And there was nothing
I could've...

There was nothing I could've
done to save him.

What did
you and Zied talk about

when you were
alone together?

Uh, we didn't talk much.

When can I get back
with my team?

In due time, Mr. Perry.

Not my decision.

There are many
factors to consider.

There are many factors
to consider.Right.

Well, I never did think
that you and I would be

sitting under the stars
like this again.

Yeah, you know, Ray's ordeal,

just, was a good reminder
of what really counts.

The universe works
in mysterious ways, huh?


But you, me, a sleeping bag
that ain't meant for sleeping,

I will take it.

Even though we're
courting disaster again?

We're being careful.
All right? We're using

the Unabomber's backyard for
our little romantic rendezvous.

Another wrong move
and our careers are...

Well, we'll just adjust
and navigate.

Seriously? Why?

I-I don't know why a stripper's
calling me right now.

Okay.I really don't.


Oh, no. Okay.

Uh, can somebody else
grab him, please?

All right, we're, uh,
we'll be right there. Thank you.

What's going on?Uh, Thirty Mike is drunk

at the jiggle joint and,
uh, he needs a lifeline.

The brotherhood calls.

I'll drive.

Please do.

What do you think the universe
is trying to tell us now?

Mm... Let's go.

Come on. Come on.
Hop on here.

Oh, you left me in the
dust that last mile.

Sorry about that.Oh.

Polly called, wants us
to barbecue on Saturday.

Oh, right.

Polly. Polly-- Who's Polly?

We can head over there
after we stop by

Clive's birthday party.

I got a better idea.

Why don't we grab Cerby,
get in the car,

head to Rehoboth,
get some tequila.

Mm...Jump on some rooftops.

Yeah, yeah, uh,

considering I'm turning in
my final report next week,

I'm not sure
that's the best idea.

I think
it's a great idea.

I mean, look,
Lindell gave you

the contract extension, right?
So you're good.

This report's gonna
benefit operators.

I can't shortchange it.

Besides, I have
not agreed

to Lindell's deal yet.

Oh, you haven't?

My old boss in San Diego
keeps sweetening

the offer to come back.

He's offering me more...
more access to subjects,

more of my own research staff,

more of everything that I need
to make an impact.

Oh, I mean, look, it's good
to know you make an impact.

Wow.So after all that,

then, uh, yeah, back on Bravo.

Wow-- Thank you.

Yeah, no, I mean,

I-I tracked the story
about Ambassador Marsden.

I was proud of you
for doing the right thing.

Door-kicker with a heart
of gold.

I'm glad to see
that hasn't changed.

You saying something else has?

Like what?I don't know.

By the looks of it,

your shirt's, like,
a size smaller, but...

Quit deflecting. What?

You really think I've changed?

I seem to remember that there
was a pair of Italian shoes

that didn't really
seem appropriate

for door-kicking.Okay, well...

I'm, uh, back to wearing
my trusty Chippewas, so...

You know what?
I don't really think

it's fair for you
to hold those shoes against me,

seeing as you only

spotted them
when you ambushed me.

I do believe
I've apologized for that.

Okay. It was a mistake

showing up unannounced
and pouring my heart out

when you were in a relationship.
Okay? There.

A mistake?Mm-hmm.

Are romantic gestures

on the cancel culture checklist?

Is your girlfriend good
with the change of footwear?

I mean, I would've
asked her personally

when I saw you at Naima's,
but-but you were solo.

Actually, we, uh, we broke up.

She was great, but...

I'm seeing someone right now.

Glad you found another reason
to stay in Virginia.


You chose another woman, so...

Didn't have to worry about her

breaking up with me
on the tarmac.


I get it.

No, it's old habits.

That's the thing, though,
isn't it?

We are an old habit.

I've been working really hard to
embrace what's in front of me,

you know, rather than
look backward.

"If you're not evolving,
then you're falling behind."

Isn't that one
of your frog-isms?

Are we still friends?

Still friends.

These are the cages
for Bravo Team.

When a Green Teamer shows up,
we assign him a cage.

Yeah, I thought about
going to BUD/S.

Putting it on the line all the
time for the greater good.

No greater honor.

Seems pretty damn fun, too.

When a Bravo member
leaves, we...Is it true

about that op in Syria,
Master Chief?

You know, these
guys rescued a SEAL

right before
he got ex*cuted?

Might have heard
something about that.

You do anything that badass
before you traded

door-kicking for tour-guiding?

I'm just a guy
in the Ops Center now.

Roger that.

Okay, that's
what I'm talking about.

Firing on all cylinders
out there.

Yeah, never thought I'd say it,
but it feels like we got

that magic back with Bravo,
yeah, even without Jason.

Not to mention we've got
The In-Clay-dible Hulk

rolling with us again.

Can you imagine how much we're
gonna be crushing once we got

the whole lineup back?RAY: Say what?

Hey, come on.

Whole band's back
together now.

Eh, just a, uh,
social visit, boys.

You still haven't
been cleared hot?

Not yet. Intel officers,
Agency folk,

doctors, headshrinkers,
they've been probing me

in places I didn't know existed.

Fingers crossed, I'll be
back soon though, right?

Hey. Never got to thank you

for that emergency
pickup last night.SONNY: Oh, yeah.

Don't mention it. You know,
uh, I've had my fair share

of wild nights there.

Yeah. How come Davis
was with you?

Was there a party
I wasn't invited to?

No, we were just, uh,
closing down at the Bulkhead,

you know, w-when you called
from the club.

You know, needed
a designated driver.Yeah.

Oh, G.I. Jason...

Oh, ooh, ooh! back,

with his new piece.

Look at that.

Yeah, that's really funny, huh?

Mocking me 'cause I traded in
my g*n for my radio.

What, you don't think
I'm not pulling my weight

from the Ops Center?

Man, we're...
we're just playing.

The Ops Center saves
our asses all the time.

Yeah, and we haven't
seen you around much

so I just figured, you know,
poke your under-luggage

a little bit just
to let you know

we miss you.

I think you're reading
this wrong, brother.


DEVGRU's executive officer
is stepping down.

Lieutenant Commander Blackburn
is now commander select

effective immediately.

Oh, nice.

About time.
New duties

I'll be aiding in the turnover
process of my replacement,

Lieutenant Soto.

I'm honored to have
the opportunity

to lead Bravo
into the future.

XO's a big job.

Nearly eaten your way to
the top of DEVGRU's food chain.

Seems like I was just
loading into this cage

and now I'm shoving off.

Look at this guy.
Look at him!

Man, I remember this guy
when he first showed up.

Yeah. Thought I could win
the w*r on terror

on my own back then.

And now?

Well, even though my battle's
on a new front,

I'll get up each day
and do my part.

Listen, uh, Bravo Team has, um,

had some big changes
come their way lately.

And, uh,

you have been
one of the finest officers

to lead that team since
I've been under command.

They're gonna miss you.

I'd like to think that,
but, you know,

if they can move on
from the great Jason Hayes,

they can move on from me.

Won't be as easy
for me, though.

Hell, commanding Bravo, it's...

it's been my identity.

Wasn't my choice
like it was yours.

Just hope I can adapt
as quickly as you have.


Hope I'm not rushing you out.
Nah, man.

Cage is all yours.

Thanks for the help, Jace.

Hey. There you go.

You know, it's a...

shame to have just missed out
on the Jason Hayes era.

Your reputation
precedes you.

I did my part for my team
and my country,

like everyone else.

Maybe someday
we'll fight the w*r together

from the virtual foxhole
of the Ops Center.


You know, you look
that far ahead, sir...'re gonna lose sight
of what matters.


when we can

cash that rain check
for our little campout.

Sonny, I heard Thirty asking you

why we were together last night
in front of everybody.

He's got a memory like
a goldfish.

Don't-don't worry about it.We messed up.

Us even having this conversation
at work, it's reckless.

No one's here, Davis.

Okay? You know?

Us, kind of sneaking around,
keepin' it fresh.

Soto's gonna want
to size up the team,

watch everybody like a hawk.

He hasn't been with Bravo
for five minutes

and the newbie's already
chapping my ass.

Issue isn't Soto.

The issue is us.

So we're back here already?

Why you gotta be
so paranoid, Davis?



I'll be right there.

Lindell wants to see me.

Who's paranoid now?

Come on in.

Lieutenant Davis.

You wanted to see me, sir?

You've attracted
a lot of attention lately.

SOCOM took note of your exploits
rescuing Warrant Officer Perry,

and they want you
to give a presentation

on lateral thinking

in intel processing

at their upcoming conference
in Tampa.

I was just doing my job, sir.

You pulled another
rabbit out of the hat,

and this command and country
owe you our gratitude.

And I wish that all my officers

were as dedicated
and principled as you.

SOCOM needs
an answer.

What'll it be?

Yes, of course, I'll do it.

Thank you.

All right,
Captain Lindell's roped

Lieutenant Davis
into an assignment,

so you'll be rolling
without her on this one.

I'm gonna have to monitor
Sonny's separation anxiety.

You'll be
spinning up to Ecuador

as straps
on an Alpha Team op

to recover a cache
of Russian MANPADS.

I didn't think
I was gonna have to wear those

till I was 70.

If your bladder runs
like your mouth,

you're gonna need 'em now.

These are handheld

surface-to-air missiles capable
of taking down airliners,

so focus up.

Intel indicates
the MANPADS are being sold

to a faction of Hezbollah.

Our mission is to
recover the missiles,

take down
the players.

Stand by for
more details.

Hey. No Jace, no Ray.

It's gonna be up to us
to tag team this op.

One more thing:

I'll be rolling out
with you guys.

No better way
to get to know my team.

Master Chief, you sort
out the cage assignments

for the incoming
Green Team class?

The new yeoman is taking care
of it; he's up to speed, sir.


It's hard to believe I just did
my last mission brief for Bravo.

What do you mean?
They're spinning up?


Lieutenant Soto's headed out
in the field with them.

It's a new era.

Still got it, brother.

Never lost it.

Thought you went cold
turkey on sh**ting

when you stopped

You know, I'm just
clearing my head, Ray.

All right?
Doing what I love to do.

Or are you sharking

because Bravo's spun up
for the first time

since you left the team?

All right, Mr. Smart-ass.

Before Tunisia,

all you could talk about
was how you missed your family.

So why aren't you
with them now?

Look, man.

I'm just staying sharp
for when I'm cleared hot again.


Itching to get back out there
and crush some skulls.

Oh-ho. Look at that, huh?

Prime Time is back.


You feel comfortable
about, uh,

talking about
your captivity over there?

You know, the brass and the
shrinks have got me talked out.


I'm just ready
to move forward, man.

I can't have an impact

if I'm left out
of the damn fight, right?


I get it.

Hey, um... you know what,
Naima has been on me

to invite you and
Natalie over for dinner

to thank you; something
about saving my life.

That's not necessary, Ray.

You want to tell her no?Well...

that's a good point.

So I can expect you when?

I-I don't know.

I'm not going anywhere.

What we got here, man?

Oh. Isn't that sweet?

I've seen
this reality show before:

Love Island in
Vah Beach.

Ain't nobody want
to see a reboot.

Not gonna get one.

Stella's got a boyfriend.Mm-hmm.

We're just friends.

No, you're just
a couple of dumbass magnets

that can't seem
to resist each other.

What do you make of Soto?Soto?

Well, he's your
typical millennial

that thinks
he invented the wheel

but he don't know how
to change a tire.


Heading outside the wire
with a chaperone's

gonna be a change, huh?Yeah, well,
the great thing

about Blackburn,
he'd just sit back

and let us do our thing.

Well, something tells me

that Soto isn't really
the "sit back" type.

Oh, no.

Well, I better, uh...

organize my gear.

He always this frosty
with newcomers

or is it
special for me?

No, he, uh...

Social graces skip a generation
or two in the Quinn family.

Don't take it

Nothing makes an operator
more unsettled than change.

I know I need
to earn the team's trust.

Apparently, Sonny's most of all.

Yeah, well,
when the b*ll*ts start flying,

there's nobody else you'd rather
have by your side than him.

That's good to know.

Though he's not the Bravo member
I've got my eye on.

Word is you've got

a penchant to go rogue
and buck rules.

I took my lumps and
learned my lesson.

Yeah, it's all
behind me now.

Well, given how
I want my team to run,

it's not behind me.

In my eyes,
you're still on probation,

so walk the line,

I'm not the only one
with something to prove here.

Havoc, this is Echo 1.

I pass jackpot.

Break. Target secure.

I say again, target secure.

Master Chief.

After three months of hard work,

you've just helped take down one
of the most wanted men in Yemen.

Well, boots on the ground,

they deserve
all the credit, sir. I...

Wounded Eagle! Wounded Eagle!

Who's hit?

Who's down?

Master Chief,

the operators on the ground
will handle their teammate.

There's nothing you
can do from here.

All right, guys, bring it in.

Handoff location for the MANPADS

has been identified
as this farmhouse

in the foothills
outside of Lluzhapa.

Alpha's already on the ground.

They'll be on lead as*ault
to recover the missiles,

Bravo will secure the perimeter
and run squirter patrol.

Our HVT is Cipriano Mota.

A gunrunner on the most wanted
list who's been dealing arms

in the Northern Triangle
for the past decade.

Our LZ is five klicks out.

Offset infil, foot patrol in
along these hills, set up

a skirmish line just north
of the target on this ridge.

Excuse me, Lieutenant,
I was, uh, just curious

on how many deployments

you might have
under that belt of yours?

Four-- three CENTCOM,

Then STA-21,
Naval Science Institute.


Any more questions
about my service record?

Good. I'm aware
my accolades

don't match up to Bravo Team's.

But I'm also aware

many of the operators
who earned them aren't here.

It's a new day and a
new Bravo, gentlemen.

Okay, all right,
easy, easy, easy.

Just relax, okay?
It's a little too loud in here.

That's the first time you've
missed our morning run.

Might not
be my last.

Just not, uh, feeling too well,
called in sick.

Could that be because you don't
like being in the Ops Center

with Bravo outside the wire?

Does she grill you like this
when you go on your run?

You know, maybe
Rehoboth is a good idea.

I like it--
taking some time off

after I turn in my report,
we could get away then.

Ah, I really don't think
vacation's gonna change the fact

that I used to be
an asset to my team

and my country, and now
I'm just riding a desk.

Would training
the next generation of SEALs

help you feel like an asset?

What, Green Team or something?


My old boss sweetened
the offer again,

and I would be crazy
not to consider it.

Be an easy yes
with you on board.

San Diego.Yeah.

You'd still have
the beach.

You always said you loved
living there before DEVGRU.

Kids are gone,
Bravo's in your rearview.

A fresh start might
be just what you need.

Alpha's standing by.

We'll set our skirmish line
along this ridge.

There's a gully 300 meters west.

We'll extend the line
in that direction.

We move that far out,
we lose line of sight.

Line of sight is less important
than a hole in the defense.

have the bodies for it.

No, Sonny's right.
Securing the gully

denies enemy access
past the ridge.

The line of sight issue is
mitigated by our ATAKs.

Yes, sir.
Then we extend the line.

Bravo 6...

low man covers
the gully.

Move out!

The house is beautiful.

I love the crown molding.

Oh, that was all Ray.

He didn't like how
the contractors installed it,

so he took it down
and did it over.

Wow, didn't know that, uh,
Ray was such a Mr. Fix-it.

I'm used to him crawling
the walls in his downtime,

but he's been more of a
caged tiger than usual.

Oh, that's because "operators
weren't meant to stay

on the sidelines."

Every team guy
I've ever rehabbed

has given me
some version of that.

Which is why I need you
to use your sway with Lindell

to get me back in the game.

I don't think my opinion carries
much weight with him right now.

Hey, how have you been feeling
since you've been back?

Your hands were
in pretty bad shape.

Good as new.

I don't pay them any attention.
You been sleeping?


Uh, so why is it you feel

like you don't have any pull
with Lindell anymore?

I thought you were
his pride and joy.

I was and, uh, then

I accepted a job in San Diego.

You're leaving us?

What's that mean for you two?

Jason's thinking
about coming with me.


You're leaving Command?

What about Mikey and Emma?

Kids will be fine.
You know, it's easy to...

get a ticket for them to come
on down and see us in San Diego.

San Diego?

Don't tell me you're thinking
about reentering BUD/S,

doing the frogman
cycle all over again.

You're not too far off.


Jason Hayes,

BUD/S instructor.

God help those young

Look, change of scenery
will do me good.

I do believe that's the first
time I've heard you use

"change" and "good" in
the same sentence, Jace.

What bug's in your britches?

Soto told me that

I'm still on probation
as far as he's concerned.

Well, you want to be back
on Bravo, ain't that enough?

Yeah, I just, I'd kind of
figured that I'd have a little

more say around here, especially
without Jason and Ray.


You're not evolving,

then you're falling behind.

Being the low man

on the totem pole
ain't that bad.

Kicking doors in, having fun,

less politics-- life was simpler

back then.

The deeper you go...

the more complicated it gets.

You just keep
treading water and...

it all works out.

Yeah, you tread enough water,
eventually you drown.


You go enjoy that hole, new guy.

You know, Ray, I wasn't gonna
say anything inside in front

of Naima, but you used
to brag all the time

how you could just
sleep at peace like a baby

and nothing
would bother you.

Why you staring
at the ceiling?

I'm just sick and tired
of everybody making

such a big deal
about my captivity.

Well, you know...

firing hard at the range...
not sleeping,

playing Property Brothers
here at home, I...

Who's the one
sharking now?

I'll get back to being myself

once I'm back
in the sandbox again.

If people understood
what we've been through...

...they'd also
understand that...

we need to stay in the fight.

If people knew what
we've been through,

there'd be no more w*r.

You know, senators and judges,

they serve their country
into their 80s,

we call them heroes.

But warriors, we want
to keep serving the best way

we know how, people
act like we're addicts.

You know,
when you got blown up,

I went to Lindell
and I demanded

to go back on the teams.

He thought I'd fallen
off the wagon.

He was like, "Hayes, you just,
you're regressing!"

That guy.



is moving to San Diego
your way of...

trying not to relapse again?

You know,
seeing the boys, uh,

spin up yesterday just got me
thinking, you know, that I quit

the one job...

the one job that I ever loved.

Being a SEAL.

SEALs never quit.

No, you didn't quit.

You earned the right
to put yourself first.

That's what you did.

You know, Ray, I'm just
realizing more and more

as time goes by
that I'm just

more at home

in a w*r zone.


they weren't meant
to survive the b*ttlefield.

Ops Center not cutting it
for you?

Ah, my skills...

aren't helping
in there, but,

you know...

And training our future frogmen,

that'll make you feel like
you're still having an impact?

Look, Jace,

I... I have no doubt

that you'd be a great gatekeeper

at BUD/S, but
I got to ask.

Are you running toward something
you think you want,

or away from something
that you don't?

Alpha 1, this is Bravo 1.
We're set.

Roger that. Stand by, Bravo.

Execute, execute, execute!

Squirters coming
your way, Bravo.

Looks like three Tangos.

I've got three squirters
100 meters out

at three o'clock--
all armed.

I've got eyes on them, too.

One squirter down, two at large.

Bravo 5, Tango 70 meters south.

Send in the hair m*ssile.


Pepper, oust! Oust, here.

Platz.Good girl.

Bravo 1, no joy on HVT here.

No HVT here, either.

Our target's still at large.

Bravo 6, any movement
west of the gully? Over.

Negative. Don't have eyes on...

Bravo 1, this is 6.

HVT secured.

I've got Mota.

Alpha didn't recover
the MANPADS on target.

But Bravo handled our
business by snagging Mota.

Agency is confident our HVT will
spill where they're heading.

Good collar, Spenser.

Not bad for Bravo 6, huh?

We land at Vah Beach at 1400.

At 1600 I need you
front and center

for Blackburn's promotion

Hey, Sonny.Yes, sir?

Would've missed our HVT
if not for your call

on extending the line.

The team needs more
of that from you.

Yeah, being the brains
of the operation

isn't really my thing, you know.

I like my knuckle-dragger ways.
Simple but effective.

Simple is safe.

But you joined the teams 'cause
you like a challenge, right?

Yes, sir.

See you out there.All right.

Tonight we're yarding out
two former Bravo members,

Jason Hayes and Eric Blackburn.
Right over there.

Hey, guys.
To Commander Blackburn...

May your new job be less
of a pain in the ass

than leading this crew
of door-kickers.

And to Master Chief Hayes,
my brother,

my friend,

here's hoping you find a way
to make an impact after Bravo.

Anything you want to
share with the boys?

No, I've made too many boring
speeches in this bar already.

It's all past. Go ahead,
Blackburn. You're up.

All right.
Listen up.

Listen up!

It's been an absolute honor

leading a group who always
raise their hands first

when it comes time
to run into the fire.

And while no one wants
to talk about it,

our mission is far from over.

But I intend to keep
doing my part

fighting for
the greater good.

And, uh, on a personal note...

Bravo Team will
always be my family.

Hear, hear.

Hear, hear.

All right.But we'd have nothing
to cheers with here.

I would hate to, uh,

see you guys go,
but before we do...

you gentlemen need to yard out!

Yard out!

Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug...

With Blackburn
and Jason gone,

team's gonna need Bravo 2
back in action with them.

From your lips
to the brass's ears.

I cannot wait
to get back to work,

put this last month behind me.


Say, you know the prisoner
I was held c*ptive with?


Of course.

With your intel access,
do you think maybe

you could his family in Tunisia?

They probably have no idea
what happened to him.

I'd like
to tell them.

Get some closure.

I'll see what I can do.

Appreciate you.Mm-hmm.

Hey, Davis.

Davis, hold up.

Look, I'm-I'm sorry about
what I said the other day.

Okay? A-And you're right.

Okay? We just need
to be more careful.

We need to be more than careful.

I don't want it to end the
same way it did before.

Okay? And...

Isn't the hard part
supposed to be

trying to finding the person
you want to be with,

not figuring out
how to make it work?

It just, I don't know, it
just doesn't seem fair to us.

But I don't want to put
our careers on the line

if you're not up
to the challenge.

Oh, great.

Strippers calling you again?

Uh, no. Uh-- no,
it's complicated. Uh...

Yeah, and Sonny likes simple.

I get it,
but that's never gonna be us.

That was my friend Hannah from
Texas and-and we go way back.

But when I
was in Texas,

well, we kind of, you know, we--

we became more
than friends.Okay. Okay.

Davis, I ignored her call

because this conversation
right here

is so much more important to me.

Yeah, look, I-I...

I prefer simple,

but I tell you what,

no matter
how complicated it gets,

I will walk through fire to make
it work with you, Davis.


If we decide to make this real,
one of us needs to leave Bravo.

Well, there's a lot of changes

happening in Bravo right now.

I could consider
going to another team.

Command asked me to present
at the SOCOM conference.

That could open up some doors.Yeah?

Present some good opportunities
for me.

Opportunities? You sure
that's what you want?Yeah.

Right now,
the only thing

I know I want is to finish up
that camping trip.


Been a while since
you closed this place down.

Yeah. How was the op
with Soto? How was it?

It's gonna be
a tough transition.

Lot of that going around here.

Well, he essentially told me
that I'm back to new guy status.

New guy? It's all right,
man, I mean, look,

you're back on Bravo, so you're
doing what you're meant to do,

and, uh, that's all
that matters.

Yeah, it is.

But I can't help feeling
like I'm...

like I'm starting over,
you know?

Well, you know what?

You were the new guy
first time around.

Wasn't so bad, huh?

First year was
one of the best, actually.

Both in and out of the sandbox.Mm-hmm.

Well, maybe,

maybe you're not regressing

if you're returning
to something that you love.

Okay, okay.


Did I wake you?

No, no, some maniac
knocking on my door did.

Are you okay?
What are you doing here?

I, uh, I just,
I wanted to let you know

that maybe you're right.

And m-maybe I did
change after you.

I realized that I wanted
a lot more out of life.

O-Okay, you know, this whole
"we weren't great" speech

could've been put in a text.

Going to STA-21, dating
a Washington insider,

the Italian shoes, m-maybe
those were all just outlets

to help me move on from you.

A-And I'm really glad
that you have those.

I actually have my own outlets
to move on.

One is inside right now...
But the thing is,

I realize that m-maybe
I wasn't moving on.

You know, m-maybe
I was running away.

Running away from what?

The fact I still love you.

Okay, I guess that's not
a text-appropriate statement.


I don't know what to say.

That's a first.

I just needed you to know.

Last time
you brought a book.

And, uh, and flowers.

Maybe you're the one
that's intent

on canceling romantic gestures.

Well, I was kind of hoping
that I would suffice.

You do.

Been expecting you
to walk in here

since I learned I'm losing
Natalie to San Diego.

I suppose you're
about to tell me

I need to find
a new ops chief?

Sir, I've identified the one job
that makes me want to get up

in the morning.

And what job is that?

Being Bravo 1 again.