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04x05 - The Carrot or The Stick

Posted: 11/26/21 11:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...
You know, behind that

pious front of
yours, Ray, you are

one selfish little... Hey, hey!

Change and operators
aren't always a good mix.

DAVIS: Video just came
in. LINDELL: That's Perry.

A SEAL has never been
in enemy captivity before.

I want my team back.

Bravo is not deployable.

They are with me.

Good to have our QB back.

I'm not back, Sonny,
I'm just here for Ray.

You'll be without overwatch
or a close QRF.

Eh, we'll take that deal.

They must got something

really big in there
with all this firepower!

Or someone!

Not waiting on the cavalry.

We got to see what's inside.


Clear. I got nothing.

This ain't the place, boys.

Video file from a phone
Bravo pulled.

JASON: The picture on the
wall. We were in that room.

20 minutes late.

There was something else

on the phone.
Messages offering Ray up.

I let him slip away.

Sonny, pass me that extra mag,
will you?


Will you guys knock it off?

You do you, Thirty.

The rest of us
are gonna stay ready

for the next time
we roll out to get Ray.

Four hits since we missed him
three days ago.

That ain't enough
to keep you primed?

So many dry holes,
they got me chafing.

The longer it takes to find him,
the worse his chances get.

Whole task force has torn
Tunisia apart, so...

could be he's been
moved out of country.

Davis wasn't sure who Ansar
was brokering him to.

She thought maybe
the Al-Khidhir Movement.

I just hope it's not AKM.

k*lling Americans is
their Red River Showdown.

That video was a negotiation.

Doesn't mean that a deal closed. JASON:
All right, look.

Ray's trained to do whatever
it takes to escape and survive.

But if whoever has him has
found out he's U.S. military...

They'd have splashed
the execution video

all over Jihad Tonight.

You know what?

Ray's out there somewhere.
He needs us.

We're gonna go find him
and bring our brother home.





Davis. What are you doing?

Boys are ready for the
next target package

and you're having
a coffee break? I'm still working on it.

Come on. Still working on it?
You're working on the coffee.

You're not working on the package
here... You're back in midseason form

after a couple months off.

I have been up for nearly
a hundred hours

chasing leads on Ray.

Caffeine is necessary.

You're right, you're right.
I get it, I get it.

Look, I know that you're
climbing the walls,

desperate for another door
to kick, but it's not like

the intel gets stronger
as we widen our search.

You're the one who saw
the signs of al-Hazred Jr.

When everyone didn't, so there's
got to be something here.

There's one thing. What's that?

In the HUMINT we used to build
yesterday's raid in Tunis,

there was a single reference
to the city of Sousse.

Sousse? What's there?

Well, that's the question.

It's not a t*rror1st hotbed,
but it caught my eye

because there's a stray ping
in Sousse in SIGINT

used to build the Annaba raid
the day before.

Maybe the group went underground
'cause all hell's ensued.

Or maybe it's a money
launderer or a weapons dealer

that's got nothing
to do with Ray.

I got a lot of dots
that don't connect.

It's not enough information

to build a legitimate
target package.

Well, I-I understand that,
but, you know,

these legitimate target packages
that we've had

have yielded us nothing
these past few days.

Well, I appreciate that you want
to do anything and everything

to find Ray,
but we can't send operators

out on a wild goose
chase. I'll tell you what.

If you have reason for us
to get to Sousse, we're there.

All right? Trust your gut.

Just trust it.

I do.






Come on.

DAVIS: The target is a
tobacconist's shophouse

in the city of Sousse.

We looking for Ray or
Full Metal's nicotine fix?

You remember
Salah Behadj?

Yeah, that's the leader of
the Ansar cell that grabbed Ray.

Who wasn't home the night

that Alpha and
Charlie hit the house

and we missed our Bravo 2.

That night his phone
pinged once in Sousse.

At the shophouse? We couldn't triangulate

his location that precisely,
but an Ansar foot soldier

mentioned the tobacconist
under interrogation.

CLAY: So, our best
lead to Ray is based

off of this phone ping
and some random comment

by a dead man walking? Our best lead

is based off of exhaustive
analysis of the available intel.

But even if Behadj
was at the smoke shop,

why hit it three days later?

'Cause we're not looking
for him, all right?

We're looking for Ray.
So let Davis finish.

Go ahead. There's a handful of Tunisian
and foreign fighters

that have been detained in
Sousse over the past six months,

all of them in close
proximity to the shophouse,

which I believe to be

a stop on the AKM ratline

bringing fighters, family
members and hostages

in and out of the country. JASON:
So, if somebody moved.

Ray out of Tunisia,
you're saying that it's possible

it was coordinated
out of the shophouse.

It's possible. JASON: Yeah.

This isn't intel.
This is just data.

Does the available intel
indicate that Ansar

actually transferred Ray to AKM?


No. All right, so,

we don't know for
sure that this place

is even part of AKM's ratline.

And even if it is,
we don't know that AKM has Ray.

So, who

and what are we actually looking
for in this tobacky shop?

Anything or anyone
that's gonna lead us to Ray.

Yeah, I don't mind fishing
if it ends up getting Ray,

but what do we expect on target?
How many fighters?

We don't know. ERIC:
Task force is also

prepping a new package
for all as*ault teams on Behadj.

He's resurfaced on Sfax,

but diplomatic issues
are slowing its approval.

Task force is
calling him Target A.

In the meantime,
Bravo has been approved

to hit Target B, our shophouse.

Why not wait for Target A,
an actual t*rror1st

tied to Ray? Why? Because this is the
most important op of our lives,

and we're gonna turn over
every stone that Davis has

if that means getting Ray back.
You got it?

So, quit bitching,

jock up.

Jace. JASON: Yeah.

Listen, I respect the fact
that you came back

for one last op to save Ray,

but don't make it
Bravo's last, too.

They want him back
just as bad as I do. And that's why

they're following you. Just
be careful where you lead 'em.

Unless you want
sacrificing the whole team

to be your legacy.

I came back to get Ray.
That's what I'm gonna do.







Get up. Get up.

Rise and shine.

Up! Get up!






Stay right there. Stay right...

Nice and easy, baby. Get up.


Sonny. Hey, Sonny!
Sonny, take it easy. What?

Stay still right there, huh?

If these guys are Ansar
like Davis says they are,

they could be strapped.

But they aren't. All right?

And they might know
something useful.

Carrots before sticks.

You know, this
desk job of yours

has turned you into a
real pacifist, Mahatma Blondie.

Or maybe this guy's just taking
the punishment right now

'cause you're mad at yourself
for your little fight with Ray.

SONNY: Oh, it's got
nothing to do with that,

all right?

Just these two.

Weapons? No.

No, nobody's carrying
any hardware.

Not sure these fellas are ready
for the end of days.

Davis' theory
might be off.

Brock, collect SSE, will ya?

Trent, Metal,
hold security up front.

The rest of you, take pictures
for Havoc, will you?

Havoc, this is 1.
I pass Barnacle.

Sending pictures
soon for FRS.

Bravo 1, Havoc copies Barnacle.

Standing by for images.

Gonna take a few to run
'em. There's too many of them

and too few of us to drill down
on all of 'em at once.

Not sure we have
time for that.

Hey, Jace,
who you want to start with?

Got to figure out
who works here.

These two were sleeping
in the office.

Sonny, drill down on him.

Let's go, Q-tip.

What do you say you and I have
a little chat? [GRUNTS]

Clay, you're with me.

I am Zied.

You think I'm a danger to you
because I look like them.

But they are not
my friends.

I'm not asking about your name
or anything about you,

but it appears you spend
more time with these savages.

If you can tell me
what to expect...

Perhaps if I knew
what lies ahead, I can...

Silent treatment.

I know this
very well.

My six-year-old does this
when he's cross with me.

But, eventually,
I always win Sami over.

I'm afraid
I will never see him again.

I am more afraid for him.

He hasn't heard from me
in many days.

What must he think
has happened?

A parent is meant
to worry for their child,

not the other way


Where are you from?




This guy's stonewalling.

Somebody must have said
something about an American

passing through.
Who was it? Come on.

I'm-I'm trying to gain
some rapport.

Okay, Ray doesn't
have time for that.

Have you seen this man?

Huh? Look at me.
Have you seen this man?

Get anything? No.

He just stared at me
like he was downwind

from Full Metal on fajita night.

Sit your ass down.

Captain America's taking this
too personal.

Got us running down
rabbit holes,

wasting time and energy.

Yeah, well, if Bravo 1
hadn't come back,

none of us would be here
right now.

You're hoping this is Jordan
coming out of retirement.

What I'm hoping is
you stop bitching about

every damn thing,

and start giving a crap
about finding Ray.

You think I don't care?

I've known him longer than you.

And I wasn't the one
who blew him up

the last time I spoke to him. SONNY: Yeah.

Prime Time's a hell of
an operator.

Same training we had,

smarter than the both of us
put together.

You better believe
he's working the problem.

If there's a way for him
to escape... he'll find it.

Got him to talk
already, huh?

Your charm is undeniable.

How about your guy? Nope,

he's all clammed up and got
no leverage, no carrots.

Havoc, this is 1.
Need FRS update.

Bravo 1, FRS negative.

Copy. Negative on FRS.

Bravo 1, be advised,

Target A has been approved.

What do you got? Office
had a bunch of photos,

stolen passports,
visa paperwork.

Forging materials.

This place is definitely
working on the ratline.

Davis was right.

Doesn't mean Ray was here.

Could sweat all these guys
and see what they know.

Don't have time for that

when there's
an actual target to hit.


You seen this man recently?
Look at him.

Look at him. Look.

I got cash.
How 'bout a nice vacation?

Whatever you need.

You seen him?
You seen this man recently?

We're wasting time. Have you seen him?

Ray's time. Have you seen him?

Coming here looking for answers
was the right thing to do.

Anyone! But Thirty's right.

Absolutely nothing
puts Ray here.

Let me talk to two guys.
That's it. These two.

We stick around, and the rest of
these guys are more useless

than these two,
then we miss Behadj.

actually behind Ray's capture.

Havoc, this is 1.
I got 11 uniform on target.

Request prisoner transport
from partner force.

When that happens,
we'll move on to Target A.

Bravo 1, Havoc copies all.

We'll contact the BAT and get

a prisoner transport
out to target.

That's a good copy.

Check their wrists.
Make sure they're secure.

Do a med check, too.
I don't want these guys

complaining they were mistreated
when the Tunisians show up.

Got it?

Turn around.

What the hell?


Check this out, man.

That's Ray's watch.

Hey... that's Ray's watch!


What have they done?

How can I help you?

Keep your voice down.

You want 'em to come back? No.

I want to know what they
have done to you.

It's not about breaking
your body.

Though pounding on the soles
of your feet,

ripping out your fingernails...

...hurts like hell.

They want to break your mind
and your spirit.

They come randomly.
No schedule.

It's disorienting.

To drive us insane.

How do you stay sane?

Focus on what keeps
your spirit strong.



You have children?


They were, uh...

They were upset
the night before I left, so...

...I didn't kiss 'em good-bye
the next morning.

Can you imagine that?

Passing on a chance
to kiss your babies.

I'm getting out of here
to make that right.

I met my wife
demonstrating for democracy

in the revolution.

I still love to hear
stories about the protests.

They have happy endings.


and hard work wins the day.

But what if I was wrong
to teach him about hope?

No father wants to be the reason
his kid's childhood ends.

But you did the right thing.

I don't know.

Hey, you and me,

we need that lesson
now more than ever.


that hope,
that we'll see our family again,

that's what gets us
through this.

We have got to stay strong...

for them.

For them.


Please use English.

Your butchered Arabic
hurts my ears.

Tell us about the watch, Faraz.

You went through our IDs.

you're smart, man.

I like dealing
with smart people.

Dumb people,
they just annoy me. So...

tell us about
the watch.

Numbers are big, easy to read.

Where'd you get it?

It was a gift. From who?


Someone who thought
I deserved it.

Why would you
deserve it?

Why wouldn't I?

Do you know
it has a thermometer?

No air conditioning here,

and now I know
exactly how hot it gets.

31 degrees
in the middle of the night.

You know, some people
find that uncomfortable.

Do you?

Would you like water? I would.

It's not going to change
my answers about the watch.

Let's talk about you, shall we?

There's more people out there
than there are bags.

Married couples pack together.
We went through the bags.

One of them had
women's clothes.

You should not
have touched those.

My calculations,
that means two people

aren't traveling...
They work here.

CLAY: Maybe you'd
be less concerned

about the air conditioning if
you were just passing through.

Maybe I'm simply
making conversation.

Okay, so,
if you don't work here,

that means you're traveling
to the fight.

And I'm sorry, I just...

I don't see that.

A fighter's ability comes
from his soul, not his body. Really?

So if I gave you my knife,
what would you do with it?

I'd slit your throat.

Now, that is the first
honest answer we've had.

Okay, let's try two for two.

Have you seen him?

Unless we're talking
about the weather,

I have nothing to say. All right,
we're done here. Let's go. Come on.

Go. Get out. Sonny? Yep?

Keep this guy secluded.

Don't give him any water,
will you? Copy, boss.

The hell was that
about the knife?

Trying to get a read on him.
So, what do you think?

Well, good English.

When you mentioned
the women's clothes,

he's definitely more
religious than secular.

I agree with you, he's not
on his way to the front,

but he could be
in charge here.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Support teams
have been withdrawn.

Bravo is now taking
Target A solo.

What is your ETA?

Havoc, this is 1.

We're still digging. How copy?

It's gonna be hard
convincing him to leave

when he doesn't know
how Ray's watch got there.

Yeah, worst thing
that could happen

is Jason doesn't get his answers
and we lose our shot at Behadj.

Yeah, Bravo 1, understand
you need more time on target.

Make it quick. Havoc, we need to delay

the partner force coming
for the prisoner transport.

DAVIS: We're doing
what we can, Bravo 1,

but 11 uniform on target got
the Tunisians' attention.

With Charlie
and Foxtrot tied up,

if we don't move on Behadj,
nobody gets him.

Faraz is the key.

He either crossed paths with Ray
or knows somebody who did.

We have no many hands
this watch passed through

before he ended up with it...
This could be a dead end.

He had that watch 'cause
he's important to someone.

You think
he's not in charge here?

Threatening to slit my throat?
Come on, poser, he's arrogant.

Trying too hard
to prove his self-worth.

If he's working for someone,
how are we gonna find out, man?

He knows not to say anything.

So you want to pop smoke
and go for Behadj?

Whatever you think's best,
man... I'll follow your lead.

I lead... let's go
find Faraz's boss.





How do you go through
something like this...

and think you'll see
your children again?

There's no hope in that room.

You have to believe there's
light at the end of the tunnel.

It's the only way.

Is that where
you see a light?

It may be small, but...

...makes me feel
like I have some control.


Oh, no.

No, not again.

They can't be coming back
so soon.


Here's your special request.

Kitchen closes in ten.

Thank you.

CLAY: Guess Faraz
wasn't thirsty after all.

Unless he needs permission.

Let's see
who he's waiting on.

Think we found the boss.

JASON: Look at that...
That's impressive, Mr. Nasri.

Hid in plain sight
in your office.

Too bad Faraz gave you up.

Faraz is not as smart
as he thinks he is.

So are you gonna have to tell
your AKM bosses

that he messed up or is that
something you can handle?

Look, I completely
understand how frustrating

middle management
can be.

I am an independent businessman.

A talented one when it comes
to smuggling people.

But we don't care where those
folks outside are going, right?

I do, I do have
one question though.

Now I assume that Faraz
sleeps near the room

to keep an eye on the guests.

Why was one of them
in here with you, the boss?

Is that your one question?

It's been bothering me
since we figured out who's who.

He wouldn't share a room
with the women.

The curtain wasn't enough
for him.

You thought I was going
to ask something else?

You've been waving a picture
around since you arrived.

You were interested
in Faraz's watch.

You know anything
about either one?

When you go fishing,
you need better bait.

Wouldn't you rather be fishing
instead of, uh,

making travel arrangements

for people you
don't even like?

Look, I-I believe that
you're a businessman.

Because if you were really
committed to the fight,

you wouldn't be operating
out of this office.

I would prefer my family to live
in a world with no bloodshed.

But my business partners
value my discretion.

And as you know,
these are not people to betray.

We can protect you.

We can protect your family.

If you tell us
what we want to know.

You are in no position
to make any offer.

You already told me
you're middle management.

It's just an act.

Been through it
four times before.

Just deep breaths.

Stay with me.



How could you go on as
though nothing has happened?

That was worse
than physical pain.

I told you.

Think about your son.

I'd rather
k*ll myself

than let those people
have power over me and Sami.

I know that feeling.

I've had it myself.

But we have power, too.


What, what power?


They made a mistake
when they walked us in together.

See, now that we know
there are at least five of them

and each only has one w*apon.

This is how
your mind works?

Does that mean
we can escape?

Is that what that is for?

I think we have a better shot
than most people

in our situation would, but...

we need a way
to call for help.

A phone or radio.

Have you noticed static when
they walk you to the other room?


Yes. What is it?

That's what we need to find out.


Bravo 1, this is Havoc,
give me a sitrep.

Come on, get up.
Get your ass up. Go.

Havoc, this is 1,
we need more time on target.

Yeah, I hope that means
someone's talking,

'cause the window's
closing on Target A.

The as*ault on Behadj
isn't the only clock

that they need to worry about.

Bravo 1, be advised

you have local authorities
en route to your pos

to take custody of detainees.

I thought you were buying us more time.
DAVIS: We tried.

But the Tunisians want to put a
lid on this as soon as they can.

They're responsible
for anyone detained.

What's their ETA?

Approximately 15 mikes.

I copy, 15 mikes. Bravo out.

On me.

Clock's running out.
We need a buzzer beater.

What's on your mind, Jace?
Nasri knows something.

Faraz, too. THIRTY MIKE:
That smoke shop's

giving you a contact high
you think we're getting anything

from those dudes. CLAY:
Could go at Nasri again,

sweeten the offer. JASON:
Nah, he's more afraid of AKM

than he is of us.

Not gonna make a deal.

Can't give a carrot
to someone who ain't hungry.

How about we give them
the stick?

Enhanced interrogation?

Standard interrogation's
got us nothing.

Lot of people say EITs

get that same result.

Doesn't matter if it works
or not, it's illegal.

What, are we gonna sit back and
watch Ray get his throat slit

because we're afraid
of some kind of court-martial?

SONNY: This is the
ticking time b*mb scenario

that EIT is for.


They do it to us.

Turnabout is fair play.

We got to be better than that.

Better than them.

If-if we sink down
to their level...

If we don't sink to their level,
Ray's got no shot.

Team leader who taught me

what this job means would
never cross this line.

That line got moved when
those dirtbags got Ray.

Think of your legacy
as an operator.

Every good thing that you ever
did on the teams gets erased

by this one act.

Every good thing gets thrown out
if I don't get Ray back.

I mean... I-I want
to find him, too, but... All right, look,

my career is over when I get
Ray back, yours isn't.

You're on thin ice
with Command as it is.

I'm not bringing you down
with me. You, either.

You know, I just keep thinking
about how Ray reacted

when we all wanted
to lie for him

when we thought
he threw that homewrecker,

and I'm just not sure
he'd want us

to trade our honor for his life.

Especially you, Jace.

If I don't do whatever it takes
to get Ray back,

his family will
see him ex*cuted.

I'll have no honor to speak of.

Yeah, we're the only one
thinking, uh...

I'd rather be bounced
trying to save his life

than regret letting
you hang alone.

I'm in.

This here is what separates us
from the enemy.

We have a code
and they don't.

Sonny's right, Jace.
Ray wouldn't want this.

Oh. It's good he's not here
to stop me, then.

Let's go.

I don't suppose
you'll tell me why

you're so calm
about all this.

I am not calm.

I'm scared.

I'm scared every minute.

It takes everything I have
not to show it to them.

I cannot give them
the satisfaction

of knowing
they're getting to me.

It was worse when I was alone.

But yet you endured.

I have a mantra.

"They will not break me."

"They will not break me."

They will not... break me.

That's it, brother.

You got this.


Sit down. Sit down.


w*r is hell, man.

Bravo 4, this is 6.

Can Metal and Brock
hold security without you?


Great. Come meet me here

at the DCP.

Copy that. Moving.


What do you guys need?

You and Thirty
hold security here.

Come on. Let's talk.

Let's go.

Come here. Come here, sit down.
Sit down for a second.

Mr. Nasri really likes you,
Faraz. You know that?

He wouldn't have given you an
American's watch if he didn't.

So if you know
anything, tell me,

and I can stop them
from what they're doing

to your friend
in the other room.

He is not my friend.
He's a fool.

Did you smell the food,

when we passed the static?[SHUSHES]

Not now.

Let's start here.

You don't like Nasri?

You think he's not
a true Muslim.

He just, he takes money
from your brothers

doing the fighting and mocks
their cause behind their backs?

Yet you're gonna be

one who's enduring
the pain and suffering next

because you're sitting here
protecting him.

It will be an honor
to bleed for my brothers.

Think of your son.


It's a real simple question...

...when you think about
it. The right answer

will put a stop to all this.

Whatever you do to me,
it won't be as bad

as what happens
if I betray my partners.

Unless you are more like them
than I thought.


Being part of the cause
is important to you, huh?

Supporting your brothers?

But you can't contribute
the way you'd like.

That right?

'Cause Nasri's
holding you back.

I know what it's like
to work for someone

who doesn't listen to me.

How many times
has he overruled you

even though you knew better?

Every day.

It's infuriating.

Being ignored
when you know what's best.


No, no...

Hey. Come on. Open them up.

Open them up.

I'm not weak like you.

When Nasri is wrong,
I do what's right.


You know,

I was wrong before. You're not
gonna have to bleed for your brothers.

We know that Nasri's
the only real player here.

"Player"? Like, the leader, someone
in charge, someone of value.

Not a little clerk like you.

I am a player, too.

Oh, really?
Forging passports?

You get a watch, he gets
the glory from your brothers

for delivering the
American. If it wasn't for me,

my brothers wouldn't
have the Americans.

That's right. That's right,
they wouldn't have the American,

because you had
a better idea than Mr. Nasri.

But your heroes?
They're gonna give him

all the credit
because he's the boss.

They're never gonna know
that you're the real ally here,

and they're always just gonna
look at you like you're Nasri's

little errand boy. Nasri wanted to move
them from here yesterday afternoon.

But too many eyes,
so I changed it to El Kantaoui.

I am very good. All Bravo elements,

this is Bravo 6.You will never find them.

Tango on target just informed us
that Bravo 2 was transferred

from El Kantaoui
yesterday afternoon.

I say again,
Bravo 2 was transferred

from El Kantaoui.



You all right, Jace?

I stopped it in time? Uh,
damnedest thing, man.

He walked right up to the line

and stopped himself
from crossing it.

That office in there, well,
it's a little worse for wear.



Good work.

Let's go get Ray.