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04x04 - Shockwave

Posted: 11/26/21 11:04
by bunniefuu
Previously onSEAL Team... 3,
this is Bravo 1. Work the problem.

Somebody goofed. Yeah, somebody goofed,
all right.

Whoever made Thirty Bravo 1.

You wrote the letter? RAY:
You are doing the wrong thing

by trying to take the rap
for me.

What about your future?

Goes without saying,

STA-21 is gone.

So you will operate again
one day, Spenser,

but it won't be
with Bravo Team.

Ray Perry,

back from
warrant officer school.

You know, behind that pious

you are one selfish

son of a bitch. Hey! Hey!

But you know, the team
would be a lot better off

if instead of you pinning
your hopes on everyone else

to fix Bravo, you'd actually be

part of the solution
for a change.

Right now, you are stuck
in no-man's-land,

and you're of no use to anyone.

Not yourself, not Bravo,
certainly not me.

So you flip that switch,
Master Chief,

or I will do it for you.

We clear? Crystal clear, sir.

But American soldiers
sh**ting up the country poses

a whole different set of problems for
the Tunisians. We're sailors, ma'am.

Nobody will know we're here.

Gonna have to
learn patience in this job.

Less point and sh**t
than you're used to.

Change and operators
aren't always a good mix.


Look at you, man.
You're moving a little slow.

What, you shut the bar down
last night with Sonny?

Yeah, you know,
poured one out for Bravo,

drowned our sorrows.

I ended up playing lifeguard,
literally, when Sonny decided

he was gonna double-gainer
off his barstool.

Well, lucky for him,
Bravo's still stuck

in the shallow end
for a while, right?

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Whoa, whoa.

What? That's more action
than I've seen in months.

The brass is coming in
pretty hot, too.

Yeah, um...

something's up.

Hey. I would have called you
as soon as I heard, but... Yeah.

What's happening? It's Ray.

What do you mean it's Ray? Ensign Davis.

Sir, what's happening?

Master Chief Hayes,
there's been an attack

on a café in
Bizerte, Tunisia.

It was a su1c1de bombing,

followed by armed assailants.

Warrant Officer Perry
was in the café.

I'm sorry, he's...

His status is DUSTWUN.What?

What do you...
Whereabouts unknown?

I-I'm sorry, what...
Whereabouts unknown?

W-Was he there
or was he not there?

The agency case officer
with him

has been confirmed deceased,
but Ray was not found

among the dozen casualties

No one's heard from him. Oh, no, come on.

If he's injured...
Did you check the hospitals?

Every protocol is
being followed. I'm sorry, sir,

but who do you got
looking for him?

Master Chief, I need you
to remain dedicated

to Echo's op in Yemen.

Sir, we have a missing SEAL.
All hands on deck.

There's nothing for you to do.

What do you mean, I'm just gonna
sit on the sidelines...

Let us do our jobs,
Master Chief, by doing yours.


This can't be
the way it goes down.

Not Ray, not like this.

As I said before,
there's more questions

than answers at this point.

Prime Time probably carried
the wounded out of there.

Didn't have a chance to call.

Anything's possible.
The situation's evolving.

But they gotta spin us up.

Get us out there
looking for him, right?


Bravo remains undeployable.

Ah, come on, Blackburn.

You can't hold this
scrimmage crap against us.

Okay? Not when it
gets real like this.

Our brother needs
us right now.

If a response is ordered,

you may be assigned
to other teams.

We heard.

So what are we
gonna do about it, Jace?

Command's looking at options.

Well, you're part
of the headshed now,

s-so find the lever that says,
"drop the whole damn Navy on it"

and yank on it.

Get us over there.

All of us.

I'm not involved.

What do you mean?

Lindell's kicked me back
to focus on other operations.

There is no other operation.
This is your guy, and he's gone.

Tell him you're ops chief
for the mission.

That's not how it
works over there.

There's nothing I can do.



He was there alone.

Yeah. It's, um...

It's his new role.

That's how it works

I always took comfort knowing,
if something happened,

he had his teammates
looking out for him.

He could be fine.

Could be at a hospital,

and the cell networks
are overloaded...

Whatever you're not
telling me, Jason...


Forget what you're
allowed to say.

It-It's me. It's us.

I know. And if I had any more

I would share it with you.

That's why I came over
here right away,

because I know Ray doesn't like
to keep anything from you.

Look, someone official's gonna

reach out soon with less.

If I were you, I wouldn't
even watch the news.

Just turn it off. consumer
confidence in the metals waned.

So what am I
supposed to do,

just sit here alone

in silence, just waiting?

What would Ray want?

Hey, guys.


He's gonna be okay.


I'm sure we'll hear
from him any moment.

Something to eat.
I... Sorry.

Thanks, Trent.


Thanks for coming, Sonny.

Of course. Come
on. Let's go inside.

New house looks great.

Still a dozen things
on Ray's honey-do list

to get it in order.

New job's got him
gone more than ever.

Surprised he hasn't roped us
into helping paint.

One of the tasks Ray won't
let anyone else touch.

His OCD can't handle it.

Yeah. Spent hours on the phone
when he was at CWO Academy

deliberating between
"Cloud Mist" and "Spring Rain."

Not quite
the hell-raiser he used to be.

He probably wanted it
perfect for you.

That's the kind of man he is.

When will we hear?

Hey, hey.

What are you doing?

Uh... I can't be here, man.


I can't be here. Okay?

Lying to Ray's wife,
pretending I was a good friend

after tearing into him
like that?

You know what, you shouldn't
have erupted about

the whole Marsden thing.

Don't make it worse
by bailing now.

I just can't believe the last
thing I ever said to Ray

was blaming him
for Bravo falling apart.

What did he say to you?

To step up...

take some ownership.

Instead, you're ducking out?

Look, man...

you'll get the chance
to make it up to him.

Maybe go find him and put down
whoever did this to him.

Until then,
being here's the mission.

I swear, if Thirty starts
eulogizing again,

I am gonna stick him
in the ground.

You hear?



Hey, how's Naima?

Terrified. Hopeful.
Hard to say.

And you?

I just feel like, uh...

everyone is just,
like, looking at me

to fix this.

From the Ops Center, you mean?

Nobody's expecting you
to-to do that.

Look, why don't you just
go say hi to Naima?

Okay? I got to get some air.

All right.


Even the broccoli. Obliterated.

Yeah, I don't know.
People are hungry.

Maybe we could order pizza?

Might be too festive, huh?

What's the most somber topping?


Trent. Hey.

I'm gonna go check on things.

As if you needed one more
unpleasant surprise today. Hi.


I, uh...

I didn't realize that you
and Naima stayed in touch.

Yeah, she pops up to campus
sometimes to grab lunch.

She's just one of
those lovely people.

You know, you come
into their life once,

and... it's for good.

Did you, uh, hear any updates?


You know what?
Y-You should,

you should go hang
with the guys. I got it.


Hey, look, I'm...

I'm sorry that you never
heard from me after...

okay. You know, you...

show up at someone's door,
pour your heart out,

the-the quiet kind of
speaks for itself.

But it's good, you know,
my head ever gets too big,

I just got to dial up that
memory, and I come right back

down to Earth, so...

It wasn't fair of me
to never respond.

It wasn't fair of me

ambushing you when you
were in a relationship.

Well, I'm actually...

I'm glad that you're here.

Hmm, that heavily qualified
warmth is kind of you.

I didn't mean that.

It-It's nice of you
to bring all this

to whatever this is.

A house full of people
who care about each other.

Doesn't need to be
more complicated.

I'm gonna go say hi to Naima.

Sonny, you want a beer?

Sonny, radio check. Oh, uh...

Do you want a beer?

No, I'm-I'm good, man.Okay.

Hey, Jameelah.

You doing okay, sweetie?

I just...

You're, uh...
you're probably hearing

a lot of people
talk about your daddy, huh?

I know he's missing.

Somewhere called Tunisia.

Tunisia. That... is
that how you say it?

Yeah, I had to, I had to go and
look it up on the map myself.

That's all I know.

I should've sent Teena with him.

I tell you what,

we are gonna get
your daddy home safe.


That's a promise
from Uncle Sonny.

He told me about
when he got lost before.

In the mountains.

Hmm. Yeah.

And he stayed strong
and we found him.

Now, if we got to do
that again, we will.

He told me it was a miracle
he was found in the mountains.

You think people
get two miracles?

If anybody does,
it's your daddy.

Hang in there, okay?

It's gonna be
all right.

What in the hell
are we doing here, boys?

We should be over there right
now kicking doors off hinges.

Wearen't going anywhere.

Not as Bravo.
You heard Blackburn.

Really no chance
the team gets spun up?


It ain't right.

Whether rescue or recovery,

we should be the ones
bringing Ray home.

Yeah, it should be Ray's
actual Bravo brothers

that go and get him,

not some


Not here, Sonny. Take your sh*ts, Sonny,

but you and your live mag
got us grounded hard.

Hmm. Well, we can't
get off the runway

when the plane
ain't got no captain. That's enough.

You know what helps?
Not carrying 200 pounds

of Southern-fried dead weight.

- Guys. Relax.
- How can we relax...

Hey, knock it off. Knock it off...
when we don't know where he is?


It's go time.

It doesn't feel right.

None of it is.

A canvass of all hospitals in
the region has not located Ray.

We have alerted
local authorities

while maintaining his cover.

Intel is zeroing in
on the party responsible

for the attack, so a task force,

consisting of Alpha, Charlie
and Foxtrot teams will spin up.

Ensign Davis and I have
been tapped to join it.

Each of you will strap
with one of the teams... What?

...assigned here. Our brother's missing,

and Command's
playing temp agency.


Team's a clean-shaven,
uptight clown show.

Back to Alpha.

Back to Charlie for me.

Don't know what you got
till it's gone, huh?

Parting out Bravo's Ferrari
for a fleet of Miatas.

Okay, so it'll be on each one
of us to bring Ray back.

Damn straight.

I'm gonna head back.

All right. I'm
gonna stick here.

I mean, it's the
least I can do.

Seems to be my
calling lately.

Sucks not being
in the fight.

Yeah, well, it sucks that
I put him over there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second.

What do you mean by that?

You know, if I hadn't taken
the hit for the Marsden letter,

then Ray would never have made
warrant officer and he'd be here

with his family. Yeah, he'd be unemployed.

Don't ever question

the moves you make, all right?

He picked warrant officer

because it was good
for his family.

There's no way to know
the consequences.

The fallout from the choices
that we make.

I'll let you know if
anything changes. Yeah.

Oh, thank you.

You are welcome.

I only have a minute,
you know, all the... Y-Yeah, yeah.

...moving pieces
with this task force.Mm-hmm.

Wish I could've
made it to Naima's.

Eh, it's all right,
she's in a fog,

so your energy is best spent
here, hunting for Ray.

You know, he's been doing
everything the right way.

For his family,
for his career...

And it is all gonna be
here when he gets back.

Yeah, it's just not fair.

This job, fair? That ain't
one of the fringe benefits.

You know that.

That's why when
we find something

we can steal away
for ourselves...

...we, uh, we got to hold
on to it as best we can.



We're gonna find him.

You knew this day would come.

Bravo's first one without you.

No, no, this is different.
You understand?

I mean, Ray is missing,
or worse. He's...

Ray needs Bravo more
than ever right now,

but, you know, they're scattered
on different teams.

They're the same guys
you trained.

The ones you trusted enough
to step away from.

You do not understand.

I can't even be on
the sidelines for him.

Lindell's got me overseeing
other operations.

Sounds like
a worthy distraction.

How am I supposed
to focus on that?

You're asking if Jason Hayes
can compartmentalize?

Lose himself in work?

You got this.

Trust me.

Trust them.


Can I ask?

How none of your many
dish-loading tutorials

ever stuck with me?


Um, why didn't you leave
with the guys, with the team?

I'm suspended from operating.

Ah. HR finally
come down on you

for that shirtless
habit of yours?

What happened?

Thought I was doing the right
thing, helping someone out.

There it is.

I still know you, Clay.

Only thing that would
make you do something bad

is something good.

Yeah, well,

Naval Command doesn't really
split those hairs.

So they benched me

and now I'm riding a desk
for I don't know how long.

It won't last. Yeah, well,

ten-hour shift feels like 50.

Come on, someone like you,
with all you got to offer?

No one's gonna leave you alone
on the bench for long.

Just... I promise you that.


For the love of geometry,
can you please let me show you

how these fit together?

Get me a better look at that,
all right?

A sitrep on the local
security forces.

Lima 1, this is Echo 1.

Copy, Echo 1.

Team's been briefed
on the security survey

we'll be performing.
All's quiet.

Exfil routes established?

Not our first rodeo,
Master Chief.

Copy, Echo 1.

Bystander video from
the Tunisian attack just came in.

That's Perry.

Ray's alive.

We, uh, we-we know
he's alive.

They heard from him?

There was a...
there was a video.

Show me.

I can't.

But look, uh, we got a whole
task force that's spinning up

to go search for him.

Hey, all the guys,
along with three other teams.

They're gonna,
they're gonna tear Tunisia apart

until they find him.

Jason will be there?

Sir, you used to
be an operator.

If that was your man
on the video, okay,

if it was your brother
in enemy hands...

What are you pushing at, Jason?

I want back in the fight.

You made it
eight weeks.

All your talk about being
ready to transition.

That's Ray,
that's my brother.

There's no way I'm standing
on the sidelines.

You're regressing.

This is not
about regression.

This is an extraordinary

Ray is out there
and he needs my help.


Fine. I'll have
the task force commander

find you a team to strap with...

You want to be an operator,
they will stick you in a stack.

I don't want a stack.
I want my team back... Bravo.

Bravo is not deployable.

They are with me.

And they're a lot stronger
with Clay Spenser on it.

You know, some of us, we make
a decision, we hold to it.

Spenser is not operating!

A SEAL has never been
in enemy captivity before.

Ray's face gets on TV...

You think I don't realize that?!

And I am trying to deal with it,
while you're here trying to

piece together the things
that you let go of,

so you can turn
back the clock.

I'm trying to
keep Ray alive, sir.

I'll give you Bravo.
Spenser stays back.

You want Ray back?
I need Spenser.

Wheels up in an hour.
Get your gear together.

Philly's finest is
putting the gloves back on.

Bravo is officially back.

Not till we get Ray back.

Guess I won't have to remind
Charlie Team how it's done.

And I won't need earplugs to
drown out my mouth breathers

in Alpha.

Anybody else
want to press our luck,

see if we can break
Peaches out of, uh,

detention there,
and drag him along

with us?

Oh, look who it is. Got the call.

Yeah, buddy! Let's go.

Let's go. I'm in. Come on!

Hey. I don't know how
you made that happen.

Hey, man.Hey.

Stubborn cake-eaters

ain't no match for the
Jedi mind tricks of Bravo 1.

Good to see
you all back together.

Just wishing there was one more.

Saving his seat
for the ride back.

Listen, when we land in Tunisia,

the entire task force
will be briefed.

But considering how close
to home this hits for Bravo,

we figured we'd give you
a heads-up.

Intel has I.D.'d

the group responsible
for the attack.


That's the same group that Ray's
S.A. mission was focused on.

It is.

Though there's no indication

that he was
targeted specifically.

Ansar Al-Masar has ex*cuted
three att*cks around Bizerte

in recent months, all
targeting locations

frequented by Westerners,

and all utilizing the
same two-step tactic.

su1c1de bomber,
followed by sh**t.

So why'd they take Ray?

They've taken Western hostages

and affluent locals from
the scenes of other att*cks.

In some cases,
they brokered them for ransom.

They hit the jihad jackpot
getting a SEAL.

Look, Ray'll make sure
they don't know who he is.

The good news is,
Ansar Al-Masar is

a strictly
Tunisian-based group.

There's no known channels
into other nations, so we

have every reason to believe
that Ray remains in-country.

Target packages are
currently being assembled,

so when we touch down,
things'll be moving quickly.

Let's rest up.

Hey, I, uh, I never got the
chance to say thank you.

But being here
means everything.

Well, look, if you're fishing
to see if you're back for good,

I didn't get into that
with Lindell, so...

I wasn't gonna ask.


Every day as a frogman,
that's... that's enough.

But you understand that

if you're getting
back into the sandbox.

No, just one mission.

Get Ray back,
that's it.

After that, it's back to
life after Bravo.


How did, how did Natalie
take the news

of you kitting up again?

Natalie, she understands
what I got to do.

What about you?

Saw you with
Stella again.

Focusing my energy
on getting Ray back.

Any demands from Al-Masar?

Not yet,
but it's still early.

They usually make their demands
48 hours after abduction,

and then release the hostages
relatively unharmed

when they get paid.

And they haven't always
ransomed their hostages?


And we know
what happens to the others.

I'm praying we get demands soon.

Task force commander's
briefing in 20.


Thread count leaves something
to be desired.

Could be worse.

Snow suit, Jace?
It's, like,

90 degrees
outside, brother.

It's from the Al-Hazred Jr. op.

Haven't opened this bag
since that.

Really going with
the whole, uh,

whole Captain America
thing there, huh?

Super soldier freezes

in the snow, and then
thaws out to fight again.

Haven't seen you at the range.

When was the last time
you fired a round?

I got a target you can sh**t at
next time you're out.

Last shot I took a shot was, uh,

in that tunnel.

We had Al-Hazred Jr. cornered.

Ray was by my side.

That was the way my time
on Bravo was supposed to end.

We are all aware that this is

an unprecedented situation.

A Navy SEAL in enemy captivity.

At 0200, the task force
will as*ault two known.

Ansar Al-Masar targets.

Warrant Officer Perry himself,
or information regarding

his location, could be present
at either target.

Ensign Davis.

The first target
is the residence

of known Ansar Al-Masar leader
Salah Behadj,

the man believed to be
responsible for the café attack.

The second target is this
building in the Medina district,

believed to be a safe house
for the group.

The task force
will operate as one unit,

hitting these targets

in quick succession, starting
with Behadj's residence.


Master Chief Hayes.
Heard you were

stepping down from
your established role.

Good to have one more
operator here. We got four teams here.

Why don't we hit both targets
at the same time?

Size of the buildings,
multiple egresses,

we need the full task force
to overwhelm each target.

But word of the first hit will
just alert the second target.

Communication between
the targets is a concern.

There's a good chance
that they warn each other.

Unless we're faster
than a phone call,

target two's gonna
be a dry hole.

Cell signal jammers
will be deployed

in the vicinity of both targets.

What if they got landlines
and radios?

Best tactical advantage we have
right now is that we're ghosts.

As soon as we kick
that first door,

Ansar flips their patterns,
goes shields up,

and our intel runs dry.

Hoping that
Warrant Officer Perry's

in that first target,
that's just too big of a gamble

when tonight could be
our only shot.

Your eight weeks in the Ops
Center grant you a better idea?

Uh, yeah. Bravo Team will post
up outside the second target.

The task force will
hit the first target.

We contain the squirters.

The safe house is miles away
from the other target,

where our only ISR platform
will be dedicated.

You'll be without overwatch,
or a close QRF.

We'll take that deal.

We're gonna drive in, offset
and foot patrol in.

Then we'll hold the north
and south side

of the building, watch
out for squirters.

Rest of the task force
hooks up with us,

we as*ault.

Look, I know we're all
hyped up for this,

but let's just remember
who's inside. You got it?

Hostage rescue situation.

Take the second to P.I.D.
everyone you encounter.

Ray could be around any corner
or in any vehicle.

More emphasis on search
than destroy.

And you will never
hear me say that again.

All right. We're
moving out in ten.

It's good to have
our QB back, Jace.

Everything's felt
so upside down lately.

Good you, uh,

turned the gravity
back on for us.

I'm not back, Sonny,
I'm just here for Ray.

If you're looking
for someone to step up

and bring Bravo back together,

maybe that's on you this time.

Havoc, this is 1.
We're one klick from our target.

Copy, Bravo 1.

Other elements are ten mikes
from executing at their target.


Here you go.
Check this, Pepper.

Ready? Here. There you go.

Ray's shirt?

Yeah. The filthiest one
from his cage.

I think he
considered it good luck.

Dog's first time outside
the wire. She good to go?


Training and the real thing?
It's all the same to her.

She can't tell
the difference.

It's a good thing
Bravo does, eh, Thirty?

Roger that.


Guy on a cell phone.

Got him.

Our cell jammers
are always sketchy.


Well, it could be nobody.

At 0200?

I don't think so.
Keep going.

We got eyes on us.

Cross coverage.

Trent, Clay, cover
the back side.


Havoc, this is 1. I
got troops in contact.

1, this is 6.
We can't push to the back side.

Must have got something
really big in there,

with all this firepower!

Or someone!

Not waiting on the cavalry.
We got to see what's inside!


Can't leave.

Push forward!

Sonny, light them up.
Light them up!



No! No!

No! No!

Go. Find him!

Clear. I got nothing.

The rest of the target's clear. Copy that.

This ain't the place, boys.

Pepper picked up on something.

Yeah, maybe Ray.

Maybe expl*sive residue.

Havoc, this is 1.

Target secure. No sign of Hotel.

Copy that, 1.

We'll, uh, we'll check
the K.I.A. for cell phones,

do an SSE pass-through.

Let's go. Pepper picked up on something.
Where are you, Ray?

Heard the other teams' op
was a dry hole.

No HVT, no contact. Nothing?

5,000 miles,
two dozen frogmen

for a couple
of damn flip phones.

Did you find something? DAVIS:
Yeah. Video file

from a phone Bravo pulled.

Time stamp has it created
20 minutes

before you assaulted the target.

Let me spool it up for you.

That fixture on the wall.
We were in that room.

20 minutes late.

They got him on the move,

which means they're gonna
keep him alive.

Yeah, they're scrambling.

We'll catch up to them.

There was
something else on the phone.

Messages between its user

and several foreign
extremist groups.


Offering Ray up,

as a valuable hostage
for another group.

With the walls
closing in on Ansar,

they may have already
off-loaded him.

So we don't
know who has Ray now

or if he's even
still in-country.

That room. Ray was in that room.

I let him slip away.