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04x03 - The New Normal

Posted: 11/26/21 11:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

Look who's back!

Oh, yeah!

His three years in is like

21 for any of us.

I think it's time for
him to just be a dog.

We made a commitment
to serve.

It's not who
I want to be.

If I don't walk away now,

I'm gonna lose
myself forever.

Okay, just...

No one needs to talk to NCIS.

The offender has come forward.

Wait, what?

You are doing the wrong thing

You wrote the letter?

by trying to take the rap
for me. What about your future?

Goes without saying,

STA-21 is gone.

Command's on Bravo's ass

over some nonsense.

It could jeopardize my promotion
if it blows up.

Let's hope it blows over.

w*r has been my refuge
for too long.

It's time for Bravo 1 to take
a step back from operating.

Roger that. Ready to send...

Get ready!

One minute!

30 seconds!

30 seconds!

Bravo have boots
on the ground yet?

Boots are on the ground. They're
just not in the right spot.

They overshot the landing area
by two klicks east.

Alpha and Charlie Teams
miss the "X," too?

They dead-eyed the LZ
and are headed to target now.

Boys don't hurry up,
they won't have a chair

when the music stops.

Gotta back around.

Where are we
going, Sonny?

All stop! All stop!

All stop!

Come on now, Texas.

I didn't get all pretty
just to miss the ball.

Gonna turn into
pumpkins soon.

Our fearless leader's
got us way off course.

Bravo 1, this is 3!

I think you got us going
in the wrong direction.


this is Bravo 1.

Work the problem.

You got us so turned around,
we can't work the damn problem.

We missed our landing zone
by two klicks.

Wind data was off.

Nobody warned us
about the crosswind at 10,000.

Yeah. Thirty's right, man.

I reconfirmed
the jump path.

Somebody else goofed.

Yeah, somebody
goofed all right:

whoever made Thirty Bravo 1.

Let me know when Echo Team's
Charlie Mike.

How are the boys doing?

More of the same.

Missed the landing zone,
losing pace.

Good thing it's
just a training op.

Been saying that for two months
since you stepped down.

Hopefully this isn't
Bravo's new normal.

Gonna take some time,
but they'll adjust

and get it all
squared away.

Moving from the b*ttlefield
with the boys

to the sidelines as ops chief

must take
some adjusting, too.

Not at all. Just staying
in my three-foot world.

This route.
Has more elevation change

but saves time.


But we don't know the terrain
up there.

We could get bogged down.

It's not a debate.

Mount up!

Come on, Pep.
Let's go.

All right, end ex. End ex.

Alpha and Charlie Teams
just passed jackpot.

We'll get 'em
next time, boys.

You know, Thirty,

the key point of
"time on target"

is actually making it
to the damn target!

Another rough outing for Bravo,
Lieutenant Commander Blackburn.

Seems we got
some bad information

on the wind data, sir.

Might do the team some good,

knock some of that
swagger out of 'em.

Not sure how much swagger
they're gonna have left

after all these misfires.

Bravo's gonna be fine

once Clay and Ray
are back on the team.

Seems you manage to end up

in the ops center
whenever Bravo heads out

on another training mission,
Master Chief.

Ops is my new b*ttlefield, sir.

Echo Team has
an air asset issue in Yemen

that I need you
to solve.

Yes, sir.

Just be sure that Echo is
the team you're focused on.

Roger that.

Bravo's in my rearview.

Look at you.

Two months ago, you took out
the biggest HVT in Afghanistan.

Now you're flying solo
behind a desk.

That's what you call
pipehitter purgatory.

I would take making
sugar cookies in BUD/S

over proofreading these
reports any day of the week.

Well, Lindell
sure did put

his golden boy down for writing
that letter to Marsden.

How much more time you have left
on your sentence?

No idea.

I'm pushing paper
and you're operating a radio.

It's a pretty sorry end
for a couple of gunslingers.

I think we both made
the right call.

How'd the boys do?

The boys...

crapped the bed again.

Oh, man.

I never thought I'd see
Bravo lose its fangs.

I'd give anything to be out
there with them right now.

You know, I'm, uh...

I'm gonna go clear my head
at the range,

if you're up
for a little-little competition.

No, I haven't shot a round
since I stopped operating.

Well, that's okay.
You know, you...

you never could beat me anyway,

It's gonna take more
than the little baby-faced

trash talking
you're doing right now

to bring me out of retirement.

It ain't gonna happen.
Oh, just for the record,

I always ate your lunch
at the range.

Oh, wait a second.

Ray Perry, back
from warrant officer school.

Look at that fruit salad
on you.

You look good, man.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm, uh, still a sled dog.
Don't you forget it.

I tell you, all that time off
in Rhode Island,

it served you well.

I wouldn't classify
it as a vacation.


You're looking better
than expected, too.

Meaning what?

Even the most hard-charging
operator puts on

the post-frogman 15
when they slow down.

Nah, I'm good. I'm not slowing
down, just pushing ahead.

Just saying,
not operating with Bravo,

moving into ops chief,

I wouldn't fault you
for struggling.

I'm squared away.

It's your current teammates
who are struggling.


Heard they were backsliding.


Maybe they need
their old Bravo 1

to coach 'em up like old times?

No, that's for you
to get 'em back on track.

I'm done.

Go get 'em, Ray.

All right.

Julian Blondesange.

Who you come to blow
the whistle on this time?

Just going to the range.

Why you need trigger
time, Spenser?

Only w*apon you use these days
is a pencil.

Oh, look at that.
Thirty's just bitter

because you bagged
Al-Hazred before he did.

So I guess that's why they
call you Thirty Mike, huh?

That's how long it takes you
to squeeze a shot off?

Witness to
history again.

Forrest Gump of operators.

At least he's operating.

Hey, buddy. Pepper's excited
to roll with you

when you're back.
Come say hi.


Come on, man. It's bad
enough that we can't walk

and sh**t at
the same time.

But to go from Cerberus
to Pepper? Seriously?

I think part of the reason
the team's got some bad mojo

right now is
that the dog's name is soft.

I knew you were
attached to Jason,

but Cerberus, too?


Hey, I think, uh...

I think now is a good time
to remind yourselves that...

that Thirty here
is just the interim Bravo 1

till Command finds
a replacement for Jason.

Hey, it's a temporary title
for a permanent jagoff.

Warrant Officer Perry on deck!

Hey, hey!

Hey! Look at this guy.

Looking good, buddy.

What's going on?

Be lucky to get half
this attention when I get home

to my wife and kids.
Sup, brother?

Well, if Naima's

been shacking up
with Thirty, you will.

Hey, could happen. Naima sparked
to me the night they met.

Ain't that right,
Prime Time?


You know what?

Not even you can bring me down
right now, Thirty.

Gonna welcome

Ray home in style
tonight, boys.

First round

is on the newest cake-eater.

Y'all are gonna eat up
my warrant officer pay bump

in one night, aren't you?

: Yeah.

And then,
for abstaining

for two months
from extracurriculars,

this cute little
Clay pigeon here

is gonna transform
into a fierce nighthawk.

Agoraphobia flaring up
again there, Spenser?

Just walking the line till
Lindell lets me off probation.

Bro, you don't show up
at the Bulkhead,

I'm pulling your Team Guy card.

Yeah, well, I'm just glad
I still have it.

All right, I'm in.

There he is.
He's in.

Gentlemen, we have some
business to deal with.

We are...

spinning up?

Not anytime soon.

Captain Lindell
has determined that,

until you show
vast improvement,

Bravo's unfit to operate.

Is this, uh, the
Perry household?


There's my baby girl.
Come here.

Every time I leave, you are
twice as big when I get back.

Then maybe you should stop



She's been waiting two months
to hit you with that.



Babe, the house is looking good.

It's looking really good.

Well, still have those projects
for you to work on.

Don't you worry.

Oh. Well, great.

I actually got time to start
earning my keep around here

with Bravo still in
the training cycle.

What's a training cycle?

Uh, that's when
Bravo stays home,

and I get to tuck
my babies in every night.

I don't need tucking in anymore.


You are growing up too fast,
Jameelah June.

Well, sounds like

you two can make
up for lost time.

but starting tomorrow?

Um, Bravo's throwing me a
welcome home party tonight.

If that's okay
with you two?

Bravo can have you tonight, but
after that, you are all ours.


Yes, ma'am. Mwah.



If you're conducting a séance,
I can come back.

No, I'm just enjoying
the peace and quiet.

That's it.


Staying calm in the calm
is a good look on you.

Though I should warn you,

things might get
just a little bit loud later.

Thank you. I can handle that.


How was work?

Yeah, work was work.
By the way,

you missing someone?

Someone lagged behind
the entire hike.

Come on!

Where are you, buddy? Hey.

How are you? Hey, buddy.

Ah, yeah.

Look at you.

A couple of old,
smelly warriors.

Ah, more like soul mates,
that's for sure.

I talked to Emma on my hike.

Oh, I was just about
to FaceTime her.

She won't pick up.

She's on her way
down to Baltimore.

Oh, Baltimore.

Gonna spend the whole weekend
with that kid's family?

That kid has a name.


Brad has got
to know that

even though I'm not operating,
I'm very dangerous.

You used that line on me
last time we went bowling,

and I beat you by 40.

40? How about that.

Hey, hey.

It's nice knowing
when that phone buzzes,

you're not running
into b*ll*ts anymore.

They're just throwing a bash
for Ray at the Bulkhead.

It's a welcome home party.

You should go.

Thought we were
gonna have dinner.

You've barely hung with the guys
since you quit Bravo.

Besides, I should focus
on my report.

You know, my days of
closing out the Bulkhead are...

They're way over.

Ray's promotion is a big deal.

You should be there for him.

What do you think?

Should I go?
Should I go?

Oh, yes.

Won't be long, okay?

All right.

Come on, Cerberus.

How's life

as a Navy bureaucrat, Spenser?

Oh, man. Well,
let's see.

Today, I, uh, proofread a paper
on DEVGRU's financial reporting.

A report on a report.

Tell me those

cake-eating demons
aren't still inside you

after all this,
Blonde Rumsfeld.

No, no, no.
Trust me, man, they've been...

they've been exorcised.

Lord, it's a miracle!
Let's do some sh*ts.

Can I get a "Amen"?


Let's get some spirit
juice in us, boys.

You know what? I think I'm
starting to see Bravo's problem.

Oh, come on, man.

Howling at the moon ain't got
nothing to do with this, okay?

The issue with us
starts at the top.

One man can't
bring down the team, Sonny.

I tell you what.

Thirty-- he ain't making Bravo
great again.

The team just ain't right
without Jace.

Well, that's because y'all are
refusing to move on without him.

I mean, the dude's showing up
to the ops center every day,

letting Bravo find
their sea legs on their own.

I would say that he seems
committed to his next chapter.

Hey, man, guy got off
the speeding train

with mind and body intact.

It's more than any
operator can ask for.

Damn straight.

It's on us
to support the decision.

All right.
It's just, you know...

He won't go to the range,
barely hangs out with us,

can't even set foot
in the cages.

That's 'cause he moved on,

Jason can compartmentalize

than all of us, we know that.

Okay, but what he's trying
to do right now is ignore

and override anything
that reminds him

of door-kicking because
every fiber of his being

wants to get froggy again.

Think he's right about Jace?

Playing desk jockey
and being away

from the team's
driving me crazy.

I'm-I'm sure
there's part of him

that's questioning the path
he's chosen.

That mean you're questioning
giving up life as an admiral?

I got no regrets.

Door-kicking's all I want to do.

Damn. You haven't kicked
any damn doors in months.

I'll tell you,
I messed up writing that letter.


Marsden's family knows
the truth thanks to you.

Yeah, but you're the
one paying for it.

I made warrant officer,

and-and... and you had all
your ambitions squashed.

Look, man...

the only ambition I have now
is make it back to Bravo.

Aw! Gotcha.


Ooh, thank you.

I'm gonna consider this a
down payment for all the matches

that you've lost to me
the last couple months.

Come on.

I do recall the matches going
a completely different way.

Yeah, and that spotty memory
of yours is what keeps you

coming back for more beatings.




You know, you know what?
It is, uh...

It's really nice having you
hanging around the boys again,

even if, uh, it is costing
me a fortune in drinks.


Well, I'm trying to be mindful
of my work-life balance.

Mandy walking away was
a real eye-opener.

Well, you know, with everything
that's going on with Bravo...

Kind of itching to get out
of here, you know,

to get out of Vah Beach.


And, uh, well, uh, NASCAR
happens to be this weekend

down in Charlotte, and
my good buddy Austin Dillon...

Oh, yes.

Yeah, he invited me down
to come see him, and...

and I thought maybe, you know,
well, I don't know,

you might want to join me.


That's-that's a terrible idea,
isn't it?

Yes, it is.
Yeah, I knew it. I knew it.

'Cause once you go down
that road, we're gonna get...

We'd be right
in that red asphalt.

Look, I don't know.
I mean, what,

we got two friends hanging out.

Two friends.

What's the big deal?

What's the big deal?

So, Jameelah's got every
free minute planned out for me.

Totally, right?
All of it.

All of it.


OCD'd up, right?

All of it.

Starts this weekend at,
uh, Water Adventure.

Mm. Water Adventure.

Don't forget to
bring the towels.


At least she's not off to stay
with her boyfriend. That's...

I, uh...

I take it
Emma hasn't told this guy

what her dad does
for a living yet?

I really don't think

"Chief Ops" title is gonna
scare the pants off him.

I-I actually think
that you want to try

and scare the pants back on him.

Ah. Bump, bump. There it is.

There it is.

Yeah, laugh it up.

I'm sorry, man.
I don't mean to laugh.

I'm sorry. I-I don't mean to
laugh. I don't mean to laugh.

I'm just...
I'm proud of you is all.

Proud of me? What?

I'm proud of you.

For not putting her boyfriend
on a ghost plane to Yemen?

There's that. No.

But just, just after
seeing you be all in

for so long with-with
Bravo, it's just nice

seeing you all in on the
next phase of your life

with Natalie and the kids.

Kids are always gonna be
in my life, Ray.

The other thing...

Jason Hayes!

There he is.

Look at that. Hey, let's
get some sh*ts going, boys.

Nah, nah, nah, nah.

I can't be getting zapped with
you tonight there, Sonny boy.

Come on. What are you
talking about? Really?

Yeah, sorry.

Fine, man. Fine. Well,
it's just good to, uh...

have the real
Bravo 1 here.

Maybe, uh, you could
give us some wisdom

and-and help us
out a little bit.

Ah, man, I can't stay long.

I got to get back,
take care of Cerberus.

Come on, man. You can't make
bailing on Bravo a habit, bro.

Actually, I...

It's past my curfew.


: I'll see you boys
tomorrow, all right?

All right, brother.

You know, it just
breaks my heart

that Clay's gone
Elvis on us.

You know, Lindell was, uh,
pretty hard on him.

Oh, come on. You can't blame
the CO for his selfishness.

Go easy on Spenser,
all right?

But he put himself
over the team.

Now Bravo's paying for it.

Clay didn't write the letter.

What are you talking about?

What he did
was reckless.

All right? It was risky.

Damn near the most
selfless thing I've ever seen.

You wrote the letter?

Look, truth comes out,

Clay and Ray are both off
Bravo, so this stays here.

Roger that.

I spoke with Lindell,

assured him
Bravo will pull it together

now that Prime Time is back.

Now hold on. You
ain't put it all on me?

Oh, I will,
'cause Lindell agreed.

We're running the training op
again tomorrow.

Well played, Thirty.


Why don't you keep
that winning streak going

and buy us all
a round of sh*ts?

Bravo's got a lot
riding on tomorrow.


Need to be primed.


Well, looks like
you're gonna have time

to go walk Cerberus after all.

I think I'll just
finish my drink first.

You know, it's not like

I have to wake up tomorrow
and be primed like you guys.

Prime Time.

Enjoy the perks
of retirement, Hayes.

All right. We turn it
around today, boys.

Yeah, if you can stop confusing
your ass from your elbow.

Hey, when Thirty says
go right, we go right, okay?

Look, fellas,

as much as we
don't like it,

Jason is not walking through
that door to lead us to victory.

But if we all stay
in our three-foot worlds,

trust our man
to our left and right...

Bravo will take its place back
atop the food chain.

I promise you that.


Come on.

Warrant Officer Perry?


Your presence is requested.

What for?

You'll find out.

Training's been scrubbed
'till tomorrow, gents.

Bravo's shot at redemption

will have to wait.

I'm certain they'll
turn things around, sir.

Well, perhaps.
Just be sure Bravo's troubles

won't impact you, Ensign Davis.

How's that, sir?

Your stellar work
hasn't gone unnoticed.

You're being promoted.

You're an
exemplary officer,

the type of leader the Navy
needs more of, and while...

Bravo might be stuck in reverse,

your star is on the rise
at the Command.

Thank you, sir.

Why did Bravo's
mission get scrubbed?

There's a situation
with Warrant Officer Perry.

Situation? What do you mean?
What happened?

That's not of concern
to you, Master Chief.

It's my concern.
He's my teammate.

Former teammate.

Have you solved
Echo's air asset issue?

I wanted
an answer today.

Not yet, sir.

Then I suggest you train
your scope on your job

instead of Warrant
Officer Perry.

Warrant Officer Perry,

this is Agent Olivia Green.

CIA is requesting support
from Special Activities

on this assignment.

First assignment as warrant.

You guys don't
waste time, do you?

Over the last six months,
Tunisia's endured

a series of t*rror1st att*cks
by Ansar Al-Masar.

The scale and frequency
of the v*olence is on the rise,

threatening to destabilize one
of our key allies in the region.

You and Agent Green
will head to Tunis,

collect intel, smooth over
any diplomatic issues

and build
a target package.

Bravo will join you
to prosecute the mission

And if they're not?

if they're cleared hot.

As a warrant officer,
you are aware

you're no longer in a monogamous
relationship with Bravo?

Roger that, ma'am.

How long
till we roll up our sleeves?

Wheels up tomorrow morning.


Is that gonna be a problem?

I only got home yesterday--

I wasn't planning
to blow out so quick.

Ah. Sorry the w*r on terror

isn't working
around your schedule.

I'll find another OIC
if needed.

That won't be necessary, ma'am.

Read me in.

Hey there, little buddy.

Shouldn't you be out
leading Bravo to glory?

Ah, yep,
but the plug just got pulled.

Ray is needed elsewhere.

Oh, uh,

don't worry,

I just heard
it had to do with S.A.

It's got nothing to do
with Marsden.

Why would it?

You know, I...
I really can't figure

you jumping on that grenade
for Ray, if it was the...

dumbest thing you ever did
or whether it was the noblest.

It was the best way
to keep us all with Bravo.

Yeah, suppose
that's true, but...

you ain't on Bravo anymore.

So don't you think
it's time you, uh,

mend the fence with Lindell?


He doesn't want to hear from me.

No, look, man, I'm sure
he's got a... a red ass.


But they're sending out Ray,
and Bravo is un-operational.

Clay, the team
needs you, okay?

Jason's pulled himself
out of the game.

Ray has got all these
new responsibilities.

We just need your help
to turn this Bravo ship around

before we all sink.

Help us,

Obi-Blonde Kenobi.

You're our only hope.

Now, listen, I just don't think
you should be goofing off,

is all I'm saying, all right?

You got to learn your lines
for your play.

Isn't that right?
Who wants a chicken strip?

All right,
good boy.

If you're not all in,
you're all out.

Clara says, like, 20 words.

You got to be off
book by Monday.

That's what
the professor said, right?

You were so much less annoying

when you knew nothing
about my life.

Speaking of the show,

since it's a modern adaptation,

could you mail me
the beautiful camel hair coat

you got Mom?

It's perfect.

The camel hair coat. Right.


Yeah, I think it's in storage.

No worries.
I can make do without.

So, how's work?

You liking the ops chief job?

You know, I just... I got to
serve out my enlistment somehow,

so... it works, I guess.

I am proud of you for the way
you're handling everything.

Well, don't be too proud,
all right?

'Cause Uncle Ray tapped
Brad's phone.

I know where you
are at all times.

I mean, it's nice seeing you put
your own happiness first

after all you've sacrificed
for Bravo.

Natalie's a big part
of that happiness, isn't she?

I suppose.
All right, why am I feeling

that this is
some kind of a trap?

You know her term at DEVGRU
is up at the end of next month.

And there it is.

So, what's your plan?

Plan? I don't have a plan.
I was just, you know,

taking it day to day,
see how it unfolds.

But she might move back
to San Diego soon.

You can't afford to take things
one day at a time.

Natalie's amazing,
and you deserve to have someone

in your life like that
after everything.

It's complicated.

If you're not all in,
you're all out.

If you're really committed
to your future,

why are you holding back
with Natalie?

I have to go.

Talk to Natalie, Dad.
I love you.

I love you, too.

Two months of desk duty
hardly amounts to time served.

The State Department wanted
your head on a platter

after that Marsden stunt.

But I appreciate you
not giving it to them.

My time away from Bravo
has given me a new perspective.

I know that I failed
my team, and...

the Command and you.

In all that failing,
you still feel

you've earned your place
back on Bravo?

Team's in disarray.

I can help
turn things around, sir.

Well, that's
pretty arrogant.

But your ability as an operator
has never been in question,

which is why I stuck my neck
out for you for STA-21.

Sir, I'll prove you were right
to believe in me.

You know, Bravo just said
goodbye to one cowboy,

and the last thing they need
is another boat-rocker.

So you will operate
again one day, Spenser,

but it won't be with Bravo Team.

Well, here I am
running out again.

Well, we knew changes
would come with your new job.

Good thing
the Perry family bends,

we don't break.

I took this job

to help the family-- now I
barely feel like I'm part of it.

Can't help but wonder if going
warrant was the right choice.

Been in this long enough

to know there aren't any right
decisions for military families,

just hard ones.

I know, babe, but...

Bravo needs me now, too, and
I'm not there for them, either.

It's just...
it's just adding up.

Want me to wake up the kids
so you can kiss them goodbye?

Oh... no.

They were so upset when I
told them I was leaving,

I'm not sure I can handle
another round of tears.

I'll kiss them
when I get back.


Remember, we're
in this together.


Hey, hey.

Hey. How was your drive?

Ah, hit some traffic
coming out of Baltimore,

but, uh, not too bad.

It's very cool of you to take
her that coat for her show.

That's just trying
to be supportive.

Plus, I got a chance
to size up Brad.

My dad never

would have let me stay
with a boy at her age.

Thanks for reminding me.

It shows that
you trust her.

It's a good thing.
It's nice to see

your relationship

Sorry I missed dinner.

I actually got a lot done.

That's it.

The final report.

First draft.

An entire year's worth of data.

Can't believe
my time's almost up here.

Do you want to get lunch later?

I should keep my head down.

Report deadline's
rapidly approaching.

All right.

All in all the time. I like it.

Shouldn't you be getting ready
for the training op?

I was kind of hoping

that we'd be, uh,
getting ready together.

What's the word, man?

I'm not rolling
with you today.

Son of a bitch.

Lindell give you any idea
how long it's gonna be

'till the shackles come off?

Don't you go shy on me, Clay.

What's the word?

So how long you
over there for?

Could be weeks.

Man, I got whiplash

from being jerked around
so much.

Tell you what. I'd be happy
to trade this chaos

for the, uh,
routine and stability

of your life right now.

Yeah, well, I don't really feel

like I'm on stable ground.

Come on now, brother.

Path you're on has got a lot
of light to it.

Thought you said
you were pushing on.

Yeah, I...

You know, when I stood down,
Bravo was in a good place.

Now, everything that's going on,

I feel responsible
for this whole mess.

Two days ago,

you told me it wasn't on you
to get Bravo back on track.

You held up Bravo
all those years.


It's about damn time
we tried standing on our own.

Be good for you to stand
on your own, too.

What the hell you got
to say for yourself, Ray?


Whoa, whoa. What's your problem?

Lindell has permanently
pulled Clay from Bravo because

of what he did.

Well, you're off Br...
You're off Bravo?


I'm sorry it's gone down
this way. I... Well...

My choice, my consequences.
I'll handle it.

You know, behind that
pious front of yours, Ray,

Hey, hey!

you are one selfish
son of a bitch.


Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey. Come on, man.

Hey, this isn't on, Ray, man.

This is my decision.
Now I got to own it.

This sucks, but you got
to adapt and overcome.


He shivved one of our brothers,

and all you can say,
all you can say, Jace,

is "adapt and overcome"?

I would give

anything to fix this,
Sonny, I would.


I would, man.

But you know, the team would be
a lot better off

if instead of you
pinning your hopes

on everyone else to fix Bravo,
you actually be part

of the solution for a change.

Yeah, you managed

to nuke Bravo with one foot
out the door to make warrant.

Imagine the damage
that you could have inflicted

if you had the brass
to run your own team!

I got a flight to catch.

Yeah, you do.

Clay, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, man.
I'm sor... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Get your head on straight.

You got to perform for the team.

Stop. Sto...
I-I don't need

to be lectured on what
the team needs from a guy...

from a guy that quit on us.

Yeah, that's what
you did, Jason.

Havoc, this is Bravo 1.

I pass Lansford.

Good copy, 1.

How they doing?

Right on schedule.

Come on, boys.

You got this.


And three, two, one--

Freeze! Safe and let them hang.

Secure that firing device,

What the hell's going on, sir?

I have accountability.
MSD is set.

That breach is totally safe.

This is a training evolution.

We have live rounds on target.

Son of a bitch.

Sonny, what the hell, man?

That's it for the day.
Grab your gear. You're done.

Come on in.

Shouldn't you be coordinating
Echo's air assets?

Sir, I'm here about Bravo.

I'm more concerned

about my teams
out in the field than the ones

who can't stop peeing
down their own leg.

All right, well, the quickest
way to combat readiness

for Bravo Team is
to get Spenser back on the team.

Spenser made his own bed.

So, what, Bravo's now
collateral damage?

Echo needed
an air asset solve

yet you're more concerned

with Bravo's training troubles.

My job is to support all the
as*ault teams at the Command.

I know how
to make Bravo right again.

Yeah, of course you do.

Nobody knows Bravo like you do.

But your expertise in Bravo?

That stopped mattering
the moment you stepped down,

but you haven't
accepted that.

And you're hurting yourself
by not embracing your future.

You're hurting Bravo

by not allowing them
to move on, either.

Their battle
is no longer yours to fight,

yet here you are.

You're leading the charge.

And look,
I know it's not easy

to go from the sandbox
to the head shed,

but right now,
you are stuck in no-man's-land,

and you're of no use
to anyone.

Not yourself. Not Bravo.

Certainly not me.

So you flip that switch,
Master Chief,

or I will do it for you.

We clear?

Crystal clear, sir.

I'm not allowed to help Bravo
in the ops center.

Oh, one more thing.
DEA will give you

the air assets
you need for Echo.

It's unconventional,

but they helped me out
when I was in a jam.

You're well aware,
Ambassador, of the damage

Ansar Al-Masar has done here.

Seven att*cks
targeting Westerners

in the past six months.

Each attack more brazen
than the previous.

And effective. Confidence
in the government is wavering.

Well, we'll balance those scales

if we're allowed to hunt down
the perpetrators.


But American soldiers
sh**ting up the country

poses a whole different set
of problems for the Tunisians.

Well, we're sailors, ma'am,

and nobody will know we're here.


Be kidding me.

It's okay. It's okay.

You know,
you're not bred for this life.

It's not your fault.

All this time,
I've been blaming Thirty,

and here I am,
the one costing Bravo.

Yeah, but you're gonna
turn things around.

I'm not too sure,
with the...

the tailspin we're in,

we're gonna be able
to pull out of this.

Just make sure you don't get
any of this Bravo stank on you,



I'm getting promoted.

I mean, I know...
It feels a little weird,

you know,
with everybody struggling.

Well, that's great.
I mean, I mean,

that-that-that is truly
the best news I've heard

since we called jackpot
on Al-Hazred Jr.

It's not a big deal.

No, what do you mean?
Of course it's a big deal.

You know, a year ago, you
were questioning everything.

And now it seems like you
might be the only one

that's got any type
of answer around here.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, uh,

due to Bravo's
current state,

uh, Thirty wants us to
stick around this weekend...


and do some extra
training. Yeah.

So, the-the getaway
to Charlotte's off.



You know,
it's probably for the best

given my promotion.

Higher profile
means more eyes.

It's always
something with us, huh?

Can't quite get the
stars to align, can we?

I think about it.

You know, what we gave up.

It's hard not to when
it's staring at you in the face.

Tell you what.

Why don't I, uh,
get another round and...

you and I
drown our sorrows together.

I got work to do.

And I should probably be buying
my own drinks from now on.

You two getting friendly again?

No. No, no.

No. No, no.

Reunions are-are definitely not
in the cards

this week, Mr. Spenser.

Oh, man.

Still hasn't sunk in
that I'm off Bravo.

Not how I saw it playing out.

I guess that makes

Lindell our Yoko Ono.

You know,
even though we're not teammates,

we're still brothers.

Your words.

Oh, boy,
please don't remind me of that.

Ray's still both.

You know,
you went at him pretty hard.

Jason, too.

Hell yeah, I did.

Thanks to them,
Bravo as we know it is dead.

No easy day.


Unless our knight in shining
armor is here to save us.

Surprised you called.

Looks like your boys need
a morale boost.

Yeah. Yeah, they do
need my help.


There's, uh, only one way
I can give it to 'em.

By operating again.

You know...

...these past two
months, I, uh...

I've been really trying
just to keep my head down.

Adjust to my new life.

And, uh, every time
I think about the future,

you know, I think
about the unknown.

When I think about
the past, I...

I think about Bravo.

The team and the job you loved.

It's hard to let go of that.

You know, my first
open-water swim at BUD/S

almost washed me out.

The current took me,
and I, um, I panicked

and I got disoriented;
it was a mess.

The unknown is-is scary,

but you didn't give up.

Yeah, 'cause I had
a swim buddy there

who helped me find my way.

The unknown has always
been a safe place for me

because I've always had
my teammates by my side.

Probably why it's been
so hard for me to...

let go of them
since I left Bravo.

Bravo hasn't let go either.

No, they haven't.

They haven't let go,
but they have to.

And so do I.

So I was thinking maybe, uh,

it'd be a lot easier for me
to take on the unknown

if you stayed here
in Virginia Beach.

That's a big conversation.

I like big conversations.

That's definitely one
worth having.

But talking isn't really

what I had in mind for tonight.

Do you want to get out of here?

Yeah. Let's
push on, huh?

You handled the ambassador
like an old pro.

Uh, I don't know.

Honestly, I'm a lot
more comfortable

getting shot at than
I am playing politics.

Your contact's late.

Well, you have to learn
patience in this job.

Little less point and sh**t
than you're used to.

Oh, well,

change and operators
aren't always a good mix.



You should meet
my former team leader...