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04x01 - God of w*r

Posted: 11/26/21 11:02
by bunniefuu
- Previously on SEAL Team...
- If w*r and scripture.

Have taught me anything,
it's that nothing is permanent.

Yeah, I don't buy that.

Some things,
they live on forever.

Can you die at your job?

No matter what,
I will always be with you.

No one's ever gonna understand
all this, you know?

Except my brothers.

Sooner or later, you're gonna
have to face life after Bravo.

You could be an outstanding
candidate for STA-21.

Seaman to Admiral?

There's a lot that could
take you out of this job.

Don't take yourself out of it.

U.S. Ambassador Nicole Marsdn

is traveling to north Yemen.

Stay with me.

You hear me?
Ambassador, stay with me.

I really thought that

I could be all in with you.

Bravo Team needs me
more than you do.

We're in Afghanistan.

It's still a w*r zone.

Somebody is just waiting

to take advantage of us leaving.

They call themselves Tahara.

w*r needs men like us.

Men like us need w*r.

He's the leader
of the Tahara network.

Name is Azfaar Al-Hazred.

Related to Asim Al-Hazred.

You taking out Al-Hazred...
It changed history.

You gonna say
it didn't change you?

You're gonna help
make this place safer.

Tell my wife and son.

Your dad was a hero.

You are the reason
my husband is dead!

This dog...

is a warrior.

You gotta know the signs.

Signs? What you talking...

It's on me to know
when he's had enough.

We keep marching into this hell,

it's gonna have an impact
on our life.

And we've both

convinced ourselves
it's worth it.

Our team needs its leader.

I take my eye off the target,
people die.

- Hey, hey!
- What's up, boys?

What's up, man?

Good, good.

What's up, bud?
Good to see you, man.

Let's get together, fellas!

Let's bring it in.

All right.

First off, I would
like to thank Romeo Team,

Echo Team...
These guys ripped in here

from Syria,
Guam on a moment's notice.

I can't thank you enough
for being here.

I know you're tired,

but I assure you this
will be worth your haul.

Ensign Davis has
a good one for us.

Operation Aries.

The target is Azfaar Al-Hazred,

the leader
of the Tahara network.

Bravo Team located one

of Al-Hazred's couriers
a few weeks ago

and we tracked his movements

into the Spin Ghar
mountain region.

Junior ain't exactly hiding
in plain sight like his pops.

The courier's pattern of life

that the
Tahara stronghold is likely

in one of three
possible locations.

All are in a section walled in
by Afghanistan's highest peaks,

so it's like a punchbowl.

High altitude, rough terrain,
it's practically impenetrable.

That's before anybody
starts sh**ting at us.

What kind of protection
does he have up there?

Using the name
his dad made famous,

Al-Hazred had built
a loyal following

of well-trained,
well-armed fighters.

Hundreds of true believers

who are willing to lay
their lives down for him.

The actions on consist
of two phases... first,

Bravo, Romeo and Echo,

will infil to one of the
suspected Tahara camp locations.

Team that locates
the camp will set up an OP

and wait for the other
two teams to arrive.

From there, you will launch
a coordinated as*ault.

So why don't we b*mb these
locations, soften 'em up first?

Ah, they're just gonna
hit their tunnels

underground, wait for
the fireworks to be over.

Then disappear before we arrive.

Seen that movie
way too many times.

All right, look, they
definitely have the advantage,

so what do we have
for overwatch,

level the playing field?

Well, thanks to our limited
assets in the region,

we have an AC-130 on station
for the infil.

So one bird and three teams

spread out all over
devil's mountain?

Drawdown strikes again.

Al-Hazred's influence

and reach are spreading.

We need to strike while we still
have him in our crosshairs.


With the drawdown concluding,

this could very well be our last
major action in Afghanistan.

Consider this
your glorious goodbye.

Let's make the most of it.


Thought I'd check in with you
before you roll out.

Haven't seen you
around much lately.

Yeah, you know,
keeping the boys focused up.

Wasn't like I was avoiding you
or anything like that.

I wasn't suggesting you were.

What happens in
J-Bad stays in J-Bad.

What happens in J-Bad
stays in J-Bad...

That's good to know, Mandy.

We needed a distraction.

It's been a bumpy
deployment for both of us.

Hasn't been a bumpy deployment
for me. I'm good.

Just another deployment.

I'm sorry. So,
just one second.

Are you telling me that hunting
the son of the man you k*lled

over a decade ago... that...
that doesn't faze you at all?

You know...

It's just another op.

The tip of the spear goes
where it's pointed.

I've seen enough to know
this isn't just another op.

Come home safe.

- Hey.
- Yo.

Prime Time, hit me up.
There it is.

RAY What's the word, Hayes?

- We rolling out or what? I'm bored.
- Yeah, the op's tonight, right?

My trigger finger's
getting all tingly.

Nobody tells Bravo 3 anything.
I don't know.

We got the most wanted man in
the world in our crosshairs,

and the cake eaters
getting cold feet.

Al-Hazred has got no clue
Prime Time Perry's coming

to schwack his ass.

No way a meat-stick like you
is gonna be the one

who brings that
Ace of Spades down hard, Ray.

- Huh-uh.
- Damn straight, Cujo.

I'll tell you what. A newbie
like him... there's no way

he's bagging
a big game trophy like that.

- Well, I might be the newest...
- Yeah?

- ...but I'm also the baddest.
- Oh.

- Hmm?
- That's right.

There's a lot of talk coming
from these two. I ain't seen

- any results, have you?
- Mad shade coming.

From Ward Cleaver over here.
Haven't you...?

Ward Cleaver?

Yes, Ward Cleaver.

- Oh.
- Haven't you been shacked up.

With the same broad since
high school?

Hey, it's tough to get
results when you're tucked

- in bed by 10:00 every night.
- That's a fact.

- Oh, boom, boom. Psh. Good one.
- You're doing it right, Jason.

- That's right.
- Rolling out on the biggest spec op in history, then headed home.

In time for Alana to give birth
to your baby boy.

Damn straight. Just hope
the brass comes down quickly,

you know, 'cause I got
to get back in two days,

or Alana's gonna k*ll me.
I tell you that.

Leaving his brothers
to get elbow deep

- in diapers and butt paste.
- Wow.

Hayes, you need to get your
priorities in check, brother.

- Is that right? You know what?
- Yeah.

Someday you're gonna
realize that

chasing action
on and off the field...

That's... yeah, that's not
what life's all about.

Should vote your ass
out the pipehitter's union

for saying that.

Yeah, don't make me pin
your ass again, Thirty.

Oh, okay.

Whoa. Won!

Knock it off! Need you all
to get front-sight focused.

We good to go, boss?

We're a go.

- We're a go, man.
- Meet at the TOC.

- In 30!
- That's right, big time.

This is the big one, brother.

How about you take a seat
and learn from the best?

Hey, Jace? Jace?

Hey, Jace?

You good?

Yeah, no. I'm just, uh...

I'm getting front-sight focused.
That's all.

We were just saying
that if we take out Junior,

you'll have bookended
Al-Hazred's reign of terror.

Yeah, that's one you got
to tell the grandkids.

Yeah, more like a story
they'll be making movies about.

Someone's gonna pay
a ton of dough

if we play this right, Hayes.

- Could be set up for life after operating.
- All right,

Thirty, why don't you just stay
in your three-foot world?

Once you step out,

people get hurt.

Well, that was some
Knute Rockne-level

pep talk.


Has Jason been acting
like somebody pee-peed

on his carpet all deployment?

Ever since we found out
about Al-Hazred Jr.

Yeah, when you're hunting
the son of a man

that you k*lled years ago,
that'd mess with my head, too.

It's deeper than that.

You know, drawdown,
plus making peace

with an enemy he's been
fighting for 20 years?

Got to make him question if all
the sacrifice that he's made

has been worth it.

Maybe he's just feeling
let down by his teammates,

when he puts it all
on the line for them.

What in the hell you stirring up

now, Thirty?

Clay's going to STA-21.

That's a rejection of everything
Jason dedicated his life to.

Same for Ray choosing
warrant officer

over becoming Bravo 1 someday.

The team's evolving.

Can't hold that against us.

Yeah, what about this
Marsden letter business?

Someone on Bravo playing
Woodward and Bernstein?

Trying to make it seem like
he lost control of his team?

Dude puts it on the line

for all of you guys, and
this is the thanks he gets?

None of it's personal.


When the team's all you got,

it has to be.

No, I asked,
why are you so pretty at work?

No. Yes.

Should know better than to try

to slip anything past you,
can I, baby?

Nah, we're gonna be
offline for a few days.

Just come home safe.

That's all that matters
to anyone in this house.

People in that house is
what matters to me the most.

How's Jameelah doing?

Counting the days
until Daddy gets home

and delivers on his promise.

Ugh. I will not be taking
the easy way out with her

ever again, I promise you that.

I know. But for now,
just focus on you.

I-I've got it all covered here.

When all I...

My focus was just on me?

It's just... it's just hard
to believe it's been 13 years

since I crawled
into that emergency room.

You missing those wild days?

No. No, no, absolutely not.

I was so lost back then, baby.

Oh, you made me
the man I am today.

Never gonna lose sight of that.

Makes me nervous when you get
all sentimental like this.

No, don't be worried.

I'm just saying, I cannot wait
for this deployment to end

so I can get back home and
kiss you and those babies.

So, Emma threw all of her dols
out the window?

She's not even... He's not

even born, and she's already
competing with him.

You tell that little bundle
of joy in that tummy,

do not come out for two days,
'cause in two days,

I will be on a plane.

Family is the priority.
Always comes first, all right?

All right. I love you.

J. J.

Want to use this, brother?
Sure you don't want to Skype?

Lots to... Lots of words to
say before an op like this.

No, I-I got no time
for that, Ray.

No time.

Hey, you sure you good, brother?

Seem a little spooked.

Yeah, I'm good.

I'm all right.

Oh! Nice of you to join us
on this one, Hayes.

Guess Mandy doesn't need
a chauffeur today.

Yo! Just realized
this is the first time

we got the whole
team back together,

rolling out, in months.

Lot of moving parts on this one.

Maybe we should've
eased back into things

and gotten our groove back

before reenacting Tet Offensive.

You know, I can't think
of a better mission

for us to have our
reunion tour on

because Bravo always
gets the big ops.



Flip the switch.

Focus up.

- Just like Jace.
- Got to make sure you good.


Yeah, yeah. Hey, yo, Jace!


You think we'll go to the, uh,
White House after this?

- What?
- Yeah!

You know,
you know the president's

gonna want to spike the football

- after we put Al-Hazred on ice.
- Hey, yo, I got dibs.

On the Lincoln Bedroom.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hey, hey, hey, guys,
Secret Service

is not gonna be
letting you creeps in.

Oh, mock all you want,
Hayes, but I know

you're hoping your son
comes out just as pretty

- and as dangerous as his Uncle Ray.
- Is that right?

- That's right. Yes.
- 'Cause you are a role model, Prime Time.

- Role model, baby. That's me!
- Role model.

I can see that.
You like an enigma.

Hey, your second kid's
a game changer, Jace.

Twice the kids,

- ten times the headache.
- Tell you what.

Alana and I,
we want a big family.

I think at least four kids.

- Four. Four.
- You better get to work, then.

- Four, baby!
- I'm gonna get to work.

All right, we got to get the
brass to get us out of here,

- 'cause Alana's gonna k*ll me if I don't get home.
- Hayes.

I know you're excited
to get home,

but I need your head here.

Three-foot world.

Yeah. Roger that, Guz.

Teammates look up to you.

They see you doing it right,
they'll do it right.

Yeah, right. What, I
can't think about home?

I'm saying
when we're outside the wire,

home is where you hang
your helmet.

You're no good to me on target

if your mind is back
in Vah Beach.

Someone needs decaf.

He went like this...


You were a little hard
on the boys back there, huh?

Try to focus them up.
That's all, Ray.

Come on, Jace.

This is the biggest op
of most of their careers.

I mean, we were

pretty jacked up when we
went after Al-Hazred's daddy.

Move, move, move! Let's go.

Come on, get on. Get on.

Seems like that was the op
that changed everything!

Negative, Ray!

Ops don't change anything!

All right.
Cache the vehicles.

We're on foot
the rest of the way.

Be sure to stay hydrated, guys.

14,000 feet, altitude
sickness is no joke.

Looks like the Russians passed
through here in the '80s.

Yeah. Now we're here.

Wars exist in this region
for hundreds of years.

- Transmitting?
- Yeah, sending our coordinates.


this is 1.
Transmitting at rally point.

Copy that, Bravo 1.

Be advised, troops in contact.
Romeo has just engaged.

Copy that.
Okay, you heard it, boys.

Romeo's engaged in the fight.

- Get our heads in the game, got it?
- Looks like.

They pulled Willy
Wonka's golden ticket.

They found Al-Hazred's camp?

Not yet, Thirty.

You still have time for glory.

That is, if you can make it
up that mountain.

Let's lead out.

Bravo cached the vehicles.

- They're now on foot.
- Copy.

All teams
have made their windows,

except there is one issue.

AC-130 wants to leave station

- to refuel.
- Negative.

Hammer 1
needs to stay on station.

My boys kicked the hornet's nest
on that TIC.

Yeah. Running into the
Tahara patrol was unfortunate.

Cost us the element of surprise.

That contact may draw more
enemy onto my team's position.

With only one bird in the sky,
all the more reason

to keep the AC-130 over my team.

Ensign Davis,

have the AC-130 stay on station
as long as they can.

Yes, sir.

We're on course.

- Bravo 1, this is Havoc.
- Be advised,

Hammer 1 is softening
an overwatch position for Romeo,

then pulling off the station.

That's good copy.

Bravo 1 out.

Your pooch looks skittish.

Ah, he's fine, bro.


is doing a CAS run for Romeo.

Then they're going off
station to refuel. Got it?

- Copy.
- No overwatch.

Hanging out in daylight.

What could possibly go wrong?

Hey, Thirty,
bitching is my thing.

Stay in your damn lane.

Get a sign and go low.


Looks like we might get first
crack at Al-Hazred after all.

Ain't that a sight?

Looks like jihad Coachella
down there.

More like Allah-Palooza.

What the hell I just tell you
about staying in your lane?

Want me to set up
a mission support site, boss?

Yeah, you set MSS.

I'll set up the O.P. up here
with Clay and Sonny.

Take the boys,
get to work. Got it?

Copy that.

I just heard from Bravo Team.

- They've located the compound.
- Congrats, Ensign Davis.

The noose around Al-Hazred
is tightening.

I'm gonna send Bravo's pos
to both Echo and Romeo Teams'

ATAK systems.

How far are they out from Bravo?

That Tahara team they engaged
with slowed them down.

I put 'em at least
a two-hour hike away.

Same for Echo Team.

All right, have 'em
make their way to Bravo.

- Where we at with CAS?
- They're still an hour out. Same for ISR.

That's a long time for nobody
watching anyone's six out there.

By the time these
other teams get here,

Junior might have slipped away.

Crocodile Blondie
might be right.

Romeo rang the bell
with that gunfight earlier,

so them dirtbags know we're
up here roaming around for sure.

If we kick this off alone,
we'll be outgunned

with no overwatch.

I don't intend to lose
any men on this mountain.

We wait.

- Your call, Jace.
- You know the deal.

We'll follow you to hell.

It's too quiet, man.

I hate the waiting around part.

So take a nap.

It'll be good to give
that mouth of yours a rest.

Not a chance.

Thirty talks trash
even in his sleep.

Hold up, I got movement.

What? I don't see anything.

No, no, no.
On thermal.

Dozens of heat signatures.
Something's about to kick off.

We got nothing to sh**t at.

And bare bones for cover.

Ray, what's the call?

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2.
I pass Hard Lightning.

Collapse back to the MSS.

Say again, Bravo 1...

- ...we're in contact.
- Hard Lightning. Ditch it all.

- Leave it?
- Ditch it.

Leave it.
Leave it!



- You good?
- Yeah.

Let's go. Move.

Let's go, let's go.
Now, now, now.

Lay down cover fire for
the O.P.s, they're moving in.

Cerberus, get back here!

Brock, where you going?

They're dialing in our location.

Go save Brock! Get Brock!

Full Metal, on me!

Thirty, on me!

Hey! Got you, Jace!

Let's go.

Go, go, go!

Cover me.

4, what's your status?

Bravo 5 is good.

Bravo 1, this is 2.
We need to get off the X.

- We got to fall back.
- Negative.

Not till we have
a full headcount.


Stay. Stay.


To the left!
Back, I'll cover you!

To the left, to the left!

They're flanking us.

Where's Jace?

We lost him.

What do you mean you lost him?

He got blown off the mountain.

Then we got to go
off the mountain to get him.

We got over 20 fighters moving
on us from that tree line.

We'll be fish in a barrel if
we get exposed in that ravine.

There's no chance
we're leaving without Jace.

They're boxing us in,
Perry. What's the call?

Jace would move heaven and earth
to get any one of us,

and you know that better
than anyone, Ray.

We're gonna bound back
to the rally point.

I ain't leavin' without him.

We don't know
what condition he's in.

That's my brother
down there, too. All right?

But Jason would want us
to win the fight first.

And that's what the hell
we're gonna do. Let's go!

Look, I don't like it, either,
but he's right. Move.

Let's go! Let's go!

Echo Team has been notified
of Bravo's situation.

All right, Ray passed along
Jason's last known location.

Jason's helmet is off,

so we don't have a
strobe to track him.

But we'll have eyes overhead

as soon as the ISR
is back on station.

Romeo 1, this is Havoc Base.

Be advised,
Bravo is troops in contact.

Request you hasten your
patrol to their pos.

- Copy all, Havoc.
- Moving as fast as we can.

They're just gonna leave
Jason there?

He could be in bad shape.

Well, I'm sure
it wasn't a call made lightly.

It's the same call
I'd have made, too.

Ray loses the high ground,

he loses the fight.

This is not good.

Trip wire.

Almost ended the op
before it started, Hayes.

You good?

I'm good!


That's him.

You just smoke-checked
Moby d*ck, Hayes.

Ares Base, this is Bravo 1.

I pass jackpot.

Jackpot is KIA.


I'm sorry.

Bravo 1, this is 6.

Bravo 2 is down.
I say again, Bravo 2 is down.

Let's roll.

Bravo 1, this is 2.

What's your status? I say again,
what's your status?

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2.

What's your status? I say again,
what's your status?

I'm good.
I lost most of my gear.

I lost most of my gear,
but I'm good.

Damn good to hear your voice,
brother. Damn good.

Is Cerberus with you?

Yeah, he is.

Copy that. Bravo's en route

to rally point one.

Head south,
stay out of the ravine

and we'll draw the enemy to us.

All right, copy.

I'm on line-of-sight comms.

I hit the ravine,
I'll be off the grid.

Copy that. Bravo 2 out.

Jason took a
million dollar fall.

Starting to think he
really is Captain America.

Well, even Captain America
wouldn't last with no comms,

and no overwatch.

Tahara bull's-eye's on us now.

Jason's safer than we are.

Until some Hajji posse
surrounds him.

I guarantee you they saw
him go over into the ravine.

Contact rear!

Come on.

AC-130's back on station.

Finally get eyes on Bravo.

ISR's coming up.

All right, we need to get
a nine-line from Ray.

That doesn't look good.

Drop the g*n.

Drop it.

Hey. Cerberus.


All right.

Hey. You're okay.
All right.

All right.
We need to get you out of here.

Come on. I got you.

Okay. With me.

Thanks for having my six, buddy.

I got you.

Yeah. Okay. Okay.



You all right?


It's okay.
This is not how you're gonna go.

It's not how you're gonna go.

Lost a lot of blood, man.

Hang in there, Cujo.

Hang in there, brother.

Ares Base, this is Bravo 1.

Requesting immediate medivac.

Come on, stay with me, Cujo.

Stay with me. Stay with me.

Stay with me. Stay with me.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

All right?

You're good.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

Okay. I know.

I know. I know.

It's okay.

Gonna get you out of here.

Here we go. Come on.

Go, go, go!

ACE count, where we at on a*mo?!

We're good,
but the amount of guys coming,

that's gonna change!

Jace should've been here by now.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc.

Hammer 1 is standing by
for your approval to engage.

How copy?

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.

The ridgeline, one klick out,
60 degrees our position.

Hammer 1 is cleared hot.

Roger that.

All right, that's it.
Call 'em up. Let's go.

Hey. We're almost home.


Cujo's gonna be okay, man.

He's-he's the toughest
frogman I know.

This is what
I've been telling you.

Put your mind anywhere but
downrange and people get hurt!

You can't be half
a gangster, Hayes.

All right.

I got you.

All right.

The ravine. I've got
Cerberus' beacon.

Jason must've activated it.

Why aren't they moving?

Bravo 2, this is Havoc.

Believe we have
Bravo 1's location.

He's 500 yards east of your pos.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.

Have CAS start making g*n runs,
but make damn sure

you stay away
from Bravo 1's strobe and ours.

How copy?

That's a good copy, Bravo 2.


g*n runs are only gonna
call the heat off us.

Jason's not gonna be safe, man.
We just gonna sit here?

Bravo 1, Havoc, radio check.

Havoc, this is 1. Say your last.

Havoc... Havoc, this is 1.
Say your last.

Come on.

Come here. I got you.

All right.

Only one way to go, that's up.

Not giving up. Come on.

I got this. Come on.

Bravo 2, be advised, Bravo 1 has
over a dozen fighters

headed towards his location.

Danger close. How copy?

Bravo 2 copies all. That ATAK
give away Jason's position?

- His beacon is pinging.
- We're at least five mikes out.

We ain't gonna make it in time.

We gotta try.

Let's go.

It's all right, Cerberus.


We're gonna be good. Okay?

Lay down. Lay down.

All right? Lay down.

Lay down. Stay here.

I should have seen the wire.

Then what?

You'd be in that casket
instead of Cujo?

You know, if I was just
a little bit quicker...

Maybe we go through the door,
all three of us get put down.

Yeah, but on the tarmac
you just said...

I was angry.
It wasn't your fault.

It was w*r.
No logic to it.

You know, I've lost
teammates before, but...

this one...

I just feel like I could have
done more for Cujo.

Buried eight operators
in the six years of this w*r.

Eight men.

As their team leader,
I feel like I let

every single one of them down.

That guilt and pain,

I wouldn't wish it on
my worst enemy.

But... accepting that

is how I get better.

Good isn't good enough
for my teammates.

There's no greater honor
than leading this team.

And for me,
my mission and my men

have to always come first.

Can't be half a gangster.

You're spinning up already?

Intel off Al-Hazred's
hard drive bore fruit.

Give Alana a hug for me.

This job isn't for everyone,

Seen my share of operators who
serve their time and move on.

I respect those people.

But after the losses
I've endured...

...that can't be me.

It isn't fair to those
who love me back home,

but I gotta be all in
with this team...

or more of our brothers
will die.

Stay here.

It's not over yet, buddy.
Come on.

Come on. Come here, come on.

Come on.

Wait. Wait.

All right.

All in all the time.

Let's roll.

You miss your flight?

I'm not letting Bravo
go into the fire alone.

I sure hope you had
that helmet on

when you broke the news
to Alana.

I can't think about that
right now, all right?

I'll call her when we're back.

Focus up.

That is not good, buddy.


I got... Shh.
I got this.



A weed eater for the weeds.

Break time's over, boss dog.

Havoc, this is Bravo 2.

Bravo 1 is secure.
Requesting coordinates

to Romeo Team's perimeter.

That's good copy, Bravo 2.

Lieutenant Commander Tathom
went to pick up.

- Brock and Cerberus at the airfield.
- Copy.

Romeo Team's at the rally point
waiting for Bravo

before they move
on Al-Hazred's camp.

Send Romeo's coordinates
to Bravo Team's ATAKs.

All right, sitrep on CAS.

AC-130's back on target
running a CAS wheel.

A-10s are standing by.

The hills are teeming with enemy
moving down on Bravo's position.

Our boys aren't out of this yet.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc.

Coordinates for Romeo Team's
perimeter sent.

- Copy, Havoc.
- Coordinates received.

It's a knife wound.

I tried to stabilize it,
but he's gonna need help.

Thanks, J.

It's good to see
your face, brother.

Yeah. If it wasn't for you guys,
I'd be horizontal by now.

Bravo, be advised,
you have multiple groups

of enemy fighters
converging on your position.

What's the call, Jace?

Ray? On you.

All right, boys,
let's saddle up.

It's time to make it rain.

Prime Time Perry's back.

- Havoc, this is 2.
- How we looking on CAS?

Yeah, it's on target now, but
Bravo needs to get off the X.

Copy, Havoc.

We're marking our position
with strobes.

En route to Romeo's position.

CAS is cleared hot to drop.

Bravo 2, say again your last?

CAS is cleared hot
to drop as we move.

That fire's gonna come down
practically on top of them.

Romeo 1, this is Bravo 2.

Nearing your perimeter.
How copy?

I say again,

Romeo 1, this is Bravo
entering your perimeter.

How copy?

Copy, Bravo 2. We have visual.

Good copy.

Hell of an entrance.

What's the word on Al-Hazred?

He's still in the camp.

Echo Team's got eyes on.

We're set to as*ault
soon as y'all regroup.


How you feeling, Jace?

You up for going
back to the future?

Never out of the fight.

All right, Echo is set up
on the ridge

on target above overwatch.

Yeah, CASEVAC's 20 mikes out.

Romeo Team's got
the coordinates.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc.

Echo Team is set.

CASEVAC is en route
for Cerberus.

That's a good copy, Havoc. Jace.


It's time.

It's go time. Let's go.

- Give me your g*n.
- Yeah.

Fresh mag in it.


Get him to medivac. Got it?

- Roger.
- Hey.

It'll be good.
You're gonna be good.

- What are we looking at?
- We're here one klick south of the camp.

Havoc's reporting 20,
maybe 30 fighters.

All right, look,
I want two sn*pers up-front

- in case we come across sentries.
- Copy that.

- Any questions?
- Yeah, I got one for you, Jace.

What's that?

How in the hell
are you even standing?

Havoc, this is 1.
I'm passing yellow tail.

Bravo 6, take the shot.

Romeo 5, take the PKM.

I got the other two.

Copy, Bravo 6.

Locking on target.

Three, two, one.

Echo 1, Romeo 1.

This is 1. Light 'em up.

Stand by to move on me.

That technical's gonna slow
Bravo and Romeo's advance.

Squirters moving off target.

Usually the top
of the food chain

who runs first.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Eyes on six tangos

pushing towards the mouth
of the cave near your pos.

How copy?

That's good copy, Havoc.

- What's the word, boss?
- Al-Hazred Jr.'s getting away.

We have to call an audible.

Romeo 1, this is Bravo 1.

You and Echo clear the target,
we'll chase the squirters.

Bravo, move on me. Let's go.

That cave network
honeycombs two valleys.

Could spit Al-Hazred out
to the east or to the west,

and we won't have
eyes in both areas.

Yeah, then Bravo's gonna have to
move fast if that is Al-Hazred.

Not too fast.
Cave's lined with booby traps.

Wrong move makes
that tunnel their tomb.

The squirters popped
into the cave.

Havoc, this is 1.
Headed to the cave complexes.

Stand by for comms issues.

I wish Cerberus was here

to sniff out some expl*sives.

Well, you know what? He's got
bigger issues to deal with.

Let's go.

NODs down. Let's roll.

Not him.


Bravo 1, this is 3.

This side's clear.
We hit a dead end.

Copy, 3. Set security.

It's Al-Hazred.

Need a call, Jace.

Million dollar b*llet just
waiting to be shot, Hayes.

We'll take him alive. Cuff him.

Copy that.

No! No!

Let the record show,
I put the first b*llet in him.

Let the record also show
that Ray just saved you

from k*lling us all
on that pressure plate.


Al-Hazred had every chance
to walk away from this.

He made his choice
to go down hard.

Welcome back, gentlemen.

Well done.

Word came down
we're headed home Friday.

Leaves you three days to hold
your heads high around here.

You know something, Ray,
you were right.

About what?

You know that op
we had 13 years ago?

Yeah, that...

that did change things for us.

What do you...

Watched the White Sox win
the series in that tent.

Nothing's sacred.

Whole place will be
scrapped in a month.

- You'll be out of business.
- I'll be reassigned.

Address will change.
Job never does.

You ever wish you had a job
where at the end of it,

there was a sign that,
I don't know, said that

you were done, that it was over?

What would that look like?

My Flyers, when they win
the Stanley Cup,

they go down Broad Street
and they have a parade.

It's a victory... you see it.

Unfortunately for us,
the w*r on terror

doesn't have
a goal line to cross.

But you know, you don't
strike me as the type

who needs to spike the football.

Just be nice to know that
it was worth the cost.

40 fallen brothers,
a broken marriage,

broken body...

- broken head.
- You told me,

Last time we spoke,
you know you've made an impact

that will last forever here.

The only thing that's gonna
last forever is this w*r.

I'll-I'll see you around.

You know, I-I think
you're wrong about them

just scrapping it all.

Somebody's gonna
sort through it.

You know, ask the questions
that we all should ask.

I don't understand
What do you mean?

End of the day...

what do you take away from here?

What can you pull
from the rubble... be cherished?

What do you need
to leave behind?

And what can you pass on
to someone else?

The old man had better taste
in g*ns than Junior, huh?

Doesn't feel right
leaving a relic like that.

You want to take it?

Not one for trophies.

Especially from that op, but...


That's for you.

I don't need a trophy, either.

Well, then call it a reminder.

What you did here,
who you were...

what you meant to this team.

Just following your lead.

No, you're not.

And maybe that's
a good thing, huh?

Come on, pack it up,
we're rolling out.

You okay?

Yeah, just...

you know...

going over it all in my head.

What I did right.

What I didn't.

Well, I think the rights
win by a landslide.

Longer I stay in, it's the
losses that stick with me.

Then why did you fight
so hard to get

your job back
after they sidelined you?

Uh, maybe I'm a glutton
for punishment.

I'm sorry about Samim.

I should've known
to trust your instincts.

So we're good?

We're good.

I honestly don't know
how I would've made it through

any of this without you.

My instincts tell me
you can handle this job

just fine on your own.

I'm gonna get a beer.

- You want anything?
- No, thank you.

Just in case
anybody didn't say it...

you know, you, uh,

taking down Al-Hazred Jr.,
you know,

that is your victory.

It was a team effort.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
Mandy told me.

Yeah, you spotted
the bogeyman first,

and then had to drag everybody
kicking and screaming.

Maybe a little bit.

Look at you, man, gone from
second-guessing yourself

chasing a b*mb maker

to bagging the biggest whale
in the sea.

And it came at a price.

A price worth paying.

I'll tell you what, Davis, uh,

I was a real ass
about you wanting to, uh,

you know,
focus on your work and stuff.

You were right.
I was wrong.

Thank you, Sonny.

And, look, uh, I'm not
sure if this still really

means anything or
anything, but, uh...

I'm sure as hell proud of you.

All right, listen up, everyone.

We're losing Ray
for two months while he's off

at the Chief Warrant
Officer Academy.

Oh, look at that!

They approved my package?

- You're in.
- Ah, look at that, here you go.

Chief Warrant Officer Perry.

Hey, buddy. Oh, man.

He's looking good.

- Look at that.
- Almost slipped away a couple times.

Never in doubt.

You told me you'd get me home
and you did.

Them stripes gonna look
good on you, Ray.

What are you doing?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Timeout, timeout... who is, who
is this kinder, gentler Sonny

and where'd the guy go
who was throwing cake at me?

Slow your roll there,
Blond Ambition.

Truth is I had
some wrong-headed ideas

about what the brotherhood was.

Turns out that fighting together
makes us brothers,

but it doesn't keep us
together as brothers.

That bond does,
no matter where we go

or what we do.

- Amen to that.
- That's it. Amen to that, cheers.

And it's a damn good
thing, too, 'cause, uh,

you know, with you making
warrant officer and with

Clay heading to STA-21,

this deployment was the
last stand of the Bravo Team.


Love you guys.

- Love you back. Brothers.
- Cheers.

Whoa, you're gonna have
to get used to packing

where you're going, there,
Justin Bieber.

Or not... gonna need
a whole new wardrobe.

Maybe you and Ray can
get a discount

code on a fruit salad.

Sonny, I hope you get some
new material by the time

I get back from
Chief Warrant Officer Academy.

I got dibs on Clay's IR laser.

This battle belt's mine.

Have at it.

- Hey, Jace?
- Yeah?

I'm thinking the Ozarks

for this, uh,
training trip cycle.

Arkansas Alps,
they'd do us right.

Yeah, that's some next-level
thinking there, Sonny.

Uh, you know, I'm just, uh,

I'm just trying to step up with,
you know, Ray

not gonna be around as much and

ol' peaches over there
is gonna be gone.

Sonny Quinn
in a leadership position.

What could possibly go wrong?

Clay, uh, you might have
to stick around to see that.

Might not be much to see.

Listen, I was just
talking to Blackburn

and he was telling me

that NCIS is on a witch hunt

to find out
who wrote that letter

- to Ambassador Marsden's husband.
- What?

They're coming after us
for... for a mistake

- the State Department made?
- DoD needs a scalp.

They're convinced
that the letter came

from someone inside

- this team.
- Come on, we haven't even been back.

For five minutes and
we're already under attack?

Egg on the state's face

isn't worth dinging
one of our careers over.

Far as I'm concerned,
nobody here wrote that letter.

Easiest way to keep it straight

when they start
asking us questions. Got it?

Let's go.


Hey, baby girl!

Daddy missed you so much.

I missed you, too.

I can't wait to show you
my canopy bed upstairs.

- Yeah?
- Give him a second to catch his breath, honey.

Now how you gonna say that
and then take my breath away?

Hey, you know who else
missed you?

- Teena!
- Yeah.

Did she do a good job?

Oh, she did a great job,

Worst thing I got was
this tiny little scratch.

Did it hurt?

Nothing Daddy couldn't handle.

Go play.

You sure showing her a scar

is the best thing
for her anxiety?

I'm not hiding the truth
from my family ever again.

I've seen what happens
to team guys that do that.

Fair enough. I'm just
glad you're home.


I damn near got lost
trying to find the place.

Can't wait to see
what you did inside.

Okay, pump the brakes
on those expectations.

I did leave a few projects
for you, so...

It's too bad they got
to wait a little longer.

At least till after
Chief Warrant Officer Academy.

You're in?

- Hope so.
- What do you mean, "hope so"?

Command's on Bravo's ass
over some nonsense.

It could jeopardize
my promotion if it blows up.

Then let's hope it blows over.

But for now, how about we enjoy
your first day in your new home?

Roger that, Mrs. Perry.

All right, let's go.

Yes. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

- Come on, girl.
- Come on.

Oh, that's right.
We were gonna split these.

Tres tacos for you,
and this burrito for me.

Same order as our
last homecoming meal.

It's called the usual
for a reason, Mandy.


Old habits,

falling back into the routines.

Hey, it's... it is called
the reentry process.

That's what it is.
We're reentering.

That's what I'm doing, all
right? Part of that process...

Reentry went pretty
well for you last time,

alone in that garage apartment,

just the sound of your microwave
to keep you company.

Can I just enjoy
my burrito, please?

Thank you.

So, what time should I expect
you to knock on my door tonight

when whatever spooked you
in Afghanistan

- comes creeping back up on you?
- Stop, all right?

I thought you said what happens
in J-Bad stays in J-Bad.

Didn't we agree to that?

- We did. We agreed.
- Mm-hmm.

It was a needed distraction,

and a temporary solve

for bigger issues.

I get it.

I know what you're doing here.

I understand
the whole therapy thing.

This is what you call
"transference," right?

These are your demons
that are coming out,

that you're dealing with,

after seeing Samim's widow,
not my demons.

Your demons.

"Hardest part is living
with the fact

"that this is who
I chose to become," yes.

- Mm-hmm.
- You're right,

I am still thinking about it.

Samim, Jack Daniels,
Al-Hazred Jr.

They're gone.
They're in the past.

We move forward.
That's what we do.

- Ignore and override.
- Exactly.

Ignore and override.

We made a choice,
now we live with it.


What do you mean, maybe?

Maybe we can choose
to become someone else again.

You Tinker Bell now?

Fantasy world?
Is that what we're doing?

I always wanted to play third
base for the Phillies, but...

- I'm serious.
- So am I.

We made a commitment to serve.


But until when?

All in all the time, it doesn't
leave any room for us.

Yeah, right, what are you
gonna do? You gonna sit at home

on the couch
and play Mortal Kombat?

That's not what we do.

We just cut the head
off a snake.

- Tomorrow, another snake is gonna slither out...
- Mm-hmm.

...from some other rock,
and on and on.

And on and on and on.

You're gonna find them,
I'm gonna k*ll them.

Besides, if we don't do it,
who's gonna do it, Mandy?

Someone else.

Someone else.

You've been in this way too long

to believe that you're
comfortable with that answer.

You're right.


But I was a teenager
when I got in.

We'd just been hit.

The path ahead seemed
so clear and so right.

And 20 years later...

20 years...

All the loss, all the bloodshed.

I mean, Samim, Dr. Craig.

- I can't do this anymore.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What do you mean,
you can't do this anymore?

It's who you are.
It's who we are.

It's not who I want to be.

- It's not.
- Okay, who do you want to be, Mandy?

- I don't know.
- You don't know?

I have to do this now.

What do you mean,
you have to do this now?

- I have to do this now.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.

You haven't even eaten
your tacos.

You haven't touched them.

This is the best burrito
in Vah Beach.

If I don't walk away now,
I'm gonna lose myself forever.

- Just...
- And if I stay, you're gonna talk me out of it.

Mandy look, just sit down,
eat your burrito.

Have-have this.

- Come on.
- Jason.

I'll see you around.

You asked to see me,
Petty Officer?

Yes, sir.

I wanted to ask you about
the investigation

into the letter
to Ambassador Marsden's husband.

Okay. What about it?

Well, I was hoping
you could explain

the high-level thinking to me.

You know, why the DoD's
so concerned about it.

You don't think the concern
is warranted?

I think it's a waste of
the Navy's time and resources.

Well, not when someone
under my command

accused the State Department
of lying

on the front page
of The Washington Post.

The letter was sent
to a private citizen,

and no intel or tactics
were revealed.

Not to mention
the State Department

was lying about the ambassador.

You know that doesn't matter.

I mean, whoever wrote the letter

put his future with the Navy
in serious jeopardy.

Couldn't stand
the thought of her kids

thinking that their mother
was anything but a hero.

You wrote the letter?

I did.

I didn't think that the family
would take it to the media.

Seems you have more in
common with the cowboys

on Bravo Team than I thought.

I will talk to NCIS.

I would prefer to handle this
internally, for both our sakes.

Thank you.

If you expected no more
than a slap on the wrist

for this, you're wrong.

Goes without saying,
STA-21 is gone.

I understand, sir.

Somebody want to tell me?

Since after deployment,

aren't we supposed
to get two weeks off?

All right, look, that letter
was published months ago.

Why is NCIS pressing the gas
on this investigation, huh?

No one needs to talk to NCIS.

The offender has come forward.

Wait, what?


I wrote the letter.

They gonna bring
the hammer down?

Still working out
all the details, but, you know,

probably wind up
with some crap assignment

in addition to docked pay
and busted rank.

And STA-21?

It's off the table.

I got to go see Lindell
right now for the final verdict.

Anyone got a spoonful of sugar

to help the blond Icarus's
medicine go down?

Hey. Hey.

What the hell were you thinking?

Truth needed to come out.

What truth is that, Clay?

You didn't write the letter.

- I wrote the letter.
- I figured you did all along.

Come on, man. Who else on Bravo
would be so selfless?

No, it was more like reckless.

Now I got you caught up
in my mess.

But the world now knows

who Marsden was,
and that's what matters.

You did the right thing.

And you are doing the wrong

by trying to take
the rap for me.

I can't unring the bell, Ray.

What about your future, huh?

I like where I am.

You like where you're going.

It's a win-win.

That's real noble of you, Clay.

It is, but I can't
let you do it.

You want to go tell Lindell
that it was you?

Because then I get busted
for lying

and you can
kiss warrant officer goodbye.

Why the hell couldn't you just
let this investigation

flame out?

Because someone was gonna
have to take the hit

and it didn't need to be you.

A-a guy who's paid his dues
to get where he is,

has a family to look out for,
a brand-new house.

I'm not sure I can
ever repay you.

You already have.

Come on, you're the
reason I made Bravo.

Look who's back!

- Oh, yeah.
- It's gonna take a few months.

To get him back
into fighting shape,

but Cerberus is cleared
for duty.

Injury wasn't the problem.

He spooked on that mountain.

And on target in J-Bad
before that.

Oh, is that why you were, uh,

running all those drills
with him?

Yeah. The time off
will be good for him.


His three years in
is like 21 for any of us.

It's a lot to handle,
especially for a creature

that can't ask for help
with his PTS.

It's on us
to recognize the signs.

A warrior's place is
on the b*ttlefield.

That dog was bred
to be in the fight.

But I think he's suffered
way too much stress,

combat and trauma.

I think it's time for him
to just be a dog.

This is officially
the worst day off ever.

Okay, please tell me y'all
are gonna meet for drinks later.

Yeah. Of course.

We got to give Ray Perry
a proper send-off

to CWO Academy.


Hmm. Guess you missed me.

You tacking on a couple
extra days at the end

was textbook psyops.

I'm glad to know it worked.

I might have to
adjust my visitation

schedule when you're
in Newport for STA-21.

Actually, that
won't be an issue.

Why's that?

You're not going, are you?

Command needed a fall guy
for the Marsden letter.

You're not naive enough
to have written it.

You're paying for
someone else's crime. Why?

Because Lindell will
take it easy on me.

Cover his own ass

after pumping me up as being
the future of the Navy.

Did the team put you up to this?


So you voluntarily
threw away your future.

I protected my brothers.

More like hit the
self-destruct button.

After three months
on deployment,

you changed your mind,

and this is a way to bail on
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

without actually bailing.

- What I did over there mattered.
- Do you think.

That it was a mistake to say yes
to STA-21 in the first place?

I think I was
confused about how I fit in

with the team.

And I think I made
a few wrong turns along the way.

Am I one of those wrong turns?

You call me
when you figure it out.


You know, it is a damn shame

it takes Ray Perry
to disappear on us

for you to come hang.


Glad you're here, though.

Good to see you.

Good to see you, too.

You know, I don't
know how much of

a regular thing
this is gonna be,

but I miss hanging
with the team.

Yeah. You know,
here I am thinking that.

Agent Cody Banks has turned you
off door kickers, too.

Think you're overestimating
his role in my life.

- No.
- Yes.

- You two are done-zo?
- See ya later.

Wow. Well, uh, you know,
he was, uh, he was a...

he was, he was a nice guy.

He is a nice guy, thank you.

He just wasn't worth the effort
of long distance.

Hey, you know, we never got
to do a postmortem on Texas.

- Yeah.
- Obviously, you survived.

Ah, yeah.
I, uh...

I better than survived.

You know, I got to
patch things up with my pops.

Good for you.

Yeah, it feels good.

You know, something
I learned with my sister:

Um, if a relationship
is important,

the door never
really closes on it.

Ain't that the truth.


You made it back in one piece.

Looks like the rest of the team
did, too. Mission accomplished.


Mission accomplished.

So, what brings you
out here tonight?

A celebration, actually.

A paper I wrote got published.
Lindell put me up

for the Navy Meritorious
Civilian Service Award.

I don't know what that means,

but, uh, congratulations.

I don't care about the award.

I'm just glad my work's
being acknowledged.

You know, um,

Lindell, he wasn't right
about much,

but he was definitely
spot-on about you.

I'll say that.


Guess I'll be seeing you around.

Guess so.

Can't believe I got less
than a week with my family

before I got to disappear again.

Well, look, Ray. I
mean, put it this way.

At least, you know, your
daughter doesn't have to worry

you're gonna get k*lled
in Rhode Island, right?


Still got questions, though.
You try explaining

what a warrant officer is
to an eight-year-old.

Have to explain it to me first.

Heard about Mandy.

She really done?

Yeah, we'll see.

I had her pegged

for a lifer.

Guess we all got
to get off that speeding train

at some point, huh?

Sorry I'm late.

- Yo.
- Hey.

Next round's on me.

Where's Rebecca?

Change of plans.

Yikes. Lost your shot

at admiral
and you lost your girl.

Tell you what, let me, uh...

- This round's on me. I got it.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.

- Douse your flames there.
- I should... I should buy you... I should buy you one.


- Wait a second. You want to buy me one?
- Buy you a round.

Why's that?

For telling me
the teams are who I am.

Took me a little while
to realize it,

but you were right.

Writing that letter,
guess Spenser

thought he was untouchable.

Look, Jason.

Do me a favor.

Don't-don't ride him about that
while I'm gone, will you?

Why not?

Something you're not telling me,

He didn't write it.

He's covering for me.

You wrote it?

I'm sorry.

- You told him, and he offered?
- I didn't tell him anything.

He just took it on himself.


Tell you what, I...

Makes it a lot easier
moving into my new role

knowing you can actually count
on those guys.


Hey, Spenser!

Grab everybody

and have them come over here,
will you?

Sending Ray off here has
got me thinking about, uh,

about Bravo Team's past
and-and its future.

You know, Guzo.

My first team leader.

He taught me what it meant
to be all in all the time.

And that's a steep price.

A steep price
and it's not for everyone.

I'm a better warrior
than I ever was a husband

or a father.

But that, see,
that was the choice I made.

The choice I made
was-was to win the fight

and bring my brothers home.

My men and my mission
came first.

But we just took out

the son of a man that I k*lled

13 years ago, and it seems to me

like this mission
isn't ending anytime soon.

And from this last deployment,

it just showed me that...

you boys can take care
of each other.

What're you saying, Jace?

You know, leading Bravo Team's
been the greatest honor

of my life.


w*r's been my refuge
for too long,

and I'm done.

It's time for Bravo 1 to take
a step back from operating...

...and find a life
for Jason Hayes.