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03x19 - In The Blind

Posted: 11/26/21 10:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

This ranch is the Quinn legacy.

And I'm gonna sort it out.

If you don't let
some of this go,

you will lose it all.

You know, uh, I just
got this feeling

I should stay here for a while.

You good?

Uh-huh. You caught a bad guy?

Yes, we did, baby.

Gonna talk soon.


I don't want you to die, Daddy.

DIA got a hit on one
of our detainees.

- This man.
- He got released.

We may have found the
head of the snake and

we just let him go?

If w*r and scripture
have taught me anything,

it's that nothing is permanent.

The only constant is change.

Yeah, I don't buy that.

Some things,
they live on forever.

Let's hope so.

(helicopter blades whirring)

(men shouting in Pashto
in distance)


(men shouting in Pashto)


(speaks Pashto)

(door breaches)





♪ ♪

Oh, when was the last time

we hit three targets in a night?


What's the new tally?

Seven days, 11 targets,
25 detainees.

And zero leads

- to the Tahara network.
- We wouldn't be striking out

If we didn't have
this premature drawdown

making us release new
t*rrorists back into the wild.

Yeah, well, we've been fighting
here for 20 years.

Nobody should be slipping
through our fingers.

Tahara's evaded all
international intelligence

agencies by keeping their
leader's identity a secret.

- The enemy's getting smarter.
- Yeah.

Brass has gotten dumber...
That means we got

to level up, isn't
that right, Ray?

- Ray?
- Level up, yep.

Sonny's coming back soon.

Maybe that'll change our luck.

Don't need any luck, all right?
Just got to keep

working our way
up the food chain.

How do you eat an elephant?

You k*ll it first.

That right?

Words of wisdom by Thirty.

♪ ♪

All right.

Last day in Laughlin.

School is finally out.

Hopefully your report
card looks better

than when we were classmates.

(laughs) Come on.

I ain't never did make
the honor roll,

but I did get

"most likely to make the owner

of a bar weak in her knees."

This deserves a graduation shot.

Last day.
I shove off tomorrow.

Had our friendship evolved
into what it is now,

I probably would've
never left this town.

You probably never

- would have left your bedroom.
- Yeah.

You know, all these years,
I just didn't give a damn

whether I'd ever
see this town again.

But maybe sometimes
you just need to...

leave a place
to fully appreciate it.

That logic applies
to people, too.


I'm sure you're looking forward

to being back with your team.

Usually, I'm my own worst enemy

when I'm away from my brothers
and out of the fight.

Not this time.

Why is that?

♪ Till there's nothing left
to do... ♪

I guess I'm where
I'm supposed to be.

♪ Make a hole,
we're coming through. ♪

Hey. I got to talk to you.

I'm a little busy right now.

One of your interviews
last night.

Yeah. A local who had some
info about the hookah bar.

What about it?

Well, he identified four men
from your photo lineup,

one of whom was Samim.

Okay. Yeah.

Samim was there last night.

It would make sense that
this guy spotted him.

Wait, but you peppered him
with questions

about the three other guys,

and you barely asked him
anything about Samim.


And you may have burned
our informant.

Burned? That's a
bit of a stretch.

What if this cooperative
local man

was actually a Tahara operative
fishing for a snitch?

By dismissing Samim so quickly,
you tipped your hand.

Mm. Now you're
just being paranoid.

I've been calling him.
He's not picking up.

You held his feet to the fire

and then you threatened
his livelihood.

Maybe he doesn't feel
like speaking with you.

Your interrogation was sloppy.

Our assets deserve better.

We got something.

Okay. Come on.

Hey. Right here. Hut.

Hut. Check there.

Right. Hey.

Here, boy.

Come here.

You got this, okay?

(whistles) Come on.

Ooh, hey.

(whistles) Hey.
Cerberus, what's up?

What's going on?

Brock working you too hard, huh?

Nah, man.

What are you doing?

Come here, buddy.

Got to get him ready
for the next mission.

He was off last time
we went out,

and you know what happens
when a dog loses his edge.

(growls) What are you
talking about, man?

Everybody has a bad day, right?

You have a bad day
sometimes, huh?

He's still in his prime.

He's my third dog
and the best, but,

well, you got to know the signs.

Signs? What are you
talking about, signs?

This dog is a warrior.

He was bred for this
kind of stuff, right?

You're a fighter.
Ain't that right? Huh?

That's why it's on me
to know when he's had enough.

Come on, bud.

Let's go.

Let's go kennel up.
Come on.

You promised your daughter
you weren't gonna die.

There's nothing wrong

with wanting to comfort
your child, Ray.

I know. But it was
the easy way out.

I promised myself I wouldn't
take shortcuts with my family.

So, better to have Jameelah
spend three months worried sick?

You know, usually
a man of the cloth

- doesn't condone lying.
- (chuckles)

And usually a father
doesn't flagellate himself

over protecting his child.


It's just...

the older my kids get...

(exhales) the more
this w*r costs me

and the more it costs them.

I just need to make sure
I'm doing everything I can

to keep hold
of what really matters.

Seems like you're
already doing the hard part.

You're showing up.
You're, uh...

you're being
the kind of man that wants

to be everything to everyone.

It took a lot of work to become
that man, I'll tell you that.

(dialogue inaudible)

When I first joined Bravo,

everything was about me.

All I cared about was-was
being a-a legend in the teams.

And I just knew I had
all the answers, but...

now it seems like all
I got is questions.

Questions like what?

What am I fighting for?

Something asked, no doubt,

by many great warriors
throughout history.

D-Don't get me wrong,
I-I love my job.

I do.


But God knows I love
my family, too.

Why the uncertainty?

I mean, you seem to have a good
grip on what's important to you.

Well, plenty of operators

start out handling
the team-family balance,

but the reason I'm
a unicorn around here

is because most lose
their grip over time.

Military families don't just get
torn apart on the b*ttlefield.

The longer you're at w*r,

the harder your questions

and the simpler your answers.



Thanks, Chaplain Walker.

Keep the faith, Senior Chief.

This is our key unknown,

supposed leader
of the Tahara network.

Three days ago,

Afghan police forces raided

a b*mb-making facility
and arrested this man,

Tabsheer Sidiqi.

CIA was alerted to his presence
when his mug shot pinged FRS.

Sidiqi's been
associated with AQ,

Taliban, !sis,

and most recently
he's been working

as a senior commander

for Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Dude's just a muj of
fortune. Total mercenary.

Well, that works in our favor.
I mean, he's much more likely

to talk if he's not
a true believer, right?

All right, look, how do we know
he's with the Tahara network?

He's best known for
equipping su1c1de bombers

and transporting them
from Peshawar across the border

- into Afghanistan.
- Analysis of the S-vests recovered from the raid

Linked to similar vests
used in three recent bombings.

So he should be able to
identify our key unknown, then.

Bravo will be running PSD
for Agent Julian

to retrieve Sidiqi

from the Afghan National Police
in Dur Baba.

Dur Baba's... it's pretty far out
in the tribals.

Closest assets?

Marines. 35 klicks out.

Daytime drive
through that shady sandpit?

No, thanks.

RAY: I hate to say it,
but Thirty's right.

I mean, can't we wait
till nightfall,

then helo out there?

Look, we're not the only ones
that think Sidiqi is the link

to the Tahara network.

The Afghans want
a crack at him, too,

but the State Department got us
to the front of the line.

Guy like this,

someone this high up
on the totem pole,

I'm telling you right now,
his new team

must be missing him by now.

ERIC: Exactly.

We can't risk anyone else
getting to him before we do.

That's why you're rolling out
in one hour.

Sidiqi could be the key
that unlocks the Tahara network.

Let's bring him in.

(speaking indistinctly)

I'll see you later.

Okay, bye.

You know, Sonny's back soon.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

I haven't, I haven't talked
to him since he deployed. You?

No. Uh, but I really
didn't expect to

after his whole
scorched earth campaign

he went on before he left.

Oh, wow.

I mean, you... you think
he was hot then.

How you think he's gonna
react to you and Reiss?

About as well as him reacting
to you going to STA-21.

I'm sure he'll take it
the same way

the rest of my teammates did.

You know, I'm a
cake-eating wannabe

Benedict Arnold who's
abandoned the brotherhood.

Just got to be true
to your own path.

Be as clear
and as honest as possible.

That's what I would do
if I had a thing.

I'd say you've got
more than a thing.

Then I'd say
you know more than me.


Watch Reiss's six.

He's not a door-kicker like you.

I got you.

EMMET: It's hard
to believe that you'll be

off to Afghanistan in a week.

SONNY: Yeah, it's part
of the life, though.

Got to be up and ready.

Pick up and head out
without warning.

Ah, then, you did learn
something from your old man.

(both chuckle)

All these years, I hated
never having any idea

where you were being deployed.

Now... (sighs)

it's scarier knowing.

Makes it...
too real.


You just try
to keep your powder dry.

I spoke to Stan Walch
the other day.

Said you could get one hell
of a price for 50 acres.

When it comes to
real estate people,

they remind me of, like,
ambulance chasers with a sign.

Yeah? Well, he was, uh,

saying a lot of out-of-staters...

They're moving
to Texas these days.

I got no interest sharing
my ranch with city slickers.

Well, what if I was
your new neighbor?

How's that?

Well, the program
I was in at the base...

A new instructor
position opened up,

and I figure I could

make my way back here
and finish out my enlistment.

Coming back here?


Son, you sound like
you got bucked in the head.

You know, I've been out at sea
since I was 18 years old, Pops.

And this shore duty billet...

That would allow me
to have more time

to come here and, well,

help you get this ranch back up
to, to Quinn standards.

It's a big change.

How about your team?

Well, the team's evolved.

And I'm thinking
maybe I should, too.

You know?

I ran away
from this place once before.

Just think, you know,
maybe it's time I...

I put some roots down here.

♪ ♪

Um, can I take your order?

- Lamb kebab, please.
- Ah.

Is Samim here?

Uh, no, ma'am.

It seems like he's always here.

Do you know if he's
coming in later?

I have not spoken to him.

Okay, thanks.

It's coming, I promise,
I promise, one moment.

Hey, Ray.

Anything we need to talk about?

No. Nothing.
I'm good.

Right, you were just,

what, talking to the chaplain,

telling him
everything's okay? Come on.

Nothing like kids

to make a man question
the meaning of life, right?

You want meaning?

What we do here...
That's what matters.

I'm not saying it doesn't, J.

I'm just saying,
it's getting harder and harder

not to have my head
back home with my family.

Right, I get that,
but you know what?

This job matters.

Where you hang your
helmet... that's home.


- One more.
- (lock beeps, door opens)

(indistinct chatter)

We have a situation.

Samim is MIA.

I think Reiss burned him.

Um, yeah, Reiss
told me about that.

I... think
you might be overreacting.

Well, he's not
answering his phone,

he didn't show up
for work today,

and his employees
haven't heard from him.

Look, I think after Caracas,

you're probably
assuming the worst.

This isn't
about Dr. Craig.

I need to know if Samim is
down hard or just lying low.

Look, we leveraged him
into working for us.

Maybe serving Americans
isn't something

he's all that excited
to do anymore.

I developed sources
because you asked me to.

You wanted me to pressure
Samim, so I did.

I'm only asking for a little
help to know if he's okay.

You're aware of how low on
assets we are with the drawdown.

And you're aware that
Samim is a valuable source.

Check his status.

I will ask the Army S3 shop

to get a patrol
to stop by his house.

I'll tell 'em that he's wanted
for more questioning.

Thank you.

Havoc, this is 1.
We're passing Fairlane.

Is there a holiday
we didn't know about?

High noon,
the shops are all closed.

Yup, this is weird.

Heads on a swivel, boys.
Heads on a swivel.

(shouting in distance)

(engine starts)

Tell him to hurry up, will you?

Let's go.

(speaking Pashto)

Tabsheer Sidiqi.

(speaking Pashto)

Sir, I've got four vehicles
approaching the village.

- How many pax?
- I can't tell.

It looks like trucks,
but I can't make out

how many passengers there are.

All right,
get Bravo up on comms.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

Be advised, you've got a convoy

of four vehicles approaching

from the south side of town,

approximately ten klicks out.

That's good copy.
Stand by to stand by.

Sidiqi's friends inbound?

Somebody should tell them
visiting hours are over.

There's got to be, what,
two cells back there?

Why is it taking so long?
Why is it taking so long?

Sir, I've got
two more vehicles approaching.

All right, call it in

and have 'em spin up the QRF.

- I want 'em standing by to launch.
- Bravo 1,

This is Havoc Base. You've got
two additional unknown vehicles

approaching your position

from the south, approximately

seven klicks
outside the village.

That's good copy.
We're not waiting around

for them. You two got that.

Thirty, you're with
me. Give me that.


Listen, Captain.

We need this. Sidiqi.

Now. We need...

- (bangs table)
- him now.

- That him?
- REISS: That's a dead ringer.

Great. That's him.
Take a picture,

show the captain so we can go.

- Let's go, Reiss.
- I got to upload it to Havoc, all right?

- JASON: Send it.
- Hold on. I have to get

- His fingerprints.
- Reiss, hurry up.

I am just following protocol.

Reiss, hurry up. Reiss!

(vehicle approaches)

Bravo 1, we got
a blue station wagon

parked and idling
about a block away.

Driver's mad-dogging us.

That's good copy.

- It sent.
- Great. We need him. We're taking him.

(speaking Pashto)

Tell him in Pashto.

Tell him we need
to take him now.

- Tabsheer Sidiqi...
- Tell him

- We need to take him now.
- Tabsheer Sidiqi...

- Tell him we need to take him now!
- No!

Havoc, this is 1.

I need verification of the
photo we just sent you.

Bravo 1, affirm.

We received your transmission.

We're confirming it now.

Bravo 1, affirm.

You got it. Thirty,
take him. Let's roll.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.
Be advised,

the four-vehicle convoy that was
headed towards your position

has now split.

Two vehicles are moving
to the north of town,

two moving south.

You think they're on
their way to get Sidiqi?

Come on. We're not gonna
give them the chance.

Let's go.

Come on, let's go.

♪ ♪

The VBIED blew right past Bravo
into the police station.

I-I can't tell
if anybody's down.

Yeah, we need a sitrep
and a HUTs count ASAP.

All Bravo stations,
this is Havoc Base.

Radio check. Over.


Radio check. Over.


Everybody okay?!

Looks like the ANP station
was the target, not us!

Probably took it out
to isolate Sidiqi!

All right, get him in the car.
Let's go. We got to move.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

Grab that g*n!

(whooshing overhead)

The hell just happened?

Feed went dead.

It must have been interrupted

Or the platform went down.

All right. Get me another bird
up overhead ASAP.

I'll launch the QRF.

Taurus 1, this is Havoc Base.

Push to vehicle two!

(overlapping shouting)



Punch left!

Get off the street!
Get off the street!

Go! Go!

Last man!

Smoke out!

Go, go, go, go.

Hey, clear. Clear!

Second deck's clear.

Structure secure.

Set security, will you?

There must've been
some sort of SAM

out there that took out
that Predator.

Yeah, thank you, Charlie Wilson.

Tell you what.

Word must have gotten
out that they were gonna hit us.

That's why everything

- was so quiet, Ray.
- CLAY: Yeah, well,

Those vehicles Davis saw are
gonna be in the village by now.

I guess Sidiqi was more valuable
than what we thought.

Do we still have comms?

No. Comms went down
when the Predator got hit,

and the manpack was in the back
of the truck.

We're on intrasquad until
the next drone is overhead

- or until the QRF arrives.
- REISS: And when

- Will that be, exactly?
- 35 minutes.

That's if Havoc launched them.

What do we do?
We just hunker down till then?

That's not gonna happen.

This ambush was well planned.

I want us out of their playbook.

We got, we got four vehicles
to the south, two to the north.

So we head north and
punch through 'em.
That's what we're gonna do.

As long as we have Sidiqi,
we got an "X" on our back.

Reiss, talk to him.
He's gonna guide us out of here.

- Let's go.
- Hey. Hey.

(speaking Pashto)

(speaking Pashto)

He says that
the shortest way north

is back through the square.

That's what we do.
It's on you. You got point.

Let's collapse security, get
ready to break out. Let's move.


♪ ♪

(b*llet whizzing)


Hey, anybody got eyes
on the sh**t?!

- I got nothing!
- (b*ll*ts whizzing)

Not yet!

We're pinned down.

We got to fall back
to help Clay. Let's go. Move.

Brock, Metal, set security,
first deck.

That sn*per's gonna
keep Clay pinned down

until the main force gets here.

Can't sh**t what
we can't see, Ray.

What if there's more than one?


We're not gonna be able
to get eyes on him here.
Let me get up to the roof.

- Get to it, now, fast. Move.
- Yeah.

Thirty, take Sidiqi in the back,
put him on ice, will you?

You got it. Let's go.



Ah, damn it.


I mean, he's got the damn roof
locked down.

I could crawl out there,
but there's no cover.

Got to get an angle on him.

That's if there's only one.
We can't move on 'em

till we figure out how many are
out there and where they're at.

- TRENT: Hey, boss.
- Yeah?

We got a group of four enemy
moving on us

from house to house.

They'll be on us in a few,
but I can try

to engage before they get here.

JASON: Negative. We cannot
give away our location.

You understand?
We do not engage.

Hold on 'em.

Ray, got to get
Clay out of there.

1, this is 6.

I think I can make out
the sh**t's direction.

Send it.

I laid down some hose,

mapping the direction
of the round impacts.

1, you got eyes?

- We got it.
- CLAY: All right.

Can you see any terrain features

or any buildings
in that direction?

Stand by.



- Yo.
- Got to get an angle

On this guy, there's got
to be one out there.

I saw another room that might
have a window in that direction.

- Move.
- Moving.

Bravo 6, this is 1.
Don't go anywhere.

We're on it.

(wry chuckle)
Yeah. Okay.


All right.

Got eyes on the northwest side
of the building.

I'm not seeing anything.

This guy is good.

What about beyond town?
You got...

anything out in those hills?

You got a place
they could be using as a hide?

Running my search now.

I'm not seeing anything, man.

CLAY: He's got to be
out there somewhere.


Hey, anybody have a thermal?

I've got mine.

Middle of the day, though.

Uh, it's pretty cold out here.

That's smart thinking.
Hopefully cold enough.

We got 'em.

Two sn*pers in some deadfall

about halfway up
the first foothill.

I'm gonna say
700 yards from you.

Just to the left of
that large green bush?

That's an affirmative.

It'd be a hard time
hitting it from here

with this little peashooter.

Bravo 2, you're the only one
with a .308.

If we can lay down some
suppressive fire into that hide,

you'll be able to reach out
and touch someone?

No, not from here.
It's a bad angle

and I'd be sh**ting off-hand.

Roof's gonna be better.

JASON: Stand by.

I'm coming to you.

Jason, those four fighters
are heading our way.

Check. Bust 'em.

Ray, thought the
roof was no good?

It's not, but if you and Clay
can keep their heads down,

I think I can get some
rounds into their hide.

What do you mean, you think?

Just keep their heads down,
would you?

(g*nf*re continues)

Bravo 2, you in position?

Bravo 2, are you in position?

Yeah, I'm ready.

Clay, on me.

(g*nf*re continues)

Come on, come on.

(grunts, groans)

Bravo 2,

where's our fire?

Just keep firing, all right?

♪ ♪

(b*ll*ts whizzing)

They're down, they're down.

Bravo 6, move to our position.
We got you.

You're good?

Yeah, nothing
that'll slow me down.

Black side's clear for now.


Warned you about wells,
Baby Jessica.

You take a round?

A ricochet.

Ticket nearly got punched,
you still took 'em out.

Nice sh**ting, man.

In the face, bro.

We need to move out.

Yeah, Trent's right, you know.
We burned a lot of time here.

We got to roll.

Yeah, well, we got five mikes
till the QRF gets here,

if they called it in.

Let's hope they did.

We're not going anywhere.

♪ ♪

Can't hold this
much longer, Jace!

Where the hell's our QRF?!

Yeah, should have been here
by now!

New drone should be
coming on station

in three, two...

All right, let's get Bravo
back on the comms,

make sure they're linked
to the QRF.

Are they all up
on the Blue Force Tracker?

Yes, sir, they should be.

All right, get me that image
on the screen.

Got it. All Bravo stations,
this is Havoc Base.

Radio check. Over.

Say again. All Bravo stations,
this is Havoc Base.

Radio check. Over.

- Is it linked up?
- Yes, sir. We should...

Havoc, this is 1,
I got you loud and clear.

How... how me?

Bravo 1, I have you
Lima Charlie.

Your QRF is inbound.

You should have comms
with them now.

QRF's on bankers' hours?

Just think, man.

You start eating that cake,
you're gonna miss all this.

It's about time.

Taurus 1, this is Bravo 1.
Radio check.

Bravo 1, this is Taurus 1.
I have you Lima Charlie.

All right, boys, let's go home.

Let's move.
Ray, you good?

- Come on, man. Up.
- (grunts)

Let's go home.


Thanks for bringing him
back still breathing.

Those dirtbags threw
everything they had at us.

They don't want anyone
talking to him.

That's why I can't wait
to get started.

You all right?

I will be, once
I get him talking.

Hey, listen.
I hate to be that guy,

but that's my collar, so
it should be my interrogation.

I got this.


I'm just glad you're okay.

Well, the only reason I am

is 'cause I was rolling
with your boys.

Nobody better to pull you
out a ditch, that's for sure.

Trust me.

Ah. Hey there, Mama.

I brought you
your favorite flowers.

She would've been real proud
how her Sunshine turned out.

You think so?

Oh, yeah.

You have her spirit
of adventure.

Yeah, she wanted me
to-to see the world.

I never got around to it.

But you did.

Yeah, well, I reckon it's time
I see a lot more of this place.

A hell of a lot more.

Honestly, I hope you don't.

And why's that?

Well, I don't know,
you coming back here

and seeing the ranch...

playing house with Hannah.

Nice walk down memory lane.

That's about it.

Well, how you figure?

It's not who you are.

If it was,

you never would've left here
in the first place.

I was just a confused kid
when I ran away

and left you high and dry.

You didn't run away.

I couldn't hack
your mom passing.

And I pushed you away.

That doesn't mean
I can't come home now.

Uh... you were right
about Stan Walch.

I talked to him.

And there is a buyer
who's raring to go.

So I'm gonna sell
half the ranch.

Wha-Wha-What do you mean?

I thought the whole point
was for, for me to buy it.

For a decade, I was praying
for you to come home.

But now I know who you are,

and I can't let you stay here.

But I could help you
fix up the ranch.


Get it back on its feet.
I mean, thi-thi-thi...

This is your legacy, Pops.

My legacy's not a pile of dirt.

My legacy's standing in
front of me right now.

My son.

A damn Navy SEAL.

You had a calling
beyond this place.

And those brothers,
they helped build

the man that you are now.

They deserve you more than me.

Now, you left a family once.

Don't make that mistake again.

(lock beeps)

I got a name.

You're not gonna believe
who it is, either.

What's wrong?

The Army patrol we tasked
got back ten minutes ago.


They found him in the market.

I'm sorry.

How did he die?
I need to know everything.

It won't help you.


Nice to see you finally
getting some trigger time.

It's not my fault Boomer 1
put me on babysitting duty.

(imitating machine g*n)


I can't wait to read how
it really happened, Thirty.

That was a good job
today out there. Seriously.

The way you found that thermal
in that hide.

Thinking like a sh**t.

- Ah, it wasn't all me.
- Huh?

Ray made the sh*ts that counted.

Yeah, well, I'll tell you what.
You're gonna miss it here

when you're flying behind
that good old desk

- with that number-two pencil in your hand.
- (Ray laughs)

- You good?
- Yeah, man.

Fragged shoulder and all.

Come on, you're better
than good. You kidding me?

The way you hung it
out there today.

Ah, I'm glad I did.
It felt right, man.

I haven't seen so clearly
since we got here.

Knowing I was protecting
my brothers, I realized,

at least for today,

I don't need any other reason
to be here than that.

Protect the pack.

That's why we fight.


Too bad fighting's
the easy part.

(both laugh)

Hey, you, uh,

think you're gonna tell Jameelah

about that little love tap?

I'm gonna get another beer.

All right, listen up.

You'll all be happy
to know that all your

b*llet dodging today
wasn't for nothing.

Thanks to Agent Ellis,

Sidiqi ID'd our key unknown.

His name is Azfaar Al-Hazred.

He wouldn't happen to be
related to Asim Al-Hazred?

Yes. Azfaar is his only son.

w*r on Terror's OG HVT,
until Bravo Team took him out.

Biggest op of my career.

Biggest op of any career,

The shot that made
Captain America famous.

This Al-Hazred kid is
dirtbag royalty.

Whoever schwacks this guy
is gonna be on

Team Guy Mount Rushmore.

Doesn't matter whose dad it was.

It's just another
name on the list.

Just another target.

That's all.

(door opens)

(door closes)



♪ ♪



Hey... it's okay.

You're okay.

Here you go.

It's okay.

BRAVO 1 (over comm):
That's Al-Hazred.

You just made history, Hayes.