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03x10 - Unbecoming an Officer

Posted: 11/26/21 10:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...I know that starry-eyed look.

What's her name?Her name's Rebecca.

She's from D.C.

I have a work function
on Saturday night.

It's the Congressional
Wine Caucus.

Do you want to be my plus-one?This town can't even

get drunk
without ulterior motives.But if you don't work

the machine, the
machine will work you.

I'm gonna try
for warrant officer.

Ray, you've wanted
to run your own team

for as long as I've known you.

But I got to take care
of my family, babe.

That's my priority.Walk the line
for the next few months.

I don't want anything
derailing your application.I hear you.

I don't like that I have
to do this right now.

Do what?Tell you that I like you.

Your scene's right here
with us.

Things change.

What, because you're
an officer now?

Just have a drink and...Get out of my face.

You need to relax.I said get off of me!

That was very stupid, miss.

Very nice.

Can definitely say that
the hip is officially healed.

Mm. You know, could've gotten
you back in the field faster

if you'd only let me show you
these exercises sooner.

Hey, well, I got to work on my
flexibility, that's for sure.

I did not have any complaints.

You know, practice makes
perfect. You know that.

So admirable.
Practice, huh?

If we're gonna if we're
gonna have some more practice,

then I do have a few requests.

Oh, really?
I'm sure you do.


Where does that start?

Well, to start,

worked up an appetite.

You hungry?Ah.

What, for food?


Oh, wait a second.
What time is it?


That's not good.

Listen, I got to, uh...

I got to, uh,

go meet the boys
at the Bulkhead.

That means

I can pick up Indian
on my way home,

since I don't have
to worry about your palate.


That's a bad call
right there.Mm.


You know, I would, um...

I'd ask you to come and all
to the Bulkhead, but, uh...

Well, us making a-a
public appearance

might make some waves.

It's probably good for us
to let this be what it isYeah.

without anybody else's
expectations, you know?


What time you
meeting 'em?


I'm late.

But, tell you what,
why don't you just, um,

order some food?

Just don't-don't touch
my mess.

Because if I come back and
I don't know where things are,

I get confused,
if people move things.

And it's, uh
It's my mess, you know?I...

I wouldn't dream of it.Yeah.

But, you know what, I'm just
gonna get out of your way.

No, no. You sure?

Yeah, it's cool.

Right. Okay.

Uh, I, um...

I got to get ready.

Go get ready.

So, then there's, uh
there's Brock.

He's, uh
he's the dog handler.

Cerberus, right?

Will I get to meet him
tonight, too, or...

Yes. And, uh,

n-no, there's no dogs
allowed in here.

Oh.Unfortunate for Brock's
social life.

You're sure
you're-you're up for this?


Are you nervous I'm not gonna
fit in with your friends?

No, not really.
Not at all, actually.

They're just, um...

They're a little-little
different from your crowd.

That's a bold assessment from
a guy who's never met my crowd.

Politicians and pipe hitters
don't really mix.

I'm not sure I'd fit in.

You'd fit in just fine.

Tell me you haven't imagined
yourself on a bigger stage.

Leading my own team one day

is about as big a stage
I've considered.

Not sure I believe you.

But when you areready

to glimpse behind
the curtain,

I promise,

I will prep you as well as you
have prepped me for tonight.

Speaking of which,

Full Metal, what's
his actual name?

Nobody knows.

Not even him.

Hey. You got a second to talk
about your SOUTHCOM assessment?

Yeah. What's up?

The four HVTs that evaded
capture in Colombia,

did you ever find a link
between any of them and FARC?

We weren't looking for one.

I'd have to check my notes.

Give me 30.

You okay?


Years of interrogating
tells me that you aren't.

You want to take a break,
talk about it?

I can't. Thanks.

I get isolating yourself
from the guys,

but now I'm on the list?

It's nothing that I can talk
about with anyone at Command.

Not even you.

All right.
Have it your way.

But... if you change your mind,
you know,

secrets are kind of my thing.

You drive three and a half hours
from D.C. just to see this guy?

That's a lot of
time to think

about how much
better you can do.True.

I don't come just to see him.

I mean, I'm enjoying
the wonders of Virginia Beach.

I went
to the aquarium today.

Saw some beautiful
sandbar sharks.

Okay. I just don't understand

how the government slaps
warning labels on video games,

but yet a temple
of aquatic nightmares,

they call that

Oh, so you'rethe one
that's afraid of water.


I ain't scared of water.

Yeah, just everything
that's in it.

Yeah, a lot of stuff on land,
too, right?Come on now.

Why don't you all just kick
me while I'm down, huh?

Why are you down?

Well, truth be told,
you have rendered

my boy Clay here absolutely
useless as a wingman.

Okay, women will definitely
sniff out that he's a decoy

when I swoop in
and-and do my thing.

Now I got to...

figure out a new wingman
amongst this motley crew here.

See, Trent,
he's too quiet.

Full Metal,

too scary. Too...


What do we have here?

Little Vicky Martin.

You know what,
just right.

Here we go.
You're up, buddy.

Oh, come on,

Vic? No offense, buddy,Yeah.

but Vic doesn't know
when to let it slip

that you cried
at Wreck-It Ralph. Oh...

Yeah, I had tears.Right? Am I right?

Oh.He al he also,

he also doesn't know
about that one mission...Mm-hmm.

...where you saved
that tiny little baby cheetah.

Yeah, that baby cheetah's mom
and dad were k*lled by poachers.

Aw, I love cheetahs. Yep.

Works every time.

Gotcha. Yeah.

But, unfortunately, I'm
gonna have to stand you down

on this one, buddy.

You see, I need to
roll with somebody

that actually, you know,
has their head in the game.

So, Vic,

it is time to shine.

Let's go.

Clay's girl
seems pretty nice, huh?

Well, you know,
the two of 'em,

they met at a funeral,
so it could be bad luck.

Not everyone can be
like you and Naima.

Trouble in paradise.

What's going on?

No, no, no.
It's just, uh...

we found a house we like.

Nothing wrong with that.Yeah.

But Naima's worried about
overextending ourselves.

I'm not sure I should
put in an offer

before I find out if I'm
making warrant officer.

This last op you had,
you crushed it.

You're gonna get the promotion.

Yeah?Get the house.

Come on.

Clay's new lady.

We like her?

All of us except Sonny.

Doesn't he know

he's still number one
in Clay's heart?

Oh, my goodness.Mm?

You just got checked out
at my ten o'clock.

Better get after it,
young man.

"Better get after it,
young man."Yes.

Guess what, not-not my type.

I've never seen Jason Hayes

pass up
a sure thing.

Maybe it's medical.

Oh.It's not medical, all right?

Trust me. Okay.

Are you seeing somebody?

What is this, 20 Questions here?

I'm an interrogator.

It's kind of what I do.Okay, that's fine.

You can be an interrogator. But,
you know what, I'm unbreakable.

So, another beer.
Three sh*ts. Set 'em up.

I'm happy for you,
brother. You have fun.

Yeah, fun. Sure.
Totally. Have fun.

But if all he's looking for
is no-strings-attached fun,

our friendly frog hog over here
would fit the bill perfectly.

Maybe he's looking for strings.

Are you looking
for strings? Are you?Yeah. Hmm?

There it is.

I'm looking for sh*ts.

All right, fine.
You're unbreakable.

Yeah, yeah. Checkmate.But...

if you're not all in
with someone,

you might as well be all out.Look at you, huh?

Just handing out
relationship advice

like you're, uh,

Dr. Phil.

What can I say?
Failure makes me an expert.

But you did just use
the word "relationship."

You did.

What's with them eyes, man?

You're looking

Is that because

Vic discharged his duties
or 'cause he laid a turd?

Oh, he laid a turd, man.

He did,
but, uh,

I managed to bag
an HVT 'cause Sonny

is too sexy to fail.

Hey, we, uh,
we missed you last night.

Where were you?


All right, celebration's over,
listen up!

This is Yevgenny Kostarov.

Russian arms dealer
funneling weapons

on a ratline that runs
from China to Iran.

Russia, China, Iran.

If I've got a North Korea there,
I've got myself a bad-guy bingo.

Latest intel has
him at a safe house

in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

He is a key HUMINT asset
in unraveling a major network.

We need him brought in alive.

Uh, you know that depends
on how easy he makes it.

And they rarely
make it easy.

What kind of resistance
are we looking at?

Kostarov travels everywhere
with two armed guards.

And he's drafted
a handful of locals.

So, we're probably think...

Ensign Davis.

A word, please?


What the hell does
Ops O want with Davis?

Wish I knew.

Look, all I'm saying, there's
a lot of reasons why they

want to talk to her, that's all.Yeah, but what the hell's

so important that they pull
Davis out of a warno?

They don't really
expect us to spin up

without our intel officer?Gentlemen.

I will talk to
the operations officer

and let you know what I can
after we are done here.

In the meantime, let's focus up.

Along with his armed guards,
Kostarov uses Dhaka locals

for additional security.

Uh, and-and this
is a safe house, right?

Not a, not a storage depot.

There's, uh, not a
weapons cache on site?

Intel suggests he keeps
his merchandise elsewhere.

All right, no hostage
rescue here, huh?

It's just a straight-up
direct action?

It's slow, quiet,
barricaded movement.

We got a partner force to, uh,
set up a perimeter, correct?

All right.

Offset infil.

Be home before bedtime.

All right, we're wheels up

in an hour.

I'll try to get
some answers on Davis.

Okay, ASAP.

You're going
somewhere in a hurry.

Yeah, well, it's the first
time I'm spinning up since

I got injured, so we'll see
how good your work really is.

You put in the time
and your hip's healed.

My money's on
mission success.

Unless you and the guys raised
too much hell last night.

Wow, this is weird to
be rooting for the guy

that I'm dating
to head into battle.

You weren't really upset
that I didn't

let you come with us,
were you?

No, I really
All right.

I mean, you want to stay
off Bravo's radar,

I feel the same way
about DEVGRU.

You do?


I mean, people here
still question

whether my role
is even necessary.

It's kind of hard to win
them over if they see me

as Jason Hayes' girlfriend
rather than

as a medical professional
with invaluable expertise.

And besides, we're having fun.

There's no reason to
ruin it with a spotlight.

We're having fun, huh?

Right, well, unfortunately,
I got, I got to go work.

Yes, you do.Mm-hmm.

Just be safe out there.

And take care of yourself.

I will.

Ensign Davis,

you've been accused
of assaulting a member

of local law enforcement,
a violation

constituting conduct
unbecoming an officer.

This board will
review the events,

allow you the opportunity
to explain them,

and make a recommendation
to the XO.

As this misconduct is
too serious to be handled

administratively, the XO
will decide whether or not

a court marshal
is in order,

or to take punitive action
under the UCMJ Article 15,


Do you understand
why you're here?

Yes, sir.


Ensign Davis,
please relax.

According to the New
Jersey police report,

you were a patron at an
establishment called

Downbound Lounge on November
11th is that correct?

Yes, sir.

Did you
consume alcohol

at this

Yes, sir, I did.

About how many drinks
did you have?

Two sh*ts and one beer, sir.

Were you

The breathalyzer
put me at .06, sir.

So you were
legally sober

when you struck
the New Jersey police officer?

I have no excuse
for my actions or...

We're not looking for
an excuse at this point.

Just a reason.

Very well.

I'm gonna recommend
that your case be moved

forward to an Executive
Officer's Inquiry.

You're dismissed.

Yes, sir.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
not too close there, okay?

I don't want you
crop-dusting me

while I'm getting
my beauty sleep.

I can't make
any promises.

Just keep it tight there,
Vickey Mouse.

Careful, this could be
some big, uh,

elaborate payback for you
failing as a wingman.

You know he did his best, but,

uh, what he does need is to be
tutored by the froggiest frogman

that ever frogged.

Ain't that right?

Well, I'm happy to help.

I'm not talking
about you, Clay.


Not Nick Carter,

blonde Backstreet Boy?

No, sorry.
See, Obi-Wan, he-he knew

when he lost
to the dark side, so...

what I'm gonna do
is focus on Padawan Vic here.

And teach him the wisdom
of someone that wants to,

uh, be fully committed
to the Jedi lifestyle.

You're comparing
Rebecca to Darth Vader?

Nah, I mean, the way
you popped off in Liberia,

I don't think you ever would've
done that before you met her.

Hmm? She's got
your head turned, boy.

Did you forget about
all the other times

I popped off
before I met her?

I'm just...

saying what is.


I just need to know

the guy next to me, he's got

his head in the game,
that's all.

All right, gather up.

Let's go, wake up.

Brock, let's go.

Metal, up.

Hit Full Metal, will you?

So, I just got off
the phone with Blackburn.

It appears that Davis
went through some

disciplinary review
it's not looking so good.

Next step is
Executive Officer Inquiry.


Why?She got clipped
a couple weeks ago.

Public intoxication,

a police officer.Davis?

No, there's no way.

Well, I figure her last call
was to you, Sonny.

So, you want
to fill in the gaps?

Oh, well, this is
the first I'm hearing of it,

but if you ask me, you know,

that officer was
probably asking for it.

What the hell I don't understand
is why-why Blackburn didn't

speak up in her defense,
and put an end to it?

Well, he was probably
blindsided by the whole thing

just like we are.

It's got to put him
in a tough spot

politically with Command,
so it's gonna be

on us to step up for her
since he can't.

When's her XOI?

Day after tomorrow.

Well, some long flights,

don't know how hard it's
gonna be to grab Kostarov and...

it's a tight timeline
to get back there for her.

If she doesn't beat this,
she will get bounced

out of Command,
that's for damn sure.

That's why we
got to crush this op,

focus up, and get home quick,
all right?

So, after we breach,
we split the train.

Sonny, you got
Vic and Brock.

Basement and first deck.

The rest with me,
second deck and up got it?

Roger that.

Havoc, this is 1,
passing Hatchell.

I copy Hatchell, 1.

Be advised, our partner
forces are offset.

They'll set their perimeter
after you clear the first floor.

Clay, Sonny.

Hold here with the heavy gear

till we make entry.

Trent, pick it.

Sucks what Davis
is going through,

but it's not your fault.

Why would it be
my fault?

Look, man,
I'm not stupid.

Her reaction when you said
that you hooked up

with some chick last night?

You never telling us
your girl's name?

Her job change having an impact
on your guys' relationship.

Sonny, it's Davis.

That's all in the past now.

3, this is 2.

First room is clear.

Make entry and stash
the breaching tools.

We can talk about it
another day, but right now,

I need to know the guy
standing next to me

has his head in the game.

Laser focused.

Just like you, princess.

Let's go.

Bravo 3, this is 1.

Take 5 and 7 to clear
the basement of the warehouse.

The rest of us are gonna
hit the upper decks.

Strong copy.

Go, go.

I count three!

Make that two!



The hell was that?

Everyone good?

Yeah, roger that, boss.

Bravo 3, this is 1.
Radio check.

Bravo 3, this is 1.
Radio check.

That's good. Copy.

Read you, Lima Charlie.

What the hell happened
down there?

Looks like a frag went off
in the basement,

setting off
a sympathetic detonation.

Aw, man.

What the hell's down there?

Well, might as well
have been a wildfire,

'cause the floors from above
are collapsed

all the way down
to the basement,

blocking the stairwell.

Need help getting out?

Uh, that is a negative.

We'll work the problem.

Copy that.

Bravo 1, ISR just registered
a heat signature

of what looks like a large
expl*si*n on target. How copy?

Yeah, we got heavy ordnance

that detonated in the basement.

No casualties. Charlie Mike.Roger that.

Do you need assistance
from our partner forces?

Have them make sure that
the front entrance is clear.

expl*si*n probably
woke up the neighborhood.Roger. We're on it.

Havoc out.

All right,
get Bangladesh Counterterrorism

and Transnational Crime
on the horn and pass the word.

All right, boys,
quickie saw's upstairs.

We got to sledge
our way out of here.

Unless y'all got,
uh, any better ideas.

Well, you got
breaching charges, right?

Can we blast it,
give us a head start?

That is such a sweet thought
there, Vickey Spears,

but unless you want to bleed
out of your eyeballs

from the overpressure,
I'd start swinging.

Yep, it is...

sledge-o-matic time.


what's going on?

On my way to brief Lindell.

Some ordnance
detonated on target.

But the intel said
that they're a safe house.

Nothing about a weapons cache.

They okay?No injuries.
Definitely a setback.

They can take care of
themselves, unlike you.


You do know that you can
speak in your own defense

at the DRB, right?

I just thought that I...

I thought
I should stay humble.

That wasn't humility.
That was surrender.

What the hell happened
that night, Lisa?

Some guys were hitting on me.

I hit back.

Cop was in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

Then why didn't you just
say that? Better yet,

why didn't you use your
one phone call on me?

I could've helped you
get ahead of this.

The fact that you
didn't inform anyone

makes the entire
chain of command doubt

whether you're honest
and trustworthy.

If you can't prove
that you're both to the XO,

you're headed
for captain's mast.

Trent, Metal.

Clear the rest of the building.
We got this.

That's Kostarov.

He's bad, boss.

We got to get him to
secondary care fast, J.

He's losing too much blood
and that QuikClot's

not gonna stop it.

We need all the information

we can out of that guy's head.

If he dies,
mission failure.

He's gone.

Damn it.

Grab biometrics.

Havoc, this is 1.

Go for Havoc.

Scratch my last.
Bravo 1 out.

Roger that, 1.

Got ethernet cables.

Yeah. Looks like they
go up to the third floor.

Maybe Kostarov has a computer.

Well, let's go see what's
on the other end of them.

Bravo 3, sitrep?

Still working the problem, boss.

J, we don't
have time

to treasure hunt through
a third world unstable building.

I want to salvage
this op and get

the intel that we need.If the priority's
getting back

to Davis, shouldn't we just bust
the boys out and head home?

Building's all clear.

Okay. Let's roll.
We'll cruise to this SSE.

Pilot'll make up
time in the air.

Gonna need another way up.

This is pretty direct.


One more good hit right there.

Aw, come on, now.

That is not good.

Not good at all.

The smoke is getting thick.

We need to get this
under control,

and when we do, we will de-jock
and conserve our oxygen.

Aw, the heat's melting
the plastic.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 3.

We got a problem.

I need some help
down here, buddy.

Bravo 3, say your last.

We got smoke coming
through the hole in the wall.

We can't seem to stop it,
and it's getting

really hard to breathe.

Okay. Bravo 3, stand by.

Full Metal,
grab the breaching tools,

help the boys.Roger that.

Clay, you're with me.

Let's go find
some kind of a jackpot.


So what's going on with
you and Sonny, huh?

You been fighting all the time.
In the bar, in the plane.

What's the problem?Uh, he's got a problem
with Rebecca.

Problem with
you or her?

Here they are.

I don't know, maybe both.
He's still reeling

from his chick
freakin' torpedoing him.

You second-guessing
bringing her around us?

Nah. Sonny'll get over it.

You know, Bravo's
the biggest part of my life,

figure Rebecca needs to
be a part of it, too.


There's no hard drives.

If he's here,
hard drives are here.

Tear it up.

I would rather drown
in a torpedo tube

than be cremated
in this stairwell.

Tell you what,

I hate fire

and I hate smoke!

We're coming to
you, Bravo, 3.

Still on our way down
to the quickie saw.

Dead end.


Weak spot. Shouldn't take
too much to break through here.Yeah?

Good idea. Let's do it.

Surprised to see you
back in the saddle, you know?

After what happened with Stella.

What-what other option
do I have?

You know? I mean,
after my parents got divorced,

the only thing my dad committed
to was just being a lone wolf.

I'm sure it was a lot of
fun when he was younger,

but now he's just alone.Having a new girl,

no guarantee you're
not gonna end up alone.

You have the same job...

she's gonna have
the same issues.

No, I mean, you just got to
ignore and override, you know?

It's like overcoming
an injury, right?

You just put the old
relationship behind you,

and you just hope
for the best.

Hey, what's this?

Look at that.

What do you got?

Got a safe.

Nice. I need the quickie saw
to open this thing, though.

Ray needs it for the boys.

How about a single torch?No, Trent's carrying it.

Looks like this baby's
coming with us.

Grab the sledge.

Damn it.


it wasa good idea.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.

We have a pretty good fire
cooking down here.

Got to be a lot of smoke
in the air.

Can we determine
an emergency services ETA

using the ISR feed?

Sir, this column
of vehicles

seems to be emergency
services trucks,

but they're not running their
lights, so I can't be sure.

I'm attempting to contact
them now to confirm.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.
Radio check. Over.

That's a good check, Bravo 2.
Stand by.

We're working on it.Roger that.
Standing by.

Tostand by, apparently.

Yeah. Be nice
if they had a fire

up under their ass
in Virginia beach.

How long does it take
to get an answer?

Longer than our boys have.

We got to put that
fire out ourselves.With what?

We can't smother it,
so we got to starve it.

How many slap charges
you got on you?

I got one.Two on me.

Pull 'em.

Bravo 1, this
is Bravo 2.

We're gonna do some internal
expl*sive breaching down here.

Roger that.
Building's not gonna be able

to take much more stress.
Any other options?

Whatever gets us out
of here fastest, boss.

We're running out of time.

Copy that. Bravo 2, send it.

Well, here we go, boys.

Metal, toss it in.


Fire in the hole!

Okay, this'll get us back
to the main room.

Let's rig a way down.

grab the fire extinguisher.

Metal, get the saw.

Damn it.

All right, Trent, when
you're done with that,

I got a present for you.

We should be able to get to them
through here.

Hit it.

Fire that up, Metal.

I'm through.

Sonny, you okay?

Sonny, you guys okay?

Come on.
Come on.

Cerberus, come
here. Cerberus!

All right, I got him.

I got him, I got him, I got him.All right, all right.

Here, Cerberus.
Come on.

Sonny? Sonny?

Vic. Brock.


It, uh, sure'd be nice
if I wasn't the guy

that always needed bailing out.

Just once.Don't...

Don't think of it
like that, buddy.

We only cared
about saving the dog.

We didn't even know
you were in that room.

So, just talked to the pilot.

He's hauling ass.

Looks like we might actually
pull this off, brother.

Yeah. Jeez.
Hard drives are in the safe.

Snatching victory
from defeat. Nice.

Yeah. Well, no time
to spike the football just yet.

Got a teammate back home
we got to get to and save.

Isn't that right, Ray?

Damn straight.

Yes, it was a mistake

not to tell Command
about the incident.

I believe
I have learned my lesson.

I understand that my behavior
outside of work reflects

on my character
as a naval officer.

Is there anything else that
Command should learn from me

rather than an outside source?

I was in a relationship
with a member of my unit.

We took great pains to keep it a
secret because we were in love,

but it was a violation
of the fraternization rules.

Let's go.

XOI in ten minutes. Let's move.
Sonny, come on.


Master Chief.

What's up, Mack?

Slap charges, huh?

Outside of the box

Earns a lot fans
during a warrant officer review.

Yeah.We should talk real quick.

Oh, I really
appreciate you, Mack,

but I'm kind of in
a rush right now.

I know. You're gonna go stand in
for Davis, right?


Look, it's just
as easy to lose fans

as it is to win 'em, Ray.

You give your word on Davis,
and she goes down

it's bad optics, man.

Worse than not standing up
for a teammate?

Her character's
being questioned.

If you're absolutely certain

she can beat this thing,
then fine, but

for the sake of your career, for
the people that depend on it...

you can't be
on the wrong side of this.

Ray, let's go.


Ensign Davis, we're ready.

We're here to speak
to the commander.

It's not exactly

Duly noted. My team
still wants a say.


All right.

Sir, we're aware that
Ensign Davis messed up.

She made a mistake
off the clock,

far away from
the b*ttlefield.

When I take my team outside
of the wire, she is

the best intel officer
at the command, sir.

She's as important
as any sh**t on our team.

I trust her with my life.
With all of our lives.

You're running her up
because you think that she

used bad judgment.

That's just
ass-backwards, sir.

Ensign Davis' entire life has
been a series of tough calls.

Well, she ain't ever
made a bad one.

She always puts the Navy first.


Ahead of herself

and ahead of her own happiness.

I'll tell you what,

if that ain't
character, then

I don't know what is.


Ensign Davis appears lucky
to have Bravo Team on her side.

We're lucky to have
her as one of us.

Thank you for letting
us talk, sir.

You didn't have to do that.

You're one of us.


Always got your back.

Do you need a moment, Ensign?

No, sir.
I'm ready.

All right, here we go.
Raise 'em up.

Here's to Ensign Davis
for beating the rap, huh?

Davis!She beat the rap, right?

Captain's mast is gonna have
to wait a while

to claim one of Bravo's own.
Oh, God.

Well, thank you. Thank you
all so much. I... I mean it.

It's really good to be
reminded I'm a part of a pack.

I really do wish you would
let me pay for tonight,

since I can't even drink, so...

Yeah, not a chance. Not while
your pay's been docked.

Thank you, boss.

Guys. Yeah.


I, uh... I'm sorry
I wasn't there.

Hey, look, you had
a hard call to make.

Believe me, I get it.

Think it was the right one?

Not for me to say, Ray.


Tough... but fair.

Hey, thank you for what
you said in there.

Hmm. Yeah.

Well... I meant every word.

Should have went in there
with you guys.

Stop beating yourself up,
all right?

You know, you did
what was best for your family.

Davis she was saved,
so, you know, it's a win-win.

Yeah, I know I'm doing
what's best for my family.

It's just... today doesn't
feel like victory, Jason.

Are you listening
to yourself right now?

Come on. Change is good.

Adapt or die.
You know that.

That's ironic
coming from you.

How's that?
Why is that ironic?

What, do you think
I can't change?

Is that what you're saying?D... No, no.

It's... a question of
wanting to.

Five, four, three, two...

I got it.All right, all right,
what we got?

All right, some live ones
over by the dartboard.


Okay, let's see
what kind of moves

you got there, Ricky Martin.

Want to go play the no game?

Oh, yeah?
Okay, yeah.

I don't remember Clay being
this wet behind the ears.Uh-uh. Tinkerbell

was way worse, way worse.Where is he?

No, no. It don't matter, okay?

It's not like Leave it to Beaver
could help us anyway.

Mm. Love awaits.

I really
like your shirt.

You clean up nice.

I, uh... I figured I got
to amort these shoes.

Thank you for making
the trek out here.

What changed your mind?


I, uh... I
wanted to explain

I haven't been
honest with you.

Oh, don't tell me
you're married.

Or worse.

Just regular Navy.

I have imagined myself
on a bigger stage.

Maybe there are better
ways to impact the world

than carrying a r*fle.

Well, you're
in the right place.

Here. Come on.

I need to worry about
Quinn's influence on Lopez?

No, man.
Sonny just needed a new wingman.

That bromance is gonna be over

as soon as he realizes
Vic is the better prize.

Sonny ever think about asking me
to wingman for him?

Yeah, that's a good one, Eric.

I'll be right back.Yeah.

Hey. You came.

Your text said it was important.

Whoa. What...?

It's just a flesh
wound. Listen, I...

I know that we're just
having fun here, and that...

you know, that you want
to keep things separate,

and I completely
respect that,

I honor that and-and
I fully understand that,

but I don't know
if I could really do this

unless we are all-in.

And, look,
if you want

to turn around right
now and walk away,

you can do that, and I
respect that. Go ahead.


Maybe that was
a little bit of an excuse.

Preventative measure
against more scar tissue.

We both have enough.


has strings.

Strings they get messy, and...

I got a messy life.

Lot of strings.

I just want
to make sure

that you understand
what I'm saying here.

I'm sure.

Messy can be fun.

Yeah, well, I don't know about
how much fun it can be, but...