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03x08 - Danger Crossing

Posted: 11/26/21 10:53
by bunniefuu
Ambassador.Got to get
your folks out of here.

Stay with me.

You hear me?
Ambassador, stay with me!

Special ops.

My beard always gives me away.

Oh, it's not the beard.

It's the shoes.

I'm Rebecca Bowen.

Clay Spenser.

Thank you for these shoes.
Why don't you pick a place?

Some place nice, obviously.

We can't be together, Sonny.

Go! Go, Jace!

You suffered a labral tear
in the hip.

Arthroscopic surgery,
determining the extent

of the tear, and
repair it, if possible.

If possible?Given your age,

you may never recover enough
for the Navy to clear you

to resume your duties
as Bravo Team leader.

Frog to Python 1-2.

We show you 12 mikes out.

We copy fix.

Red Death 6,
this is Python 1-2.

No visual.
I'm gonna make another run.

Antiaircraft m*ssile incoming!

Python 1-2, wounded bird,
bull's-eye 3-6-0, 6-9er.

I'm going down in Iran.

Going down in Iran!

I'd ask how the surgery went.

But you know that
I didn't have it,

so, therefore, there's
really nothing to talk about.

So tell you what why don't
we toast to that, huh?

Tough to toast
when I'm emptyhanded.

It's good that I got
pull around here.

People know me. Get
her a drink, will you?

I'll have what he's having.

I got everything
figured out here.

Surgery is not an option.

We're good.

That is a call that
significantly reduces

your remaining time
in the field.

I'm fine. P.T.'s my option.
I'm good.

Mm-hmm. You know what?

Let's say you give it a try.

You are looking at a minimum
eight months of P.T.

And if rehab goes perfectly,
you might manage to continue

for another year, tops.

Surgical repair means they go in
and they fix the tear,

plus any underlying
structural causes.

There's a chance
that you come out of this

even better
than you were before.

Hey, the body falls
apart, the mind follows.

Fix the body, fix the mind.

I'm coming out better
than before? That's...

You know, it's hard to top
what's going on right here.

See this? This is all good.
That's top-notch, so...


I wish that I could tell you
that there's no risk.

I really do, but...

surgery is still your best
chance to continue operating

for any real
length of time.

22. All right.
I need a breather.


That PBR is definitely not
the breakfast of champions.

Where'd you wake up
this morning?

Well, I wish I had a story,

but I just ran out of Wheaties.

Yeah. Dude, I don't think
just sitting at home

being holed up
in your freaking apartment

is a good way to get over
a breakup, buddy.

What? You stick your finger
in a light socket, you learn.

What, you're-you're
telling me right now

that after getting whacked
by Stella so many times

that you're ready right now
to put it all

on the line again?

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what is that?

Oh, there's nothing to tell.
Not yet.

Go on, man.
What's her name?

Huh? You go after one of them
studious type girls again?

Or you actually have
some cojones and go

for one of them
Boom Boom Room girls? Huh?

Her name's Rebecca.

Rebecca.She's from D.C.

And that's all I'm saying.

Rebecca from D.C.By the way,

I'm due in Lindell's office
in 20.

Boy, he is
sweet on you.

That's the second time
he's called you in.

You're still buying.

Okay. Twist my arm.

What's up,
Ensign Davis?Oh, hello.

What are you doing out here? You
come to work out with us grunts?

Uh, no choice. Steam room's
busted in the Officer's Club.


Hey, Sonny.

Hey, gorgeous.

Looks like you're doing
some heavy lifting.

The usual plate spinning
it takes

to keep this family
moving forward,

not to mention a million things
to catch up on at work.

Can I, uh, do
anything to help?

Snack run, fix you
something to eat?

How about you do
your own heavy lifting?

Or have you forgotten all
the forms and recommendations

you need for your
warrant officer application?

No, babe, I haven't
forgotten. It's just,

with Jason out,
I got to focus on the team.

That's all.On the team,

or on Jason?

Ray, I know you chose warrant
officer instead of master chief

in part so you could stay
with the team and Jason.

Uh... no, I chose
warrant officer

because it's the best thing
for this family.

My training's gonna make me
an authority on special ops.

That means more money,
more career longevity...I know,

and I want that for you.

But being a good friend
to Jason doesn't mean

putting your own goals
on the back burner.

Naima, if I don't k*ll it
as Bravo 1,

I'll t*nk making warrant officer
before I'm even out of the gate.

Now, Jason's injury
put me in the hot seat.

Every day's a test.

Now, I asked you if there was
anything I could do to help.

Wouldn't mind
a little support in return.

Relax, Spenser.

You're not being
called on the carpet.

On the contrary.


Your actions in Yemen.

With all due respect, sir,
Yemen was a disaster.

I understand
the sentiment.

Losing Ambassador Marsden
was a tragedy.

But the fact remains

Bravo demonstrated
remarkable courage

in the face
of overwhelming odds.

Particularly you.

I was just doing my job, sir.
We all were.

It's being recognized.

You've been submitted for the
Bronze Star Medal with Valor.

I don't... No, I don't de...
I don't deserve that.

Well, it's not
up to you.

Or me. Your actions were
submitted by your team leader.

The reviewing committee
will determine

whether those actions
merit the BV.

Now, you say you were
just doing your job?

The BV is about
what it takes to do that job,

of the mission's success.

If your team leader
thinks you earned it

and the reviewing
committee agrees,

then trust me, you did.

Yes, sir.

So, Jameelah left
for her sleepover,

and the little guy's
already asleep.

How about we let this
go for a little bit?

If we're quiet, we can
talk some things over,

maybe have
some adult time.

Adult time?

That's what I said.

Okay. Uh...


Hey, guys, I was
in the neighborhood,

I figured I'd stop by.

Look, I brought a gift
and everything, huh?

You mean the bartender's
sick of seeing your face,

and you didn't
feel like going home.

No. You gonna eat this?

Have at it, brother.

How are the kids, Jason?

I mean, look, Mikey
he's great.

You know,
he's working hard and...

loves the hockey and school
and the experience, and Emma,

well, she's in New York,
so... she's loving that.

Figured she'd
come back down

after hearing
about your surgery.Well...

Must be having fun
to not come back.

Didn't want
to bother her or him.

That's why
I didn't say anything to 'em.

Well, Jace, you know,

that information might be
considered need-to-know.

Everything that they
have been through,

knowing that their dad has a...

...a bad hip, I...

That's too much
for them right now.

I don't... I don't want them
to deal with that. That's all.

I'm gonna let
you two catch up.

It was good
seeing you, Jason.

Don't be a stranger.Yeah.

So, you gonna tell me
what happened with your surgery?

Something came up,
doctor had to push the surgery,

so... that's it.
He pushed it.

You reschedule it yet?

Only person
that can decide what's right

for you is you, right?

Got that right.Yeah, that's what

I told myself when my
shoulder was messed up.

Convinced myself I
didn't need the surgery,

I could handle it
with pain meds and P.T.


Turned out the doctor
was right, though.

If I, uh, had had
the operation,

then that boy in Afghanistan
would still be alive.

Didn't come here
to get lectured.

Not lecturing, brother.
I'm just sharing.

Probably 'cause I, uh,

regret that decision
for the rest of my life.

So, how'd it go
with Lindell?

I know he was taking you
by the ops center,

show you what life is like
after door kicking.

I got to take this.
It's Emma.


All right, I'll get it
to you. I promise.

Duty calls.
I got to take care of something.

You need an extra hand?No.

I got this.

Only if you're taking an Uber.Hey.

Already on the way.

And it's Lyft. It ain't Uber.

There's a man lost in thoughts.Ah.

Look who it is.
Sonny and the wet sprocket.

Oh, Lord knows that I found
some of my great answers

at the bottom
of a glass.

How was Paris?

We're alive.That's it.

All that matters.Yeah.

I'm no, uh, detective,
but, uh...

I don't see any crutches

You bailed
on the surgery?

It's funny,
ain't it?

We find more peace
on the b*ttlefield

than we ever do at home.

You know? You realize,

guys like us,
there's a fairness in w*r.

k*ll or be k*lled. That's it.

And I take great comfort
in that simplicity.

Is there a point to all this?

The threat that you can't sh**t,

that's what messes you up
the most.

You know, what you're going
through right now, Jace,

you know, this surgery.

You know?
You can't snipe it.

Can't throw
a grenade at it.

Can't even fire
a damn RPG at it.

But what you can do

is stand up
and face this thing head-on.

I ain't never seen
any situation

that you haven't been able
to fight your way out of.

And it ain't
no different now.

All you got to do is show up,

Show up and beat the odds,
like you always do.

You know,
you keep channeling me,

you're gonna end up, uh,
in a bachelor pad in Vah Beach,

you know, crossing your fingers
that you're gonna operate again.

We need you, Jace.

The team needs you.

We need you
to get that surgery.

Get back to the fight.

Ah. Look at me.
Hey, hey.Hey. Whoa.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey.Look at me.

Look at me.I got to go, man.

Got to go. The team, right?Mm. Mm.

Last night, Marine Corps
Captain Brie Campbell

was shot down over
the Iran/Iraq border.

F-35 wreckage was found

on the Iraqi side of the
border by U.S. forces.

Because the pilot ejected
and there was no trace

of her beacon, Captain Campbell
was presumed dead.

Three hours ago,
she called in.

What happened to her beacon?

it was damaged.

After she ejected, Campbell
landed across the border

from the plane,
on the Iranian side.

She's evaded capture
for nearly 27 hours.

I'll bet the captain
aced her SERE training.

You'll have
the opportunity

to congratulate her in person.

Bravo is being sent
to bring Campbell home.

Everyone here is aware
of the storm we'll be facing

if word gets out that Bravo
is operating in Iran.

This operation
is highly classified.

The only people being read in
are the people in this room.

Is that understood?Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

All right.
You're wheels up in 30.

Let's go.

Campbell's squadron
was providing

close air support
for a Marine battalion.

The rescue will be
extremely difficult

with all the fighting
in the area.

I'm getting intel together now.

We should have an updated
battle map in a few hours.

All right, stay on it.

It's gonna be a long night.

Coming... right for you.


I heard you rescheduled
the surgery.

So I'm sure you didn't
come here to give me

that "attaboy" speech, huh?I heard Bravo

was spun up.
I figured maybe you could use

a ride to the hospital and back.

There's a-a reason
why they invented Uber.

For people like me
to use them, all right?

Uh-huh. You are feisty
this morning, I see.

Mr. Alpha Male a little
nervous about his surgery?

I would hate for you
to find out the hard way

that the hospital won't
release you to a cab or an Uber

when you've been
under anesthesia.

Campbell's last known location
was here,

approximately 35 kilometers
southeast of Pol-e Zahab.

Any reasonable expectation
she's still there?

Unfortunately, no.

Campbell's trying to prevent
the enemy

from triangulating
her location,

so she's only calling in
every three hours.

During the hours
that she's out of communication,

we have no way
to track her movements.

All right, so let's assume
that she's still at least close

to her last known.
Avoiding the populated areas,

easiest rendezvous point

just south of Pol-e Zahab,

near the western base
of the mountains.

This is the
latest battle map.

Current intel has U.S. forces
engaged in multiple firefights

along the border, east of
Diyala, all the way to Mehran.

No direct action
within 60 kilometers

of Khanaqin.
All right, we pick up

Campbell here, and here's
where we bring her out.

I'll let Ray know
we have an exfil point.

Okay, we HAHO across the border
from the drop point.

Given our trajectory,
that should put us

about seven klicks south
of the rendezvous point.

We'll patrol north, then west.

The whole procedure should take no more than two hours.

You'll be home
the same day.

No showers for 48 hours
after surgery.

And you'll be on crutches
for about four weeks.

This waiver states that you

indemnify Dr. Bernstein
of all liability

if you're unable to return
to operational status.

This is the best way to preserve
your career as an operator.

You know, I only signed that

so you would stop
saying things like that.

You'll be fine, Jason.

Someone will be with you
in a few minutes.

Three minute to target!

Three minute to target!

Three minutes!

One minute!
One minute!

One minute!One minute!

The anesthesia is
specifically tailored for you

and the procedure.
You'll go out pretty quickly.

I'll be here monitoring
your vitals. You'll be fine.

30 seconds!

30 seconds!30 seconds!


Half a klick to target.
Heads on a swivel, boys.

IRG helo.

Looks like a search pattern.

Terry Tehran's definitely aware
they got visitors now.

Campbell's not gonna be able
to evade 'em forever.

They're circling back.

They're not giving up
anytime soon.

Let's about-face,
backtrack a klick,

then circle around
and come at the rendezvous point

from the opposite side.


You're awake.

Yeah, and ready to get
the hell out of here.

Dr. Bernstein said
the surgery went well.

There's no guarantees,
of course.

But it appears
you'll operate again.

Yeah, well, it's not good
I'm sitting around here.

No, not at all.

All right. Let's...

pop smoke and get...Okay. Uh, um...

Oh, that was a bad idea.

That was a bad idea.Yeah.

How about this?
You stay here.

I'm gonna go
take care of it.

I'm on it, Master Chief.

Looks clear.

No. We won't know for sure

until we get
down there.

You heard the man.
Let's move.

Bright side, no tangos.

No pilot, either.
What now?

Wait here another three hours
until Campbell checks in?

Not with that IRG helo
in the area.

Yeah, at least that helo
lets us know she's alive.

IRG knows she's here,
but they haven't caught her.

Clay, Vic.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2.

There's nothing down here
except three dead tangos.

Solid copy, Bravo 2.

Heading your way.

Hey. Weapons and radios on two,
then nothing on the third.

Got a footprint.

Military issue boots.

Size small.

Think she took 'em out?

Had to.

Three IRGs all by herself?

Ain't no slack
in this girl's rope.

The clicking's coming
from the radios.

It's cranked all the way up.

Ah, same clicks, repeating.

Tap code.

It's Campbell.


She's using their radio.

There's a bridge...

three klicks south of here.

She wants us to meet at...

she'd want the
IRG to know.

Campbell's got
eyes on us.

We've got to respond.

Bridge three klicks south.
Got it.


Let's do it.

She took these bastards
out on her own,

stole their walkies
to contact us,

and she flies jets.

How do you tap "I love you"?


Well, don't have a sofa,

so it looks like
we're going to the bed.


A faulty manufacturer?

Eh, it's more of a
paranormal situation.

The place haunted?

In a way.

Ah, ah, I got it,
I got it, I got it.Okay.

I got it, okay?

I appreciate it. Thanks.

That's it.

I'm good.

You got your phone?

Right here.

I'll get you
some water.

Hey, no, I drink milk.
I don't drink water.

Your cupboards are
completely empty.

Let me run
to the store.

No, I got Postmates
on speed dial.

for the pain.

It's right here.

When the body's healed,
the mind will follow, right?



Just take it easy,
tough guy.


Call me if you need anything.

Yep. Got it.

Got it on speed dial.


That took some kind of courage
what Campbell did back there.

Seems like she's the one
who deserves a medal.

That is one badass girl.

Want to make a bet
she's from Texas?

You crushing
on our pilot, Sonny?

Nah. That woman, she's
just got a lot going for her.

What if she's an A&M fan?

Ha! Bite your tongue.

That's blasphemy, Trent.

I thought you swore off
relationships, buddy.

I would've said
the same about you,

except you're mooning
on Becky from the Beltway.

Given the captain's
all-around badassery,

I might just have
to reconsider that pledge.

New skirmishes are breaking out
along the border,

including one
near Khanaqin.

Puts exfil directly
in the action.

We can send them south
into Gilan-e Gharb, then west.

That way,
they'll avoid the fighting.Given the distance

and the terrain,
that could add an extra day

for them to reach
the border.

Well, you got something else
in mind, Davis?

We've got time before
Bravo reaches the bridge.

Perhaps the colonel could
speak to the Marines,

see if they could shift
to fighting south?

That way, Bravo can head
directly west to exfil.

That's a good idea.

We make the call?

Let's do it.

No hostiles,

no sign of Campbell.

Everyone hold up here.

Not you, Spenser.

Take a knee.

All right, you want
to tell me what you meant

about Campbell
deserving a medal?

If you tell me why you
put me up for the BV.I put you up for it

because you ran hell
for leather through enemy fire,

took down over a dozen tangos

and almost got yourself k*lled
saving everyone else.

Yeah, well, I didn't save
the person who mattered most.

I'm sorry
about the ambassador.

We all are.

But that does not mean
you don't deserve

a commendation in your jacket.

If there ever comes a day

that you don't want to operate
anymore, or you can't,

trust me, what's
in your record will matter.


Campbell is pinned
down over here.

Come on!

I do love a grand entrance.

Your timing was perfect.

We aim to please.

Name's Sonny. Texan,

lover of fast bikes

and barbecue.

This here's
the rest of Bravo.

And out there behind you
is our fearless leader, Ray.

Sorry about the switch.
Original rendezvous point

was too hot.Yeah. No problem.

That was a great move you did
taking out those IRG soldiers,

using their radio
to contact us.

Didn't have a lot of options.


It was mighty
impressive, though.

I'll tell you what.Havoc Base, this is Bravo 1.

I pass Morgan.

I say again, I pass Morgan.

That's a good copy, 1.

Now get the hell
out of there.

Exfil's 15 klicks west.
Let's move.



Did you get my records
out of storage?


I told you I need my records
right away.

Yeah, your records.
Yeah, I got the boxes.

Um, I'll, uh... I'll look
for 'em tomorrow, okay?

The deadline for the trip
is tomorrow.

It's tomorrow?

Dad!Okay, all right, I'll...

I'll get 'em right now.
I'll get back to you.

I got this.

Clay, give us cover fire.

Move to high ground.

The border's just over
the ridge.

Everyone get to high ground.
Trent, you got Campbell.

Move! Let's go, let's go!

I hope you got something
up your sleeve there, Ray,

'cause we're 180.

We'll move to the ridge line,
then push west to the border.

I hope that works.

Otherwise, we're
fish in a barrel.

Move your ass, Sonny.
Let's go!

I said move, Sonny, now!

We lose cover up ahead.

IRG's closing the gap.We gotta get to the border.

Let's go! Let's go!
Move, move, move!

I'll cover you.
Go, go, go!

Damn it!

Where the hell's Sonny?

He was giving me
cover fire.

I saw him starting
to fall back.

Fire was too heavy.
I lost visual.

Havoc, this is Bravo 1.

Heavy contact.


Bravo 1, say
again your last.

Bravo 1, say
again your last.

Taking heavy fire.

Bravo 3 cut off.

Sonny, cut off.

We're blind.

We're not gonna have ISR
until they reach the border.

There's no way to help.
Nothing to do but wait.

The way they're sh**ting,
looks like he's pinned down

just left of where we crossed.

He's returning fire.

They got him surrounded.
We gotta get down there.

Cover. Trent, you and me.
Let's move.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Havoc, go for Bravo 1.

This is Havoc.
Do you have a situational report

on 3's status?

No eyes on 3 at this time.
Situation is developing.

They need backup.

We can send the 1-1.

They're about three
kilometers away.

We can't set foot
across that border.

You know that.What about air support?

Not a chance.

We cannot engage
inside Iran.

But maybe a little show
of force.

The IRG calls us on it,
we play dumb.

We'll tell them the pilots
didn't realize they'd crossed

the border.

IRG backed off.

Helo incoming!

Get 'em!

Best first aid ever.

Sonny, Campbell!

Get your asses over here.
We got you covered!

All right, let's
get our asses home!

Roger that!

Not right now, Emma.
I'm getting it.

Hey, Jason. It's Natalie.

Ja... Jason, are you okay?

Hey, I stopped by your place,
and you're not here.

I w...

I went...
I went to the storage...

You're at the...The storage unit. I-I...

What are you doing there?

I had to get...

I had to get
my daughter something.


Uh, listen, can I...
can I come get you?

Please. Please.


Anyone here?

Welcome home, baby.

I take it you missed me.

You know I did.

Everything go okay?

Yeah, had a few tricky moments,

but, uh, everything
came out all right in the end.


Service record. Evaluations.

Letters of recommendation?

There's a schedule there

to help you keep track
of what's due when.

Baby, you-you didn't
have to do that.

I wanted to.

You were right.

I haven't been as supportive
as I should have.

No. No, I...

I haven't held up my end.

I should have handled
my business.

So we work it out.


Bravo's not your only team,

You're definitely
the better-looking one,

I'll tell you that much.Well, that's not saying much.

Why didn't you call me?

All the skills the Navy
teaches its operators,

they leave out
the most important one.

What's that?

How to ask for help.

Uh, I've been meaning to say

I like your shoes.


Just, uh... just got 'em.

Well, you have
excellent taste.

Uh, I assume
that you can't tell me

where you've been
or what you've been doing,

but could you at least tell me
what's been bothering you?

They want to give me a medal
for what happened in Yemen.

And you don't want it.

Uh, it just doesn't
really feel right.

Well, you can tell them
where to put it.

It's the military.

They want to give you a medal,
they give you a medal.

What, you can't just
give it back?


It doesn't really
work like that.

Well, if it makes you
feel any better,

I can tell you what
the ambassador would have done

if someone forced
an award on her.

She would have used it.

Nicole always talked about
wanting to have

the biggest impact
on the world she could.

And she used everything she had
in her arsenal to do that.

Sounds like her.

Mother of Mary,
I got neighbors, man.

What the hell?

Davis, what the hell
are you doing here?

You almost got yourself k*lled.

Well, not exactly.

Yes, exactly.

That is exactly what happened.

I told you.
I got some neighbors.

I do not care
about your neighbors.

I care that you almost died.

I'm okay.

I'm fine.
I can't believe that
you would scare me like that.

You are such a jackass, Sonny.

Well, this jackass is okay.


See, I knew you were
gonna be upset.

What the hell, Sonny?

You're right, I am.

Don't do it again.

Cross my heart.

You know, just
because we ended...

doesn't mean
I stopped loving you.


That's the bitch,
ain't it?

Have you tried
therapy before?

Uh, against my will. Yeah.

Then why are you here?

Just, uh...

All the good things
from my past are just gone,

and, uh, the future
just looks empty

to me.

It's like I'm... dead inside.

I look to the future,
and I don't see anything.

It all just looks
so empty to me.

I just feel like
the past is haunting me,

and, uh...

I don't know how to stop it.

I don't know how to stop it.

So I thought, I don't know...

I need help.

Can you help me?