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03x06 - All Along the Watchtower: Part 2

Posted: 11/26/21 10:50
by bunniefuu
Previously onSEAL Team... Goodbye.

You and Davis. How long
have you two been playing house

behind the team's back?
It is so good to see that you're back

on your damn high horse again.

We look at the way you move,
fight, sleep, eat, breathe,

and we figure out ways
to help you do

every single one of
those things better.

Everything about you
so clean and tight,

I don't trust it. You have
to prove yourself to me,

and the only way to do that
is by showing up

when our ass is in the fire.

Till then,
just stay out of my way.

U.S. Ambassador Nicole Marsden
is traveling to North Yemen

to ease tensions
between two tribes there,

the Bakil and the Hashid.

The Bakil are led by a madman!

It is an insult to me that you
would meet with such a man.

Meeting is the only way to talk.

"Diplomacy's a process.

Don't rock the boat."

Navy's not
real big on vessel rocking.

We all got to start rocking it.

Lady's something else. More focused
on the task at hand than her career.

Not exactly following
the politician playbook.

There's a situation developing
near the compound.

This is Bravo 2.

We got troops in contact.
I say again, troops in contact.

I've got a man down.

Move, move, move, move.

Ensign Davis, do you believe
you can find them

a safe path to the airport?

This is verging on a
Blackwater Fallujah scenario,

and I don't want these boys
hanging from a bridge.

You understand? Yes, sir.

Three soft-skin vehicles evading
an unknown number of enemy

for six miles. And we'll be with them
for every inch of it.

Sonny, Brock, Metal, pull
the cars around here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.



Havoc, this is 1.
We have no way out of here.

Stand by, 1. Working on it now.

We got to move these people!


Go, go, go!

Fall back!

Come on!

Go, go, go!

Last man!

All stations, this is Bravo 5.

Be advised...

My people are all accounted for.
They're terrified but alive.

Keep them down here
and keep them calm. Got it? Got it.

What's the word, brother? All right. Clay,
Brock, Vic, Metal,

up on the roof. Let's go.

Sonny, you're with me.

Time to put some numbers
on the board, boys.

Chief? Sir? Sir?

Uh, I don't need to tell you
the urgency of evacuating

the ambassador and her
immediate staff... No, you sure don't.

There-There's still a
car on the property.

Hey, go sharpen
some pencils, all right?

And put some earplugs in.

Is Daniel causing problems?

Oh, Bill Nye the Science Guy's

what this situation ordered.

Sonny, shut it.

Daniel's greater good is Daniel.

However, he steps
out of line again,

we send him out
as target practice.

Yes, ma'am.Ooh-ee.

Ambassador's got some swag.

Mortars, rockets.

The Bakil forces are mounting
a full coordinated as*ault.

Five minutes, everyone.

I need anything even resembling
an exfil option on my desk.

Wheels, rotors,
whatever's gonna get

our people
the hell out of there.

Yeah, without escalating
the situation.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc.
Radio check, over.

Good check. Go for 2.

Yeah, I need a sitrep.

ISR feed is clouded with smoke.

We're working
on an exfil platform now,

but we need to know
what we're looking at.

We've got eight evacuees along
with Athena, plus one DSSA,

wounded but stable.

We're strong-holding the
compound from three positions.

Taking rockets and mortar fire
from an unknown number

of enemy combatants with SAF

and at least three
vehicles with heavy g*ns.

We've seen enough of
this place, Havoc.

Uber out of here would be
real nice right about now.

Yeah, we're working on it now.
Hang in there.

Havoc out.

Rocket. They're probably
loading it.

What is it?

Think it's a GTB-7S.

You do realize the fact
that you can tell that

from here is a bit
freakish, right?

I like freakish.

Ready? Yeah.

They're gonna ram
the gate, boss!

Hit 'em!

Hold what you got. Hold
what you got. Save your a*mo.

We're going nowhere fast.

Roger that.

Contact rear! Contact rear!

What the hell is that?

Vehicle-mounted Triple-A.

Eats new guys for breakfast.

That means move, Vic!

Hey. Hey, north side,
get some fire on that guy.



You think they're retreating?

Where the hell'd they all go?

I was just getting in the zone.

Hey, it got awfully quiet.

They're reloading.

They're regrouping.

Bravo 2, what have you got?

I don't know, it looks like
they all pulled back.

Bravo 6, need a sitrep.

Yeah, enemy bugged
out all at once.

They're all on comms.
They're coordinated.

They're planning
a second attack.

Let's go. Back in the residence.

Sir, I've got
three helos spinning up.

Polish PZL W-3 Falcons
on a UN aid mission

100 klicks outside the city.

Capacity to pull everyone
off of the compound

and get them back
to the airfield.

100 klicks, we're looking at...
They're gonna be there within an hour.

Nice work, Ensign Davis.
Sir, there is an issue.

Let me guess: they
won't fly into a hot LZ?

Not in daylight hours,
at least.Understandable.

Well, let's hope
the LZ stays quiet.

40 minutes until help arrives?

Long as everything
remains quiet.

Fact that we're still standing

is a testament
to you and your team.

We're just doing our job.

Wish I was as good at my job
as you seem to be at yours.

Well, it's a lot easier to
convince people to pick up g*ns

than it is to put them down.

They need to evacuate you

right now, okay? There's still
a car on the grounds.

We can be transported out. MARSDEN:

I'm not jumping into a lifeboat
before my staff.

I don't go until everyone goes.

Uh, yes, ma'am.

Why don't you go see if any of
our dear colleagues need help.

Amazing how fear
can reveal a person.

I'm sure he'll be the first
one out when our helos arrive.

Not first,
but only because his lips

are permanently attached
to my ass.


How you holding up?

Kid bagged a couple barbarians
at the gate.

Always be careful
of the quiet ones.

They were just
chumming the waters

with the old B team
on that wave.

Not exactly heavy lifting.

There will be more
coming for sure.

Yeah, well,
we all pull our own weight

and pull in the same direction,
we'll be good, right, Spenser?

Yeah, I'm-a go upstairs.

Hitting the roof.

You know,

I don't think he likes me much.

Neither do I.

Don't take it personal, though.

Ain't nobody like the new guy.

It's true.

I like the kid.

Now clean that up.

Ain't a good look for you, Clay.

What's that?

Look, I'm all about

putting Green Team meat
through the grinder.

Holding up the standard,
guarding the gate,

but how
you're treating Vic, man,

there something sideways
with you?

I'm fine.

I get it.

You're not the new guy
on the team anymore

and you're not in a place where
you can be calling the sh*ts.

Is that it?


And ambition is a dirty word.

You just got to be happy
where you are, brother.

Why are we talking
about me right now

when-when you're the one
who's going sideways?

Since when do you beg
to work PSD?

Since Yemen has been
on my bucket list, Clay.

They got this brown-meat stew
that's supposedly to die for.

There's no frickin' way
that you volunteer to work

a personal security gig unless
something's up with you, man.

Hey, nothing's up.

I just didn't want
to miss out on the fun.

Yeah, okay.

Go ahead, sit there
and suffer in silence,

but I know something's
up with you.

She ended it with me.

Your girl? Yeah.

Why? Ain't no why.

Uh, just out of the blue.
It is what it is.

Serves me right, though.

Why do you say that?

I just...

I ain't ever opened myself up
like that with anyone before.

And I ain't ever
gonna do it again.

But I'll tell you what.
I'll go get myself a dog.

Yeah. 'Cause the worse thing
that little thing can do to me

is crap in my Stetson.

It's all right, man,
you'll bounce back.

The only bouncing that's in
Sonny Quinn's future

is in the champagne room.

Why do you think she did it
out of the blue?

You think someone
got in her ear?

Bravo 6, what's your sitrep?

Yeah, it's, uh,
it's all quiet up here.

Roger that. Bravo 2 out.


I think maybe someone
did get in her head.

Anything good on TV?

A little too much
action for my taste.

Well, it's a good thing

that the enemy
took a commercial break, huh? Yeah.

The cameras outside the
wall don't show much.

All clear for now.

Hey, I scrounged up some coffee
in the kitchen. You want some?

Yeah, I would k*ll for some.

New gig wasn't supposed to
put you in the action so deep.

Ray was saying you were
practically Bravo 3

while you were held up.

I wouldn't go that far,

but I did develop
a sudden taste for Skoal

and human anatomy jokes.

I knew you had it in you.

I'll get a little worried,

if you start chugging beer
out of Bojinka's leg.

Uh, this kind of work
is what drew me

to the Agency to begin with.

Sitting behind a laptop
is not why I joined.

Never saw you as a desk jockey,
that's for sure.

Never saw that Mandy.

Maybe that's why we've
always gotten along so well.Mm.

I haven't seen much of you
since Belgrade. How's it going?

Good. Well,
the team is, you know,

keeping their edge,
kicking in doors,

taking care of business. Good.

Okay, well, how about you?
Outside of Bravo?

Me? Yeah.

You know...

not exactly what I thought

I would have drawn up
20 years ago, but...

guy like me?

Guess I'm good. Yeah, I'm good.

Well, we all want life
to happen on our own terms,

but how often does that
actually work out? Well,

this type of work... never,
that's for sure.

What was that?

What's that? Play that back.


Enemy's in the compound.

All Bravo Team,
we got Tangos on the inside.

How many? Least two that I saw.

It's gonna be tough
keeping eyes on the outside

when we're hunting enemy inside.

All right, Metal, this is 1.

Meet us at the main entrance
of the residence ASAP.

Bravo 6, at your six. How copy?

Bravo 6 to Bravo 1.
I've got you.

You owe me, Ray.

I had him.

Compound's clear.

How'd they gain access?

Must have jumped the east wall.
I found a section of carpet

tossed over
the razor wire there. JASON: Look,

this can't happen again.

Full Metal, what do you got?

GPS tracker.

All right, I'll go
get this to Mandy.

Check the blind spots,
get a roving patrol.


Then keep trying,
work your sources.

Find a way to get through.

Ma'am, we've resecured
the compound.

Helos are ten minutes out.

Nice work, but I may
need longer than that.

Longer is not an option.

I tracked down a Hashid elder
that might have some influence.

They're getting him
on the line. Tell me when you have him.

You have to get
your people together.

We got to evacuate. They're ready. I'm not.

The Hashid tribe is mobilizing

to as*ault any
remaining Bakil forces.

That's good. We could
get our helos in then.

Open w*r between these tribes
will bulldoze any hope of peace

in this region for generations.

If I leave before getting
the Hashid to stand down,

this devolves into a bloodbath.

Now that bloodbath
will be on my hands.

Our country's hands.

I can't leave until I've
completed my mission.

I understand that,
but we got to roll.

Don't have time. Hey, wait a minute.

See, you're a lot like me.

You could be riding a desk in
some air-conditioned op center

instead of dodging
b*ll*ts at your age.

So you understand exactly

why I... can'tleave.

Everyone's set. Holding fast.

Helos are eight mikes out.

You got eight minutes.

Come on.

Let's go! Come on!

Yeah, sorry I didn't
clean off the blood.

It's their blood, not ours.

Doesn't bother me.

Let's see what
our intruders were up to.

They weren't inside long,
you know. We took 'em out fast.

Cell phone sent one text
before we spotted them.

Message went
to a dozen contacts.

What does the message say?

It's a string of numbers.

Well, they definitely
weren't playing Keno.

GPS coordinates.

They were tagging targets.

They only sent one location.

This building.

We've got to get everybody
out of here. Got to move.

Ma'am, the helos are inbound.
Two mikes.

Bravo should have
a visual on them soon.

Thank you, IT2. Sir?

Come take a look at this.

Sir, the enemy appears
to be prepping

for a second-wave as*ault.

I see it.

Looks like they're setting up
mortar positions.

The compound is not under fire,
the LZ is still clear.

Well, you're looking at the
same picture I am, Ensign.

The helos'll probably
make it in,

but once those mortars
start dropping...

Helos are gonna get torn up
along with everyone in 'em.


I need to wave 'em off.

Orzet 1-8, this is Havoc Base.

Be advised you have multiple

enemy mortar positions
on target.

This is a hot LZ. Abort extract.

I say again, abort extract.

Havoc Base, this is Orzet 1-8.

We copy. Hot LZ. We are RTB.

All right. I'll call the boys.

Sir, it was my call.

I should tell them.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

Be advised

you have major enemy activity

the diplomatic compound,

including at least three
mortar positions.

That's a good copy, Havoc.
How far out is the exfil?

The helo extract
has been waved off.

I say again, your helo
extract has been aborted.

We can't bring 'em
into a hot LZ.

Ah, that's a good copy, Havoc.

Havoc, this is 1.

They're dialing in
on the residence.

We have to move everybody
to the south building.

Copy, 1.

Move! Move. What happened
with the helicopters?

Where are they? Move!

Got to move. Let's go.

Move! Move! South building.

Everyone in the back.
On your left.

Move! Move! Move! Move!

Move! Move! Move!

Move! Move!

Everybody inside! Move!

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

Stay with me, everyone!

Basement, get 'em to
the basement. Everybody.

Everybody, stay with me!
Stay with me!

Hey, what the hell was that?

I don't know, let's go find out.

VBID just ripped
this wall right open. Yeah, yeah.

Take that guy out.

Havoc this is 1. They breached

the outer compound.
We're gonna be overrun.

Soften us up with mortars, then
send a VBID through the wall.

Somebody's out there
thinking, brother.

Okay, tell you what.
We'll flank 'em. Hey.

You guys stay here.
Clay, with me. Move.

They're trying to take
that DShK.

We got to keep them out there.

I got an idea.

Spense, hold! Stop!

Damn it.

Spenser, move!

Think we bought ourselves
a little time.

Yeah, but tell you what,
you get an idea like that again,

you come to me first,
you understand?

Sounds good, boss.
Hey, you good?

I'm fine. You're limping.

Overwatch, keep an eye
on the breech point.

Our guys ain't gonna
hold out much longer

now that I called off
their lifeline.

Yeah, well, look
at the residence.

Helos would've
suffered the same fate.

Then why do I feel like I just
left our team out to dry?

'Cause you did.

Feeling that way's better
than having two birds downed

with everyone inside,
your team included.

Bravo's still alive,
and they are fighting.

We're gonna get them out,

but only if you're at 100%.

I'm there.
Let's bring them home.

Let's bring them home.

All right, listen up, hey.

Suggestion box is open.
What do you think?

I say we pull the pin
on this Atomic Blond

and throw it over
the wall again.

Sun's down,

dark might let us try
the helo exfil again.

We can't hold that long.

When I was outside,
there was a bus

parked about 50 feet
from the wall breach.

Yeah, I don't know.
I say we avoid

all transportation right now.

It's big enough,
it can fit everyone.

Does it run?

There's no way I'm gonna run
a gauntlet with these people,

so they end up sitting
in a b*llet sponge.

I saw it pull up right before
everything popped off.

It'll run. Yep. You sure?

We can't play Alamo much longer.

Next wave is gonna be
their hardest punch.

Yeah. We got a secondary
vehicle still running.

We use that to pull security
for the Partridge Family exfil.

Sounds good. Okay.
Convoy it is. Let's go.

All right, let's go.

Bravo 4,
how's it going up there?

Good for now.
They're still hanging back.

All right, look, Sonny,

you and I will get the SUV,

And we'll drive
to the breached wall right here.

You two, get everybody ready,

and do not collapse
the roof position

till you hear my cue.

Sonny and I, we're gonna
lay down fire right here

to clear a path to the bus.
You got it? Okay.

Just about to make our move,

I still haven't connected with
the Hashid tribal leaders.

From all reports,
they're mobilizing forces.

Full-blown tribal w*r
will poison this entire area.

You can call the Hashid when we get to
the embassy. It'll be too late by then.

Now, I came here to
put out this fire,

not run from it.

you've done your best.

Let us do ours now.

There's a hardline phone on the
second floor of this building.

I cannot leave without making
one more attempt to get through.

The opposition's
gonna start lobbing mortars

on this building.
We don't have time.

Master Chief, if you're half
the leader I think you are,

you know I can't
throw in the towel

without firing my best shot.

Jace, we got to go.

I wouldn't ask
if this wasn't life and death.

I need to use that phone.

We don't have the time.


If Ambassador Marsden believes

that one phone call
can make a difference,

that's good enough for me.
I'll go with her.

Like I said, Clay,
ambition's a dirty word.

Look, we'll go up, we'll
make the phone call.

You guys get everybody ready.
We'll meet on the first deck.


I'll go with them, too.

Five minutes.

Let's go. Thank you.

Yes, sir. You have my word.

Withhold your forces,

and I will not leave
your borders

until we've secured
the lasting peace

your people deserve.

I promise you that.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

I will contact you
from the embassy

as soon as I arrive.


They're standing down for now.

Well done, ma'am. Well done.

I'd rather stare down
the bad end of an AK

than have to make that call.

You have balls of brass,

No matter how dark it gets,

always have to convince yourself
you can see the light.

Well, ma'am, if you're done
working miracles,

we need to get back downstairs.

Now. Thank you for standing up
for me, Clay.

Thank you, Senior Chief.

You have changed the lives

of the people in this region.

Yeah, well, the people
outside sh**ting at us

have a funny way of showing
their appreciation,

so we do need to move.

How's that for vessel rocking?

Second floor. That's where
Clay and Ray were headed.

Bravo 2, status?

Come on, Ray.

Bravo 6, status?

Ambassador, come on.
Stay with me. Stay with me.

Stay with me, Ambassador.

Ambassador! You'll be okay.

Her pulse is barely there.

Got abdominal laceration,
neck laceration,

compound rib fracture. Ray.

Hey. She's bad.
She's bad. Damn it.

Stay with me, you hear me?

Ambassador, stay with me.

Bravo 2, radio check, over.

You hear me? You're
gonna be all right.

Bravo 1,
I hear you Lima Charlie.

Athena's down.

Trying to stabilize her now.

- Copy all. Get outside ASAP.
- We're moving.

Check. Stay-stay with me.

We got to move her outside.
If we move her...

We don't have a choice.

All right. Let's go.

Smoke out.

The only move we have.

Bravo 2, heading your way.

I thought the plan was to exit
through the breached wall.

It is. Look.

A distraction.

Draw the enemy,

go out the back door.

Smoke's working,
but they're wising up, boss.

Let's see how wise
they are to this.

Coming inside, coming inside.

Stay. Stay here.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Go, go, go, go, go!

Move, move, move!


Clay! I got you! Move!

You'll be all right, Ambassador.

Easy. Easy.

You'll be all right.

All right,
anyone without a g*n, get low,

and stay out of the windows,

Havoc, this is 1.

Hitting the road.
We could use your help.

Best route to the airfield.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

We read you, Lima Charlie.

Baker, widen out. Give
me a four-block radius.

Bravo 1, I'm tracking
your position.

Everything looks clear up ahead.

Good copy.

Ma'am, we have
a trailing vehicle.

Damn it.

Bravo 1, be advised,
you have what appears to be

an enemy technical vehicle

on course
to intercept your convoy.

This isn't over.

Enemy technical is two blocks north,
moving fast in your direction.

Advise you turn left
in 300 meters.

They're not shaking 'em.

Havoc to Bravo 1,
that enemy technical

is approximately 100 meters
behind your trail vehicle.

Everybody get down!

Vic, you got the well g*n.
We got the trail.

Bravo 2,

you got the lead.

Roger that.
Coming up on your right.

Light 'em up, Vic!

Bravo 4, we need some distance
between us and them.

Pick up your speed. Bravo 1,

we're already redlining up here.

Can't push this thing
much harder, J.

Good copy.

The hell are they?
They break down?

Can't tell. They stopped
responding to my calls.

Get Orzet 1-8 back
on the horn to stand by.

We may still have
to fly 'em out of there.

On it.

Keep reeling 'em in, J.


Everyone hold on.
We're moving out.

How's she doing?

Such a loss.

What's up? You all right?

I failed her.

No, you didn't.

You didn't fail her.

Look, she stopped a w*r
from happening.

That's a good thing.

She would want us to
celebrate her victory,

not mourn her.

Got it?


Let's go home.

That was a, uh...

that was a rough one, huh?


You did good, new guy.


You, uh, you pull something?

Groin, I think.

Minute I stop thinking about it,

it'll fix itself.

The age-old Hayes method, huh?

You got that fancy physiologist
hanging around base.

Might be worth a visit.

I'm fine, Ray.

All right.

Yeah. Love you.

Naima and the kids are
at her folks' for the weekend.

Got to fend for myself.
You want to grab a beer?

Nah, I'm good.

Sonny, I'm buying, brother.

Said no once.

Don't see why I need
to say it again.

Ray, I'm in if you're buying.


All right, let's do it.
Let's, uh...

You know what, we can...

pour one out for the ambassador.

She was, uh...
she was different, wasn't she?

They broke the mold
with that one.

It's not every day
you meet a politician

you want to run
into a fire for, right?

Yeah, I think she had more door
kicker in her than politician.


Just, um...

I wish there was more we
could do for her, you know?

Me, too, brother.

Me, too.

Come on.