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03x05 - All Along the Watchtower: Part 1

Posted: 11/26/21 10:49
by bunniefuu
Where do you want the glasses?

I don't care. Tell you what. Coffeemaker?

Why don't you choose?
This is your life now.

Time for you to start turning
this cave into a home.

This is Dr. Natalie Pierce.

She is a research physiologist

at the NHRC's Department
of Warfighter Performance.

Bravo Team's your lab rats,

You passed Bravo down
to all of us.

It's on the young bucks
to keep it going.

That means I got to get
this Green Team pick... right.

What the team needs is a guy

who's gonna complement
his teammates

and not compete with them.

Let's all welcome
the newest brother

to Bravo Team.

Drumroll. Vic Lopez.

Vic Lopez!

Sonny, you can't keep doing this.

People are gonna see
right through it.

Well, what's there to see?

You and Davis?

How long have you two been playing
house behind the team's back?

What do you mean? What?
He said something to you?

We can't be together, Sonny.

There you go.

DEVGRU golden ticket is no joke.

Whatever weapons you want,
they'll hook you up with

in your personal
cage in the armory.

This is what you got in yours?

My sn*per suite. 416.

Lately, I've been rolling
with the MP7 here.

The 4.6?

We didn't have those at Team 2.

Well, the MP7 is great,
but not for everything.

Caliber counts, right? Mm-hmm.

We'll hit the range soon
and mess around with it

if you're down. I'm in.


Strange finally being here.

Don't go patting yourself
on the back

just yet, young brother.

Your race just began.

As far as the weapons go,

outside of any team

you're pretty much cleared hot
to carry whatever you want,

but most guys just carry
the HK416.

Mm. Sonny,
he'll roll with a machine g*n.

You know, if we bring one.

And Clay and I, we go back
and forth as lead sn*per,

but even still, he carries
a 14.5, 416 with glass

even if the rest of us
are rolling short barrels.

And Jason?

Jason Hayes, my guy.

Well, he will use whatever.

.22, nine millimeter.

Hell, give the guy a slingshot

or a stick
and he'll make it happen.

Look, Vic...

nothing to overthink here.

Okay? No need to mess

with what you've
been doing so far.

Stick with what you know,
what works for you.

All right. Okay.

And I'm not here to mess

with what's been working
for Bravo.

Bravo's had its ups and downs.

b*ttlefield and off, but...

you're coming in
at the right time.

Everyone's in a good place now.

All right.

Just, uh...
don't ever touch my stuff.

Okay? And we're good.

You understand? All right.

Yeah? Yeah.

Great, you got to be kidding me.

This has obviously
got to be either.

Full Metal or Brock, right?

Doesn't know how to make coffee.

One of the two of you.

All you've got to do is
put coffee in the filter.

That's all. And press "on."
Look at you.

Yeah. Nice eyeliner there.

Sonny, what, did you
forget the rules

in the champagne room
last night?

Yeah, you reach for some
forbidden fruit there, huh?

Yeah, right.

Sonny hasn't reached for
a piece of fruit in his life.

Look at him.

Jace, is there a reason
why we're here?

Okay, 'cause unless
Scarlett Johansson's

in a charitable mood,
I am going back to bed.

You're not going back to bed.

We're gonna run some CQB drills.

Got to sharpen our edges.

Are you forgetting
that we just took down

a fortified floating prison?

We're as sharp as
Ginsu, brother.

If you're seeing something
we're not, enlighten us, Jason.

Just make sure you
speak extra slow

so us sled dogs can understand.

We can always do better.

Plus, we've got to break in
a new teammate.

That new guy's been here
for five minutes,

he's already rubbing me
the wrong way.

Hey, new guy,

you got a cold sixer
for old Sonny over here?

'Cause the way he's whining,
he's gonna need it stat.

Damn, Sonny,
who did that to you?

And how'd they like to be
our new breacher?


At least this guy hit me
from the front, Ray.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

You tell me,

since you're so interested
in my business.

You got something
gnawing at you, Sonny,

you want to share
with the group?

Nah, I'm just hungover.

We good?

Yeah, sure, boss.Good.

Jock up. sh**t house in five.

Full Metal, make some coffee
on the way out.

Do something right.

Oh. Oh, Jason.

Dr. Pierce, I'm sorry.

Didn't mean to run you over.Natalie.

And I did not mean to
run you over, either.

Last week, I mean.

I feel like I might have
come at you too hard.

You coming at me hard?

No. Telling me that what,
my body's, I don't know,

one step away from
being scrap heap?

Tell you what, that was fun.

We should do that again
sometime. I just need you to know

the entire aim of my work

is to keep operators
in the field thriving

for as long as possible.
I'll tell you what.

If I have any lack
of thriving, all right,

I'll give you a call,
I'll come find you.

I've been around
long enough to know

you guys always think
you're right,

but if you're not improving,
you're falling behind.

You know what, I have a system

that works for me, and it works.

I don't need milks
that are made out of nuts.

All right? Or wheat grass sh*ts.

I'm out.

I asked your teammates about you

in our intro consultations.

They said you're the best
because you're never satisfied.


Any chance to get an edge,
they said you'll take it.

That's what I'm offering you.
An edge.


That's the real thing.

You're all aware of
the ongoing situation in Yemen.

A five-year civil w*r has
ravaged the nation.

Widespread famine,
food insecurity

and civilian bloodshed.

Bravo's been tapped
to help prevent

one more torch from being
thrown into the inferno.

U.S. Ambassador Nicole Marsden
is traveling to North Yemen

to ease tensions between
two tribes there,

the Bakil and the Hashid.

You'll be working
as her security detail.

The whole country's in turmoil.

Why is she focusing
on these two tribes?

The last thing that Yemen needs
in the midst of a civil w*r

is another civil w*r.

The tribes represent

a stabilizing influence
in the region

if they can remain on peaceful
terms with each other.

State has requested a Tier One
PSD for three weeks.

That lengthy of a deployment,
it'll take a minute

to get all the pieces in place.

The ambassador's eager
to get to work.

So we'll send a two-man
advance team right away,

the rest of the unit joining
within 48 hours.

Ray, run lead on ADVON.
Pick a swim buddy.

I'm in.

Anything to put Vah Beach
in the rearview mirror.

Somebody got you
on the run, Sonny?

No, just rather get in trouble
over there than here.

Yeah, well, an itchy Sonny
on a mission of peace.

Uh, I love you, brother, but
I don't think that's gonna work.

Spenser, go pack
your gear, brother.

A three-week PSD... look,
if Sonny wants to go,

I'm-I'm good with it.

But I'm-I'm not good with that.

So get geared up, man. Come on.

All right. Whatever you say.

Guess he is.

Hey, I don't want you
hurting yourself.

You know how sorry I am.

It's not like

I wanted this.

It hasn't been easy
for me either.

And I get it, you're angry.

Have I ever been angry with you?

No, but look at your face.

You're spinning out.
You're throwing hands in bars.

You don't need to do that.

Your opinion of what
I need to do ended when we did.

Hey, Hendo.

Let's hit it again.

What, you didn't get
enough of me yesterday?

Tap out, dumb-ass.

Is that all you got?

Meant to give this to you

before you take off.
First day sixer.

Not sure what they're drinking
over in Northern Yemen,

but this probably beats it.

Can just leave it there.

Wanted to ask you something.

Thought Jason and Ray
had all the answers around here.

So, ask.

Well, you were the last new guy.

Got any advice for me?

I haven't been the new guy

in a long-ass time.

If I ever was.

Well, look, I didn't mean
any disrespect. I...

You want me
to be real with you here?

You weren't my pick.

Look, I had my say about you,
and if anyone would've listened,

you wouldn't be standing here
right now.

'Cause in my opinion,
you were second best.

This "aw, shucks"
attitude thing,

the-the whole humble thing
you got going on,

everything about you so clean
and tight, I don't trust it.

You have to prove yourself
to me, and the only way

to do that is by showing up
when our ass is in the fire.

Till then,
you can just stay out of my way.


We all know you wanted
the other guy from Green Team,

but give Vic a shot.

He's on Bravo. I'd call
that a hell of a shot.

I'm saying give the kid
some time, maybe a little grace?

Not every new guy's
gonna light-switch

some HVT their first day out.

Some people have got to pay
more dues than others.

It's not the type of gig
you learn on the job.

You either hit it hard,
or you get out of the way.

You haven't seen
the kid in action yet.

You know, all your talents,
Spenser, ESP is not one of them.

And if you're doubting
my gut on this,

remember it's the same gut that
pushed for your spot on Bravo.

Look, my issue's
not with you, man.

You're doing your thing.
I'm just trying to do mine.

You don't know what that is now.

I get it.

New new guy makes you
just one of the pack.

Golden boy becomes middle child.

It's just part
of the team guy cycle.

Hey. Embrace it.

Don't resist it. Embrace it.

I got no problem
being one of the pack.

You are gonna get your chance

to stand up and stand out,

But it just may not happen
the way you think it is.

Patience gonna pay off,
I promise you that.

You guys lonely
without your entourage?

Does feel like we're traveling
a little light, right?

Welcome to Yemen. Agency's
had me embedded here

for a few weeks,
taking the temperature.

And what kind of weather
blew in the ambassador?

Particularly nasty storm system
by the name of Musa Khawlan.

He's a new leader
of the Bakil tribe.

Militant, ambitious,

stoking a hatred of
the Hashid tribe.

Well, nation's
crashing around you.

Misery loves a target.

Khawlan's threatened v*olence
against Hashid leadership.

They've responded in kind.

Ambassador Marsden is determined

to meet with both sides
and reach a détente.

American diplomat involving
themselves in tribal conflict?

Is that courage or ignorance?

That's Ambassador Marsden.

She's aggressive
in her diplomacy.

A risk-taker.

Hmm. Coming from a gambler
like you,

now I'm interested
in meeting her.

You know they still talk
about you over at Green Team?

Yep. VIC: That prank you pulled

with the PT Cruiser.


You know, they still
can't figure out

how the hell you got it
all the way up there.

Seriously, you... Fold these.

Make sure you steam
my underwear.

Hey, you all right?

Oh, yeah. Nut punching

the new guy's
one of my sacred duties.

Huh. Seems like the
past couple days,

you got something on your mind.

Uh, just getting chafed
sitting stateside

like I always do.
You know. Yeah, I don't know.

Just seems like since
we got back from PACOM,

being home has been
a lot easier for you.

Like, I don't know, like
something's changed in you.

Nah. Listen, if I ever change,

you go right ahead,
and you punch me in the face.

I think someone's
already checked that box,

Sonny. Yeah, well, maybe I did flirt
with it a little bit.

Settling down with someone.

Yeah? Yeah.

How was that? It's not for me.

No. No, I'll tell you what.

There are two people
on God's great earth

that won't ever change,
shouldn't ever change.

And those two men
are standing right here.

Right. So you, uh, you talk
to that physiologist yet?

You meet up with her? Yeah.

That lady's got some nerve
saying that some of my habits

need, uh, modification.

You believe that? Well...
what kind of habits?

I don't know,
I was hungover as hell.

I wasn't really listening
to what she was saying.

She just kept wagging her jaw
on and on and on and on.

Guess some people can't
recognize perfection

when they see it.

Is that what I'm
staring at right there?

Hey, if it ain't broke.

See you, buddy.

It's an awfully public place to
meet a man wearing a bull's-eye.

Tribal crown doesn't
come with an office?

Imam Sahan refuses to bow
to the threats.

He wants his Hashid brethren
to see him out in the open,

unafraid and in control.

Optics are important.

Yeah, well,
control's a cute idea.

Sure you can trust
Sahan, Ambassador?

Maybe the idea is to
put the bull's-eye on you.

Then it's a good thing
I brought you guys along.

Imam Sahan.

Madam Ambassador.

Thank you for meeting.Mm.

Bravo 1 to Rampart.

Anything on overwatch?

Negative, Bravo 1.

OP 1 and 2 have
checked in all clear.


OP 2, this is Bravo 1.

How those rooftops looking?

We're alone up here, Bravo 1.

Copy that. Keep an
eye on that alley.

Enough! The Bakil are led
by a madman!

He would see my tribe
driven from our lands.

Imam, if I may... It is an insult to me
that you would

meet with such a man
as Musa Khawlan.

The ambassador meant
no disrespect.

Imam, meeting is
the only way to talk,

talking the only way to peace.

Peace, the only way to life.

There goes low profile.

- OP 2, biker making entry.
- You got him?


Hold on and watch his hands.

I believe you'll find my
proposals entirely reasonable.

A framework for peace
with the Bakil.

And, Imam, you should know this.

If I were going to insult you,

it would be about this atrocity

of a pastry you
recommended I try.

Let's hope your proposal
is not equally amusing.

Madam Ambassador.Imam.


Um, I'm sorry,
you must be confused.

The nut milk tasting
is tomorrow.

You know, embracing people
who want to help me

is not one of my
strengths, okay?

As a door kicker, I think

I'd be worried if it was.
Look, I don't want to

waste your time, I don't want
to waste my time.

You got it?
So this program of yours,

it's gonna extend my run
as an operator?

The government's put
a lot of time and money

into making you the
leader that you are.

You won't do anyone any good
if you're mothballed.

What are we talking here?

Like, uh...

how's this work?

We look at the way you move,

fight, sleep, eat, breathe.

We are honest about the damage,

the issues,
and we figure out ways

to help you do every single one
of those things better.

I just want you to know that
I'm a meat eater. Understand?

Burgers, steaks.
I like to grill.

I'm a die-hard carnivore.
Got it?

Copy that. Yeah?

Although, I mean, I-I know this
amazing brussels-turnip burger.

I think maybe you
should give it a try.

You're just hitting
my trigger points.

Walking backwards here.

Look, Mike Richards would
still be playing

if he'd been on my program.

You know hockey, huh?

Just what I picked up
playing center

at University of Wisconsin.

Ugh, a Badger.Mm.

What do you say?
Want to get started?

Yeah, I'll hit you up.

You know, think about it.

When I'm back, maybe. Okay?
See you, Natalie.

Okay, got it. Thanks, Mandy.

Intel from a local source says
there's a funeral procession

near the diplomatic compound.

Popular Bakil elder.

Naseem Absi, an honorable man.


we got a few hundred hopefully
honorable Bakil mourners

heading the same direction
as us.

Mandy and GRS will
follow for support.

Always fun to have the Agency

and their spotless record
along for the ride.

They're still doing dollar
draft nights at the Sandy Frog?

Sorry, ma'am?

That was the deal when I was
at Naval Station Norfolk.

Worth the trip to Vah Beach,

long as you stayed clear of
those SEAL Team knuckleheads.

I didn't know that you served.

Five years as a JAG.

Thought I'd be Atticus Finch in
dress blues, battling injustice.

How did that lead
to Foreign Service?

It didn't. I separated,

earlier than my C.O.
would have liked, actually.

Realized the impact I wanted
to have on the world wouldn't

happen inside a courtroom.

JAG's a good career choice.

Big gamble to leave that, right?

That's what everybody told me.

"Keep paying your dues,
be patient, don't push it."

And now you feel like
you're having an impact?

Still hear the same old song
from the same kind of people.

"Diplomacy's a process,
don't rock the boat."

But guess what.

Boat's been corroding in the
same toxic water for decades.

We allgot to start rocking it.

Yeah, I bet that hasn't
won you a ton of friends.

People don't really
appreciate a maverick streak.

Something tells me
you like making waves, too.

Yeah, well, Navy's not
real big on vessel rocking.

Man in that casket was
a man of peace.

He remembered that the Bakil
and Hashid tribes

were descended
from two brothers.

And you're here to get
others to remember that, too?

Mm. I'm here to get people
to focus on what unites

rather than divides them
so they don't k*ll each other.

Yeah, well, the ones
who focus on division

are always louder,
so let's get you inside.

Ma'am, I really think we need
to get you inside the residence.

We're-we're good.

Hey, we're good! We're good!

It's celebratory.

You know, Senior Chief Perry,

yeah, might be a good idea
head on in.

Yes, ma'am.

Ambassador's safe inside.

She's, uh...

She's got Mandy c*ptive,

trying to get
Agency intel from her.

Lady's something else.
Tell you what.

More focused on the task
at hand than her career.

Not exactly following
the politician playbook.

She's definitely got
a rebel streak in her.

That's for damn sure.

Ray, crowd stopped in
front of the compound.

They're not moving on.

That doesn't feel right.

No. No, neither does that.

Tire fires.

They're signaling.

Doesn't take much to
turn grief into rage.

Yeah, or a funeral into a riot.

20 minutes to touchdown.

Looks like
you didn't sleep, huh?

No, not much.

It's all the same stuff
as the regular teams,

we just get better ops.


Doesn't feel that way, though.

You remember your
first time out?

Lot different back then.

It was June '01.

Thought I was signing up
for life as a peacetime Frogman.

Few months later,
the world caught fire.

20 years later,
little did I know,

I'd still be fighting that fire.

w*r since I was in first grade.

But that combat,

look what it shaped DEVGRU
and the teams into.


C-Come on. This kid
sounds like he was conceived

and raised in a DoD lab.

Hey, I would've taken that
over the deal I got.

Oh, what do you think,
we all made it here with a life

of Betty Crocker
and father-and-son Scout trips?

Please, Victoria, spare us
your tragic emo origin story.

- Don't take it personally.
- He's sleep-deprived.

Actually, Sonny's
always sleep-deprived.

But you know what?
Little advice:

Whatever you have
in the rearview mirror,

uh, keep it there. Roger that.

As far as I'm concerned, my life
started when I joined the teams.

Blackburn. We're about to land.

Well, Command wants you
sitting tight on the tarmac.

There's a situation
developing near the compound.

We don't want to inflame it.

What's going on?

Big group of fighting-age males
just joined the crowd.

Definitely not mourners.

Guys are carrying bags.
They look heavy, too.

And I got a guy 200 meters south

of building one

on a radio.
Looks like he's on watch.

Two more on the
street with radios.

Source on the ground
says a number

of local shops shuttered early.

Something in the air.

Check out that rooftop.

Carrying hard cases.

Could be journalists,

camera gear?

Yeah, it could be
bowling balls, too,

but something tells me
they're not.

And these tire fires, they're
not, they're not random at all.

They're evenly spaced
and choking off

all the entries and exits
to this area.

They're roadblocks.

Yeah, this is coordinated.

Feels like
they're setting up on us.

I agree. There's nothing
spontaneous about this at all.

This is Bravo 2.
What's your ETA? JASON: They're holding us

at the airstrip.
Something about civilian unrest.

I don't know how many
of these guys are civilians.

This is starting to look
like a coordinated as*ault, J.

I understand that, Jason, but...

- No, you don't understand.
- All right?

They need us.
We're ten klicks away,

roads are getting blocked off.

Yeah, and as I said, the brass
thinks that adding more troops

to the scenario is a bad idea. Look,

Ray knows what he's looking at.

This thing lights off,
I got two of my team guys

and three contractors
going up against an army.

Look, I am pushing
every way I can, Jason.

Stand by.

The whole intel shop's
digging in.

Bakil social media, local news,

any whiff of what
might be brewing.

Mandy's already I.D.'d

several known
Bakil hardliners in the crowd.

It's a funeral for
a tribal elder.

Could just be paying
their respects.

Giving them
the benefit of the doubt.

I'd rather give us
the benefit of a visual.

We're on station.

Smoke from the tire fires
sure ain't helping us.

We'll get a clearer picture.

Are there any other entry points
on this compound?

A delivery hatch.

Okay. Where?

Come on, man, you're
the damn security chief.

You got to help us out here.

The southeast corner.
It's locked, fortified.

Okay, in case of emergency
exfil, where's the helo landing?

The roof.
GPS coordinates are there.

The vehicles in this motor pool.

They're exposed. Is there
any cover we could move them to?

Nothing like that.

What about an armory?

Anything on site?

Yes, down the hall.
But it won't be enough.


This is not an embassy.

This is a temporary
residential outpost.

We are not equipped
to repel an attack.

Yeah, well, clearly, you're not,
but we need your help.

Do you understand?

I cannot stay here. I'm sorry.

You're not leaving.

I'm sorry.

Clay. Let him go.

God help you.

He knows.

He knows what's coming.
They got to the security team.

Yeah, well, screw him.

He'd just run when the
sh**ting starts anyway, right?

Fine. No JV team in our way now.

Damn straight. Let's go.


Entire compound staff is here.

Panic level started at a seven.

I think we're down to a five.

Five will work.

All right, everyone, listen up.

You're gonna remain sheltered
down here, okay? You are safe.

So stay calm.
Wait for our instructions.


I'm gonna head out.

Ma'am, we need to pin down
an exit plan immediately.

Breathe, Daniel. The plan right
now is to shelter in place.

That changes,
you'll be the first to know.

Seems like you got this, uh,
this peacekeeper thing down.

It's all a cover. Don't tell.

I'm not buying it.

Feels like this is what
you were born to do.


Took me a while to
discover it, anyway.

I always envied people like you.

How's that? Hmm.

Must've found your calling early
to rise to the top so young.


I hope you were born to fight.

The people here need you.

Yes, ma'am. I understand.

All right, let's go.

Get in, gear up. All right?

Get the ground transportation
unloaded. Let's go. Move.

I thought the, uh, Pentagon
fun police was holding us here.

Nope. Tell you what,

the longer these cake-eaters
deny the situation,

the worse it's gonna get.

We're rolling out against orders?

Just want to be ready.

When we get the go, we go.
Got it?

Fighting-age males
are sticking around,

but the rest of the crowd's
clearing out.

Sheltering from the storm.

Take overwatch
on the south roof,

cover down on any activity
at the back of the rear gate.

Got it.

This is Bravo 2, Havoc.

We got troops in contact.
I say again, troops in contact.

I've got a man down.

Send 'em now.

All right, boys,
we're cleared hot.

Let's load up.

Hand me that, come on.

You're gonna be okay.
We got you.

Come on, you guys, let's
give them some room.

No pain meds in the armory,

but did find some a*mo.

And these Reagan-era
flak jackets.

Haven't heard anything
but small arms. Yeah, well,

they saw a shot
at us and took it,

but you bet your ass they'll
be coming back with a lot more.

All right, I'm going to, uh,
head back up to the roof.

Go. We're good. All right.

Found these in the armory.

How many?


One for each of my people.

I don't need one.

Ma'am, that's not
how this works.

Okay, this won't be
a conversation.

Might not be how it works,

but it's the way it's gonna be,
Senior Chief.

Bakil leadership,

Musa Khawlan,
thinks the ambassador is here

to side with the Hashid.

To knock them down.

That's what we've been able
to piece together.

The source of this rage,
it's a misunderstanding.

No. They were looking for
a fight and you're the excuse.

I have to do something.

I need to speak to Khawlan,
clear this up.

The man's busy waging w*r on us.

I know where he is.
A mile from here.

I need to get to him now.

You know that can't happen.

It has to happen.

The only way this
ends without more bloodshed

is if I go to Khawlan
and convince him.

I'll drive myself if I have to.

Ma'am, the rest of my team
is ten minutes out.

They land, we'll have
enough g*ns and enough men

to load everyone up
and get out of here.

Then I will personally drive you

to whatever kamikaze
peace mission you want,

but you will not... go alone.

Are we clear?

You're right.

We'll wait for your people.

Thank you, Senior Chief.

Thank you, Ambassador.


Everyone, let me show you
how to put these on.

2, this is 1. How copy?

This is Bravo 3. Inter-squad
comms aren't gonna work

till we get closer to 'em.

COPY, 3.ERIC: Bravo 1,

this is Havoc Base.

We will relay between you
and Bravo 2 if necessary.

Break. Be advised,

Bravo 2's position is under
increasingly heavy attack

by small arms and mortars.

How copy? Solid copy.

No relay necessary at this time.

Bravo 3, this is 1.

Hold your course; We're
two blocks to the compound.

I got your six, boss.

Right turn here, right turn.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Havoc, this is 1. I need
ISR on our position.

Enemy is blocking streets.

We're gonna need help
with our route.

We need a visual
on that compound.

Bravo 1, ISR is required
on station

above the diplomatic compound.

We cannot divert it
to your position at this time.

Copy that.

No way we're making that turn.

All right, Full Metal,
we got to reverse out.

Now. Move.


"Ass backwards
toward the tire fire"

is gonna be the title
of my memoir.

All stop, all stop, all stop!

Bravo 3, what do you got?

Sonny, move! Move, Sonny, move!

Boss man.

Melt 'em.

Clear this way!

Bravo 2, this is Bravo 3,
radio check.

Try him again.

Bravo 2, this is Bravo 3,
radio check.

Bravo 2,
this Bravo 3, radio check.

Bravo 3, this is Bravo 2,
I hear you

Lima Charlie. How me?

Bravo 2, Tangos on our six.

Had to ditch the vehicles,
heading to you on foot.

Copy that, Bravo 1.

Continue to the rear gate.

We'll open it as soon as
we have visual on you.

Copy that.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc.

You should have a visual on
our guys at your one o'clock,

right about now.


Copy that, Havoc. We've got 'em.

Ray, rear gate.

Bravo 1, hold what you got.

We've got enemy activity
at the rear gate.

Bravo 2, this is 1. We got
enemy coming on us hard.

You got to get that door open.

You move now, you'll be stepping
right into an ambush, brother.

Yeah, we're gonna have
one hell of an ambush here

if we don't move.

Bravo 2, this is 1.

We have to move now.

Bravo 1,
we're trying to clear them

from the rear gate.
That's your only way in.

Hey, hey, it doesn't have to be.

Delivery hatch,
southeast corner.

It's locked.


Bravo 1, change of plans.

Stand by, everybody. Stand by.

Boss... Yeah, yeah.

Take 'em out.

Bravo 6,

what's your ETA on that entry?

That door's barricaded.

I'm working the problem.

Bravo 6, get that door open!

6, get that door open now!

Move on me. Move on me.

Move, move, move! Go, go, go!

Havoc, this is 1. We're inside.

Move, move, move, move.

That's a good copy, Bravo 1.

- What was that Ray said?
- If he brought me here,

I was liable to disrupt
the "Kumbaya"?

Sonny, you'd been here, there
wouldn't be a city anymore.

Yeah, sounds peaceful to me.

Let's go find Ray,
figure out evac.

Ambassador, Master Chief Hayes.

Rest of our team is outside
pulling security. Thanks for coming.

Pleasure to meet you. We're
gonna get you folks out of here.

Keys to the motor pool vehicles.

How you want to do this?

Motor pool's got five vehicles.

Split the evacuees up in three,

sh**t and driver in each one.

Double up on
the ambassador. We'll use ISR.

Yeah, okay.

Okay, we got to move. We got to
get your people out of here.

Everybody, listen up.

Ensign Davis, do you believe
you can find them a safe path

to the airport?

This is verging on a
Blackwater Fallujah scenario.

And I don't want these boys
hanging from a bridge.

You understand? Yes, sir.

Three soft-skinned vehicles

evading an unknown number
of enemy

for six miles. And we'll be with them
for every inch of it.

Sonny, Brock, Metal,
pull the cars around here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Havoc, this is 1.
We have no way out of here.