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03x03 - Theory and Methodology

Posted: 11/26/21 10:47
by bunniefuu
and Davis, how long have you two been

playing house behind the team's back?
This is the wrong time

to make unfounded accusations,
but it is so good

to see that you're back on
your damn high horse again.

Brett committed su1c1de because
he couldn't get treatment

for his TBI. That's a crime.

Saw your dad on TV last night.

It's ironic how your father
picked up the very fight

that I ordered you to put down.

Brett's not getting
a Purple Heart.

No, he's not.

But I'm gonna keep
banging on the drum.

I want this for all the vets.

But mostly I want it for you.

I can't kick in doors

worrying about
what's on the other side.

I just ignore and override.

What's got you spooked, brother?

I'm hearing the footsteps.
They're getting louder.

Maybe I need to make a change.

Hey, Em, it's your dad. Listen.

Do me a favor,
give me a call back.

I need to talk to you, please.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 6.
Target secure.

Copy, Bravo 6. End-ex. End-ex.

Ric Flair would've been proud
of that gorilla slam, baby.

Yeah, well, that was slow.

Slow clearing the hallway,
slow securing the targets.

Slow. Slow, slow.

Ray, on point. Run the next.

Move. Yes, sir.

Okay. Cool. Done.

Slow Sonny walking.

There's nothing wrong
with our time, man.

The problem is Bravo 1.

His chicks have flown the coop.

He's got nothing else
to occupy his time with.

Come on. Jason's not
pushing us any harder

than he's pushing himself.

Dude needs to find a hobby.

Or a good strip bar

with all-you-can-eat
popcorn shrimp.

Hey. You guys need to check
yourselves. All right?

I tell you what, first person
that gets the role-player

to tap out tonight
drinks for free.

I'll take that bet.

Sonny, you'll never learn. Uh, yep.

Oh, please. Mother of God.

Run it again.

There we go.

Too slow. Do it again.

Again. You're wasting my time.




Bravo 2.

Target secure.

End-ex. End-ex.

Boys are buying.

Not bad.

What do you say
we get some beers, huh?

As long as I can
drink it laying down.

You're gonna end up on
the floor anyway, Sonny.

Yeah, I'm just hoping the booze
will help me sleep

through the change of command
ceremony tomorrow.

Hard to believe
that Harrington's gone.

Seems like he just got here.

Change of command's always
such a pain in the ass.

Every new CO comes in
feeling like they need

to shake things up,
make it his own, right?

As long as this dude doesn't
start messing with our hair

and make us shave our beards.Yeah.

Oh, we just got to make
sure we keep our noses clean

so he doesn't make an
example. Right, Sonny?

Yeah, what if he
demands clean cages?

Or bans dip? No, no, no. I need my dip.

Did you hear about Team 7's
new CO? No alcohol.

Nothing. Can you imagine that?


Bless their heart... it's my privilege

to introduce you to DEVGRU's
next commanding officer,

Captain Greyson Lindell.

Bravo Team, Captain Harrington
told me all about you.


Jason Hayes. Welcome aboard.

Master Chief. I look forward
to the next few years

with you and your team.

Look forward
to giving you 100%, sir.

Good. 'Cause whatever standards
Captain Harrington

measured this command by,
mine will be higher.

I don't believe in stasis,
only evolution.


All right, look. You know what?

The guy's not so bad.

Hey, come on. We survived Shaw.

We can survive this guy.

So shall we retire

to be Bravo in the back den

with some beers and evolve?

Let's go, boys. Come on.

This guy can change everything.

Michael Drake, huh?

He's running for Congress
in the 5th district.

He's young, shrewd
and aggressive,

and he's saying
all the right things.

He's talking about
traumatic brain injury?

Well, he will be.

He's got a ton of vets
in his district.

You think you can get this guy
to come on board?

I've been whispering some
sweet nothings in his ear.

But you haven't closed yet?

You're the closer, Clay.

Active duty, DEVGRU.

The guy wants to meet you.

He wants to touch the magic.

But I know Harrington
stood you down.

Harrington's command's over.

Got a, uh, new guy coming in.

Pretty sure he was speaking

about the whole
Navy with that one.

Okay, I'm not, uh,
I'm not buying this whole

cautious father act here.
Come on.

Bullfrog like you, you wouldn't
be here unless you had a plan.

Well, you don't think
you're the only sneaky bastard

in this family, do you, son?

All right, here's the deal.

Friday, you and I
are gonna go to Morton's,

have a couple of steaks
together, all right?

Some much needed
father and son time.

Drake will just happen
to be there,

he'll pop over
to the table and say hello,

and I'll introduce you.

Just a casual,
accidental-type meeting.

Gives you cover

and you can go ahead
and bend his ear about TBI.

You think this guy can get
Swann's Purple Heart

pushed across the finish line?

And then some.

Imagine a congressman
with vet health care

at the top of his platform.

I mean,

if it's too risky for you,
we can cank the op.

What time's dinner?

How's your roommate?
Oh, my roommate's a drag,

but there's a couple
girls on my floor I like.

Grace is a New Yorker and she
knows everything about the city.

I can't believe you're going
to school in New York.

I hope it doesn't do
any kind of permanent damage.

It's a cool place, Dad.

You're going to all
your classes, right?

You're not missing anything?

Of course I'm going to them.
I-I actually like my classes.

Even the Theory
and the Methodology one?

Okay, I like all my classes
except Theory and Methodology.

See, if it doesn't hurt, I'm not
getting my money's worth.

Okay. What's so smart
about that?

So, what are we doing here?

What do you need?

We're not here for me, Dad.
We're here for you.

Oh, no, no, no. You're not here
for me. I don't need this place.

I don't come to Bed Bath
& Beyond. I don't shop here.

You're eating MREs and stealing
toilet paper from the base.

It's barbaric.

It's an apartment,
it's where I lay my head.

Why didn't you keep
anything from the house?

Why? Because the movers,
they put everything in storage.

It's not like I'm gonna be
digging through there

to get a kitchen blender.

There's more than kitchenware
in those boxes.

A lot of memories.

Out of sight, out
of mind. Healthy.

Yeah, right.

Is there any, uh, college guys

I need to do
a serious background check on?

You'd rather talk
about me and guys

than your
emotional detachment issues?

I must've struck a nerve.


Ensign Davis.

What a nice surprise,
Petty Officer.

You headed my way? No, ma'am.

Us enlisted, we don't, uh,

keep bankers' hours
like you officers do.

Besides, I, uh,

I got us
this really nice reservation

at this restaurant
up in Richmond.

That's a hundred miles away.

Yeah, well, you know, it's...
don't won't anybody to spot us.

That is very smart, but since
when are you risk-averse?

I'm not risk-averse.

We just, you know,
we both got a lot to lose here.

You getting cold feet on me?

What's got you all
shook up here?

Uh, just, you made
a good point. You know?

Just doing what we did before,

you know, it looks
different now, 'cause it is.

I knew I was gonna wisen you up.

I told you. Oh, you did, huh?

Uh, well, just you wait and see,
uh, this hotel suite I got us.

A suite, huh? Yeah, I mean,

you know, you're an officer now.

Got to step my game up.

Yeah. Level up, Quinn.


Come on in.

You wanted to see me, sir?

Have a seat, Spenser.

You were friends
with Brett Swann.

Yes, towards the, uh,
the end of his life.

Well, he was a fine Frogman

and what happened to him
was a tragedy.

Not so sure about that.

Swann's su1c1de was predictable

and likely avoidable,
and tragedies aren't, sir.

Well, what you've been doing
to promote the awareness

of TBIs is commendable.

When you were injured,
you didn't stop working for your friends.

You made Swann your mission,

even when the Navy
waved you off.

Sir, I haven't done anything...

Spenser, relax.

I'm on your side.

Forgive me, sir, but, uh,

sailors don't usually reach your
position by rocking the boat.

Eh, that's spoken
like an outsider looking in,

'cause I have found
that it is much easier

to rock from the inside.

Which is why
I'm bringing in a physiologist

to work with the team,
assess what we do here

and how we can better
take care of our people.

This is what we need.
This woman is smart.

She has new ideas, and she's
made a career for herself

studying special operators.

21st century warriors.

They deserve
21st century treatment.

Your outlook is refreshing, sir.

Well, I'm committed,
and the Navy's committed

to making sure we don't have
another Brett Swann.

And in return, I need you
to stand down

and just go back to
concentrating on your job.

'Cause what you
and your father are doing

could have unintended

that could jeopardize
the good things

we're putting into place.

And that would only
make my job harder.

Yes, sir.

And, Spenser, just to be clear,

I'm not asking.

Understand? Yes, sir.

Mm, look at this one.

That's beautiful, babe.

And way out of our price range.

Then why are you looking at it?

Uh, same reason you always check
out the Denali at the car lot.

Naima, one day I'm
getting a damn Denali.

And one day I'll get
this house, or one like it.

I mean, it's in a great
school district.

Kids would have their own rooms.

Save us from having to hear
a lot of fights

in the next few years.

Babe, you know I would love
nothing more in the world

than to get you that home.

Really. I just...

Someday, but not right now.

I mean, even once you make
master chief,

it'll still be out
of our price range.

I don't know. I don't know.

Maybe we, uh...
maybe we stretch.

You know? Take a leap of faith.

It is perfect, isn't it?

It is, but that doesn't matter.

No? No.

The only thing that does is
you coming home to it.

It's all happening, our plan.

You're gonna make master chief.

And you are gonna
make CNO at work.

Mm. Yeah.

The dreams are
coming true, huh, babe? Mm.

Where do you want the glasses?

To the right of the
sink, or the left?

I don't care.

Coffee maker?

Left side of the sink,
near the glasses?

I don't know, tell you what.
Why don't you choose?

Just put it wherever. No, you choose.

This is your life now, Dad.

Time for you to start
turning this cave into a home.

A home?

Sonny, you know, this is
a really nice idea,

but you shouldn't be spending
this kind of money.

Well, to tell you the truth, uh,

I ain't ever done
anything like this

for anyone before.

You know, it's kinda, kinda nice
getting all gussied up.

I even Febrezed
my shirt for you.

Oh, my. Yeah. Blueberry.

It's like a fancy first date.

Except this first date
is a sure thing.

Sonny, you're stupid.

So should we, um...
I don't know...

go over to that hotel
and check out

that swanky suite
you were telling me about?

Uh, well,

"swanky" might have
undersold it.

This hotel would make
an old man very proud.

It's got a Jacuzzi, a fireplace.

If there's carpet anywhere
other than the floor,

I'm leaving.

I would be disappointed
if you didn't.

Oh, we got a new
target package coming in.

I didn't get paged.

It's intel, Sonny.
We get read in before the team.

I got to go back.
I'm sorry. All right.

Hey, it's all right. No sweat.

Don't be sorry.

These things happen. Right?

Global Response Staff are
keeping us posted,

but the situation on the ground
is volatile and fluid.

As everyone in this room
is aware,

in addition to possible
v*olence and loss of life,

there is a significant political
component to the situation.

Sovereign governments
in the region

and around the globe
will be watching closely.

You realize instead
of fixing that,

you could get Pandora
on your computer.

Or Sirius.

Satellite radio.
This one works just fine, Em.

Who put the sunrise on my mug?

New day, warm colors.

Doesn't it make you happy? Not really.

Are you joking? What?

That's filthy.

Where's the Softsoap I bought?

Soap is clean.

How can soap be filthy?
It's soap.

I'm gonna set up
an online account for you

so you have not-disgusting soap
and toilet paper

and the like delivered
automatically once a month.

It's not like
I'm gonna be here. Well, maybe not now,

but you realize you can't
operate forever, don't you?

What's that have to do with
the type of soap I use?

Keep living in denial.

"Dr. James Conners, PhD.

Is this how you're
working the problem?

Shrink we were forced
to see in Guam

gave me that doctor's number;
It's nothing.

You couldn't bring photos from
our house into this apartment,

but this therapist's card
made it all the way from Guam?

You're really reading into
something that's not there, Em.

Have you called him? Why would I?

When you came home, you told me

you were gonna make
some changes.

Is this why you came back?
'Cause you're worried about me?

I'm fine.

Saved by the bell.


Don't die.

I'm not gonna die.

I'm good.

12 hours ago, Armenian armed
forces violated their cease-fire

with Azerbaijan in the disputed
Nagorno-Karabakh region.

I'll bet you that
ruffled some feathers.

Azerbaijani military forces were
scrambled to the region,

and after a few minor

the two nations are currently
at a stalemate.

That's a serious
game of chicken.

Why the hell do we
care about turf wars

between countries
that I can't even spell?

Azerbaijan is our only ally
in the Caspian Sea,

and a deterrent to
unaligned powers in the area.

With Russia and Iran
stirring the pot,

we really don't want to lose
any traction.

Particularly given Azerbaijan's
resources and shipping lanes.

But we're not worried
about Azerbaijan

falling over a stalemate.

What's our angle here?

The Tesirli power plant.

It's a major source of power
in the country,

and given all of the
attention at the border,

it's an easy target.

A target for who? Armenian loyalists,
Shiite militia.

Foreign powers looking to
reduce American influence

in the region.

Who's protecting the plant now?

A small group of
Azerbaijani soldiers.

The Agency does have
an asset on the ground,

one of their
Global Response Staff.

Richard Meyers, former spec ops.

His sources are
coming back with information

about a pending attack.

If an enemy hostile to American
interests takes the plant,

they'll control the power.

They could destabilize
the only American ally

we have in the region.

That can't happen.
There's no pressure, huh?

You'll be acting
in a support capacity only.

Support and advise.
Keep your heads down.

This is a clandestine operation.

The Azerbaijani government
doesn't want to appear

weak enough to need help.

The U.S. can't be seen

having boots on the ground
in another country.

You know we're gonna be coming

right up against
Iranian airspace.

We can HALO in,
foot patrol to the plant.

A lot of unfriendlies in the
area if we miss our target.

Beats sitting through
the change of command ceremony.

Meyers will connect you
with the soldiers.

Well, tell him to pick a spot,
we'll rendezvous with him.

We've got some time, I suggest
you familiarize yourself

with the plant's layout.


Look, if you're coming here to
talk to me about my head,

I'm gonna throw you out
of this airplane

without a parachute.

This is the thanks I get
for saving your life?

What's on your mind?

Our new CO, Lindell,
came to see me earlier

to talk about Swanny.

The whole TBI thing.Okay.

You're getting a reputation.
So, what'd he say?

He said that he's, uh,
he's gonna bring in

a physiologist, and institute
the TGPS program.

Sounds like progress. What's the catch?

Told me I need to
walk away from the issue.

There it is.

You think he's trying
to keep me quiet

to prevent any blowback on him?

My experience, cake-eaters
are politicians.

Lindell's probably gunning for
some JSOC, or some Pentagon job.

Doesn't want a kid like you
making waves.

It's just not really in me to
ring out on this one, you know?

Don't like leaving the
heavy lifting up to others.

There's no Tier One operator
that likes taking orders.


This guy Lindell,

just don't get on his bad side.

What about Swanny?

You think handing this thing off
is doing right by him?

You know, I can't tell you
what to do,

but I can tell you there's
a lot of things in this job

that can take you out.

Just don't take yourself out.

Thanks, J.

You ought to be able
to see that schematic

on the back of
your eyelids by now.

Never hurts to go over it
one more time.

Surprised you're still awake.

Something on your mind?

Spun up,
somewhere over the ocean,

about to HALO into
questionable airspace.

Seemed like the perfect time
to talk about my career.

Well, don't worry.

Your promotion to master chief
is right on track.

That's good. That's good.

Why am I not feeling that tone?

I've been so focused
on making master chief,

I never really considered
the downside.

Welcome to the military, Ray.

Everything comes with a price.

You and I both know
there's only room on the team

for one master chief,

and this is everything
Jason has.

The only way he is leaving Bravo

is feet first.

So you want to think
about another unit?

Got some retirements coming up.

I thought about that,
but I can't help but feel like

if I leave Bravo,
I'd be letting the team down.

I'm also wondering if

making master chief
is the best thing for my family.

Not sure I follow.

Thinking about bypassing
master chief

and going the warrant officer
route instead.

That's a big change. It's
a different path than the one

you've been humping
all these years.

Yeah, but it's a big
pay bump on the home front

and keeps me with Bravo.

As Bravo 2.

Means you won't ever be
running a team of your own,

but it does open up
a lot of opportunities

beyond what you'd have
as master chief.

You'll be a go-to authority
on special activities.

Being an officer
would change your life

in more ways than one, Ray.

A lot of people will be
looking to you for answers.

But you do know what this means
in terms of the team, right?


I know exactly what it means.

This is Angel 5 for Havoc Base.

This is Angel 5 for Havoc Base.

Angel 5, this is Havoc Base.

We're approximately
one hour out from our drop.

That's a good copy. Break.

Bad news, Havoc.

I'm receiving word the plant
has been att*cked.

We believe it's fallen
to Armenian militia.

That's a good copy,
Angel 5. Stand by.

This operation's no longer
about assisting and advising.

This is an as*ault.

Primary critical node
for the plant

is inside the control room.
It may or may not be guarded.

Meyers lost contact
with the soldiers.

We don't know
if they're still alive.

And as of now, we don't know
how many enemy you'll be facing.

All right, look,

we'll have two teams.
We'll hit the east

and the west side of the plant.

Ray, you got Trent,
Brock, Full Metal.

Enter from here, the rest of us
will hook up with Meyers,

meet you in the control room.
Copy that.

30 minutes to drop.
Get yourself jocked up ASAP.

The drop
zone. Zero-two-zero flight...

Five minutes out.

Say again, five-zero-four...

Flight is two-one-zero
at four, report...

report two minutes.

how you hear me?

Maiden zero-one-zero.

Got you loud and clear, sir.
What's your progress?

Final flaps are set.

Three-quarter flaps at

Roger. Thanks. You can go
to max and three-quarter flaps.

That looks good.

we show you at one-4,000...

At, uh, ten... zero,
we're going VFR.

It'll be around the same rating
that, uh, we're going with.

Copy. We can confirm
current altitude at...

One minute!


Copy. Traffic at one o'clock.

Affirmative. We have traffic...

All right, it's time to drop!

At one-3,000, eight-four-zero.

Three, two, one. Green light.

Looks like Meyers
and host nation forces ahead.

Angel 5?Yes. Rich Meyers.

Jason Hayes. Clay. Sonny.

Rest of my team's approaching
from the water on the west side.

So you got a sitrep?

The soldiers who were holding
the plant are presumed dead.

Armenian militia
now have control.

What's their endgame? Control the plant
and use it as leverage

to force concessions
over Nagorno-Karabakh.

It's imperative that
we retake the plant

before the militia
starts cutting power.

That could throw this
entire region into anarchy.

You got a "best way" in?

From the ground, up a
ladder on the east side.

Breach the door on the top deck,
you're inside,

maybe 75 yards
to the control room.

All right, 30 mikes,
we hit the plant.

Havoc, this is 1.
Heading to target.

That's good copy, Bravo 1.

ISR's online. We're ready here.

Where's our water team?

Moving and moving fast.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2.

We are two mikes out
from target.

Strong copy, 2.
We'll see you on the inside.

Bravo 1 out.

Bravo 1,

be advised ISR is picking up
what appear to be

two enemy combatants
near the west entry point.

Roger that.


You and your men
set a security perimeter.

No one follows us. Copy that.

We're moving.

Clay, overwatch.

Havoc, this is 1,
passing Jericho.

Good copy, Bravo 1.

1, this is 2,
approaching the plant.

Copy, 2.

Charlie Mike.

Looks like I owe
somebody a beer.

J, up top.

Blue, blue.

1, this is 2.

Be advised, we are at
the east side breach point,

and will be in the control room
in four mikes.

Copy, 2. Charlie Mike.

We'll be there in three.

Trent, pry it.

Havoc, this is 1,
we've reached our breach point.

This tech and this
firepower's way more

than these cowpokes should have.

No way that's Armenian militia.

Who the hell are we fighting?

Havoc, this is 1.

Yes, sir. Bravo 1, go for Havoc.

Be advised,
we have an unknown number

of unidentified
enemy combatants on target.

They're employing heavy

and light machine g*ns,
as well as drones.

Roger that. How far are you
from the control room?

Headed to the lower deck now.

Roger that. Havoc out.

Call the Agency. See if they
can tell us what's going on.

Get on it.
I want to know everything.

Somebody missed
something big here.

Blow it.


2, this is 1.
Entering lower deck.

Copy that. Moving in
on the control room now.

Jason's right. Fancy gear
for local militia.

Yeah. These weapons,

high-speed kit,
body armor, night vision.

Seen this before
in Syria and Iraq.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.

Request a P.I.D.
on an enemy k*lled on target.

Stand by to receive
my transmission.

Good copy, Bravo 2. Standing by.

The I.D. is processing
now, ma'am.

I think I know why we're facing
so much resistance.

Ali Nemati. Iranian. Former
general of the Quds Forces.

Holy hell.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.
Be advised, new intel indicates

enemy are likely
Iranian contractors,

operating as mercenaries.

It's our assumption
that the combatants are likely

to sabotage the plant. Mercenaries?

Tehran destroys the plant,
they got mayhem in the region

with total deniability.

Change of command ceremony
doesn't sound so bad after all.

Contact! Run!

What the hell?!

Holy hell.

They just blew a transformer.

Bravo 1, opp forces
blowing the transformers.

You need to move
on that position now.

Roger that, stand by! We got to move!

We can't stay here much longer!

Only way to transformers
is straight ahead.

You do realize that
the enemy's straight ahead.



That's two! How many dang
transformers they got here?

Bravo 1, this is Havoc. ISR
registered a heat signature

from another large expl*si*n.

Break, interrogative,

will you be able to push
forward to the transformers?

Not until we clear the enemy.

Bravo 1, they take out one
more and we lose the plant.

Copy, Havoc. We're pinned down.

We got to pull back.

Bravo 2, what's your location?

Bravo 1, we're holding outside
the control room.

Pull back
to the production deck.


We got to pull back!

Retreat is not a plan, Jace!

Hey, trust me, Sonny.
Move, move!

Hey. Hold here, hold here.

Bravo 2, pins are set.

How far out are you?

Just landed.

Clay, Trent, transformers. Move.

Roger that.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 6.

Good copy, 6.

Meyers and his crew
will finish the lockdown.

Exfil to the rally point.

Well, that one got
a bit out of hand.Mmm.

I never imagined we'd get into
a gunfight with some Iranians.

Well, it still beats
having to sit through

a change of command ceremony.

Smart, you got a P.I.D.

on the fly there, Ray.

Not my first rodeo, man.

You don't do that,
they blow the transformers

before we even get
our heads on straight.

Not a big deal.

Cheers. Cheers, boys.

Here's, here's to Raymond.

Hell yeah, Raymond.


I should've seen
the Iranian angle.

Why? No one else did.

No intel on your desk
to indicate that.

Can't interpret something
that doesn't exist.

Look, there's always gonna be
unknowns on target, Davis.

My job is to be better
than that.

Beat yourself up all you want...

but you cannot connect dots
that aren't there.

Ensign Davis.

Since our, uh,
lovely evening was cut short,

may I suggest that we pick up
from where we left off

with some dinner, huh?

Finish with some breakfast? Mmm.

Well, I would love to,
but I've got to debrief.

They're waiting for me
in the Ops Center.

Ah, roger that.

Rain check.Sure.

Hey. Hey.

I'm glad you're back.

It's a good thing, we don't
have to reschedule Drake.

So, the candidate office
has it all set up.

We'll get there about 7:00,
knock back a couple drinks

and I'm thinking Drake
should be there by 8:00.

I can't, uh, I can't be there
Friday night, Dad.

Okay. Well, then, we'll just
reschedule for another night.

I can't do another night.
I can't do it, period.

What are you talking about?

Drake's our man.
You can close this.

We're this close. Mmm.

We got our, uh, new CO, Lindell.

He, uh, he called me in, he said
he's doing a bunch of new things

to help operators
with TBIs, vets.

He said what-what we're doing
could, uh...

He said what we're doing
could jeopardize his plans.

And you told him to stick it
where the sun don't shine.

Not exactly.

Since when did you start
listening to your elders?

Well, I figured that, uh,
guy with the fruit salad

on his uniform has a better
chance of changing things

than an E-5 and a news pundit.

Mm-hmm. And what happened
to making a difference?

Fighting the system?

I mean, this guy
could just be all talk.Yeah.

Well, I don't know. Then we'll,

you know, we'll regroup,
figure it out, all right?

But I got to see what
Lindell's made of.

I joined this fight
because of you, Clay.

I mean, I like having something
that we do together,

you know,
like a normal father and son.

We're making some progress here.

I know.

Doing this with you,

not being at each other's
throats all the time,

I wouldn't trade it
for anything.

But when I was injured, all I
could think about was operating.

Just getting back to my team.

That's it. That's all I wanted.

I can't be out again, Dad.

If I keep going down
this road with you,

I might take myself out.

I'm sorry.

Kicking in doors
was the best part of my life.

Until I took this up with you.

You being a SEAL, son,

I cannot tell you
how proud of you I am.

And if you want to operate,

you don't let anything
get in your way.

Look, I did more research.

These are all
in a good school district,

and they're all
in our price range.

Yeah, and none of them
as good as the one you want.

I mean, those houses
are perfectly fine.

Fine isn't good enough
for my wife.

What are you going on about?

I mean, master chief or not,
that house is out of our budget.

I'm gonna try
for warrant officer.

Ray, you've wanted
to run your own team

for as long as I've known you.

Yeah, I wanted to be
a master chief.

But I got to take care
of my family, babe.

That's my priority.

Warrant officer's
what I want now.

Uh, are you sure?
I mean, I don't want you

giving up your dream
for a bigger house.

Babe, I thought about
it, I prayed on it.

It's what's right for us,
it's what's right for me.

It's what I want.

Well, then,
it's what I want, too,

Warrant Officer Perry.

What about Jason?

What about him? You'll be an officer.

Not enlisted. I mean,
won't you outrank him?

How is he gonna take that?

Jason will be fine.

Hi, Dad.

I wasn't sure how long you'd be
gone, so I bumped up my flight.

Sorry we didn't
have more time together.

I hope you like the very,
very small changes

I made to the dirt hole
you call an apartment.

Don't bother looking for the
bar of soap, I threw it away.

I love you. Emma.