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04x07 - Part VII

Posted: 11/25/21 07:17
by bunniefuu
Was it you that broke into
the house the other day?

No. Guess you're making
enemies around here.

Uh, my friend here
had a little accident,

and she won't let me
take her to the hospital.

Brandon may have been the
last person to see Percy alive.

That's why I need your help.

What would Brandon
have wanted with Percy?

This has nothing to do with Percy.

He took a b*llet in
the back of his head.

My father is innocent, and you know it.

Don't let that guy... that
Portland guy... distract you.

I'm sorry. There's no room
for you on this anymore.

Do you know what Brandon
was up to in your boatyard?

Let this go and move on.
That's what I had to do.




You never stop.

It's almost like you want to die.

I found something.

I'll clean you up in my office.

She brought him here. What do we do?




- Almost done.
- I-I...

All right, all right, all right.

Yeah, it's just...


They're still coming for me.

It's not gonna be good
if they show up here.

Hold on, hold on.

Sean? Get us an Ace bandage.

Got it.

So who were those guys?

I was gonna ask you the same thing.

I didn't get a good look at 'em.

Some bad things are happening
at that boatyard...

Maybe prostitution ring...


They have some photo equipment and...

So, uh, what happened out there?

I'll tell you later.


Wait. Don't want to take
any phone calls right now.

- It's Colin.
- I know.


What the hell's going on?

Leave us for a minute.

Who came after you?


The man you need to
look into is Don Lanier,

not my Colin and not my Sean.

How'd you know where to find
me back there in the woods?

I saw your car at his boatyard.

I drove around till I found you.

You're welcome.

I'm not taking any chances.

Like not trusting my sons?

So what's your plan?

I'm not sure.

Well, you can't just be
running around out there...

- Here...


- Okay.
- Hold on.

I didn't have to save you.





There's something you need to know.


One had a shotgun.

The other had a r*fle with a scope.

He had me in his sights.


I don't believe this.
This whole island's falling apart.

Did you... did you see the men?

It was too dark.

Don Lanier... what is it with that guy?

Don Lanier is not a criminal.

The only thing he's running
is the church boat race.

Maybe he's taking payments
for looking the other way.

It just doesn't fit.

Look, I think we should bring
Detective Brooks in on this.

No, no, no, no.

We can't get too many
people involved with this.

Those guys'll cover their tracks,

like they did with Brandon.

Mike Lam k*lled Brandon. We got DNA.

What do you mean DNA?


I'm not supposed to talk about it.

- It's classified.
- Lou...

- What did they find?

They found DNA all over
Brandon's lobstering gloves.


Brandon wasn't wearing gloves.

Well, he had been.
They were in the helm.

The helm? I checked that whole boat.

You missed 'em. We're
pressing charges now.

There wasn't anything there.

Who found the gloves?

Who on the team found them?

I don't know. It was
one of Portland's guys.


Look, why don't we go sit
down with Detective Brooks?

- And we'll talk all this out together.
- Eh, that's all right.

I got to go.

Go? You got to fill out a report.


I'll be fine.



No, you're not listening.

Okay, we need someone
here, not on the phone.

Yeah, because they're breaking the law.

They've already had him
for two days... no charges.

Yeah, now...

f*ck this.

We're getting another lawyer.

What are you talking
about? What did he say?

- Well...
- Ah, ah, ah, ah.

There's someone on the force here

who's building a case

with false evidence
against your husband.


That's why our lawyer's
talking about bargaining.

This whole thing is ridiculous.

Mike has never shot a g*n in his life.

Was there something
he saw two nights ago?

I'm just curious about
what he told the police.

The truth. And it only
made things worse.

It's the only way we're
gonna clear him of this.


Look, I'm not working
with the police anymore.

What'd he see?

Mike was checking our traps.

Someone keeps cutting our lines.

Yeah, not "someone." Colin Muldoon...


Mike saw Brandon in a boat...

and people.



Hurry, come on, move, move! Come on!

- Let's go, ¡vamos!
- Rápido.
Come on.

Come on, let's go!

Come out, come out, now.

- A group of people, he said.
- Come on!

They all moved from Brandon's boat

- to the other one.
- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Was it both men and women?

The boats split up after that.

It was a handoff... part
of a smuggling route.

- You mean like dr*gs?
- No.


- How do you know that?
- Canada's so close.

You remember all those
people from Portland

who wanted us to hire them?

Many of them from Central America?

- Yeah.
- Maybe they just keep going north.

Promised jobs.

Probably pay to get smuggled
over another border.

Imagine what happens
to some of the women.

You know, I found an abandoned boat

where it looked like there were people

who had been staying there,
and there was a setup...

taking pictures,

maybe for fake IDs.

Those aren't easy to make.

Have you heard of anybody out here

who does that sort of thing?

Okay, my parents weren't smuggled here.

Not saying that.

I know someone.

You do?


There's a buoy shop,

just past Route .






There's nothing here.

I've got a cash drawer in the store.

That's all right. Come here.

Just take whatever you want.

I don't want your money.

I want you to sit, right here.




There's a folder that's
locked... transport.

Open it up.

Why? There's nothing there.

Just open it.

[g*n COCKS]



You have a sideline making
fake Canadian IDs, don't you?

Look, man, you can't just
come into my place...

I saw it... where those people
are kept in the boatyard.


Did that girl tell you about me?

Some girl came here?

Percy Muldoon.

Okay. What happened?

It's nothing.

- She just came into the store.
- No, no, no, no.

She had something on you, didn't she?

You made a fake ID for this
woman to get into Canada.

- You got the wrong guy.
- No.

I found your name in
Brandon Keyser's things.

Her name, too.

I've seen the boatyard...

where the people are held.

You make them IDs, and they're
shipped out the next morning.

I'm telling you, I don't know
what you're talking about.

You can tell me now,

or we can let the police decide for us.

Hold on.

Just what do you want?

I want to find her.

I don't have anything to
do with where they go.

Who pays you?

Brandon hooked me up with
them. I've never met 'em.

You're a piece of shit, you know that?


- I'm helping them.
- You're helping sell them!

All I do is make a little piece

of official bullshit
so they got options.

She paid $ , to get
brought into Canada.

She was promised a job.
Now she's missing.

Her brother down in
Portland can't find her,

so he gave me this.

She's gone.

You want to guess where she is now?

What? So you're the white superhero now?


They send you the photos,
and you make the IDs.

- Who picks them up?
- f*ck you.


Whatever happened to her, that's on you.


I put the IDs on the dock after sundown.

Next morning they're gone.
That's all I know.

So you put 'em on the dock.

In a dry box.

And you never see who picks them up?

Come on, you must have
seen something, right?

I can't tell you that, man.
They'll come after me.

I've got kids.

I understand. Believe me.

I know, but you're never, ever
gonna be dragged into this, okay?

I'm gonna get to 'em first.

I promise.

I only ever saw their boat...

black with a red stripe

and a motor that ran close to silent.



Hey. I need to ask you something.

Yeah. I was just gonna call you.

Yeah? Is everything okay?

- They, uh... they broke into my house.
- Who?

I don't know, but they
completely trashed it.

I was too scared to
stay there last night.

I don't know where to go.

I've been tracking some people.

I think this might all be connected.

Uh, look, uh,

any chance you've seen a boat
that has a black hull, red stripe,

has a very quiet motor?

An old black island skiff?
Like a skimmer?

I'm not sure. I wouldn't know that.

Well, that must be it.

An old boat with a
high-end motor is rare.

I logged it for repair last year.

You know whose boat it is?

I don't know. I don't remember.

Listen, all the info's at the office,
so, uh, meet me there.


- Harry.
- Hey.


Red stripe.

Black hull, red stripe.

We can't stay here too much longer.

Here, I got it. Right here.

A service guy brought the boat in.

Owner's name is Verne Novak.

Looking up registration.

Novak... -year-old male...

place of residence, Goose Rock.

Where's that?

It's one of the Gifford Islands.

Private territory.

The whaler outside... does
that belong to the office?


Those the keys over there?


But shouldn't we call Chief Raskin
or the mainland police first?

- Harry.


You can't go out there by yourself.

It's all right.

You could be totally outnumbered.

You have no idea.

At least got to find out
who we're dealing with.

Okay, so you get to this
Novak guy. Then what?

We'll see.

You should be calling for backup.

No, it'll just be procedures
and clearances.

We'll lose our opening.

Harry, whatever you think
you're gonna do out there,

it's not gonna solve anything.

This is bigger than you.

No, I started it.

It's putting people in danger...
you, for one thing.

They came for you.

- My fault.

That's your guilt driving you.

More ego.

Can you...


Calling her one last time?

It might be what you want...

but you know it'll only scare her.

I don't blame you for not trusting me.

Whatever you find,

I'd appreciate you coming to me first.


- Okay.

When? So...

So what...


He's a f*cking weirdo.

That's good.

What about his house?

Brother, you see... you
see and hear anything...

Yeah, okay, I got... I got to go.

Yeah, okay, bye.

Hello, again.

I didn't think you'd get here so soon.

Had to wait.

Saw you had company.


Yeah, Meg Muldoon said you'd be coming.

She said that, uh,
you were looking for...

Ah, ah, ah. Don't move.

If I don't turn that off,

the smoke alarm will
call the fire department.

Go ahead.

Thank you. It's good
beef. I like it rare.


What you got going with Meg Muldoon?

Huh? She got a thing for you?


'Cause you know she wanted
to make a deal to spare you?

Yeah? What kind of deal is that?

Oh, if she could get
you to stay quiet...

leave on the next ferry,
would I let you go?

See, I got a feeling that
that's just not gonna happen.

All right.

Everyone has a price.

Come on, man, what's yours?

To overlook your smuggling ring?

I don't think so.

I don't know what you're
talking about, man.

Brandon Keyser.

He cut you out of some profits,

so you had to take him out.

I heard they got DNA
on some Chinese guy.

I wonder who told you that?

I got reliable sources.

Same one who came up with the
idea of planting gloves probably.

Look, I just...




Okay. Okay.

So what are we gonna do
now... eat stir fry and talk?

Percy Muldoon...

did she get in your way?

You try to shut her down, too?

That girl jumped from a cliff.

You know that, 'cause you saw her jump.
: : , --] : : ,

Harry, what's going on?

Brooks wants you back here.

A man's been shot.

He's still alive, but you better
get a medic out here right away.

What? Are you serious?

It's Goose Rock.


Hey, the police aren't gonna help you.

[GRUNTS] The night she died,
the Muldoon girl went to the cops.

And you saw how well
that turned out for her.

The guy who called this in
is armed and unpredictable,

so be careful, all right?


Police! We're coming in!

He's down there.



Brandon Keyser's k*ller.

That's the g*n he used.

- Here.
- Don't touch anything.

Okay. Go ahead.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can

and will be used against
you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed to you.

Verne Novak's pressing charges.

There's not much question here...

We got you on trespassing,
breaking and entering,

- as*ault with a deadly w*apon.
- Hold on.

You have a m*rder case, right?

You have everything you
need to arrest Novak.

- So you keep saying.
- Check the ballistics.

Novak's g*n... it's gonna be a match

to the b*llet that came
out of Brandon's head.

And Mike Lam is not your guy.

We've got a pretty solid case
against Mike Lam already.

Based on illegal evidence.

Chief Raskin told me your theory.

Who do you think planted
that evidence, huh?

You should look into it.
Why haven't you?

The case that you need to build
right now is against Novak.

You tell me... why would Verne
Novak want to k*ll Brandon Keyser?

Novak has an operation,

and he might have wanted
to put it on pause

because of all the attention
that's on Percy Muldoon.

And Brandon might've had another
idea, got a little greedy

and tried working around him.

The operation...

you mean the migrants
coming up through Portland

spending the night on Hanover Island?

Yeah, so Chief here has filled you in.

Just want to make sure
I'm getting it right.

So these people come up...

No, I know the tactic
here with the suspect.

You're getting me to repeat myself,

and you're looking for inconsistencies,

and I don't want to do that.


So these migrants spend the night
on, uh, some abandoned boat...

Named "Valerie," in
Don Lanier's boatyard.

So, once the Canadian IDs are forged,

these people are brought
out to rendezvous

with a Canadian vessel?

Yeah, brought out by
certain boat operators

living here in Clark Harbor.

Seems like it's been
going on for a long time.

It's hard to believe
that nobody noticed.

And that phone...

you want to run a report
on Novak's phone.

You want to see who he called.

There's probably some pretty
nervous people out there.

Can I get a minute
alone with him, please?

[SIGHS] Yeah. I'll pick this up later.



You got to stop, Harry.
You're out of control.

Yeah, I'll stop...

when the operation's closed down.

No one's planting evidence here.

It doesn't make any sense.

What? Are you thinking that I did it?

You tell me.

You're forcing my hand here.

I don't want to fight you
on this... I really don't.

Who was on duty the
night that Percy died?


She came here to the station.

She was looking for help.

Who told you that?

Verne Novak.

You're gonna believe him?

Were you on duty that night?


You need to think about
getting yourself a lawyer.

: : , --] : : ,


Okay, he's gone.

- Tom. Tom!
- What?

Hey, Klesko, wait...

- This way, come on.
- Find his car?

Just heard it's still at the boatyard.
: : , --] : : ,

- He's not down here.

Check outside!




Harry's car is still in the boatyard,

so he's got to be on foot.

Let's just put out an alert.

That's why you need an interview room

with a door and a lock.

Yeah, well, this is what we've got here.


I knew that guy was
bad news from the get.

Yeah, yeah. Listen, listen, listen.

On the night that, uh, Percy died,

- you were on duty, right?
- Which night?

The Saturday she disappeared.

- Did you see her?
- No.

She didn't come by the station?

What do you mean? Of course not.

She didn't come in here asking
you for help during your shift?


I would have told you, if I'd seen her.


Uh, nothing.

Forget it.


- Hey, Josh.
- Hey, Percy.

You okay?

- Can I talk to Lou?
- He's off tonight.


Hey, what happened there?

Oh, um...

nothing. I'm... I'm fine.

Can we call Lou? There's
something I need to...

I don't even know what to call it.


It's... it's too f*cked up.
Can we just call Lou?

If I call him at home,

I at least have to tell
him what it's about.

I think people are being...


on Hanover Island.

What do you mean?

They're being brought
up to Canada for jobs...

illegally, but...

bad things are happening
to some of them.

One woman's gone missing.

How do you know this?

I think some people from
Clark Harbor are involved.

- Who?
- Can we just call Lou?

You know them?


One of them is Brandon Keyser.

And Don Lanier is involved,
too, and probably others.

Holy shit.

Okay. Shit. Let me call Lou.

Hey, sorry to be calling so late.

We've got a situation here.



Okay, o-okay.

Lou says to come over right now.

- To... to his house?
- Yeah.

Did you tell anyone else about this?

No. Not yet.

Hey, wasn't that...

Doesn't Lou live on Durham Point Road?

We're not going to Lou's.

Where are we going?

You just have to trust me on this, okay?

Where are we going?

You'll understand when we get there.

You didn't call Lou, did you?


Josh, stop the car.

- Stop the car.
- Just hold on a minute.

I told you I could provide evidence.

Trust me. You don't want to do that.



Thanks, Josh. We'll take it from here.

You know about this, too?


Come on, Percy, Let's talk.

I'm not going with you.


Come on.


- What happened?
- Stop.


Well, you look exhausted.

You want to come in?

I saw you out at Goose Rock...

Verne Novak's house.


I saw you in your boat when
you left his place today.

You've been stringing me along...

all this time.

- You don't understand.
- I think I do.

I just met Verne Novak today.

I didn't know anything about him before.
: : , --] : : ,
I didn't know anything
at all until today.

How'd you find out?

Did your sons finally let you
in on the family secret?

There is no family secret...

and you need to let this go for good.

Forget about Percy.

Go home.

You asked me to do this.

That's over now.

You're gonna turn your back on Percy.


Just to save your sons?

I'm trying to save what I
have left, and please...

Colin and Sean...

they're in deep with this racket.

I know that.

And Percy must have found out.

Who was she supposed to turn to?

It could have been what
drove her to do what she did.

Don't you dare say that!

It's more than just her
blood on their hands.

Someone else died.

Who was it?

Make this right...

for Percy.

Let me put it this way,

and maybe you'll finally get it.

You're not safe here if you stay.