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05x05 - The Searchers

Posted: 11/25/21 07:14
by bunniefuu
[rock version of "Deck the Halls" playing]

Partner, today we take our first swing

at starting a life
in the wet dream factory.

Our future is on the other side
of this sad and filthy door.

Let me do the talking.

- [grunts]
- [barking]

- [g*n cocks]
- Back away, or I'll blast you in the face!

Mr. Teatson, we'd be honored
to take a load in the face from you.

[Rosie] f*cking mayor,
shoving his tollway in my face.

Let me slam a float into that cr*cker,

they would've thrown my ass to the crowd
instead of those turkeys.

This turkey's pretty good though.

I know how savory it is!


I am stopping that tollway today!

It's time to score one for the little man.

Ho, ho, ho.
Any minute now, Santa will arrive

to throw open the stores for wonderful
day-after-Thanksgiving sales!


And we politely ask that you storm in
for bargains in an orderly fashion.


Anyone gets in my way,
I'll s*ab 'em in the guts!

And keep-a the Christ in Christmas-a!

Look, Megan, it's almost Santa time!

She doesn't speak English, Mom.

Alice speaks English.

Kevin, this is a family day.
Try to forget about Alice

You heard your mother.
Get Christmassy, g*dd*mn it!

I can't.

Everywhere I look, she's there.

She's there.

She's there.

She... Holy sh*t, she really is there!

Oh, Alice, I miss the smell of your hair!

You're gonna miss your head
from your body, you f*ck!

- [panting] Alice?
- [Randy] Still me, assh*le!

Ah, he's hopeless.
At least Bill's making me proud.

Boys, it's almost go time.

Now remember, these people
may be your friends and neighbors,

but when these stores open,

they will trample a one-legged invalid

just to save a buck
on one of those dolls that pisses itself.

So, stand behind us when the sh*t
goes down at Santa's Wonderland.

Eh, good job, Billy!

Honey, I'm gonna sneak out early.

I got some shopping to do for Mrs. Claus.

Come on, Frank.
You're not shopping. Don't lie to me.

You're gonna go on a wild-goose chase
with that key you found.

Sue, I swear to you,
this isn't a wild-goose chase.

- It's a regular-goose chase!
- [scoffs]

This key is the one.

It has a on it.
I just have to find out where it fits.

Frank! This is our family day.

Come on, who's kidding who?

We all know this family's happiest moments
are when I walk out that door.

I hear the applause.

When I see you tonight,
I'll have this all figured out. Mwah.

Don't wait up.


- ["Jingle Bells" playing]
- [crowd cheering]

Here comes Santa!

[woman] Santa!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

What about the Jews, you frozen dildo?

That was for you, Alice!

Are you here?

Santa's got a sack full of toys
for children of all ages!

Oh, you think, because you were wearing
a Santa suit, that suck job was free?

Give me that bag!

Oh, Mommy's got your Christmas, Quincy!
And like Santa, it came early.

[grunts] You promised Santa eye contact,
and you never looked up once!

- [Santa grunts]
- Oh, free goodies!

[Skeeball] All right,
let's all just stay calm.

- [Santa screams]
- [crowd clamoring]


You just f*cked
with the wrong little warrior!

- [screams]
- [punch lands]

- [grunting]
- These animals get worse every year.

Don't worry, sir.
Rustvale's finest are here to protect you.

We're going in, boys. Watch and learn.

- [hits landing]
- [crowd clamoring]

Our first riot.

Thank you, Santa.

["Come and Get Your Love"
by Redbone playing]

♪ Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love
Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love now ♪

♪ Come and get your love
Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love now ♪

[grunts, screaming]

♪ Come and get your love
Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love now ♪

♪ Come and get your love
Come and get your love ♪

♪ Come and get your love now ♪


[sirens blaring]

[Sue] This'll be fun, Maureen.

A shopping day for just the Murphy girls,
doing girl stuff.

Let's get your father
some underwear for Christmas.

Oh, Bridget's here!

She can help me fix Daddy.

Bye, Mom! Don't wait up!

Hmm. Well, guess
it's just you and me, Megan.

Oh, she can't understand English.

I know that, but everyone else left me!

Want to use the evil eye
to summon my grandpa's spirit?

Does my dad steal coins from the fountain?


Oh, a -cent piece!

I'm keeping you somewhere safe.

Num. [gulps]
See you in three days, Mr. President.

[baby crying]

Please stop crying. Please stop crying.

Isn't it enough you kept me up all night?
Please stop.

I will do anything!

I will k*ll a nun!

Hey, Vic, uh,
let me show you a little trick.

[baby stops crying]

I get it, Susie Q.
Like rolling a tight fatty.

Or swaddling a baby.

[both babbling]

Look at that connection.
Just like me and Frank.


Listen, I'm having a few friends
with little ones over at my house later,

and you and Megan should come by.

Oh, Vic, thank you so much,
but I don't think so.

I've got lots of stuff to do today...

with the family.

Oh, yeah, staring at your feet.
That's a party.

Don't go too crazy now.

[man on radio] And when that young man
opened the box his late father left him,

he found a note from his dad saying,

"You will grow up to achieve fame
throughout the world."

And that young man's name?

The guy who k*lled William McKinley.

Lucky no-name bastard.

[radio DJ] Here's a song about another man
on a search for meaning,

the background music for your life.

♪ All over this world ♪

♪ All over this world ♪

♪ All my troubles will soon be over ♪

♪ All over this world ♪

♪ All over this world ♪

♪ All over this world ♪

♪ Worry and strife will soon be over ♪

♪ All over this world... ♪

I need a ticket to the city
with the fewest Italians in it.

That would be Rome, New York.

[Lou] Leaving town, Robert?

Have you forgotten
about the money you still owe me?

If I say yes, does that mean
I don't have to pay you?

- [grunts]
- No! No! Please!

My ticket's nonrefundable!

Come on.

[grunts] You son of a bitch.

Hey! Leave that alone, you hobo!

I'm not a hobo.
I'm just a lost soul looking for answers!

Well, unless you're catching a bus
or cruising for anonymous sex,

get the f*ck out of my station!

- [truck engine starts]
- [gasps]

Hey! Hey! You can't tow me!
I had the flashers on!

That's the international symbol
for "I'll be right back"!

♪ All over this world ♪

[sighs] Even when you're dead,
you're still a pain in my ass.

Working the mall
really paid off this year.

Nothing like a nice riot

to make the store owners
appreciate what we do for them.

- So they just give you money?
- Give? Ha, we earn it.

Do you boys have any idea
the balls it takes

to walk up to a car you just pulled over
at two o'clock in the morning,

not knowing what's on the other side
of that window,

or if you'll ever see
your wife and kids again?

I'm in my jammies by seven, so, no.

This is a tip of the cap for what we do
the rest of the year. Understand?

Yes, Officer O'Rourke.

So some day when I'm a cop,
I might get a tip?

You probably won't live to see that,

but since it's Christmas,
step into the evidence cage,

or as we call it, "the gift shop."

You fellas go in there
and take one thing each

from the bin marked "inadmissible."

- [clears throat]
- Just don't take g*ns!

Those are for our kids.

- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!

Oh, maple-syrup stogies!

I'm Colt Luger's friend who tells him
what the word on the street is

and then gets k*lled!

I got cartoons!

They were seized in a tax fraud case.

Willfully failing to file a tax return?

Oh, that's what Al Capone did!

[kids imitating g*nf*re]

Bring me the stuff on this list,

and we can use it
to raise the spirit of your dead grandpa.

This looks like a shopping list for you.

"Cans of soup, toilet paper,
a training bra, syringes, hot dogs."

Not the snappy kind! Ghosts hate that.

Hey, this is important to me.

Me too. I need that bra.
My buds are about to pop.

I mean it! I have to talk
to my grandfather. [sniffles]

This is my chance
to be my dad's princess again. [cries]

[sighs] I'm sorry.

Okay, go home, get something
that belonged to your grandpa,

and meet me in the graveyard at sundown.

We'll summon
the restless spirit of the dead.

Just one hot dog. I don't even need a bun.

[upbeat music playing on TV]

Isn't this fun, Megan?

[cooing] Ah!

Yeah, I'm with you.

- [car door closes]
- Thank you, Funeral Academy of America.

[woman speaking indistinctly]

Oh, hell with it.

Huh? I'm sorry, Sue. Were we too loud?

I'll ask the babies to keep
the giggling down to a respectable level.

Actually, Vic, I thought we'd take you up
on your invitation.

All right! Put your binky in the bowl
and come on in!

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, everybody, this is Sue Murphy!

Sue, these are my closest parent friends.

Water Couch Guy, Van Mural Guy, Toad Guy,
and their lovely chicks.

- Oh, hi.
- [all] Hi.

- Hello.
- [Vic Junior crying]

A lot of young parents, huh?

Yeah, well, we all had babies
around the same time.

There must be something in the water.

- One, two, three, baby!
- [loud pop]

One, two, three, baby!



[groans] We're all out of weed,

and I still feel like sh*t.

You failed me!

- [doll]Dada.
- Whoa! Take it easy on the baby, Kevin.

What'd she ever do to you
except help you see dragons?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I just thought me and Alice
would be together forever.

That was never gonna happen.

Jewish girls date Gentile guys
for practice,

but they'll always marry a Jew.

No way, really?

Oh, yeah, it's in the Talmud,
and that's what I'm counting on.

I'm gonna be the dude
Sandy Moskowitz settles for

after she's done banging all
the Irish and Italian guys in my grade.

Well, too bad you're not Jewish.

[sighs] Stupid f*cking parents!



Mr. Hickelnuber, could you teach me
how to be Jewish real quick?

Mr. Teatson, we want to work for you.

You're our hero.

Your films have taught us
so much about life.

And f*cking.

Your early work revolutionized
the "slurp and derp."

That means the world to me.

We've watched the first two minutes
of your masterpiece, Sex College,

over a hundred times
at our hometown peep show emporium.

Please let us show you our original p*rn,
f*ck School.

Huh. That's a new area.

And it is making me a little horny.

Listen, I have a daisy chain in Van Nuys
I'm already late for, okay?

Come back at five, and if I'm still alive,

we can discuss your future in smut
over a Nicoise salad.

"Nicoise," that's French for "p*ssy."

[line ringing]

Come on, Sue. You got no life.
Pick up the g*dd*mn phone.

[Frank on recording] You've reached
the Murphy's. We're not here right now...

f*ck you and your phony chipper attitude!
You hate that machine!

Christ, your whole life's a lie!

- Frank Murphy!
- Smokey!

Oh, am I happy to see you.

They towed my car away.

You should've put your flashers on,
you dumb m*therf*cker!

I had them on the whole f*cking time!

Don't yell at me, Frank Murphy.

Ah, I'm sorry, Smokey. I'm all worked up.

Well, hop in. I'll give you a lift.

The impound lot's
next to the slaughterhouse.

Those cow K*llers love their Baby Ruths.

Breaking down a heifer
does a number on the blood sugar.

Speaking of which, take the wheel,
I'm going...

- I'm going out.
- Ah, sh*t.

Officer Glanney is so cool.
I wish I had him for a dad.

You know what? f*ck being a priest.
I'm just gonna be a cop now.

If Saint Peter won't let me into heaven,

I'll just plant some cocaine on him.

Oh, wow!

Look at that!

Song of the Slaves
starring Plantation Amos!

And it's a Sy Jewison!

Being a sl*ve must've been zany.

Let's go inside.

This is where I found
my love for musicals.

♪ Ooh, I saw Mary Poppins

♪ Then I jumped off the roof
With my umbrella ♪

♪ And I shattered my pelvis ♪

Three, please. We're with the force.

Oh, how adorable. Two dollars.

What the hell? We're junior cops!

We're out there
putting it on the line for you!

We don't know if we'll ever see
our wife and kids again!

That means
we're supposed to get free stuff.

Two dollars.

We don't have two dollars!

f*ck this place!

You know what we're gonna do?

Burn the mother to the ground?

No. We're gonna tip our caps to ourselves.

We can show your cartoons to kids
in the neighborhood and charge money.

We'll be showing initiative
and animated hijinks.

♪ And my wiener's stuck inside ♪

And then in ,

King Edward the First
threw all the Jews out of England.

He called it the "Edict of Expulsion."

The Jews called it Tuesday.

Uh, yeah, that's great,
but I have a question.

Do you think Alice will take me back
if I learn about Jewyism?

What if I get a perm?

Well, first of all, it's Judaism,

and secondly,
I have to get ready to walk to temple.

But here's something that'll tell you
all you need to know about our faith

in a way a youth like yourself
can relate to.

"Take my wife, please"?

This is perfect!

Thanks, Mr. Hamburger Helper.

It's Mr... [sighs]

Never mind.

Basically, if you licked a toad
anytime in the last three years,

chances are it might've come from my t*nk.

Okay. But my question was,
where are all the babies?

They're hanging ten on the water couch.

[babies giggling]

Oh, no, no, no, no! You can't leave a baby
on a couch like that. They could roll off.

So we should put them on the coke table?

No, no, that's not good either.

It's the only way we know
to get them to stop crying.

If you want them to calm down,
let's bring them over here on the floor.

[all] Oh!

- [woman] I never thought of that.
- She knows her sh*t, man.

She's got four young'uns.

[all chattering in amazement]

You must have loved
every second of pregnancy.

[chuckles awkwardly]

So I thought this key would fit
a lock around here somewhere,

but it didn't.

I might never know what my father
was trying to tell me when he d*ed.

Aw, Frank, that's rough.

You know,
I'm losing my house to a tollway.

Only thing I got in my fridge is onions.

I lost brothers and sisters
before they was .

And this morning,
a cop put a g*n to my head

and said he was gonna send me
straight to hell

if I didn't give him a box of Zagnuts.

I'm real sorry
if you having trouble finding a keyhole.

Hey, come on! My key!

f*ck your key and your problems,
Frank Murphy!

Now, I'll take you to your car.

But first you got to help me
slide some Hershey bars,

and I'll fill your dumb ass up
with some wisdom.

Mayor Tangenti is trying
to destroy your neighborhood

just to get revenge on me.

Are we gonna let him get away with that?

[all] No!

- Maybe.
- Shut up, Reggie!

I've come up with a plan
to stop this tollway forever,

if we all sign this petition

to have the rec center labeled
a historic landmark.

I mean, this is where point shaving
was invented!

The people have a voice in this town!

[all cheer]

And we gonna send a message to the mayor
that is loud and clear!

- [man] Clear!
- That's what I said, clear!

- [man] No, get out of the way!
- What the f*ck? sh*t!

[all scream]

[yacht rock music playing]

♪ Sailing away, feelin' the breeze ♪

♪ Sunny day, lovin' the ease ♪

Sue, you finally found a use
for this boat rock sh*t.

It's like kiddie kush.

Thank you.

And doing the bicycle with their legs
gets the circulation going.

Plus, it's really cute.

[all] Oh.

[man] I never thought of that.

So insightful.
What do we do when we're done with this?

Well, you can roll them on their stomach.

- [Vic] Oh.
- [all gasp]

Holy f*cking sh*t!

- You don't understand, Smokey. I...
- I understand plenty!

You feeling sorry for yourself

'cause your dead daddy left you some box
somewhere in some f*cking place.

That don't mean d*ck.

I feel like I can't move forward
unless I find it.

And then maybe it'll explain
why my dad was the way he was to me.

Let me tell you what my brother said
right before he was ex*cuted.

Well, the very last thing he said was,
"Joke's on you, Warden."

"I haven't pooped since my bond hearing."

But what he said before that was this.

Don't let yourself become a hostage
to your past.

There's some things in life
you just can't change.

All you'll get
from trying to open it again

is a wound that'll never heal.

And that wound will scab,
and you'll want to pick it,

till you get a bigger wound
and a bigger scab.

Then you're all scab.

Next thing you know, a doctor
and four orderlies are strapping you down,

sticking needles all in you
to take away the pain.

Then you're hooked on that sh*t.

Then you follow the doctor home
to get more of them dr*gs.

And you k*ll him when he say
he don't keep dr*gs in the house. Idiot.

Then you wind up in the electric chair

with a belly full of last-meal chili
to sh*t all over the warden.

Here's your car, Frank.
And here's your key.

Now, if you're smart, you'll realize
it don't matter where it fit.

[Phillip] Step right up

for a night of never-before-seen,

bootleg Sleepy Ramirez cartoons.

You are the first kids to see these

aside from the Bangladeshi children
that animated them.

Are you ready for some fun?

[kids cheering]

Spirit of William F. Murphy,

we summon you from your tortured rest.

Tell us, what were you trying to say
to my dad when you d*ed?

And when two angels bone,
do they explode and become a star?

Grandpa Bill...

- We summon you!
- We summon you!


Is that you, Grandpa?


Oh my God,
his soul is anguishing in purgatory.

[Pogo groaning]


I guess we're even now.

You're very fair,
letting me just dig a hole

to square my thousands of dollars of debt.

Are you putting in a fountain?

You should've paid me, Robert.

You can't k*ll me here!
I'll never be found!

So babies shouldn't have chicken bones.

There's so much we can learn from you!

Can we do this every week?

Well, if you think I'd be helpful,
I could check my schedule.

I'll make it worth your while.

You got a gift, Sue,

so I want to give you something
that's very dear to me,

$ .

Oh, no, no, you don't have to.

I don't have a lot of money,

but let me know when you want
erotic art painted on your car.

My specialty is big-breasted Vikings,

but I can also do big-breasted dragons.

This is a Cambodian tree frog.

On the house.

Lick it and watch the Zapruder film.

Questions answered. Jackie did it.

Gee, thanks, but, uh, I'm trying to quit.

What the f*ck?

Please, no!
I'm not supposed to go like this!

A gypsy told me
I'd die on or around the Space Needle!


- We're making my grandpa mad.
- [Pogo] No!

- This was a bad idea.
- [Pogo] No!

- Don't go chicken-sh*t on me now.
- [Pogo] No!

- [gasps]
- [Pogo] Let me go!

- You're on your own, chicken-sh*t!
- Wait for me!

[both screaming, grunting]

Goodbye, my friend.

[Maureen and Bridget screaming]

It's the ghosts
of those circus midgets we k*lled!

They're all coming out of the same grave!

- [grunts]
- [mobsters] Ah!

Kneecapping really hurts!


Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

I will get you!

- Your melted ass is mine!
- [Pogo] Ah!

And so when God bestows
his blessings and gifts on you,

remember one thing,

keep it to yourself.

[all laugh]

He makes that same joke every single week,
and it's still funny.

[Kevin over PA] Test, test.
One, two, three.

- The shiksa's schmear schmells schwell.
- Kevin?

- Oh dear.
- Kevin!

Alice and your fellow tribesmen,
greetings and mazel.

I know I've caused you
a lot of "sh... shpilkes,"

but I was wondering if you could be
a mensch and forgive me.

And if you do, I'll be happy to schlep you
to and from school,

and you wouldn't even have to touch
my schmeckle.

What are you doing?

- He's compensating for the trauma...
- Shut up, Dad!

♪ Alice, I love you ♪

♪ I won't be clingy ♪

♪ That's not shmegeggy ♪

♪ Please take me back, hey! ♪

- [Pogo groaning]
- [Maureen and Bridget screaming]

It's the golem!

- Maureen?
- [Pogo screaming]

Holy f*ck!

[all gasp]

Don't worry, I got it. Now, where was I?

♪ Alice, Alice, Alice
I miss you every day ♪

[crowd screams]

Who is responsible
for this act of desecration?

I didn't mean to! I just asked for advice
from Mr. Holtenwasser.

You pick now to know my name?

- This was a fun day after all, wasn't it?
- [Megan giggling]

Uh, huh?

g*dd*mn kids!

Think electricity grows on trees?

Here you go, Mr. Teatson.

Several weeks in the making,

rescued from
an unconstitutional police raid,

but now in your hands.

Break out the lube
and grease up your tube.

We proudly present f*ck School.

[fanfare playing]

Animated p*rn.

Oh, this will k*ll in Japan.

If this is a cartoon,
then where the hell is f*ck School?

- [funk music plays]
- [woman on film] Professor Screw-well,

there must be some way for me
to make up being late to school.

You need an insertion of discipline.

- [woman moaning]
- [Red grunting]

- [door opens]
- Bill!

- [kids gasp]
- What the f*ck is this?

[kids clamoring]

- Dad!
- Bill!


Sue, don't look! Don't look!

Your daddy's got an uncut hog on his face!

Ugh! No, no, no!
Get it off me! Get it off me! [grunts]

- Ah!
- [electricity zapping]


I can't go on.

I can't go on.

Oh, what are you doing here?

This is my what-the-f*ck-
did-I-do-with-my-life bridge!

Hello, Rosie.

The most unbelievable thing
happened tonight.


I ran!

I wish I hadn't turned
that tree frog down.

I could really use a lick.

Sue, I can't unravel
a metaphor right now, okay?

I had a wall of dicks in my face today.

- Hey, guys.
- And here's another.

So, um, a... a rabbi
is gonna call you in a little bit.

Just know something, he is a liar.

[Frank] You've reached the Murphy's.
We're not here right now,

but if you can figure out
how to leave a message on this thing...

[chuckles] our guest.


[man]Hello, this is
Rabbi Moishe Feinstein

from Temple Beth Rustvale.

As you know, my faith prohibits me
from using a telephone on the Sabbath,

but a Gentile fireman...

Let's be honest, that's any fireman.

...has kindly dialed for me.

God forgives many sins but not arson,

especially of an anti-Semitic nature.

Unlike the burning bush,

the fire your son caused this evening

did consume
my temple's beautiful front lawn

and our sign,

which, of course, was donated
by Sammy Davis Jr.

when I helped him convert from Black.