09x25 - Just Desserts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x25 - Just Desserts

Post by bunniefuu »

We both knew how great
the reward would be if we had succeeded.

Punishment for failure...

...should be equally as great.

The one thing I feared most...

...was I was gonna die,
and you'd never know how much I love you.

Bobby proposed to Pam
the night before he d*ed.

Bobby was gonna marry me!

- What's this?
- Your lucky day.

This is a proposal to sell
Christopher's 30 percent of Ewing Oil.

Oh, my God, Bobby!

No, no, no!

Angelica Nero is a very elusive criminal.

She got away, didn't she?

The Marinos jet is gone.

We will still continue to search the island,
but it does not look too good.

- That's it?
- No.

Interpol has been alerted.

And we have every confidence
she will be apprehended.

In the meantime, we have you.

Well, we told you all we know.

Well, that remains to be seen.

So why don't we go over it
one more time, shall we?

You have stated that Dimitri Marinos
had been dead for five weeks.

You went to a great deal of trouble
to have a dead man host your party...

...a party which has left quite a mess
for me to clean up after.

She's already given you a statement.
What more do you want?

I am asking the questions,
Monsieur Ewing.

Need I remind you
of the gravity of your own situation?

Now, hold on.
Jack's done nothing wrong here.

He was impersonating a man
who no longer exists.

And I think you'll find that kind
of subterfuge is illegal in any country...

...certainly in mine.

Well, we didn't know Marinos was dead.

Angelica led us to believe that Jack's
appearance here was with his blessing.

So you said.

Mr. Ewing is telling the truth.

They knew nothing
about Angelica's plan.

Well, let's see if I can try
and understand this plan.

It doesn't take a genius
to figure that one out.

Really, Monsieur Ewing? How clever.

Look, Dimitri and Angelica
had a falling out.

The man knew he was dying...

...and he didn't want her to assume control
of his company after he'd gone.

So to make sure of that,
he changed his will.

Alex Garrett made me aware of that.

They got you for m*rder, Nicholas.

I sh*t the bowman in self-defense.

You're a lawyer.
You don't believe that's going to hold up.

Damn it!

If you don't cooperate,
I won't be able to help you.

Why would you wanna help me?

We each have something
that the other wants.

I want copies of the will you forged...

...and you want
a hell of an attorney to defend you.

We might be able to plea-bargain.

They want Angelica more than you.

All right.

But get these guys out of here.

Angelica was desperate,
she needed time to turn things around...

...make it seem
as if Dimitri had had a change of heart.

Now, his worsening physical condition
was ideal for her.

She was able to keep him in seclusion
while she looked for a double.

So a new will was created,
leaving her everything.

And with Jack Ewing
on her arm as Dimitri...

...it appeared to the world that Angelica
was truly his chosen successor.


Then all she had left to do was bump off
the impostor at an appropriate time...

...have a reading of the new will,
she would inherit Marinos Shipping...

...and nobody would be the wiser.

As we all know,
he has been dead for a few weeks.

But why did she still go through
with the assassination?

Nobody had seen him in years.

Angelica needed to show
that he was healthy and of sound mind...

...in order for this new will to hold up.

What better way
than to show him off in public?

And then k*ll him in public.
Quite a far-fetched scheme.

Don't you agree?

Well, she almost pulled it off.

Yes, she did.

Are we finished now?

Yes. But no doubt
I will have to contact you again.

Well, I'll do everything I can
to cooperate.

You and your cousin are free to go.

What about Grace?

Ah. Her involvement
is entirely a different matter.

Well, she saved our lives.
Surely we can work something out.

Well, perhaps if she were
to testify for the prosecution...


I'll testify.

Very wise choice, mademoiselle.

But unlike the Ewings,
you will have to remain on the island...

...until this case is resolved.

What if I took responsibility
for her return?

I'll see to it that she gets back
when you need her. You've got my word.

No, no, Monsieur Ewing.

Mademoiselle, you are released
on your own recognizance...

...but you will not be allowed
to leave Martinique.


I understand.

You may go.

Uh, I'll be along in a minute.

Altering the codicil was simple...

...but concealing the fact
that Dimitri was already incapacitated...

...was a bigger challenge.

But, uh...

We're going back to the villa. I think
it's time we had a little chat on the way.

He's singing like a bird.

I'll just need a few more minutes.
I'll join you outside.


It's almost 4 in the morning.
What's going on?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.

You didn't.

You wanna talk about it?

Do I have any choice?

Not really.

It's Jenna.


I thought we'd already agreed to leave
Jenna's problems to the psychiatrist.

I think I added to Jenna's problems
when I picked up John Ross.

Am I missing something?

I told her, Mark.

- Told her what?
- That Bobby and I were going to remarry.

Oh, boy.

I didn't mean to. It's just when she said
she was cheated out of marrying Bobby...

...something in me snapped, and before
I could stop, the truth just came out.

And she didn't take it well?

Well, to put it mildly.

Well, maybe it's better
that she finally learns the truth.

Well, that's just it. She thinks I'm lying.

And that surprises you?

Well, no, but it doesn't
make me feel any better either.

Look, you are not the one
who brought Jenna's problems on...

...and you're not gonna be the one
to make them go away.

I just wish I could do something to help.

Well, one thing at a time.

First, you're gonna get some sleep...

...then we will take a look at it
in the morning, okay?


Hey, Jack,
how long is it gonna take you to pack?

Not long.

Good. The sooner we get off
this island, the better.

There's a plane leaving at 9:00.
I want us to be on it.

It's nice to meet you.
Thanks for all your help.

What are lawyers for?

Nice to meet you, Mr. Garrett.

J.R., there are certain matters
I didn't want to discuss in the limo.

Yeah. I had that feeling.

Well, let's talk about it upstairs
while I throw my things together.

You took quite a chance tonight.

What do you mean?

Assuring the authorities
I'd show up in court.

After all the deception, all the lies...

...how can you still trust me?

You saved my life.


I'm gonna tell J.R. That I'm gonna stay.

I don't wanna leave without you.

No, Jack. It's better this way.

I meant it when I said I thought
we should try and start over again.

It would never work out.

Too much has happened.

Forget about the past.

If only I could.

But it has a way of catching up with us.

And I don't want to hurt you again.


Please, let's leave it at that.

Ever since I started this little game...

...I lived with the risk of betrayal.

Nicholas was a possibility.

But somehow, I just never thought...

...it would be you.

Don't bother.

Your revolver isn't there any longer.

We both knew how great
the reward would be if we had succeeded.

The punishment for failure
should be equally as great.

Don't you think so?

J.R., I think I should warn you,
as Dimitri's executor...

...I'm going to have to suspend
all operations initiated by Angelica.

- Does that include the drilling venture?
- Especially the drilling venture.

Well, shutting that down
could cost me a pretty penny.

Not to mention how bad
it would make Ewing Oil look.

If you could hold on for a few weeks,
I think I should be able to work things out.

The deal is a good one
for the Marinos estate.

It's the paper it's written on that's bad.

A few weeks, you say?

Three or four, tops.

All right, I appreciate you telling me this.

I guess I'll just have to ride out
the storm, won't I?

Keep you posted.

I'm counting on it.

Move? Where?

I'm not really sure yet.

But why?

We should've moved from Southfork
a long time ago.

But it's our home now.

It can never be that. Not without Bobby.

But all of our friends are here,
and I have school.

I never said leaving would be easy.

I don't wanna leave at all.

We've gotta go on with our lives.
Southfork is not a part of them anymore.

Is that what Dr. Ford said?

That is what I say.

We are leaving Dallas, and that is final.

You mean we're running away.

My mind is made up.

- Hey, Jack, let's get a move on, huh?
I'm ready.

The chauffeur's here.

- I just wanna say goodbye to Grace.
- Put that in the car.


Come on, Jack, just open the door.




I really couldn't leave
without saying goodbye.

Oh, my God.

My island was quite a peaceful place
until you and your cousin came along.

We didn't have anything to do with this.

That appears to be true,
but appearances can be deceiving.

Do I look like a k*ller?


You look like a very rich man who made
a very poor choice in business partners.

Well, I might be guilty of that.

Monsieur Ewing, there is still much
that needs to be answered.

You'll get all the answers you need
when you find Angelica Nero.

Are you sure that she pulled the trigger?

Or ordered somebody to do it.
Is there a difference?

No, I guess not.

I assume I can contact you in Dallas?

I told you I'd help you every way I can.

Have a safe trip.

Hey, Jack, um...

I know how fond you were of Grace.

I'm really sorry.

Come on, let's get out of here.

Monsieur Ewing.

There are many islands
in this part of the world.

The next time you plan
a trip to the Caribbean...

...choose one of the others.

I don't know any more than you do.
Mark and I were about to go out...

...and the phone started ringing
off the hook with reporters.

Oh, I'm sure if anything had happened
to them, we would have heard about it.

Of course I tried to reach Miss Ellie.
Her line's busy too.

Cliff, as soon as I get through to her,
I'll let you know.

Now, why don't you go stay with Jamie
and tell her not to worry so much?

All right. I love you too.


We should get John Ross
back to Southfork.

He thinks he's gonna spend
the day with Christopher.

- What should we tell him?
- Just leave that to me.

- Well, I'll get my purse.
- I think I better take him home alone.

You may run into Jenna again and...

Okay. I guess you're right.

Besides, you should stay on that phone.

The sooner you get an answer for Jamie,
the better off she'll feel.


- Thanks.
- Okay, bye.

Oh, J.R.

Thank God you're safe.

And Jack?

We didn't know what to think
when it came over the news.

The calls haven't stopped all morning.

- When are they coming home?
- When are you coming home?

Good. Yes, I'll have Jeffrey
at the airport to pick you up.

No, no, no, I understand

You just get on that plane.
We'll talk when you get home.

All right. Bye-bye.

- When will they be back?
- Late today.

- What the hell went on down there?
- He didn't have time to go into it.

Excuse me. Am I interrupting?

No, no, of course not.

We finally heard from J.R. He's fine.

- And Jack's fine.
- Oh.

I'm glad.


This probably isn't a good time.

Miss Ellie, I'll get it in the other room.

What is it, Jenna?

Charlie and I
will be leaving Southfork soon.


You've made us feel
very welcome here, Miss Ellie.

You are welcome. Always.

Thank you.

But it's time that Charlie and I moved on.

Are you sure about this, Jenna?


I have to be honest with you...

...I think there's things
you still need to work out before you go.

I was hoping you'd respect my decision.

We do.

We just don't see any reason
for you to rush into things.

I've already made my plans.

I intend to keep them.

You know, I really can't get over
how far along the house has come.

Long ways to go before
we hang the wallpaper. Ha-ha.

Yeah, really.

But you know what?

It's finally starting to look like a home.

Yeah. I don't know about you...

...but I worked up quite an appetite
walking through all those rooms.

It's big. You don't think it's too big?

Well, there's no turning back now.

Just have to figure out
a way to fill up those rooms.

Well, don't worry about that.

You're looking at a lady
who knows how to shop. Ha-ha.

I was thinking more
in terms of adding to the family.

I didn't mean you and I trying
to have another child, Donna.

Maybe we could adopt.

How long have you been
thinking about that?

Well, I've been kicking it around
for a couple of weeks.

It takes a long time to adopt.

Maybe, maybe not.

How would you feel about trying?

I don't know.

Well, there's an awful lot
of kids out there...

...who need us
just as much as we need them.

I just need to think about it.


Go on inside
and tell your mom you're back.

- I'll be in in a minute to say hi, okay?
- Okay.

Hi, Jenna.

Hello, Mark.

Pam feels pretty low.
She didn't mean to upset you.

Upset me?

Why would a vicious lie upset me?

It isn't a lie.

How would you know?
You weren't there.

I know.

Pam was making it all up. Can't you see?

Jenna, she wouldn't do that.

Stay out of this, Mark.
It doesn't involve you.

Well, in a way it does.
We're two sides of the same coin.

Pam's feelings for Bobby
stood between her and me...

...just as Bobby's feelings for her
always held a part of him back from you.

Bobby loved me.

Look, it doesn't change
the way things ended.

I refuse to talk to you
about this anymore.

You'd better talk to someone.

Jenna, Bobby proposed to Pam
the night before he d*ed.

Bobby was gonna marry me!

I know it's not easy to accept.
It wasn't for me either.

But in the end, my love for Pam
helped put that behind me.

It's all in the past, Jenna...

...no matter what you choose to believe.

Maybe your love for Bobby
can help you put the past to rest too.

Are you through?

Can't you see I am very busy right now?

I know that you like flowers.

But today, I want you to draw
what you saw at the planetarium.

You're right.

There were flowers there.

Can't argue with that.

Sunflowers. Very clever.

Yeah, you silly. Ha-ha-ha!

What am I gonna do with you?

Here. Colors.

Oh, Vincent. That's good.

- Is that a comet?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- This part is called the tail.

You are right.


Ooh, pretty, pretty.

Is that from one of those space movies?

No. That's Ray.

And that's me.

And we're going to the planetarium.

Oh, I get it.

See, I was wondering what a cowboy
and stars were doing in the same picture.

Ray said that the cowboys...

...in olden days
went to sleep outside under the stars.

That's right.

He said that maybe
we could do that sometime...

...just me and Ray.

Just the two of you?

Tell Vernon not to do anything about the
acquisition of that station group in Florida...

...until I talk to him.
- Yes, sir.

And also tell Gardner
to update his figures on Criptell...

...before our meeting on Friday.

- Yes, sir.
- Is Pam in?

- Uh, yes, I think so.
- Uh-huh.

You said the cartel called.

Yes, Marilee Stone has called
five or six times...

...and Mr. Bradley and Mr. Lee
have each called three times.

- I think they're anxious to talk to you.
- Yes, yes, you'd think so, wouldn't you?

See if you can arrange a meeting with them
for tomorrow morning in my office.

Okay. All of them together?

That's right. I'll be in with Pam.


Good morning.
- J.R.

Hey, Pam. I've just been reading
your suggestions to Lindsey in Research.

Wait. There's nothing wrong
with our looking into...

Communication satellites? I agree.

- You do?
- Oh, yeah.

In fact, we're already exploring
that matter with the FCC.

- We are?
- Yeah.

I got the same idea as you did
four or five months ago, I guess.


I do believe you and I
are getting to think alike.

Oh, good grief.

- Have you seen Jack around this morning?
- No, I haven't.

J.R., I'm glad
that you're both home safely.

Welcome back.

Oh, thank you, Pam. Glad to be back.

Although you were against it...

...I'm glad I sold our interest
in that Marinos deal when I did.

Otherwise, we could have lost
a lot of our money down in Martinique.

Well, I have to admit it now,
you were right.

Yeah. Well...

You can have this lousy oil business.
I don't want it.

Come on, Jack.

It isn't that bad.

What do you mean, it's not that bad?
I practically got k*lled.

You can't blame that on the business.

You can only blame that
on the people you do business with.

Like J. R?

- Yeah, J.R.
What can I say?

He asked me for a favor. I'm a Ewing.

So is she. But you don't see her
working with a creep like him.

You can bet I won't be doing business
with him any longer either.

In fact, I think Dallas...
I've had it with Dallas.

I mean, this just... It's not my town.

You can't be serious, Jack.

Not now.

I mean, I'm just getting used
to the idea of having you around.

Don't let J.R. Do this to you, to us.

Yeah, she's right.

It's not only J.R. It's me too.

When I first came here,
I got off on the wrong foot...

...and I've been out of step ever since
and I'm just tired of it.

Jack, it's okay to feel sorry for yourself.

But it's not okay to give up.

She is an expert on not giving up.

Lookit, why don't you just forget
about J.R. And Ewing Oil...

...and start spending
some more time with us?

Please don't leave.


Where will you go?

There's a designer that I've been doing
quite a bit of work with at the boutique.

She's made an attractive offer
for me to join her firm.

There's offices in New York.

- New York?
- Mm-hm.

And Paris.

I've been invited to visit both places
and see what it's like...

...and meet the people
I'll be working with.

And Charlie?

Well, she'll travel with me.

She could stay here.

Well, I think it would be
a wonderful experience for her.

Well, I thought it might be easier.


Thank you.

Miss Ellie, thank you for everything.

You've been more than generous with us,
more than patient with me.

I wish I could get you
to change your mind.

I know. And I love you for that.

- Good night.
- Good night, Jenna.

Oh, Bobby.


No, Bobby was going to marry me.

No. No, that's not true.

He asked me to marry him
the night of Lucy's wedding.

What happened at Lucy's wedding?
Can you remember?

Nothing. Nothing happened.

You take good care of her, all right?

- Oh, you know I will.
- You're next, Bobby.

But wait till we get back
from our honeymoon.

- I'm gonna be at your wedding.
- My wedding. All right.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.

Jenna, Bobby told me you knew.

You have to face the truth.

He said something wasn't right
between the two of you.

What was that?
Can you tell me what happened?

It isn't a lie, Jenna. He proposed to Pam.

What made you sick?
What made you go upstairs?

There was a time I was absolutely sure...

...our getting married
was the right thing to do.

But I'm not so sure anymore.

Maybe we're just letting people tell us
it's time we were married.

Maybe we're just too much in a rush.

Jenna, what are you getting at?

That maybe we need
a little time to think it over...

...to make sure we still love one another.

I really would understand
if things weren't the same anymore.

- Jenna.
- Bobby.

Would you...? Would you just
leave me alone for a little while?

Bobby never wanted to hurt you.

He was coming here
to tell you about us when he was k*lled.

The important thing is to accept it.

Oh, Jenna, you did know. You did know.


Oh, Bobby.

Bobby, no.


Oh, my God, Bobby!

No, no, no!

How's Jenna?

She's much better.

She just got off the phone with Dr. Ford
and she's gonna see him in the morning.

Oh. Not a moment too soon
from the looks of her.

The doctor said that
Jenna's gotten through the worst of it.

And now he's gonna try
to help her heal her wounds.

Well, I'd like to see us
heal a few of our own.

That might be rather difficult.

Yes. There's no reason not to try.

I've started going out with someone.


Who might that be?

Jerry Kenderson.

Well, I was right about you two
all along, wasn't I?

No. It only started just recently.

While the cat's away, huh?

I don't have to defend my actions to you.

We both agreed to lead separate lives,
except where John Ross is concerned.

Yes, that's true.

It's not as if you've been
spending your evenings alone.

Well, I feel like a proper fool.

You know, a funny thing happened to me
down in Martinique.

While you were in the arms
of Jerry Kenderson, no doubt.

What happened?

When Angelica pointed that g*n at me,
I was sure I was gonna die.

And the last thing that passed through
my mind was a picture of you, Sue Ellen.

At that moment there was only
one thing I was afraid of.

Not Angelica, not the b*llet in her g*n.

The one thing I feared most
was that I was gonna die...

...and you would never know
how much I love you.

I find that hard to believe.

Well, believe it or not, it's the truth.


Hello, Pam.

Why don't we sit down?

Jenna, I never meant to hurt you.

I know.
I didn't come here for an apology, Pam.

I came to apologize to you.

You don't owe me an apology.

I do.

And I owe you an explanation.

You see, up until now, I thought
I loved Bobby more than anyone else...

...and I thought he loved me
more than anyone else.

So naturally my loss
was greater than anyone else's.

I know how much you loved him.

On top of that,
I blamed myself for not marrying him...

...and letting him die unfulfilled.

Bear with me, Pam. This is...
This is not easy for me.

I was lying to myself.

He didn't wanna marry me,
he wanted to marry you.

You did know.

But I couldn't face it.

Until last night.

The memory of Lucy's wedding
flooded back.

I remembered Bobby's reaction
when people asked about our wedding.

He was tortured.
I knew something was wrong.

I was worried that he was
falling out of love with me...

...and back in love with you.

If he was ever going to marry me,
I didn't want him doubting his choice...

...so I set him free.

I told him I thought
we were rushing into things...

...and that I suggested we slow down...

...make sure we knew
what we were doing.

He was surprised, confused...

...and I believe relieved.

That was the last time
I ever spoke to him.

My doctor tells me that when Bobby d*ed,
I buried that conversation with him.

The truth was too painful
for me to live with...

...so I pretended
we were still lovers when he d*ed.

I guess that was the only way
I could survive.

But you did survive.


Oh, Jenna, I don't know
what to say to you.

It doesn't matter anymore
who Bobby was going to marry.

What matters is how happy you were
when you were with him...

...and how happy I was
when I was with him...

...and how lucky we both were.

I know how much you miss him.

And I had to hear about it
on the 6:00 news. Not only that...

I lose every penny of that investment
without a damn thing to show for it...

...except the egg on my face.

My secretary, who's been talking
to their secretaries, tells me...

...you sold two-thirds of it to them.

Would you all just simmer down, please?

You must have
suspected something, J.R.

Why else would you have sold
your entire interest in the deal to us?

You're greedy, not stupid.

What did you know, J. R?

Nothing, absolutely nothing,
except Marinos Shipping has had...

...a marvelous reputation
in the oil community...

...and they wanted to do business.

You did business with us, and Martinique
went to hell in a hand basket.

And we got stuck holding the check.

I never intended you all
to lose money on this.

I thought we'd all turn a tidy little profit.

That wouldn't cost you a dime.

Now, don't hold that against me.
You'd have done the same thing.

Well, sure,
if I knew everything you knew.

- I wish there was something I could do.
There is something.

What? Just tell me.

Buy this junk back from us.

Buy it back?

We'd give you a real good price.

We've been in business together
for a good many years, J.R.

There's a lot more ahead of us.

Yes, that's true.

We've established a relationship,
a trust over the years.

I just can't let that go by the wayside
because of one bad deal.

So are you going in the hole with us?

Well, I owe you at least that much.

All right.

The best I can do is buy back
each share at 50 cents on the dollar.

Now, honestly, that's the best I can do.


If that's the case,
I'll have the papers drawn up...

...and have them over to your office
tomorrow morning.

I really appreciate this.
We all do.

Andy, Jordan.

Marilee, feel better now?


But you know something, J. R?
Sometimes I just don't get you.

And you never will, Marilee.

You never will.

J.R. Said when Angelica Nero
pointed that g*n at him...

...he regretted most of all
that he was going to die...

...and I would never know
how much he loved me.

What did you say?

There was nothing much I could say.

You believed him?

I believe he meant it,
but he's meant it before.

Has it affected you this way before?

No. In the past,
I would have fallen into his arms.

Then what's bothering you?

I don't know. It just upset me, that's all.

I wish he wouldn't have said anything.

Well, at the risk
of upsetting you even more...

...I'm not gonna wait
till someone points a g*n at me.


To tell you that I love you.

I guess you're not gonna fall
into my arms either, are you?

- Jerry...
- Don't say anything.

I just wanted you to know.

Well, there's a petri dish
upstairs waiting for me.

Don't let this get you down.

A man would be crazy
not to fall in love with you.

You're just gonna have to learn
to live with it.

I hope I'm not bugging you, Alex...

...but I really need to be sure
our deal with Marinos is going through.

I told you it would
take a few weeks, J.R.

Well, I can live with that,
as long as I know...

...I'm not throwing good money
after bad in the meantime.

I know you're still incurring
some operating costs...

...but I promise you
it will be well worth your while...

...many, many millions of dollars' worth.

You just gotta be patient.

Profits like those
can buy a lot of patience.

I owe you one, Alex. I'll be in touch.

Well, what's this?

Your lucky day.

This is a proposal to sell
Christopher's 30 percent of Ewing Oil.

That's right.

- To me?
- Right again.

I don't understand.

It's very simple.

No, I don't mean this.
I don't understand you.

I want out.

For a fortune?

- Lf it's too rich for you...
- No, no.

No, I didn't say that.

It will just take me a little time
to pull together the right financing.

You got it.


Why, after all this time,
after all you've fought for?

The fight's just not important anymore.

Good night, J.R.

Well, Daddy...

...it's taken a long time
and a lot of hard work...

...but finally, it's all mine.
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