08x20 - The Brothers Ewing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x20 - The Brothers Ewing

Post by bunniefuu »

Cliff Barnes ought to be grateful to you.

It looks like you just provided him
with proof that Jamie's document is real.

I like Clayton, you know that, but
Clayton was wrong to interfere last night.

And you're wrong to interfere now.

- Don't tell me you're going out with Barnes.
- As a matter of fact, I am.

We need somebody we can trust.

Will you help us?

What you're asking
is legally and morally wrong.

- I'm gonna do what has to be done.
- What are you talking about?

Getting in the mud and slugging it out.


They're here, Miss Ellie.

How did it go?

It didn't.

The whole thing fell apart.

It was going absolutely perfect.

Brindle put the lie to everything that Barnes
had been saying about Daddy.

That contrary to stealing from Digger,
Daddy actually stood up for him.

It was Jason that wanted
to get rid of him.

Yeah, he painted a real dirty picture
of Jason and Digger.

Sure did.
and Jock came out smelling like a rose.

Then, what went wrong?

Well, Barnes was real upset.
So was Jamie.

They realized that it all this came out
in a public trial...

...it would be awful
for their daddies' reputation.

Everything was going just fine
and then all 01a sudden...

...Brindle reached in his pocket
and brought out this packet...

...that Digger had given him years ago
for safekeeping, and he handed it to Barnes.

- A packet?
- That's right.

He opened it up right in front of us
and there it was.

Digger's copy of the same document
that Jamie has.

- What?
- Yeah, well, it's one hell 01a surprise.

For God's sake, J.R., couldn't you have
foreseen something like that?

You talked to the man
before you took him to Cliff's.

I talked to him, but he didn't
say anything about a document.

He didn't even know it existed
until Barnes opened that packet.

All I got to say is Cliff Barnes ought
to be very grateful to you.


It looks like you just provided him with
the proof that Jamie's document is real.

You think I don't know that?

Come on, Clayton, don't jump on J.R.
It's not his fault.

Should've been prepared.

There's no way any of us
could've guessed what was gonna happen.

It was a rotten piece of luck.

Well, maybe it was. But if you'd been
more careful, it wouldn't have happened.

You weren't there, so you don't know.

Why don't you just keep
the hell out of it?

All right.

Sure, I'll keep out of it.

But let me say one thing:

If you're all gonna get involved
in a fight as serious as this one...

...then you better start doing
your homework.

Well, wonderful.

That's all we need.

A lecture from Clayton Fallow.


Did you see the look on J.R.'s face when
he saw Digger's copy of this document?

That man turned 14 shades of green.


I guarantee you, those Ewing brothers are
kicking themselves all the way to Southtork.

Oh, my, I don't believe that.

- What are you looking for?
- I thought I had a bottle of champagne.

Cliff, I don't think
we're in the mood for a celebration.

- I'm sure not.
- Well, I sure am.

Well, I guess I'll have to settle
for a drink here.


Hey, what's going on? What's the matter?
Don't you understand what just happened?

They brought Brindle here to intimidate us,
and instead, he gives us our whole case.

- He gives us our whole case.
- I know.

Yeah, but look what he handed us.
Digger's copy of a three-way split.

The court has to rule in our favor now.

And what happens to our daddies?

I'm telling you, if our daddies were here,
they would be dancing on the roof.

I think she's worried about what Brindle
had to say about her daddy and Digger.

If it goes to trial, it could bring out
even more ugliness about them.

Don't worry about that old codger,
what he has to say.

The paper's the most important thing,
the paper, the paper. We got that.

You know, it's so unbelievable.

My whole life, I always thought
that it was Jock who was the bad guy.

And now it turns out that it was he
that protected Digger from my own daddy.

I don't know, Cliff. If all that's true, I don't
want the whole world to know about it.

Hey, so your daddy got mean
every now and then.

Hey, my daddy drank too much.

But that's nothing compared
to what Jock Ewing did.

He stole a whole company
right out from under them.

Jamie, I know
you're concerned about Jason.

I know you want him to be remembered
in the best possible light.

I'm concerned about
my daddy's memory too.

But getting back what was rightfully theirs
is more important.

- Maybe.
- Don't you see what's happening?

JR. is scaling you.
That's what he came here to do.

He wants us to be so worried
about our daddies' reputations...

...we'll drop the suit against Ewing Oil.

Well, I am worried about it.

You can't give in to that.

I don't know, Cliff.

Maybe the money is not as important
as what we stand to lose.

Jamie, the lawyer said that
you and I verify each other's claims.

The case is stronger with you
than without you.

But now that I have this document,
I can do it alone.

And believe me, if I have to, I will.

Hey, come on, don't let J.R. shake you.

The three of us are gonna stand together
and we're gonna win.



- Hi.
- Hi.

How'd the meeting go?


Not too well, I'm afraid.


Well, our plan son of backfired.

Seems like Jamie and Cliff
are holding all the good cards now.

Oh, Bobby, I'm sorry.

It'll be all right.

What's the matter with Charlie?

I stopped by her room to say hi.
She seemed real depressed.

Kids were pretty rough on her
at school today.

They said some awful things.

What? About you?

They said her mother was a m*rder*r.

- That I k*lled her father.
- Honey...

...children can be brutal at times.

What am I going to do?

Maybe put her in another school?

Some place where the kids
don't know who she is.

Oh, Bobby, what's happened?

It's all going so wrong for me, for you.

I know, I know, but things will change.
They always do.

- But how? When?
- I don't know, honey.

But they will change
and until they do...

...we just have to keep fighting
the best we can, all right?


Won't you hold me?

I'm so scared.

I love you.

I love you too.

I love you so much.

Sue Ellen.



Can we talk?

About what?

Well, honey.
I just need somebody to talk to.

Feeling a little depressed, are you?

Yeah. Yes, I am.

You have good reason to feel depressed.

It seems as though
you may actually lose Ewing Oil.


The very idea of it just terrifies me.

I'm sure it does.

Good night.

Sue Ellen.

Is that all you got to say?

What else would you
like me to say, J.R.?


It'd be a lot easier for me
if I had somebody to share all this with.

I'm sure it would.

I've always been the one
that you've turned to, haven't I?

Yes, you have.


And I would be with you right now,
if you were different.

But, no, you needed your little tramps.

Oh, darling.
I'm so sorry about that misunderstanding.

And all the other times, I'm sure too.

No. JR.

No, we-- It is over.

From now on, you're gonna have to tum
to all your other girls for comfort.

Let them hold you...

...listen to you.

Try to understand you
like I did all those years.

You're never gonna get
that kind of sympathy from me again.



Uh. Hello?

Good morning.

Who is this? J.R.?


Uh. Mandy, I know it's early.

I just wanna make sure I caught you.

I'd really like to see you today.

J.R., don't do this.
I asked you not to call me for a while.

I know, I know.

The truth is I miss you.

Please, J.R., don't push me this way.
I need some time for myself.



Teed off at me, aren't you?

Whatever makes you think that?

Well, I didn't get any hot coffee
this morning, no orange juice...

...no good morning kiss.

In fact, you weren't even there.

So I put all that together
and I figured that you're angry with me.

Guess it must be about last night, huh?


That's right.

Didn't you see Miss Ellie's face after
you had that tight with Clayton last night?

This is really upsetting her.

I know that and I'm really sorry for it.

Just between you and me...

...Clayton should never have gotten
involved in that tight last night.

- It had nothing to do with him.
- How can you say that?

Clayton, in his own way.
Is as concerned...

...about what this court case could mean
to the family as Miss Ellie is.

Then he ought to understand that me
and Bobby and J.R. are together on it.

We're brothers fighting against a common
enemy. He ought to just stay out of it.

Well, none of you, Ray.
had done your homework.

And Clayton was right to point that out.

All the man wanted to do
was to help you.

Clayton had no call
to dress J.R. down like that.

None of us could have ever known
that Brindle had that packet.

Maybe not.

But I cannot believe that you would
take J.R.'s side against Clayton.

Ray, I thought he was your friend.

He is my friend, it has nothing to do
with taking sides. Can't you see that?

What I saw was the three of you
against Clayton.

If that isn't taking sides, Ray, what is?

I came out here to try
and smooth things over with you.

I can see now that
that is just not going to be possible.

I like Clayton, you know that, but Clayton
was wrong to interfere last night.

And you're wrong to interfere now.


- Yep?
KENDALL: J.H., Mr. Hardesty is here.

Oh, fine. Send him in, would you?

- Hey, Carl.
- Hi, J.R.

What you got for me?

Well, I got a topographical map
of that land I told you about.

- Oh?
- Yeah.

Here we go.

This is it right here.
This large area right there.

- Mm-hm. Don't look like much on the map.
- Doesn't look much when you're there.

What are they asking for it?

Two hundred an acre but I think
I can get them down to about 150.

Now, the question is, why bother?

It's no good for grazing cattle,
there's no oil on it...

...and it's too far from the city
to subdivide into building lots.

Well, it sounds like exactly
what I'm looking for.

Carl, why don't you buy it for me?

In the name of one of those
holding corporations you setup.

This whole area is nothing but wasteland.
It's no good for anything at all.

Oh, yes, it is.

It's perfect for Cliff Barnes.

If he gets his hands on Ewing Oil...

...all he will own is what you said.




- Mrs. Ewing.
- Hi, Jackie.

Is Pam in?

No, I'm sorry. She already went to lunch.

Sue Ellen, what are you doing here?

Hello, Cliff.

I just came by hoping to catch Pam for
lunch, but Jackie said she'd already gone.

Yeah, she went out with Jamie.

Every time I tum around these days,
I'm bumping into a Ewing.

If things go as well
as they did last night...

...I'm happy to receive them.
Come on in a minute.

No, I really have to go.

No, come on.
You've never seen my office.

I have to tell you, Sue Ellen.
My life is pretty good these days.

It is?

Didn't J.R. tell you about what happened
at my condo last night?

He was very upset about what happened.

Oh, I'll bet he was.

You know, Cliff, it's funny.

After all those years,
the two of you fighting...

...I never thought you'd b*at him.

But this time, it just might happen.

Mm. Looks better and better and better.

So how would Mrs. Ewing feel
if I did b*at her husband?

I have no feelings about that at all.

I see.

I guess that means that you and J.R.
are having problems again, huh?

I don't think that surprises me.

As much as you didn't meet Pam for lunch,
how about letting me take her place?

It's been along time since you
and I sat down and really talked.

No, I don't think so.

Why not?

I'm not gonna try to seduce you.

That thought never even
entered my mind.

I just don't wanna have lunch with you,
that's all.

I thought you were involved
with somebody.

That girl you took to the Oil Baron's Ball.

Mandy. Yeah, yeah, I'm involved.

- Uh. She's beautiful.
- Yeah, she is.

Well, goodbye, Cliff.

Tell Pam I stopped by.

You may not believe this,
but I wish you all the luck in the world.

MANDY [OVER TELEPHONE]: Hi, this is Mandy.

I'm not home right now, but if you wait
for the beep, you can leave me a message.

Say, Kendall, has Ray shown up yet?

He's on his way to pick up Mr. Brindle.
He said he'd be a little late.

Buzz me soon as they get in.

- I wanna see them right away.
- Yes, sir.

McGi" Modeling Agency.

Oh, hello, this is Marvin Winger, here.
Mandy Winger's brother.


I got in from out of town
and I'd like to get a hold of her.

Can you tell me
where she's working today?

I'm sorry, but she's not working today.

Mandy asked us nut tn bunk her
for about a week, so we didn't.

I see.

All right, thank you very much.

I think the Braddock School's
a good idea.

She doesn't know the children there.

No, and that's why I'm choosing it.
She'll be a lot better off there.

At least, until they find out
who her mother is.

- Come on now. Maybe they won't find out.
- Mm.

Here they are, Mr. Demarest.

- Hello, Scotty.
- Hi, Scotty.

Hi, sorry I'm late.
I was waiting for a delivery.

Can I get you something?

- Some coffee, please.
- I'll send it over.

- Sit down, Scotty.
- Thank you.

Here, take a look at this.

Do you recognize anybody?

Oh, my God.

Ewing millions behind Jenna Wade.
What is all this?

That's newspapers from the city of Laredo.
Here look at this one.

“Former playgirl to be tried for m*rder.“

You're becoming quite
a celebrity down there.

“Rich girl goes to court,
but will she go to jail?“

Scotty, we have to put an end to this.

No, we don't. I hope they paper
all Laredo with stories like this.

- Why?
- It's the best thing that could happen to us.

They're k*lling any chance she has
of getting a fair trial.

They're trying me in the press.


Because of that, we're gonna get a chance
of getting the venue changed from Laredo.

Do you understand?

Yes, of course.

Mm. I feel much better arguing this case in
front of a Dallas jury than one from Laredo.

I'm not saying I'm gonna get you off,
but we'd have a much better chance.

Mr. Brindle.

Hi, good to see you, sir.
We won't keep you long.

Yes, sir. I want you to know
how sorry I am about what happened.

I was just as surprised as you was
to see what was in that oilskins.

- Ha, ha.
- We know you were.

Yeah. We don't want you to think
we blame you.

But you did make me realize that I should
have asked you more questions than I did.

- I'll tell you anything I know.
- Here, sit down. Sit down, sir.

Uh. What it is,
I'd like you to try to think back now.

Try to remember the feeling
during that week of the strike.

Between Jason and Digger and Jock,
was there any one boss?

Well, if there was, it was Jock.

I mean, Digger did the sniffing out
and Jason kind of ran the crews.

Yeah, Jock was heading
the operation all right.

Did they ever talk about being partners?

I don't recall.
I guess it was kind of understood. I mean...

I didn't know about them splitting it up
in thirds or anything like that.

Everybody just kind of took it for granted,
each of them had a piece of the pie.

If that's the case, why did my daddy
register the strike in his name?


I couldn't rightly tell you,
because the day it happened, I was in jail.

- Jail?
- Yeah. Ha, ha.

The night the well come in,
we had one hell of a celebration.

I mean.
the loudmouth was really flowing.

Me and Jason and Digger, we all got
drunk as skunks and tore up the town.


Sheriff threw us in the pokey
for three days.

What about Jock?

Oh, well.
Jock is smarter than the rest of us.

He had a few drinks
and sacked out early.

So the very next day, Jock went down
and registered the company?

Yeah, while we was all still in jail.

In them days, you didn't wanna wait around
too long before registering a strike.

Then, what you're saying is:

My daddy was the only one of the three
that could've registered the strike?

Yeah, yeah, I guess so.

I mean, you had to sign
in person back then.

That answers a question
that's been bothering me.

But it doesn't help our case
a hell of a lot.

I know you wanna get home,
but if anything comes to mind...

...about the week of the strike, don't
hesitate to call day or night, understand?

- Oh, I'll be happy to, Mr. Ewing.
- Good. I sure appreciate your coming.

That's all right.
You can call on me anytime, anytime.

Good, good, thank you.

I'll get him to the airport.

You better drop by the house tonight.

You and me and Bobby
got some things to talk about.


- Hello?
J.R.: Hello, Mandy, it's me again.

J.R., for heaven's sake.

Mandy, I'd really like to see you.

Oh. I realize that we don't know
each other that well...

...but I feel I can talk to you.

It would be real important
to me right now.

J.R., I just can't see you now.

I'm so confused about Cliff, about you.

Really, I have to have
some time alone for a while.


Please don't call me again.

That's the only reason Daddy registered
the company in his name?

That's what Brindle said.

- Because Digger and Jason were in jail.
- Huh.

- Hello.
- We're in here, Ray.

Where's everybody else?

Mama and Clayton are in town,
Jenna's up in her room. You want a drink?

No, thanks.

Well, gentlemen,
I don't know what you two are thinking.

But I figure we got a good chance
of losing this lawsuit that's coming up.

It sure seems like things
are going from bad to worse.

I've been working with Harv,
helping him prepare the case.

We still have all those investigators
on the payroll.

they'll come up with something.

I know all about that, Bobby.
but what if none of that works?

What if all this searching
and legal maneuvering comes to nothing?

Can you see turning two-thirds
of Daddy's company...

...over to Cliff Barnes
and our beloved cousin?

I just can't believe it would come to that.

Well, I hope not.
But if it does, I'm gonna be prepared.

What do you mean?

I'm gonna protect our interests.

But I have to know
if you two are gonna help.

What do you have in mind?

Well, there's a number of things I can do.

But before I tell you about them,
I wanna know where you stand.

Because with you or without you,
I'm gonna do what has to be done.

It'd be easier if we're fighting
this thing together.

We are fighting this together.
What are you talking about?

I'm talking about getting down in the mud
and slugging it out.

This is no gentleman's game.

Barnes is not gonna pull any punches
and we can't either.

Now, I don't need your answers tonight,
but I want you to think about it.

And while you're at it, think about this.

You see that painting hanging up there?

Daddy's picture used to hang in that spot
before it got shoved off to Ewing Oil.

How long do you think his picture's
gonna hang at Ewing Oil...

...if Cliff Barnes
and Jamie Ewing take over?

John Ross, hurry up, finish your juice.
We've got to get to school.

- Goodbye, Grandma.
- Goodbye, sweetheart.

Come on, sweetheart.

Sue Ellen,
will you be back for lunch?

No, Miss Ellie,
I have an appointment in town.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

- Hello, Donna.
- Hi, Miss Ellie.

Won't you pour yourself some coffee?

Thank you.

Were you here last night when Ray,
Bobby and J.R. had their little meeting?

No, Clayton and I were out.
I didn't even know the boys had a meeting.

Well, it was about the fight
for Ewing Oil.

Ray keeps getting deeper
and deeper into it.

Oh, yes, I saw that the other night.

I have to tell you, Miss Ellie,
I was really shocked.

I never thought
that I would see the day...

...Ray would take J.R.'s side
against Clayton.

Well, I learned long ago...

...never to underestimate the hold
that Jock still has on his sons.

Oh, I understand the hold,
but we're not talking about Jock.

We're talking about the company.
And Ray never gave a hoot for it.

As a matter of fact...

...Ray always said that this family
would be a lot better off it we just let it go.


Letting the company go is one thing.

Having Cliff Barnes take it away
is an entirely different matter.

Don't you see, Donna?

It the boys let him win, it's like admitting
that Jock stole the company from Digger.

And none of them, especially Ray.
can let that happen.

But I guess what's really bothering me...

...is Ray joining up with J.R.

Ray is open and honest and...

I'm just afraid that he's gonna get hurt.

Well, they'll be fighting
on the same side.

Uh. Oh...

Miss Ellie, forgive me.

I know that J.R. is your son...

...but most of his methods
tend to be pretty dirty.

I'm aware of that.

What it Ray gets dragged into something
that he has no control over?


Look, Donna, I'm not naive.

I know J.R. very well.

I know that he's capable
of doing all sorts of things.

But somehow this time,
I'm hoping that...

...because of what's at stake,
he'll act differently.

And what if he doesn't?



In that case, I'll be especially glad
that Ray and Bobby are with him.

Because we'll have to rely on them
to keep him straight.

- Mommy's gonna fly all the way over here.
- All the way here.

- That's Hong Kong.
- That's Hong Kong.

Right. Ha, ha, ha.

It's Mrs. Ewing.

Oh, thank you, Louise. Hi, Sue Ellen.

- Hi. Hi, Christopher.
- Hi.

Are you giving him a geography lesson?

Well, I'm showing him
where Mommy's gonna fly to, aren't I?

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Ha, ha, ha.

I'll take him.
You can help me with Mommy's suitcases.

- Help Louise pack, okay?
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye-bye.


Are you going on a trip?

Yes, I'm going to Hong Kong.

- Hong Kong?
- Mm-hm.

Does that sound exciting.

You know, when I was a little girl,
I used to dream about going to the Far East.

Hong Kong.

I wish I were going.

Is it a vacation?


No, I found out that Mark might be
in a clinic over there.

Oh, Pam.

Sue Ellen, please.
I know what you're going to say. Don't.



Do you honestly believe
that Mark is still alive?

Well, I'm not as sure as I was
before the pilot told me he'd been lying.

But I talked to a Japanese doctor
who told me that he had seen Mark himself.

A Japanese doctor?

He's a friend of a doctor
that I met in Jamaica.

Are you sure
that he's telling you the truth?

I checked out his background.

He doesn't seem like the kind of man
who would lie about something like this.

Well, I hope you're doing the right thing.

I don't know whether I am or not.

I know if I found out
Mark had been there...

...and I hadn't tried to find him,
I'd never forgive myself.

You're a stronger woman than I am.

I don't know how strong I am.

You know something,
I'd love some company.

Would you come with me?

- To Hong Kong?
- Yes.


No, I couldn't do that.

Why? You said you haven't been
doing much lately.

Thanks for reminding me.

Well, no, wait a minute. What I mean
is John Ross would be in school.

I wouldn't have Christopher with me.
We could spend a lot of time together.

And I could really use your support.

Maybe getting away from Southfork
would be good for me.

Hong Kong.

All right, why not?
Let's go to Hong Kong.

All right.

- Hi, Ray.
- Morning.

- You're not here to see Clayton, are you?
- No. Miss Ellie.

- I've got papers for her to look over.
- You're out of luck there too.

They both left about 20 minutes ago.
I think they went into town.

I'll just leave it here.

I haven't seen very much
of you around lately.

How's life in the construction business?

We finally broke ground.

That's terrific.
You're moving right along then, huh?

I told you Eddie knew
how to handle things.

It looks to me like Eddie knows
how to handle you pretty well.

I can't remember
when I've seen you look so happy.

I am happy, Ray, but I'm also exhausted.

Running back and forth between his place
and here is really wiping me out.


Maybe you ought to move in with him then.
Save yourself some wear and tear.

Oh, don't think
I haven't thought about it.

Whoa, hey, wait a minute.

I wasn't serious.

Oh, I was.

Have you talked to Eddie about it?

He thinks we ought to wait a while.

He's right.

After all, it's a pretty big step.

Hey, whose side are you on anyway?

Your side, you know that.
All I ever want is for you to be happy.

You just hang on.
You'll get what you want.

Sure, if I'm not too exhausted by then
to enjoy it.

J.R., why don't we go outside
where we can be alone?

All right, Bob.

When you were talking last night
about protecting the company...

...I assume you meant hiding assets.

Oh, yeah, sure I did.

That way, if we end up losing,
Cliff Barnes gets two-thirds of...

Well, very little.

J.R., do you realize how risky that can be,
not just for us but for Ewing Oil?

If the judge suspects
we're doing something wrong...

...he'll slap that freeze back on us,
put us out of business.

I'm aware of that.

But there are things we can do that are
just legal enough for us to get away with.

- Like what?
- Well, for one thing...

A couple of years ago when you and I
were battling over Daddy's will...

...I setup a bunch
of holding corporations.

Nobody knew about them,
but they still exist.

And we could use them
to siphon off some of our assets.

Are you sure they can't be traced,
not to you or the company?

Oh, they're buried so deep under paperwork,
I think I'd have trouble finding them myself.

How do you plan on using them?

Well, we can hide a lot
of our holdings in them...

...and then switch our assets
from one company to another.

Some of the corporations
are in other states.

That'd make them
doubly difficult to find.

Of course, we can shift some funds
out of the country.

Hell, there's a whole bunch
of ways of doing it.

- Some of them might be a little dirty, but--
- There are limits even when playing dirty.

Whatever we do,
Ray and I don't want it to hurt the family.

Well, do you think I do?
It's my family too.

What do you say?

I'll go along with you
if you play straight with me.

I can't tell you how glad I am
you made that decision.

I'm serious, J.R..
I don't want any secrets between us.

I wanna know what you do before you do it.
Is that understood?

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Louise, is Christopher ready yet?

Yes, ma'am, I'll bring him right down.

All right, thank you.

I have so much to do before I go.

Really appreciate
your taking Christopher for me.

I love that part of it.

I just wish I could understand
why you were going at all.

Well, Bobby, I told you.

I got some more information about Mark.
It's really important that I check it out.

Pam, it just doesn't make any sense.

The main reason you joined Cliff
in his battle against me and Ewing Oil...

...was you thought J.R. sent you
on some wild goose chase.

He did.

Whether it was J.R. 01 Cliff,
doesn't make any difference.

The point is you went,
you suffered because of it.

Now you're gonna go right back out there
and do exactly the same thing.

Bobby, please, don't fight with me.

Pam, I'm not, believe me.

I'm tired of all the fighting
we've been doing.

So am I.

I'm not trying to tell you
what to do either.

Nobody hopes that you find
what you're looking for more than I do.

Thank you.

It's just that I care for you.

I don't wanna see you get hurt again.

Bobby, you know how much
that means to me.

It's just as long as there's
any hope at all, I have to keep looking.

- Here he is.
- Hi, Daddy!

- Daddy.
- Hi, partner.

- Oh, you look great. Are you all ready to go?
- Yes.


You be a good boy, give Grandma a big kiss
for me as soon as you see her, okay?



You be careful.

I will.

Mom, how long will you be away?

Oh, I don't know. Not too long.

Can't I come with you?


How can you possibly come with me?
You gotta go to school.

I can miss school for a while.

Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you, huh?

Sue Ellen.

What's going on?

Uh. J.R., I think it's fairly obvious.
I am packing a suitcase.

Well, John Ross, why don't you go down
and play with Charlie?

Let your Mama and I talk a little bit.

Okay, Daddy.

What's going on?

You said you were never
gonna leave Southfork.

Don't worry, J.R., I'll be back.

I'm just going on a little trip.

To the Orient.

Oh, who with?

With an old friend who just recently
came back into my life.

Now, don't you tell me
you're going away with Barnes.

As a matter of fact, I am.


But not with Cliff. It's Pamela.

She has a lead on Mark Graison.


Yes, he might be in Hong Kong.

Where'd she ever get that idea?

Somebody saw him there.

- Is that a fact?
- Yes.

And I hope it's not somebody else
on your payroll.

Oh, come on.
This is the first I've heard that.

Well, it better be because
I really do care about Pamela.

And, J.R., if I ever find out that you have
sent her on another wild goose chase...

...then I will hurt you so badly
that you'll never recover.

Now, you get out of here
and leave me alone.

Because I wanna finish my packing.

So now that the partnership's signed,
I can start drawing up plans for the units.

If the weather holds, it'll be...

...maybe three months to finish building.

Could make 40, $50,000 profit.

Take that and start again.

How's that sound to you?

Sounds like a lot of money.

But where do I fit in?

Oh, same as always.

Right here.

Isn't Lucy gonna have a little something
to say about that?

I suppose so, if she finds out.
Are you gonna tell her?

How do you feel about her?

- What's the difference?
- Difference is...

Maybe I'm a little easy
where you're concerned.

But it'd all be different it I thought
that you liked her more than me.

You know, funny thing is I do like her.

It's not just because
she's got all that money.

- She's a nice kid.
- And I'm not?

Oh, yes, you are.

There's a little something
about you that's a real tum on.

You're kind of basic.

Well, I know what I like
if that's what you mean.

I'm not so sure
I like sharing you with her.


I'm young and healthy.
Plenty of me to go around.


As you're about to find out.

Oh, do you have anything
special in mind?

Why don't you tum off the lights
and we'll find out?


In here, Bobby.

Clayton, can we talk to you for a minute?

What's on your mind?

Well, we're bothered about
what happened the other night.

We all would like to apologize.

The meeting with Barnes went so bad,
I guess we all were a little on edge.

I realize that and I shouldn't have tom
into you the way I did either.

That's all forgotten now.

What we'd like you to know, Clayton.
the three of us are in this fight together.

But it's a lot harder than we thought.
We're gonna need some help.

What kind of help?

Well, the thing is, I happen to know
that you own a couple thousand acres...

...out in East Texas
that isn't really worth very much.

Ewing Oil has some
very valuable property out there.

So, what we'd like to do is swap you your
worthless property for our prime property.

And then when the court decision
comes down, we'll swap it back.

In other words, you're trying to hide
Ewing assets from Cliff Barnes.

What we're trying to do
is protect our company.

If the court rules in our favor...

...Ewing Oil will take that land back
in the company name.

And everything will just
go along like usual.

But it Barnes gets the company, we'll take
the land back in our personal names...

...use it to build a new Ewing Oil.

So obviously, we need to deal
with somebody we can trust.

Will you help us?

- No.
- Clayton, we're in trouble.

I know you are and I'd like to help you,
but not the way you're proposing.

There isn't any other way.

Bobby, I'm sorry, I can't do it.

- And you call yourself family?
- J.R., hold it.

When push came to shove,
he wouldn't be there for us.

Now, watch your mouth with me, J.R.

You have one chance to prove
that you're a member of this family...

...you tum your back on us?

I'm not turning my back.

- What do you call it?
- J.R., shut up.

Clayton, please, will you think about it?
It's important to all of us.

You're asking me to do something
I don't think is right.

Forget it, Bobby.

He doesn't have the guts.

I told you to watch your mouth
with me, J.R.

It's not a question of guts.

What you're asking me to do
is legally and morally wrong...

...and that's why I can't be on your side.

I wonder if Mama knows
how weak a man he really is.

I think your mother will feel
exactly the way I feel.

I wouldn't bet on it.

I know damn well
whose side she'll be on.

And whose side will I be on, J.R.?

- Well, ours, of course, Mama.
- Are you sure?

I can't believe you'd ever tum your back
on the family or Ewing Oil.

J.R., Ewing Oil was a pan of my life
before you were born.

It saved this ranch and it's the backbone
of our family fortune.

But as much as we love one another,
it's caused us all a great deal of grief.

And all includes everyone in this room.

I don't want to tum my back
on my family or Ewing Oil.

But if a choice is to be made...

...then I choose my husband.

And whatever decision he makes
is mine as well.
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