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02x21 - My Life for Yours

Posted: 11/24/21 08:02
by bunniefuu
Previously onSEAL Team...Hey, Swanny.

DR. WILSON: Traumatic
brain injuries go unreported.

You want to make a difference?
Make that your mission now.

RAY: There you go again,
calling out everybody else's

when your hypocritical ass

is too stubborn to understand

that you've been
falling apart at the seams.

You trying to hit me, huh?

ERIC: Yasin Khan is shaping up to be the next Osama bin Laden.

We tracked his camp
to the Kashmir mountains.

Nothing can go wrong
on this one.

Too low, I got to cut away.

Havoc, this is 1.

We've lost Ray.

Bravo 2, this is 1.


Bravo 2, this is 1. [panting]

Bravo 2, this is 1.

Bravo 2...Jace, any word on Ray?

Hey, Jace,
did his reserve open?

TRENT: I saw him
under reserve canopy.

But he was real low
when it opened.I tell you right there,

we should have never
done this mission.

Our minds weren't in it.Listen to me, Sonny.

Pull it together, got it?

Ray worked the problem,
he's gonna be fine.

Okay, but we don't know that.

Havoc, this is 1.

I pass flea-flicker.
Were you able

to establish comms with Bravo 2?

Yeah, copy that, 1,
passing flea-flicker.

Bravo 2 deployed his reserve
and was tracking

to put down
about ten klicks from the LZ.

Still trying to
raise him on comms.

[panting] Ten klicks,

that puts him on the
east side of the mountain.

Area's crawling
with enemy.

Yeah, smack-dab in the middle
of t*rror1st Walley World.

No QRF, no ISR
for overwatch.

I'm telling you right now,
Ray's in a lot of trouble.

Havoc, this is 1.

I'm gonna retrieve Bravo 2
and then head to target.

Negative, 1. Bravo 2 is aware
of his contingency procedures,

and he's likely moving
to the tertiary exfil point.

You are to continue
your mission.

That's a big assumption;
we don't know his status.

Bravo 2 is trained

for this type of situation.

Be advised that your mission
is time-sensitive.

Your orders are to Charlie Mike.

Copy that. We're out.

Are you kidding me, Jace?

We're gonna leave Ray out
in the cold?

We're the only American boots on
the ground that can go get him.

BROCK: Come on, boss,
we can't leave him behind.

Stop. Enough.
All right? Enough.

Get your heads in the game.

We got an op to do.

Ray is gonna meet us
at the exfil point.

He is gonna be fine.

Hide the gear
and let's go.

Let's go.

Bravo 2, this is 1.

Bravo 2, key your mic.

Come on, Ray.

[Ray panting]

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.


Damn it.

[grunts] Okay.

This is Bravo 2 to Havoc Base.

Do you copy?

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2.

Do you copy?

[panting] Damn it.


Damn it. [exhales]


[men speaking foreign language

[speaking foreign language]

Don't look up.
Don't look up.

Don't look up.

We're gonna put down at an
Indian base in Udhampur.

They're not gonna be happy about
running ops behind their backs.

Sitrep on Senior Chief Perry?

He put down somewhere
near Kotli.

An area that harbors
13 launch pads

and a dozen t*rror1st
training camps.

How many militants
we talking about?

Couple thousand fighters

within two miles
of Senior Chief Perry.

An American special operator
k*lled or captured

inside Pakistani territory

would unleash
a diplomatic firestorm

that will bury this command,
not to mention Bravo team.

Ray's canopy chute

It was more bad luck
than poor execution... sir.

Seems like bad luck's
been lingering

around Bravo for months.

I need to update
the Pentagon.

[muttering quietly]

All right.

[men speaking foreign language

Damn it.

Hey, J.

Save your oxygen, Sonny.

Look, Ray's alone
in the wilderness.

You're a sheepdog.

Sheepdog's gotta keep
this flock together.

Yeah, right. Sheepdog's also
gotta drive the herd

so they don't lose their way.

You know, when I was
in that torpedo tube,

the only thing that kept
me going was knowing

that my brothers were a few
feet away from me, all right?

This world is a hell of
a lot easier to navigate

when you got someone
to lean on.

Ray's gonna be just fine.

This fight's
making you see red.

The last time Ray
was on his own,

it wasn't a mountain
keeping him from the team.

It was you.

He was the first damn person
to show up when Alana died.

Hey, listen to me.
I'm very aware

what Ray has done for me.

You don't think I have any
interest in finding him?

You don't think I want
to make things right?

It's Bravo 2,
he's my best friend.

But right now,
we have a job to do.

Get your head
out of your ass.

Emotions get people k*lled.

Bravo 2, come in.

Come on, Ray.

Where are you?

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Picking up SIGINT that militants

located a parachute
and two k*lled fighters.

They know they have a visitor.

[panting] Havoc, this is 1.

If Bravo 2 is discovered,
our HVT's gonna disappear.

Recovering 2 is critical
for mission success.

Request permission to break off
to go get Bravo 2.

Bravo 2 has kicked up
a hornet's nest.

It sounds like the enemy
is already swarming.

You head over that mountain,

there's no cavalry coming
to your rescue.

Do you understand
what you're requesting?

Copy that.

We're aware of the risks.

Bravo 2 needs us.

All right.
Let's retrieve Bravo 2.

Copy that. Bravo out.

All right,
change of plans.

We're going to get Ray.

Tertiary exfil point's
on the other side

of that mountain summit.

Enemy's fortified
in there like Tora Bora.

Could avoid contact by
going around the mountain
instead of over.

Ray doesn't have time.

Speed is safety
on this one.

Trent, lead us east.You got it.

You scrubbed the op?

No, sir. I am
trying to save it.

I gave Bravo a frag-o.

Tactically, it is
our only option.

If the enemy finds Ray,
Khan will know we are here

and he will go underground.

Bravo needs to get
to Ray first.

All the strings pulled just
to authorize this operation,

and your team can't even
execute it.

It's the right call.Right or wrong,

it's your call,
Lieutenant Commander Blackburn,

one that better succeed.


Damn it.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2,
do you copy?

[radio static]

Any station this ne...

[knocking on door]

Yeah. Yeah, give me a minute.



Come on in.

You look good.

I mean,
all things considered.

How did you hear?

Uh... [chuckles] Naima.

And-and I just--

I just had to come
and see for myself.

[Clay scoffs]

You, not your leg.

Wasn't really a big deal.

You don't have
to do that for me.

I can handle what happened,
a b*mb nearly k*lled you.

Yeah, but it didn't.

Thank God.

I, um...

I came to the hospital.

Like, six weeks ago.

I'm sorry.
I must have been--

I must have been really drugged
up, I don't remember that.

Mm. I never actually made it
out of the lobby.

Well, bombing validated
all your concerns

of why we couldn't be together.


heart told me that
I needed to come

and nurse you
back to health,

but then I realized that, uh,
that wasn't my place anymore

and that you were probably
in enough pain without me.

Honestly, I wasn't a lot of fun
to be around then anyways.

Yeah, but were you ever fun?

[scoffs, mutters quietly]

So, what, are you--
you're moving?

No, I had a, I had a friend
that was staying with me.

Oh, and, uh,
did your friend leave?

It's a long story.

I didn't drive
all this way to just

hang out for five minutes.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Be advised, Indian assets

report enemy massing between
Bravo 2's last known location

They know who they're after?

Negative. There's no chatter
about American military.

Copy that. Bravo out.

All right, set
security, hydrate.

They're moving, too.

Whole other side of the
mountain's after Ray,

chasing him down.
He's not making it to exfil.

Uh, he's just evading now,
pushing deeper into the valley.

Yeah, the enemy's dictating his
choices. I'm telling you what,

if I'm Ray, I'm using this river
as a guide to get to the border.

Our hike has officially
turned into an odyssey.

Sure has.
I want you to hydrate,

okay? We're moving in two.Yeah. Hey, J.


I didn't mean to cross
the line earlier.

Sure you did.
You were worried about Ray.

We all are.

I crossed the line with Ray,

as a team leader
and as a friend.

You both were in the wrong.

Well, Mexico
messed him up.

I saw it. He'd been
struggling for a while.

I should've picked him up,
I knocked him down.

That was wrong of me.

I kept waiting for him
to sort it out on his own.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe we can't do
all this on our own.Hey, Jace.

We are gonna go
find Ray right now.

You understand?


Okay. You think old Shaw's
gonna carve up Bravo for this?

I don't care about Shaw.

Without Ray,
there is no Bravo team.

Roger that.All right, let's go.

We got to move.
Come on.


Ah, damn it.

[men shouting
in foreign language]

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 2,
in the blind.

I pass fumble.

Route to tertiary exfil point
has been compromised.

Do you copy?

[radio static]

Havoc Base?


Damn it.

Havoc Base, strobe on.

[high-pitched squealing]


[men shouting in distance]

Damn it. Damn it.

[g*nf*re continues]

Last time I was

this dehydrated, it was that
training mission in Mississippi.

Yeah. You downed
so much mescal,

Ray had to drag you
home early every night.

Yeah. Yeah, I never got
to thank him for that.

Never thanked him
for a lot of things.

Contact front! Contact front!

Move! Go!

Contact right!
Contact right!

Push right! Push right!

Take cover![g*nf*re continues]


[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

[g*nf*re continues]

We got two enemy dead,
sitting down in both directions!


We're gonna get chewed up here!

We got to move!

Metal, Sonny, push left,
hammer that bunker!

Master Chief!Brock, smoke.

Smoke out.

Go! Go! Go!Go! Go!

[g*nf*re continues]

Cover me!

We got to get
to that second bunker!



Full Metal, hit 'em!
We got to push right!

Push right!Go.

Smoke out!


[g*nf*re continues]

You got it?Found the other bunker.

All right, this one's mine.
Come on.

I got this one.

[g*nf*re continues]

Nice shot, boss.

Yeah. Here.

Let's go. Consolidate on me.

If this thing goes south,
we don't get Khan...

All the work you put in,
it should be your collar.

Khan can wait.
There's only one Ray.

Is this your
contact from the DIA?

Doesn't look like
she's putting out

the welcome mat for us.

Where do you get off
running an operation

in our backyard
without informing us?

Need I remind you Kashmir
is the likeliest flash point

for nuclear w*r
in the world?

Thank you for coming, Anita.

We never intended the op
to play out this way.

Reports state the entire valley
of militants is mobilizing.


Infil went haywire,

and got a man trapped
in the Azad region.

Five operators
are racing after him,

but I don't have any assets
that can assist in the search.

My government can't escalate the
situation by getting involved.

Unless the enemy
is mobilizing an incursion

into Indian territory.

Might seem prudent

for you to launch ISR
to monitor their movements?

And perhaps we catch a
glimpse of our missing soldier?


I have to make a call.

I don't understand how Brett
doesn't deserve a Purple Heart.

I mean, he was
injured in combat.

Yeah. Military doesn't
see it that way.

They even, uh... they even
threatened my career

if I keep pushing Brett's story.


You guys sacrifice so much
only to be abandoned

when you're no longer of use.

I didn't mean you.

It's all right. I feel
pretty useless these days.

Especially for Swanny.

He was very lucky
to have you in his life.

Believe me.

You know,
maybe it's...

Maybe it's better
that warriors like us

die heroes on the b*ttlefield,

rather than come home and wilt
away as forgotten statistics.

Is that how you feel?

Brett felt that way.

Sorry. I know this isn't
your favorite topic.

I can handle it. Please.

I thought we broke up
because you couldn't.

That's fair.

Part of me still thinks
that I'd be

a lot happier if I'd just
kept my shut my mouth

and let you get on that plane
to Mexico.Well, you know what?

It's-it's better it
happened there on the tarmac

than ten years
down the road, right?

Yeah, maybe.

I just wonder
if I performed emergency surgery

on a wound
that didn't actually exist.

Uh, I'm assuming
that you reached out to Ash

to help push, uh, Brett's story?

No. Uh, look, my dad's
let me down my whole life.

Swanny deserves
better than that.

Your dad has a platform
on cable news.

And as a former SEAL,
he can help

keep you out
of Harrington's crosshairs,

I mean, let you get back
to the, to the pipe kicking.

It's door kicking,
or pipe hitting.

Whatever. My alpha-male jargon's
a bit rusty. Sorry.

You really want me
back operating, huh?

This your way of telling me
you're seeing somebody?

Is this your way of asking?

Stop deflecting on Ash.

I'm not sure
he'd be willing to help.

There's only one way
to find out.


Havoc, this is 1.
Any word on 2?

Yeah, negative, 1.

But our host country is
spinning up its ISR.

Copy that. Bravo 1 out.

Finally get some eyes
over Ray.

First good news
since we jumped in.

I'm telling you, man.

I knew this op had bad juju

once old fat-head Shaw
got on that plane.

Tell you what, man.
The cake-eaters are like...


Felt something depress
under my right foot.

Pretty sure it's a land mine.

Nobody move.

We're in a minefield.


[men shouting in distance]

[rapid g*nf*re]

[dog barking]

[panting loudly]



No bueno,boys.

Land mines are like
the sharks of the dirt.

Don't have time for this.
I'll figure it out.

You guys keep going.JASON:
Not gonna happen, Trent.

Go. I'll make it safe myself.

The hell you will, Trent.

I've seen you open
a beer bottle before.

Now, letting you do surgery
on a b*mb,

that's probably gonna
turn us into wolf food.

Don't make me laugh, Sonny.
I'm literally on a mine.

Small pressure plate.

Okay? You step off,
and you go boom.

Guess I won't be
stepping off, then.

Think I have an idea.
Give me your hook knife.

Brock, punch that in.

Right there. Easy.

Give me your knife.

Tie it off up there.


[vehicle approaching]

Get down and eat dirt.


That ain't
no pizza delivery truck.

Standing out here
like a hooker in church, boss.

Come on.

You want me open up
on this technical?

No. Any of those b*ll*ts
hit this minefield,

we're gonna be
chum. Stay down.

They're coming in view in ten,

nine, eight, seven,



four, three,

two, one.Ready? Go.

They're stopping.


I tell you what, man.

I think I won the...

bodily function bingo
on that one.

We lost a lot of time.

We got to go back
the way we came.

Easy up and out. Come on.

Nice and easy, boys.
Nice and easy.



[men speaking foreign language
in distance]

[g*n clicks]

[goat bleats]


[clattering nearby]

[woman speaking
foreign language]

[woman screaming]

[shushing][speaking foreign language]

[speaking foreign language]


[speaking foreign language]

You scream, you die.

Do you understand?

[speaking foreign language][whimpers]

Hey, Sonny.

How much time did we lose
going around that minefield?

Two hours, give or take.

Awful long time
for Ray to hold out.

You all right, Jace?Ah.

Been riding you guys so hard.

Led you right into a minefield.

You got some superpowers,

but X-ray vision
ain't one of them.

Not your fault.

Hey, sir. Take a look
at your monitor.

Havoc Base
to Bravo 1.

Havoc, this is 1.

Yeah, ISR just picked up
Bravo 2's helmet strobe.

Copy that.
Send us the coordinates.

A-firm, 1. Sending now.

Bravo 1, be advised.

ISR also shows enemy moving

towards the area where
Bravo 2's strobe was spotted.

Copy that. We'll just have
to get to him before they do.

Bravo 1 out.

Jace, unless we grow wings,

we ain't getting to him in time.

I have an idea.

Got to admit,
Jason's clever.

Getting to Ray
is not what's concerning me.

They're pushing deeper
into Pir Chinasi.

ERIC: Getting out is
on Jason's shoulders now.

Maybe not.

Oh, good horse.

Little skinny,
but she sure got a lot of spunk.

Too steep for horses.
Keep them here.

Havoc, this is 1.

Yeah, go for Havoc.

Still got a bead

on Bravo 2's helmet strobe?

Monero?Yes, sir.

Still lighting off in
the same spot right here.

Bravo 1,
the strobe is still flashing

He's probably, uh,
hunkered down somewhere.

No, he wouldn't stop now.

Might be injured.Ray's okay.

I got a feeling.

Let's keep looking.

There's no chance
I'm authorizing

an Indian-led QRF.

Your military regularly
runs operations

Look, I understand why
you want Khan dead.

But this mess has been created
by your military,

and you'll have to deal
with the fallout.

Bashir Varma.

Maybe not the same threat
as Khan,

but how many Indians
has Bashir k*lled?

Soldiers and civilians.

We know where Bashir is.


By the time you're cleared
to share his information,

this will all be over.

And, if I'm being honest,

your men will be dead.

I know his location.

You would really do that?

Leak it?

Call to prayer is soon.

People are gonna notice
you missing.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma here.

Men to the south,
the village is north.

Six months ago,

I would have tied you up,
taken my chances out there.

Trusted this was all part
of some plan.

Now I don't see a plan
in any of this.

In anything.

I see you versus me.

One of us will live.

One of us will die.


Oh, no.

Ray could've fallen
over the edge.

Where is he?

Well, I'm glad you're feeling
better. I still don't get why

you wouldn't let me see you
at the hospital.

I shut myself off
from the rest of the world

after I got blown up.

Didn't, uh, didn't think
you'd understand.

My son was hurt.
What's to understand?

Still getting used
to you acknowledging

that you have a son.

You know, I always feel like

I'm bringing a knife
to a gunfight

when we're together.

What'd you want
to see me for, anyway?

Brett Swann.

The team guy that offed himself?

He's a friend.

What was the deal, then? PTSD?

He had a traumatic
brain injury,

and the VA wouldn't treat it
'cause it wasn't documented

as a combat injury.

That's a shame.

I'm trying to get
Brett a Purple Heart.

I'm hoping

that the military will start
acknowledging TBI cases

for vets in the
same boat as Brett.

[chuckles] Look at you.

My son, the maverick,
wanting to fight the system.

It's a worthy fight.

Military's not gonna
want you generating

that kind of publicity.

That's why I'm here.

I'm, uh... You know, nobody
knows publicity like you.


You want to use my position
at the network

to push your message.

It's not a message,
it's a mission.

Not a lot to ask
after you used me

for information to keep
yourself in that position.

It's an admirable cause, son,
but it's not gonna happen.

That defeatist attitude...

It's a good thing
we weren't fighting

any wars
while you were operating.

You know what, I get it, Clay.
I was a crappy father, okay?

But even an old frogman
like me

is only gonna tolerate
so much abuse.

Hundreds of thousands
of vets suffer from TBI.

You could be their
voice, their champion.

Maybe, maybe this is the w*r
you've been looking for.

I just thought maybe
you'd want to do something

to make your son proud.

Oh, no.

There's not much time now.

Maybe... maybe I can make it
over the ravine.

Yeah. Over the ravine before
you get the word out about me.


No. No.

No, I wouldn't make it.

The smartest thing I can do
is k*ll you and run.

Why should I trade my life
for yours?

[praying quietly]


[continues praying]

Stop it. There is no one
up there to hear you.

[continues praying]

There's no one
up there to hear you.

[continues praying]No one.

Metal, anything?

Looks like he came down
that hill pretty hard.

How about you?

One set of tracks
down by the river.

All right, look... [exhales]

Heads on a swivel, boys.
Enemy's on to him.

We got to get to him
before they do. Let's roll.

Come on.

[Islamic call to prayer begins]

[inhales, exhales sharply]

[Islamic call to prayer

Sit down.

Sit down!

Don't make me
pull the trigger.

I will pull this trigger.

Don't make me k*ll you.

I don't want to k*ll you.

Stop, damn it.

Stop! [gasps]

I will k*ll you.

Ain't nothin' stopping me.

There's nothing stopping me.

Not anymore.

[praying quietly]

[continues praying]

[call to prayer continues]


I mean it.


[shouting in foreign language]

Your will, right?

[people shouting
in foreign language]




[shouting in foreign language]

[g*n clicks empty]

Last mag.

You're never out of the fight.

Never out of the fight.

Oh, Naima is gonna be so pissed.

[g*n clicking]Damn it.

[panting, grunting]

Come on! Come on!

Come on!
Come on!

[men shouting]

He that dwelleth in the secret
place of the Most High

shall hide in the shadow
of the wings of the Almighty.

I will say to my Lord, "He is my
refuge and my fortress, my God--

in Him will I trust."

Ray, get down!


I got you.

[indistinct shouting]

All right. You hurt?I thought I was gonna die.

Yeah, so did I.

[g*nf*re continues]


Havoc, this is 1.

We have 2.
We're low on amm*nit*on

and need immediate extract.That ridge.

Get them the coordinates.

Bravo 1, we have an exfil plan.

The ridge directly
to your south.

You need to be on it, and fast.

Copy. We're heading
up there now.

[all grunting, panting]

[helicopter blades whirring]