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02x20 - Rock Bottom

Posted: 11/24/21 08:01
by bunniefuu
Previously onSEAL Team...
You didn't have to sleep

out here. Well, you know therapists...

They like their patients
on the couch.

Lock up when you leave, okay?

We have HVT.

What happened?

Fell down.


is a hell of a thing, Davis.

If you don't slay it,

you will not make it

through OCS.

I used my faith as a w*apon.

I denied a man his last rites

to get what I needed from
him. I'm paying for it.

Your new friend...
What's her name? RAY: Christine.


- Something you're trying to ask me, brother?
- Search everybody!

Somebody took my binder! Calm down.

Swanny, I have your binder
right here, man.

Your psychological issues

are worsening. My issues
are not psychological.

They're physiological.

I don't have the authority

to authorize an MRI,

which costs
thousands of dollars.

My battles are over, man.

Let's just go.
Let's go hit the bar.

Let's go get some beers,
and let's forget

about today, all right? Yeah. Sure.

You know, you and me...
We would've made good teammates.

YODO.Are you gonna tell me
what that means now?

Hey, Swanny!

What did you do?
What did you...?

Two days ago,
a hotel was bombed in Phuket.

11 Westerners were k*lled.
22 more were injured.

It was similar
to the event in Manila

that severely wounded one of
Bravo and k*lled 15 civilians.

Somebody's targeting Westerners.

We traced the bombing in Phuket
to the Asian Liberation Army.

ALA? Mm-hmm.

They're throwback Commies.

Haven't been militant
in 30 years.

That's why I'm worried.

An element of the nonviolent
New Resistance Force

carried out the bombing
in Manila.

A formerly peaceful
Islamic group

bombed a mining interest
in Vietnam.

The ALA's attack in Phuket
fits into a pattern.

It's not a coincidence.

The tactics are alike,

and they're not local.
They're imported.

Someone is radicalizing
anti-Western groups

in Southeast Asia.


To destabilize the region.

Make it easier to recruit,
set up shop here.

Do you know who?

I suspect, but I can't say yet.

Ray, you seeing this?

Ain't blind.
But by the time we flank 'em,

they'll have that truck loaded
and gone.

Got to hit 'em straight up.

You know,
the whole part of a surprise attack

is the surprise.

We kind of lose that
when we go straight in.

Bravo 2,

take Full Metal to the right.

We'll go left.

Copy. Moving.

We intercepted communications.

The ALA is expecting
a shipment of weapons

at a port south of Bangkok.

Bravo 2, on my mark.

Solid copy.

They're planning another attack?

Yes. SIGINT says active sh**t
at Pattaya Beach.

Pattaya Beach.

There's a U.S. carrier
in port there.

They're gonna hit
the U.S. sailors on liberty.

Unless we stop them.

We're hanging out here, Jace!

Sonny, Trent, in the water!

Hit 'em from the exposed side!

Roger that!

Says the guy who hates water!

I can get the Thai
government to approve an op.

Tell your boys
to keep things muted.


Ray, you good?

Yeah, I'm good!

The plan is a stealth op.

Bravo will seize the weapons

and bring back prisoners
to be questioned.

Bravo 3, how long?

Get ready for fireworks.

On three. One, two, three.

Grab 'em.

Get down, get down...

Figure this guy's
a long way from home.

What do you say,
family vacation?

Yeah. Doubt he brought
his wife and kids from Pakistan.

Havoc, this is 1.

We got someone here
CIA's gonna want to talk to.

Doesn't matter how good you are.

You could be the best damn SEAL
on the best damn team.

Every operator knows, comes
a time when your number's up.

Being a team guy,

you never figure on being alone.

When it ends, it's...

it's like life stops.

At least, the good parts.

I just signed
the divorce papers.

Only surprise is
Katy stayed with me that long.

The moment I knew
it was really over,

Katy looks at me and says,

"I don't know
who you are anymore."

All I could think to say was,

"Neither do I."

Talk about a shot in the arm,
being home.

Yeah. This is home,
with the guys.

I met this kid, Clay.

I've got a place to crash now,

job interview lined up.

are gonna change for me.

I feel it.

Things are gonna change.

I've got a job interview
lined up...

place to crash now.

Yeah, I met this kid, Cla...


To go with the...






clonazepam for...

I don't know what for.

I just take 'em.

Nothing helps.

They understand
that something's wrong with me.

In my head.

They won't help me.
Not really help me.

I know how to fight wars.

I know how to fight men.

I don't know
how to fight the VA.

I'm tired.

Study my brain.

Figure out what happened
inside my head.


Look at that.

Hard to know what's
in another man's mind.

Yeah. Wish he had said something.

Talk. Right.

Hey. Here we go.

To those before us...

To those amongst us,

to those we'll see
on the other side.

Lord, let me not prove unworthy
of my brothers.

Here's to Swanny.



How are you doing?

Deployment's coming to an end.

We ship out next week. Really?


So soon.

Well, Christine, I-I thought
the change in scenery

would've done me some good.

But... here we are,

three months later, and
the bad guy's still out there

and I'm even more mixed
up than when I left.

You shouldn't be
so hard on yourself.

I'm sorry. I...

You shouldn't have to sit here

and listen to me
wallow in self-pity.

You can't tell me
deployment's all bad.

No, not all bad.

Look, uh...

I hope I haven't been
too much of a burden.

You know, our talks.



whatever this is,

it feels good.

You only have a week.

Maybe we should,

you know, make the most of it.

You're a long way from home.

The Ummahis my home.

That's cute.

What about nonbelievers?

They will be punished by God.

You sound very stupid right now.

Is this God's will?

You know nothing of God.

You're a whore.

You were there,
near the bar in Manila,

when the b*mb went off.

You were in Phuket,
when the hotel was bombed.

And you were
on the loading docks,

picking up more weapons
for another attack.

Terrorism, weapons trafficking,
mass m*rder.

You are never
gonna be free again.

And I get to decide
where you die...

A hole in Egypt

or a jail in the States,

where you can see
the sun once a day.

You can help yourself.

How is that?

Yasin Khan.

Some say the next
Osama bin Laden.

Saudi national.

Ivy League.

Brilliant organizer,

brilliant communicator,

and he's...

a crazy, radical nutjob,

just like you.

Yasin Khan is behind
the recent att*cks in Asia,

and you're working for him.

I have nothing to say to you.

We've been watching you.

Well, listening.

Your home isn't the Ummah.

It's Pakistan.

Yasin Khan is in Pakistan.

And you are gonna tell us
exactly where.

I can promise you that.

You're wrong.

Yasin Khan
is not like bin Laden.

He's ten times the man,
ten times the leader.

And he will do to your country
ten times the damage.

No, he won't.

Because we're gonna k*ll him.

Hey, Emma. Finally,
I caught you. Hello.

Sorry, Dad. Been busy.

Was out all day, too.
Naima took me shopping.

That's great. How is she?


I think she's worried
about Uncle Ray.

Why's that?

Guess they haven't spoken
in weeks.

She said you guys
have been off-grid.

But you've called us.

I didn't say anything.

No, you-you were
right not to. I...

Did you get my e-mail?
About a meal plan and books?

Vanessa says it's cheaper
to buy... Stop. Whoa, whoa.

Just slow down, okay?
How's Mikey?

He's fine, Dad.

Mikey wants to go away
to hockey school next year.

Hockey... Hockey school?

Yes. It's a boarding school
where they play hockey.

I know what that is. How am I
supposed to pay for that?

And I also need a meal plan
and books.

Emma, hold on, okay?

I will check my e-mail
when I can.

I-I called to talk to you.

You haven't even looked?

If the payment's late...

Look, it's not gonna be late.

Says the man who refuses to deal

with anything
regarding my future. I'm not.

Look, can we just talk
about something else here? No, Dad.

We can't, because you keep
making this the thing

we always have to talk about

by not dealing with it.
Goodbye. Em-Emma, st...


Unbelievable, man.

Kidding me.

One MRI?

One MRI. That's all
his life was worth?

That MRI
that you wouldn't authorize.

You-you knew what was wrong
with him, and you wouldn't help.

I couldn't help him.

I'm sorry. You're sorry?

He shot himself,
and you're sorry?

You could have ordered that MRI.

No, I couldn't.

Look, I've tried that before,

and it just gets
a patient's hopes up

until they're flatly denied.

My hands were tied.

The VA system serves
nine million veterans.

Yeah, serves them.
You make them sit here

and wait in line for hours.

Days. And then you
just, you do nothing,

but you shove pills in them.
Look, we do all we can.

You don't do enough! I know that!

Look, I try my best.

I do my best.

I work long hours here.

But you're right.

Your friend deserved better.

Heck, every vet deserves better.

But no one seems to care.

Once we're out, we just...

We don't matter anymore.
That's what you're saying.

Nine million patients
that need care.

Run by the same
government stooges

that can't graduate
50% of high school kids

or get us out of endless wars.

And we expect them
to make this work?

This place
might as well be the DMV.


traumatic brain injuries
go unreported.

You want to help?
You want to make a difference?

Start there inside the military.

Make that your mission now.

Vodka soda, please.

Well, look at that.

Fancy seeing you here.

We're on an island the
size of a parking lot.

Not many other places to be.

Yeah, I think
that's working out for me.



You look tired.


Long day.

Difficult patient.Patient. Well, I thought

that you weren't supposed
to talk about your patients

with the whole
patient confidentiality thing.

Well, I'm not exactly revealing
anything confidential.

Just saying I had a bad day.

All right.

How about you?

My day?

Uh, just like yesterday.

The day before that

and the day before that
and the day before that.

You know, you're not
really telling me much.

You realize that, right? What exactly
would you want me to say?

Just how your day was.

Is that too much to ask?

I didn't come here for this.


It's just a conversation.

It's not a conversation.
You're turning it

into an argument,
it sounds like.

That's odd, because
I was just...

asking how your day was,

and you don't really
want to talk about it,

or much anything else, so...

You're psychoanalyzing me.

You're trying to root
through my brain

and find something
that is a problem

that really isn't a problem,

and then you make it a problem.

That's exactly what
you're doing.

That's what you think?


You know what?

I can definitely think of
some other place to be.

Argument, man...

Somebody's not happy with you.

Oh, please. I don't want to talk
about it right now, get into it.

Can I, uh, get one?
Uh, gin and tonic.

Actually, I'll just have
whatever he's having.Wow.

Not having your usual? No.

Show of support.

Show of support.

There you go. Cheers.Thanks.

You want to tell me
what's wrong?

Geez, you got to be kidding me.

Oh, my God. You know what, let me
ask you a question.

Why does everybody think
that something's wrong?

We don't have to talk
about it. I'm good.

It's fine.

All right, fine, you want
to know what's wrong?

You know, my best friend, Ray,

he's pulling away
from the teams.

He's loose, and he's
going off the rails.

I got Clay,
who just got shot on my watch.

He's back home.
He's going through rehab.

I don't even know
what the odds are

that he even makes it back.

My old pal Swanny shot himself
in the heart

in the VA parking lot.

He's gone.

My daughter, she hates me.

I'm constantly
worrying about my kids

because they're home alone
because their mother died.

And my AO is so far up my ass

because, you know, he
doesn't think I know how

to run my teams. Myteams.

What, am I supposed to, like,
feel better now that I did that?

I don't know.

I don't know, either.

I don't talk about
these things because...

I protect the people
that I care about.

So do you.

No, Jason.

We don't talk about these things

because we want
to protect ourselves.

You've reached

the Sonny Quinn request line.

You know what to do.

Hey, it's me.

You're probably out
kicking doors.

Hope you're staying safe.

To be honest,
I really wouldn't mind

being out there
with you right now.

Got this...
got this thing to do.

It's, um...

it's a family thing.

Probably something I should
have done a long time ago.

You know, somebody told me once

that memories you ignore
don't go away.

They just become ghosts.

And I can't live
with ghosts, so...

Hey, Ronnie.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to say hi
to my little sister.

You don't have a sister.



Your daughter's beautiful.

She looks just like you did.

What do you want, Lisa?

I'm still in the Navy.

Um, Officer Candidate
School right now.

I graduate in a couple days.

I'd like you to be there.

Why would I do that?

Because we're family.

Are we?

Do you want to go
another 20 years,

having it divide us? Why not?

Because it hurts. Does it?

Yes, it does.

OCS is tough.

And I was handling it.

You know, I was
kicking ass, even.

Until this fire exercise.

We have to secure a ship
that's engulfed in flames,

put out the fire,
rescue a downed sailor.

And I failed.

History repeating itself?

Oh, come on, Ronnie.

It was not my fault.

I didn't k*ll Michelle.

A fire did.

You left her inside.

I had to get you.

I had to make a choice.

I was 11 when
the house burned down.

11, trying to save myself

and my two little sisters
from a fire

because our mother was not there
to save all of us.

She was a single mother
doing the best she could.

She was a drunk!

And she was out
drinking again that night.

I couldn't reach Michelle.

I tried. I tried.

There was so much smoke,

and I-I couldn't see,

and the fire was
getting bigger, and...

I was terrified.

So I grabbed you, and I ran.

And Mom blamed me
for Michelle's death

because she sure as hell
wasn't gonna blame herself.

But it wasn't my fault, Ronnie.

I wasn't responsible
for Michelle's death.

I know that now.

If you already know that,

then why are you here?

I'm here for you.

I want us to be sisters again.

Have an invitation.

The ceremony's gonna be
on Saturday, and I...

I hope you'll be there.

Hello there.

They're running tests.

They tested the charges
before the bombings,

and according to our
prisoner, Khan is there.

Testing. It's unusual

for groups like this.

Typically, they just
use old a*tillery rounds

and cell phones.

We need to hit that camp.

Yeah, well,
PACOM is all about low-vis ops.

Not a kinetic op
and not in Pakistan.

Asking Shaw
to approve a mission like this,

in the outer reaches
of this theater...

Yeah, odds are slim.

Okay, well, I'll beat the odds.

Good news, Clay.

You're progressing fine.
You're on schedule.

My right leg's getting
better? You're sure? It is.

When, uh, when do you think
I can make it back to my team?

It's still premature
to speculate,

but if this pace
of healing continues,

I think you'll operate again.

You're fortunate.

Navy Med Center has
an excellent PT staff.

Yeah, fortunate.

Hey, uh, do-do I have anything

in my jacket about a blast-wave
injury from the b*mb?

No. There's no mention of it.

First responders were likely
focused on your legs. Why?

I just, uh, had-had a buddy
who couldn't get treated for TBI

'cause his injury
wasn't in his jacket.

Oh, I'm not surprised.

Head injuries often go unnoticed

when the victim
doesn't lose consciousness.

And the lack of self-reporting
is understandable,

given that a TBI can interrupt
or end your military career.

You've, uh...

You've been
experiencing symptoms?

TBI, I mean.

No. No, I... none.

Not like a team guy
would tell me anyway.

There are a total
of five stations.

Each is graded

and must be completed
before moving on.

If you do not,

the result is a failing grade.

Any questions?

Very well.


you're up first.

Midshipman Davis.


Are you joking, Miss Ellis?

You're asking me
to approve an operation

into an area that's been waiting
for a w*r since Gandhi?

Not gonna happen on my watch.

Sir, Khan is running next-level
operational precision.

In the years leading up to 9/11,

we saw this with bin Laden,
and we ignored it.

Sir, Yasin Khan is unlike
any other radical out there.

He is a game changer.

For 18 years, we've been playing
whack-a-mole in the Middle East,

reacting to 9/11
when we could have prevented it.

We had a chance
to k*ll Osama bin Laden in 1998,

but our leaders lacked the will.

Here, with Khan,
we have a similar choice.

If we don't act,

we willpay.

I understand, Agent.

There's still the issue
of Kashmir,

a nuclear-armed
Pakistan and India.

The closest
the world has ever come

to nuclear w*r
was over this region.

Now you're asking me

to drop a couple SEAL teams
directly into it.

Commander Shaw,
you're exactly right.

Khan has set up in this area
because he is banking

on the fact
that we won't risk going in.

It's worth the risk, Commander.

And you want Bravo
to prosecute the target package?

Bravo and Alpha

are the only Tier-One assets
in the AO.

This goes sideways,
it's my career,

which means it's
also all of yours.

Oh, man, I want some nuts.

Let's go. Set 'em up.
Six beers, six sh*ts on me.

I got this round.

Count me out.
I'm gonna go call Naima.

That's cute. You go ahead
and you call your wife, Ray.

What's that supposed to mean?

Just talked to my daughter.

You know what
she's saying to me?

She's saying that Naima told her

that you haven't been talking
to your wife for weeks, Ray.

You want to tell me

what a teenage girl's
doing in my business?

Watch your tone.
That's my daughter.

Why don't you take the air
out your chest, Jason?

Look, all I'm saying is,
this is my business.

You're right.
It isyour business,

but when it starts
affecting the team,

then it becomes my business.

Guess what. Team affected.
It's my business.

You're just looking
for something to be mad at...

That right? We all know
what you're going through, bud.

Mm-hmm. Do you?

Yeah. You haven't prayed
in weeks.

Look, I know what
happened in Mexico.

That church...
That hit you hard, man,

but this isn't you.
This is not Bravo 2, pal.

See, you know what?
That's all you want.

What? Bravo 2.

Good old Ray, propping you up.

Propping me up? Yeah, propping you up.

Holding you together,
holding everyone together.

You know, I'm not,
I'm not gonna do this with you.

Mm. Not until you get
your own house in order.

Put all your heat
on the team leader

'cause you can't take it
when the heat's on you.

Okay. There you go again.
There you go again,

calling out
everybody else's imperfections

when your hypocritical ass
is too stubborn to understand

that you've been falling apart
at the seams ever since...

I'm sorry. When?

Since when? Go ahead, say it.

Say it, Ray.

Since my wife died?
Since Alana? Yeah, since Alana died!

That's what
you're gonna say? You know what?

Man, I'm not even doing this,
because you were too stubborn

to listen to her, so I know
you're not gonna listen to me.

I'm out. Yeah, I'm out. I'm out. You're out?
Why you keep bringing up my family, Ray?

I didn't bring up family!
You brought...

Come on! Come on. Yeah, it's all about me,
right? All about me, huh?

All about me! Come on. Let's bring it back.

I'm good. I'm good.

Settle down. I'm good, man.

Come on! Walk it off!

Hey, Ray, listen, man, you
and Naima going through stuff,

you know, you can always...
I don't know... talk to me.

What's that?
What-what you gonna do?

You're gonna, you're gonna
counsel me with all your...

all your marriage experience?

And I'm sick and tired
of Jason holding me up

like I'm... I'm some
damn moral compass.

Hey, you need to take
a breath and sit down.

I don't want to.

Sit your ass down.

Bravo 1 may lead the team,

but 2 is the glue.

Don't do that.

Don't put that on me.
I did not ask for that.

Maybe you didn't,

but it is what it is, brother.

You know what?

Don't tell me who I am, Sonny.

I know who I am.

Oh. All right then.

So the guy that punches his
team leader and his best friend?

That who you really
are, Ray Perry?

You know Shaw has eyes on us.

He's waiting for us to screw up.

It's hard for me to understand

why what happened
in that bar happened.

Don't know.

You don't know?

Look, I let it get to me.

Let what get to you?

Ray... he's
got something going on.

Been dealing with something
ever since Mexico, you know?

Should have seen it, should have
taken care of it much earlier,

but I didn't.

This isn't about Ray.

Jason, you've got a heavy load.

Come on.

Trying to fill the role
of both parents for your kids

and lead this team.

But you cannot do it all,
not without help.

Who says I need help?

The cracks.

Cracks that are
starting to show.

They scream it loud.

Jason, you need
to quit making excuses.

And take a close look
at yourself.

'Cause Bravo team is suffering.

And if things don't change,

there's a good chance
this team gets dismantled.

If that happens, it won't be
on Shaw, won't be on Ray.

It'll be on you.

U.S. Navy Officer
Candidate School Class 2019.

Congratulations, Ensigns.

Today marks the beginning
of your career

as a commissioned officer.

From this day forward, you will
wear the uniform of a leader.

There will be times when you
must make hard decisions.

Decisions that you must make
on your own.

Decisions that require courage,

decisions that affect
your nation.

When those times come,
I urge you all

to think back on this day,

on the events that led you here.

Think back to all
you've learned,

all you've accomplished.

Your failures, as well
as your triumphs...

Leave here knowing... Ensign Robert Townes.

That you are prepared.
Ensign Scarlett Harlow.

You are capable.

And you are ready to lead.

Ensign Lisa Davis.

Ensign Evelyn Hale.

Class 2019...


The Pakistani
you pulled off the dock

in Bangkok is a former member
of ISI.

Name's Tareen.

All that running
around chasing Commies,

and we're back to the same old
meat and potaters.

As you all know, it's common
practice for Pakistani military

and intelligence to fund,

and train t*rror1st cells.

I bet that connection's
the man who trained Tareen.

Got a winner. Yasin Khan.

Khan ran ISI and Pakistani
special operations teams.

Khan's M.O. has always been
providing funding

and target packages
for extremist cells,

but as his influence increased,

Khan began turning on
and activating

t*rror1st cells within
non-extremist groups.

Like our Communist friends in
Thailand and the Philippines.

Yes. He's solidifying his
influence in the region.


Because he wants the region.

Destabilized and terrorized.

Yasin Khan is
the man responsible

for the bombing
that sent Clay Stateside.

He's also shaping up to be
the next Osama bin Laden.

We tracked his camp
to the disputed area

of the Kashmir mountains.

Langley has bumped him up
to capture/k*ll priority.

We'll be executing this one
off the books.

Nothing, and I mean nothing
can go wrong on this one.

I'm gonna take a shot in the
dark here and say that Pakistan

doesn't want us playing
in their backyard, yeah?

Well, given their recent
aggression on both sides

and the fact that Pakistan
and India tensions

haven't been this high
since the early '70s, no.

If your presence is discovered,
it could start a w*r.

I bet Shaw's happier than a pig
in mud over this op.

If we can't breach in Pakistani
airspace, we drop in over India.

Exactly. HAHO's the only way.

You'll be crossing into
Kashmir under canopy

after opening over India.

Those mountains are pretty high.
K2's what, 28,000 feet?


But your course has you passing
through a saddle

which peaks at 15,000 feet.

That gives you a 3,000-foot
window for error, so, ideally,

you'll pass over the mountain
range at about 18,000.

Well, that sure doesn't give us
a lot of wiggle room.

Sure doesn't.

If you open below 18,000 feet,
you're gonna land

on the east side
of the mountain,

which, according to our intel,
is chock-full of enemy.

If that happens,
you'll be forced to E&E.

Well, that's a deterrent
if I ever heard of one.

Once you're on the
ground, we lose ISR,

and comms will be spotty.

So we'll be all alone,
what else is new.

Let's get our gear ready,
grab some rest.

We meet at
the staging area at 1500.


Sonny was right back there.

Sonny's never right
about anything.

Yeah, well, he's
right about Shaw.

To say that man's unhappy
is a vast understatement.

This op could make
or break his career.

And ours.

When you're a team guy,

that's what you live for.

There's nothing like
that feeling, that rush.

You are the tip of the spear.

I've got a different
mission now.

They tell you in BUD/S,

the only easy day was yesterday.

I'm gonna work this
like I worked BUD/S.

One day at a time.

I got this. Lead us out.

Roger that.

All right, boys.
Let's get ready...

Brett Swann
lived five more years.

But that expl*si*n is the
combat injury that k*lled him.

Brett deserves a Purple Heart.

And I'd like for you to
request an award review.

All right, Spenser.

It'll take at least six months.

That's fine, sir.

And the request will
most likely be denied.

The standard for
the Purple Heart,

when it comes to
a blast-wave injury,

is that it needs to cause
a loss of consciousness

or be severe enough to require
treatment by a medical officer.

Brett never asked for treatment.

It's not in his jacket.

Would you have asked, sir? No.

No, that's not the point.

The point is a Purple Heart
will not be awarded

because Brett did exactly
what you and I would do:

He didn't report it.

He should have.

But he didn't feel
like he could.

And that's what needs to change.

This medal isn't just for
Swanny, this is for all of us

who could wind up just like him.

I understand that.

The military has to draw
a line somewhere

until we know more about TBI.

We're not gonna know more
until we change the system.

It has to be reported in order
to be studied and treated.

If the military won't pay
attention to the problem,

maybe the press will.


I'm on your side here.
I really am.

But if you take this
outside of our orbit,

you'll be throwing away
your career

and facing a court-martial.

Not now, Sonny.

Now is all we got, Jace.

We're 30,000 feet over India,

about to jump into
a hornet's nest.

We got a cake-eater who's
supposed to have our back,

and who's getting
his knife ready.


And? Yeah.

Things aren't right
with you and Ray.

The guy took a swing at me. The guy?

That guy is Ray. Bravo 2.
Your best friend. Mm.

Yeah, you're both in the wrong
taking a swing at each other.

You got to make it right, J.

No, what I need to do
is keep my head in the game.

The mission's the
only thing that matters.

Ray knows that, too.

Y'all are a bunch of children.

All right, time to
get jocked up.

All right, Master Chief
Hayes will radio in

once all the operators
are under canopy.

Sounds good. When do we...

Havoc this is 1, I have six.

I got a line over!

Say again, line over.

I'm working.

Work the problem, Ray.
Work the problem.

I'm working it.

Too long. I've got to cut away.


I'm cutting away.

Tell Naima I love her.

Bravo 2, this is Havoc Base,
radio check, over.

Bravo 2, come in.

Bravo 1, what just happened?

Havoc, this is 1.
Bravo 2 has a chute malfunction

and had to cut away
from his main.

I say again, Bravo 2
had to cut away from his main.

Copy that, Bravo 1.

Did anyone see
his reserve deploy?

Havoc, this is 1. Negative.

They're flying through the pass,
we're gonna lose them on comms.

Bravo 1, say again your last.

Havoc, this is 1.
We've lost Bravo 2.

I say again, we've lost Bravo 2.