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02x19 - Medicate and Isolate

Posted: 11/24/21 08:00
by bunniefuu
Nick! Get the JOC on the horn,

call for extract.

They"re massing on us fast.

We already hit "em.
It"s time to go home.

This is Foxtrot 4,
request for immediate extract.

Foxtrot 4, this is JOC.

QRF is inbound.

At your door in 20 seconds. I copy.

20 seconds. Foxtrot 4 out.

Collapse security,
collapse security.

Stand by for breakout.

Go ahead,
Swanny, I got you covered.

No, no, you go.

I got this. Lead us out.

Roger that.

All right, boys.

Let"s get ready
to make the donuts.

Go, go.








Doesn"t sound so good.

I said that didn"t
sound very good.

Oh, it"s, you know,
it"s the ones

that you don"t hear
that should scare you, really.

How"d you sleep?

Like a log.


you know, you didn"t
have to sleep out here.

You know therapists, they,
uh, they prefer their patients

on a couch.


Lock up when you leave, okay?

Um, and...

don"t worry about last night.

That seat taken?

All yours.


Well, look at that.
Almost good as new.

Got the bandages off yesterday. Yeah?

You think it"ll scar?

Uh, it"s hard to say.
Some things do, some don"t.

I figured if anyone would know
about scars, it"d be a SEAL.

Ah, well, you know, I
actually got out of that bar

with just a few scratches, so...

Those aren"t the wounds
I"m talking about.

Yeah, I know.

You know, the cost of this job,
the collateral damage inside,

it builds up.

And if you don"t find
a place to put it,

it just sits there,
corroding you.

I denied a man his last rites
to get what I needed from him.

I"m paying for it.

I should pay for it.

I don"t understand.

what I do for a living...

I traffic in life and death,
and I"m okay with that.

But this was not
about a man"s life.

This was about his soul,
and that...

is different.

Hey, Em, I was, uh...

hoping I"d, uh...

get you, but, uh...

I wanted
to just wish you good luck

before your recital.

And, um...

you know,
with the whole tuition thing,

I still don"t really have
any updates on that, so...

But I"m working on it,
and it"s gonna get done.

Do me a favor, will you,
just... give Mike a hug for me.

Tell him to keep his head up
when he plays.

All right, and, uh...

give your dad a call, will you?

Long night of fun
with the lady shrink?

About as long as, uh,

your little breakfast
you just had with, uh,

your new friend...
What"s her name?

Yeah, she got clipped
in the Manilla bombing.

Been checking on her,

seeing if she"s all right.
She got clipped, huh?

Yeah, she got clipped.

So, Ray, let me
ask you something,

what about Naima...

What does she think
about a treatment for her?

She doesn"t think anything,
"cause I haven't told her

about it,
"cause there's nothing to say."

If you say so, Ray.

If you say so.

Something you"re trying
to ask me, brother? Yeah.

Anybody know what
the hell"s going on?

Just better not be another
readiness drill, I know that.

I hate those. They"re like
dry strip clubs:

Pole"s the same,
stage is the same,

but without the booze,
it"s like an eighth grade dance.

Sorry, what kind
of eighth grade dances

they have in Texas, Sonny?


Apologies for the hasty takeoff,

but this mission is
extremely time-sensitive.

Ten hours ago,

eight members of an Army
Special Forces ODA were ambushed

on the ground in Mali
by fighters

from the Islamic Fighters
of Mali.

IFM.AFRICOM is still
sorting the facts,

but everything
that could go wrong did.

They were hit hard,
engaging in a running gunfight

for a couple klicks
before being ambushed

by a second
Islamic Fighters element here.

The team retreated on foot,
held enemy forces at bay

until their QRF arrived.

If they made it out,
why are we going anywhere?

One of our soldiers
didn"t make it back.

In the chaos, Captain
Aaron Washington was cut off

from the team when they
left their vehicles.

Sat footage of the
firefight places him

on the edge of a ravine

when he was RPG"d.

We still in comms contact
with Washington?

Captain Washington was KIA.

Your job is to locate and secure

the remains of
Captain Washington

before IFM finds him

and turns this into
a propaganda opportunity.

Captain Washington
was a husband, a father.

His family in Idaho
deserves to bury him.

What"s going on there?

You know, the TV"s
a lot better when it"s on.

Nice cane.

Leg must be improving.

Don"t worry,
I"m still gonna need your help

getting into the shower.

Check out my new rehab program.

Swann, again with the stove?

Dude, come on, how many times

you gonna leave this thing on
this month, man?

My, um...

my therapist won"t commit
to me making it back to Bravo.

You think it "s 'cause they" re

getting ready
to send me out to pasture?

All the time and money
they"re investing

in this rehab plan?

They"re counting on you getting
back in the sandbox.

You think so?

Don"t roll out
this VIP treatment

for a mothballed frogman
like me. What"s wrong,

you wake up on the wrong side
of the bed this morning? I wish.

Too tired to sleep.

You have an appointment
at the VA this morning.

No, VA"s tomorrow,
Thursday the 17th.

No, today"s Thursday.


Damn it.

Helped hunt down S*ddam Hussein.

Now I can"t even keep
the days of the week straight.

Come on. Let"s go, man.
You bust your ass,

you can still make it. Let"s go.

I don"t need a babysitter, man.

I thought BUD/S was supposed
to wean out all the quitters.

Come on.


Don"t blame me
for ruining your day, pal.

Did you say "YODO"?
What the hell is that?

So much to learn.

What"s the latest
on the ground out there?

Damn place is a
kicked hornet"s nest.

SIGINT"s hitting everywhere,

and IFM fighters
are swarming the area.

If they find Captain Washington,

we"ll be watching what
they do next on LiveLeak.

We"re not gonna
let that happen. All right.

Two Special Forces ODAs.

We"re prepping to
as*ault the IFM compound

with partner forces.

That should pull most
of the enemy out of the field,

buy us enough time
to recover his body.

Alpha will support Bravo Team.

MARSOC will act as
a blocking force.

You"ll have an Air
Force A-10 overhead

for close air support.
Three branches for one op?

All this is to ensure that
Captain Washington"s sacrifice

was not in vain.

Alive or dead,
the United States of America

does not leave a soldier behind.

We"ll bring him back.

Damn straight. Let"s do it.

Could you have parked
any further?

You bitch this much
at Normandy, Grandpa?

Nice burn.

How many of your little notes

you have to write down
to remember that one?

Ooh. Oh, that was hurtful.

And hilarious.
You little bastard.

Looks like you got
the million-dollar

wound there, brother.

Yeah, something like that.

Hey, could you
spare any of those

big dollars for a hungry vet?

Not now, we"re late.

That was cold.

Pay one, you got
to pay them all.

And I know how much you make.

Little different from
your Rain Mansuite

at the military hospital.

Yeah, they definitely leave this

out of those
flashy recruiting videos.

This is a soldier"s
reward for serving.

A healthcare system that
runs like the post office.


Thank you.

I, uh... noticed
you"ve been watching

some of your old combat ops.

Yeah. I just like remembering.

The times, fighting side-by-side

with my brothers, loving life.

I get it, especially now.


We"re going nowhere fast.

Hooyah, Senior Chief.

No easy day.

Bravo 1, Delta has initiated

their attack
on the IFM compound.

ISR has you clear to go.

Copy that.


It"s a .50 cal.

And a whole lot of AKs.

Our boys never had a chance.

Havoc, this is 1. I pass Omaha.

I copy Omaha, Bravo 1.

You"ve arrived
at the ambush site.

Bravo 1, ISR shows
four armed combatants

300 meters northwest of you
across the ridge.

Be advised, they appear
to be scanning the ravine

with flashlights.

Copy all. We got to hustle, Jace.

We"ll have MARSOC set the
perimeter. Alpha, Bravo, on me.

Copy. Fire Team 1 and 2 will set
up a forward firing position

around Alpha Team"s location.

w*r on terror will be over
before my number gets called.

We can drop a warhead
from space onto a postage stamp,

and this place is
still on a paper system.

Number 344.

These old-timers bled
on the sands of Iwo Jima

to defend our right to be
an inefficient nation.

My dad, uh,

he used to whine
about this place all the time,


I had no idea it was this grim.

Damn forms make my head hurt.

Come on. Let me see.

You"re almost done
with this PTSD questionnaire.

You can lose the "D."

Post-traumatic stress
isn"t a disorder.

All right. Do you have repeated,
disturbing memories,

thoughts, or images of
a stressful military experience?

Gonna put a check.

Do you feel upset
when something reminds you

of a stressful experience?

You can check
all those boxes, too.

I"m your Ghost of
Christmas Future, Clay.

You got enough meds there?

This is the VA"s
health care philosophy:

Medicate and isolate.

This is for anxiety.

These are, uh,

for nightmares. Uh,

mood swings. Depression.

These, I, uh...

I don"t know what they're for.

My cocktail of suck.

All right. Last one.

Do you blame yourself for
a stressful military experience?

All those pills
and all that water...

I got to hit the head.

Havoc, this is 1. Passing Juno.

Copy that, Bravo.

You found
Washington"s technical.

Sonny, Brock, Ray,

rig up. You"re with me.

Trent, stick with Alpha.

Roger. We"ll cover you.

Bravo 1, this is MARSOC.

Fire Teams 1 and 2


Closing in on our guy.

Well, we"ll get there
before they do.

Brock, throw it.

Number 396.

Number 396.

You kick ass over there?

Uh, yeah, you know,

tried my best.

Where"d your ticket get punched?


Little young to have been in
the Battle of Guadalcanal, eh?

What about you?

Que Son.

September 4, 1967.

What are you doing with yourself
these days?

Same as everyone in here.

Just waiting to die.

- Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
- Hey, please.

Hey. Just calm down.
Please, let-let go of me, all right?

Calm down. Hey. Look, you have to search

everybody in here,
all right? Calm...

Calm d... Calm down. Search everybody!

No, somebody took
my binder! Hey, hey!

Swanny! Hey, Swanny. Swanny! I had it two
minutes ago!

Swanny, I have your binder right
here, man. I got your binder.

I"m s...

I "m sorry. I, uh... Don" t mention it.

I must...
I must have got confused.

I thought I had...

Come on.

Here you go, brother.

You good?


Guy"s lucky I didn't drop
the hammer on him,

putting his hands
on me like that.

Yeah, you played that real cool.

You are some wiseass,
you know that?

Number 398.


Shrink time.

All right.

Have fun.

Hey, uh...

Dr. Jelly Finger
I can handle solo,

but these touchy...

these touchy-feely folks,

you know, uh...

You know?

I thought you"d never ask.

I"m glad you're here, man.

Are you still dealing
with lapses of memory?


Intrusive thoughts?

Ever consider harming yourself?

I already answered
these questions in the forms.

My workload doesn"t offer me
as much time as I"d like

to review your paperwork.

Swanny, she"s
just trying to help.

Do you ever consider
harming yourself?

I have good days and bad.

Is there a specific incident
that troubles you?

Is there a specific incident... Nicky.

My teammate, my best friend.

What happened with Nicky?

Maiwand, Afghanistan.

March 12, 2013.

Can you elaborate?

I made the wrong call.

Nick got k*lled.

Should"ve been me first
out that door.

Maybe we should move on.

Three arrests...

One for possession,
two for as*ault...

And two stays in psychiatric
wards since leaving the Navy.

Are there any other
recent incidents to report?

Drunk and disorderly last month.

Were you on your meds
at the time?

And during the other incidents?

No, ma"am.

Meds rob life of its shine.

You know, Brett"s really been...

to his regimen recently.

We"re trying to see if we can't
get an EMT gig lined up,

get things on track.

It"s gonna be hard for
you to find employment

with your record, Mr. Swann.

Knife"s already in.

Don"t need to twist it.

You"re rated to have
total occupational

and social impairment.

That"s the highest level
on our mental disorder scale.

I don"t have a mental disorder.Swann.

I know this is hard
for you to hear,

but your psychological issues
are worsening.

My issues are not psychological.

They"re physiological.

Shoving more pills down my
throat isn"t gonna help me.

I-I was injured.

I-I am injured.

I"m gonna recommend we up

your dosage of paroxetine.

Medicate and isolate.

Shh. Cerberus, phooey.

Havoc, this is 1.

Approaching his last position.

Need a location
of the combatants.

Bravo 1,
you got a five and a technical

about a 100 meters out
at your four o"clock.


They"re still looking
for Washington.

And I just found him.

I got four tangos,
north slope, two o"clock.

Bravo 4, this is 1.

Are you sighted
on the technical?

Bravo 1, this is 4.

We do not have eyes
on the vehicle.

Copy, 4.

Move and let me know
when you do.

Check, 1. Moving.

I"m pushing south now.

1, this is 4.

He"s at your one o'clock,

I"ve got two 15 yards above HVT.

We got to take "em now."

Sighting in on the two
to the west.

4 on you.

Someone had to hear that.

Havoc, this is 1, passing Utah.


We got him.

Why didn"t you tell me how
serious your issues are?

Well, the way the system works,

the more problems you have,
the better your benefits are,

so, I embellish
to get my fair share.

I"m fine.

You embellish those arrests and
the psych ward visits, too?

You stop taking your meds
again, I"m gonna kick your ass.

Not with that leg, you won"t.

Look, a couple of drinks
and no meds...

I feel like myself again.

One of the baddest men
on the planet.

I miss that. You do, too.

Feeling dangerous.

Yeah, the problem is,
I am dangerous...

to my wife, my friends, myself.

So why not...

I know you didn"t come here just
to up your anxiety medication.

What"s going on, man?

I thought I had a
horseshoe up my ass

to walk away from the
teams with all my...

my bits and pieces intact.

I"ve come to realize
that I did get dinged.

I just didn"t
know it at the time.

Unlike you,

nobody knows I"m wounded...

since my injury"s not visible.

Traumatic brain injury.

Are you sure? The therapist
didn"t say anything about it.

"Cause it hasn't been
diagnosed yet.

But I know it"s there.

I can"t say how, exactly,

but I got... I got rocked

by a couple of IED blasts,

including the one
that k*lled Nicky.

Why"d you hide this from me?

I was embarrassed, I guess.

Plus, I didn"t
want to scare you.

How many times you had
your bell rung, huh?

I wouldn"t change my time
in the teams for anything.

Even knowing this.

w*r is bad for the brain, man.

Emotional trauma.

There"s, like,
a fire in my head.

Having a TBI is like...

throwing rocket fuel onto it.


It"s a destructive combination.

It"s a lot to carry
around on your own.

Says the guy who
shut himself off from the world

when he got blown up.

Became SEALs "cause we..."

"cause we didn't know how
to ring the bell, right?"

Only thing a frogman doesn"t
know how to do is ask for help.

All the time I spent

the enemy never scared me.

But the enemy"s in my head now.

And I"m terrified, Clay.

Havoc to Bravo 1.

Be advised,
your contact in the ravine

did not go unnoticed.

You have roughly
three dozen enemy fighters

in nine technical vehicles

moving towards your location.

Good copy, Havoc.

Set the timer.

Bravo 4, we"re moving
in one mike.

Let"s go, boys. Hurry up.

It"s getting late.

Whole day"s a waste
if I don"t see the doctor.

You"re gonna get in.
Don"t worry.

So, what"s the play?

I know you"re not showing up
without a plan of action.

Three-pronged attack.

Get Dr. Wilson to diagnose the
TBI, plot a course of treatment,

then pray like hell
something works

and my brain gets unscrambled.

Number 412.

I noticed you have some
treatment ideas in that binder.

Always a SEAL. Even
with a busted brain,

I still feel like I know
better than everyone else.

398 to the window.

All right, I"m coming with you.

Where was this earlier?

Could"ve saved me
the humiliation

of having to ask you.

Dr. Wilson"s running behind.

We have to reschedule.

Well, I"ve-I've been
waiting all day.

How"s June 29?

That"s two months
from now.Please.

It"s imperative
that I see Dr. Wilson today.

Listen, B...

Brett"s a hero,
and he-he needs your help, okay?

You can"t just... you can't just
turn your back on him, man.

Do you want the 29th or not?

Look, uh,

Derek, listen, my buddy Brett...

He"s... he's a little
embarrassed to say, but he is...

He just come back
from the Amazon,

and he"s got
a really gnarly rash.

What are you doing? Rash?


Right, Brett?

Go on. Yeah, yeah.

I-I can"t lie to you, sir.

It"s, uh...
it"s-it's pretty gross.

Show-show him the rash.

You want to see it?
Goes all the way up here, and...

I think that Dr. Wilson really

should take a look
at this thing.

I"ll make sure you get in.

Thanks. Thank you.

Bravo 1,
be advised enemy fighters

are danger close
in technical vehicles, massed

in your location
and the exfil point.

Copy all, Havoc.

MARSOC"s heading
to secure the LZ.

Let "s roll! Let" s roll!

Pretty slick, playing
the Zika card.

Yeah, well, team guys don"t
really handle "no" very well.

Compression issues with the C1
and C4 causing you much pain?

Yeah, my neck"s
manageable, but I, uh...

I came here to talk

I didn"t see any record
of traumatic brain injury.

Well, that"s because it hasn't

been diagnosed yet.

My psychological issues

are consistent with TBI.

I have the, uh,
physical manifestations:

Headaches, dizziness,
ringing in my ears,

insomnia, shaking hands.

Uh, how do you know
this was combat related?

Brett ran thousands of spec ops.

You know,
tip of the spear gets exposed.

My bet is I suffered
blast-induced neurotrauma.

Hmm. What do you think?

Well, I"d have to run a battery
of tests before diagnosing,

but your mental health issues
and cognitive impairments,

physical ailments
and record of heavy combat

certainly support the claim.

I could kiss you, Doc.

Anyone ever thank you

for telling them
that their brain is screwed?

Now, slow down, Brett. I know you have
a process to follow,

and I"ll pass those tests
with flying colors.

And I-I"m willing to commit to
an aggressive treatment program.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy,

photobiomodulation, uh,
nutraceutical supplementation,

and, uh...

I"m sorry. I just, uh...

It"s-it's been a while
since I got a break like this.

Which, uh, which treatment
would you recommend?

I can"t recommend any of them.

Well, fine.

Whatever-whatever plan
you prescribe.


No, that"s not it, Brett.

Give me a deep breath.

The problem is that there"s
no record of your TBI.

Yeah, well, which is...
which is why I"m here.

To get it diagnosed
and-and treated.

If your wound wasn"t documented
while you were serving...

I can"t treat it.

What do you mean, documented?

Wh-Why would it be documented?

Easy, Brett. The whole point,
the whole damn point

is it"s not a visible injury.

How could I have known
to report it

when I didn"t even
understand it?

Swann, this isn"t helping, man.
So when my best friend

gets vaporized by an IED,

I-I should be
more concerned about...

about reporting my headache

than-than trying
to save his life?

Is that what you"re telling me?!

Look, Brett dedicated his life
to serving our country.

You"re gonna hang him out to dry
over some clerical issue?

Well, it"s...
I empathize with you,

but I"m not doing anything.

It"s not about me.
It"s about the system.

Get me an MRI.


Document the injury first.

Then I can find
someone willing to help me.

I can"t authori...

I don"t have the authority
to authorize an MRI,

which costs
thousands of dollars.

I"m sorry.

Why you doing this to me?


I"m not doing anything
to you, Brett.

I"m doing the best I can,

but my hands are tied.

The only course of action

is to continue to
treat your symptoms.Symptoms.

Treat the symptom.

Not the problem.

And for me, nothing changes.

More pills.

Just in time for fun.

What"s our move, Jace?
Enemy"s massing fast.

We can"t get through that

without taking casualties.

Havoc, this is 1.
We need close air support.

Roger, 1. Calling it in now.

We can"t sit here
much longer, Jace.

These dirtbags aren"t helping

getting our fallen eagle
out of here.

Havoc, this is 1.
How close is that air support?

Bravo 1, Havoc.
Air support on station now.

Copy that. Calling it.

Trent, pop it. Yeah!

Dragon 26.

This is Bravo 4.

Our position"s
marked by red smoke.

Enemy"s position

in 285 degrees

at 50 meters,

90 degrees at 500 meters.

Danger close. How copy?

Bravo 4, Helo 68

is at your six, and I"m sighting
out on your north slope now.

Bravo 4, this is Dragon 26.

I believe if you take a look
now, you"ll find your tangos

have been cleared out.
Have a nice day.

Just in time.

Let"s get
Captain Washington home.

Hey, let"s just go, huh?

I can"t spend another second
in this place.

I"m gonna wait in the truck.

Swann, we got-we got to get your
prescription, dude. Come on.

Look, I know today
didn"t go as planned.

But you remember
what you told me?

It"s time to buckle
down for the fight,

"cause it's gonna be a fight.

Right? When"d I say that?

You know, maybe Nicky
was the lucky one.

Best of us
never make it back, right?

Come on, man, you
can"t think like that.

You know, when I got out,
I was determined

to live a life full
of purpose and meaning.

I figured that"d be the best way

to honor those
who didn"t come home.

But now all I want is to...

is to sleep through the night
without nightmares,

wake up feeling normal again.

I don"t think
that"s too much to ask, right?

Look, all the battles
you fought, dude?

Come on, you"re gonna have
this licked in no time.

My battles are over, man.

Hey, Swann. Come on.

Look, let"s just...
let"s just go.

Let"s go hit the bar.
Let"s go get some beers,

and let"s forget about
today, all right? Yeah. Sure.

You know, you and me...
We would"ve made good teammates.


Are you gonna tell me
what that means now?

I"ll tell you over those beers.

♪ Mother Earth

♪ Will swallow you

♪ Lay your body down

♪ Find the cost

♪ Of freedom

♪ Buried in the ground

♪ Mother Earth

♪ Will swallow you

♪ Lay your body down

♪ Find the cost of freedom

♪ Buried in the ground

♪ Mother Earth

♪ Will swallow you

♪ Lay your body down

♪ Find the cost

♪ Of freedom

♪ Buried in the ground

♪ Mother Earth

♪ Will swallow you

♪ Lay your body down...

Thank you, man. Thank you.

It"s been my lucky day.
Your boy over there

just emptied out
his whole wallet for me.

♪ Find the cost...


Hey, Swanny!

♪ Buried in the ground...


♪ Mother Earth

♪ Will swallow you

♪ Lay your body down...

♪ Find the cost

♪ Of freedom

♪ Buried in the ground

♪ Mother Earth

♪ Will swallow you

♪ Lay your body down.