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02x18 - Payback

Posted: 11/24/21 07:59
by bunniefuu
Navy. You?

Air Force.

Davis, continue down
the corridor,

extinguishing all flames
you encounter.

You're drinking too much,

ignoring the family.

This isn't the man I married.

This is the broken
sailor I found.

I don't want that man to come
home from the Philippines.

Look, Swanny, why don't you stay
at my apartment while I'm gone?

You know, we're gonna deploy. Are you sure?

Team guys, we got
to stick together, right?

He's in critical condition.

We've airlifted him
back to the States.

You think whoever
this was, it was aimed at us?

Mandy gets the information,

she gives that name to us first.

Traumatic damage to the
femoral nerve in both legs.

In both legs.

The surgical grafts
and reconstruction...

The surgical grafts
and reconstruction appear

to have been successful.

Neural pathways...

Neural pathways
may never heal completely.

The ongoing
risk of sensation loss...

risk of sensation loss
could compromise safety

and mobility in the field.

Start a program of physical
therapy and rehabilitation...

to regain strength...

to regain strength in your legs.

Clay, you have to accept
the real possibility...

You have to
accept the real possibility...

that you may never be
able to operate again.

Moving a hell of a lot slower
than normal, fellas.

That last training run should
have been cake for you.

Instead, you're dragging ass.

Why do you think we're
dragging ass?

One of our best is out.

He got blown up, Blackburn.

You remember that?

Instead of going after
the bastards that got 'em,

we're stuck here in the island
of suck, better known as Guam.

Irony is, they call this
place the Island of Warriors.

Yeah, well, warriors go to w*r.

This ain't it. Yeah, it ain't w*r.

When Mandy comes up
with a new target package,

we will prosecute it...

Mandy's a good idea fairy...
What the hell does she know?

Until then, we run the drill!


Either of us worried about
where Sonny's head's at?

No. I'm not worried.

He's angry. We're all angry.
We're pissed.

This guy, Shaw, what?
Moves us to Guam,

away from the fight?

Doesn't make it any easier.

Politically it was
the right call.

Nobody makes that call.

Including you, you know that.

Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter...

As long as we're in this AO,
Shaw calls the sh*ts. Period.

You hear from Clay?

It's been a month, you know.

Yeah. Nothing new.

Reach out to him?

Yeah. We reached out.

All of us have
reached out to him.

Radio silence.

That makes me think the worst.

That's what concerns me.

Morning, sunshine.

How you feeling?

Like I've been laying in bed

for weeks with a blown-up leg.

Nurse says P.T. seems
like it's going well,

left leg's doing great.

She also mention
I can't stand when I pee?

Would you rather
have a catheter?

You know, you don't have
to keep coming up here,

check up on me like this.

Time you spend coming up here
is better spent

looking for an EMT gig.

You should get out there
and do what you love.

Stopped doing what I love
when I got out.

You know what I mean.

Being cooped up here
with me sucks.

Team guys look
out for each other.

Look, if a job materializes,
I'll ghost you in a second.

Till then, I'm here to help.

When I can't, I'll...

I'll catch up on
my Jocko podcasts.

You got a lot of missed
calls here, unread messages.

You haven't responded
to any of these.

Jason. Jason. Sonny. Sonny.

Sonny. Ray. Trent.

Your boys are worried about you.

I'll call 'em
when I know I'm coming back.

Well, you won't know for months.


I'll call 'em then.

Gunnery Sergeant Miller.

Candidate Davis. Enter.

At ease.

What can I do for you, Davis?

With your permission,

I'd like to request
special liberty.

A friend from my old command
is in the hospital.

The rest of the Team
is still in country.

The Crucible
is coming up again, Davis.

Shipboard firefighting.

What was your malfunction
in there?

Nothing, Gunnery Sergeant.

I just choked, I guess.

Negative. What I saw was fear.

You froze.

That'd been a real scenario,
your actions would haven seen

your shipmates injured
or k*lled.

I'll grant a special liberty.

And while you're gone,
you should do some thinking.

Fear is a hell
of a thing, Davis.

If you don't slay it, you
will not make it through OCS.

Not a chance in hell.

Here is to Commander Shaw

for suggesting that we should
cut back on our drinking.

All right. So top to him,
and top to bottom.

Well, now, does that mean
that we're breaking the rules

for drinking at this

Look at that.

You ain't cheating the rules
if you ain't winning, Sonny.

Man, I'll tell you what. That correct?

I-I-I-I really wish
that Clay was here right now.

It doesn't feel right.

You know,
I'm gonna give him a call.

It's 500 a.m.
where he is, man, stop.

Stop. You know his schedule?

'Cause I sure as hell don't.

All you hear from Blackburn
is that he's stable. Okay?

Well, stable... stable how?

I mean, that-that he's...
He can walk, that he talks?

Convince the nurse
to give him a sponge bath

and wax his baby chest?

I just don't understand

how he just can't return
a damn phone call.

Sonny. His injury, his recovery.

Let him handle it the way
he needs to handle it.

You got that? I got it.

I mean, you got to think
about the conversation

on his end, right? Yeah.

Like, how would you feel if you
were laid up in the hospital

listening to stories that we're
telling about kicking ass?

Ray, this ain't
kicking ass, okay?

This is sitting on our ass.

Alls I'm saying is, just
give Spenser some time, G.

You can't understand the
hell he's in, all right?

All I'm saying is I need to pee.

He'll be fine. Yep.

Whatever you say there, Ray,

'cause you can't pull without...

Got to take another call?


Yeah? Yeah, you
boys take it easy.


Again. Someone who's just
got to wreak havoc. Yeah.

I'm just trying
to lighten the mood.

You're up, buddy. Ready?

Before you even start,

if you really enjoy embarrassing
yourself all the time...

Watch and learn. All you have
to do is show up anything...

That's it. See you later, buddy.

Say that again.

This just ain't gonna work.
Wait. Hold on.

It's... 70-cent piece...

Mind if I try?


That's a longneck
with a $100 bill on it.



Beginner's luck.

No, I don't believe
that it's beginner's luck.

I tell you what, hey,
let me buy you a drink.

I already have one.

Yes, you do.

Okay, well, how
about a game of pool

by the neon mermaid?

Well, I'd like to,
but the table's occupied.

I'm guessing there would
have been a wager.


And the stakes?

Loser buys the winner breakfast.

Sounds like you would
have won either way, then.

See you around.

She just takes my $100 bill
like that.

Are you kidding me?

Hey, bartender. Can I get a...

Can I get two more
of those Ishii beers?

What is it...
How do you say Ishii?

Yeah, that's it.

Perfect. Thank you.


What in the hell you doing here?

I thought you were in Manila.

I was, and now I'm here.

So I assume, by you being here,

it means that you
found a target?

To give payback for what
they did to Clay?

You want to keep
your voice down, Sonny?


Simple yes or no, Mandy.

This isn't the place
for that conversation.

Thank you. Of course, that means

that you didn't find
it yet, did you? No.

It also means you're
still on the clock,

which you shouldn't
be drinking, then.

Don't piss me off, Sonny.


Excuse me, ma'am.

This guy bothering you?

He's fine.

Listen, Lumberjack Johnny,

trees are outside, you
can start chopping.

Wasn't talking to you.
Are you sure?

Hey, fella.

Take a walk. See you.


You've been overserved. Yeah?

You should go.

Well, I don't know if you've
checked your current location

on this fine planet
known as Earth,

but according to my GPS...

being in my face is
a bad idea for you.


Don't touch me.

Okay, I won't.

Sonny, please stop.


Was gonna bring you a
lobster roll from Rhode Island,

but I figured
this would travel better.

Well, I like what you done
with the place.

What are you doing here?

Heard you got tagged.

Figured I should come
check it out myself.

How's, how's OCS?

About halfway through, right?

Come on, you don't want to talk
about cake-eater camp, do you?

What's going on?

What'd the doctor say?

Well, he said that...

I'll either heal enough
to operate again or I won't.


That's the end of
the conversation.

So... about you. OCS.

Bet you're really owning
those other candidates?


Think they're taking out a pool
to see when I'm gonna wash out.

That's not gonna happen.

Well, you never know.

I mean, I could fail a test.

Get rolled back. D.O.R.

You thinking about quitting?

Crossed my mind.

I mean, every day is one
reminder after another that

most of what officers do
is make decisions.

All with consequences.

Sometimes life or death,
and it's a scary responsibility.

Yeah, that's

what makes it matter,
why an officer is different.

Yeah, but... No, but nothing.

You're really gonna sit there
and tell me

that you're thinking about
walking away from your dream?

Whatever your

problem is, it's in your head.

I'm sorry.


Navy can't afford to lose
any of the good ones.

Get yourself right.

You know, it's exactly why

I miss the carving
station at the P.I.

At least they got
cheesesteaks there.

This is like a sloppy mess,
not even sloppy Joes.

Here. What-what in the hell
is that sweet taste?

It's coconut. In the meat.

Coconut in the meat?

What in the hell?

I mean, you-you... you do that

to somebody that you hate.

These people... they hate us.

Who's they?

The Gua... Guamanese-ese.

Sorry. The who?


That's what I said. The Guamanians.

You do realize that
they're American?

Let's be clear, Jace, okay?

Coconut in meat... ain't nothing
American about that.

Here he goes.

General Shaw found out

about your little
off-campus dust-up last night.

Thought I made it clear
that Bravo Team was

under the microscope right now.

Well, I mean, to be fair,

I don't think it was a dust-up.

I think it was more of a,
small, little...

You bored?

Um... you bored?

Maybe your therapy sessions
will help fill up the time.

Did he say

therapy sessions? That's funny.

Good. All right. That's great.

Y-You're joking me, right?

General Shaw feels
that meeting with a counselor

at the Fleet and Family Support
Center would be productive. Come on.

Yeah, I don't know about that.

I heard that therapy... that
could mess you up real good.

Therapy? Touchy feelings

is not...
How is that gonna help us out?

News flash, but that's not

a touchy-feely job here.
You know that.

Tell it to your psych.

Appointments have been
made for each of you.

This guy Shaw, man,

he's just doing this stuff
right now to show he's boss.

Ain't that the truth.

Well, he isthe boss,
so suck it up.

You got this.

Welcome the pain.

You've come a long way
in four weeks, Clay.

Only easy day was yesterday.

How many more cheese-d*ck quotes
are you gonna spew at me?

As many as it takes
to stop you dragging your ass.

I'm dragging my ass
'cause my leg got blown

into spaghetti by some dirtbag.

Aw, listen to this
little pity party, Lucas.

He's cute, right?

The body's a miracle machine.

It's incredible
what it can overcome,

given the right treatment.

Why the face?

Describe the pain.


Well, he's about five-ten,
he's to my left,

reddish hair, smells
like foot powder.

Well, you forgot "handsome"

and "a noble descendant
of the Scots."

Does he ever stop talking?

Looks like trying
to get away from him

is all the motivation you need.

Okay, okay, okay.

You can sit now. All right, hold on.

Let me just... Let me
hit him in the face first.

Good luck shifting your
weight between your legs, pal.

Gonna kick me while I'm down?

Well, you didn't like
the cheerleading.

Taking a new approach.

The longer you two guys bicker,
the longer it takes me

to inform Doc Roberts
that you've reached

your inpatient
rehabilitation benchmark.

Wait. Hold... You mean that...?

You're going home, pal.

Your Majesty.

You're going home.

My session today is
with Jason Hayes.

I don't understand
why you're all here.

Well, technically, Doc, you have
sessions with my team all week,

so I figured, why not
just bring 'em all in

on one day, knock it out?-

There you go. Boom.

Or you figured
that... I don't know...

You could use your
friends as cover

to avoid any chance of
substantive discussion?

Maybe? Discussion?
What's he mean by that?

You're Navy SEALs.
You're taught to never show

pain, because,
emotional or otherwise,

pain is thought of as...

as weakness.

You've experienced some
personal and professional losses

recently, Jason,
not to mention a serious injury

to one of your men in a bombing.

That's a heavy load to carry.

Look, Doc, you know, you get
paid to talk about issues...

Find 'em, pull 'em out,
dissect 'em, whatever you do.

I get paid to overcome 'em, so

I'm not seeing
a common ground here.

Not all issues exist
in the field, Jason.

Some live inside of us.

Careful, Jace.

This is where,
the voodoo starts,

he tries to get in your head.

Sonny's afraid of therapy.

I ain't afraid
of nothing. So, the man who

started a bar fight doesn't feel

he could benefit
from some introspection?

You say the word
"bar fight" like...

like, it's a dirty word,

like I did something wrong.

Didn't you?

What about you guys?

How did the bar fight affect
the two of you?

Well, you know,
it didn't impact Ray at all,

because, he was taking a call,

And maybe he could have settled
Sonny down, but...

- I should have know.
- Jason relies

on me to take care
of everything, so...

Right, I see.


Okay. What's that you see?

Just, as a group,

you model archetypical
familial dynamics.

Authority figure, caretaker,

goof-off. No, Ray's no goof-off.

I meant Sonny. What?

Listen, you know what?

I'm thinking that
we got a lot out of this.

If it's good with you,
I think we'll take off,

and, you got
everything you need.


you still have 45 minutes.

Awful long time to
sit in silence, guys.

I'm pretty sure none of that
is what Shaw had in mind.

Well, I feel a little different.
I feel a little lighter.

How about you? No.

You? That was the worst thing
I ever done in my life, man.

Seriously. All right, take a minute.


Well, Dr. Julia Logan.


You're a patient.

Here really not by choice.


Didn't get a chance

to introduce myself to you

since you took my money
and ran off the other night.

I didn't steal anything.

Okay. Who knows?

Maybe you'll have a
chance to win it back.

Therapist, man.

You got to be kidding me.

The second b*mb outside the bar.

Yeah, the one
that took out Clay.Yes.

Image is too degraded
for facial recognition.

NICA and CIA are
working on identifying

anyone striking a resemblance
within the anti-Western

and fundamentalist groups
in the region.

And they've come up empty?

Correct, but we've just learned

that the main charge
in both devices was ANFO.

Fertilizer, diesel fuel?

How does that help us narrow
down the list of usual suspects?

Well, it doesn't, but it
helped me expand the search.

I was able to track
a large shipment

of ammonium nitrate from
two weeks before the bombing

to a site in Santa Rosa.

Santa Rosa? Didn't know any

of the fundamentalist groups
operate out of there.

They don't, but the New
Resistance Force does.

Armed faction of the Communist
Party of the Philippines?

They don't target Westerners.
Seems thin.

I thought so, too,
until NICA sent me the profile

on the leader
of a relatively new NRF cell.

This is the man
who took out Clay.

So that's the dude responsible
for the bombing in Manila?

NICA and the CIA
has identified him

as a top dog in the
New Resistance Force.

His name is Armand Pacada.

That's a dead man walking
right there.

It appears the b*mb was built
in an old molasses factory

outside of Santa Rosa,

The factory's been closed
for two years, but

satellite photos
show steady traffic

in the building the
last six months.

NRF headquarters?

At least one of them, yeah.

Mission is to hit the factory

and bring back intel...

Documents, hard drives,

prisoners, anything you can get.

If you can find him,

then we wrap up
Armand Pacada, too.

I cannot wait
to make his acquaintance.

The attack in Manila was
out of character for the NRF,

so there's a bigger picture
here that we're not seeing.

I want Pacada

brought in for interrogation,
so no hole in his head.

You know we can't
guarantee that.

The bad guys kind of
have a say in the fight.

Filipinos have authorized us
to prosecute the operation.

Commander Bayani will be
your liaison on the ground.

What are you thinking, Ray?

Factory's surrounded
by brush and trees.

Offset infil makes sense.-

Take indig vehicles
to the set point,

roll to the target on foot.

Them Stalin-humpers ain't
gonna know what hit 'em.

Right. Remember,

the objective is to gather intel

and bring Pacada back
from the Philippines


Hey, Mandy...

look, I was out of
line the other night,

and, well, um...

I just want to tell you that...

I'm-I'm sorry.

You know, you get her done,
as you always do, and,

well, now it's our time
to get payback for Clay.

Okay. Thank you for the apology.

I'm in therapy.

- Havoc, this is 1.
- Passing Faraday.

Bravo 1,

this is Havoc Base.
I copy Faraday.

Bravo 2, split left.

Copy that.

Bravo 1, be advised,

ISR shows two individuals
at the factory loading dock.

Copy that. Anyone else?


Bravo 2,

how's everything on your side?

Good to go.

Stand by.

Can you friggin' believe

there are still commies
in this world?

Don't these idiots
read history books?

I'll take left, you take right.

On your one.

Execute, execute, execute.


Looks like jackpot to me.

Not till we get Pacada.

All right, let's go.

Get all the intel. Pack it up.

Havoc, this is 1.
Passing Einstein.

Copy that, Bravo 1.
Passing Einstein.

That's Pacada!

Where you going, son?

1, this is 2.

Area clear. We have HVT.

How copy? Copy, 2.

Target secure. Move to us.


On the move.

On me.

Havoc, this is 1.

Passing Curie and Lovelace.

Copy, Bravo 1.

Passing Curie and Lovelace.

Blue, blue, blue!

Chicken Piccata here
made a phone call

before we grabbed him.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, he's not gonna talk.

What happened?

Fell down.

Havoc, this is 1. HVT may have

gotten off a call
before we secured him.

A-firm, Bravo 1.

Be advised,
ISR shows two vehicles inbound,

five klicks east of your pos.

Estimated time,
ten minutes till they reach you.

The objective is Pacada.

They have him. I need him.

Bravo 1,
I suggest you finish your SSE

and bring the HVT in
before those vehicles arrive.

Already pushing our ROE.

Last thing we need
is a major contact.

Pacada's cell's
looking for a fight.

I say, come get some.

You're thinking we set a trap?

More like an ambush.

What are the odds we get another
chance to take out that cell?

Ray's right. We take them out,
we save more lives.

Yeah. I know.

So what's the plan, boss?

Let's do it. Payback.


Everybody else get
ready for SSE?

We're fighting. Five minutes.

Havoc, this is 1.

We got a target of opportunity.

We're staying put.

Copy that, Bravo 1. Standing by.

You can leave that shower chair
in the hall, man.

I have no intentions
of using it.

When you're older and wiser,

you'll realize that standing
in the shower is for chumps.


You hang out here for a sec.

I-I forgot
you were coming home today.

The place is a dump.

I spent multiple deployments
sharing a room with Sonny.

Look, nothing's
gonna shock me.Yeah.

Well, it'll take me 30 seconds?

Swann, I really need
to get off my feet, man.

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.

Here you go.


Home sweet home?

What is this?

It's just my little system
to remember stuff

now that I have
no wives to nag me.

I'm really sorry about the mess?

You should...

Maybe you should
call Dr. Sullivan.

Yeah, I just...

just want to get used
to being home for a minute,

you know what I'm saying?

Hey! Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, you push too hard,
you'll make yourself worse.

Come on, how can it get
any worse than this, you know?

Well, it can, fast.

Look, I know you want
a full recovery.

You got to find that zone
between doing nothing

and trying to... trying
to do everything at once.

You got to...


You got to pace yourself.

Take it easy.

You speaking
from personal experience?

These all yours?

See how many pills
you're popping

after you've done
a dozen deployments.

Consider me

a cautionary tale.

Everything okay with NICA?

They weren't thrilled about
the Teams staying on target.

They're not the only ones
who feel that way.

Yeah, well,
you'll get your intel.

The objective is the objective
for a reason.

Dismantling that cell
is a target of opportunity.

One that played right
into their need for revenge.


I get it.

I was at the bar.

But this isn't
just about Pacada.

There's a bigger picture
that we're not seeing yet.

And what I need
is still in that factory.

It's in Pacada's head.

And without it,

the trail goes cold.

They won't let you down.

I hope not.

Man, I sure wish
Golden Boy was here

to see the takedown
of all takedowns.

Yeah, me, too.

You think he's gonna come back?

Sonny, you got something
on your mind, don't you?

If you do, you better share it
before these boogers come out.

You know...

while I was stuck
in the sub, um,

I said something to him,

about going all in, and...

I told him. I said,
"That's who we are."

That's when he started
sleeping in the cages and...

getting after it harder.

And I believe that's why he ran
out and saved those people.

You know, maybe I...

I think that I put him
in the path of the b*mb.

Listen, Sonny, stop, all
right? Clay wanted to help.

He ran to the danger.
That-That's what we do,

run to danger.

Yeah, but I-I should've...

pulled him back a bit,

said something, and I didn't.

You need reining in,
that's on me.

That's my responsibility.
All right?

Listen, Sonny, one more thing.

Next time, talk to me before you
take it out on an HVT's face.

Got it?

That wasn't me, Jace.


Something ain't right.

And, to be honest,
I'm worried about him.

I'm only saying this
because maybe it's something

our team leader
needs to rein in.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

You have enemy vehicles
three mikes out.

Good copy.

On you.

Shift fire!

Move through! Move through!

Set security!

Check for known dead.

SSE tangos and trucks.

Ray, check on Pacada.

Bayani, you're with me.

Ray, let's go.

Bravo 2 to Havoc Base.

Our HVT has escaped
his hardpoint.

We lost Pacada.

All stations, he's on foot.

Can't be far.


We got a blood trail.Go.

They'll find him.

And if they don't?

They'll find him.



You're lucky it wasn't me.

Jackpot. Havoc, this is 1.
Passing Curie. Again.

Copy that, Bravo 1.
Passing Curie.

The threat of mutiny and
uncertainty of the mission

was constant, driven
by fear of the enemy.

Of the unknown.

And yet this ragtag
army held together.

They completed the march,

they reached Derna,

and against a vastly
superior enemy position,

they took the city.

Do you know what
held them together?


The will to make decisions
in impossible situations

against improbable odds.

Moral authority quelled
the whispers of mutiny.

Vision kept the mission alive
through 600 miles of wasteland.

And courage...

courage compelled the charge
through heavy musket fire

that broke the enemy defense.

Those same qualities

that won the very first
American victory on foreign soil

214 years ago

are the same required
of you here today.




These are the core values

that provide the moral authority
to lead.

And you must draw upon it
not only in your career

but in your life as well.

Because, make no mistake,

an officer who can lead others

but not himself or herself

is no officer at all.


You had some time to think?

Yes, Gunnery Sergeant.

I need to find out.

If I have what it takes.

Well, that's one thing
I can guarantee you.

That you will find out
if you have what it takes.


Feel better?

we got the guy that hurt Clay.

Probably stopped
some more bombings.

So, yeah.

I do feel better.

You're quiet, Ray.

Not much to say.

Why don't you tell me a story.

Tell me a story about
what happened to Pacada's face.

He hurt Clay.

I hurt him back.

And that's all
that's going on with you?

That's all.

I don't believe that.

What are you doing, man?

I'm try... My le...

This damn leg isn't letting me
reach this high.

Can you get this flag down
for me?

Why the redecorating?
I-I like it there.

I'm not on Bravo anymore.

I don't... I don't keep pictures
of my ex-girlfriends

laying around, either.

Look, when I left
the Teams, it sucked.

Some days I, I couldn't find
a reason to get out of bed.

Thinking of them out there,
dropping the hammer...

it's tough.

At least you got to leave
on your own terms.

Only one acting

like you're leaving is you.

The doctors haven't ruled out
clearing you to operate.

Navy hasn't discharged you.

Teammates haven't
given up on you.

Hold on to Bravo
as long as you can,

'cause when you're really out...

you'll realize the Team

was everything you had.

Flag stays put.


And another.

And, you want something?

No, I'm good.

Not that I'm counting,
but that's your fourth?

What's going on?

I don't know.

If I was me,
I'd probably know, but...

I'm not, so I don't.

Okay, that might be your fifth,

'cause you're not making
any sense.

Christine, the real Ray Perry...

would never lose control
of his emotions like that.

The real Ray Perry,
he turned the other cheek

'cause he trusted that vengeance
belonged to God and God alone.

And-and that his own hands
couldn't heal your wounds.

Or Clay's.

But this Ray...

I couldn't deliver payback
fast enough.

And what did it get me?

So you feel bad
about what happened.

I don't feel nothing.

Pretty sure that's worse
than feeling bad.

I'm pretty sure you're right.

You know what?

One more for me, please.

Thought you didn't want another.

State you're in, can't
let you drink alone.

Well, Shaw did one good thing.

That's transfer
your unit here, too.

I guess so.

This way we can continue
our talks.


Well, look who it is?

Open pool table.
That means I get a chance

to win my $100 back?
What do you think?

Double or nothing?

Sounds good.
Looks like I'll be having

a fancy breakfast
in the morning.

My break.

Really? Shrinks never discuss
patients with each other?


not by name.

I knew it, see?

You wouldn't like
my whole take on therapy.

Well, it's not for everybody.

Kind of like hockey. Whoa,
whoa, wait a second.

Those are fighting words, now.

I'm just saying, hockey
is all about brute force.

Where pool, on the other hand,

requires finesse,


attention to detail...

and patience.

Impressive. But, you know,

hockey's not just
about brute force.

You need speed, endurance
to put the puck in the net.

I don't know.

All those penalties,
lots of time to rest.

It's fun in the penalty box.
You should try it.

You missed that. My shot.

Hey, don't expect him
to take it easy on you

just because you're a girl.

I'd walk away if he did.

What about your friend there?

She's not gonna
play pool with us?

Good thing it's happy hour.

Yeah. Hey, look who I got here.
Who you got?

Look who I got right here. Yeah!

Hey, look at you, man.
Yeah, boy.

Yeah, man.

It's good to see you, too, man.

Hey, I'm...

Look, I'm sorry I didn't...

didn't get back to y'all.

Don't matter, man.

All that matters is
you're home right now.

Yeah. Yeah. All right?

Got my eye
on my first outpatient rehab

in a couple hours here.

What's going on over there?

You know, not much.

Mandy, found the guys
who did it,

and we, we handled it.

I bet y'all did.

Wish I could've been there.

You were here, man.
You're always here.