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02x17 - Paradise Lost

Posted: 11/24/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
What, you're staying here now?

Yeah, you know, I just trying
to focus on the thing

that matters most in my life,
being a Navy SEAL.

My name is Sergeant Miller.

My mission is to turn you
into an officer.

Something's wrong with you,
and I'm-a find out what it is.

But what about the loans?
It's too late to apply.

How could you miss the deadline?

I've got my own life
and our life

I have to keep running
when you're gone.

You're drinking too much.
Ignoring the family.

This isn't the man I married.

This is the broken
sailor I found.

I don't want that man to come
home from the Philippines.

I'm gonna miss this.

12 weeks without your barbecue.

That's not the only thing
you're gonna miss.

Hey, Zell, what's up? How you doing, man?

Hey. Good to see you.

So you're still in,
you're still grinding?

Yeah, you know, pays the bills.

Not as much as that should,
though, am I right?

Hey, where's
your radio? On the hill,

so the PLA track away from us.
Should buy us a few minutes.

Spoke to PACOM command.

They're not exactly thrilled
that our boy Clay

left an encrypted
communication device

in the hands of the Chinese.

We need command to be happy
with us or our lives

are gonna become
extremely unpleasant.

Come on right now.

Sweet Lord of the Rings.

Okay. That's it.
That's enough for today, boys.

It was enough two hours ago.

We brought something
to share, to thank you

for everything you've shared
with us these past few weeks.

What is that?

Snake wine.

That is one big ass
tequila worm.

Even in death, the cobra's
poised for battle.

To Bravo Team.

Cheers. Yeah, yeah.

Are you nuts?

You're gonna drink that?

The venom's harmless.

Almost always.


All right, all right,
I'll do one, I'll do one.

No, no, no, no.

Slow your roll there, 6,
you're a baby.

You gonna be sick.

You gonna get sick.

I'm gonna show you
how Texas drinks

some Filipino snake venom.
That's right.

Yeah. That's easy.

Yup, there it is.

All right. Clay, you're up.

Jay, come on, man, not the hat.

Come on, let's go. Just
went from bad to worse.

There it is.

The snake venom!



This is Unit 3 Commander Shaw.

He, along with our friends
at NAVSOG Command,

wanted to get a glimpse of the
intensive and targeted training

that Bravo Team is conducting,

along with our partner forces.

Yeah, right, we were
just, you know,

having a little fun, that's all.

So if we'd come by earlier,

you would've resembled
Tier One professionals.

I'm sorry, sir.

Did not get any on
your boots, you're good.

It's unfortunate timing, sir.

I'm sure they're all very eager
to get back to work.


Who the hell is this guy?
Regional Commander Shaw...

From what I'm hearing,
this guy can't even operate

out of a wet paper bag.

Jason, take a breath, all right.

You're not the one

who just had
an hour-long earful.

What's his problem with you?

Commander Shaw takes issue
with the Bravo Team culture.

What's that mean?

Well, to start with,

he wants us to look
more professional.

Haircuts, uniforms.

It's a joke, right? We're
out there busting our asses

and he's more concerned
about our fashion sense?

It's not about
fashion sense. What's it about?

It's about Mexico
going sideways.

Really, Mexico again?

It's about not taking out Zaman.

It's about Clay pulling
the stunt with the radio.

Commander Shaw believes
that a lax culture

has contributed
to operational missteps.

Yeah, well, he's wrong. Yeah, well,
he's also senior rank,

so wrong doesn't matter.

You gotta be kidding me.
Any other unit

does those operations,
there's not gonna be missteps,

there's gonna be casualties,
a lot of them. Jason!

It doesn't matter, Jason.

If Commander Shaw

wants things in Bravo to change,
then guess what?

They'll change.

Sure. Start with our uniforms.

What's our move, Davis?

It's simple. They're patrolling
in predictable patterns.

The entry point's exposed every
11 seconds, yes, but it's not...

We have plenty of time
to rush in and grab the flag.

We're not doing that.

What, you're not fast enough?

They're not dumb enough.

If they're moving in a
predictable way, it's a trap.

You got a better idea?

Yes, Evelyn, I do.

Watts. Yeah.

How'd you like
a b*ttlefield promotion?

Okay, move, move, move, move.

Go, go, go. Go.

Get on your feet.
This exercise is over.

Meyer, Shocky, put them
in the Humvee.

Roger. Will do.

Got it!

Nice work, Davis.

Davis, you k*lled it.

Nice work.

Get in formation!

Impersonating an instructor.

Was that your
bright idea, Watts?

It was mine, Gunnery Sergeant.

You proud of yourself, Davis?

Cheating your way
through the mission?

We won, Gunnery Sergeant.

We'll see.


you got yourself about
a bottle-a-day habit

there with that sauce,

you trying to marinate
yourself with that?

All this running around
we're doing,

I need something
to keep the calories up

so my pants don't fall down.

You know, that's about
all we've been doing

is running in circles, man.

We might as well deploy
to a summer camp.

We get it.
We understand, all right?

Poster Boy here, he's itching

for a little action,
just a little mish.

Kid Vicious, why don't you
get yourself a roll of quarters,

head down to the arcade,

and blast some Space Invaders?

Okay. Sonny, you know,
it was really nice

of you to support the local
culture and buy that shirt here.

The real question here
that everybody's asking

is why you seem so content.

Dude, we've been here
for three weeks

sitting on our asses, and you're
not climbing the ceilings.

What's going on, buddy?

Well, man, I am the don
of the Philippines.

I enjoy the Gucci missions.

Basking in the glow

of the red-light district'd be
my guess.

He hasn't invited me
to any late night outings.

Any of you?

I think he's sneaking around

these little dirty alleys.

And he's a little
too embarrassed

to bring a wingman, right?

Either that or he's sweet
on a particular dancer,

and he wants to keep her
all to himself.

That it, Sonny?

You got a special girl?

They all have a special place

inside Sonny Quinn's big heart.

No, no, no, no, that's a dodge.

You're lying, man. Sonny, she got a name?

I mean, this girl?

Do y'all know that Blackburn's

been counting cards every time?

Counting the lies at this table.

Yeah! Yeah!

I want to get my money back!

Sonny, what's-what's
her name, man?

Hold on, what's her name, buddy?

Blackburn. Yeah, I
ain't counting cards.

I'm out. I'm out.

I got to run an errand, fellas.

Okay, it looks like it's
between me and Poster Boy here.

I'll tell you what, make it
a little bit more interesting,


The boss man. Big money.

Come on.

All right, I'll... RAY Don't do it.

I'm gonna,
I'll-I'll-I'll call you and...

Spenser, the man is about
to drop a quarter mil

on Emma's education, you got to
leave him with a couple pennies.

All I hear are gnats talking.

I appreciate your help
right now, Ray,

but let me deal with this.

He's bluffing, okay? Spank him.

Let's go, let's do it right now.

I'm out.

Aw! Come on!

What do you have? Wasn't
a bluff, man, I got...

Aces and eights.


Right there. Guys, time out,
that is bad juju right there.

It's called the dead man's hand.

It's what Wild Bill had the
night that he got schwacked.

So what I'm saying is,


You best stay away
from me right now.

You know what? If my bad luck
brings a couple of gunfighters,

I'm good with it.

All right, all right.

It's about time
for Naima to get up.

I'm gonna take a walk,
give her a call.

Ooh, this is real
money right here, boys,

How much you clean up?

Back home, I can't
stand country music,

but put it 9,000 miles away,

and all of a sudden, it's...

Kind of beautiful.

You with the Services?

Navy. You?

Air Force. C-20
support services,

glorified drink cart pushers.

Only excitement I had all week
was the other night, right here.

That right?

I saw

the most interesting-looking man
walk in,

sit and drink alone.

SEAL, I bet.

Was gonna introduce myself,

he looked like he
had a lot on his mind.

Davis, you're a genius.

I'm calling my spot
in your squad.

We're gonna kick
the Crucible's ass.


Shipboard firefighting.

Heard it gets about
200 degrees in there.


What's wrong, Davis?

Afraid of a little fire?

Take it 14 hours straight didn't
quench your appetite for work.

Well, when you're
tracking the wicked,

the whole bit about
"no rest" really holds true.

Well, I figured you didn't eat.

Took a guess.

Cheeseburger and fries good?

You are a god, Blackburn.

Yeah, well, I'll remind you
of that one of these days.

So, any particular wickedness

clouding the horizon
here in paradise?

Rising chatter about the Moro
Liberation Front's activities.

The usual churn
of piracy and trafficking,

but nothing actionable yet.

Copy that. Well,

you, need the world's finest
as*ault team for dessert,

just give us a call.

I was just, was angry,
I was violent.

I lost my dad, and, um, I wanted
to fight the whole world.

But enlisting, making the teams,

I mean, it helped me turn
all that anger, all that fight

into something powerful,
something useful.


I mean, I stayed
angry for a while,

but all of a sudden,
I had a life.

You know? A church, a home.

People counting on me.

Like your team. My team,

my wife, my family.

I became very, very good

at living up to expectations.

Of being who
they needed me to be.

But that's not
who you really are?

It's the role I've been playing.

Clothes I've been wearing

and scripture I've been quoting.


There's someone behind all that.

The real you.

Or maybe there is no real me.

I mean, maybe I'm just
going through the motions

and there's nothing
behind any of it.

I don't know about that.

I mean, a guy like you?

I'm sure you have more faith
in yourself than that.

Not enough whiskey in this bar

to get us started on faith.

What do you mean?

You spend so much time

looking at the world through
faith that you just let it blur

some ugly things you should've
been seeing the whole time.

Or maybe you're
thinking too much.


You got, you got jokes.
You're funny.

All I can say is, for my life,

it's a*t*matic.

There's not a whole lot
of thinking involved.

Constant motion means
I am not tied down

with anyone's expectations.

I'm not living for anyone else.

That's a neat trick, Christine.

Well, it allows me
to be whoever I want to be.

To do whatever I want,
with or without whoever I want.



Hey, Ray...

everything okay at home?

What do you mean?

Well, last night,

you were still gone
when I racked out.


Three hour phone call with,
Naima, I just wondered...


You worried about
my roaming fees?

Nah. We're good.

He's buttoning...

He's bent over,
inspecting something.

I was like,
"What are you doing?"

Settle in.

A ten-story monster
of steel, veins pumping

with pressurized expl*sive fuel,

just waiting for a stray b*llet
to set it off.

A gas and oil platform.

And with the regional surge
in GOPLAT construction,

you will eventually
be called upon

to recover
one of these bad boys.

That's right.

And luckily for you boys,

we did a successful GOPLAT
takedown last year.

So what we are gonna do
is we're just gonna

run these through a couple
of the operational procedures.

And also, where to get the best

shark-deterrent accessories.

Not how to swan dive
from 70 feet high.

Ain't that right? 70 feet high?

It was at least 90 feet.

It was 55.

Children. Children!

Can we focus, please?

We got the classroom,
and then we got outside.

Please turn to page three.
That's where we'll go over

the multipoint infil
that we like to use

when we hit a GOPLAT.

You will continue
down the corridor,

extinguishing all flames
you encounter,

executing all
preventative procedures

so that the fire
does not spread.

You ready, Davis?

On my movement.

Close the damper on the left.

Damper closed.

Each clear, moving forward.

Approaching engine room.

Hey, hey!

Moving forward.

Clear, clear! Clear!




After action review?

Doesn't that normally
follow action?

Yeah, it usually does, but
you know what? Hey, Shaw.

All right? He wants
these filled out now

after every training session.

"What were the obstacles?
What were our challenges?

What did we have to overcome?"
You know... come on, seriously?

I'd rather have a
coffee enema in Mosul.

Why don't you kick
this waste of time

down to, like, Clay or-or Brock?

'Cause then you'd be admitting
you're taking Shaw seriously.

Listen, all right? This guy can
make things a lot worse for us.

I don't want anything changing
for Bravo Team, got it?

So you play good soldier for
a little while and he backs off.Right.

I don't know if it's gonna
be that easy... you know what?

These pigeon sticks
are really smelling.

You're taking my food, man,
I paid good money...

Not taking it, I'm putting
it somewhere else, Ray.

You know that we're in trouble if we
eat street meat, what might happen.

Sonny, I've seen you eat a lot
weirder things than this.

We got those,
ladder races tomorrow.

You're looking
pretty confident. Yeah?

Want to place a little wager
against, against me?

Sonny, I'm not gonna, I'm
not gonna take any more

of your money, dude.
I'm not doing it.

Come on, please, the-the
Quinns are legendary climbers.

We were the first to adopt the,
opposable thumb deal...

Here we go again. I bet
you didn't know that.

I'm not gonna take any more
of your frickin' money, dude.

We're not doing it,
buddy. You're off.

I'm off? It wouldn't be fair. Yeah.

What the hell are you talking
about, I'm off? You're off.

I'm never off. I'm always on.

I don't know, man,
there's something...

Maybe that stripper
girlfriend of yours,

she got you a little...

She put some sort of voodoo
curse on you or something.


She ain't got no voodoo on me.

There isa she, you're gonna
admit there's a she?


Hey, look, Clay,

it's a lot more
complicated than it seems.

She got a big heart
and she got real big dreams

and last thing I want to do
is compromise that.

This is getting weird.

I'm just saying, I feel like
I'm talking to my therapist.

Or something. Get the hell
out of here, dude.

Look at me.

Here we go,
all Mr. Feels over here.Hey.

The second that
them b*ll*ts are flying,

you'd best believe that Sonny
Quinn's gonna crush some skulls.

Yeah, I never had a doubt, man.
Come on. Yeah?

Come on, no. Jay, Jay,
don't get me wrong.

The big blue machine
serves its purpose.Okay.

Right, a decent soldier
puts in 20,

gets his, gets his pension... Yeah.

The pride of service
and a few good stories, right?

But what about a guy like you?

Come on. Exceptional performers
deserve more.

I assume it would be
on the record if...

You saying that I was,
what, exceptional?

Don't ask me to spell it. That's what
I thought.

I mean, like, this
whole TED Talk, it's great,

I'm sure it's landed you a lot
of operators, but why me?

I got a whole stable of
thoroughbreds from every branch.

And when it comes
to simple security ops,

yeah, they crush it every time.

But my business is growing, Jay.

I need leaders.

Alphas who enter a room
and leave no doubt

who's calling the sh*ts.

Navy's the only job
I've ever known.

That's it.



So, tell me.
How much does it cost?

I'm sorry?

The school your daughter
wants to attend,

what's the tuition?

Well, look.

Tuition, we're looking...

upwards of $50,000,
$60,000, maybe.

That's not to mention, you know,

living in the city,
so, it gets up.

You could make that
in about two months.

Pick and choose
your assignments,

work the way that works for you,

spend more time
with your family.

No more "good idea" fairies,

no more command headaches.

Asking me to leave the team.

I don't know if I can do that.

Your team knows how much
you've given.

Now it's time for you
to get something in return.

Wake up, snowflake.

What happened?

You panicked.

Rest of you, back
to the barracks.

Enough drama for today.

Get yourself straight, Davis.

Losing your touch there, Hayes.

Snuck up on you. No,
no, I saw you.

You're a liar.
Gin and tonic, please.-

Gin and tonics,
coming in, all right.

Good to see that
you're taking a break.

Yeah, well.

You know, I thought
unplugging for a minute

would be a nice distraction...


I just remembered

I turned 25 in this dump.

25? Wow.

That is quite a long
time ago. Cheers to that.

Smart ass.

Point is, I'm wondering

if I'm cursed

to an endless cycle
of anti-Western chatter

and faux-Western decor
for the rest of my life.

Right, right. I get it. Right?

I get it, 'cause I've
been through this place

more than once,
I'll tell you that.

You ever think about
when to give it up?


There's always gonna
be another mission.

Don't they all kind of start
blurring together for you?

Not about the mission.

This... our, my country.

The team.

I got a lot more to do.

What about you?

You're thinking about
walking away?


I never walk away.

You know, we were here that time

talking about Emma's future

and your home and how
complicated it all is.

Yeah. In my life, I don't have

that kind of complicated.

At some point...

I might want it.

What do you mean? Family?

All right, I'm... What?

You said it. Maybe not, like,

full white picket fence, okay? No, no.

But, just... a little less...

jetlagged pursuit of evil.

Get on your feet.

You afraid of fire, Davis?

Who isn't? Gunnery Sergeant.

Different for you, though.
Froze you.

I inhaled smoke.

I spoke with the infirmary,
they said you were clear.

You will be expected
at this afternoon's PT.

Is that a problem?

'Cause if it is, you can DOR.

Yeah, it is. All right.

Coming in. Look at that.

Jay with the reinforcements.

Thank you. Hey.

Jay, I love you.

You, you talk to Blackburn
about ol' Commander Buzzkill?

Yeah, it felt like a spanking
from the principal was coming.

I talked to him,
I set him straight.

Told him, as long as I'm there,
Bravo team will always remain.

Amen to that.

- Hey, let's go, boys.
- Cheers on that alcohol, there.

Doesn't have any of of them
floaty snake things

that'll make you gag.

Okay, in Tagalog,

she said you're
her favorite Backstreet Boy.

Smackin' the room
without you, man.

I'm gonna hit the head.

What, you getting all buzzy?

Yeah, yeah.

Got this angry Airbnb tenant

blowing my phone up right now.
I need to go handle it.

Right, I'm sure
they got terrified

of what's in your little
"forbidden closet."


Hey. How you doing?

Good, good.

I saw you with your friends.

Was gonna come and say hi,
but I didn't want to interrupt.

Yeah. I-I, look, I was, um,

I was gonna tell you
I had a-a real good time

the other night
with you, talking.

Actually, the best
I've felt in a while.

Why is it easier to talk
to a stranger sometimes

than it is the people you know?

Well, you know, no stakes.

Can't disappoint a stranger.

Um, we could keep talking.

I would... The guys, um,

they can be a bit much
if you're not used to them.

Well, we could go
someplace else then,

you know, just to... talk.



How are you?

Sorry, sorry I didn't
catch you yesterday.

Anything new?

Not really.

Davis, you okay? You sound,

you sound a little down.

I'm fine.


What's going on?

So what about Swanny?
You talk to him?

Yeah, yeah, I talked to him.
He's good, man. He's just...

Swanny? Apparently he fixed
this plumbing issue

I had in my apartment now for
the past year, so that's good.

Yeah, I'm sure he did, man.

There's-there's not a problem
that guy can't blast through.

Operator's an operator.

I don't know how he does it.

What do you mean?

Life after the teams.
I mean, a pipehitter like him,

how do you walk away
from all this, you know?

He works part-time as an EMT.

He's gonna serve his country,
he's gonna...

Yeah, but that's it, man,
this isn't...

this isn't just a job,
this is a...

it's a, it's a, it's a life.

It's a life, yeah.

This is ten times the life
most people live.


Look, riding with Bravo
is all I need.

That's all you need,
riding with Bravo.

What, been on our team
for, what, a year?

Fully for, what,
eight years now? Okay.

You may see things a little
differently with time, kid.

All right, well, if I start
seeing things differently...

I-I'm-a need
to get my eyes checked.

Okay. Check, how many numbers
am I holding up now?

Can you see that?

I don't know what that is.

That's okay. What is this, Jenga?

You know,
when we almost lost Sonny,

it became clear to me
what I have.

I've got five guys around me
and one beating heart.

Yup. Better than brothers.

Honestly, I feel like
I'm-I'm lucky enough

to be a part of that,
so I'm gonna give it all of me.

and don't forget that, man.

All right? Brothers.

All right.

Just give it all you got and
fill up that pitcher, will you?

Bless you, man,
in the name of the Father

and of the Son. Thank you. Appreciate that.
All right.

You've been baptized. Let's do it.

Let's do it


Sonny, what happened?

Sonny, what's that noise?

Get out of my way!

Get out of my way!

Get out of my way!


Clay. You good?

Yeah, yeah. You good, Jace? Yeah, I'm good.

All right.


Mandy? Yeah?



You guys good? Yeah.

Ray? Hey, where's Ray?

Yeah. I'm good. All right.

Mandy? I'll call it in.

I'll start triaging.

Everyone take a different
part of the room.

Let's go. Move.

Telegraph Saloon.

There's-There's, um, casualties.

I don't know,
I don't know how many.

You got him?

I got him. Take care of him.

I got you. Come on.

- The bottle.
- He need to wake up.

Hey. I got you.

Just give me your hand.
Give me your hand.

Lift his arm up.

Get his arm up!

Guys! Sonny!

You good? Yeah, yeah. How are the guys?

Team's good, okay?

We got a lot of people
who need help, all right? Yeah, yeah.

It is mayhem out there.

You're good.Jace.



I'm gonna get you inside.

We're gonna fix up your leg,
you're gonna be okay.

No. She's gone.

All right. Hold it in place.

Ray. Come on.

Trent! Yeah?

Got someone over here.

He's wax, not breathing.

All right. Check his airway.

Airway's clear.

He's got a deviated trachea.

A pinched pneumothorax.
Go get me a

straw, some strong alcohol
and Saran wrap.

Go, go, go. Find it.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Shh-shh.

I'm sorry. She didn't make it.

Give me the alcohol.

All right, now the straw.
Give me the straw.

Jason, hold his arm.

Brock, get his legs,
hold him down.

He's gonna jump.

All right, look. This is gonna
be over in a second.

Hold him down. Keep him down.

Hey, Sonny!
Sonny, give me a hand.

Come here.

You're good.

Brock, keep on his legs.

Stay with me, bud.
We're almost there.

All right, that should
inflate his lung.

Let's wrap him up.

I'm on my way to you.

It was a pressure cooker.
I have photos.

Got it?

Clay? Yeah.

Clay! Where you going?

Got more people out here
need help.

Hey! Hey!

You okay? Sinto.

Sinto what? What's Sinto?

My brother, Sinto! It's a bear.


Sinto! Hold on. Sinto!






Come on. Come with me.

Where's my brother? Your
brother's right over here, okay?

My friend Sonny's gonna take you
two inside.

He's gonna keep you safe. Okay?

You're gonna be okay. Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go, let's go.




Clay. Clay, here, look at me,

stay with me.

Conscious, not breathing.

All right, tourniquet. Wound's too high up.

Hey. What can we do?

I'm gonna try and
improvise a, junctional.

Get me supplies. All right.

We got to get him to a hospital.

Flag down that ambulance,
if you can, man. Yeah, yeah.

Deep breaths, breathe,
buddy, breathe!


Stay with me, man.

Keep your eyes open. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey.

Keep your eyes open. Come on!

Hang in there.

Breathe, buddy, breathe!
Breathe, Clay.

Okay? Deep breaths.
You gonna be okay.

Wait a minute!
Wait a minute! Come on!

Stay with me. Stay awake!


Come on, guys, move it!

Watch your back.

Easy on the neck.

I got full pressure right here.

Okay, neck's secureNeck secure.

All right,
get these underneath him.Yeah.

Gotta roll him.
Gotta roll him. On the count of three.

Ready? I'm good.

Roll. Roll. One, two, three.

Flip it around.

Roll him in.

Watch the head, watch the head.

I got you. There we go.

Ready? You good? Got it?

Brock! Talk to me.

Head's secure. We secure?

Let's go.

Hand it over, hand it over.

You guys got it?

Let's go, let's get it in!

Go, go, go. Jace, get his bag!

Okay, man. Mark that.

Listen to me. Listen.

Take care of all the casualties.

I'll call you when I get there.
All right, copy.

Go, go, go, go!

We got you, buddy.
Stay with me, man,

you're gonna be all right.

Ordnance was a low-order IED
housed inside a pressure cooker.

I recovered this phone
belonging to the victim

located closest
to the blast site.

Pictures taken immediately
preceding the blast

may have captured images
of the perpetrator.

Let's get to work.

Jason? Yeah?

How is he?

I don't have any information.

Blackburn's in there now,
trying to get an update.

That's all I got.

All we know is we got seven dead
and 30 injured.

The, Filipino
who took the shrapnel

in his arm, he'll be okay.

Yeah, that's good. That's good.

Hey, Jace...

you think whoever did this,

it was aimed at us?

Bar's a known hangout
for Westerners.

Could've been about that.

Mandy's on top of it.

Yeah, Mandy's on top of it.

Mandy gets the information.

She gets the name...

she gives that name to us first.

He's in critical condition.

Traumatic injury to both legs,

severe blood loss.

When do we get to see him?

Yeah, when?

Not anytime soon.

His condition was too
complex to treat here.

We've airlifted him out,
back to the States.